WOW Need I say I would love to debate this Yankee arsehole Ambassador Daniel Fried over our Crown Corporation"s airwaves?
U.S. diplomat questions Trump's belief in the free world on eve of meeting Putin

Listen 24:56
"I hate to say this, but I'm not sure that President Trump believes in the free world, and I'm not sure he believes, as American presidents have believed for a hundred years, that American interests and American values are really the same," says Daniel Fried, who served for four decades in the American Foreign Service, including a term as U.S. ambassador to Poland when communist rule ended there.
In his conversation with The Sunday Edition guest host Nahlah Ayed, Ambassador Fried looks ahead to the meeting scheduled for July 16 between the U.S. and Russian presidents, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Ambassador Daniel Fried, Atlantic Council, speaks at The 2017 Concordia Annual Summit on September 19, 2017 in New York City. (Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)
In his analysis of the Trump-Putin meeting, the ambassador invokes the lessons of history: "The last time America was in the grip of isolationism was the 1930s. It trapped the Roosevelt administration and kept us from doing anything about Hitler. The result was disaster. Millions of people lost their lives because America had pulled itself out of the game. There are real risks to the kind of isolationist cynicism that I hear sometimes from the American president."
He also drew parallels between the meeting of Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the upcoming summit in Helsinki.
"The president seems to have nothing but bad things to say about his democratically elected counterparts, and yet he seems to have good things to say about Putin and Kim Jong Un," says Fried.
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un, left, and U.S. President Donald Trump shake hands at the conclusion of their meetings at the Capella resort on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12. (Susan Walsh/Associated Press)
"I'm afraid it's more than a tactic. I'm afraid that this really represents President Trump's deeper strategic convictions, that American values have nothing to do with American interests, that we should not try to lead the free world, that there is no such thing as the free world: it's merely a sham, and that we ought to be just another grasping superpower trying to take our cut."
Although he says he is encouraged that Trump has said he will raise contentious issues with Putin, such as Russia's interventions in Syria and Ukraine, Fried adds a note of caution: "There's raising an issue just to say you raised it, to check the box. And then there's raising it in a way that the other guy knows you're serious. That's what he needs to do."
Despite all his concerns, the ambassador leaves room to correct the course: "Those of us who believe in the free world and America's role as part of the west, not alone but with our allies, need to remember who we are and what we've stood for a hundred years. If we bring that to the table, if we can get over this current period of distraction, then we'll be okay."
In his conversation with The Sunday Edition guest host Nahlah Ayed, Ambassador Fried looks ahead to the meeting scheduled for July 16 between the U.S. and Russian presidents, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
There are real risks to the kind of isolationist cynicism that I hear sometimes from the American president.- Daniel FriedFried left the U.S. government last year, after serving as senior director of the National Security Council for both Democratic and Republican administrations, and as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. He was a key player in crafting American policy in Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and is now a distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States.

He also drew parallels between the meeting of Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the upcoming summit in Helsinki.
"The president seems to have nothing but bad things to say about his democratically elected counterparts, and yet he seems to have good things to say about Putin and Kim Jong Un," says Fried.

Although he says he is encouraged that Trump has said he will raise contentious issues with Putin, such as Russia's interventions in Syria and Ukraine, Fried adds a note of caution: "There's raising an issue just to say you raised it, to check the box. And then there's raising it in a way that the other guy knows you're serious. That's what he needs to do."
If we can get over this current period of distraction, then we'll be okay.- Daniel FriedFried, who has met Putin himself several times, says the leader has already benefited simply because the meeting with Trump is happening. He also expresses concern that the Russian president will have the upper hand on Monday: "Putin is smart, tough, knows what he wants. He excels at manipulating any conversation to his advantage, which is not a reason not to meet with him. It's a reason to be on your toes and pay attention."
Despite all his concerns, the ambassador leaves room to correct the course: "Those of us who believe in the free world and America's role as part of the west, not alone but with our allies, need to remember who we are and what we've stood for a hundred years. If we bring that to the table, if we can get over this current period of distraction, then we'll be okay."

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
YO @HillaryClinton Methinks the Yankees should finally investigate what went down between Mr Mueller et al and I many moons ago N'esy Pas?
BTW CBC informed me of your Tweet so now you evil people have mine EH?
I saw an American woman interviewed once that had worked the whole election for a proven Russian plant. She couldn’t believe it. “But, but, but, no. I knew Willie since...” than she trailed off and kept saying no.
With a president like Donnie, it’s best not to believe much of what coming out of Washington these days.
What is wrong with Trump wanting to have good relations with Russia instead of war?
Do you think america meddles in elections? If so, why the hypocrisy?
Many say we should have good relations and make deals with communist, totalitarian China and its leaders to try to influence them and get China to be more democratic.
Shouldn't we do the same wih Russia and Putin?
I would say Trump is a symptom of a broken system in the US that hasnt been serving the people. Thats why so many people were disgusted by both candidates. Sick of the establishment politicians of both sides who supress progressives and have little daylight between them. Trump was a disastrous hail mary for change.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
The US wants to control the world and remake it in their image. China wants to control the world and remake it in their image. Russia wants to control the world and remake it in their image...
Since each respective image is only appealing if you happen to live in said country (and none are all that great in the first place), the answer to your question is a solid “probably not”.
Really? So you're happy that our world has fallen off the cliff... my god what have we become?! Humans simply don't deserve to exist on this planet any longer.
Still zero evidence of anything of the sort. Every indictment from Mueller has nothing to do with the Trump campaign.
There is nothing wrong with the concept but this a psychopath creating mayhem for his own purposes. Check out the symptoms ; tRump is a very scary fit
The Republican party is the villain in this piece. That party is corrupted beyond redemption. Serious conservatives should be working to create a new and decent party of the right. They won't, but they should.
So you’re under the impression two wrongs make a right. Good luck skippy.
After the display the Republicans put on at committee last week I can tell why Americans are sick of them. Little men with no self awareness. Everybody can see how craven they are. If the government is broken. The republicans are to blame.
It took a few rubles to buy an American presidency, who knew they came as cheap as Donnie.
you again?? with your insulting, not cute, comments.....
@Louisa Walker
So you’re under the impression two wrongs make a right. Good luck skippy.
Too Too Funny Indeed
Correct. Russia had nothing to do with Trump getting elected. Except for the massive covert social media campaigns engineered and funded by Russia, the hacking of Trump’s rivals by Russians, the dozen Russian spies now charged with crimes, and the millions (possibly billions) flowing back and forth through shadowy channels between Trump associates and Russians...
...aside from all that they had nothing to do with Trump getting elected.
I would suggest that the democrats let people down the most. The corruption of the primary against Sanders, running an unlikable candidate, having the house and senate and not using it to pass single payer...fix Flint. They've been trying to stop progressive populism.
David R. Amos
@Karen King "you again?? with your insulting, not cute, comments.....
Methinks you just presented a classic example of a crackpot calling an old kettle names N'esy
You are pretty sad David. Drop the n’esy pas, it makes you look even more irrelevant than you already make yourself.
Hey Dave
What's up with that "N'esy Pas" nonsense?
You put it in to irritate readers?
Freedom of the press has been under attack since Trump started his only defense to damning reports of his improprieties and outright lies. " fake news ".
Russian interference and collusion involving Trumps aides and election undermines the American constitution. How you ask? He actively, through intermediaries, sought a foreign hostile nations help to win the Presidency. His tax reform was for personal gain and hid that with thinly veiled lies! Remember him saying "I won't benefit from this"?
Suggesting we should be worried about Canada as well is not only off topic, but classic deflection and change the subject. Children do that
1) "When a leader of a democratic country, the leader of the entire free world, in fact, attacks the free press"
Lol, free press, controlled by 5 large corporations.
"In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; as of 2011, 90% was controlled by just 6 companies and in 2017 the number was 5."
2) "attacks his democratic allies"
Only pro-Liberal press managed to call demands to increase NATO spending as "attack". In fact, Obama called for it as well. Orwellian world we live in indeed.
3) "doing nothing to deal with ... growing Neo-nazi"
Is it growing faster than extreme left, e.g. Antifa? Did any MSM demand to control Antifa? Based on the news, doesn't look like it.
4) "Trudeau is ... a champion of democracy."
Lol, another great one. "Champion of democracy" killed the election reform that would have given more representation to other parties (better democracy, eh?), because it jeopardized his party leadership.
He didn't kill the election reform, the party before country politics did. the same party before country politics that is now killing the constitution.
Yes, refusing to answer questions, fair questions, and installing a state media is an attack on the free press.
Obama NEVER treated his allies the way Trump is treating them. Stop making false comparisons and telling lies.
Wikipedia is not a source.
Ian MacDonald
@Scott Brown
Not the best source but I'm working...
A better source
Foreign Governments that are authoritarian & immoral choose party's that are already corrupted to work for their own interests over their nations & nations people.
The USA, & UK did this in setting up Bananna Republics in Latin America, & colonies in Africa, as well as nations such as Iran to steal the peoples Oil Wealth, and culminated in the last illegal invasion & occupation of Iraq, based on false pretenses of WMD's which created ISIS/DAESH, & The Syrian refugee crisis.
Russian Federation lead by President Putin, has started his grand strategy with a covert then overt invasion of the Ukraine, the installation of a Chihuahua President that barks loudly, and does his bidding to erode the Western economies & military alliances, as well as foment a new rise of fascism in North American & European politics based on division, fear & hatred of the other--xenophobia, bigotry be it religion or racial, and out-right misogyny in his treatment of women heads of state.
President Vladimir Putin controls the US Republican party to the extent that the Koch brothers, & Sheldon Adelson leveraging an already morally bankrupt group of leaders to entice their own self-interests over the interests of the people of the nation.
I am saying that when Fascism was on the rise in the 1930s and authoritarian ideas were spreading everywhere, allies did not sit on their hands and do nothing. They firstly, recognized a problem and a threat, and then gradual, piece by piece, dealt with that threat. Trump coming out and admitting to the problem, would be the first step towards dealing with the threat, but he has not even been able to entertain the notion of a possibility of a problem here, and that puts all our... » more
Well said.
They didn't at first, but they did, and that is the point. They stood up to the rise of authoritarianism. Something we are seeing again. The comparison is valid whether it is convenient for your narrative or not. The same ideology, the same and similar conspiracy theories, similar levels of division, the same attack on democratic values and institutions all over Europe and elsewhere. And Russia has started invading other countries. Still silence, from the American president, who himself, attacks the first amendment on a regular basis, spreads conspiracy theories, and pushes authoritarian style tactics, putting his constitution at risk.
He is a threat to democracy. And so is Putin, whom he does nothing to challenge in any way in spite of Putin's undermining of American democracy, doubling the threat that he, Trump, presents to that democracy.« less
Truer words were never written.
Too much hate Grace. You've drank too much mainstream media Kool-aid. Henry Kissinger and his ilk run wild in every administration and you're worried about Trump? This is like telling kids that cartoons aren't real. Spiderman isn't real. What your worried about is kind of like Spiderman.
"I beat Hillary Clinton easily and frankly we beat her. We won that race and it's a shame that there can be even a little bit of a cloud over it, Trump said".
We, Donnie ? You and your idol/buddy Vlad ?
A 'Freudian Slip' if I ever heard one !
Yes it is fair to lay it on Trump's feet. He is the president of the United States. He is supposed to know history, especially recent events which impact global stability and order, and suggest a sinister side to a dictator he is now propping up as though he is a saint.
Obama made a lot of mistakes in his time, and we can discuss what he could have done more, or better, or maybe things he did that he should not have done at all. But he still did more than Trump is doing now,... » more
> Yes it is fair to lay it on Trump's feet.
Not really. Russia's invasion of Crimea was perfectly understandable.
> He is the president of the United States. He is supposed to know history, especially recent events which impact global stability and order ...
Trump is doing better, in that respect, than practically all previous presidents going back *decades*
> ... a dictator he is now propping up as though he is a saint.
Trump might be exaggerating but his opponents... » more
> Trump ... is bad and worse.
Not at all. With respect to improving relations with Russia,
Trump is the best of U.S. presidents *in decades*
> Instead of acknowledging Russian interference in American democracy, he closes his eyes and plugs his ears and pretends it doesn't exist.
He is correct to do that.
To do otherwise would be hypocritical.
> Instead of acknowledging Russia's threat on the world stage ...
Russia is *less* of a threat on the world stage
than the U.S. is.
> ... in spite of Russian aggression and expansion ...
There's hardly any of that.
The real aggressor and expansionist has been the U.S.,
for decades.
> ... that the G7 simply forget about it and let Russia back in ...
That would be the correct thing to do.
> ... demanding there are zero consequences for these actions ...
Nonsense. Russia has suffered under sanctions ever since.
> Obama is gone.
Good riddance to a dangerous aggressor.
> Trump is president right now and he is enabling the deliberate attack on his country, and its allies, through his silence on Russia and his attacks on anyone who tries to stand up to them, whether Republican, civilian, or nation.
What evidence of any kind do you have
for Trump "enabling" anything of the kind?
"Instead of acknowledging Russian interference in American democracy"
Wasn't it actually more honest and more democratic to be shown that DNC was rigging the election against Bernie? This whole e-mail disaster was only possible because DNC did their dirty business instead of listening to voters.
"Russian aggression and expansion"
Was it aggression, or acknowledging the will of people in the region?
1) Polling by the Razumkov Centre in 2008 found that 63.8% of Crimeans... » more
Russia First! Russia First!
Make CCCP Great Again!
Grace just won the best com ment award!!
well said, Grace
Thank you. And by the way, that was written before Donnie and Vlad's love-in, lol.
No it wasn't.
Right, like the war of 1814? And clearly zero knowledge of the barbarism brought on by dictatorships like the ones he loves to love.
No they really don't. This is the real deal. The US constitution and everything that goes with it is at risk right now, and people are right to point it out.
The actions of the Bush admin. are not Obama's fault and thus he cannot be individually a hypocrite for them. The US as a nation can. But that is irrelevant, because non of it changes the fact that there is a serious threat to American democracy right now that is not being addressed or even acknowledged.
> No it wasn't.
Quite the contrary.
> Right, like the war of 1814?
What war of 1814 would *that* be?
> And clearly zero knowledge of the barbarism brought on by dictatorships like the ones he loves to love.
That's nonsensical make believe.
Trump has not said, to my knowledge,
that he "loves to love" any dictatorship
In what way exactly would they be at risk?
> ... and people are right to point it out.
Nope. No one is making a valid argument about it
There is no democracy to begin with
Methinks you just presented a classic example of a crackpot calling an old kettle names N'esy Pas?
You put it in to irritate readers?"
Methinks you know what it means as well as I bet even you don't know how I how many times you asked the same question over the past week but CBC and I do N'esy Pas?
BTW I repeat left wingnut should address me as Mr Amos After all I am no friend of yours correct?
Trump is breaking the establishment. Their greatest fear is peace breaking out. Go Trump!