David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
![Greg Gore (formerly Greggore)]()
Brent Grywinski
![David Amos]()
![Rob Kov]()
![david mccaig]()
![David Amos]()
![david mccaig]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Rob Kov]()
![Bill Nazarene]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Eliza Egan
![Bill Nazarene]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Barbara Leblanc
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Kathy Altenhofen
![David Amos]()
![Kevin Delaney]()
Kevin Delaney
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Dax Randall]()
Dax Randall
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Chris Maurier
![David Amos]()
Alain Le Brun
![Lauren Corrado]()
![David Amos]()
Albert Grove
![David Amos]()
Phillip Minias, 46, owner of Snax Express, reads the Boston Globe on Wednesday in Boston. The U.S. news media have launched a campaign aimed at countering the president's attacks on the press. (Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images)
Hundreds of U.S. newspapers devoted print space on Thursday to a co-ordinated defence of media freedom and a rebuke of President Donald Trump for saying some media organizations are enemies of the American people.
The Boston Globe and the New York Times took part in the push along with more than 350 other newspapers of all sizes, including some in states that Trump won during the 2016 presidential election.
At least one Canadian newspaper, the Toronto Star, also participated.
The Globe said it co-ordinated publication among the newspapers and carried details of it on a database on its website.
The Globe's editorial accused Trump of carrying out a "sustained assault on the free press."
"The greatness of America is dependent on the role of a free press to speak the truth to the powerful," it said. "To label the press 'the enemy of the people' is as un-American as it is dangerous to the civic compact we have shared for more than two centuries."
In February 2017, for example, he tweeted:
On Thursday morning, Trump again took to Twitter to criticize the news media.
His comments reflect a view held by many conservatives that most newspapers and other news outlets distort, make up or omit facts because of a bias against them.
The Times editorial said it is right to criticize the media for underplaying or overplaying stories or for getting something wrong in a story.
"News reporters and editors are human, and make mistakes. Correcting them is core to our job," it said. "But insisting that truths you don't like are 'fake news' is dangerous to the lifeblood of democracy. And calling journalists the 'enemy of the people' is dangerous, period."
Thursday's co-ordinated editorials were criticized by some in the media, including a CBS News commentary that described them as a "self-defeating act of journalistic groupthink."
"Seriously, who's going to be persuaded by this effort, or be impressed that a few hundred newspapers can hum the same tune? Who's even going to notice?" the commentary asked.
In January, U.S. Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, said Trump had embraced the despotic language of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.
With files from CBC News and The Associated Press

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks the FBI, the Boston Globe and legions of others are gonna hate reviewing an email I sent them in June. CBC blocking my comments today made the matter even more comical N'esy Pas?

Hundreds of U.S. newspapers run editorials rebuking Trump for attacks on the media
Boston Globe accuses president of carrying out 'sustained assault' on journalists

Brent Grywinski
Authoritarians absolutely hate dissent. It makes it much harder to control the sheep.

David Amos
@Brent Grywinski Welcome to the Circus

Kevin Delaney
Trump is running an attack on the American press. It is sustained. Trump insights his crowd at the rallies & mocks the press while they try & do their job. Putin also, upon taking power in Russia for the first time took action against a Russian press. Putin was successful. Trump must be challenged.
Americans need to wake up.
Americans need to wake up.

Rob Kov
@david mccaig "If you ever wondered why so many call the Americans no nothing voters, the dumbest most uniformed electorate on the planet, its because they deliberately being force fed information and news tailored to serve the best interest of their billionaire class owners"
So being openly opposed to Trump is clearly the message the billionaire class is trying to push is what your saying?
So being openly opposed to Trump is clearly the message the billionaire class is trying to push is what your saying?

david mccaig
@Kevin Delaney
How the billionaire class control Canadas news and information . CTV where half of Canada receive their news and information, is owned by Bell Canada ,who ate in turn owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC an American global private equity investment firm focused on media, communications, education and information investments. The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions as well as growth capital investments and has invested in more than 140 companies globally .
How the billionaire class control Canadas news and information . CTV where half of Canada receive their news and information, is owned by Bell Canada ,who ate in turn owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC an American global private equity investment firm focused on media, communications, education and information investments. The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions as well as growth capital investments and has invested in more than 140 companies globally .

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David Amos
@Kevin Delaney Methinks I must confess that I am laughing so hard I can't even think of where to begin to comment about how comical this article is to me Sometimes less is more N'esy Pas?
Check this out if you wish while I give the Boston Globe a call
Check this out if you wish while I give the Boston Globe a call

david mccaig
@david mccaig
OK I'll come Clean , BELL Canada isn't owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC an American global private equity investment firm focused on media, communications, education and information investments, BUT in 2008 they tried to buy BELL Canada and they came very close to making it a reality.
OK I'll come Clean , BELL Canada isn't owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC an American global private equity investment firm focused on media, communications, education and information investments, BUT in 2008 they tried to buy BELL Canada and they came very close to making it a reality.

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David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "Bell Canada ,who ate in turn owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC an American global private equity investment firm focused on media, communications, education and information investments. The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions as well as growth capital investments and has invested in more than 140 companies globally"
Methinks you are entitled to know that you just informed me of something I did not know N'esy Pas? .
Methinks you are entitled to know that you just informed me of something I did not know N'esy Pas? .

David Amos
@david mccaig Here is what I did not know
"Cope sits on the board of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) and was instrumental in the firing of Toronto Maple Leafs general manager Brian Burke after BCE acquired MLSE"
"Cope sits on the board of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) and was instrumental in the firing of Toronto Maple Leafs general manager Brian Burke after BCE acquired MLSE"

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David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney Methinks you are entitled to know that I talked to and emailed several Yankees who are in charge of the Boston Globe just like I said I would once I quit laughing N'esy Pas?

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David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "OK I'll come Clean , BELL Canada isn't owned by Providence Equity Partners LLC "
Methinks as a reward for your sudden fit of ethics i should tell you may enjoy reading all the comment with the comment section of this article which contains a message to me from the General Counsel of BCE in 2004 We all know why the Boston Globe will never write about it N'esy Pas?
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious
Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is
no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the
process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it
in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We
will then provide you with a reply.
Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7
Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877
Methinks as a reward for your sudden fit of ethics i should tell you may enjoy reading all the comment with the comment section of this article which contains a message to me from the General Counsel of BCE in 2004 We all know why the Boston Globe will never write about it N'esy Pas?
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious
Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is
no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the
process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it
in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We
will then provide you with a reply.
Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7
Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877

David Amos
@Rob Kov Methinks I am the only one to notice that the 2nd "Most Liked" thread went "POOF" N'esy Pas?

Rob Kov
@David Amos oh I did pick up on that lol, not many did I bet.
Did you see my quoted comment in this very thread now has 4 down votes including my own?
"@Kevin Delaney all children deserve free healthcare and education and a loving family.
Now I'm doing to down vote my comment once, let's see how many more down vote my comment just based on me being the one who made it without ever reading it."
Did you see my quoted comment in this very thread now has 4 down votes including my own?
"@Kevin Delaney all children deserve free healthcare and education and a loving family.
Now I'm doing to down vote my comment once, let's see how many more down vote my comment just based on me being the one who made it without ever reading it."

Bill Nazarene
@Neil Turv
"Personally every time I see any blanket generalizations about liberals conservatives or any large group I shudder..."
Well, the Alt-Reich makes 'blanket generalizations' about race, religion, gender. We all know who they support and how they vote. Enough of looking the other way. You'll just be loaded onto the back of a truck a little later than some.
"Personally every time I see any blanket generalizations about liberals conservatives or any large group I shudder..."
Well, the Alt-Reich makes 'blanket generalizations' about race, religion, gender. We all know who they support and how they vote. Enough of looking the other way. You'll just be loaded onto the back of a truck a little later than some.

David Amos
@Bill Nazarene Methinks whereas you are speaking in the defense of liberals and democrats perhaps I should reminds you of tainted blood N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Rob Kov "oh I did pick up on that lol, not many did I bet."
Methinks you should review your own words to me they are far from funny In fact they support Trump's argument about Fake News N'esy Pas?
Methinks you should review your own words to me they are far from funny In fact they support Trump's argument about Fake News N'esy Pas?

Eliza Egan
The role of the media in politics is an important one. They are supposed to be a substitute for the people, able to ask tough questions and share information they uncover. Attacking and undermining them is autocrat 101 because once people lose their eyes and their voice they have to rely on the government itself to provide answers and information. Every attack Trump makes against the media is an attack on America itself.

Bill Nazarene
@Scott Brown
Regardless of ownership, verifiably high journalistic standards utilized in service to the truth are at stake here. If there is conspiracy there, it's a conspiracy of truth.
Alex Jones and his ilk be damned.
Regardless of ownership, verifiably high journalistic standards utilized in service to the truth are at stake here. If there is conspiracy there, it's a conspiracy of truth.
Alex Jones and his ilk be damned.

David Amos
@Brent Grywinski "Authoritarians absolutely hate dissent. It makes it much harder to control the sheep."
Welcome to the Circus
Welcome to the Circus

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David Amos
@Bill Nazarene Methinks you believe in the truth so much then you should try to explain to me why CBC deletes entire threads and sometimes even whole comments sections after they have been published N'esy Pas?

Barbara Leblanc
Well Donald, your dream has come true. Pretty much everyone in the world is talking about YOU. Problem is YOU are not paying attention to what they are saying. The admiration is very limited, the disgust and disdain are palpable. Seems you have wasted a golden opportunity and privilege to advance democracy.

David Amos
@Karen King "In the entertainment industry there is no such thing as bad news, he thinks that is the line of work he is in."
Methinks The Donald is the ringmaster of the Circus called the US Congress which the Greatest Show On Earth N'esy Pas?
Methinks The Donald is the ringmaster of the Circus called the US Congress which the Greatest Show On Earth N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Greg Gore (formerly Greggore) Methinks the most important thing the Liberals just can't figure it out is what if they got their wish and Trump were to be removed from office today his fan base who elected would not fade away or go quietly into the night N'esy Pas?

Kathy Altenhofen
The enemy of the people is currently inhabiting the WH.

David Amos
@Kathy Altenhofen Methinks you must admit that there are a lot of people who elected him to speak for them that would strongly disagree with you N'esy Pas?

Kevin Delaney
Trump has attacked the American media. The Republican Party has been silent re that attack.
Hard to understand that betrayal. However is was also hard to understand how the birther movement was broadcast & sustained by Trump for so long until one considers the silence of the Republican Party. How could the GOP fail their nation so badly??
Hard to understand that betrayal. However is was also hard to understand how the birther movement was broadcast & sustained by Trump for so long until one considers the silence of the Republican Party. How could the GOP fail their nation so badly??

David Amos
@Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite) "That's hilariously awful".
Methinks a lot of folks think you are hilariously awful too N'esy Pas?
Methinks a lot of folks think you are hilariously awful too N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Edward Peter I concur

Dax Randall
Weakest President ever. Mueller is coming.

David Amos
@Dax Randall Methinks somebody you trust should inform you that Mr Mueller is a joke N'esy Pas?

Jed Took
worst POTUS ever

David Amos
@Jed Took Methinks Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama were so bad that their many wrongs created the Trump presidency N'esy Pas?

Chris Maurier
I Guess if Some are gullible enough to believe Alex Jones they would fall for Trumps BS. Also..

David Amos
@ Chris Maurier Methinks you overlook the silent majority who don't believe Trump or any other political hero and their spin doctors either That is why we don't vote N'esy Pas?

Alain Le Brun
A coordinated Fake attack!!!!
Trump will continue to attack the press and his "base" will eat it up...
Trump will continue to attack the press and his "base" will eat it up...

Lauren Corrado
@Karen King And King is the Queen of Canadian Fake News.

David Amos
@Lauren Corrado True

Albert Grove
"The pen is mightier than the sword"

David Amos
@Albert Grove "The pen is mightier than the sword"
Methinks if you believe that to be true then perhaps you should check my work N'esy Pas?
Methinks if you believe that to be true then perhaps you should check my work N'esy Pas?
Hundreds of U.S. newspapers run editorials rebuking Trump for attacks on the media
Boston Globe accuses president of carrying out 'sustained assault' on journalists

Hundreds of U.S. newspapers devoted print space on Thursday to a co-ordinated defence of media freedom and a rebuke of President Donald Trump for saying some media organizations are enemies of the American people.
The Boston Globe and the New York Times took part in the push along with more than 350 other newspapers of all sizes, including some in states that Trump won during the 2016 presidential election.
At least one Canadian newspaper, the Toronto Star, also participated.
The Globe said it co-ordinated publication among the newspapers and carried details of it on a database on its website.
The greatness of America is dependent on the role of a free press to speak the truth to the powerful.- Boston Globe editorialEach paper ran an editorial, which is usually an unsigned article that reflects the opinion of an editorial board on a particular subject, and is separate from the news and other sections in a paper.
The Globe's editorial accused Trump of carrying out a "sustained assault on the free press."
"The greatness of America is dependent on the role of a free press to speak the truth to the powerful," it said. "To label the press 'the enemy of the people' is as un-American as it is dangerous to the civic compact we have shared for more than two centuries."
Recurrent attacks on media
Trump has frequently criticized journalists and described news reports that contradict his opinion or policy positions as "fake news."In February 2017, for example, he tweeted:
On Thursday morning, Trump again took to Twitter to criticize the news media.
His comments reflect a view held by many conservatives that most newspapers and other news outlets distort, make up or omit facts because of a bias against them.
The Times editorial said it is right to criticize the media for underplaying or overplaying stories or for getting something wrong in a story.
"Seriously, who's going to be persuaded by this effort, or be impressed that a few hundred newspapers can hum the same tune? Who's even going to notice?" the commentary asked.
In January, U.S. Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, said Trump had embraced the despotic language of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.
With files from CBC News and The Associated Press