Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Unfilled Speaker's chair could bring on another election this fall


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Methinks the Green Meanie Leader David Coon got feeling his oats and went over a bridge too far from his former positions against NB Power N'esy Pas?


#TrudeauMustGo #nbpoli #cdnpoli #TrumpKnew 


NB Power could escape Liberal-promised rate freeze thanks to unlikely source

Green Leader David Coon has long history of battling NB Power initiatives

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: Oct 12, 2018 6:00 AM AT

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Methinks the PCs French Lieutenant Mr Gauvin really should take my advice and sit as Independent then go for the Speaker's chair N'esy Pas?


#TrudeauMustGo #nbpoli #cdnpoli #TrumpKnew 


Unfilled Speaker's chair could bring on another election — this fall

Party leaders won't let their caucus members run for job when standings are so close

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
David Amos
I sincerely hope that folks read what remains of the comment sections before the next election

David Amos 
Content disabled.
David Amos
Methinks before October 23rd is upon us I should remind many politicians and the folks who vote in New Brunswick that this story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004 two days before Premier Lord had me illegally barred from legislative properties Everybody knows that I have run for public office 5 more times since then including this election. Clearly nothing has changed N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico."

 David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the lawyer Ted Flemming doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

 David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the Liberals, the PCs, their pals the Greens have their fancy knickers in quite a not. If a new election were to be called the PANB could win even more seats in the Circus and all their Gooses would be cooked before the Yuletide season was over N'esy Pas?

 David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the PCs French Lieutenant Mr Gauvin really should take my advice and make good on his threat to sit as Independent then go for the Speaker's chair before somebody like Kevin Arsenault a former liberal wannabe candidate or the clever lawyer Ted Flemming grabs the brass ring in order to oversee the Circus on behalf of the British Queen N'esy Pas?

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@David Amos David everything you say is so slanted to francophone superiority its not even funny, the people have spoken, they want proper representation in relation to population

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Moore Clearly you do not have the first clue as to who I am.

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
@Jim Moore .....If you click on David Amos profile ; you can mute his comments so that you would not have to see or read them . I had to mute his comments as he cluttered up the comments section so badly , that it became very hard to read the comments of others .

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Steele Methinks a proud member of the mindless NDP just admitted that I existed N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Steele Methinks its kinda comical how my political opponents do not wish to know what I am saying to them and about them Clearly you act like an ostrich with its head in the sand N'esy Pas?

 Roy Kirk 
Jonas Smith
The only thing Brian is doing, is making sure I never vote Liberal and I will make sure my kids know what he did to democracy here in NB.

Dan Armitage
Dan Armitage
@Jim Moore that'll teach the liberals for bringing in clown.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Armitage 'that'll teach the liberals for bringing in clown."

Methinks you don't appreciate the Circus as much as I N"esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Jonas Smith Let's have a do over. I fully expect the two smaller parties to reap the benefits. They may not form government but they will have more say.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr I agree

Roy Kirk
Anne Bérubé
So, let me get this straigt, if you can....isn't the job of the Lieutenant-Governor to step in at this time? So have another election, let's say both Conservatives and the Liebs each have 24 seats and the balance goes to the 2 other parties, what happens then?

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Anne Bérubé The PC have 25 seats, the liberals can at best get 24, they won't form the next government provincially or federally, they have lost every election since and lost every province in the last 3 years leaving them with no support

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Moore The PC do not have 25 seats

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé The Lieutenant-Governor only intervenes when the House has no confidence in anyone to form a government. Otherwise the British Queen and her vice regal representatives has no business in our affairs. Methinks the Green and PANB parties should also be asked it they wish to try to form a government before the Lieutenant-Governodrops another writ N'esy Pas?

Richard Riel
Richard Riel
Get someone from the private sector that is impartial to politicking.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Riel Pick me I am a Independent the private sector

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Richard Riel
"Get someone from the private sector that is impartial to politicking."
That won't work, no-one from the private sector is impartial, especially when money is involve.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt FYI I am long retired from the private sector. Furthermore I have no money whatsoever except what comes to me once a month byway of my Old Age entitlement and CPP

Roy Kirk 
Troy Murray
Another election will be a waste of time. If anything, voters will choose any party except Liberal to send Gallant away.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Murray Methnks that many folks would agree that elections are ever a waste of time in a Just Democracy N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Troy Murray Either way they are just middle managers for the Empire. Time to try the other guys.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Troy Murray That is the premise behind all elections (Democracy???) 90% who show up to vote do so to vote against not for a candidate(s). They is the way elections are orchestrated beginning the day after the last ballot box option.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks you should ask yourself why so many folks don't bother to vote in a purportedly Just Democracy or why folks such as I were not allowed to vote until after the last federal election N'esy Pas?

 Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
Another quick election should not cost that much. Elections NB has all their staff trained and things went smoothly last time so its a no-brainer for me. Let the people speak while the Libs and Cons run scared.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer For what it is worth I do not disagree with your reasoning. I know I am game to run again.

Murray Brown
Murray Brown
The Liberals would probably benefit more if they choose to give up power now, rather than face the prospect of losing a confidence vote. If it gets to a confidence vote and they lose and the Tories then decide not to take control of government, an election will occur and the Liberals will likely take the blame and lose in the end. Let the Tories take over and wait for them to screw up. It's a conundrum either way.

David Amos
David Amos 
 @Murray Brown If all else fails one a liberal should take the Speaker's Chair on the 23rd in order to roll the dice to see what happens next. I suspect that Higgs is wise enough to know that he is not secure in winning confidence of the house either. If Higgs does not support Gallant's attempt to secure a second mandate another election will be called if he fails as well. Methinks both parties will lose even more seats to the PANB and the Greens if another election is called before Xmass N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Amos
It depends on who will make the government fall.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt It should make no difference at all to the electorate

Roy Kirk 
Nicholas Dippler
By the sounds of it the geese are migrating cause all I hear is a lot of honking.

David Amos
David Amos
@Nicholas Dippler Methinks when the politician vacation in Florida this winter all of them will be studying the pension plans closely because many will be out of work next year N'esy Pas?

 Roy Kirk 
Dan Armitage
They'll do what ever they can to convince the voters it's a language election. It's an economic election and Gallant has already let us down 4 years of it proved it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Armitage I agree

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Dan Armitage If you check the electoral map it would appear it is still working in 99% of most cases. They more they press the issue the more we are divided (out of fear) and the more it costs us for the band-aides.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks Mr Gallant and Mr Higgs should shoulder the blame for the way the electoral map looks today N'esy Pas?

 Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Given the fact that N.B. already has a nearly 14.5 BILLION dollar debt ; the cost of another election would just be a drop in the bucket . The cost of another election would be well worth it to get rid of Brian Gallant and his U de M buddies who have mismanaged the province , and raised taxes to the max . The N.B. school system is in crisis ; and even the ambulance service cannot function because Gallant wants french speaking paramedics . Bring on another election....and GOOD BYE Brian !!!

Tim Locke
Tim Locke
@Matt Steele

I'm hoping we still end up with a minority government, just one that is stable enough to survive and not so evenly split like this last one.

David Amos
David Amos 
 @Tim Locke "I'm hoping we still end up with a minority government,"

Me Too Furthermore I hope that government is Liberal if only to see that Gallant keeps his promised about freezing Electricity rate hikes.

FYI I just got back from a hearing at the EUB in Sain John about NB Power's plans for rat increase. Trust that none of the political party leaders would like what I said on the public record today.

Methinks everybody who has trouble making ends meet should be irritated by what the Green Party has to say on the topic N'esy Pas?


"It's a non-starter," **** said Thursday about the signature Liberal campaign promise to bypass the Energy and Utilities Board and impose up to $300 million in rate freezes on the financially challenged utility over the next four years.

"Freezing power rates is a bad idea. It's interference in a regulatory process; we've got to look at the best economic interests of New Brunswickers. It would be foolish."

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Matt Steele I can see the two smaller parties pulling in a lot more support and likely a greater say in Governments to come. Let's do it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks the NDP dude will likely not reply to you either N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk 
Richard Dunn
Gallants' arrogance has put himself in this situation...…...His ego and narcissistic personality are why he is not budging. All the while he does more damage to NB and his own political party.

NB'ers will hopefully remember this and send a goodbye message to the Liberal party when we vote again next month, or next year.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Dunn "Gallants' arrogance has put himself in this situation."

Methinks you should be fair Everybody knows the ex COR dude Mr Higgs is every bit to blame for causing this Circus that I thoroughly enjoy N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Richard Dunn
Why is it only Gallant's fault?
Nobody wanted Gallant or Higgs has premier.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt I disagree Obviously a lot folks voted for Gallant and Higgs but for the wrong reasons tis all

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Rosco holt "Nobody wanted Gallant or Higgs has premier."
And they said NBers were dumb? We just needed to come out of our shell(box)

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks you may prefer an old expression that a very decent farmer who used to work for me as a mechanic often said it went as follows "You can't fool me I am too stupid" Many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk 
Todd Stephen
So Gallant wants to remain in the Premier's chair but thinks its the opposition's job to fill the Speaker's chair?? Someday (soon) there will be reference to this as an example of the worst display of leadership ever...public or private sectors. You want to lead??? Lead by a vision and actions that inspire others to support and participate. Unreal.

David Amos
David Amos
@Todd Stephen Somebody must take the Speaker Chair or there will be another election. Methinks it would be hilarious and everybody would be in shock if Gallant were to put up his name for the job currently held by his old pal Chris Collins N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Todd Stephen
The same could apply to Higgs. Neither wants to bit the bullet and have one of their own fill the speaker's chair.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Todd Stephen The PCs with the extra seat are in the best position to provide speaker, but it is not without risk. In the event of a tie speaker still gets a vote.
Things do change though.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr That is why I suggested that the French Lieutenant Mr Gauvin go for the job

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt True

 Roy Kirk 
John Cannothan
If Blaine Higgs truly cared about the stability of New Brunswick’s finances, he’d put up a speaker and allow NB to continue on its positive fiscal track.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@John Cannothan
" positive fiscal track" ????
Whose kool-aid have you been drinking?

Todd Stephen
Todd Stephen
Unless you are a Trustee in Bankruptcy, I'm not sure how anyone could see our fiscal trajectory as positive.

David Amos
David Amos
@Todd Stephen I agree

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Methinks the dude should quit drinking the red kool-aid and take a red pill ASAP N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Amos
In reality they should quit the blue Kool-Aid too.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt I wholeheartedly agree

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Todd Stephen we really do need to be testing our political candidates much like the empire tests for employees. Aptitude, inteligence, honesty levels and integrity but in our case we would shoot for high scores and some sense of sanity.
Perhaps Amazons AI testing would work to some degree.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr I agree Please feel free to pick up the phone and call me in order to stress test my aptitude, intelligence, honesty levels and integrity any time you wish.

Methinks if you are sincere you must agree that you should not have to wait until the next time you see me registered as a candidate N'esy Pas?

 Roy Kirk 
David Stairs
holy cow,Brian Gallant and David **** are doing more flip flops than a freshly caught eel...and people actually voted for these 2....hopefully people will realize that the only one who a stood his ground is the PANB.....

David Amos
David Amos
@David Stairs Methinks you should fair and admit that the ex CPR dude Blaine Higgs has stood his ground too N'esy Pas?

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@David Stairs
Funny ... I was getting the impression that the Green Party were the only adults in the room. They have been trying to get Gallant and Higgs to put aside their personal quests for power and allow the legislature to work more collectively in the best interest of New Brunswick.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@David Stairs Regrettably I am Green at heart but some what disappointed with David and Ms May of late. Power corrupts. PANB by default. The Empire has savaged the NDP. Kill the unions and silence the lambs.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr "Regrettably I am Green at heart but some what disappointed with David and Ms May of late. "

Methinks we should talk N'esy Pas?

 Roy Kirk 
Rod McLeod
What a mess! This same confusion runs right through this government. Is it any wonder that an election would end in a similar failure?

David Amos
David Amos
@Rod McLeod Trust that I am not surprised

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@David Amos Wow, a posting frenzy..just saying...

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Manchak Perhaps you should Google me to understand why

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@David Amos Thanks, but no.

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Manchak Then why insult me?

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Manchak Does my doings with Encana and the NEB ring any bells for you?

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@David Amos What insult? Being busy posting is an insult now?

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@Peter Manchak Why should it?

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Manchak Ask them

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Manchak "Wow, a posting frenzy..just saying..."

For the record when you decided to insult me. I had made only 3 comments and merely replied to everyone else on the topics they had addressed first. I am entitled to do that correct?

Gleason Gallinger
Gleason Gallinger
why not just cut to the chase and have the Lt.Governor dissolve what ever you want to call this mess and set another election date. Hopefully those who voted Liberal will finally wtf up and see that it was the Liberals that caused this colossal waste of cash by trying to hold onto power.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gleason Gallinger "why not just cut to the chase and have the Lt.Governor dissolve what ever you want to call this mess and set another election date."

Methinks everybody knows that the Lt. Governor does not have the power to do such a thing N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Gleason Gallinger Just that little thing called "protocol" that gets in the way. They at least have the right to try to govern in tight spaces. It is a great scenario for the people. No one dare do anything stupid or corrupt under a minority situation. Kinda like walking the sharp edge of a raiser-blade. Ooops!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr "No one dare do anything stupid or corrupt under a minority situation"

Methinks you should review Mr Harper's work.

Roy Kirk 
Roy Kirk
The problem with a new election for the smaller parties is that their few ridings will be in the cross-hairs of both of the larger parties.

Supposing that the Libs could count on Green support, they'd still only have 24 votes. If PANB provided the speaker and the remaining 2 voted with the PC's, you'd have 24 again, and the speaker would have to break the tie in governments favour, something that the speaker's colleagues would likely have a hard time with.

OTOH, if the PCs form govt and can get support from the greens, they've got 25 votes to pass legislation. A PANB speaker would have to vote to support the govt, providing some margin for votes where one or another party member would not support.

Smart move is for all non-libs to refuse to serve as speaker, and let higgs seek the confidence of the house after a member from either PANB or Greens assumes the speakers chair. But that can only happen once Gallant's libs are no-long incumbent.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Kirk"The problem with a new election for the smaller parties is that their few ridings will be in the cross-hairs of both of the larger parties'

Methinks in return all the ridings of both the larger parties will be in the cross-hairs of the small parties and the Independents such as I N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk 
SarahRose Werner
"Both say it's up to their opponent to put forward a name." - It's like two little boys and you ask them whose turn it is to do the chores and each one points to the other and says, "His."

David Amos
David Amos
@SarahRose Werner YUP

Roy Kirk
 James Watson
If anything describes the sad state of democracy in Canada - this is it - petty , power princes (and princesses)

David Amos
David Amos
@James Watson Oh So True

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@James Watson Democracy? These people don't run to serve the people or their country anymore. This is all about self gratification and future prospects.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr None of them ever did long before I was born. Methinks the last decent politician Canada ever had was R.B. Bennett and nobody will talk about him in a political forum except yours truly N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk
Peter Ray
So, regardless of what ANY political party says - Liberals, Conservatives, Greens, People's Alliance - their goal is NOT the best interests of citizens.

The ONLY goal is power - at whatever cost.


If indeed a new election is required because there is no Speaker - sorry, Liberals, but you LOST unless you can stomach a coalition gov't - and that the fringe parties refused to allow a member to become Speaker, I hope that the spoiled ballot vote - which DOES 'count' - is somewhere over 50%.

Now THAT would send a message!

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Ray Welcome to the Circus

Roy Kirk
Lou Bell
Will Gallant run again under the Liberal flag, or Acadian party flag ? They're all backin' him anyway .

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks the Green Party would allow him to cross the floor to join their caucus N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk 
capilano dunbar
As Christy Clark found out last year based on long-standing parliamentary convention; The Government must provide a Speaker. That means no matter how you slice it a Liberal majority requires both the PA and the Greens whereas a Conservative majority requires only one of the third parties. Gallant should read the writing on the wall and step down.

David Amos
David Amos
@capilano dunbar Methinks November 2nd is an eternity away for Mr Higgs and his purported PANB cohorts N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk
Roy Nicholl
"I'm OK," he said. "I do whatever the leader tells me to do."

That's the problem. Higgs and Gallant need to put the party whip away and allow the MLAs to perform the task for which they were elected.

Ironically, the Green party seems to be the only ones who got the message from the electorate and are trying to get Higgs and Gallant to suspend their personal quests for power in the best interests of the province.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Nicholl "Ironically, the Green party seems to be the only ones who got the message from the electorate"

Methinks the Greens and the PANB are on power plays of their own and the Greens are feeling their oats while the PANB remains quiet. I suspect that the electorate sees this Circus for what it is. Many agree that if there is another election this year the PANB will put New Brunswick the news bigtime instead of just Rebel TV N'esy Pas?

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@David Amos
"Surprisingly", I disagree with you ... or at least I am hopeful there is some sense of public service {altruism would be asking too much} amongst those MLAs calling for a more collaborative approach to governance that is not short-changed by party rhetoric or ambition.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Nicholl Nothing you say surprises me

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Roy Nicholl Party First, Sponsors second. Self, Corporate interests and way down at the bottom those people I am paid to and promised to represent.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr In New Brunswick the Corporate interests of the Irving and the McCain Clans are of greatest concern to all political parties especially yours truly.

Ask Canada's latest Minister of Finance why that is.


kirk hancock
kirk hancock
Welcome to "proportional representation". This is what it looks like. No one is in charge but everyone wants to be. fun times. Bring out the snow boots because election time is just around the corner.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos 
@kirk hancock I agree

Methinks the Green Party Leader David **** got feeling his oats way too much and went over a bridge too far from his former positions against NB Power. Nobody in New Brunswick who is having a hard time making ends meet would oppose a rate freeze on our electric bills especially heading into winter N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@kirk hancock Go figure why CBC blocks it own link


Clearly CBC thinks Mr Coon's name is some sort of insult


David Amos
David Amos
@kirk hancock YUP Methinks the Greens attacking the NB Power rate freeze sealed the deal N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Nobody in New Brunswick who is having a hard time making ends meet would oppose a rate freeze on our electric bills especially heading into winter N'esy Pas?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos What most people don't understand ( even though it's a no brainer ), is that energy and it's costs to people barely making ends meet, is not a luxury, it is a matter of life and death in winter in our climate. in the lower US states, where it never goes below zero, that is not the case.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter I agree Methinks you should read the transcripts found in the public record of the EUB to see what my friend Dr Roger Richard and I have been saying in the 357 and the 375 matters N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Roy Nicholl If it is not broke don't fix it?? This works very well for the two corporate powers. One of them under the current system will always rule. That is why JT back off on the promise of reform. Why bit the hand that feeds them. As bad as they are they have little to fear now from the NDP or Smiley Andy. Provincially it is not that much difference. Tweedledee or Tweedledum? The both work for the same agenda and it ain't us.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr "Tweedledee or Tweedledum? The both work for the same agenda and it ain't us."

Oh So True However Canada and New Brunswick in are just bit players in the wicked game. The evil agenda is global in nature and it even has the fancy knickers of dude the Yankees call "The Donald" in quite a knot these days.

Methinks you should Google the following for some comic relief at my expense N'esy Pas?

trump cohen amos nafta fatca tpp

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Brian needs to get out of the way so Blaine can start to clean up the mess.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson Methinks after successfully dividing the electorate over bilingual nonsense all the party leaders should pick up their marbles and quit the political game N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Buford Wilson Neither is fit to govern or have the man date to alone. This needs to be addressed under a more representative system. PR and Preferential ballot.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks Premier Gallant should roll the dice and continue down the path he has chosen it is legal and its gonna make for a fun Circus to watch N'esy Pas?

Michael durant
Michael durant
Flemming is bizarre.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael durant Naw he is just another snobby political lawyer who thinks he is funny. Methinks such people are as common as mud in parliamentary circles N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Mike Murphy
Theres a shocker, no one from NB wants a job.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Mike Murphy. Not true myself and Emilen Forest just said we would take the job. lol.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks like most folks in New Brunswick you would not expect the MLA salary and be more than happy to work for just the supplement pay and the perks that come with the Speaker's job N'esy Pas?


"For all the headaches, there are incentives that come along with the post.

An extra $52,614 is added on top of the MLA salary, along with an extra few thousand in allowances. And the speaker can choose to drive a government car."

Robbie Adams 
Robbie Adams
"""The Arrogant Liberals of all ilk feel it is their right to run this country regardless of the vote count and what people want.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robbie Adams Methinks that is why they call themselves "Canada's Natural Governing Party" N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Peter Inya
Liberal arrogance. Canada is back(wards).

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Inya Methinks many would agree that all political parties are worse than merely arrogant That is why so many folks don't bother to vote N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Craig O'Donnell
I can see why neither the PC's nor the Liberals want a member to fill the Speaker's Chair; so why not somebody from the Green Party? After all, David **** is trying to get all MLA's to sign some kind of agreement to put asided partisanship and work together for the people (or possibly to fill the Green's agenda). If he truly believes in getting the ball rolling, have one of his caucus step up to the plate. After all, given the fact that they only won 3 seats and a rather small percentage of the vote, why should the Greens' agenda be pushed first and foremost?

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@Craig O'Donnell
The speaker should be / needs to be someone with legislative experience and not a first time MLA. The MLAs of the two smaller parties are all brand new.

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@Roy Why do you think that? With the state of affairs in this province, I think everything new would be much better. we've had enough of the "old boys ".

David Amos
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David Amos
@Craig O'Donnell Methinks some folks may recall that within an earlier comment section this week I suspected that the Green Party member and former wannabe liberal candidate Mr Arsenault may go for the Speaker's chair if the French Lieutenant of the PC Party does not take my advice N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Craig O'Donnell Its too bad that my latest reply to you was blocked I know you would have enjoyed it

David Amos
David Amos
@Craig O'Donnell Here is a tip for you Google my name and "the French Lieutenant of the PC Party"

Bernard McIntyre 
mo bennett
way too funny! why don't you boys get big, leave yer fat heads at the front door and just get this sorted, instead of inflicting the cost of another JOKE election on the taxpayers that yer all supposed to protect. you did swear an oath to do that, remember!

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett YO MO Methinks you are enjoying the Circus as much as I N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Nicholas Markusen
You know what would fix this problem? Proportional representation and coalition governments, like every other successful developed nation on the planet.

David Amos
David Amos
@Nicholas Markusen I disagree. I believe that political parties should be abolished

Dave Peters 
Dave Peters
The responsibility of the speakers chair is to be filled by a representative of whoever forms government. It is clear nonsense to do otherwise. If not you get another Robert McCready. Arguments can be made for an against what happened there. However, we do not have the same political situation with third parties being represented. If Brian Gallant or Blaine Higgs wants to form government they need to fill this chair from their own caucus

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave Peters "The responsibility of the speakers chair is to be filled by a representative of whoever forms government. "

Not true. Any MLA can be the Speaker

Methinks everybody can recall that in 2006 The Independent "Tanker" was elected in New Brunswick legislature and even the liberal lawyer Peter Milliken was elected Speaker In Harper's minority Government N'esy Pas?

 Bernard McIntyre 
Luke Armstrong
Another election? Of course, I'll be voting again then.....Mr. Blaine Higgs.

David Amos
David Amos
@Luke Armstrong I can I will run in Fundy again

David Amos
David Amos 
@Luke Armstrong Mr Higgs knows this story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico."

 Bernard McIntyre 
Richard Dunn
Moncton East Liberal MLA Monique LeBlanc was Deputy Speaker so why would she not become speaker now that Chris Collins is no longer an MLA?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Dunn Its a new Legislature the Speaker must be elected by the new members

Bernard McIntyre 
Emilen Forest
I'll take the job.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Emilen Forest No I'll take the job. Might as well argue about it like the MLA'S who seem to not be able to act like civilized people after 3 weeks.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Just like me neither of you were elected to sit in the House. However at least you can visit and watch the Circus from the peanut gallery while I cannot because my political foes illegally barred me from all legislative properties many years ago. End of argument

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos. Myself and Emilen Forest realize that we can't be speaker. Just stating how stupid the MLA'S are being.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Its cool I was just running with your jokes

Emilen Forest
Emilen Forest
@David Amos Hem, hem...first point of order. It is called the Legislature not "House" where MLAs gather to dither. The "House" is in Ottawa, hence House of Parliament. End of session, free of charge :)

David Amos
David Amos
@Emilen Forest Methinks I have the right to call it anything I wish and I doubt the Crown or its Speaker would disagree in light of the fact that I sued the Crown over this issue. Furthermore the world famous Acadian blogger Chucky Leblanc who is a buddy of every MLA calls it the "Old Maison" N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos. Oky doky.

Bernard McIntyre 
Bernard McIntyre
N.B can't wait any longer to have a government so it these MLA'S can't talk together to form a government then just call a new election now instead if prolonging the inevitable. They can't even decide how the speaker will be, pathetic.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks it not October 23rd yet N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos. The way it's going the sooner the better.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre I concur

leonard g MacAulay
leonard g MacAulay
Could the provience of NB be more confuddled? No wonder a provience being financially gutted by over expenditures in the name of official bi-lingualism, and now they are in a political dead lock by voters that are fed up with this nonsense. Time for the elected to put on their grownup pants and show the bewildered voters that they voted for a govt that can figure this out without another election. Canada is watching and are greatly amused.

David Amos
David Amos
@leonard g MacAulay "Could the provience of NB be more confuddled?"

Methinks its goona get worse before its gets better so in the "mean" time we might as well just sit back and enjoy the Circus while we wait for the next election N'esy Pas?

ChristineChuck Dandy
ChristineChuck Dandy
@leonard g MacAulay They could choose PR and have 6 or 7 parties without a clear winner or winning side.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@leonard g MacAulay. When spoiled children have their minds made up your not going to change it know matter how bad the consequences turn out.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks you should ask the spoiled children why my last comment was blocked N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos. I know that feeling ,happens to me all the time.

Bernard McIntyre
Norman Albert Snr
'Glowing snapshot of uptown Saint John released by business group"
Rose colored glasses much? Void of the reality.
I understand they have a job to do but this borders on the ridiculous.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Norman Albert Snr FYI History easily proves that I ran in the election in 2006 in Saint John Harbour while intervening in the NEB Hearing about the Emera Pipeline Project. Even though i got only 44 votes trust that the NDP, the Green Party and every other political pundit in Saint John has never forgotten why I was in town in 2006.

In 2015 I ran against the latest the current NDP provincial leader in the federal election long before she put her name on the ballot in Saint John Harbour. This year my friend Dr Roger Richard and I ran as Independents in this election while intervening in EUB matters. The latest EUB hearing was held in Saint John yesterday while this article was being published. go figure why I laugh at the irony of it all

Much to the chagrin of Mr Higgs and the other party leaders Minister Rick Doucet and Premier Gallant still oversee the EUB until October 23rd even though Doucet was not reelected and who will be the next Premier is still in much dispute.

Methinks truth can be much stranger than fiction N'esy Pas?

Robert Anderson 
Robert Anderson
Have a look at what is going on in New Brunswick. This is why minority governments are essentially useless. The can't get anything done. That is why we would be crazy to even consider for a second the use of proportional voting. There would be perpetual useless minority governments. Just don't do it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Anderson I strongly disagree

Methinks many would agree that minority governments are the only way to fly with some Independents finding seats as well so that at least some people can't be whipped by any political party leader N'esy Pas?

Unfilled Speaker's chair could bring on another election — this fall

Party leaders won't let their caucus members run for job when standings are so close

Who will be Speaker of the New Brunswick Legislature when it reconvenes on Oct. 23 is a question still not answered. (CBC)

Forget about throne speeches, confidence votes and two-party deals. A looming standoff over who will be Speaker of the New Brunswick legislature could bring it all to a screeching halt.

In fact, it could plunge the province into a new election campaign this fall.

As of today, no one seems to want the job, despite its cabinet-level salary and perks, including a government car.

Miramichi Bay-Neguac MLA Lisa Harris said she might be Speaker of the house at the end of her career but not now. (Jacqueline Cormier)

"Am I going to be Speaker of the house? Probably at the end of my career," Miramichi Bay-Neguac Liberal Lisa Harris said at an orientation session for MLAs on Thursday.

When would that be?

"A long time from now," she said.

Moncton Northwest MLA Ernie Steeves said he's not interested in being the Speaker and will do what his leader, Blaine Higgs, tells him. (CBC)

Moncton Northwest Progressive Conservative MLA Ernie Steeves said he's not interested either.
"I'm OK," he said. "I do whatever the leader tells me to do."

Liberal Premier Brian Gallant and Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs both say they won't allow any member of their respective caucuses to seek the position.

Both say it's up to their opponent  to put forward a name.

"He's going to have to try to put up a Speaker," Gallant said of Higgs this week.

But Higgs says if Gallant wants to hold on to power, he should do it.

No obligation

In fact, no party is obligated to provide a Speaker. All MLAs, except ministers and party leaders, are on the ballot by default until they remove their names.

Choosing a Speaker is the first order of business when the legislature begins a new session Oct. 23 following an election in which no party won a majority.

Liberal Leader Brian Gallant and PC Leader Blaine Higgs say they don't want any of their members to become Speaker. (CANADIAN PRESS)

Gallant's Liberals will present a throne speech. If they can persuade MLAs from two smaller parties to support it — in effect a vote of confidence in the Liberal government — they can stay in power. If they lose that vote, the PCs will be sworn in.
But the legislature's standing rules say none of that can happen until a Speaker is chosen.  "It takes precedence "over all other business," say the rules adopted in 1994.

"If the legislative assembly fails to elect a Speaker, then the only way that the impasse can be broken is through early dissolution and another election," said parliamentary expert James Bowden. "That's the most likely scenario."

Neither leader wants a Speaker from his caucus because it would reduce their ability to pass legislation in a house where the numbers are already razor-thin.

The PCs won 22 seats and the Liberals 21. Even if either party wins the support of one of the smaller parties — the Greens or the People's Alliance, with three seats each  — it can't afford to give up one MLA.

Other option

If no one budges, there is another possible step before an election, Bowden said.

Because the circumstances in New Brunswick are "so strange and exceptional," Roy-Vienneau could swear in a PC government led by Higgs "and see whether the Assembly would be willing to elect a Speaker under him."

There are precedents for both scenarios: in 1859, the lieutenant-governor of the colonial assembly on Prince Edward Island , Dominick Daly, declared it was his "painful duty" to dissolve the house after it spent two days trying in vain to choose a Speaker.
But in Newfoundland in 1908, a similar standoff led to a new government being sworn in.

In that election, the two parties won the same number of seats and both refused to let any member become Speaker.

The incumbent Liberal premier asked for a new election, which the governor refused. The other party, the People's Party, was sworn in, but the house still couldn't find a Speaker. Only then was a new election was called.

With the Liberals and PCs refusing to provide a Speaker, Gallant could try to persuade an MLA from one of the smaller parties to take the post.

Alliance, Greens not interested

But People's Alliance leader Kris Austin told CBC News no one from his three-member caucus would accept.

Kris Austin, leader of the People's Alliance Party of New Brunswick, said no one from his party will put their name forward to be Speaker. (CBC)

"We've been elected to be a voice in the legislature, and I think being a Speaker diminishes that voice," he said. "And where we only have three here, we want to make sure our voice is strong."
The three Green MLAs have also ruled it out.

Rothesay PC MLA Ted Flemming is the only member who expressed a tongue-in-cheek interest in the position this week, mainly because of the ceremonial garb that comes with it.

"It takes me back to Loyalist Days," he said. "I had a tricorn hat when I used to be around Loyalist Days, and it would be nice to get one back because I lost the first one that I had."


NB Power could escape Liberal-promised rate freeze thanks to unlikely source

Green Leader David Coon has long history of battling NB Power initiatives

The Liberals promised to freeze NB Power rates for four years, but that pledge could be scrapped as the party courts Green support for the upcoming throne speech. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

The likelihood of NB Power having its rates frozen for the next four years appears to have dimmed to near zero given the uncertainty over who will govern the province — even if New Brunswick Liberals manage to retain power — and the utility can thank its old nemesis, Green Party leader David Coon, for the reprieve.

"It's a non-starter," Coon said Thursday about the signature Liberal campaign promise to bypass the Energy and Utilities Board and impose up to $300 million in rate freezes on the financially challenged utility over the next four years.

"Freezing power rates is a bad idea. It's interference in a regulatory process; we've got to look at the best economic interests of New Brunswickers. It would be foolish."

Premier Brian Gallant has said he will seek to find "common ground" with Green Party MLAs in an upcoming throne speech to win enough support to keep governing — a condition the freeze  does not meet.

Premier Brian Gallant hinted Thursday the Liberal platform could be modified to incorporate elements from other parties' platforms. (Photo: CBC)

"We believe we can earn the votes of many in the legislature," Gallant said Thursday. "We want to be able to consult and discuss what should get into the speech from the throne. We are open to other ideas from other political parties "

No Liberal election promise attracted more scorn from Coon during the campaign than the proposed rate freeze, a position he has not budged on since.

Gallant has not said the freeze is dead, but on Thursday sounded like he might be laying the groundwork for its funeral.
"We have to be open to the other political parties platforms, which means we have to put water in our wine for our platform as well," said Gallant when asked if Coon's objections to the rate freeze would be fatal to the promise.

"We are willing to look at some of the elements we put forward in our platform and to say maybe another day."

'They should go forward'

NB Power has been conspicuously silent on what it plans to do with power rates going forward since Liberals first promised a freeze to voters in late August.

It has a longstanding plan to increase rates by two per cent per year or more to retire $1 billion in debt and cope with carbon taxes if they come.

In each of the last two years, the utility has submitted its annual rate application to the Energy and Utilities Board during the first week of October, but this year it has already let that date pass with no word of its intention.

Green Party Leader David Coon opposes the Liberal-promised power rate freeze. (CBC)

Coon said if NB Power is waiting to find out who will be governing the province before applying for new rates, it shouldn't.

"To me, they should be continuing on as required if they are looking for a change in power rates. They should go forward," he said

Coon's history with NB Power

Coon is an unlikely white knight to come to the utility's defence.

He has a long history of opposing NB Power initiatives at regulatory hearings in his former role as executive director of the New Brunswick Conservation Council.

In the early 2000s, he fought the utility's ill-fated, $700-million conversion of the Coleson Cove oil-fired generating station to burn the Venezuelan fossil fuel orimulsion. He later battled executives over what proved to be optimistic plans to quickly and cheaply refurbish the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.

David Coon fought the conversion of Coleson Cove to burn orimulsion — one of several battles the Green Leader waged against the utility. ((CBC))

Venezuela eventually refused to deliver orimulsion after the Coleson Cove conversion was complete and the nuclear refurbishment went three years late and $1 billion over budget, all problems Coon predicted.

Still, Coon has long been an advocate of NB Power answering to a professional regulator like the Energy and Utilities Board and not to politicians, and he instantly opposed the idea of a rate freeze imposed by a political party on that principle.

Coon said if NB Power executives are grateful for the backing of an old foe against political meddling in its rates, they are not saying.

"I haven't heard from any of them yet," he said.

About the Author


Robert Jones
Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006.


Liberals' grip on power could hinge on change to ambulance services

Green Party calls for inquiry into ambulance problems

Issues like ambulance delays and bilingual paramedics will likely play a role in whether the Liberals can win the confidence of the house. (Radio-Canada/Guy R. LeBlanc)

Ambulance delays and the thorny issue of bilingual paramedics are emerging as a key factor in who will get to lead a minority provincial government.

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said Thursday his party could support a Liberal throne speech if it promises quick action on the issue.

"What we would like to see is the paramedic crisis resolved," he said. "That's the big one for us. Beyond that, we can talk about tax reform, we can talk about the auditor-general receiving more funding. There's lots of things we campaigned on that we'd like to see."

Austin and the other two People's Alliance MLAs could be vital to the survival of Premier Brian Gallant's Liberal government and would also be key to the Progressive Conservatives holding power if they get a chance to govern.

Gallant won 21 seats in last month's election, one fewer than the 22 for the Progressive Conservatives.
But the Liberal premier said he plans to try to stay in power by winning confidence votes in the legislature with the Green Party's three MLAs.

Premier Brian Gallant needs four non-Liberal votes to secure a confidence vote. (James West/THE CANADIAN PRESS)
That support would only get Gallant to 24 votes, one short of a majority.

The legislature will sit Oct. 23, with a vote on the Liberal throne speech — the first test of confidence in the government — likely on Nov. 2.

If Austin's Alliance caucus votes to support the speech, or even abstains from voting against it, the Liberals would be able to cling to power in the short term.

Gallant said Thursday afternoon that the election results make it clear New Brunswickers want more action on ambulance delays, so his throne speech will "include a commitment to take concrete action to strengthen ambulance services and address the shortage of paramedics."

Greens want inquiry

The Alliance leader is not the only one pitching quick action on the ambulance delays. Green Leader David Coon is proposing a commission of inquiry into the issue but said there should be no change to the guarantee of equal service in English and French.

Austin said he wouldn't necessarily oppose an inquiry but he doesn't think it's needed.

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he could support a Liberal throne speech if it promises quick action on the issue of ambulance delays. (CBC)
"I think you can figure out pretty quick where the problems lie," he said. "I think the problem needs to be fixed. I'm not opposed to an inquiry, but I'm opposed to delays. We need to get this done."

The Alliance leader has blamed bilingual hiring requirements at Ambulance New Brunswick for the fact many positions are vacant and said that is to blame for delays.
I don't like to think in today's society in New Brunswick that anyone is anti-bilingualism, because that's not going to help our province move forward.- PC Leader Blaine Higgs
PC Leader Blaine Higgs has proposed hiring qualified unilingual paramedics in the short term to address the shortages, and then giving them second-language training after the fact.

Higgs said Thursday because that promise was already in his campaign platform, he'd be willing to address it in a PC throne speech if the Liberals are defeated and he gets to form a government.

"That's not a new item for us," he said. "It happens to be a common one. So yes, we'll be looking to have that as part of a platform anyway, to have it included that we want ambulances back on the road."

Asked if his promised actions would include changes to the bilingual hiring requirement, Gallant said the Liberal response would be "within the legal framework that we have as a province."

Class action lawsuit

The issue flared up again this week after a local committee in Saint-Quentin said it was considering a class action lawsuit because of repeated delays in ambulance responses in the village.
The latest case was last Friday, when local residents drove a cyclist injured in a collision with a car to the hospital after waiting 40 minutes for an ambulance to arrive.

In 2017, Ambulance New Brunswick and the province acknowledged they had violated the constitutional language rights of a Moncton-area patient who did not receive ambulance service in French.

Ambulance New Brunswick has been under fire for delays and staff shortages. (Photo: Catherine Allard/Radio-Canada)
They agreed to a binding consent order in which they promised to "immediately put in place concrete measures," including extra funding, to ensure service "of equal quality" in both languages "uniformly across the entire territory of the province."

Earlier this year, a labour arbitrator ruled that the province should relax the bilingual requirement in areas of the province where there's less demand for second-language service to comply with seniority rules in staffing.

The Liberal government asked the courts to review that decision because it contradicts the legal requirements in the court order.

Higgs has not said how he would get around the court order if he relaxed the hiring requirements.

PC Leader Blaine Higgs says that if he takes power, he will gather all the stakeholders and find a solution to the ambulance service delivery problems. (CBC)
Coon has said his party will not vote for anything that would take away existing language rights.

Higgs said Thursday that bilingual hiring requirements are likely "part of" the problem at Ambulance New Brunswick but not the entire issue. He said if he becomes premier, he'll put all the players in a room together to find a solution.

The PC leader said the province needs to move past debating official bilingualism and he didn't want to think the Alliance was against it.

"I don't like to think in today's society in New Brunswick that anyone is anti-bilingualism, because that's not going to help our province move forward," he said.

"Bilingualism is a fabric of our province and it's here to stay, so people shouldn't debate that. And I won't be debating that. … Let's not spend time debating what is already part of our fabric, part of our Constitution, part of what makes our province special."

About the Author


Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.


No deal: Green Party won't formally side with Liberals or PCs in N.B.

Green Party leader announces a 'declaration of intent' he hopes MLAs from other parties will sign

Green Party Leader David Coon says he hasn't made any formal deals to keep the Liberals in power or to support the Progressive Conservatives. (David Coon/CBC)

New Brunswick's Green Party will not sign a formal agreement with any political party to support a minority government, the three Green MLAs announced Wednesday.

Instead, the Green members will base their votes in the legislature on a "declaration of intent" to tackle fiscal and environmental challenges and to respect language and Indigenous rights.

CBC News
Green Party won't formally take sides


The Green Party announced a 'letter of intent' that they hope other parties will sign. 0:58
And they say they'll base their first major decision — whether to topple Premier Brian Gallant's Liberal government by voting against its throne speech — on what the speech says.

"Support for the throne speech is based on the substance of the throne speech and the practicality of implementing the commitments in the throne speech, so in other words, on its merits," Green Party Leader David Coon said.

Green Party members, from left, Kevin Arseneau, Megan Mitton and Coon, sign the party's declaration of intent, which expresses what their votes in the legislature will be based on. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
In an added wrinkle, Coon said his two fellow Green MLAs will not have to follow a party line and will be able to vote their own way on the throne speech.

"We'll have different takes on what we see in there," said Kent North MLA Kevin Arseneau, who also said he'll base his decision on the contents.

Memramcook-Tantramar MLA Megan Mitton agreed.

"I can't decide how to vote until I have actually seen what's in the throne speech," she said.

No guarantee for Gallant

The decision means Gallant will head into the first session of the legislature Oct. 23 with no guarantee his government can survive.

The Sept. 24 election saw Gallant's Liberals win 21 seats, four short of a majority and one fewer than the Progressive Conservatives.

The Greens' decision against signing a formal agreement with the Liberals or the PCs puts Premier Brian Gallant's bid to stay in power in jeopardy. (James West/THE CANADIAN PRESS)
PC Leader Blaine Higgs has been pressuring Gallant to give up power based on the seat count.
But Gallant says he plans to try to hold on persuading at least one other party to vote for Liberal legislation.

The premier announced Wednesday the new legislature will sit Oct. 23, with a throne speech expected that day. Under normal house procedure, a vote by MLAs on whether to endorse the speech would likely happen Nov. 2.

The Greens are inviting all parties to sign their declaration of intent, which commits MLAs to find "common ground that reflects the foundational principles" of New Brunswick, including respect for aboriginal and treaty rights as well as for bilingualism and dual education systems.

The three Green Party caucus members signed the declaration of intent on Wednesday afternoon. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
It also says MLAs should commit to fighting poverty and "fiscal and ecological debts" and to respecting the autonomy of the legislature.

Liberals would sign declaration

Gallant said Wednesday his Liberal caucus had agreed unanimously to sign the Green declaration, and if the Greens in turn support a Liberal throne speech along those lines, "we believe we have a clear path to earn at least 24 votes."

He said that would beat the PCs'"blatant attempt to try to seize power" with just 22 seats.

Gallant's 24-22 math contradicts his earlier accusations that the PCs and the People's Alliance had made a deal to put together a bare majority of 25 in the 49-member house.
We all want the citizens of the province to be the winners. And for them to be winners, we need to be able to collaborate in the house across party lines.- Green Party Leader David Coon
Now Gallant says Higgs is pretending to have no deal with the Alliance because some members of his caucus are against the idea.

The combined Liberal and Green numbers would still be one short of a majority, but Gallant said he hopes that a "progressive" member of the PC caucus who wants to block Tory co-operation with the Alliance will agree to vote with the Liberals or become Speaker.

Higgs was not available to comment on Wednesday's developments.

Coon said the Green approach respects the outcome of the election, in which neither traditional party won a majority and two newer parties, the Greens and the People's Alliance, captured three seats each.

"No one won this election," he said. "We all want the citizens of the province to be the winners. And for them to be winners, we need to be able to collaborate in the house across party lines."

He said the results showed the need to "blur" partisan lines and "get away from these power games of who's going to be in power, who's going to rule, who's not going to rule."

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