Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks a liberal or a conservative by any other name would smell as corrupt N'esy Pas?



Replying to and 49 others
Methinks the LIEbranos and their nasty spin doctors within CBC are expecting a similar outcome to the election in Quebec tomorrow as the results in New Brunswick last week N'esy Pas?


Political twists mean the Quebec election is now too close to call


Ahead of Quebec's election, polls indicate François Legault's CAQ is close to winning a majority

CAQ holds narrow lead over incumbent Liberals, but edge among francophones could be decisive

Coalition Avenir Québec Leader François Legault is on track to win the most seats in Monday's provincial election. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)


Jonathan Murphy 
Jonathan Murphy
Canadians have woken up to the failure of liberalism everywhere. Provincial liberal governments are falling across the country because people are fed up with fiscal mismanagement, lecturing and virtue signalling. Hopefully the federal liberal government are sent packing next fall and Mr. Trudeau can simply return to his inherited millions and not do any more damage to this country.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jonathan Murphy I agree to a point.

Methinks I would like to see the outcome in this election in Quebec and the federal one next year yield minority governments with polling results just like what the folks in New Brunswick were treated to last week. Maybe then we would finally get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

 Jonathan Murphy 
steve martin
The Exorcism of liberals province by province is sure fun to watch

David Amos
David Amos
@steve martin Welcome to the Circus

 Jonathan Murphy 
ralph jacobs
I think the present Liberal government has turned a lot of Canadians off the Liberal party.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@ralph jacobs Methinks Harper 2.0 and his old buddy Maxime love to read such things posted in CBC. However its rather strange that your comment was not disabled N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@ralph jacobs I agree

 Jonathan Murphy 
Rob Preston
Get rid of the liberals Quebec and be proud again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rob Preston Who said they were not?

 Jonathan Murphy 
Roger Jerome
Trudeau owns liberal failure

David Amos
David Amos
@Roger Jerome Nope Methinks his puppet masters do After all he is just following their orders N'esy Pas?

Terry R Avante 
Terry R Avante
Bye bye liberals. Coast to coast there is a cleansing taking place. The feds will be next. The root of division in Canada, the party that attends trade demanding gender equality as 73% of our export is for goods and services not values. The party that has its face in every facet of Canadian’s lives. How much tax dollars are now being funnelled into Quebec in an effort to prop up the liberal party there? Time for a federal cleansing.

Ken Douglas
Ken Douglas
@Terry R Avante
Yes, a year and a half ago the BC Liberals were toppled after taking a $5M bribe to approve the TMX expansion. Not $5M to the province, $5M to the party.....the party so far right they almost fell off.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ken Douglas Methinks a liberal or a conservative by any other name would smell as corrupt N'esy Pas?

 David Kane 
David Kane
The only one who truly loves Trudeau , is Trudeau ,...….seems the votes lately show that , but the media tries to spin everyone loves the narcissist

Robbie Adams
Robbie Adams
@David Kane ..""""The only one who truly loves Trudeau , is Trudeau ,""

I'm sure his wife and kids love him

Reid Fleming
Reid Fleming
@Robbie Adams Is not being seen in the public eye together for many months an expression of love, or something else? Justin seems to be flying solo these days...

David Amos
David Amos
@David Kane "everyone loves the narcissist"

Of course just the dude many Yankees call "The Donald"

 Jonathan Murphy 
mo bennett
all aboard justin's gravy train boys! well, for a year and a couple of weeks anyway.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@mo bennett I will lay odds you are already on board and have your belly against the the pork barrel N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett YO MO Methinks its not fair that you can tease me but I can't do the same to you N'esy Pas?

 Jonathan Murphy 
Ernie Zimmerman
Soon to be another liberal party gone in Canada. The trudeau liberal government is next. Goodbye liberals.

steve curtis
steve curtis
@Ernie Zimmerman
Can't be soon enough!

Ernie Zimmerman
Ernie Zimmerman
@steve curtis
I agree.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ernie Zimmerman Me Too

 Jonathan Murphy 
Dave MacDonald
This is historic.The most left wing province in Canada is about to elect a right wing government .

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Dave MacDonald workers finally looked at their bank accounts.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave MacDonald Methinks that is a telling thing N'esy Pas?

Ahead of Quebec's election, polls indicate François Legault's CAQ is close to winning a majority

CAQ holds narrow lead over incumbent Liberals, but edge among francophones could be decisive

Coalition Avenir Québec Leader François Legault is on track to win the most seats in Monday's provincial election. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

When Quebec's election campaign began 38 days ago, Coalition Avenir Québec Leader François Legault was the favourite to win a majority government. A few gaffes and ill-defined policy proposals later, Legault's odds of securing that majority have dropped to no better than a coin-toss.

But if he has a little luck on his side, the ingredients are there for the centre-right CAQ to reach the 63-seat mark necessary to control Quebec's National Assembly — despite his party enjoying the support of less than one-in-three Quebecers.

The CBC Quebec Poll Tracker, an aggregation of all publicly released polling data, suggests that the CAQ sits at 31.8 per cent support. That puts it narrowly ahead of Philippe Couillard's Liberals, who have 30.1 per cent support.

(The Poll Tracker will be updated on Sunday should any polls be published. Check back here for the latest numbers.)

That's a much narrower margin than the eight-point lead the CAQ held over the Liberals early in the campaign. But it isn't Couillard nor Jean-François Lisée and the Parti Québécois, which stands at 18.8 per cent support, who have been most responsible for the CAQ's slide in the polls.

Instead, Manon Massé's left-wing Québec Solidaire has had the momentum over the last few weeks.

The party, which captured just 7.6 per cent of the vote in the 2014 provincial election, is now averaging 16.3 per cent in the polls.

Despite the small gap between the CAQ and the Liberals, there is little polling uncertainty in where the parties stand. The three most recent polls of the campaign, published by Ipsos/La Presse-Global News, Mainstreet Research/Groupe Capitale Médias, and Léger/Le Journal de Montréal this past week, differ by no more than two points between any of the parties.
That indicates the stability there has been in the numbers. The CAQ has registered between 29 and 32 per cent support in nine consecutive polls, though the latest results all suggest a modest rebound at the expense of the PQ. The last six polls have put the Liberals between 29 and 31 per cent.
There are still, however, a lot of unknowns going into Monday's election.

CAQ majority?

The Poll Tracker suggests there is a 50 per cent chance that the CAQ will win at least the 63 seats required to form a majority government.

Their range of seats runs from 48 to 81, a wide band suggesting plenty of close contests throughout the province — some of them involving all four major parties.

The Liberals are estimated to have about a one-in-12 chance of winning the most seats, a result of their historically low support among francophones. The party is projected to win between 29 and 55 seats — well short of the majority threshold. But there is enough overlap with the CAQ that the Liberals could emerge with more seats, particularly if their support is underestimated in the polls.

The Parti Québécois is at risk of losing official party status in the National Assembly, which requires at least 12 seats or 20 per cent of the popular vote. The polls suggest the party may fall short of the latter, while the projection model puts them at 11 seats. However, they are involved in many tight races — trailing the CAQ by five points or less in seven ridings according to the Poll Tracker — so a small bump at the ballot box could make a big difference.

Parti Québécois Leader Jean-François Lisée is running third place in the polls. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)
As for Québec Solidaire, which held only three seats at dissolution, the party could double or even triple its representation in the National Assembly. The model awards the party nine seats — as many as six on the island of Montreal, its traditional base of support, but also one in Quebec City and two in the rest of the province — but sees a potential for even more upsets if the party's momentum continues through to Monday.

But QS could easily fall short of this target, as the party is strongest among young voters, who historically have a low turnout rate.

Legault holds decisive lead among francophones

No party in Quebec has won a majority government with less than 38 per cent of the vote, making the coin-toss odds for a CAQ victory at under 32 per cent a historical anomaly.

But the CAQ has a number of decisive advantages over its rivals. The most important is its support among francophones, estimated to be 37 per cent by the Poll Tracker. That gives the CAQ a 14-point lead over the PQ, which sits at just 23 per cent support. Québec Solidaire is tied with the Liberals at 19 per cent.

Québec Solidaire co-spokesperson Manon Massé could lead her party to a breakthrough off the island of Montreal. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)
Francophones make up about two-thirds or more of the population in 100 of Quebec's 125 ridings, so the CAQ's wide lead among this demographic gives them a key edge in their potential seat count.

Regionally, it translates into commanding leads in the Quebec City region and the suburbs around the island of Montreal, and in the rest of the province outside of the two major urban centres.

Only in Montreal do the Liberals hold a lead, thanks to their dominance among non-francophones. The CAQ is about 30 points behind the Liberals on the island, suggesting they may struggle to win their first seat there. But there is little additional ground in Montreal for the Liberals to gain.

Majority, minority, red or blue?

Put together, the numbers suggest that the CAQ is very likely to win the most seats and has a good chance of squeaking by with a majority government. Those chances will improve if the Parti Québécois, floundering in the final week, continues to bleed support to the CAQ.

The CAQ would also benefit even if the PQ loses voters to QS instead, as the CAQ and QS are not competing for many ridings, whereas the CAQ and the PQ are.

Quebec Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard hasn't been able to make significant gains for his party in this campaign. (Jacques Boissinot/Canadian Press)
But all is not lost for the Liberals. They have a historical tendency to out-perform their polls. That may not happen in this election — particularly since the possibility of a referendum on Quebec
independence, an issue that has helped drive undecided voters to the Liberals, has been taken off the table by the PQ. But in 2012, the Liberals were on track for a third-place showing. Instead, they emerged just four seats and less than one percentage point short of the Parti Québécois.

That was a different campaign, however, with three parties splitting the vote between them almost equally. That is not the case in 2018, with the PQ on track for its worst showing and QS changing the electoral landscape in the province.

The margin between the CAQ and the Liberals looks close. It could end up that way on Monday. But there is very good reason to believe that Legault, after failing to deliver in his last two campaigns as leader, is finally on track to win.

Join us tonight at 6 p.m. ET for a live election Q&A with our political and polling experts Jonathan Montpetit and Éric Grenier on our Facebook page.  

About the Author

Éric Grenier
Politics and polls
Éric Grenier is a senior writer and the CBC's polls analyst. He was the founder of ThreeHundredEight.com and has written for The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post Canada, The Hill Times, Le Devoir, and L’actualité.

Political twists mean the Quebec election is now too close to call

Liberal leader Philippe Couillard, left to right, PQ leader Jean-François Lisée, CAQ leader Francois Legault and Quebec Solidaire leader Manon Massé shake hands before their English debate Monday, September 17, 2018 in Montreal, Que. (THE CANADIAN PRESS)

The outcome of Quebec's Oct. 1 election is still far from certain.

About six weeks ago, polls showed Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard was destined to lose to François Legault, leader of the Coalition Avenir Québec. But the tide has turned during the campaign.

The Liberals and the CAQ are now neck-and-neck. If either wins a minority of seats, the other parties in contention will hold the balance of power: the Parti Québecois, led by Jean-François Lisée or Québec Solidaire, co-founded by Manon Massé.

The PQ used to be one of the two leading parties in the province, but it has lost significant ground during this election.

"That is the party that is self-destroying in front of our eyes, that is the true drama of what's going on here," journalist and filmmaker Francine Pelletier told The Sunday Edition's host Michael Enright.

"Will the Parti Québecois be, essentially, a shadow of itself as of October second?"

Lise Ravary, a columnist for The Montreal Gazette and Le Journal de Montréal, has covered many provincial elections, but none quite like this one.

Weeks ago, CAQ Leader Francois Legault had a significant lead in the polls. But the tide has turned during the campaign. (THE CANADIAN PRESS)
"We have four parties competing and all four of them, in one way or another, are contenders," she said.

According to Pelletier, the usual tension of federalism versus separatism has been replaced with a left-right split in this election, with two parties on either side of the divide.

"If you compare the CAQ with the Liberals, there's hardly any difference. Even though François Legault is more to the right of Philippe Couillard, he is no Donald Trump, he's not even a Doug Ford," she said. "The one question this election poses is 'Whither the left?'"
Immigration and identity politics were not as dominant an issue during the campaign as many expected they would be. The CAQ advocated for reduced immigration levels, compulsory courses in French and a mandatory Quebec "values test" for newcomers.
"But it wasn't the emotional issue we lived through when we went through the 'reasonable accommodation' debate," said Ravary. (In 2008, two commissioners in Quebec held months of public hearings on the impact of religious accommodation on Quebec's identity and values.)

Both women predict the CAQ will win the upcoming election. Ravary forecasts a majority government, while Pelletier believes the party will have a minority of seats and will have to form a coalition.

Click 'listen' above to hear the interview.

 Commenting is now closed for this story.

Robert Edward Cox 
Robert Edward Cox
Do I need this opinion in this story about "neck and neck" to form my decision on how to vote? Is this a useful piece of information? Or does it cloud the decision a person would make with a fanciful interpretation of reality? I already voted, in order to skip the last-minute hysteria in the media - and it's a secret ballot, which I won't be revealing, so that "polls" cannot be accurate if people don't proclaim their choices.

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