Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Your Ward News promotes disgusting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories


Federal government issues permanent postal ban on hate speech publication


Ken Stephens 
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Ken Stephens
Behold! Cro-magnon Man! Note the protuding brow...

David Amos
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David Amos
@Ken Stephens Methinks your beloved Minister Qualtrough just made a huge faux pas and played right into the hand of the dude you refer to as a mindless cro-magnon man. Trust that I have no respect for this neo nazi whatsoever but to think he is not clever is truly dumb. I will lay odds there are lawyers lining up to make this a Charter issue destined for the Supreme Court. If the liberals were wiseguys they would have ignored the malicious neo nazi nonsense just like Harper did. However they decided to waste a lot of tax payer funds and listen to the laments of Chretien's old "Prince of Darkness" for no reason I will ever understand N'esy Pas?

Pat Combres 
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kyler jefferies
I never heard this guy Sears or Ward before and just checked it out. Looks pretty funny didn't see any "hatred". If Frank Magazine was still around the sjws would try and ban that too.

Agnes Dorey
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Agnes Dorey
@kyler jefferies

Yes and you'll never be accused of being a critical thinker either.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Agnes Dorey Hmmmm

Pat Combres
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Pat Combres
@Agnes Dorey #NotAnArgument

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kyler jefferies
Left wing faux intellectuals are allowed to discuss race and s ex and gender. If anyone right-of-center so much as glances at these "issues", (even for parody purposes) it is called "hatred". Got it?

David Amos
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David Amos
@kyler jefferies Methinks we must be constantly mindful of the feelings of peoplekind N'esy Pas?


Linda Taylor
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Linda Taylor
seems to me they are trying to stop anything they don't agree with, kind of like trudeau calling those a certain word when you don't agree with him. Seems this country is moving towards the way cuba, china are being dictated.

Allan Campbell
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Allan Campbell
@Linda Taylor
Yes....kind of like "I give you peace, peace with honour." Just like to remind you that 5 of my uncles went to europe in '39 to keep people with views like yours to from taking over the world.

Joan MacDonald
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Joan MacDonald
@Allan Campbell
I think a lot of people also had relatives that went to Europe in 39 to defend freedoms, which includes freedom of thought and speech.

gord gray
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gord gray
@Joan MacDonald
Freedom of thought and speech yes, But Freedom of speech does not include speech that promotes hatred or violence.

Agnes Dorey
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Agnes Dorey
@Joan MacDonald

Not in Canada honey - we have freedom of expression but not freedom of speech. You don't sound very familiar with Canada. More American.

David Amos
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David Amos
@gord gray "Freedom of speech does not include speech that promotes hatred or violence"

Did they do that?

David Amos
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David Amos
@David Amos WOW CBC blocked a simple question???

John Oaktree
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John Oaktree
@David Amos

Reword and resubmit.

John Oaktree
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John Oaktree
@Joan MacDonald

'Your Ward News' glorifies the enemy that we fought in WW2...

David Amos
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David Amos
@John Oaktree "Reword and resubmit."

Any suggestions on how to change the following?

Did they do that?

Pat Combres
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Pat Combres
@John Oaktree "We fought the wrong enemy." - General Patton

Troy Mann
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Troy Mann
@Pat Combres ""We fought the wrong enemy." - General Patton"

Common theme preached by people who spread hate

@Linda Taylor

So you are saying Andy Sheer will allow this hatred to be spread by Canada Post?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Troy Mann Has the cat got you tongue since the election?

A "postal ban" yeah that'll will stop him. Ever hear of the Internet? Tragically folks like this fellow find ways to get out their heinous views. Charge him under Hate Crimes legislation, drag him into court, levy as large a fine as possible and ban him against any/all methods of communicating his views.

David Amos
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David Amos
@JohnColford "drag him into court,"

He has been there for awhile Methinks you should read some other news outlets N'esy Pas?

Dave Robertson
Long overdue. Hate speech is unacceptable in my Canada. Racists are just not welcome.

Michael Palaiologos
Michael Palaiologos
@Dave Robertson

Yes and we should make that fact abundantly clear to clear to them.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Dave Robertson Of course... you can't be racist towards white people...

Dave Robertson
Dave Robertson
@Max Stirner I'm white and I've never faced racism before, but I've seen it and heard it towards minorities many, many times. These days, I always speak up.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Dave Robertson I'm white and I have never seen or heard of racism towards white people, because it is a logical impossibility, right?

Scott Telfer
Scott Telfer
@Max Stirner

Of course not...it's just exceedingly rare on this continent....

...so do you have any other improbable hypothetical arguments up your sleeve???

Terri Nobody
Terri Nobody
@Dave Robertson

Unfortunately people become very very scared... I now view all strangers less than 80 years old on the sidewalk suspiciously as I do not know who or what they hate. They may hate me, my clothes, my weight, my age, my gender, my religion, my anything, even the colour and style of my mittens or purse. In some towns people even say 'good morning' to each other as they pass on the sidewalk.

James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
@Max Stirner

So, give us an example.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave Robertson "I'm white and I've never faced racism before"

I'm white and I have since first went south of the 49th in 1972. Methinks its rather obvious to me that you haven't visited certain countries in the middle east and you definitely haven't been to certain areas within many Yankee big cities N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Max Stirner Methinks you are not surprised either N'esy Pas?

John Smith 
John Smith

He should try hand delivering it to my house.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Smith "He should try hand delivering it to my house."

Well put

Jason Martin
Hate is not a philosophy to be debated. It has no niche or even a sliver of welcome in a civilized world.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Jason Martin And yet the concept is general and vague enough as to be applicable to any criticism that does not want to be heard. Simply ludicrous.

Andy Chabot
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Andy Chabot
@Jason Martin
Is h ating Trump ok. Read multiple articles on this site.

Jason Martin
Jason Martin
@Max Stirner

The Holocaust was not vague. The Khmer Rouge were not vague. Need I go on?

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Andy Chabot Well, yes: it is okay to hate that which we are told to hate. But if you think on your own and speak critically against some key point within the mass media agenda, then no, that's hate speech.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Jason Martin Those are events. Not "hate" or "hate speech". Thanks for proving my point. Maybe you should go on... .

Andy Chabot
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Andy Chabot
@Max Stirner
And you will be excluded from this taxpayer site.

Jason Martin
Jason Martin
@Max Stirner

The rhetoric is where the horror begins and that is why it needs to be shut down.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Andy Chabot That is fair and reasonable. Play along or get silenced and ostracized. Enjoy your freedom.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Jason Martin Well, the Holocaust is not yet fully proven without a doubt. And the Khmer Rouge was the result of failed socialist policies. You aren't making a strong case.

Speech does not necessarily compel action, and if one acts on words that are not his (and the words are not with intent to compel), then it is no fault of those who produced the words.

Michael Palaiologos
Michael Palaiologos
@Max Stirner

You seriously believe the nonsense you just posted?

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Michael Palaiologos Prove me wrong. I bet you can't. Being flabbergasted is not enough.

Malcolm Duncan
Malcolm Duncan
@Max Stirner Please take yourself to Stormfront and stay there.

Michael Palaiologos
Michael Palaiologos
@Max Stirner

You have been proven wrong. You are now on mute.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Michael Palaiologos Exactly. You can't.

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
I'll pass. See how you so easily categorize anyone who speaks out of line? You just further prove my original point.

Jason Martin
Jason Martin
@Max Stirner

Wow. You are so ignorant

Max Stirner
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Max Stirner
@Jason Martin Oh, and why is that? Because I don't submit to your world view? You further prove my point. I'll pass on your groupthink, thanks.

Jason Martin
Jason Martin
@Max Stirner


Malcolm Duncan
Malcolm Duncan
@Max Stirner nobody's flabbergasted, man. you're a garden variety anti-semite.

David Colley
David Colley
@Max Stirner
Yes it has been

Dale Phillips
Dale Phillips
@Jason Martin Many of us hate racism. Do you disapprove? We are allowed to hate whatever you dislike and nothing else, I bet; that seems to be the modern liberal view.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jason Martin Methinks that the ghost of Hamlet's Father would agree that philosophy must always be debated N'esy Pas?

Pat Combres
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Pat Combres
@Jason Martin Please define hate and differentiate it from "wrongthink"

Scott Short
Never heard of this person or publication so of course out of curiosity I had to Google it. Hate speech, not so sure. Now I only read a PDF version of his latest newspaper and did not really spend much time on his web site. Certainly some objectionable views. Our charter of rights does guarantee freedom of expression. The written word is a form of expression. Do we start condemning things based on what we find objectionable? What if a group suddenly finds what you have to say is objectionable. My opinion is if there is no call to violence or acts of violence directed towards a particular group, belief, race etc. it should be protected no matter how objectionable it may seem. Now my freedom of expression, this is a fella whose butter definitely slipped off his knife. you know lights are on but no one is really home ...

Blythe Corcoran
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Blythe Corcoran
@Scott Short
Yes a bunch of non flattering photo's of Trudeau etc...

Ida Pomme
Ida Pomme
@Scott Short

Freedom of expression does not include promoting hatred.

 Sandra Largent
Sandra Largent
@Ida Pomme No one in their right mind would condone promoting hatred, but where will the line be and who will draw it, and can we trust their judgement. Will they judge justly, or from their own ideology? Do we all agree with the ideology or is someone just pushing their own agenda?
Things are not always black nor white in many cases.

James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
@ Sandra Largent

The government of the day will draw the line. And if we don't agree with them, then we have this thing called elections.
That's how democracy works.

Agnes Dorey
Agnes Dorey
@ Sandra Largent

It's in the charter and there's jurisprudence. You don't seem to know much about our justice system

David Amos
David Amos
@Agnes Dorey I do

David Amos
David Amos
@Scott Short For what it is worth I agree with you and Sandra Largent

Michael Palaiologos
Michael Palaiologos
James Sears and every one of his subscribers has no place in Canadian society.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael Palaiologos Interesting statement

Federal government issues permanent postal ban on hate speech publication

'Your Ward News promotes disgusting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, misogyny, homophobia, and racism.'

James Sears, editor of Your Ward News, has been charged with the wilful promotion of hatred against Jews and women. Today, the federal government announced it was permanently banning his publication from being distributed through Canada Post. (James Sears photo)

A Toronto-based publication widely criticized for disseminating hate speech against minorities, Jews, women and the LGBTQ community has been permanently banned from distribution through Canada Post.

In May of 2016, the federal government issued a temporary order banning Your Ward News from using Canada Post following a number of complaints about its discriminatory content.

A board of review was struck to review the decision; it held 11 public hearings between April of last year and Feb. 2018.

The final report of the review board recommended issuing a final order that would have the effect of prohibiting the publishers — or any agent of the publishers, or any other company publishing Your Ward News under a different name — from distributing hate propaganda through the mail.

"After having carefully considered the recommendations of the independent board of review, I have decided to issue a final prohibitory order that will prevent the delivery of the publication Your Ward News, or any substantially similar material developed by its authors, through Canada Post's unaddressed bulk mail," Carla Qualtrough, the minister responsible for Canada Post, said in a statement.

"My decision is consistent with the applicable legislation and the government's values and stance on inclusiveness and diversity."

Your Ward News publishes quarterly and bills itself as the "world's largest anti-Marxist publication." But it's been widely criticized as a purveyor of hate speech. Its editor and publisher both face charges of wilfully promoting hatred.

The newspaper is the brainchild of editor-in-chief James Sears, who has presented himself on his website as an expert in seduction skills. His licence to practise medicine was revoked after he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting patients.

Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, 76, were arrested and charged in November 2017 with the wilful promotion of hatred against women and Jews.

'This is totally unacceptable'

It was the first time in Ontario's history that a charge of wilful promotion of hatred against women had been laid, according to the Office of the Attorney General.

"We commend minister Qualtrough for her principled decision," said the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs in a statement Thursday.

"Your Ward News promotes disgusting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, misogyny, homophobia, and racism. Our taxpayer-funded mail service should not be used to distribute such hateful content to hundreds of thousands of households.

"It is shocking that such vile messages are being peddled here in Canada in 2018. Just think about a Holocaust Survivor picking up their mail only to find neo-Nazi propaganda on their doorstep. This is totally unacceptable."

'Hitler Fan Club'

In an editorial posted on the publication's website, Sears vowed to "continue to print and deliver 305,000 copies of our paper using private companies and our volunteer army."

In the same editorial, Sears also said that he will soon restart his monthly "Toronto Real Men" meetings to teach men seduction skills and the secrets of masculinity, and is planning to set up "a clubhouse for my Hitler Fan Club."

Political consultant Warren Kinsella and his wife Lisa started a group called Standing Together Against Mailing Prejudice (STAMP) to pressure Canada Post to halt delivery of the publication. Both said they were pleased with the government's decision Thursday.

"We are delighted and grateful that minister Qualtrough has taken concrete steps to prevent this hateful filth from being delivered to homes in the greater Toronto area and beyond," said Lisa Kinsella in a statement.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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