Moncton economist Richard Saillant posted a graph comparing the increase in the net debt per capita between 2014-15 and this fiscal year, 2017-18, of four provinces: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. (CBC)
As a province of worsening fiscal conditions, he said, New Brunswick needs to acknowledge its financial problems sooner rather than later to avoid putting a financial burden on future generations.
For instance, the province has to acknowledge the student population is declining in New Brunswick, yet the government announced it would add to the number of teachers regardless of the decline in enrolment.
"You need to reshuffle money around from areas that need less money to areas that need more money," he said.
"Another way to govern is to say, 'Yes we're listening to voters but at the same time, we're facing a reality.'"
Spending on baby boomers — the first members of that group turned 72 this year — is growing "exponentially" as they age, from $6,000 per capita at age 65 to $25,000 per capita at age 85, he said.
"There's a big mountain ahead of us, we had leeway to get prepared for it," Saillant said. "We should never have gotten into debt as we did."
Ever since the first baby boomer retired, he said, New Brunswick's long-term growth is four times slower than it was before.
After reviewing the budget, the Dominion Bond Rating Service changed New Brunswick's economic trend assessment from "stable" to "negative" in February, although it kept the credit rating of A.
![Richard Saillant’s A Tale of Two Countries outlines the demographic crisis facing Nova Scotia. (Contributed) Richard Saillant’s A Tale of Two Countries outlines the demographic crisis facing Nova Scotia. (Contributed)]()
Richard Saillant, a former federal government staffer has released his second book titled A Tale of Two Countries, says Ottawa will have to stage an intervention to ease Atlantic Canada’s demographic freefall.
In his book, he warns that Nova Scotia’s population will drop to just 933,900 people by 2038, down from its 2013 figure of 940,800. He says this decline is due to falling birth rates and out-migration. In addition, the province’s baby boomers are now retiring and half will be over 75 in 15 years, putting a major strain on health care.
“I’m afraid there’s no silver bullet. If there was one, politicians would have found it already,” said Saillant.
He said that the best answer to Nova Scotia’s looming demographic crisis was for Ottawa to step in to prop up universal health care and the welfare state in Nova Scotia to stop it from collapsing.
But Nova Scotia could also help itself by reforming and making the hospital and healthcare infrastructure — built in the 1950s and 1960s — more efficient and perhaps raising its HST.
Otherwise, health care costs will double from 10 per cent to 20 per cent of GDP by 2038, an unsustainable burden for Atlantic Canada.
“Unless Ottawa steps in, free universal health care in Atlantic Canada will be under tremendous stress,” said Saillant.
He also warned that there is no escaping the “laws of demographic gravity,” that have been building for the last 50 years under steadily falling birth rates.
Saillant said Nova Scotia’s median age is 44, reflecting an older population, whereas the prime age for having babies is in the mid-30s range.
One possible solution to Nova Scotia’s demographic crisis is increased immigration, but Saillant said immigrants, like many Canadians, will go where the jobs are.
Indeed, many Nova Scotians have gone west in recent years to provinces like Alberta, where oil and other jobs were plentiful before its recent recession.
This leaves aging baby boomers exiting the workforce without enough younger people to replace them.
“We are left with a disproportionately large share of baby boomers,” said Saillant.
As a result, Saillant’s book foresees two Canadas emerging: one will have growing populations that can afford to maintain the socioeconomic status quo in their provinces and a second facing potential ruin as welfare systems collapse.
In this second part of Canada — which would include Nova Scotia — average economic growth rates will likely be stuck below one per cent.
“There’s not much that can meaningfully alter this,” said Saillant. Nova Scotia faces a grim future of crumbling healthcare and an aging population as its economy grinds to a halt, warns a New Brunswick-based author.
![roger ouellette]()
Telephone: 506.858.4378
Telephone: 514.398.3242
Sébastien Breau is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at McGill University. He holds a B.Soc.Sc. (Economics) from the Université de Moncton, an M.A. in Economics from the Université Laval and a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of California, Los Angeles.
His research focuses on geographies of inequality, labour market dynamics, international trade and regional development. He has published in numerous international journals, including Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Urban Studies and Journal of Economic Geography.
![18197707 10158565302915134 701353474 n 2]()
Telephone: 506.858.4726
Maurice Basque is a historian and scientific consultant at Université de Moncton’s Institut d’études acadiennes. He was the first director of this Institut from 2007 to 2010 and, from 1997 to 2007, he was director of Acadian Studies at Université de Moncton. He holds a bachelor’s degree with a specialization in History, a bachelor’s degree in Education, a master’s degree in History, and he carried out doctoral studies at Université Laval.
His main areas of research are Acadian history, the history of women in Acadie and the history of Acadian political culture. He has published many books and articles on these themes and others, also on the various aspects of Acadian realities, in addition to having contributed to over twenty documentary films as a history expert.
Maurice Basque was president of the Association for Canadian Studies for many years, as well as the president of the Order of New Brunswick Advisory Council. He often makes media appearances and is invited on dozens of occasions to lecture and present papers every year.
![celine basque]()
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@;
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.;;
>; contactus@;
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 14:27:58 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To:, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "policy.karenforcanada@gmail. com"
<policy.karenforcanada@gmail. com>, "media.karenforcanada@gmail. com"
<media.karenforcanada@gmail. com>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<> , "marc.garneau.a1"
<>, ""
<>, ""
Cc: Jessica Hume <>, David Amos
<> , ""
Hey Ms Sims and Ms Hume
Remember me?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jessica Hume <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:14:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re XL Foods CFIA
Mr Amos, I just got your message and your emails. I apologize for my delay
- I've been on the 5am to noon shift and my sleep schedule's a little out
of wack, needless to say.
I'd love to chat. Will call you Monday.
Looking forward to it!
Have a great weekend and thank you so, so much for getting in touch.
Say Hey to Joyce Murray for me will ya?
Please ask her why she doesn't return calls or write back to pigheaded
Maritimers. Trust that her local liberal leader buddy McNeil, his corrupt
cop brothers and all ther nasty RCMP buddies know why I am far from
Halifax today
I tried Allen Rollin's number but he did not pick up. Surprise surprise EH?
Trust that if I can find your number Ms Sims your phone will be
ringing as I click
send on this email. I need a doublecheck on proof of contact tis all. If not
the folks in the BCC will at acknowledge that they received this email
as debate in Halifax is underway. v=pAUfAwL-MRg
Enjoy the debate today After you read this email later it may enlighten you
as to why some liberals behaved the way they did today. Need I say I have been
watching Sun Media closely these days? You report from my stomping grounds
and if you follow politics at all in the Maritimes you should know who I am.
If not ask your associates Ezzy Levant, David Akin and Jessica Hume to forward
to you all the emails I sent them. However this one about Harper, Brad Wall,
BHP and Potash Corp should be enough for any journalist to ask the liberals in
Halifax one simple question today EH? Please allow me to word it for you.
Who the Hell is David Amos and why is he so pissed off?
I must say both strange ladies hugging each other in a Church the other
night made me laugh. I bet they are praying that one does not spill the
beans on the other while May's old organization the Sierra Club and her CBC
buddy Sneaky Suzuki supports the unethical liberal Murray and her bid to be
the liberal leader and then join forces with the NDP against Harper. If the
liberal were smart they would pick Murrray but I agree that Justin is the
shoein for his fat daddy's old job and he will play right in Harper's hand
and decimate what is left of the liberal party.
The mindless Upper Canaainlawyers Coyne and Hall clearly know nothing
of Emera its doings with pipelines and electric grids in the Maritimes EH?
Everybody knows the lawyer Dizzy Lizzy May who once worked for Mulroney is a
closet Conservative who did a hostile take over of the the Green Party once
it began to get some support. Why would Justin Trudeau be any different?
Simply put in my humble opinion Layton, Dion (then Iggy now Rae), Dizzy
Lizzy May were always part of Harper's controlled opposition and I went to
great lengths to prove it in writing with registered mail to Dizzy Lizzy and
the Boyz way back in 2007.
The only hope I had lately that the liberals may change their evil ways came
from the non politician Karen McCrimmon but as I heard her speak on Skype
from my stomping grounds to Sun News this morning I gave up on her Integrity
in a heartbeat when she claimed that did not understand why Canada does not
get a fair price for its oil from Yankees. DUHHH??? NOBODY IS THAT DUMB. Its
called NAFTA. EVERYBODY knows it was engineered by Brian Mulroney and his
Maritime butt buddy Derek Burney and endorsed by liberal (Power Corp)
lawyers such as Chretien, Martin and the very evil mindless Maritme lawyers
such as Landslide Annie, Dominic Leblanc and Franky Boy Mckenna. Hell
Marimers largely give our natural resources away without any royalty to
speak of anyway. It was a small wonder to me why Harper made fun of us and
called us defeatists many years ago and claimed that he did not need the
Maritimes to have a majority govenemnt. Danny Boy Williams made him change
his thinking about that in 2008 N'esy Pas Ms Sims?.
When I heard Murray ask McCrimmon about the RCMP I got pissed off.
I know for a fact that military officers under the likes of the Maritme
lawyer Petey Baby Mackay can be very evil but I had hopes McCrimmon
broke the mold. However after talking to her people and her delibrate
ignorance I would have to say that she is no better than the MPs and the
lawyers she is running against. She is merely part of the circus annointing
Trudeau's mindless son. His obvious support of the greasy gassy oily boyz,
very corrupt cops and their many bankster pals is a telling thing indeed.
A front man's long eye lashes that impress the likes of Jessica Hume enough
to forget doing her job as a supposedly ethical journalist. (As one can see I
briefly had hopes that she was honest last December). However it does
prohibit an ugly olld Maritmer to register his indignation towards the
maliciuous nonsense of it all.
Does anyone even recall how many Canadian companies were taken over by
Yankee interests immediately after 0/11 2001??? How about the
arguments about the
soft wood tariffs? Howabout what I said about NAFT etc back in 2004?
Mulcair the ex liberal lawyer and bullshitting French citizen is making the
Bloc Orange support Harper's malice in a covert fashion and the Bob
Rae the ex NDP
lawyer is keeping all the liberals tow the line as well until he is
replaced by the good
looking idiot Trudeau.
All Conservatives will agree that old man Trudeau destroyed alot of the
Canada that our forefathers fought to create, defend and worked very
hard to build. Smiling Bastards such as Harper, Rae, Mulcair, Dizzy
Lizzy and young Trudeau are just continuing to play the same old
wicked game with greedy Yankees for their benefit not ours.
Shame on us all.
Anyone can feel free to call me anytime. Everybody knows I am not a shy man.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: <>; <>
Cc: "David Amos"<> ; "david.akin"
<>; "acampbell"<>; "jacques_poitras"
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:19 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE Harper, Potash, Nexen and the Chinese Whereas you people
don't believe me why not ask one of Nexen's Directors or BHP 's Chairman Jac
Nassar if I am a liar???
SEPTEMBER 26, 2012
For Immediate Release
OTTAWA – Vancouver MP Joyce Murray led off Question Period today in
the House of Commons by confronting the Prime Minister about the
government’s continued refusal to be transparent with Canadians.
Murray demanded, in both official languages, to know why the
government has refused to be open with Canadians about budget cuts,
procurement spending, and the percentage of foreign ownership the
government will permit in Canada’s natural resources sector.
“The Conservative government’s track record of concealing information
and spurning public oversight extends to all levels of public policy.
Controversies surrounding the true cost of the F-35 fighter jets and
the content of the proposed Nexen deal are simply the most recent in
the government’s long history of disrespect for accountability,” said
Murray. “Why is the Prime Minister refusing this access to Canadians,
who have the right to know what their elected representatives are
doing with taxpayer money?”
Murray’s comments came during Canada’s Right to Know Week, which aims
to raise awareness about how public access to government information
is a fundamental principle of democratic governance.
The transcript of Ms. Murray’s questions to the government is below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rachel Forbes <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:39:01 -0800
Subject: Re: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To: David Amos <>
Cc: David Amos <>
I didn't want you to hang up, I just wanted to ask you what you're
asking of me and also let you know I won't be able to look at this
material today
Please let me know how you are thinking we should or could be involved
Thank you
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Edmunds, Randy"<>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:28:22 -0330
Subject: RE: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To: David Amos <>
Hi Mr Amos
We seem to have gotten disconnected in our telephone conversation...Im
7 mins late for a caucas meeting, so If you could outline for me what
you issues are that are relevant to Aboriginal people in my District
and directly related to Muskrat falls it would be greatly appreciated.
Especially your statement on intent to sue the NL government on the
Muskrat falls issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail. com]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 9:13 AM
To: president; Edmunds, Randy; Jacques.Poitras
Cc: David Amos;; Broomfield, Ruth
Subject: Fwd: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To Contact Randy:
Telephone: (709) 729-3391
Toll Free: (800) 813-9157
Mailing Address: Office of the Official Opposition, 3rd Floor East
Block, P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
To Contact Ruth Broomfield - Constituency Assistant
Telephone: (709) 923-2471
Toll Free: (877) 923-2371
Mailing Address: Office of the Official Opposition, 3rd Floor East
Block, P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 07:53:42 -0400
Subject: LOTS of Dairy Farmers in New Brunswick know exactly who I am
ask Wayne Easter why EH Rob Moore?
To:,,,,,,,,,,, mclellana
<>,,,,,, policy.karenforcanada@gmail. com, , "justin.trudeau.a1"
<> , "marc.garneau.a1"
<>, pm <>
Cc: David Amos <> , "david.wilkins"
<david.wilkins@nelsonmullins. com>, "rob.moore.a1"
<>, Ashfik1a <>
Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick
PO Box 5034
Sussex, NB E4E 5L2
Voice: (506) 432-4330
Fax: (506) 432-4333
Just Dave
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Visitor's Time Feb 13 2013 9:56:59 am
Visit Number 18,950
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 18:11:25 -0300
Subject: RE Harper, Potash, Nexen and the Chinese Whereas you people
don't believe me why not ask one of Nexen's Directors or BHP 's
Chairman Jac Nassar if I am a liar???
Cc: "christian.paradis.a1"<christian.paradis.a1@parl.gc. ca>, David
Amos <> Governance/BoardofDirectors/ BoardBios/AnneMcLellan.aspx
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "Jessica Hume"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 10:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: The RCMP and ALL the greasy gassy and oily corporate and
bureaucratic lawyers MUST remember mean old me by now EH Landslide Annie?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 22:04:31 -0400
Subject: The RCMP and ALL the greasy gassy and oily corporate and
bureaucratic lawyers MUST remember mean old me by now EH Landslide Annie?
To:,,,, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>,, campaign
<>, josh steffler <>,
"justin.trudeau.a1"<> , "marco.morency"
< >, "marc.garneau.a1"
<>, hjk <>, radical
<>, MulcaT <>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
< >, maxnews <>,
"gregory.craig"<>, "greg.weston"
<>, cookgreg11 <>, "dean.buzza"
<>, "dean.delmastro.c1"
<> , dean <>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>
Cc: David Amos <> ,,, McLellanAAnne/
YOUR LETTER IS PAGE ONE of the file below
http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf
YOU wrote when you created a job for the corrupt cop Dean Buzza CORRECT???
http://www.thebottomlinenews. ca/index.php?section=article& articleid=333
Just Dave
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Time of Visit Dec 3 2012 8:33:10 am
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Visitor's Time Dec 3 2012 7:33:10 am
Visit Number 18,486
From: Elizabeth May <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:45:06 -0700
Subject: Thank you for your message / Merci pour votre courriel Re:
Your client Mr Harper should remember mean old me He and I crossed
paths bigtime in Sussex NB on June 19th, 2004
Thank you for your email. We will work to ensure that a response is
sent to you as soon as possible.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Nous ne
ménagerons aucun effort pour vous transmettre notre réponse dans les
meilleurs délais.
Leader's Office Correspondence Team
Équipe de correspondance du Bureau de la chef
Green Party of Canada
Parti vert du Canada
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 20:45:03 -0300
Subject: Your client Mr Harper should remember mean old me He and I
crossed paths bigtime in Sussex NB on June 19th, 2004
To:,, "bob.paulson"
<>,,, premier <>, "alan.white"
<>, acampbell <>,, leader <>,,
Cc: ,,
"corporate.relations@ \"Meagan.Fitzpatrick\""
<>, David Amos
<> ,, pm
Obviously that was many years before he had the questionable Mr
Clements stop your bid to scoop our Potash resources EH Mr Nasser? story/2012/07/19/pol-guergis- harper-lawsuit-thursday.html
miro kwasnicastandard
at 6:49 PM ETI can think of several Harper cabinet ministers who have
been proven of much more serious breaches of Government rules than
Guergis. Tony Clements & David Baird scooping $50million from the G20
funds because they could, Paradis, and his continual dubiuos
practices, Mackay and his continual bungling of the military
portfolio, and relying on lobbyists a set government policies and
priorities and constantly lying to cover up his personal uses of the
Military. Just today news that Clements and Paradis both have been
cautioned by the ethics commissioner for abusing ministerial power by
backing advertising claims of private companies.I would also see the
figures for all the court cases the Conservatives have spent on
fighting its own government.
More importantly Harper can't claim that his people, the RCMP and many
others who purportedly work for us instead of just Harper don't check
my work often N'esy Pas Ms May, Mr Mulcar and Mr Rae?
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----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: <>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 6:33 PM
Subject: Jessica Hume, 613-218-4455
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:46:06 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Cst Peddle ask the
nasty Newfy lawyer Tommy Boy Marshall why that is
To: "Wayne.Lang"<>, toewsv1
"bob.paulson"<>, David Amos
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
To: randyedmunds <>
Cc: David Amos <>
In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
affect the interests of every person in every district of every
country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
Here is why public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465- 72722b47e7f2
Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
following file
http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf DavidRaymondAmos/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400
Subject: Andre meet Biil Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow
who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP
To: wcsapo <>
Cc: occupyfredericton <>
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Your friends in Corridor or the Potash Corp or Bruce Northrup
or the RCMP should have told you about this stuff not I
To: "khalid"<>, "Wayne.Lang"
<>, ""
<>, ""<>,
"thenewbrunswicker"<>, "chiefape"
<>, "danfour"<>, "evelyngreene"
<>, "Barry.MacKnight"
<Barry.MacKnight@fredericton. ca>, "tom_alexander"
Cc: "thepurplevioletpress"<thepurplevioletpress@gmail. com>,
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 4:16 PM details/ PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape13 9 details/ FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
these are illegal
FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you
about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
the USDOJ for me will ya?
To: RBauer <>,,, msmith <>, bginsberg
<>, "gregory.craig"
<>, pm <>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
< >, MulcaT <>, leader
Cc:, David Amos <> ,,
QSLS Politics
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Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
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Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
Visit Number 29,419
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
the USDOJ for me will ya?
To: "RBauer"<>,,, "msmith"<>, "bginsberg"
<>, "gregory.craig"
<>, "pm"<>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
< >, "MulcaT"<>,
Cc:, "David Amos"<> ,,
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 10:10 AM
QSLS Politics
By Location Visit Detail
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Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
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State : District of Columbia
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Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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Visit Number 29,419
> SB1000142412788732459590457811 9412229102532.html
> partnerEmery.html
> document/dockets/000997- peterbmadofforder09- 01503docket77.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:50:17 -0300
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:21:08 -0400
> To: David Amos <> , USANYS-MADOFF
> <>, "Litt, Marc (USANYS)"<>
> Cc: webo <>,,,
> Thank you for your response.
> Wendy Olsen
> Victim Witness Coordinator
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
> To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> Cc: webo;;;
> Ms Olsen
> Thank you for keeping me informed.
> Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
> make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
> disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
> of Law within a purported democracy.
> As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
> wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
> privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
> protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
> The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
> aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
> the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
> pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
> was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
> trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
> secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
> poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
> are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
> beginning over seven years ago..
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 506 756 8687
> P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
> soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
> night.
> business/general/ articleid=1162354&f
> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# articleFull
> Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
> is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
> timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
> forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
> wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
> "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
> and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
> He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
> Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
> acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
> Putnam insiders.
> Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
> is in hot water again.
> Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
> private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
> investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
> enter the private sector," Scannell said."
> --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> To:, letterstoeditor@bostonherald. com, "oig"
> <>,,,
>, "Dan Fitzgerald"<>
> Cc:,,
> benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts. gov,
> Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
> Need I say BULLSHIT?
> business/general/ articleid=1162354&f
> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# articleFull
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
> To:,,
> ninkster@navigantconsulting. com,
> Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.,
>,, jacques_poitras
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
> To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. us, MartiK1 <>,
> "Paul. Harpelle"<>, Jason Keenan
> <>, Kandalaw <>
> Cc:,
> From: "Peck,Dave"<>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
> To: David Amos <>
> I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
> Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
> He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
> gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. us
> I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
> Thank you,
> Chief Dave Peck
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
> To:,,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
> To:
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
> In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
> received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
> victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. This
> includes your email to the Government. If the correspondence from
> victims is unsealed, the victim's personal identifying information
> including name, address, telephone number and email address (to the
> extent it was included on the correspondence) will become public. The
> Government must submit a response to the request by NBC and ABC by
> Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know whether you consent to
> the full disclosure of your correspondence, or whether you wish to
> have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy or other reasons.
> If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
> know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
> can. Thank you.
> I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
> emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
> reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
> chickenshits.
> I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
> never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
> with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> Cc: webo <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
> Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
> guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
> March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
> Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
> consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
> defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
> Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
> imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
> released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
> Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
> conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
> whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
> will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
> Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by the
> Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense counsel
> to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce its
> intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite individuals
> who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
> The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
> heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
> restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
> also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
> concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
> proceeding.
> A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
> be
> found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
> Southern District of New York:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
> To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
> USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> Cc: oig
> Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
> etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Sartory, Thomas J."<>
> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
> Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> To:
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
> Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
> While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
> Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
> help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
> attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
> will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
> We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
> Sincerely,
> Thomas J. Sartory
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
> To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.;
> Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? (902 800 0369)
> Post a comment:
> comment.g?blogID=11475858& postID=114783709674881631&ext- ref=comm-sub-email
> Unsubscribe to comments for this post:
> comment-unsubscribe.g?blogID= 11475858&postID= 114783709674881631
> Posted by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Friday, May 22, 2009
The following email can be found here
http://govinjustice.blogspot. com/2008/04/tjburke-letter-to- me.html
---- Original Message -----
From: "McKnight, Gisele"McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord. com
Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail. com
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: David Amos
Hello Lisa,
David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became
an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of
Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal).
I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
the candidates' debate held June 18.
As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
that ran, but this one is very similar.
A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG
Gisele McKnight editor
Kings County Record
Sussex, New Brunswick
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's
not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about."
What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, 'what the hell.'"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:01:00 -0300
Subject: RE John Conway of the University of Regina and his published
opinion of the demise of the NDP In SK
To:,, bwall
<>, premier <>,,,,,
Cc:, maritime_malaise <>,
Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton. com,,
"jacques.nasser"<jacques.nasser@bhpbilliton. com>, occupyfredericton
<>, "9.17occupywallstreet"
<9.17occupywallstreet@gmail. com>, occupyottawa
<> home/173-saskatchewan-ndp- faces-electoral-disaster john-conway
I don't believe John Conway knows as much as he thinks he does so he
deserved to be somewhat more enlightened EH Brad Wall? Rest assured
that I called him and told him as much as he wanted to know while
Lingenfelter's campain manager played as dumb as a post about my
However as dumb as Lingenfelter and his cohorts may pretend to be if
the NDP boss in SK truly practiced old style, right wing “take no
prisoners” politicking he who have embarassed the hell out of Brad
Wall last year with the letter from Jac Nasser to mean old me that is
hereto attached.
Anyone with two clues between their ears or even a dumb NDP dude would
know that BHP Billiton's Marius Kloppers visiting Brad Wall during an
election campaign is just no coincidence at all. Something smells
truly rotten indeed. However the only way to resolve my concerns is
byway of litigation CORRECT MR WALL?
http://www.winnipegfreepress. com/business/breakingnews/bhp- billiton-ceo-meets-with- saskatchewan-premier-during- election-campaign-131894618. html
Have your lawyers review the emials below and tell your Attorney
General to find the documents I sent his office byway REGISTERED US
MAIL in 2005 and tell them to give me a call if they have more BALLS
than you EH MR WALL?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:16:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: RE BHP's game I just called Bill Boyd and the NDP In SK
they played dumb as usual
To:, dlingenfelter@mla.legassembly.,,,,,
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and
his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my
son and I last night EH?
To: "MLA"<>, "kelly. lamrock"
<>, "jack. keir"<>,
"jack.macdougall"< >, "Ed. Doherty"
<>, ""<>,
""<>, "danfour"
<>, "Richard Harris"
<injusticecoalition@hotmail. com>, "tracy"<>, "nb.
premier"<>, "nbpolitico"<>,
Cc: "Wayne.Lang"<>, "rob.lafrance"
<>, "shawn. graham"<>,
"John. Foran"<>, "john"
<john@ johncampbellsaintjohnharbour. ca>, "krisaustin"
<>, "robin reid"<>, "tony"
<>, fortsaskatchewan.vegreville@,
"Barry.MacKnight"<Barry.MacKnight@fredericton. ca>, "Barry Winters"
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 6:25 PM
How dumb was that? I must ask did he expect the cops to arrest both of
us and then call us both crazy? Hell Urquhart even bragged in front of
the cops that he did the same shit on July 4th, 2008 That malicious
nonsense didn't work out too well for the long gone lawyer and former
Minister of Health Mikey Murphy partcularly after the nasty French
bastard Chucky Lebanc and hs pals violated my privacy and blogged
about N'esy Pas? I told the cops last nght to simply Google my name and
the dumb bastards laughed.
FYI type in Davd Amos to see that I wa not jokng with the smiling dumb
bastards last nght Google will offer Chucky Leblanc's bullshit about
mean old me at the top of the hit list DUHHH?
Davd Amos plus Google equals
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/07/feds- institutionalize-determined- nb.html
Do tell does Carl Baby really think I won't sue his nasty arse
someday? Ya think the corrupt ex cop of Fat Fred City's Finest would
at least wait until he and his cohorts got sworn in to take over your
jobs EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton. com>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
Susan Collins
Company Secretariat
BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton. comjane.mcaloon@ >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@;
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.;;
>; contactus@;
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
This message and any attached files may contain information that is
confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
sender immediately and delete the message.
--- On Mon, 9/13/10, David Amos <> wrote:
From: David Amos <>
Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now
To:, Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton. com
Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>,
Date: Monday, September 13, 2010, 7:57 PM
Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
Chartered Secretaries.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton. com>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
Susan Collins
Company Secretariat
BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton. comjane.mcaloon@ >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@;
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.;;
>; contactus@;
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
This message and any attached files may contain information that is
confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
sender immediately and delete the message.
With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos people_item.aspx?person=821
http://www.theglobeandmail. com/globe-investor/potash- corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/ article1675353/
http://beta.images. 00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf media/POT_2010_Letter_from_ BHP_Billiton's_Chairman.pdf aboutUs/companyOverview/ ourBoard.jsp about/management_board/senior_ management/podwika/ 2010-press-releases/20100510. html people_item.aspx?person=712& name=foster&pg=&office= 081908.htm brunswick/story/2009/05/07/nb- penobsquis-water-lawyer-1056. html?ref=rss
http://www.newbrunswickbeacon. ca/2010/03/risk-and-reward- when-rural-life-meets- economic-development/5666
http://www. vancouverislandwaterwatchcoali theme/ecojustice/JeanPaul/ JeanPaul.htm index.php?option=com_content& view=article&id=1133: penobsquis-residents-seek- compensation-for-damages& catid=82:environment&Itemid= 197
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you
should read something from years ago
Cc:, corporate.relations@,,
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM
First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You
can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and
are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to
shut me up yet.
Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three
stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever
and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the
way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and
that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the
Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid
to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy
with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I
effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that
very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten
times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be.
Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You
should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away
scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a
little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in
2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like
all the money being passed out right now.
I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in
that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia
earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking out the
back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't
answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity
EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway
won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of
the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he
filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to
cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I
was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time
and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words
about it all on the web all the same.
Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in
Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to
be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against
your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS
and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with
for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny,
Dougy and Joey do.
Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings
and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read
what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago.
For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the
trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return
to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness
you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I
don't like you not even a little bit? brunswick/story/2007/03/27/nb- mccullyfield.html
Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and
gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always
considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB
and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal
Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up
start listening to me.
FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to
view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to
follow as my time allows. view/554842-david-raymond-amos
This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgerald who is studying for his PHD in
Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my
integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in
return I left his school out of my battles.
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/03/3rd-part- political-runs-in-maritimes. html
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/03/david-amos-nb-nwo- whistleblower-part-1b.html
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo- whistleblower-part-2.html
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo- whistleblower-part-3.html
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/04/canadian-action- party-cap-qsls.html
Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take
careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just
like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and
fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning
of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very
hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is
a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly
apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation.
Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition.
Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water
98 Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible
provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow
local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely
resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and
corporation choke on huge profits.
99 David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the
gate while I ran for Parliament will ya?
My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort
of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages
of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles.
The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one
pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the
Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to
tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one
of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the
Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical EH teacher?
For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed
all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I
must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as
it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir?
Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend
to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas?
http://gypsy-blog.blogspot. com/2008/04/from-student-to- city-councillor.html
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300
Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: henrybanta <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton. com, ir <>
http://www.theglobeandmail. com/globe-investor/potash- corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/ article1675353/
http://beta.images. 00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton. com, ir <>
http://www.theglobeandmail. com/globe-investor/potash- corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/ article1675353/
http://beta.images. 00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela"<>
> > To: "'David Amos'"<>
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM
> > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do
> > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada
> > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear David
> >
> > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail
> > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need
> > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but
> > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is
> > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the
> > necessary information.
> >
> > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all
> > please do not hesitate to come back to me.
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Angela Stainton-James
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24
> > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1
> > Cc:; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies;
> > rogerduguay21
> > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about
> > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such
> > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
> >
> > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans
> > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read
> > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson
> >
> > php?gid=6074892060
> > Richard Coughlan
> > Faversham, United Kingdom
> > email
> > Website: user/coughlan666
> > Phone 07935333407
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300
> > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today
> > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485
> > 2578 for a couple of days
> > To:
> >
> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/
> >
> > http://baconfat53.blogspot. com/2010/05/americans-have- never-guarantteed.html
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300
> > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked
> > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he
> > was in Canada
> > To:
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300
> > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the
> > President of Mexico while he was in Canada
> > To: atperez_lee <>
> >
> > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go
> > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th
> > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important
> > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the
> > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th
> >
> > public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.List&Month=0&Year= 2003
> >
> >
> > public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701- b6d09b7606b1
> >
> > public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465- 72722b47e7f2
> >
> > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file
> >
> > 2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
> >
> > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody
> > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your
> > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how
> > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone)
> >
> > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared.
> > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust.
> >
> > v=FJGDSlnyKro
> >
> > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression
> > "Nobody will say my name"
> >
> >
> > Here is just one of the many reasons why
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM
> > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> > Cc: webo;;;
> >
> > Thank you for your response.
> >
> > Wendy Olsen
> > Victim Witness Coordinator
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
> > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> > Cc: webo;;;
> >
> > Ms Olsen
> >
> > Thank you for keeping me informed.
> >
> > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
> > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
> > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
> > of Law within a purported democracy.
> >
> > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
> > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
> > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
> > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
> >
> > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
> > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
> > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
> > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
> > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
> > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
> > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
> > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
> > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
> > beginning over seven years ago..
> >
> > Veritas Vincit
> > David Raymond Amos
> > 902 800 0369
> >
> > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
> > night.
> >
> > business/general/ articleid=1162354&f
> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# articleFull
> >
> > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
> > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
> > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
> > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
> > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
> >
> > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
> > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
> >
> > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
> > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
> > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
> > Putnam insiders.
> >
> > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
> > is in hot water again.
> >
> > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
> > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
> > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
> > enter the private sector," Scannell said."
> >
> > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote:
> >
> > From: David Amos <>
> > SDNY
> > To:, letterstoeditor@bostonherald. com, "oig"
> > <>,,,
> >, "Dan Fitzgerald"<>
> > Cc:,,
> >,,
> >,,
> > benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts. gov,
> > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
> >
> > Need I say BULLSHIT?
> >
> > business/general/ articleid=1162354&f
> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz# articleFull
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
> > SDNY
> > To:,,
> > ninkster@navigantconsulting. com,
> > Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.,
> >,, jacques_poitras
> > <>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
> > To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. us, MartiK1 <>,
> > "Paul. Harpelle"<>, Jason Keenan
> > <>, Kandalaw <>
> > Cc:,
> >
> > From: "Peck,Dave"<>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
> > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
> > To: David Amos <>
> >
> > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
> >
> > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
> >
> > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
> > gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct. us
> >
> > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Chief Dave Peck
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
> > To:,,
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
> > To:
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
> >
> > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
> > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
> > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case.
> >
> > This includes your email to the Government.
> >
> > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal
> > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and
> > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence)
> > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the
> > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know
> > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or
> > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy
> > or other reasons.
> > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
> > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
> > can. Thank you.
> >
> > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
> > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
> > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
> > chickenshits.
> >
> > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
> > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
> > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
> >
> > Veritas Vincit
> > David Raymond Amos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> > Cc: webo <>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
> > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> >
> > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
> > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
> > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
> >
> > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
> > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
> > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
> > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
> > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
> > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
> > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
> > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
> > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
> >
> > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by
> > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense
> > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce
> > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite
> > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
> >
> > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
> > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
> > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
> > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
> > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
> > proceeding.
> >
> > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
> > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
> > Southern District of New York:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
> > To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
> > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Cc: oig
> > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
> > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J."<>
> > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
> > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> > To:
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. Amos,
> >
> > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
> > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
> > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
> > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
> > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
> > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
> > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
> >
> > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Thomas J. Sartory
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
> > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.;
> >
> > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> >
> > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH?
> >
> > UK Parliament Disclaimer:
> > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have
> > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your
> > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.
> > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted
> > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.
> >
> >
Provincial heads 'in the sand' about spending and debt, economist says
Graph by Richard Saillant shows New Brunswick taking very different course from neighbours

Unless New Brunswick gets a bailout from Ottawa, the provincial debt will continue to grow as the population ages, a Moncton economist says.
Richard Saillant posted a graph comparing the increase in the net debt per capita between 2014-15 to this fiscal year, 2017-18, of four provinces: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
New Brunswick stands out like a sore thumb on the graph, which shows the three other provinces have not added to their debt on a per capita basis.
Debt per capita went down "sharply" in Quebec, "meaningfully" in Nova Scotia to and "slightly" in P.E.I., Saillant said.
But in New Brunswick, there's about $1,200 net debt per capita, which Saillant said "is very significant," although he doesn't think government realizes the kind of trouble it's in.
"The trajectory that we're faced with is unsustainable and we're essentially leaving an enormous burden on future generations," said Saillant, who worked in the federal civil service for 15 years and is a former vice-president of the University of Moncton.
With the provincial election in September, the Moncton economist said it's important to see four governments with the same political stripe, heading in "very different directions."
"The reason I posted it online is essentially for people to understand the trajectories are quite different and that all four provinces actually had similar circumstances," he said.
Since 2014, when the loonie dropped and the price of oil went down, all oil-consuming provinces, such as the four provinces in Saillant's graph, benefited economically.
"It was temporary but we had a tailwind that essentially made our economies grow much faster than they will in the long run," he said. "With stronger growth you get much stronger revenues."
With stronger revenues, the economist said, the other provinces chose to put their finances on a sustainable track.
But New Brunswick chose a different route.
It raised the HST in 2016 to 15 per cent, instead of "transforming the way we do spending."
"I suspect in Nova Scotia and Quebec they took the bull by the horns a bit more, and that's why they returned to fiscal balance."
Richard Saillant posted a graph comparing the increase in the net debt per capita between 2014-15 to this fiscal year, 2017-18, of four provinces: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
New Brunswick stands out like a sore thumb on the graph, which shows the three other provinces have not added to their debt on a per capita basis.
Debt per capita went down "sharply" in Quebec, "meaningfully" in Nova Scotia to and "slightly" in P.E.I., Saillant said.
- 'Hope and pray' budgets will haunt future taxpayers, economist predicts
- Liberals choose election-year spending over deficit cutting as budget presented
- New Brunswick's economy bled 1,100 jobs in June, pushed unemployment rate up
But in New Brunswick, there's about $1,200 net debt per capita, which Saillant said "is very significant," although he doesn't think government realizes the kind of trouble it's in.
"The trajectory that we're faced with is unsustainable and we're essentially leaving an enormous burden on future generations," said Saillant, who worked in the federal civil service for 15 years and is a former vice-president of the University of Moncton.
With the provincial election in September, the Moncton economist said it's important to see four governments with the same political stripe, heading in "very different directions."
"The reason I posted it online is essentially for people to understand the trajectories are quite different and that all four provinces actually had similar circumstances," he said.
Government in denial
Since 2014, when the loonie dropped and the price of oil went down, all oil-consuming provinces, such as the four provinces in Saillant's graph, benefited economically.
"It was temporary but we had a tailwind that essentially made our economies grow much faster than they will in the long run," he said. "With stronger growth you get much stronger revenues."
With stronger revenues, the economist said, the other provinces chose to put their finances on a sustainable track.
But New Brunswick chose a different route.
It raised the HST in 2016 to 15 per cent, instead of "transforming the way we do spending."
"I suspect in Nova Scotia and Quebec they took the bull by the horns a bit more, and that's why they returned to fiscal balance."
Change needs to happen now
As a province of worsening fiscal conditions, he said, New Brunswick needs to acknowledge its financial problems sooner rather than later to avoid putting a financial burden on future generations.
For instance, the province has to acknowledge the student population is declining in New Brunswick, yet the government announced it would add to the number of teachers regardless of the decline in enrolment.
"You need to reshuffle money around from areas that need less money to areas that need more money," he said.
Information Morning - Fredericton
The growth of our net debt
Richard Saillant says his graph is worth a thousand words, showing the state of New Brunswick's economy. 16:13
"Another way to govern is to say, 'Yes we're listening to voters but at the same time, we're facing a reality.'"
Spending on baby boomers — the first members of that group turned 72 this year — is growing "exponentially" as they age, from $6,000 per capita at age 65 to $25,000 per capita at age 85, he said.
"There's a big mountain ahead of us, we had leeway to get prepared for it," Saillant said. "We should never have gotten into debt as we did."
Ever since the first baby boomer retired, he said, New Brunswick's long-term growth is four times slower than it was before.
After reviewing the budget, the Dominion Bond Rating Service changed New Brunswick's economic trend assessment from "stable" to "negative" in February, although it kept the credit rating of A.

Finance Minister Cathy Rogers releases final budget before September's election
With an election looming in September, the Liberals will spend almost $73 million more in the coming year and run a deficit for an extra year. 0:52
"In New Brunswick, my only possible read is that we chose to put our heads in the sand," he said.
In January, the province announced government spending of about $237 million more this election year, increasing what had been a projected deficit of $117 million for 2018-19 by $73 million.
"Anything can be justified as long as you feel it's the best way to get elected," he said. "It's a political calculation to keep on spending."
In January, the province announced government spending of about $237 million more this election year, increasing what had been a projected deficit of $117 million for 2018-19 by $73 million.
"Anything can be justified as long as you feel it's the best way to get elected," he said. "It's a political calculation to keep on spending."
With files from Information Morning Fredericton
Economist Richard Saillant calls it 'ironic' that the premier of New Brunswick, which has the oldest population in the country, would be the first to accept a deal with Ottawa instead of pushing for more. (CBC)
'We're getting a major cut': Economist Richard Saillant trashes health deal
Premier Brain Gallant criticized by economist for not fighting harder for better health care deal

New Brunswick economist Richard Saillant, director of the Donald J. Savoie Institute at University of Moncton, says the new health accord signed by the province is "not a good deal."
"It's quite ironic that the premier of the province that's oldest and fastest aging is the first one to break rank and take a major cut in funding for health care," Saillant told Information Morning Moncton.
It includes $230 million in additional funding for home care and mental health care over the next 10 years.
But Saillant said he's looking at the numbers and he doesn't know where Gallant is getting the 4.1 per cent figure.
He argues New Brunswick will see much less than that because federal funding is distributed on a per capita basis and New Brunswick's population growth is "non-existent."
"I did the math yesterday and it amounts to about 2.6 per cent," Saillaint said.
"On top of that, the side-pod for mental health and home care ... is about 0.3 per cent so you total it up it means 2.9 per cent and in the past we were getting about 4.4 per cent, so we're getting a major cut."
Saillant said New Brunswick has taken the offer that was already on the table at a time when the premier should have been pushing for more.
He points out that the first wave of baby boomers turned 70 this year.
Premier Brian Gallant doesn't deny he was working in tandem with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to get a health-funding deal for New Brunswick. (Instagram/Brian Gallant)
Saillant worries the country won't be able to maintain a free, universal health care system as we know it today.
"And that's the great tragedy that we're not talking about right now."
"It's quite ironic that the premier of the province that's oldest and fastest aging is the first one to break rank and take a major cut in funding for health care," Saillant told Information Morning Moncton.
- Brian Gallant chooses alignment with Trudeau over fellow premiers
- New Brunswick slammed as 'grinch that stole' a national health accord
It includes $230 million in additional funding for home care and mental health care over the next 10 years.
It's precisely at the moment where our needs are greatest that our premier is happiest with taking much less.- Richard SaillantGallant said it represents an estimated annual increase of 4.1 per cent — what he called "the middle ground" between the 3.5 per cent that the federal government had been offering and the provinces' counter-offer of 5.2 per cent.
But Saillant said he's looking at the numbers and he doesn't know where Gallant is getting the 4.1 per cent figure.
He argues New Brunswick will see much less than that because federal funding is distributed on a per capita basis and New Brunswick's population growth is "non-existent."
"I did the math yesterday and it amounts to about 2.6 per cent," Saillaint said.
"On top of that, the side-pod for mental health and home care ... is about 0.3 per cent so you total it up it means 2.9 per cent and in the past we were getting about 4.4 per cent, so we're getting a major cut."
New Brunswick has the most to lose
Saillant said New Brunswick has taken the offer that was already on the table at a time when the premier should have been pushing for more.
He points out that the first wave of baby boomers turned 70 this year.

"Fifteen years from now half the baby boomers will be 75 and above so we should be getting much more help from our partner in Ottawa and instead we get a one-third funding growth cut," Saillant said.
"It's precisely at the moment where our needs are greatest that our premier is happiest with taking much less."Saillant said the federal government has chosen to spend tax dollars on infrastructure and other priorities, even though Canadians see health care as their top priority.
"The thing I feel the most sorry about is that ... there was barely any mention of the fact that Canada's regions are aging at vastly different speeds and that if we are to maintain a single, free, public health-care system in Canada, we will have to receive much more help in regions that are fastest aging — New Brunswick should have been articulating this," he said.Saillant worries the country won't be able to maintain a free, universal health care system as we know it today.
"And that's the great tragedy that we're not talking about right now."
with files from Information Morning Moncton

Le texte français suit. | ||||
New Brunswick Chapter Presents New Brunswick and Canada in the Age of the Great Demographic Divide March 30, 2015 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (In English) / 13h 00 à 14h 00 heure de l'Atlantique (En Français - voir ci-dessous) Webinar In this webinar, Richard Saillant, the Director of the Moncton-based Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration will paint a picture of the wide-ranging economic and fiscal impact of demographic change on New Brunswick and other older, fast-aging Canadian provinces. His presentation, which will notably focus on health care spending, will show just how unevenly population aging will affect the public purses and economies of Canada’s various regions. Guest Speaker: Richard Saillant , Director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration
* Webinar details will be provided following registration Richard Saillant is the Director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration. Prior to joining the Institute in July 2013, Richard was Vice President, Administration and Human Resources, at the Université de Moncton. From 1997 to 2011, he has held various positions in a number of federal departments in Ottawa, including the Privy Council Office, the Department of Finance, Treasury Board Secretariat, Industry Canada and Transport Canada. Immediately prior to joining the Université in 2011, Richard was Director General, Investment Review and Strategic Planning at Industry Canada, where he notably advised the government on large foreign takeovers such as BHP Billiton’s bid for Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan. Richard is the author of Over the Cliff? Acting Now to Avoid New Brunswick’s Bankruptcy (2014), a best-selling book on New Brunswick's economy and finances. He also directed two books released in 2014, including Shale Gas in New Brunswick: Towards a Better Understanding. Richard holds an M.B.A. from McGill University, a M.A. in economics from the Université de Montréal and a B.A. with double major in economics and political science from the Université de Moncton. |
![]() | MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION Attendance at this program entitles certified Canadian College of Health Leaders members (CHE / Fellow) to 1.0 Category I credits toward their maintenance of certification requirement. |
Richard Saillant
30 November 2016 |
The academic and former senior civil servant Richard Saillant discusses his new book, A Tale of Two Countries: How the Great Demographic Imbalance is Pulling Canada Apart (Nimbus, 2016), with Joseph Planta.
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at
A Tale of Two Countries is a new book from the academic and former senior public servant Richard Saillant, who joins me now. In the book he looks at the demographic imbalance in Canada that in the next two decades will see parts of the country aging at an uneven pace. It is the contention of this book that this will spell trouble for eastern Canada, and for the country as a whole. The gulf between so called have and have-not provinces will be starker. So what are the solutions? I’ll get Mr. Saillant to tell us what’s happening, what will happen, and what might be done to not see this country tear itself apart. The book has evidence based policy analysis as well as recommendations. Richard Saillant is the director of the Donald J. Savoie Institute at the Universite de Moncton, of which he was a former vice president. He is a fifteen year veteran of the civil service, with various departments including the Privy Council Office, Industry Canada, and Transport Canada. His previous book was Over the Cliff? Acting Now to Avoid New Brunswick’s Bankruptcy. This new book is published by Nimbus. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, in Moncton, New Brunswick today, Richard Saillant;
Mr. Saillant, good morning.
![]() | A Tale of Two Countries: How the Great Demographic Imbalance is Pulling Canada Apart by Richard Saillant (Nimbus, 2016). Click to buy this book from A Tale of Two Countries |
Text of introduction by Joseph Planta:
I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at
A Tale of Two Countries is a new book from the academic and former senior public servant Richard Saillant, who joins me now. In the book he looks at the demographic imbalance in Canada that in the next two decades will see parts of the country aging at an uneven pace. It is the contention of this book that this will spell trouble for eastern Canada, and for the country as a whole. The gulf between so called have and have-not provinces will be starker. So what are the solutions? I’ll get Mr. Saillant to tell us what’s happening, what will happen, and what might be done to not see this country tear itself apart. The book has evidence based policy analysis as well as recommendations. Richard Saillant is the director of the Donald J. Savoie Institute at the Universite de Moncton, of which he was a former vice president. He is a fifteen year veteran of the civil service, with various departments including the Privy Council Office, Industry Canada, and Transport Canada. His previous book was Over the Cliff? Acting Now to Avoid New Brunswick’s Bankruptcy. This new book is published by Nimbus. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, in Moncton, New Brunswick today, Richard Saillant;
Mr. Saillant, good morning.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (17.9MB)
This is
Edited by Joseph Planta, and based in Vancouver, British Columbia, the website features audio interviews and commentaries.
The Commentary began in June 1999 as an e-mail newsletter of editorial comment. Online since September 2003, featured other contributors as well commenting on a wide variety of subjects.
In August 2004, Joseph Planta premiered feature audio interviews with unique and diverse guests from renowned bestselling and prize winning authors, Canadian newsmakers and political figures,
internationally known print and broadcast journalists, prominent academics and public intellectuals, as well as noted artists and personalities.
For nearly 1,600 interviews and fifteen years now, the Planta: On the Line interview program continues as a forum for engaging, informative conversations on current affairs and a wide variety of subjects. (April 2018)
Contact information:
Joseph Planta
O: 604 909 8787
F: 604 872 8413
Edited by Joseph Planta, and based in Vancouver, British Columbia, the website features audio interviews and commentaries.
The Commentary began in June 1999 as an e-mail newsletter of editorial comment. Online since September 2003, featured other contributors as well commenting on a wide variety of subjects.
In August 2004, Joseph Planta premiered feature audio interviews with unique and diverse guests from renowned bestselling and prize winning authors, Canadian newsmakers and political figures,
internationally known print and broadcast journalists, prominent academics and public intellectuals, as well as noted artists and personalities.
For nearly 1,600 interviews and fifteen years now, the Planta: On the Line interview program continues as a forum for engaging, informative conversations on current affairs and a wide variety of subjects. (April 2018)
Contact information:
Joseph Planta
O: 604 909 8787
F: 604 872 8413
Review of Richard Saillant, A Tale of Two Countries: How the Great Demographic Imbalance Is Pulling Canada Apart. Halifax: Nimbus, 2016.
1 Fretting about aging and fiscal crises has justly become a small cottage industry in New Brunswick, as it has in Canada and indeed the Western world. While talk of “crisis” may be overblown, in this province there is cause to worry. It is not simply that the population is becoming older. The circumstances surrounding aging in New Brunswick are also concerning.
2 Richard Saillant, formerly director of the Donald J. Savoie Institute at the Université de Moncton, caused a minor sensation in 2014 with the publication of Over the Cliff? Acting Now to Avoid New Brunswick’s Bankruptcy. His study contributed to the sense of urgency. If a book can be judged by its cover, then the image of a hapless square province bouncing toward the edge of a cliff tells it all: the province is speeding out of control toward fiscal disaster. In that book, Saillant urges action on rising provincial public debt while there is still time. He notes that debt servicing consumes over $600 million per year and will rise not just because the total debt will continue to increase but because historically low interest rates have nowhere to go but up. He also argues that the province and other developed economies can look forward only to modest economic growth in the medium term, meaning that governments will not be able to “grow themselves” out of debt. Young people leave the province for opportunity elsewhere; female labour force participation has likely peaked and will by itself no longer contribute to consumption and growth. Baby boomers are now retiring and bringing the halcyon postwar era of high employment, low dependency ratios, and huge consumer spending to a slow end. Federal government transfers, he projects, will slow.
3 In all, Saillant urged in 2014, the province must reduce spending and raise taxes. By these means it can reduce the deficit, pay down principal, and free itself from the bond markets. This all sounds like a conservative free market agenda. However, this is not Saillant’s position. He favours fiscal rectitude precisely to create the conditions for sustainable social spending. He also favours the province grabbing at economic development opportunities when they arise, including shale gas development, on the assumption that the best welfare program is a good job, and the best source of provincial revenue is inprovince taxation.
4 Saillant’s latest book, A Tale of Two Countries: How the Great Demographic Imbalance Is Pulling Canada Apart, continues the argument, with two changes. First, the latest is less about provincial public debt as such and more about aging and its various policy consequences. Second, the book is less about New Brunswick and more about Atlantic Canada in the context of the whole country. Over the Cliff reads like an alarm bell. A Tale of Two Countries conveys a somewhat more measured message, setting out some practical steps to be taken to adjust to the wave of demographic change. But for reasons described below, a certain bleakness colours the analysis he provides.
5 Saillant takes his reader through now-familiar statistics showing that Atlantic Canadian provinces are increasingly old, indicating that in 2011 the first baby boomers began to retire, and that “proportionally fewer of us are working to support us all” (xix). In this respect the region differs from the rest of Canada and particularly the Prairies. While 16 per cent of Canadians are over 65, in New Brunswick that share is 20 per cent and by 2038 will be 33 per cent. The West, in short, is young; the East is old. This is the great demographic imbalance (GDI). Aging is connected to lower employment, increased dependency ratios, slower economic growth, and reduced government revenues. And aging imposes its own extra costs on the welfare system. As they age, seniors require more and more costly health care. Therein lies the problem: aging threatens the social safety net. The consequences, argues Saillant, are “devastating” (144).
6 The problem implicates the federal government. Saillant sees a Canada-wide fragmentation afoot and cannot resist the conclusion that “eastern and western provinces will continue to pull apart demographically and economically in the years ahead” (45). But the federal government of course is the government of all Canadians and has historically supported the equalization of citizen access to public services regardless of province of residence. Saillant deftly presents a thumbnail history of transfer programs. One of the most important programs is Equalization, the principles of which are enshrined in s. 36 of the Constitution Act, 1982. While the federal government has spent less to reduce regional disparities in recent decades, Saillant calls for it to return to its historic role. Specifically, he wants the Equalization Program tweaked to take account of the disparate provincial demographic profile and the corresponding differential costs of public services to meet the needs of the aging provinces. Atlantic Canadian provinces should get a premium on equalization payments to account for the extra costs of caring for an aging population (152).
7 To be sure, other things need to happen. Provinces must do their share. Saillant draws attention to education spending versus health care spending. The latter is hard to contain for all sorts of reasons. Health care is a “luxury good” (a technical economic term), and policy-makers must realize that demand for health care goes up with income. Rising demand must somehow be managed, and rigid costs must be controlled. But the options are limited since doctors and other specialists are highly mobile—and so Atlantic Canadian compensation packages in health must come close to national figures.
8 In education, student numbers are in decline, yet the number of teachers and dollars deployed for education are going up. Something is amiss here and needs to change. After all, the supply of teachers far outstrips demand. Saillant suggests that liberal democracies are not good at disciplining their fiscal activities. Says Saillant, they just can’t save (65). So true. In New Brunswick, where the government occupies a large portion of economic activity, the temptation for governments to spend is usually irresistible, even when it means further debt.
9 Given that there will be no easy fix to the demographic issue, Saillant puts great stock on the amendment of the Equalization Program, as indicated above, to deal with its costs. This depends in part on the ability of the old provinces to show the rest of Canada that they are doing things to improve their own circumstances. It also depends on the willingness of the rest of Canada—young Canada—to finance increased transfers to old Canada. Saillant recounts the history of sharing, but knows its limits. After all, he begins the book by remarking on Canada’s deeply federal character. Canada resembles more a “loose collection of settlements,” he reminds us, than a unified regime (xx).
10 Will young Canada help old Canada? On the one hand, provinces are strong in Canada and their governments jealously guard their prerogatives. On the other hand, young people are less attached to place and community than their elders (Angus Reid 36–37). They are less nationalistic and vote for options that afford them opportunities to travel and work abroad. Younger voters in the UK disproportionately voted in 2016 for Britain to remain in the EU (Shuster) so that they could have easier access to Europe for travel, study, and work. Young Americans, Democrat or Republican, express a more muted patriotism than their elders (Drutman 22). Young people will move for opportunity. If Atlantic Canada depends on young people remaining in or moving to the region to moderate the GDI, it will almost certainly find itself in dire straits.
11 Canadians are mobile, and indeed enjoy a Charter s. 6 right to mobility, even while federal programs like Employment Insurance are structured to encourage Canadians to remain in low-employment regions. A recent study suggests that Canadians speak with much the same accent from coast to coast to coast, and that this can be attributed to a great deal of interprovincial mobility (Canadian Press). It is widely known that young people tend to be the more mobile. This has affected Atlantic Canada dramatically; young people leave the East for opportunity elsewhere and that is where they start their families. There is some migration back to the East but this is primarily among the older segments of the population who left the East many years ago. This latter group worked and paid taxes to other governments and then return to the Atlantic region just when their needs for public services begin to increase. The great empirical question that Saillant’s work raises is whether young Canadians, including those who left Atlantic Canada for better prospects, will be willing to support measures to stabilize the fiscal position of the provinces in the east.
12 Saillant notes that one of the historical sources of central Canadian support for the federal government’s transfer to the regions was that in an east-west oriented economy in which manufacturing was concentrated in Ontario and Quebec, central Canadian taxpayer dollars redistributed by Ottawa to the regions would return in the form of purchases of goods from central Canada (120). Central Canada would get something out of the transfer system. This is less and less the case. Manufacturing in central Canada is a shadow of its former self in our globalized context. The Canadian economy is significantly oriented north to south. And Ontario years ago joined other provinces in the receipt of equalization payments. The federal government, to control costs, put a cap on equalization transfers, so money for Ontario means less for the Atlantic provinces. Ontario once upon a time considered itself “Canada” but in the early 1990s, Premier Bob Rae began speaking of Ontario as a “region”—in other words, as a competitor of the other regions for federal largesse.
13 All this suggests that the ideology of “sharing” that undergirds the transfer system and that supports Saillant’s proposal may be weakening, and this is not good news for Atlantic Canada. A Tale of Two Countries was meant to be a more balanced, positive analysis of the demographic imbalance in Canada than the more disconcerting Over the Cliff. Yet the numbers—to which Saillant, in his sober, hard-headed manner, is very faithful—do not lie. Atlantic Canada is in for a difficult period. Richard Saillant has written a thoughtful, rigorous, yet accessible book that is required reading for anyone who wants to think seriously and soberly about the future of this province and this region.
Thomas M.J. Bateman is Associate Professor of Political Science at St Thomas University in Fredericton.
To comment on this review, please write to or consult our Facebook page at Si vous souhaitez réagir à cette revue, veuillez soit nous écrire à, soit consulter notre page Facebook à
Works Cited
Angus Reid Institute. What Makes Us Canadian? A Study of Values, Beliefs, Priorities and Identity. 2016. Accessed 28 June 2017.
Canadian Press. “Canadian English Accent Surprisingly Uniform Coast to Coast: Researchers.” Daily Gleaner 27 June 2017: B4.
Drutman, Lee. Political Divisions in 2016 and Beyond: Tensions within and between the Two Parties.
Democracy Fund Voter Study Group June 2017.
Saillant, Richard. Over the Cliff? Acting Now to Avoid New Brunswick’s Bankruptcy. Moncton: Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration, 2014.
Shuster, Simon. “The U.K.’s Old Decided for the Young in the Brexit Vote.” Time 24 June 2017. Accessed 28 June 2017.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: ; motomaniac_02186@yahoo.cmo
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:27 PM
Subject: Byron still needs a lawyer
No lawyer that ever receives this cannot say that they did not know why. Rest assured that I keep good records. Far better than any lawyer's conscience allows their memory to function. I can't believe how many time I have heard a lawyer claim to have no recollection. So leave it to me to remind them.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: me friends
Cc: ;
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: A True Tale of Two Corrupt Governments
Hey Fellas
Yesterday in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland my friend, Bryon Prior gave his word to a court he knows to be very corrupt not to publish or cause to have published some of the following documents in order for Judge J. Dereck Green not to throw him in jail. I have no doubt he will keep his word. Byron should not be punished for my actions in the necessary defence of my freedom in another country. Byron also also informed the court that there is no way for him to put a muzzle on me.
I am sending this email out to men that I trust that have my Durable Power of Attorney. Whether the bastards like it or not you are me in word and deed as long as I keep breathing. All of you and the court know I must make these matters widely known in order not to be put back in jail. As you all know I gave my fair warning to all of publishing the words within this email before Byron was compelled to make his promise. The Rules of Newfoundland Supreme Court do not hold nor do they mean a Tinker's damn to me until I am named and properly invited to the circus. I would gladly stand as a defendant beside Byron after the Court publishes that fact so it becomes widely known the reasons for my coming home. However it is painfully obvious that the Newfoundland Supreme Court and Byron Prior must wait until my present pending criminal trial in the USA is over before I can become joined in a civil matter up home. Never forget my native land denied me any assistance in trying to stop my being persecuted down here and sent straight to jail without due process of law. At least in compensation Canada is sending down Franky MaKenna to speak for me as I sue his law firm. Won't that be interesting?
The sexual abuse of Byron 's family long ago and wrongful actions within the Offshore Oil Industry in Newfoundland are far more important to everyone in Newfoundland and the rest of the Maritimes than my arguments about Securities Fraud, Tax Fraud and dead ex Fbi agents etc. with Yankees. That said, my must protect my freedom and my own family's interests first before I can help anyone else. I am certain my friends agree and I thank you for your help. Whereas no lawyer would come to Byron's assistance, I did as best I could do from afar to study the rules and write what I could for Byron to use in his defence and counterclaim to expose the truth and to use in my own defence in the USA. The serious mischief that is afoot is within the ex parte doings of the desperate law firm Patterson and Palmer and a very corrupt justice system to have Byron's document stricken after they had demanded them of him. John Crosbie's partner Stephen J. May speaking on behalf of his own law firm and
Billy Matthews a Member of Parliament was forced to agree with Byron's inablitity to put a muzzle on me. As anyone can see Stevey Boy May in his Affidavit has admitted to the knowledge of the reasons why I am very angry with his law firm's malice towards Byron and I.
The fact that May refused to file his Affidavit and the court refused to accept Byron's document requesting a postponement today should prove to all what Byron and I say is true. If anyone wishes to view exactly the same documents as were served upon Patterson Palmer and their cohorts up home or upon the Suffolk County District Attorney down here, all they have to do is ask. I will fill their email inbox with scans in a Tiff format. All the documents have been filed in the Public Record during the course of my criminal trial and there are many more to follow. Many Canadian Politicians have received exactly the same material from me and many have answered me. the most recent Respond came from Senator Joe Day yesterday after a five month delay. Any ethical lawyer could easily employ them in Byron's defence and to support his counterclaim. Judge Green has ordered him to find a lawyer to defend him "pro bono" by February 9th. Byron and I hold no illusions about the impossible
task. He has already emailed every lawyer within the Newfoundland Law Society asking for assistance and not one has responded before he stood in court yesterday. What is truly necessary is an ethical Royal Commission to investigate T. Alex Hickman and his friends in order for the truth to be revealed.
Since we all know that the Liberal Caucus is now in Fredeicton. I ask that my friends take many of their friends and go see the MP Andy Scott today and ask him why he did not respond to the material I delivered in hand to his office with Dave Mollins before I returned to the USA. The fact that I was falsely imprisoned makes me very angry with people such as Andy Scott and his cohorts who are employed to uphold the Public Trust. As a Member of Parliament he could have stopped this nonsense out of the gate. As the Minister of Indian Affairs he certianly should have contacted my friend the lawyer Barry Bachrach by now. I called his office today and told them to expect some sincere men to turn up with some simple but serious questions for him. I also forwarded him this email to share with the Liberal Caucus now in Fredericton.
Please find within this email three Motions and an Affidavit of mine in a Yankee Court and A court order in Newfoundland with the related Defence, Counterclaim and Request of byron Prior all of which I wrote. Most importantly is an Affidavit by the crooked lawyer Stevey Boy May.
Spotlight on N.B. culture for national Liberal caucus retreat
Maritime Kitchen Party welcomes Prime Minister, cabinet to Province
Fredericton (N.B.) – New Brunswickers are putting on a really big show for Prime Minister Paul Martin and his Liberal caucus when they come to Fredericton later this month.
The National Liberal Caucus Winter Retreat will bring the 135 Liberal Members of Parliament, including Mr. Martin’s entire cabinet, as well as the 61 Liberal Senators to the Capital City for three days of meetings. The retreat is co-hosted by Tobique-Mactaquac MP and Chairman of the National Liberal Caucus Andy Savoy and Hon. Andy Scott, Fredericton MP and Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.
A Maritime Kitchen Party, Wednesday, January 26, will feature a full evening of New Brunswick-flavoured food, song and dance, from toe-tapping Acadian reels to high-stepping Scottish jigs.
The party headlines Fredericton’s own Downtown Blues Band, Bairdsville singer and songwriter Matt Andersen, the multi-talented La Famille Arsenault and fiddling sensation Dominque Dupuis of Dieppe with Moncton comedian Marshall Button, better known as Lucien, as emcee.
“This is a one-of-a-kind occasion to share our rich cultural heritage with the leaders of our nation,” Mr. Savoy said. “We are proud to be an example of cultural diversity and harmony to the rest of Canada.”
“We want to give our friends in Ottawa the kind of warm welcome that New Brunswickers are noted for,” Mr. Scott said. “This will be a showcase of our heritage and hospitality.”
The Maritime Kitchen Party is open to the public and will begin at 8 p.m. at the Delta Fredericton ballroom. Tickets are now on sale at all MP constituency offices in New Brunswick, as well as the New Brunswick Liberal Association office in Fredericton. For further information, contact the NBLA 1-800-442-4902;
Office of Andy Savoy at 1-866-542-4400 or the Office of Andy Scott, (506) 452-4110.
Office of the Hon. Andy Scott
Towne Centre Building
412 Queen Street
Suite 100
Fredericton, N.B.
E3B 1B6
Phone: (506) 452-4110
Fax: (506) 452-4076
This is the fella I just called.
Andrew Holland
Excutive Assistant
Phone: (506) 452-3516
Read this fellas and then go cause the Liberals that are having to much fun at our expense to weep and worry about their own malevolent interests. Ask them if they still wish to support the Diddlers T. Alex Hickman and their buddy Billy Matthews. At the very least tell everybody to call Andy Savoy and Andy Scott and ask them the same question Lois Skanes asked of Stevey Boy May. Who the Hell is David Amos and what the Hell is he talking about?
DOCKET NO. 0407CR004623
Mardi 29 Janvier 2013
Raymond Théberge, president and vice-chancellor of the Université de Moncton, and Donald Savoie, chair and acting executive director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration (CIRPPPA), are pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Saillant as the Institute’s executive director. The appointment takes effect on July 1, 2013.
Mr. Saillant is currently the Université de Moncton’s vice-president of administration and human resources, a position he has held since July 2011.
During his career with the federal government, Mr. Saillant held senior positions in a number of areas, including public policy analysis, development and administration. Prior to joining the Université de Moncton’s management team, he was director general of investment review and strategic planning with Industry Canada. After joining the federal public service in 1997, he was also director of rail policy at Transport Canada and an economist with the Privy Council Office of Canada.
“Mr. Saillant has significant experience in public policy and administration,” Dr. Savoie said. “His career in the federal public service prepared him well for the role of executive director of the CIRPPPA.”
Raymond Théberge, president and vice-chancellor of the Université de Moncton, highlighted the excellent work done by the vice-president over the past two years. “Mr. Saillant undertook his functions as vice-president with great energy. His contribution to the Université de Moncton’s senior management team has been greatly appreciated. Happily for us, his new position means he will remain affiliated with his alma mater.”
A native of Val-Comeau, Mr. Saillant holds a bachelor’s degree in arts with a double major in economics and political science from the Université de Moncton, a master’s degree in economics from the Université de Montréal and a master’s degree in business administration from McGill University.
The search for a new vice-president of administration and human resources for the Université de Moncton will be undertaken in the coming months.
A Tale of Two Countries and a Tale of Two Corrupt Governments composed by two very different type of writers One is a book written a bureaucratic backroom boy and one is within a blog about an email written by a very fierce pissed off political animal many years before
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: ; motomaniac_02186@yahoo.cmo
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:27 PM
Subject: Byron still needs a lawyer
No lawyer that ever receives this cannot say that they did not know why. Rest assured that I keep good records. Far better than any lawyer's conscience allows their memory to function. I can't believe how many time I have heard a lawyer claim to have no recollection. So leave it to me to remind them.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: me friends
Cc: ;
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: A True Tale of Two Corrupt Governments
Hey Fellas
Yesterday in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland my friend, Bryon Prior gave his word to a court he knows to be very corrupt not to publish or cause to have published some of the following documents in order for Judge J. Dereck Green not to throw him in jail. I have no doubt he will keep his word. Byron should not be punished for my actions in the necessary defence of my freedom in another country. Byron also also informed the court that there is no way for him to put a muzzle on me.
I am sending this email out to men that I trust that have my Durable Power of Attorney. Whether the bastards like it or not you are me in word and deed as long as I keep breathing. All of you and the court know I must make these matters widely known in order not to be put back in jail. As you all know I gave my fair warning to all of publishing the words within this email before Byron was compelled to make his promise. The Rules of Newfoundland Supreme Court do not hold nor do they mean a Tinker's damn to me until I am named and properly invited to the circus. I would gladly stand as a defendant beside Byron after the Court publishes that fact so it becomes widely known the reasons for my coming home. However it is painfully obvious that the Newfoundland Supreme Court and Byron Prior must wait until my present pending criminal trial in the USA is over before I can become joined in a civil matter up home. Never forget my native land denied me any assistance in trying to stop my being persecuted down here and sent straight to jail without due process of law. At least in compensation Canada is sending down Franky MaKenna to speak for me as I sue his law firm. Won't that be interesting?
The sexual abuse of Byron 's family long ago and wrongful actions within the Offshore Oil Industry in Newfoundland are far more important to everyone in Newfoundland and the rest of the Maritimes than my arguments about Securities Fraud, Tax Fraud and dead ex Fbi agents etc. with Yankees. That said, my must protect my freedom and my own family's interests first before I can help anyone else. I am certain my friends agree and I thank you for your help. Whereas no lawyer would come to Byron's assistance, I did as best I could do from afar to study the rules and write what I could for Byron to use in his defence and counterclaim to expose the truth and to use in my own defence in the USA. The serious mischief that is afoot is within the ex parte doings of the desperate law firm Patterson and Palmer and a very corrupt justice system to have Byron's document stricken after they had demanded them of him. John Crosbie's partner Stephen J. May speaking on behalf of his own law firm and
Billy Matthews a Member of Parliament was forced to agree with Byron's inablitity to put a muzzle on me. As anyone can see Stevey Boy May in his Affidavit has admitted to the knowledge of the reasons why I am very angry with his law firm's malice towards Byron and I.
The fact that May refused to file his Affidavit and the court refused to accept Byron's document requesting a postponement today should prove to all what Byron and I say is true. If anyone wishes to view exactly the same documents as were served upon Patterson Palmer and their cohorts up home or upon the Suffolk County District Attorney down here, all they have to do is ask. I will fill their email inbox with scans in a Tiff format. All the documents have been filed in the Public Record during the course of my criminal trial and there are many more to follow. Many Canadian Politicians have received exactly the same material from me and many have answered me. the most recent Respond came from Senator Joe Day yesterday after a five month delay. Any ethical lawyer could easily employ them in Byron's defence and to support his counterclaim. Judge Green has ordered him to find a lawyer to defend him "pro bono" by February 9th. Byron and I hold no illusions about the impossible
task. He has already emailed every lawyer within the Newfoundland Law Society asking for assistance and not one has responded before he stood in court yesterday. What is truly necessary is an ethical Royal Commission to investigate T. Alex Hickman and his friends in order for the truth to be revealed.
Since we all know that the Liberal Caucus is now in Fredeicton. I ask that my friends take many of their friends and go see the MP Andy Scott today and ask him why he did not respond to the material I delivered in hand to his office with Dave Mollins before I returned to the USA. The fact that I was falsely imprisoned makes me very angry with people such as Andy Scott and his cohorts who are employed to uphold the Public Trust. As a Member of Parliament he could have stopped this nonsense out of the gate. As the Minister of Indian Affairs he certianly should have contacted my friend the lawyer Barry Bachrach by now. I called his office today and told them to expect some sincere men to turn up with some simple but serious questions for him. I also forwarded him this email to share with the Liberal Caucus now in Fredericton.
Please find within this email three Motions and an Affidavit of mine in a Yankee Court and A court order in Newfoundland with the related Defence, Counterclaim and Request of byron Prior all of which I wrote. Most importantly is an Affidavit by the crooked lawyer Stevey Boy May.
Spotlight on N.B. culture for national Liberal caucus retreat
Maritime Kitchen Party welcomes Prime Minister, cabinet to Province
Fredericton (N.B.) – New Brunswickers are putting on a really big show for Prime Minister Paul Martin and his Liberal caucus when they come to Fredericton later this month.
The National Liberal Caucus Winter Retreat will bring the 135 Liberal Members of Parliament, including Mr. Martin’s entire cabinet, as well as the 61 Liberal Senators to the Capital City for three days of meetings. The retreat is co-hosted by Tobique-Mactaquac MP and Chairman of the National Liberal Caucus Andy Savoy and Hon. Andy Scott, Fredericton MP and Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.
A Maritime Kitchen Party, Wednesday, January 26, will feature a full evening of New Brunswick-flavoured food, song and dance, from toe-tapping Acadian reels to high-stepping Scottish jigs.
The party headlines Fredericton’s own Downtown Blues Band, Bairdsville singer and songwriter Matt Andersen, the multi-talented La Famille Arsenault and fiddling sensation Dominque Dupuis of Dieppe with Moncton comedian Marshall Button, better known as Lucien, as emcee.
“This is a one-of-a-kind occasion to share our rich cultural heritage with the leaders of our nation,” Mr. Savoy said. “We are proud to be an example of cultural diversity and harmony to the rest of Canada.”
“We want to give our friends in Ottawa the kind of warm welcome that New Brunswickers are noted for,” Mr. Scott said. “This will be a showcase of our heritage and hospitality.”
The Maritime Kitchen Party is open to the public and will begin at 8 p.m. at the Delta Fredericton ballroom. Tickets are now on sale at all MP constituency offices in New Brunswick, as well as the New Brunswick Liberal Association office in Fredericton. For further information, contact the NBLA 1-800-442-4902;
Office of Andy Savoy at 1-866-542-4400 or the Office of Andy Scott, (506) 452-4110.
Office of the Hon. Andy Scott
Towne Centre Building
412 Queen Street
Suite 100
Fredericton, N.B.
E3B 1B6
Phone: (506) 452-4110
Fax: (506) 452-4076
This is the fella I just called.
Andrew Holland
Excutive Assistant
Phone: (506) 452-3516
Read this fellas and then go cause the Liberals that are having to much fun at our expense to weep and worry about their own malevolent interests. Ask them if they still wish to support the Diddlers T. Alex Hickman and their buddy Billy Matthews. At the very least tell everybody to call Andy Savoy and Andy Scott and ask them the same question Lois Skanes asked of Stevey Boy May. Who the Hell is David Amos and what the Hell is he talking about?
DOCKET NO. 0407CR004623
Mardi 29 Janvier 2013
Richard Saillant named executive director of CIRPPPA
![]() |
Richard Saillant |
Agrandir l'image |
Mr. Saillant is currently the Université de Moncton’s vice-president of administration and human resources, a position he has held since July 2011.
During his career with the federal government, Mr. Saillant held senior positions in a number of areas, including public policy analysis, development and administration. Prior to joining the Université de Moncton’s management team, he was director general of investment review and strategic planning with Industry Canada. After joining the federal public service in 1997, he was also director of rail policy at Transport Canada and an economist with the Privy Council Office of Canada.
“Mr. Saillant has significant experience in public policy and administration,” Dr. Savoie said. “His career in the federal public service prepared him well for the role of executive director of the CIRPPPA.”
Raymond Théberge, president and vice-chancellor of the Université de Moncton, highlighted the excellent work done by the vice-president over the past two years. “Mr. Saillant undertook his functions as vice-president with great energy. His contribution to the Université de Moncton’s senior management team has been greatly appreciated. Happily for us, his new position means he will remain affiliated with his alma mater.”
A native of Val-Comeau, Mr. Saillant holds a bachelor’s degree in arts with a double major in economics and political science from the Université de Moncton, a master’s degree in economics from the Université de Montréal and a master’s degree in business administration from McGill University.
The search for a new vice-president of administration and human resources for the Université de Moncton will be undertaken in the coming months.
Grim future for Nova Scotia, warns author

Richard Saillant’s A Tale of Two Countries outlines the demographic crisis facing Nova Scotia. (Contributed)
Richard Saillant, a former federal government staffer has released his second book titled A Tale of Two Countries, says Ottawa will have to stage an intervention to ease Atlantic Canada’s demographic freefall.
In his book, he warns that Nova Scotia’s population will drop to just 933,900 people by 2038, down from its 2013 figure of 940,800. He says this decline is due to falling birth rates and out-migration. In addition, the province’s baby boomers are now retiring and half will be over 75 in 15 years, putting a major strain on health care.
“I’m afraid there’s no silver bullet. If there was one, politicians would have found it already,” said Saillant.
He said that the best answer to Nova Scotia’s looming demographic crisis was for Ottawa to step in to prop up universal health care and the welfare state in Nova Scotia to stop it from collapsing.
But Nova Scotia could also help itself by reforming and making the hospital and healthcare infrastructure — built in the 1950s and 1960s — more efficient and perhaps raising its HST.
Otherwise, health care costs will double from 10 per cent to 20 per cent of GDP by 2038, an unsustainable burden for Atlantic Canada.
“Unless Ottawa steps in, free universal health care in Atlantic Canada will be under tremendous stress,” said Saillant.
He also warned that there is no escaping the “laws of demographic gravity,” that have been building for the last 50 years under steadily falling birth rates.
Saillant said Nova Scotia’s median age is 44, reflecting an older population, whereas the prime age for having babies is in the mid-30s range.
One possible solution to Nova Scotia’s demographic crisis is increased immigration, but Saillant said immigrants, like many Canadians, will go where the jobs are.
Indeed, many Nova Scotians have gone west in recent years to provinces like Alberta, where oil and other jobs were plentiful before its recent recession.
This leaves aging baby boomers exiting the workforce without enough younger people to replace them.
“We are left with a disproportionately large share of baby boomers,” said Saillant.
As a result, Saillant’s book foresees two Canadas emerging: one will have growing populations that can afford to maintain the socioeconomic status quo in their provinces and a second facing potential ruin as welfare systems collapse.
In this second part of Canada — which would include Nova Scotia — average economic growth rates will likely be stuck below one per cent.
“There’s not much that can meaningfully alter this,” said Saillant.
About Us
The Donald J. Savoie Institute aims first and foremost to promote the regional development of l'Acadie, New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada through its work on major public policy issues at the regional, national, and even international level by conducting research, non-partisan and rigourous analysis, and fostering informed public debate.
The Institute is an autonomous entity; however, it has a special relationship with the Université de Moncton. Its presence on the Moncton campus fosters research with faculty members and contributes to training young researchers. Members of the research team of the Institute regularly teach courses at the Université de Moncton, which enriches the courses curriculum.
The Institute also maintains relationships with multiple partners from various institutions in Atlantic Canada and nationwide.
Roger Ouellette, Research Fellow

Telephone: 506.858.4378
Roger Ouellette is a Professor and the Director of the Department of Political Science at the University of Moncton. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Sorbonne and he is also an École nationale d’administration Alumni (“Denis Diderot” promotion).
Before joining the Department of Political Science at the University of Moncton, Roger was a consultant and Interim Director of Intergovernmental Co-operation at the Cabinet Secretariat of New Brunswick. He was also a journalist at the News Department of Radio-Canada.
His teaching, research and publications focus on the areas of public policy, evaluation and Canadian and Acadian politics. Roger was Vice President of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the province of New Brunswick.
Very active in the community, he was also Chairman of the Société Nationale de l’Acadie and of the Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada. He is currently Vice President of the Community Radio Fund of Canada and a political columnist for the daily L’Acadie Nouvelle.
Sébastien Breau, Research Fellow

Telephone: 514.398.3242
Sébastien Breau is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at McGill University. He holds a B.Soc.Sc. (Economics) from the Université de Moncton, an M.A. in Economics from the Université Laval and a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of California, Los Angeles.
His research focuses on geographies of inequality, labour market dynamics, international trade and regional development. He has published in numerous international journals, including Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Urban Studies and Journal of Economic Geography.
Maurice Basque, Research Fellow

Telephone: 506.858.4726
Maurice Basque is a historian and scientific consultant at Université de Moncton’s Institut d’études acadiennes. He was the first director of this Institut from 2007 to 2010 and, from 1997 to 2007, he was director of Acadian Studies at Université de Moncton. He holds a bachelor’s degree with a specialization in History, a bachelor’s degree in Education, a master’s degree in History, and he carried out doctoral studies at Université Laval.
His main areas of research are Acadian history, the history of women in Acadie and the history of Acadian political culture. He has published many books and articles on these themes and others, also on the various aspects of Acadian realities, in addition to having contributed to over twenty documentary films as a history expert.
Maurice Basque was president of the Association for Canadian Studies for many years, as well as the president of the Order of New Brunswick Advisory Council. He often makes media appearances and is invited on dozens of occasions to lecture and present papers every year.
Céline Basque, Administrative Assistant

Telephone : 506.858.4506
Email :
Céline Basque is DJSI’s Adminsistrtive Assistant. She holds a bachelor’s degree in linguistics from l’Université de Moncton. After her studies, Céline acquired valuable skills in office administration in the health, research and development and legal sectors. She joined the Institute in 2012.
Email :
Céline Basque is DJSI’s Adminsistrtive Assistant. She holds a bachelor’s degree in linguistics from l’Université de Moncton. After her studies, Céline acquired valuable skills in office administration in the health, research and development and legal sectors. She joined the Institute in 2012.

DJSI looking for new Executive Director
New working paper by Sébastien Breau, with Brian Toy and Oliver Coomes
New working paper by Yannick Marchand and Sébastien Breau
![Looking for Bootstraps NOV29.tif]()
New book by Donald J. Savoie
Excerpts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
New Report - Que faire avec la Société des alcools du Nouveau-Brunswick?
Donald J. Savoie is one of the Canada 150 Ambassadors
New book by Richard SaillantInterview with J. Planta
![Regional Studies Regional Science]()
Newly published article by Sébastien Breau and Richard Saillant![Snapshot3]()
Donald Savoie in Conversation with Richard Saillant (Killam Prize 2015)
![Nouvellesperspectivesendevreg EN]()
Book Review
![26087 Saillant couvert EN dessus seulement]()
Book Review
New working paper by Sébastien Breau, with Brian Toy and Oliver Coomes
New working paper by Yannick Marchand and Sébastien Breau

New book by Donald J. Savoie
Excerpts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
New Report - Que faire avec la Société des alcools du Nouveau-Brunswick?
Donald J. Savoie is one of the Canada 150 Ambassadors

New book by Richard SaillantInterview with J. Planta

Newly published article by Sébastien Breau and Richard Saillant

Donald Savoie in Conversation with Richard Saillant (Killam Prize 2015)

Book Review

Book Review
Mandate #180424
The Donald J. Savoie Institute, a reference in fundamental and applied research in Canada for regional development, has recently revised its strategic orientation to become a dynamic and innovative national research center and an intellectual source in all matters pertaining to public policies for the development of regions in Canada as well as abroad. As its next …
… contribute to the collective thinking for regional challenges within a national and international context originating from an Atlantic Canada perspective. In doing so, highlight particular local dynamics in order to impact economic growth. Promote the Institute on the national and international scene. This is truly a unique opportunity to contribute directly to regional development by implementing a modern vision, by putting together a dedicated and dynamic team to publish high-end research results, by setting up a network of partners, and by increasing awareness through public debates. This position is located at the Moncton campus of l’Université de Moncton, a longtime partner of the Institute.
In order to achieve success with this vision, the Institute is looking for a graduate with a master’s degree, an influential leader, well known and respected by the research community and its many stakeholders. This individual demonstrates exceptional strategic communication skills, both written and verbal in French and in English. A sound judgment combined with a strong work ethic (public service, integrity, objectivity, transparency, engagement and collaboration) is imperative.
If you require further information please contact Jean Raymond (514-393-3133 #226). If you believe you have the profile the Institute is looking for, please send your resume to Raymond Executive Search by email to specifying project number 180424. All information received will be treated in a confidential manner and only candidates retained for consideration will be contacted.
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.
>; contactus@
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 14:27:58 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To:, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "policy.karenforcanada@gmail.
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<>, ""
<>, ""
Cc: Jessica Hume <>, David Amos
Hey Ms Sims and Ms Hume
Remember me?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jessica Hume <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:14:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re XL Foods CFIA
Mr Amos, I just got your message and your emails. I apologize for my delay
- I've been on the 5am to noon shift and my sleep schedule's a little out
of wack, needless to say.
I'd love to chat. Will call you Monday.
Looking forward to it!
Have a great weekend and thank you so, so much for getting in touch.
Say Hey to Joyce Murray for me will ya?
Please ask her why she doesn't return calls or write back to pigheaded
Maritimers. Trust that her local liberal leader buddy McNeil, his corrupt
cop brothers and all ther nasty RCMP buddies know why I am far from
Halifax today
I tried Allen Rollin's number but he did not pick up. Surprise surprise EH?
Trust that if I can find your number Ms Sims your phone will be
ringing as I click
send on this email. I need a doublecheck on proof of contact tis all. If not
the folks in the BCC will at acknowledge that they received this email
as debate in Halifax is underway.
Enjoy the debate today After you read this email later it may enlighten you
as to why some liberals behaved the way they did today. Need I say I have been
watching Sun Media closely these days? You report from my stomping grounds
and if you follow politics at all in the Maritimes you should know who I am.
If not ask your associates Ezzy Levant, David Akin and Jessica Hume to forward
to you all the emails I sent them. However this one about Harper, Brad Wall,
BHP and Potash Corp should be enough for any journalist to ask the liberals in
Halifax one simple question today EH? Please allow me to word it for you.
Who the Hell is David Amos and why is he so pissed off?
I must say both strange ladies hugging each other in a Church the other
night made me laugh. I bet they are praying that one does not spill the
beans on the other while May's old organization the Sierra Club and her CBC
buddy Sneaky Suzuki supports the unethical liberal Murray and her bid to be
the liberal leader and then join forces with the NDP against Harper. If the
liberal were smart they would pick Murrray but I agree that Justin is the
shoein for his fat daddy's old job and he will play right in Harper's hand
and decimate what is left of the liberal party.
The mindless Upper Canaainlawyers Coyne and Hall clearly know nothing
of Emera its doings with pipelines and electric grids in the Maritimes EH?
Everybody knows the lawyer Dizzy Lizzy May who once worked for Mulroney is a
closet Conservative who did a hostile take over of the the Green Party once
it began to get some support. Why would Justin Trudeau be any different?
Simply put in my humble opinion Layton, Dion (then Iggy now Rae), Dizzy
Lizzy May were always part of Harper's controlled opposition and I went to
great lengths to prove it in writing with registered mail to Dizzy Lizzy and
the Boyz way back in 2007.
The only hope I had lately that the liberals may change their evil ways came
from the non politician Karen McCrimmon but as I heard her speak on Skype
from my stomping grounds to Sun News this morning I gave up on her Integrity
in a heartbeat when she claimed that did not understand why Canada does not
get a fair price for its oil from Yankees. DUHHH??? NOBODY IS THAT DUMB. Its
called NAFTA. EVERYBODY knows it was engineered by Brian Mulroney and his
Maritime butt buddy Derek Burney and endorsed by liberal (Power Corp)
lawyers such as Chretien, Martin and the very evil mindless Maritme lawyers
such as Landslide Annie, Dominic Leblanc and Franky Boy Mckenna. Hell
Marimers largely give our natural resources away without any royalty to
speak of anyway. It was a small wonder to me why Harper made fun of us and
called us defeatists many years ago and claimed that he did not need the
Maritimes to have a majority govenemnt. Danny Boy Williams made him change
his thinking about that in 2008 N'esy Pas Ms Sims?.
When I heard Murray ask McCrimmon about the RCMP I got pissed off.
I know for a fact that military officers under the likes of the Maritme
lawyer Petey Baby Mackay can be very evil but I had hopes McCrimmon
broke the mold. However after talking to her people and her delibrate
ignorance I would have to say that she is no better than the MPs and the
lawyers she is running against. She is merely part of the circus annointing
Trudeau's mindless son. His obvious support of the greasy gassy oily boyz,
very corrupt cops and their many bankster pals is a telling thing indeed.
A front man's long eye lashes that impress the likes of Jessica Hume enough
to forget doing her job as a supposedly ethical journalist. (As one can see I
briefly had hopes that she was honest last December). However it does
prohibit an ugly olld Maritmer to register his indignation towards the
maliciuous nonsense of it all.
Does anyone even recall how many Canadian companies were taken over by
Yankee interests immediately after 0/11 2001??? How about the
arguments about the
soft wood tariffs? Howabout what I said about NAFT etc back in 2004?
Mulcair the ex liberal lawyer and bullshitting French citizen is making the
Bloc Orange support Harper's malice in a covert fashion and the Bob
Rae the ex NDP
lawyer is keeping all the liberals tow the line as well until he is
replaced by the good
looking idiot Trudeau.
All Conservatives will agree that old man Trudeau destroyed alot of the
Canada that our forefathers fought to create, defend and worked very
hard to build. Smiling Bastards such as Harper, Rae, Mulcair, Dizzy
Lizzy and young Trudeau are just continuing to play the same old
wicked game with greedy Yankees for their benefit not ours.
Shame on us all.
Anyone can feel free to call me anytime. Everybody knows I am not a shy man.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: <>; <>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
<>; "acampbell"<>; "jacques_poitras"
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:19 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE Harper, Potash, Nexen and the Chinese Whereas you people
don't believe me why not ask one of Nexen's Directors or BHP 's Chairman Jac
Nassar if I am a liar???
SEPTEMBER 26, 2012
For Immediate Release
OTTAWA – Vancouver MP Joyce Murray led off Question Period today in
the House of Commons by confronting the Prime Minister about the
government’s continued refusal to be transparent with Canadians.
Murray demanded, in both official languages, to know why the
government has refused to be open with Canadians about budget cuts,
procurement spending, and the percentage of foreign ownership the
government will permit in Canada’s natural resources sector.
“The Conservative government’s track record of concealing information
and spurning public oversight extends to all levels of public policy.
Controversies surrounding the true cost of the F-35 fighter jets and
the content of the proposed Nexen deal are simply the most recent in
the government’s long history of disrespect for accountability,” said
Murray. “Why is the Prime Minister refusing this access to Canadians,
who have the right to know what their elected representatives are
doing with taxpayer money?”
Murray’s comments came during Canada’s Right to Know Week, which aims
to raise awareness about how public access to government information
is a fundamental principle of democratic governance.
The transcript of Ms. Murray’s questions to the government is below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rachel Forbes <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:39:01 -0800
Subject: Re: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To: David Amos <>
Cc: David Amos <>
I didn't want you to hang up, I just wanted to ask you what you're
asking of me and also let you know I won't be able to look at this
material today
Please let me know how you are thinking we should or could be involved
Thank you
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Edmunds, Randy"<>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:28:22 -0330
Subject: RE: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To: David Amos <>
Hi Mr Amos
We seem to have gotten disconnected in our telephone conversation...Im
7 mins late for a caucas meeting, so If you could outline for me what
you issues are that are relevant to Aboriginal people in my District
and directly related to Muskrat falls it would be greatly appreciated.
Especially your statement on intent to sue the NL government on the
Muskrat falls issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 9:13 AM
To: president; Edmunds, Randy; Jacques.Poitras
Cc: David Amos;; Broomfield, Ruth
Subject: Fwd: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the
left versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
To Contact Randy:
Telephone: (709) 729-3391
Toll Free: (800) 813-9157
Mailing Address: Office of the Official Opposition, 3rd Floor East
Block, P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
To Contact Ruth Broomfield - Constituency Assistant
Telephone: (709) 923-2471
Toll Free: (877) 923-2371
Mailing Address: Office of the Official Opposition, 3rd Floor East
Block, P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 07:53:42 -0400
Subject: LOTS of Dairy Farmers in New Brunswick know exactly who I am
ask Wayne Easter why EH Rob Moore?
To:,,,,,,,,,,, mclellana
<>,,,,,, policy.karenforcanada@gmail.
<>, pm <>
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, Ashfik1a <>
Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick
PO Box 5034
Sussex, NB E4E 5L2
Voice: (506) 432-4330
Fax: (506) 432-4333
Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
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Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 206.191.18.# (Dairy Farmers of Canada)
ISP Magma Communications
Location Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
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City : Ottawa
Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
Language English (Canada) en-ca
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Visitor's Time Feb 13 2013 9:56:59 am
Visit Number 18,950
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 18:11:25 -0300
Subject: RE Harper, Potash, Nexen and the Chinese Whereas you people
don't believe me why not ask one of Nexen's Directors or BHP 's
Chairman Jac Nassar if I am a liar???
Cc: "christian.paradis.a1"<christian.paradis.a1@parl.gc.
Amos <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "Jessica Hume"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 10:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: The RCMP and ALL the greasy gassy and oily corporate and
bureaucratic lawyers MUST remember mean old me by now EH Landslide Annie?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 22:04:31 -0400
Subject: The RCMP and ALL the greasy gassy and oily corporate and
bureaucratic lawyers MUST remember mean old me by now EH Landslide Annie?
To:,,,, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>,, campaign
<>, josh steffler <>,
<>, hjk <>, radical
<>, MulcaT <>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
"gregory.craig"<>, "greg.weston"
<>, cookgreg11 <>, "dean.buzza"
<>, "dean.delmastro.c1"
<>, andre <>
Cc: David Amos <>,,
YOUR LETTER IS PAGE ONE of the file below
YOU wrote when you created a job for the corrupt cop Dean Buzza CORRECT???
Just Dave
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Time of Visit Dec 3 2012 8:33:10 am
Last Page View Dec 3 2012 8:33:10 am
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Visitor's Time Dec 3 2012 7:33:10 am
Visit Number 18,486
From: Elizabeth May <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:45:06 -0700
Subject: Thank you for your message / Merci pour votre courriel Re:
Your client Mr Harper should remember mean old me He and I crossed
paths bigtime in Sussex NB on June 19th, 2004
Thank you for your email. We will work to ensure that a response is
sent to you as soon as possible.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Nous ne
ménagerons aucun effort pour vous transmettre notre réponse dans les
meilleurs délais.
Leader's Office Correspondence Team
Équipe de correspondance du Bureau de la chef
Green Party of Canada
Parti vert du Canada
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 20:45:03 -0300
Subject: Your client Mr Harper should remember mean old me He and I
crossed paths bigtime in Sussex NB on June 19th, 2004
To:,, "bob.paulson"
<>,,, premier <>, "alan.white"
<>, acampbell <>,, leader <>,,
<>, David Amos
Obviously that was many years before he had the questionable Mr
Clements stop your bid to scoop our Potash resources EH Mr Nasser?
miro kwasnicastandard
at 6:49 PM ETI can think of several Harper cabinet ministers who have
been proven of much more serious breaches of Government rules than
Guergis. Tony Clements & David Baird scooping $50million from the G20
funds because they could, Paradis, and his continual dubiuos
practices, Mackay and his continual bungling of the military
portfolio, and relying on lobbyists a set government policies and
priorities and constantly lying to cover up his personal uses of the
Military. Just today news that Clements and Paradis both have been
cautioned by the ethics commissioner for abusing ministerial power by
backing advertising claims of private companies.I would also see the
figures for all the court cases the Conservatives have spent on
fighting its own government.
More importantly Harper can't claim that his people, the RCMP and many
others who purportedly work for us instead of just Harper don't check
my work often N'esy Pas Ms May, Mr Mulcar and Mr Rae?
QSLS Politics
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Visitor's Time Jul 19 2012 1:26:33 pm
Visit Number 27,910
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: <>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 6:33 PM
Subject: Jessica Hume, 613-218-4455
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:46:06 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Cst Peddle ask the
nasty Newfy lawyer Tommy Boy Marshall why that is
To: "Wayne.Lang"<>, toewsv1
"bob.paulson"<>, David Amos
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
To: randyedmunds <>
Cc: David Amos <>
In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
affect the interests of every person in every district of every
country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
Here is why
Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
following file
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400
Subject: Andre meet Biil Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow
who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP
To: wcsapo <>
Cc: occupyfredericton <>
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Your friends in Corridor or the Potash Corp or Bruce Northrup
or the RCMP should have told you about this stuff not I
To: "khalid"<>, "Wayne.Lang"
<>, ""
<>, ""<>,
"thenewbrunswicker"<>, "chiefape"
<>, "danfour"<>, "evelyngreene"
<>, "Barry.MacKnight"
Cc: "thepurplevioletpress"<thepurplevioletpress@gmail.
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 4:16 PM
FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
these are illegal
FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you
about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
the USDOJ for me will ya?
To: RBauer <>,,, msmith <>, bginsberg
<>, "gregory.craig"
<>, pm <>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
Cc:, David Amos <>,
QSLS Politics
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Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
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ISP US Dept of Justice
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City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
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Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
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Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
Visit Number 29,419
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
the USDOJ for me will ya?
To: "RBauer"<>,,, "msmith"<>, "bginsberg"
<>, "gregory.craig"
<>, "pm"<>, "bob.paulson"
<>, "bob.rae"
Cc:, "David Amos"<>,
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 10:10 AM
QSLS Politics
By Location Visit Detail
Visit 29,419
Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
ISP US Dept of Justice
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
Language English (U.S.) en-us
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:50:17 -0300
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:21:08 -0400
> To: David Amos <>
> <>, "Litt, Marc (USANYS)"<>
> Cc: webo <>,,,
> Thank you for your response.
> Wendy Olsen
> Victim Witness Coordinator
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
> To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> Cc: webo;;;
> Ms Olsen
> Thank you for keeping me informed.
> Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
> make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
> disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
> of Law within a purported democracy.
> As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
> wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
> privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
> protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
> The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
> aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
> the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
> pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
> was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
> trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
> secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
> poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
> are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
> beginning over seven years ago..
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 506 756 8687
> P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
> soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
> night.
> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
> Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
> is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
> timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
> forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
> wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
> "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
> and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
> He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
> Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
> acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
> Putnam insiders.
> Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
> is in hot water again.
> Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
> private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
> investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
> enter the private sector," Scannell said."
> --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> To:, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.
> <>,,,
>, "Dan Fitzgerald"<>
> Cc:,,
> benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.
> Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
> Need I say BULLSHIT?
> ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
> To:,,
> ninkster@navigantconsulting.
> Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.
>,, jacques_poitras
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
> To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.
> "Paul. Harpelle"<>, Jason Keenan
> <>, Kandalaw <>
> Cc:,
> From: "Peck,Dave"<>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
> To: David Amos <>
> I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
> Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
> He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
> gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.
> I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
> Thank you,
> Chief Dave Peck
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
> To:,,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
> To:
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
> In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
> received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
> victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. This
> includes your email to the Government. If the correspondence from
> victims is unsealed, the victim's personal identifying information
> including name, address, telephone number and email address (to the
> extent it was included on the correspondence) will become public. The
> Government must submit a response to the request by NBC and ABC by
> Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know whether you consent to
> the full disclosure of your correspondence, or whether you wish to
> have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy or other reasons.
> If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
> know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
> can. Thank you.
> I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
> emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
> reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
> chickenshits.
> I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
> never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
> with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> Cc: webo <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
> Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> To:
> On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
> guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
> March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
> Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
> consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
> defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
> Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
> imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
> released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
> Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
> conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
> whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
> will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
> Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by the
> Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense counsel
> to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce its
> intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite individuals
> who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
> The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
> heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
> restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
> also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
> concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
> proceeding.
> A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
> be
> found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
> Southern District of New York:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
> To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
> USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> Cc: oig
> Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
> etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Sartory, Thomas J."<>
> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
> Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> To:
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
> Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
> While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
> Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
> help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
> attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
> will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
> We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
> Sincerely,
> Thomas J. Sartory
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
> To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.;
> Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? (902 800 0369)
> Post a comment:
> Unsubscribe to comments for this post:
> Posted by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Friday, May 22, 2009
The following email can be found here
---- Original Message -----
From: "McKnight, Gisele"McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: David Amos
Hello Lisa,
David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became
an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of
Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal).
I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
the candidates' debate held June 18.
As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
that ran, but this one is very similar.
A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG
Gisele McKnight editor
Kings County Record
Sussex, New Brunswick
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's
not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about."
What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, 'what the hell.'"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:01:00 -0300
Subject: RE John Conway of the University of Regina and his published
opinion of the demise of the NDP In SK
To:,, bwall
<>, premier <>,,,,,
Cc:, maritime_malaise <>,
<>, "9.17occupywallstreet"
I don't believe John Conway knows as much as he thinks he does so he
deserved to be somewhat more enlightened EH Brad Wall? Rest assured
that I called him and told him as much as he wanted to know while
Lingenfelter's campain manager played as dumb as a post about my
However as dumb as Lingenfelter and his cohorts may pretend to be if
the NDP boss in SK truly practiced old style, right wing “take no
prisoners” politicking he who have embarassed the hell out of Brad
Wall last year with the letter from Jac Nasser to mean old me that is
hereto attached.
Anyone with two clues between their ears or even a dumb NDP dude would
know that BHP Billiton's Marius Kloppers visiting Brad Wall during an
election campaign is just no coincidence at all. Something smells
truly rotten indeed. However the only way to resolve my concerns is
byway of litigation CORRECT MR WALL?
Have your lawyers review the emials below and tell your Attorney
General to find the documents I sent his office byway REGISTERED US
MAIL in 2005 and tell them to give me a call if they have more BALLS
than you EH MR WALL?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:16:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: RE BHP's game I just called Bill Boyd and the NDP In SK
they played dumb as usual
To:, dlingenfelter@mla.legassembly.,,,,
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and
his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my
son and I last night EH?
To: "MLA"<>, "kelly. lamrock"
<>, "jack. keir"<>,
<>, ""<>,
""<>, "danfour"
<>, "Richard Harris"
premier"<>, "nbpolitico"<>,
Cc: "Wayne.Lang"<>, "rob.lafrance"
<>, "shawn. graham"<>,
"John. Foran"<>, "john"
<>, "robin reid"<>, "tony"
<>, fortsaskatchewan.vegreville@
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 6:25 PM
How dumb was that? I must ask did he expect the cops to arrest both of
us and then call us both crazy? Hell Urquhart even bragged in front of
the cops that he did the same shit on July 4th, 2008 That malicious
nonsense didn't work out too well for the long gone lawyer and former
Minister of Health Mikey Murphy partcularly after the nasty French
bastard Chucky Lebanc and hs pals violated my privacy and blogged
about N'esy Pas? I told the cops last nght to simply Google my name and
the dumb bastards laughed.
FYI type in Davd Amos to see that I wa not jokng with the smiling dumb
bastards last nght Google will offer Chucky Leblanc's bullshit about
mean old me at the top of the hit list DUHHH?
Davd Amos plus Google equals
Do tell does Carl Baby really think I won't sue his nasty arse
someday? Ya think the corrupt ex cop of Fat Fred City's Finest would
at least wait until he and his cohorts got sworn in to take over your
jobs EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
Susan Collins
Company Secretariat
BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.
>; contactus@
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
This message and any attached files may contain information that is
confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
sender immediately and delete the message.
--- On Mon, 9/13/10, David Amos <> wrote:
From: David Amos <>
Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now
To:, Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.
Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.
Date: Monday, September 13, 2010, 7:57 PM
Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
Chartered Secretaries.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
Susan Collins
Company Secretariat
BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> To:;;
>; corporate.relations@
>; shawn. graham;;
> krisaustin;;;
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.
>; contactus@
> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>; MooreR; danfour;;
> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> Cc: wcoady;;;
> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
This message and any attached files may contain information that is
confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
sender immediately and delete the message.
With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a
bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
From: David Amos <>
Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you
should read something from years ago
Cc:, corporate.relations@,
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM
First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You
can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and
are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to
shut me up yet.
Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three
stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever
and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the
way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and
that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the
Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid
to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy
with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I
effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that
very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten
times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be.
Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You
should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away
scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a
little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in
2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like
all the money being passed out right now.
I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in
that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia
earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking out the
back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't
answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity
EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway
won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of
the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he
filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to
cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I
was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time
and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words
about it all on the web all the same.
Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in
Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to
be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against
your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS
and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with
for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny,
Dougy and Joey do.
Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings
and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read
what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago.
For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the
trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return
to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness
you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I
don't like you not even a little bit?
Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and
gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always
considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB
and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal
Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up
start listening to me.
FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to
view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to
follow as my time allows.
This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgerald who is studying for his PHD in
Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my
integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in
return I left his school out of my battles.
Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take
careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just
like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and
fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning
of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very
hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is
a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly
apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation.
Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition.
Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water
98 Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible
provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow
local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely
resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and
corporation choke on huge profits.
99 David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the
gate while I ran for Parliament will ya?
My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort
of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages
of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles.
The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one
pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the
Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to
tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one
of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the
Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical EH teacher?
For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed
all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I
must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as
it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir?
Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend
to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300
Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: henrybanta <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
people buy much stock in their stock eh?
To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela"<>
> > To: "'David Amos'"<>
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM
> > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do
> > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada
> > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear David
> >
> > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail
> > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need
> > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but
> > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is
> > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the
> > necessary information.
> >
> > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all
> > please do not hesitate to come back to me.
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Angela Stainton-James
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24
> > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1
> > Cc:; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies;
> > rogerduguay21
> > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about
> > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such
> > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
> >
> > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans
> > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read
> > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson
> >
> >
> > Richard Coughlan
> > Faversham, United Kingdom
> > email
> > Website:
> > Phone 07935333407
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300
> > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today
> > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485
> > 2578 for a couple of days
> > To:
> >
> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/
> >
> > http://baconfat53.blogspot.
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300
> > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked
> > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he
> > was in Canada
> > To:
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300
> > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the
> > President of Mexico while he was in Canada
> > To: atperez_lee <>
> >
> > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go
> > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th
> > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important
> > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the
> > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file
> >
> >
> >
> > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody
> > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your
> > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how
> > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone)
> >
> > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared.
> > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust.
> >
> >
> >
> > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression
> > "Nobody will say my name"
> >
> >
> > Here is just one of the many reasons why
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM
> > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> > Cc: webo;;;
> >
> > Thank you for your response.
> >
> > Wendy Olsen
> > Victim Witness Coordinator
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
> > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
> > Cc: webo;;;
> >
> > Ms Olsen
> >
> > Thank you for keeping me informed.
> >
> > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
> > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
> > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
> > of Law within a purported democracy.
> >
> > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
> > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
> > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
> > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
> >
> > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
> > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
> > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
> > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
> > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
> > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
> > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
> > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
> > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
> > beginning over seven years ago..
> >
> > Veritas Vincit
> > David Raymond Amos
> > 902 800 0369
> >
> > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
> > night.
> >
> >
> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
> >
> > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
> > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
> > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
> > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
> > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
> >
> > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
> > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
> >
> > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
> > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
> > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
> > Putnam insiders.
> >
> > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
> > is in hot water again.
> >
> > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
> > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
> > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
> > enter the private sector," Scannell said."
> >
> > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote:
> >
> > From: David Amos <>
> > SDNY
> > To:, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.
> > <>,,,
> >, "Dan Fitzgerald"<>
> > Cc:,,
> >,,
> >,,
> > benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.
> > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
> >
> > Need I say BULLSHIT?
> >
> >
> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
> > SDNY
> > To:,,
> > ninkster@navigantconsulting.
> > Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.
> >,, jacques_poitras
> > <>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
> > To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.
> > "Paul. Harpelle"<>, Jason Keenan
> > <>, Kandalaw <>
> > Cc:,
> >
> > From: "Peck,Dave"<>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
> > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
> > To: David Amos <>
> >
> > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
> >
> > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
> >
> > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
> > gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.
> >
> > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Chief Dave Peck
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
> > To:,,
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
> > To:
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
> >
> > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
> > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
> > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case.
> >
> > This includes your email to the Government.
> >
> > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal
> > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and
> > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence)
> > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the
> > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know
> > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or
> > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy
> > or other reasons.
> > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
> > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
> > can. Thank you.
> >
> > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
> > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
> > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
> > chickenshits.
> >
> > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
> > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
> > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
> >
> > Veritas Vincit
> > David Raymond Amos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: David Amos <>
> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> > Cc: webo <>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"<>
> > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
> > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> > To:
> >
> > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
> > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
> > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
> >
> > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
> > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
> > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
> > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
> > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
> > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
> > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
> > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
> > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
> >
> > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by
> > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense
> > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce
> > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite
> > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
> >
> > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
> > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
> > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
> > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
> > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
> > proceeding.
> >
> > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
> > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
> > Southern District of New York:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
> > To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
> > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
> > Cc: oig
> > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
> > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J."<>
> > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
> > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> > To:
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. Amos,
> >
> > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
> > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
> > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
> > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
> > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
> > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
> > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
> >
> > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Thomas J. Sartory
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
> > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.;
> >
> > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
> >
> > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH?
> >
> > UK Parliament Disclaimer:
> > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have
> > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your
> > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.
> > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted
> > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.
> >
> >