David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Nikki Haley's resignation comes one day after an ethics watchdog requested an investigation into her acceptance of free flights on private jets
#TrudeauMustGo #nbpoli #cdnpoli #TrumpKnew
Damien Johnston
![David Amos]()
Jackie Barrett
![David Amos]()
Peter Hill
![David Amos]()
![James Holden]()
![danny powell]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
John Tobias
![David Amos]()
Bertrum G.Gruff
![Patrick Kennedy]()
![David Amos]()
Albert Grove
![David Amos]()
Dan Croteau
Ron Paul
![Paul Pedersen]()
![John Conrad]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Tom Simpson
![Wayne Webb]()
![David Amos]()
Dwight Williams
![David Amos]()
Dean Lenglet
![David Amos]()
![Joe Smithson]()
![David Amos]()
President Donald Trump meets with outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in the Oval Office on Tuesday. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
Nikki Haley is resigning from her post as United States ambassador to the United Nations effective at the end of 2018, with President Donald Trump indicating he had advance warning she would leave.
"Big announcement with my friend Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Oval Office at 10:30am," Trump wrote on Twitter ahead of their Tuesday morning meeting.
Trump accepted the resignation and said at the meeting with reporters present that Haley had told him months ago she intended to serve for less than two years. Trump was effusive in his praise of Haley, saying she could have "her pick" of roles if she decided to come back to the administration.
Haley called the ambassadorship "an honour of a lifetime" and pointed to moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, cutting the UN budget by $1.3 billion US and helping to broker an arms embargo in South Sudan as accomplishments.
Haley has been the face of Trump's "America First" policy at the United Nations, steering the U.S. withdrawal from several UN programs and ardently defending his hardline policies against Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs.
"Now the United States is respected," she said. "Countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do. They know that if we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
After an anonymous essay in the New York Times from an administration official brought up the spectre of Trump's competence for the presidency, Haley wrote a defence in a Washington Post op-ed.
"I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country," wrote Haley. "But I don't agree with the president on everything."
While thanking her husband and two children for their support on Tuesday, Haley said the reasons for her departure weren't personal.
"I think it's very important for government officials to understand when it's time to step aside," she said.
The move will raise speculation about her political future nonetheless.
Haley, 46, served as South Carolina's governor from 2011 until she was nominated by Trump to the UN post, a move that surprised some observers given her lack of foreign policy experience.
As well, Haley had campaigned for Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, with Trump at one point tweeting "the people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley."
Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio on Feb. 17, 2016, during a rally in Chapin, S.C., but any friction between her and Trump was forgotten months later as she was nominated to be UN ambassador. (Chris Keane/Reuters)
She was that state's first female governor.
Haley said she has no intention of running for office in 2020 and promised to campaign for Trump.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina praised Haley as "a true agent of reform when it came to the United Nations" and predicted she would be heard from again in national politics.
Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey thanked Haley for her service in a statement but decried the surprise resignation as "yet another sign of the Trump administration's chaotic foreign policy." The White House in less than two years has seen Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster depart, with Mike Pompeo moved after just a short time as CIA director to fill the Tillerson vacancy.
United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres expressed on Tuesday his "deep appreciation for the excellent co-operation and support" Haley provided, his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
"They had a very productive and strong working relationship," Dujarric told reporters.
Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, praised Haley on social media, saying she'd "always be a true friend to the State of Israel."
Haley left the UN session in May as Riyad Mansour, lower left, Palestinian observer to the UN, prepared to address the Security Council. (Mary Altaffer/Associated Press)
Her legacy will be less kind to many in the Arab world after both the controversial embassy move and the slashing of millions in humanitarian aid to Palestinians by the Trump administration.
Riyad Mansour, observer to the UN for the Palestinians, has previously accused Haley of "arrogant discourse" and "becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves."
When Mansour moved to speak in May at a UN Security Council session in the wake of dozens of Palestinian deaths near the Israeli-Gaza border, Haley walked out.
Canada has yet to officially comment, but just last week Marc-Andre Blanchard, Canadian ambassador to the UN, praised Haley's stewardship last month of the Security Council presidency.
While a resolution declaring "null and void" the U.S.'s recognition last year of Jerusalem as Israel's capital passed 128-9, Canada was one of about three-dozen countries to abstain from the vote.
Haley's replacement will require confirmation by the Senate, with over one-third of the seats in that legislative body being contested in next month's midterm elections. Haley was confirmed with 96 of 100 votes.
Trump said he would name a replacement in two to three weeks.
With files from Reuters
President Donald Trump meets with outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in the Oval Office on Tuesday. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
Nikki Haley announced Tuesday she would resign from her post as United States ambassador to the United Nations effective at the end of 2018, and President Donald Trump is already publicly considering who should replace her.
Trump accepted Haley's resignation and said at the meeting with reporters present that she had told him months ago she intended to serve for less than two years. Trump was effusive in his praise of Haley, saying she could have "her pick" of roles if she decided to come back to the administration.
But just hours after Haley's announcement, Trump had already begun speculating on who could replace Haley, indicating that a short list of five people had been created and that it included Dina Powell, his former deputy national security adviser.
"I've heard a lot of names. I've heard Ivanka. The people that know, it's nothing to do with nepotism. But I want to tell you, the people that know, know that Ivanka would be dynamite," Trump said.
Watch as Trump talks about possible replacements, including his daughter Ivanka:
U.S. president speaks to reporters about potential candidates to succeed Nikki Haley 0:47 Ivanka Trump later quashed any speculation she would be appointed to take over from Haley.
"I know that the president will nominate a formidable replacement for Ambassador Haley. That replacement will not be me," she tweeted.
Earlier Tuesday, Haley called the ambassadorship "an honour of a lifetime" and pointed to moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, cutting the UN budget by $1.3 billion US and helping to broker an arms embargo in South Sudan as accomplishments.
Haley has been the face of Trump's "America First" policy at the United Nations, steering the U.S. withdrawal from several UN programs and ardently defending his hardline policies against Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs.
"Now the United States is respected," she said. "Countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do. They know that if we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
After an anonymous essay in the New York Times from an administration official brought up the spectre of Trump's competence for the presidency, Haley wrote a defence in a Washington Post op-ed.
"I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country," wrote Haley. "But I don't agree with the president on everything."
While thanking her husband and two children for their support on Tuesday, Haley said the reasons for her departure weren't personal.
"I think it's very important for government officials to understand when it's time to step aside," she said.
The move will raise speculation about her political future nonetheless.
Haley, 46, served as South Carolina's governor from 2011 until she was nominated by Trump to the UN post, a move that surprised some observers given her lack of foreign policy experience.
As well, Haley had campaigned for Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, with Trump at one point tweeting "the people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley."
Haley campaigns for Marco Rubio on Feb. 17, 2016, during a rally in Chapin, S.C., but any friction between her and Trump was forgotten months later as she was nominated to be UN ambassador. (Chris Keane/Reuters) She was that state's first female governor.
Haley said she has no intention of running for office in 2020 and promised to campaign for Trump.
Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey thanked Haley for her service in a statement but decried the surprise resignation as "yet another sign of the Trump administration's chaotic foreign policy." The White House in less than two years has seen Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster depart, with Mike Pompeo moved after just a short time as CIA director to fill the Tillerson vacancy.
United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres expressed on Tuesday his "deep appreciation for the excellent co-operation and support" Haley provided, his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
"They had a very productive and strong working relationship," Dujarric told reporters.
Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, praised Haley on social media, saying she'd "always be a true friend to the State of Israel."
Haley left the UN session in May as Riyad Mansour, lower left, Palestinian observer to the UN, prepared to address the Security Council. (Mary Altaffer/Associated Press) Her legacy will be less kind to many in the Arab world after both the controversial embassy move and the slashing of millions in humanitarian aid to Palestinians by the Trump administration.
Riyad Mansour, observer to the UN for the Palestinians, has previously accused Haley of "arrogant discourse" and "becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves."
When Mansour moved to speak in May at a UN Security Council session in the wake of dozens of Palestinian deaths near the Israeli-Gaza border, Haley walked out.
Marc-André Blanchard, Canada's ambassador to the UN, tweeted Tuesday that Haley "should be proud" of her accomplishments as ambassador.
"I have so enjoyed working with you and even more getting to know you as a friend," Blanchard tweeted.
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David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Nikki Haley's resignation comes one day after an ethics watchdog requested an investigation into her acceptance of free flights on private jets
#TrudeauMustGo #nbpoli #cdnpoli #TrumpKnew

Nikki Haley resigning as U.S. ambassador to United Nations at year end
Haley represented Trump's hardline policies at UN, earning gratitude from Israel
CBC News· Posted: Oct 09, 2018 10:56 AM ET Comments
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Commenting is now closed for this story.

Damien Johnston
Another leaving the sinking ship!

David Amos
@Damien Johnston Methinks the lady may not be as dumb as I thought she was N'esy Pas?

Jackie Barrett
Since Nikki Haley was very confrontational and abusive, I'm glad that she's leaving as UN Ambassador.
Its time to celebrate.
Its time to celebrate.

David Amos
@Jackie Barrett "Its time to celebrate"
Yea but who is gonna fill her jackboots?
Yea but who is gonna fill her jackboots?

Peter Hill
Funny that they need 2/3's majority for UN ambassador but only 50% for Supreme Court Justice.

David Amos
@Peter Hill Methinks it is kind of funny in a sad sort of way N'esy Pas?

James Holden
@David Amos
You would have to go to Scotland if you wanted to see Nessy pass.
You would have to go to Scotland if you wanted to see Nessy pass.

danny powell
@David Amos It's "n'est pas" big guy.

David Amos
@danny powell Only to snobby little Anglos

David Amos
@James Holden At least you know who I am N'esy Pas?

John Tobias
The number of senior management personnel to leave the WH in less than two years is unprecedented

David Amos
@John Tobias YUP

Bertrum G.Gruff
question is - who has Fox lined up for her replacement?

Patrick Kennedy
@Bertrum G.Gruff Hannity?

David Amos
@Patrick Kennedy Methinks Tucker would be a excellent choice Fox is getting tired o him anyway N'esy Pas?

Albert Grove
Trump is currently praising her, ...tonight he will tweet her into oblivion!

David Amos
@Albert Grove Perhaps

Dan Croteau
Let me guess, she wants to leave before Trump decides to take the US out of the UN entirely?
This country is really in free fall.
This country is really in free fall.

@Billy Smith Not sure what world these people are living in, the US economy is soaring, in every possible measureable metric.

Paul Pedersen
@Ron Paul Soaring? No. Its benefitting from team trumps mind blowing increase in debt. Like buying lots on your credit card. Your 'soaring' will come crashing to the ground when it comes to pay off that debt. And that day will come.

John Conrad
@Ron Paul
What is an immeasurable metric?
What is an immeasurable metric?

David Amos
@Paul Pedersen "Your 'soaring' will come crashing to the ground when it comes to pay off that debt. And that day will come."
I concur
I concur

David Amos
@John Conrad "What is an immeasurable metric?"
Methinks he is hoping it is something we can't argue N'esy Pas?
Methinks he is hoping it is something we can't argue N'esy Pas?

Tom Simpson
"Haley called the ambassadorship "an honour of a lifetime" and said that countries were once again respecting the U.S. if not always liking the country's policy initiatives.?
Respecting the USA again eh? Uhhhh, I don't know about that one Haley....
Respecting the USA again eh? Uhhhh, I don't know about that one Haley....

Wayne Webb
@Tom Simpson Yes here in the U.N. we always laugh at those we respect.

David Amos
@Wayne Webb Methinks that is why peoplekind laugh at our Mr Dressup and his sunny ways N'esy Pas?

Dwight Williams
'Haley, 46, served as South Carolina's governor from 2011 until she was nominated by Trump to the UN post, a move that surprised some observers given her lack of foreign policy experience.'
I have to seriously wonder if Trump appointed her because he thought she didn't look American, and that might go over well with the leaders of other countries.
That's his level of thinking.
I have to seriously wonder if Trump appointed her because he thought she didn't look American, and that might go over well with the leaders of other countries.
That's his level of thinking.

David Amos
@Dwight Williams Methinks nobody knows what Trump thinks not even him That is why he changes his mind sometimes in mid sentence N'esy Pas?

Dean Lenglet
I guess her conscience finally caught up to her.

David Amos
@Michael MacKenzie "she just decided to leave while the leaving was good"
I agree
I agree

Joe Smithson
@Michael MacKenzie
No it;'s because a report about her spending and gift taking came out
No it;'s because a report about her spending and gift taking came out

David Amos
@Joe Smithson Good Point Sir
Nikki Haley's resignation comes one day after an ethics watchdog requested an investigation into her acceptance of free flights on private jets
Nikki Haley's resignation comes one day after an ethics watchdog requested an investigation into her acceptance of free flights on private jets
Nikki Haley resigning as U.S. ambassador to United Nations at year end
Haley represented Trump's hardline policies at UN, earning gratitude from Israel
CBC News· Posted: Oct 09, 2018 10:56 AM ET
Nikki Haley is resigning from her post as United States ambassador to the United Nations effective at the end of 2018, with President Donald Trump indicating he had advance warning she would leave.
"Big announcement with my friend Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Oval Office at 10:30am," Trump wrote on Twitter ahead of their Tuesday morning meeting.
Trump accepted the resignation and said at the meeting with reporters present that Haley had told him months ago she intended to serve for less than two years. Trump was effusive in his praise of Haley, saying she could have "her pick" of roles if she decided to come back to the administration.
Haley called the ambassadorship "an honour of a lifetime" and pointed to moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, cutting the UN budget by $1.3 billion US and helping to broker an arms embargo in South Sudan as accomplishments.
Haley has been the face of Trump's "America First" policy at the United Nations, steering the U.S. withdrawal from several UN programs and ardently defending his hardline policies against Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs.
After an anonymous essay in the New York Times from an administration official brought up the spectre of Trump's competence for the presidency, Haley wrote a defence in a Washington Post op-ed.
"I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country," wrote Haley. "But I don't agree with the president on everything."
Praise from Lindsay Graham
While thanking her husband and two children for their support on Tuesday, Haley said the reasons for her departure weren't personal.
"I think it's very important for government officials to understand when it's time to step aside," she said.
The move will raise speculation about her political future nonetheless.
Nikki Haley has a very bright future and will be a key player in both the future of the Republican Party and our nation as a whole for years to come.
Haley, 46, served as South Carolina's governor from 2011 until she was nominated by Trump to the UN post, a move that surprised some observers given her lack of foreign policy experience.
As well, Haley had campaigned for Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, with Trump at one point tweeting "the people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley."

Haley said she has no intention of running for office in 2020 and promised to campaign for Trump.
Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey thanked Haley for her service in a statement but decried the surprise resignation as "yet another sign of the Trump administration's chaotic foreign policy." The White House in less than two years has seen Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster depart, with Mike Pompeo moved after just a short time as CIA director to fill the Tillerson vacancy.
'Arrogant discourse': UN Palestinian rep
United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres expressed on Tuesday his "deep appreciation for the excellent co-operation and support" Haley provided, his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
"They had a very productive and strong working relationship," Dujarric told reporters.
Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, praised Haley on social media, saying she'd "always be a true friend to the State of Israel."

Riyad Mansour, observer to the UN for the Palestinians, has previously accused Haley of "arrogant discourse" and "becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves."
When Mansour moved to speak in May at a UN Security Council session in the wake of dozens of Palestinian deaths near the Israeli-Gaza border, Haley walked out.
Canada has yet to officially comment, but just last week Marc-Andre Blanchard, Canadian ambassador to the UN, praised Haley's stewardship last month of the Security Council presidency.
While a resolution declaring "null and void" the U.S.'s recognition last year of Jerusalem as Israel's capital passed 128-9, Canada was one of about three-dozen countries to abstain from the vote.
Haley's replacement will require confirmation by the Senate, with over one-third of the seats in that legislative body being contested in next month's midterm elections. Haley was confirmed with 96 of 100 votes.
Trump said he would name a replacement in two to three weeks.
With files from Reuters
Nikki Haley resigning as U.S. ambassador to United Nations at year end
Haley represented Trump's hardline policies at UN, earning gratitude from Israel
CBC News· Posted: Oct 09, 2018 10:56 AM ET
Nikki Haley announced Tuesday she would resign from her post as United States ambassador to the United Nations effective at the end of 2018, and President Donald Trump is already publicly considering who should replace her.
Trump accepted Haley's resignation and said at the meeting with reporters present that she had told him months ago she intended to serve for less than two years. Trump was effusive in his praise of Haley, saying she could have "her pick" of roles if she decided to come back to the administration.
But just hours after Haley's announcement, Trump had already begun speculating on who could replace Haley, indicating that a short list of five people had been created and that it included Dina Powell, his former deputy national security adviser.
Trump told reporters outside the White House that he has heard his daughter Ivanka's name being discussed for the post. He said he was certain Ivanka would be "incredible" in the role, but added he knows if he selected her he'd be accused of nepotism.
"I've heard a lot of names. I've heard Ivanka. The people that know, it's nothing to do with nepotism. But I want to tell you, the people that know, know that Ivanka would be dynamite," Trump said.
Watch as Trump talks about possible replacements, including his daughter Ivanka:

The National
Trump says his daughter Ivanka would be 'dynamite' as U.S. ambassador to the UN
"I know that the president will nominate a formidable replacement for Ambassador Haley. That replacement will not be me," she tweeted.
It is an honor to serve in the White House alongside so many great colleagues and I know that the President will nominate a formidable replacement for Ambassador Haley. That replacement will not be me.
Earlier Tuesday, Haley called the ambassadorship "an honour of a lifetime" and pointed to moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, cutting the UN budget by $1.3 billion US and helping to broker an arms embargo in South Sudan as accomplishments.
Haley has been the face of Trump's "America First" policy at the United Nations, steering the U.S. withdrawal from several UN programs and ardently defending his hardline policies against Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs.
"Now the United States is respected," she said. "Countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do. They know that if we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
After an anonymous essay in the New York Times from an administration official brought up the spectre of Trump's competence for the presidency, Haley wrote a defence in a Washington Post op-ed.
"I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country," wrote Haley. "But I don't agree with the president on everything."
'True agent of reform'
While thanking her husband and two children for their support on Tuesday, Haley said the reasons for her departure weren't personal.
"I think it's very important for government officials to understand when it's time to step aside," she said.
The move will raise speculation about her political future nonetheless.
Nikki Haley has a very bright future and will be a key player in both the future of the Republican Party and our nation as a whole for years to come.
Haley, 46, served as South Carolina's governor from 2011 until she was nominated by Trump to the UN post, a move that surprised some observers given her lack of foreign policy experience.
As well, Haley had campaigned for Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, with Trump at one point tweeting "the people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley."

Haley said she has no intention of running for office in 2020 and promised to campaign for Trump.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina praised Haley as "a true agent of reform when it came to the United Nations" and predicted she would be heard from again in national politics.
Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey thanked Haley for her service in a statement but decried the surprise resignation as "yet another sign of the Trump administration's chaotic foreign policy." The White House in less than two years has seen Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster depart, with Mike Pompeo moved after just a short time as CIA director to fill the Tillerson vacancy.
'Arrogant discourse': UN Palestinian rep
United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres expressed on Tuesday his "deep appreciation for the excellent co-operation and support" Haley provided, his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
"They had a very productive and strong working relationship," Dujarric told reporters.
Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, praised Haley on social media, saying she'd "always be a true friend to the State of Israel."

Riyad Mansour, observer to the UN for the Palestinians, has previously accused Haley of "arrogant discourse" and "becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves."
When Mansour moved to speak in May at a UN Security Council session in the wake of dozens of Palestinian deaths near the Israeli-Gaza border, Haley walked out.
Marc-André Blanchard, Canada's ambassador to the UN, tweeted Tuesday that Haley "should be proud" of her accomplishments as ambassador.
"I have so enjoyed working with you and even more getting to know you as a friend," Blanchard tweeted.
.@nikkihaley you should be proud of all you have accomplished @UN. I have so enjoyed working with you and even more getting to know you as a friend. Best to you, Michael, Rena and Nalin.
While a resolution declaring "null and void" the U.S.'s recognition last year of Jerusalem as Israel's capital passed 128-9, Canada was one of about three-dozen countries to abstain from the vote.
Haley's replacement will require confirmation by the Senate, with over one-third of the seats in that legislative body being contested in next month's midterm elections. Haley was confirmed with 96 of 100 votes.
With files from The Associated Press and Reuters
Haley's replacement will require confirmation by the Senate, with over one-third of the seats in that legislative body being contested in next month's midterm elections. Haley was confirmed with 96 of 100 votes.
With files from The Associated Press and Reuters