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Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature


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Methinks Mr Higgs picked an interesting hill for his new mandate to die on He can no longer claim that the potash mine needs natural gas so his actions must be for the benefit of the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?




Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature

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David Amos
David Amos
Methinks Mr Higgs picked an interesting hill for his mandate to die on out of the gate He can no longer claim that the potash mine would need natural gas so it must be for his Irving Clan buddies benefit It also be interesting to see what we get in royalties and where they plan to send the wastewater N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks everybody knows why I am laughing about the fact that Bruce Northrup did not get a Cabinet job this time Mr Higgs knows as well as I that its a fact if anyone steps on the toes of the Irving Clan they never forget it but then again neither do I N'esy Pas?


Natural resources minister in Alward government says Irving letter got him fired

'I have a strong feeling that did it,' PC MLA Bruce Northrup says of shuffle out of portfolio
Connell Smith · CBC News · Posted: Jan 08, 2018 6:00 AM AT

David Amos 
David Amos
HMMM Trust that I talked to this Beth Nixon and several of her pals around the time I ran for Parliament in Fundy Royal in 2004. That was 2 years before Bruce Northrup became an MLA.

Methinks that Northrup, his latest boss Mr Higgs and the Irving Clan know as well as I did my part helping him unseat Leroy Armstrong while I ran in Saint John Harbour against his buddy Ed Doherty and Intervened in the NEB Hearings about the Irving and Repsol plan for an LNG. pipeline down to the USA

Now it appears to me that Madame Nixon has changed her tune


"Beth Nixon has had wells on her property since approximately 2004, but she doesn't want them there. She says she makes less than $7,000 a year from leasing the land, and would happily give up the money if it meant having the wells removed. "

David Amos
David Amos 
@David Amos Methinks Bruce Northrup and a lot of other folks in Fundy raised their eyebrows when Leroy quit the Liberal Party and ran for the PANB N'esy Pas?


"Upstart party feels 'validated'

Armstrong says he likes the Alliance's opposition to linguistic duality and its "common sense" approach to changing how government works.

Liberal MLA Victor Boudreau, who sat with Armstrong in the legislature, says he's surprised and disappointed his former party colleague has joined another party.

He says this is the first time he's heard Armstrong question bilingualism.

"I don't ever remember him raising it as a concern, but obviously it must have been something that was brewing inside, if this is the decision that he's made today," Boudreau said.

Alliance Leader Kris Austin says the upstart political party has been validated by having Armstrong join its ranks.

"He knows the things that are broken and the things that can make it better and he's validated, you know, the policies that we have put forward," he said.

This is the second defection by an ex-Liberal MLA this year. Last month former cabinet minister Kelly Lamrock joined the NDP."

David Amos 
David Amos
On the subject of fracking check this out Methinks Corridor Resources, Mr Higgs and definitely Bruce Northrup know why i share this story which appeared in the Kings County Record a local newsrag owned by the Irving Clan on June 22, 2004 I definitely mentioned natural gas then N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

Lou Bell 
Lou Bell
Probably nothing will happen . Too many want to see N.B. continue to be a " have not " province !

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks the Banksters love our interest payments on our debt N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Paul Bourgoin
All it is, is cheap oil with practically no transportation cost but a lot of environmental consequences and property impact.

I wonder if there will also be subsidies, Tax breaks, and will at the end of the day New Brunswick residents have a tab to pay?

Will the province impose a law protecting drinking water?

Where will the wasted Fracking-water be disposed of?

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks Mr Higgs has forgotten how little Corridor Resources has paid us in royalties thus far N'esy Pas?

Rick Jenkins 
Rick Jenkins
The province is moving rapidly towards bankruptcy. How can anything be off the table? I am all for looking towards sustainable energy sources but we also need to consider other industries that are current and feasible.

I don't personally stand to gain anything from Natural gas extraction but the province needs to consider everything and make some hard decisions....NOW.

Eric Katruk
Eric Katruk
@Rick Jenkins How about we stop letting certain corporations get away with tax fraud?

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Katruk Methinks we should start with KPMG's customers N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Bernard Dovington
I'm Saying NO to fracking!! Not now, Not Ever. Not in my back yard.

*Tell us what chemicals are being put into our ground would be the starting point of you being honest

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard Dovington "Not in my back yard."

Methinks that Mr Higgs' neighbours in his riding would not want it in their back yards either N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Marc Martin
People wanted a Conservative and PANB alliance you have one now stop whining and live with your errors.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks some folks voted otherwise More importantly some folks such as my French Friend Dr Roger Richard and I ran against against all the political parties N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Paul Bourgoin
The Fox is in the hen house and they are banking their profits in off-shore accounts avoiding paying their taxes. In 1982 there were 35,000 forestry jobs. Today there are around 9,000 left and more wood is being harvested from crown-land than ever while the Crown is losing money!

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks the awful truth is that nobody in government cares because they are afraid of the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Paul Bourgoin
Those tax funded subsidies in forestry, electricity rates, special secret deals, subsidies brokered behind closed doors, deals with secrecy clauses tolerating the decline our fish, wildlife, their habitat because too many sportsmen witness their abuse so the Department of Natural Resources staff and offices were slashed down to nearly none and the Forestry Foxes are now running the forestry show. Where are the Crown Forestry Profits?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Paul Bourgoin The " crown forestry profits" are in Bermuda.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "The " crown forestry profits" are in Bermuda."


Lou Bell 
Paul Bourgoin
Well it is not hard figure out who This Conservative party is representing!! Fracking was a dead issue now being resurrected to benefit who? New Brunswick, yeah right then ask yourself why? Talk of debts, we’ll let us talk about those in Industry who get all those tax breaks, income tax subsidies, special electricity rates, control of our crown land forest, slacking environmental regulations that should be laws to benefit their bank accounts.

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin "Well it is not hard figure out who This Conservative party is representing!! Fracking was a dead issue now being resurrected to benefit who?"

I will give you same answer I did the last time you asked this question

The Irving Clan

Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
How does Mr. Higgs define "community support" for fracking? It had better be by plebiscite of all voters in the affected county and not simply by a vocal minority.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Fred Brewer
Wasn't that discussion tabled and settled!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

You voted for fracking, now live with your error.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Paul Bourgoin
"Wasn't that discussion tabled and settled!"
If it was, I never heard the result. Do tell.
But regardless, it is a new government and then can do whatever the H*LL they want and it appears they will try.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
Wrong again Marc. Repeating an untruth multiple times does not make it the truth. I did not vote for fracking.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer "It had better be by plebiscite of all voters in the affected county and not simply by a vocal minority."

Methinks a plebiscite is the only way to go in an "Open and Just Democracy" N'esy Pas?

David Peters 
David Peters

David Amos
David Amos


Mario Doucet 
Mario Doucet
It look like the le parti liberal side of the province doesn't want gas development, probably because they don't have any resource in their areas.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks the Liberals know they will lose too many votes if they go back on their word and support it N'esy Pas?

Mario Doucet 
Dan Lee
Fracking ....no
more extreme weather .....no

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Dan Lee simple to say no no no but how about suggesting how NB is suppose to pay for Hospitals Education and Public Pensions?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Samual Johnston

Public Pensions? that's Federal bud.

Jean Cormier
Jean Cormier
@Samual Johnston , can you explain how you figure fracking will pay that bill? The same way forestry does? Oh right, it doesn't: international companies come here and rape our forests and we see nothing in return. Same thing with fracking, no doubt.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Marc Martin true they are - provincial employee pensions then...bud

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Jean Cormier never said it would pay the bill - but people have the right to decide and if a region wants it they have the right to do it. regardless of how poorly the natural resource industry is run in NB it is and will be the future for NB - issues are how to run it - that is politics -

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Samual Johnston
Technically even NB civil service pensions are public pensions. They used to call it the Public Service Superannuation pension.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Fred Brewer there ya go Marc Martin

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer YUP

Mario Doucet 
Colin Seeley
Fracking Yes.

David Amos
David Amos
@Colin Seeley NOPE

Eric Katruk 
Eric Katruk
Doesn't Higgs realize that fracking was one of the polarizing issues that lead to his party losing to Gallant in the 2014 election? I honestly cannot recall any other issue that was more divisive.

Rick Jenkins
Rick Jenkins
@Eric Katruk Fracking is a very important issue to a vocal minority. Alward wasn't ousted because of Fracking.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Rick Jenkins
It didn't help.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Jenkins Methinks Alward was ousted because of Alward N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Eric Plexe

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Plexe Methinks you should research what My friend Dr Roger Richard and I I have been doing in the EUB Hearings The 375 matter is over but the 357 is just beginning again so you have lots of time N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos 
 @David Amos Trust that my rind is very much against fracking


Kent North candidates call for better health care, improved roads and more power for LSDs
Written by Dallas McQuarrie on September 16, 2018

"Independent candidate Dr. Roger Richard, a prosthodontist, stated he was “very concerned about the environmental state of our province” and New Brunswick’s deficit, which is now more than $17 billion, costing taxpayers close to two million dollars a day in interest. Throughout the evening, he attacked the so-called “smart meters” that NB Power wants to install across the province, saying the meters are “very dangerous to our health because of the pulsating radiation they produce.”

Choosing not to participate in the town hall meeting, the Liberal Party and Progressive Conservative Party (PC) candidates, Emery Comeau and Katie Robertson respectively, avoided having to dialogue with voters publicly.

Robertson’s absence was predictable given the promise by PC leader Blaine Higgs to allow fracking for shale gas if the PCs are elected. Fracking is extremely unpopular in Kent County, and Robertson’s campaign is burdened by the fact that many people have very bitter memories of the Conservatives sending in the RCMP to brutalize peaceful shale gas protesters four years ago when Higgs was Minister of Finance in the Alward government."

Lou Bell 
Nancy Alcox
Higgs was there with Alward back in the day so he saw what went down firsthand. Why would he want a sequel? Does he think we’ve all forgotten about it? Is his job creation for the province going to be rent a cops and the RCMP?

David Amos
David Amos
@Nancy Alcox Apparently so Methinks most folks don't know exactly how much the RCMP billed us for the last round of nonsense N'esy Pas?

 Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
Frigg Higgs! No fracking!

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Marguerite Deschamps

And NB also has no money and no hope .

Dominique will be gone soon. Then what ?

Find money fast or it’s also NO to you.

Eric Fowler
Eric Fowler
@Colin Seeley Show me one place that has solved it's money problems by fracking?

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Fowler "Show me one place that has solved it's money problems by fracking?"

Good question but all I hear is crickets

 Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
N.B. is in a tough spot . After several years of reckless spending , and punishing tax hikes ; the Province is backed into a corner as the Prov. credit rating is on the edge of being downgraded . With a 14.5 BILLION dollar debt ; and interest payments of nearly 2 MILLION per day , N.B. is quickly running out of options .

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen @Matt Steele

New Brunswick.

Graham government 2006-1010:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2006-07 277
2007-08 241
2008-09 -152
2009-10 -695

Alward government 2010-2014:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2010-11 -617
2011-12 -244
2012-13 -533
2013-14 -600

Gallant government 2014-2018:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2014-15 -361
2015-16 -261
2016-17 -117
2017-18 67

Source: Public Accounts New Brunswick

I ask, which political brand racked the most deficit spending?

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Robert Brannen

And which Provincial Brand raisedfees and taxes the most ?

As well as doctored the books ?

Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon
@Robert Brannen And I trust that $67m surplus number about as much as I trust brian gallant. It was very convenient that he had 3 years of deficit, a sudden last minute surprise surplus with more planned years of deficits if re-elected.

gallant took in a $billion in extra taxes and still only managed one small, very questionable surplus.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Steve Gordon

A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen look a little closer how that + 67 materialized over a weekend. deficit is one thing debt is another unrelated but related. time to cut the civil service and the pension obligations. both political parties lack the will to make the bog decisions

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen this view is part of the problem - the deficits exist because politicians refuse to make the hard decisions to lay off employees raise taxes etc etc . In the end the people get what they vote for. We live for today and tomorrow not 10 years from now. We just keep passing the problem down the road in hopes we can make it to retirement - and NB most retired people worked for the government and are sitting pretty with their pensions the province cannot afford.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Brannen

Well said Robert.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Brannen

*A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)*

Robert Brannen this is so true.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Samual Johnston

*cut the civil service*

Where ? The are already understaffed.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Marc Martin perhaps get rid of the agreement with the teachers union that prevents any layoffs even if the student population drops - which it is.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen how many hundreds of millions of that was used to top up the provincial pension fund when the economy tanked? we needed a government willing to change those plans from defined benefit and both parties dropped the ball on that - at least there was some improvement made but not enough.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
Civil service understaffed? You have to be joking Marc.

Back in 1960's the civil service totally about 3,000. Today it is over 30,000.
Has our population increased ten times? Nope, it has stayed virtually the same. We should lay off about 28,000 civil servants given that computers and the internet have made jobs so much easier and faster than in the 1960's.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Fred Brewer Nb has lowered its civil service and we are now much lower Per Capita than NS and PEI but we are still about 6000 to 10,000 too high

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer I agree

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Yea Right

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen "A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)"

Good Point Sir

Lou Bell 
daryl doucette
New Brunswick should do what Norway does. It taxes the oil/gas companies 78%....but we will not, and just collect a mere pittance of what we should be collecting from OUR resource!

Eric Katruk
Eric Katruk
@daryl doucette We can't even get our oil company to pay their proper property taxes. What makes you think any government we could elect would dare hike corporate income tax on dirty industries?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Eric Katruk Make them pay their property taxes. If they do not, treat them like you and I would be treated. Seize the property and auction it off.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Eric Katruk "We can't even get our oil company to pay their proper property taxes"

Exactly My Father was Max Amos and he was the Tax Supervisor of this province from 1967 until he was stricken with cancer and died in 1984 at the age 64 the same age Higgs is now ( I am a little older) Anyway I recall my Father sending the Sheriff down to put chains on the gates of the Irving refinery in order to make old KC pay his taxes. Lets just say I inherited my contempt towards the Irving Clan.

Methinks Mr Higgs no doubt knew my Mothe's second husband when he was a wannabe CoR leader because not only was he a former Chief Electoral Officer but also a proud member of the CoR Party N'esy Pas?

Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature

CBC New Brunswick Political Panel discusses upcoming Tory throne speech

The CBC New Brunswick Political Panel Podcast discussed the upcoming throne speech from Blaine Higgs' Tories. (James West/Canadian Press)

In less than two weeks, a Progressive Conservative throne speech will be read in the New Brunswick legislature, and representatives from the four political parties are in agreement about some elements they expect and hope to hear.

For instance, the speech will likely address the priorities of all parties and strike a collaborative tone. It will touch on a new style of governance, a less centralized version of previous governments. It will promise solutions to ongoing health-care issues, such as staff shortages, improved seniors care and better ambulance response times.
But one topic is poised to create division in the house: the environment — specifically fracking and climate change

PC Leader Blaine Higgs has said the Tory government would be open to lifting the moratorium on shale gas for communities that supported fracking, and PC MLA Bruce Northrup said this week they hope to allow fracking by Christmas.

Green Party Leader David Coon said for the Tories to express a desire for collaboration and then plan to permit fracking is like "poking a stick in the eye" of the Greens and their supporters.

New Brunswick politicians are well aware of how socially divisive fracking is in the province. 

"With something that was so socially divisive and led to so much social unrest in this province, in the face of climate change, concerns over water quality, I can't for the life of me imagine why Blaine Higgs, in a minority government, is pursuing this," Coon said on the CBC New Brunswick Political Panel Podcast.

Liberal MLA Robert McKee suggested fracking could even turn into a "confidence issue." He walked back his comment somewhat but said it's an issue that can't be "rammed through" and should be put to the house.

Tory MLA Jeff Carr disagreed with the notion that it would be a confidence issue.
"I think we have to make sure we make decisions in the legislature based on the facts and how things are written, not on a motion," he said.

The Political Panel from CBC News New Brunswick
Nov. 8: What will be in the Higgs government's throne speech?

 Blaine Higgs and the Progressive Conservatives are poised to form a minority government. What will be in the new government's throne speech as the PCs try to avoid defeat? PC MLA Jeff Carr, Liberal MLA Robert McKee, Green Leader David Coon and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin joined the weekly political panel. 25:43

Coon predicted any pro-fracking legislation would be defeated.

The Tories hold 22 seats and need three more votes for a majority in the 49-seat legislature. The People's Alliance, which holds three seats, has said it will prop up a Tory government for 18 months.
Alliance Leader Kris Austin said his MLAs have a free vote on the issue of fracking.
Austin himself said on the podcast he's not opposed to allowing fracking in specific areas and that it would be "irresponsible" to defeat a throne speech on a "vague" notion of shale gas.

The party leader added that market conditions indicate it probably isn't the best time to extract shale gas anyway.

The Tories hope to allow fracking in certain areas, like Sussex, by Christmas. 

Opposition parties are also interested to hear whether the throne speech will touch on climate change.

"We've got 12 years now to actually significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels," said Coon.

The deadline Coon mentioned is from a damning United Nations report that suggests the planet will reach the crucial temperature that would precipitate extreme weather and food shortages.

McKee said he wants to hear what the Tories have in store to address climate change. Higgs was critical of the federal carbon tax plan, describing it as a job killer during the provincial election campaign.

The Liberals' own carbon pricing plan failed to meet Ottawa's standards, so the federal backstop was imposed on New Brunswick.


Community of Penobsquis divided over MLA's push to revive fracking

Bruce Northrup says he has community support to bring fracking back, but some residents say no way

Beth Nixon is a landowner in Penobsquis with gas wells on her property. She is paid to have the wells on her land, but would rather forego the money and get rid of the wells. (Tori Weldon)

The long-time MLA for Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins has made headlines this week with a push to have fracking revived in his riding by Christmas but his claims to have community support for his efforts are being questioned.

The Gallant government placed what was then called a temporary moratorium on fracking in December 2014, but extended it to an indefinite ban earlier this year after failing to meet its own requirements.

Corridor Resources has a number of gas wells on Stephen Moffett's land. He said he was approached about 20 years ago to have it turned into wells. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

With a new PC government set to take power later this week, Bruce Northrup said it's time to lift the ban in communities that want it — like his.

"Constituents are saying they want it, the Chamber of Commerce wants it," he said. "It's been there since 1999."
But finding consensus in the eastern New Brunswick town of Sussex and nearby village of Penobsquis, where there are currently dozens of gas wells may not be as straightforward as Northrup suggests.

For example, while some members of the board of the Chamber of Commerce may be in favour of extracting natural gas in the area, others are not.

"We're remaining neutral," said CEO Paul Bedford.

Two landowners in Penobsquis, living a short distance from each other, both with gas wells on their property, have two very different takes on what should be allowed in their village. Both have deep roots in the community.

Beth Nixon has had wells on her property since approximately 2004, but she doesn't want them there. She says she makes less than $7,000 a year from leasing the land, and would happily give up the money if it meant having the wells removed.

Moffett said if the government feels fracking is safe, he's comfortable having it developed in his area. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

"There is a lot of worry about it and it was a pretty big decision to even stay in this community and one that I re-evaluate all the time because of these wells."

Nixon is an environmental activist, and said it's frightening to hear her MLA say he has permission to allow fracking in her community.

"(It) is very concerning because there is no social licence here," she said. "As near as I can tell they are telling fibs.

"He seems to have gone to very few businesses and decided that … he can go ahead with this in Penobsquis."

Nixon said the issue courts controversy in the region, and has been divisive in the village as well as in nearby Sussex.

"You know, we were just starting to heal from all that and recover," she said. "And now to bring up this issue that isn't probably even economically viable and to be out there telling stories about it it is very, very frustrating."

At a nearby farm, Stephen Moffet disagrees. He said the issue of fracking hasn't gone anywhere, it was just put on hold by the former Liberal government.

Corridor Resources has dozens of wells around the village of Penobsquis. CEO Steve Moran wouldn't comment on the local MLA's recent campaign to revive fracking in the area. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

"The reality is this has been ongoing for something like 20 years, it's been going well," he said. "Unless there is some reason not to I think it's time we let these people go to work."
Moffet also has wells on his land, but he's happy to have them put there by Corridor Resources.
"They've been nothing but good to work with, they've treated us well."

Moffett understands that people have concerns and not everyone is on board for more gas wells in the area. But given a chance to have their say, he believes a majority of Sussex residents would be in favour of fracking.

"If the government is satisfied the oversight is in place, then you know, let's let them go ahead and do it," he said.

Northrup hopes to have fracking back in the region by Christmas.

Corridor Resources CEO Steve Moran said he had no comment at this time.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


Liberal LeRoy Armstrong defects to People's Allianc

Defection is second for Liberals this year

Former Kings East Liberal MLA LeRoy Armstrong has announced he is joining the People's Alliance of New Brunswick — a party that has never won a seat in the legislature.

Armstrong said in a People's Alliance press release that it's a big change for him, but a necessary one if politics is going to change in New Brunswick.

He says he believes the People's Alliance has the right policies to fix how New Brunswick is governed.
Armstrong was first elected as a Liberal in 1995 when then-premier Frank McKenna won his third majority government.

He lost his Kings East riding four years later, won it back in 2003 under leader Shawn Graham, and lost again in 2006.

Armstrong told CBC News he can't accept traditional Liberal policies, such as support for bilingualism.
There were also problems with ineligible voters in last year's Liberal leadership race, Armstrong said.

"For any intended leader to buy into that process, it certainly doesn't bode well for what I believe in," he said.

Upstart party feels 'validated'

Armstrong says he likes the Alliance's opposition to linguistic duality and its "common sense" approach to changing how government works.

Liberal MLA Victor Boudreau, who sat with Armstrong in the legislature, says he's surprised and disappointed his former party colleague has joined another party.

He says this is the first time he's heard Armstrong question bilingualism.

"I don't ever remember him raising it as a concern, but obviously it must have been something that was brewing inside, if this is the decision that he's made today," Boudreau said.

Alliance Leader Kris Austin says the upstart political party has been validated by having Armstrong join its ranks.

"He knows the things that are broken and the things that can make it better and he's validated, you know, the policies that we have put forward," he said.

This is the second defection by an ex-Liberal MLA this year. Last month former cabinet minister Kelly Lamrock joined the NDP.

The People's Alliance, which was founded in 2010, attracted the support of one per cent of respondents in a poll released last December, the fifth of five parties.

Armstrong, 77, says he's willing to run for the Alliance in next year's election.

But he says there's probably someone younger who could do a better job than him.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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