Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Liberal leader Brian Gallant said there were good elements to the speech and his caucus will have to discuss how to vote next week


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Liberal leader Brian Gallant said there were good elements to the speech and his caucus will have to discuss how to vote next week YEA RIGHT





Higgs promises to balance budget by 2020, energize private sector



David Amos
David Amos
"The three People's Alliance MLAs have already said they will vote to keep the Tories in power for 18 months, so the confidence vote appears to be a foregone conclusion."

"I don't see us diverting from that," Alliance leader Kris Austin said after he heard the speech."


David Amos 
David Amos
"Green Leader David **** said there was enough "common ground" in the PC speech that he could end up voting for it."


David Amos
David Amos
"Liberal leader Brian Gallant said there were good elements to the speech and his caucus will have to discuss how to vote next week"


Harold Benson 
Harold Benson
Should be lots of people on here that can tell you how to do that I'm sure Mr. Higgs. Lot's of people with great ideas. Maybe some of them should run for office.... oh wait.

William Reed
William Reed
@Harold Benson

Without Irving's blessing? Sure.

David Amos
David Amos
@Harold Benson "Maybe some of them should run for office.... oh wait."

Methinks this is you idea of teasin me Correct? However Mr Higgs and your alter ego Sam know that I ran for public 6 times thus far N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@William Reed Methinks mindless Mr Higgs and everybody else knows why I never seek the blessings of the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Methinks Davis Armos is trying to get attention N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks I can always rely on having your complete attention N'esy Pas?

Murray Brown 
Murray Brown
No cuts whatsoever? Hmm! Something doesn't sound right with a throne speech that doesn't include cuts to something or another. Then again, it's a thin minority government so rocking that boat too much would probably make somebody mad and when you have a minority, everybody needs to be happy.

Pierre Cyr
Pierre Cyr
@Murray Brown Lots of cuts arent often seen. Like healthcare workers in hospitals and nursing homes who get measly 1% a year increases when inflation is more often than not higher than that and gov revenue increases. Been going on for most of the past 30 years resulting in overall about a 20% pay loss. Keep at it and see how that goes with now staff turnover rate in nursing homes of 30% a year. And Im not not even talking about staffing cuts and working conditions. Oh and for full disclosure I am a nursing home worker.

Pierre Cyr
Pierre Cyr
@Murray Brown The deficit was well on its way out btw. Been dropping like a rock for years. Why its that much an issue or leave some thinking we still need more cuts I dont know.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Pierre Cyr Is that why Dominion Bond Rating Service said the agency was shifting its assessment of New Brunswick's economy from "stable" to "negative"?

Greg Clouston
Greg Clouston
@Murray Brown Higgs signed a big deal with Xerox this week. The government is just giving it up and counterfeiting money to make up for the income shortfalls.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Murray Brown If you don't plan to spend what the Liberals had planned to spend is that a cut if it hasn't been spent yet?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Come on Shawny stop being so negative.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Come on Shawny stop being so negative."

Methinks it is you and your many SANB buddies who are having the bad day today N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

SANB buddies...really is that all you got Davis Armos ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "SANB buddies...really is that all you got "

Nope But methinks they are all you have for friends N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
Pete Lang
Good luck to Mr. Higgs, et al...we're going to need it!

David Amos
David Amos
@Pete Lang Methinks he already knows it and truly doesn't care However like any politician he will tell you what you want to hear as long as he can get past the pending confidence vote N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
herbie harris
So a balanced budget by 2020-2021 I guess mr gallant wasn't that bad after all.. He did spend lots but with no cuts in the throne speech mr higgs must admit the province was in better shape then he had led voters to believe.. As for the puppets in the alliance party they will wag the tail for higgs really what else can they do...

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@herbie harris A report by the Dominion Bond Rating Service said the agency was shifting its assessment of New Brunswick's economy from "stable" to "negative"— reflecting a worsening fiscal outlook for the province. Auditor-General Kim MacPherson said last year that the province's growing debt "may eventually impact" its ability to meet its financial obligations, including payments on the debt.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@herbie harris

*As for the puppets in the alliance party they will wag the tail for higgs really what else can they do...*

Omg thanks for this laugh, but your now gonna be jumped by their kind and it will be allowed !!!

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Shawn McShane How can it be right if higgs can balance a budget in 14 months.. with no cuts, no new taxes and working with the alliance come on give your head a shake

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Marc Martin no worries

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@herbie harris

*How can it be right if higgs can balance a budget in 14 months*

He ran 4 years of deficits when he was finance minister of Alward lol.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "He ran 4 years of deficits when he was finance minister of Alward lol"

Methinks folks should ask the Quebecker in you what is so funny N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Why are you so mad Davis ?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin, David has a beef with everybody. He is a perpetual agitator.

Pete Lang 
Paul Bourgoin
Not very different from your predecessor . The only difference it is coming from a two tier Government who has no money and a province running out of natural resources when our children are moving away from New Brunswick.

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin YUP

Pete Lang 
June Arnott
Smoke and mirrors. We would be petter off if a private company ran New Brunswick.

Cut MPs wages now! Give money to front line workers who actually do something valuable!

John Jude
John Jude
@June Arnott

A private company does run New Brunswick. Where have you been?

Stephen Long
Stephen Long
@June Arnott If we eliminated political parties and ran NB as a committee backed up by people with the knowledge and experience in those areas, whether civil servants or business leaders, NB could be run better. And ban lobbyists.

Frank Knowles
Frank Knowles
@June Arnott
The province is run by a private company, it's called The Irvings. And we just elected a former Irving henchmen to the helm of the provincial government. It's a great time to be an Irving. Crap time to be anyone else.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Frank Knowles

* It's a great time to be an Irving. *

This is true.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you should know N'esy Pas?

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@John Jude

And that is complete nonesense.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Davis Armos what are you saying ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you would never understand but you can trust that your boss already does N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
It would be great if Higgs can deliver on his promise of balancing the budget by March 2020 ; it is doable , but he will have to cut a lot of the fat out of the civil service . Not sure what the " Classroom Freedom Act " entitles ; but hopefully they can get the Licensed Substitute Teachers some more pay and benefits so that the classrooms do not have to be filled with WANNA-BE Substitute Teachers who are not certified , and who do not have Education degrees.....our children certainly deserve better .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Matt Steele

*he will have to cut a lot of the fat out of the civil service*

Good luck with that...You already have to wait for hours on the phone for service....

* filled with WANNA-BE Substitute Teachers who are not certified *

There there inventing things again Matty ?

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
@Marc Martin .....There was an article just yesterday in the print media about Substitute Teachers who are being hired without Education Degrees , and teacher certification . Check it out .

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Matt Steele how can that be incredible if gallant promised by 2021 wow one year earlier should really help us for sure..

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "There there inventing things again Matty ?"

Methinks you should know the number of BS stories you dream up in one day is rather amazing N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Davis...have you called that poor civil servant lately ? lol

Pete Lang 
William Reed
Not a single mention of fracking again when that's all they really have in the cards to compensate for giveaways to the rentiers in our economy. Get ready to be sucked dry of the riches of the commons to energize the business sector. What a sad state of affairs to have elected the party that represents business owners. Mark my words, they will give and then demand that things be done to balance the budget. When that will be opposed they will claim they were obstructed. All you can ever gain here is possibly a job working for some despicable people, imo.

Frank Knowles
Frank Knowles
@William Reed
Did you expect anything but the rich getting richer when you've now got an Irving crony at the helm of the provinces Government?

David Amos
David Amos
@Frank Knowles Methinks the NDP Turncoat Dominic Cardy and everybody else knows that I don't N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
Mack Leigh
It is really too bad that Roy-Vienneau is not bilingual... I take it that she did not have to pass any language testing...

David Amos
David Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks nobody care either way because she speaking for a British Queen N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@David Amos

Would have been nice however to actually understand the throne speech without her completely destroying the English language....She should have just stuck with French ....

David Amos
David Amos 
 @Mack Leigh FYI Ol Louis Riel wrote in his diary before they hung him that the French would take back Canada without firing a shot. On 2004 I quoted Ol Louis in my letter to the Acadian Lt Governor of NB Herménégilde Chiasson after he and his French Sgt at Arms illegally barred me from legislative properties while I was running in the election of the 39th Parliament. Chiasson answered me in writing and forwarded my documents etc to our spendthrift Chinese Governor General.

Methinks it should be a small wonder why I sued the British Queen in Federal Court in Fredericton while running in the election of the 42nd Parliament N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, albeit the British Queen speaks very good French. She would have no problem getting a bilingual job as a paramedic in New Nouveau-Brunswick. At least she would have done something useful for a change instead of clinging to this malarkey.

Pete Lang 
Rosco holt
"A review of corporate subsidies to establish whether equivalent amounts of tax cuts or tax credits would create more jobs."

And if they don't create more jobs?

Allot of subsidize & tax cuts didn't deliver on job creation has it was promise at the time.

Will they end those subsidize end tax cuts?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Rosco holt

We all know what is plan is:

Cut taxes to the rich and make the average pay more taxes.
Cut in Health.
Cut in Education.
Cut in civil service.
Cut in pretty much everything.

Give more money to the riches.
Give more money to the riches.
Give more money to the riches.
Give more money to the riches.
Give more money to the riches.
Give more money to the riches.

This is the conservatives plan like always.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin 60 million from the Atcon 6 wasn't peanuts !!! And we know where it went and who benefitted from it now don't we ???

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin People Alliance against subsidies to the rich corporations in this place. The People’s Alliance leader points to the Alward government’s handling of the Crown forest strategy and in particular, contracts with major forestry companies, such as J.D. Irving Ltd. Austin said those forestry deals were not done in an open and transparent fashion.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Atcon ? Isnt that like 10 years ago ? Did you hit your head and think we are still in the early 2000 or its just old age memory loss?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin Oh yeah , you're the guy who said your " Stand of view was that your English was better THEN mine " Possibly " point of view " and should be " THAN " NOT ' then . You also said you're a government worker . I stand my case !

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Property tax scandal on the Anglo's wasn't 10 years ago. Parle Beach scandal with camper man Boudreau of the Atcon 6 wasn't 10 years ago.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Lou Bell Actually , the Atcon 6 just got booted , so not 10 years ago .So nope , no memory loss there !

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin It was with the puppeteers who controlled him . Really quite obvious , don't you think ?

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Lou Bell The news of the Atcon 6 is so old and boring really who cares now get out of the past....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

What's a *puppeteers* ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

*I stand my case*

You mean you *rest your case*

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin One who controls a puppet . You should know if anyone would .

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell I concur

Andy Davis
Andy Davis
@Marc Martin Right on, exactly what I wrote above. New Brunswickers are in for a rough ride

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Atcon ? Isnt that like 10 years ago ?"

Methinks none of your heroes have been held accountable yet N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
Lou Bell
A balanced budget and addressed the Health / Ambulance concerns . Looks like someone's been sittin' on their ars doin' nothing for NB over the last for years, NOT mentioning any names BRIAN !!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Grammar please...

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Lou Bell A balanced budget because of the liberals or are you saying that higgs is a magician oh wait he is, he has Austin jumping from a hat or vice versa

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin Actually , everything's fine with it . But we know how you got that government job now don't we ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell "But we know how you got that government job now don't we ?"

Methinks everybody knows by now excepting Mr Higgs N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Someone yanked your chain again Davis ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you are not very witty Everybody and his dog knows it was you know it was you and your buddies N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
Rosco holt
I'm curious what Higgs energize the private sector really mean?

Giveaways to the private sector(again) while NBers foot the bill for it all, with little return.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Rosco holt ??? Really , can't understand what you're saying , especially the first line . Very broken English .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Proper English would be:

*I* can't understand what you're saying , especially the first line . Very broken English .(is not a complete phrase structure try again)

He's French, your English what's your excuse for poor phrase structure ?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marc Martin "He's French, your English what's your excuse for poor phrase structure ?"

Methinks when the light dawned on Marblehead again this morning south of the 49th you would have seen that nobody cares what you claim to think about anything particularly when so many of our comments went "Poof" overnight N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "He's French, your English what's your excuse for poor phrase structure ?"

Methinks my "phrase structure" passed the muster all too well Hence my reply to you was blocked in a heartbeat this time N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Lou Bell

I never said I was perfect, I do make errors.

I should have said: " What does Higgs mean when he says that he'll energize the private sector."

Andy Davis
Andy Davis
@Lou Bell well look at you, bi got much?

Pete Lang 
Lou Bell
Just not giving away the hundreds of millions the Liberals promised is a big start ! And then forcing Bernard Lords company to give us what we're paying them for is also a big addition !

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell True

Pete Lang 
Chris McNee
It’ll be interesting to see how the PC’s improve our economy. Hope they can do it.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Chris McNee The last guys sure couldn't !

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Lou Bell True

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Lou Bell

They called their spendings “ investing “.

What a joke that was.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou All I said in my reply to you was one word "True" and it was blocked Methinks things are getting way out of hand in the Crown's website N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Lou Bell
The guys before them(which Higgs was part of), didn't do any better.

Pete Lang 
Frank Campbell
Sounds good.... I wish the new Gov't well.....I believe they will do their best for all the people of NB....I am a Liberal but I support all our elected representatives until such time that they do not deserve support.

Billy Sturgeon
Billy Sturgeon
@Frank Campbell

well said sir,

David Amos
David Amos
@Billy Sturgeon I disagree

Pete Lang 
Billy Sturgeon
I wish you all the best Mr Higgs. You definitely have your work cut out for you and if one thing is clear, the old way wasn't working, so let's hope everyone in NB gives you a chance by supporting your effort and stops this absurd language debate.

David Amos
David Amos
@Billy Sturgeon "stops this absurd language debate."

I agree with that

Pete LangLuke Armstrong

NB such an awesome little province. I'm believing that Premier Higgs will make things happen.

David Amos
David Amos
@Luke Armstrong "NB such an awesome little province."

I agree

"I'm believing that Premier Higgs will make things happen."

I disagree

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Luke Armstrong N.B should and could be an awesome province if only certain group's of people(and not just one group) would stop living in the past and work together for a change. Here's hoping.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Luke Armstrong

Lol to funny

eddy watts
eddy watts
@Luke Armstrong Sarcasm ? NB is a place with many great people, but it is not the greatest place if you need services...a job....clean air (Saint John Irving).

David Amos
David Amos
@Chantal LeBouthi "Lol to funny"

Methinks lots of folks think you are pretty funny too N'esy Pas?

Layton Bennett 
Layton Bennett
5 commitments. 12 more listed halfway down the article.

David Amos
David Amos
@Layton Bennett Go Figure

Andy Davis 
Andy Davis
Better hold onto your empty bottles and be ready to lose your services. Making the rich richer and the poor even more poor. It's the con way to do things

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Andy Davis, yet some of the poor and ignorant will vote for them just like they voted for Trump in the US of A.

Todd Stephen
Todd Stephen

BTW, the last government spent the province into bankruptcy and we still have the worst health and education outcomes in the country.....are you suggesting we stay on that path?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marguerite Deschamps Trump for P.M. of Canada!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "yet some of the poor and ignorant will vote for them just like they voted for Trump in the US of A."

Methinks the Lady is rather bitter today now that her hero Gallant liked the speech N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang
Lou Bell
Now maybe we can develop some of the resources that have been sitting in the ground . The last guys had no vision through their rose coloured glasses !

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Lou Bell

So no problem to dig in your yard

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Lou Bell only with AT LEAST a 50% royalty to government coffers.

David Amos
David Amos
@Chantal LeBouthi LOL

Pete Lang 
Lou Bell
Appears Liberals have been relegated to " fourth party status " . Where they belong , actually .
They got a " kick at the cat " and stumbled BIGLY !

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell YUP

Pete Lang
eddy watts
Balanced budget...no problem here as Higgs can just continue to slash what is leftover from the reduction in services he implements during his last tenure in office....Yes no problem just CUT CUT till there is nothing left.

David Amos
David Amos
@eddy watts Methinks folks should have listened when I said to ignore the actuaries and use common sense as I explained how to get us out of debt and more than balance the budget to Higgs and his many cohorts many times since 2013. I did it again in a debate during this last election and on Rogers TV as well. Not one soul can argue the simple logic yet. However nobody cared either and still don't to this very today. Hence in my humble opinion we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

Pete Lang 
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Unfortunately, there's really not much there - although the suggested changes to expand the medical profession with nurse practitioners is long overdue and a step forward. The promise to balance the budget rings a bit hollow at this stage since there's no areas targeted for the structural changes such a lofty goal demands. For example, why not launch a cost/benefit analysis into the municipal structure in the province with an aim to eliminate local political fiefdoms where fiscally/administratively warranted. Downloading more decision-making authority to local governments appears headed in the other direction.

David Amos
David Amos
@Emery Hyslop-Margison "Unfortunately, there's really not much there"

Methinks nobody should be surprised Mr Higgs has to be careful and haul in his horns for a bit in order to secure a mandate N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
Higgs will have it made after he's booted out as Premier. And it could be sooner than you think. Higgs has one foot out the door and the other on a banana peel. This time, the Empire will really take good care of him.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks the Lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

Dave Corbin 
Dave Corbin
Higgs has a challenge on his hands. As finance minister under Alward he could see the fiscal crisis engulfing the province. That was four years ago in which time the crisis has deepened. His challenge is to steer this province from the same abyss Greece faced or risk the same fate, that being admistrative governance exercised by our creditors. He has the next four years to show our creditors we are able and worthy enough to govern ourselves.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave Corbin "He has the next four years to show our creditors we are able and worthy enough to govern ourselves."

Methinks the banksters will never stop lending the money that does not exist until they do so. They use the rating game as an excuse to collect higher usury fees fees ti all. However when they do each other in with their wicked games we have to bail them out because they claim they are too big to fail N'esy Pas?

Higgs promises to balance budget by 2020, energize private sector

Throne speech cites 5 main goals in throne speech as opposed to 'shopping list'

Premier Blaine Higgs's throne speech included promises to recruit more doctors, eliminate billing numbers and give greater roles in health care to nurse practitioners and pharmacists. (James West/Canadian Press)

The new Progressive Conservative minority government has delivered its first throne speech, an agenda that aims to be both modest and ambitious at the same time.

The speech, authored by the new government and delivered by Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau, declares that the PCs will not be promising "a shopping list of small commitments" but will aim to deliver on five main goals.

They are: balancing the budget; "energizing" the private sector to improve the economy; making health care better and more accessible; creating a "world-class" education system, and helping New Brunswickers join the middle class.

"Too often, we have accepted that failure is inevitable," the speech says. "That ends now. … The best way to restore hope in government is to get results from government."

The speech includes a goal of a balanced budget by March 2020 "or sooner," following a pre-budget consultation among all political parties starting early next year.

It also says the Higgs government will stop "throwing out programs only because another party introduced them," promising to work within the existing 10-year education plan brought in by the previous Liberal government.

People's Alliance support likely

Those are two of many nods to the political reality that no party won a majority in September's election, and the Tories will have to win the support of at least one other party to pass any of its agenda.

The speech ends with a promise that the Higgs cabinet "will share its power, and [MLAs] will share in the responsibility for evidence-driven debate and policy discussions that offer alternatives and compromises."

The throne speech itself will be put to a vote, likely Friday, Nov. 30, which will determine whether the PC government has the confidence of the legislature.

The three People's Alliance MLAs have already said they will vote to keep the Tories in power for 18 months, so the confidence vote appears to be a foregone conclusion.

"I don't see us diverting from that," Alliance leader Kris Austin said after he heard the speech.

Support possible from Greens, Liberals

Liberal leader Brian Gallant said there were good elements to the speech and his caucus will have to discuss how to vote next week. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Higgs told reporters that he hopes the broad approach in the speech would win the support of other parties.

"What would be in that throne speech that someone couldn't support?" he said. "That was the purpose of it: not to make it controversial, not to make it a shopping list, but to make it more of a philosophical statement on five themes."

Green Leader David Coon said there was enough "common ground" in the PC speech that he could end up voting for it.

"It's a possibility," he said.

Liberal Brian Gallant said there were good elements to the speech but he was concerned the PCs would abandon his government's initiatives on free tuition, child care and climate change.

The speech promised a review of post-secondary support programs and did not mention child care. It also said the PCs would form an-all party committee to develop a strategy on emissions, something Gallant pointed out his government had already done.

He said his caucus will have to discuss how to vote next week.

Major commitments

Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau arrives at the New Brunswick Legislature to deliver the throne speech. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)
Among the major commitments in the speech:
  • Action to recruit more doctors and reduce wait times, including by eliminating billing numbers, looking at new ways to pay physicians and giving nurse practitioners and pharmacists greater roles.
  • A six-month review of the contract signed by the Liberals that saw Medavie take over management of the extramural care program.
  • Passage of  a "Classroom Freedom Act" that will give principals, parents and teachers the power to make undefined "choices" that reflect the needs of children and communities.
  • Another attempt to improve the number of school graduates who are bilingual.
  • A review of corporate subsidies to establish whether equivalent amounts of tax cuts or tax credits would create more jobs.
  • A shift of more decision-making power to local governments.
  • A "restart" of the poverty-reduction process launched by the Graham Liberals in 2009.
  • A push for more development of natural resources that respects local and Indigenous communities "who choose to pursue resource-based jobs and investment," though shale gas is not mentioned.
  • The appointment of a new legislative watchdog for science and climate change.
  • An alternative to the federal carbon tax by "building our coastal and green economies" and finding another way to meet emissions targets.
  • A timeline for reducing WorkSafeNB premiums and eliminating both the small business tax and the so-called "double property tax" on secondary properties.
  • A new online tool that allows New Brunswickers to measure the pace of change.


Assuaging francophone fears


Higgs is at left as the lieutenant-governor reads the throne speech setting out five main goals of the new Progressive Conservative government. (CBC)
The speech also noted concerns from francophones that the de facto PC partnership with the People's Alliance could threaten their language rights.

"Too often voices of division and nationalism urge us to reject common purpose and retreat into distrust," it said.

"We have a choice. We have a chance to turn our small corner of the world into a shining example for the world. The people chose a legislature that pushes us to accept the discomfort of diverse opinions and the opportunity of creative compromise."

Higgs invited Alliance leader Kris Austin to Monday's announcement on ambulances but said Tuesday he would try to co-operate in the same way with other parties.

"Yesterday on the paramedics issue, it was a big issue for the Alliance," Higgs said. "That was a focus for them in the campaign, so we said we'd pick that one with them. We'll work on the forestry plan and others with the Greens. The carbon plan, we'll get them involved in that."

Shale gas absent


Protesters face a line of police officers in Rexton, N.B. as police began enforcing an injunction to end an ongoing demonstration against shale gas exploration in eastern New Brunswick on Thursday, Oct.17, 2013. Police say at least five RCMP vehicles were destroyed after they were set ablaze and at least one shot was fired by someone other than a police officer at the site of the protest in Rexton. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Austin told reporters his party had suggested that the speech not explicitly mention shale gas development, on which the Alliance has not yet staked out a position.

"At this stage of the game in a minority situation, we don't want to be tackling issues that are highly controversial," he said.

Higgs has said he wants to allow shale gas development in areas where there is local support.
Gallant said Tuesday that should be put to a vote in the legislature.

About the Author


Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 

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