---------- Original message ----------
From: Brian Gallant <briangallant10@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 19:50:45 -0700
Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Ambulance contract details can stay secret,judge rules
Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Premier Gallant?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
(Français à suivre)
If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please
email me at brian.gallant@gnb.ca
If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at greg.byrne@gnb.ca
Thank you.
Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick,
svp m'envoyez un courriel à brian.gallant@gnb.ca
Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à greg.byrne@gnb.ca
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 22:50:42 -0400
Subject: Ambulance contract details can stay secret,judge rules
Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Premier Gallant?
To: cleblond@stewartmckelvey.com, Benoit.Bourque@gnb.ca, brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca,
Francine.Landry@gnb.ca, tom.mclean@greenpartynb.ca, vern.faulkner@greenpartynb.ca, wayne.dryer@greenpartynb.ca, policygroupnb@gmail.com,
john.sabine@greenpartynb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, Alaina.Lockhart@parl.gc.ca,
scoburn@nb.sympatico.ca, bruce.grandy@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre@jafaust.com, draddle2@gmail.com, krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca, Pam.Lynch@gnb.ca,
sweetbends@gmail.com, joyce.wright.panb@gmail.com, jason_paull101@hotmail.com, art.odonnell@nb.aibn.com, jim.qcpumps@bellaliant.com, morrisshannon_4@hotmail.com, jeff.carr@gnb.ca, gvlemmon@hotmail.com, craigalbertrector@gmail.com, beaterroom1@hotmail.com, stewartmanuel13@gmail.com, Heather.collins.panb@gmail.com ,
griffin1@nbnet.nb.ca, dave@ricsequipment.com, Newsroom@globeandmail.com
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
scoburn@nb.sympatico.ca, bruce.grandy@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre@jafaust.com, draddle2@gmail.com, krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca, Pam.Lynch@gnb.ca,
sweetbends@gmail.com, joyce.wright.panb@gmail.com, jason_paull101@hotmail.com, art.odonnell@nb.aibn.com, jim.qcpumps@bellaliant.com, morrisshannon_4@hotmail.com, jeff.carr@gnb.ca, gvlemmon@hotmail.com, craigalbertrector@gmail.com, beaterroom1@hotmail.com, stewartmanuel13@gmail.com, Heather.collins.panb@gmail.com
griffin1@nbnet.nb.ca, dave@ricsequipment.com, Newsroom@globeandmail.com
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
"Shane.Fowler"<Shane.Fowler@cbc.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>,
Shane.Magee@cbc.ca, "magee.shane"<magee.shane@daileygleaner.co>
http://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.com/2018/04/nb-power- and-lawyers-such-as-michael. html
Thursday, 5 April 2018
NB Power and lawyers such as Michael Dixon like to keep secrets from
us but I see no reason to act like they do N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 00:29:11 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo Chucky LeBlond remember me? Need I say what I read in
CBC about Medavie Health Services is just more PURE D BULLSHIT?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
assured that your email will be reviewed.
If this is a media request, please forward your email to
media-medias@gnb.camedia- medias@gnb.ca
. Thank you!
Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
. Merci!
Shane.Magee@cbc.ca, "magee.shane"<magee.shane@daileygleaner.co>
Thursday, 5 April 2018
NB Power and lawyers such as Michael Dixon like to keep secrets from
us but I see no reason to act like they do N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 00:29:11 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo Chucky LeBlond remember me? Need I say what I read in
CBC about Medavie Health Services is just more PURE D BULLSHIT?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
assured that your email will be reviewed.
If this is a media request, please forward your email to
. Thank you!
Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
. Merci!
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos@FloryGoncalves and 49 others

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos@FloryGoncalves and 49 others
Ray Bungay "I want to hear from the Premier, Health Minister and Finance Minister as to why this is acceptable for any reason."
Me Too. So I sent them an email last night.
Me Too. So I sent them an email last night.
Ambulance contract details can stay secret, judge rules
Ambulance New Brunswick wins bid to keep contract details from taxpayers
Comments (Now the tally is 22 after the smiling bastards disabled all but 3 of mine thus far)

Ray Bungay
I want to hear from the Premier, Health Minister and Finance Minister as to why this is acceptable for any reason. To the other party leaders please make this an election issue! Thank you!

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David Amos
@Ray Bungay "I want to hear from the Premier, Health Minister and Finance Minister as to why this is acceptable for any reason."
Me Too. So I sent them an email last night.
Me Too. So I sent them an email last night.

David Amos
@Ray Bungay Methinks you should also ask "The Powers That Be" why my reply to this comment was blocked N'esy Pas?

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David Amos
"Methinks folks should read this real slow then ask the people knocking on your dor this summer seeking their vote a very simple question.
Who is the boss the public or the government? It certainly should not be Bernie Lord and his lawyer pals N'esy Pas?
The province, Rideout said, provided evidence that only set out known facts, then said it feels the full uncensored contract should be released.
"There are no facts to support that position," Rideout said.
The decision cannot be appealed.
LeBlond said he couldn't comment Tuesday because he had yet to read the decision. The province did not immediately respond to a request for comment."
Who is the boss the public or the government? It certainly should not be Bernie Lord and his lawyer pals N'esy Pas?
The province, Rideout said, provided evidence that only set out known facts, then said it feels the full uncensored contract should be released.
"There are no facts to support that position," Rideout said.
The decision cannot be appealed.
LeBlond said he couldn't comment Tuesday because he had yet to read the decision. The province did not immediately respond to a request for comment."

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David Amos
@David Amos I shared this comment with many people last night byway of email. This morning I am having quite a giggle at the responses. Methinks a certain dude is about to have a bad day or my name ain't "Just Dave" N'esy Pas?

Richard Riel
Taxpayer should be appalled at this decision. It is your tax dollars folks.

Ray Bungay
@Richard Riel This tax payer is for sure! This opens up the front door very wide to Shannex to come in and build nursing homes and keep things secret from the tax payers!!

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David Amos
@Ray Bungay YUP

Richard Riel
Does that judge own Medavie or a shareholder, hey can charge anything they want since there is no competition.

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David Amos
@Richard Riel YUP

Rosco holt
Protecting trade secrets from whom exactly?
We need to force this has an election issue. We can't afford to blindly trust politicians with taxpayers money anymore.
We need to force this has an election issue. We can't afford to blindly trust politicians with taxpayers money anymore.

Richard Riel
@Rosco holt You should never ever trust politicians period. till proven otherwise.

David Amos
@Richard Riel Welcome to the circus

Pierre Cyr
Need to contest these rulings to the supreme court. Taxpayers have a right to know how much they are paying. These are banana republic rules that will lead us down a dark road.

Ray Bungay
@Pierre Cyr Yes fully agree! Makes Shawn Graham and the Atcon 6 look like choir boys!

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David Amos
@Pierre Cyr Methinks CBC claims the matter can't be appealed.N'esy Pas?

Richard Riel
Trade secrets from taxpayers ? they should demand answers, it totally eliminates competition and they can charge any time they want since there is no competition. New Brunswickers are on the hook for 10 years. You have been had by the look of the smirk on his face.

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David Amos
@Richard Riel "You have been had by the look of the smirk on his face"
Not all us have been had. Methinks Bernie Lord and Brian Gallant and lot of other people know that Chucky and his law firm are very afraid of me N'esy Pas?
Not all us have been had. Methinks Bernie Lord and Brian Gallant and lot of other people know that Chucky and his law firm are very afraid of me N'esy Pas?

Richard Riel
He and the judge must be from the same family and or connections and or liberal ties or shareholders with that company. Something is dearly wrong. Is he reading rendering from Irvings past deals made with government staffers ?

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David Amos
@Richard Riel Methinks you should Google the judge N'esy pas?

Redmond O'Hanlon
Time to change any ACT that allows for contracts with the government to be hidden from the public. Taxpayers should have the right to know how their tax dollars are being spent. "Confidentiality"agreements concerning public funds are nothing more than cloaks to hide behind by our elected officials and the companies that insist on them. If you want to do business with the taxpayers you should be prepared to make the details public or else stick to the private sector.Time for an end to this.

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David Amos
@Redmond O'Hanlon YUP

Ray Bungay
No way you can convince me, a NB tax payer, that this stuff MUST BE KEPT SECRE! This government needs to go this September they and the courts along with Medavie are a disgrace to this Province!

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David Amos
@Ray Bungay Methinks Bernie Lord thinks his latest gig is secure N'esy Pas?

Michael durant
Alot of things are kept from the public New Brunswick. I recall when the public was not allowed to know just the number of cases of C. Difficile in a Moncton hospital.
how is such a poorly informed public ever expected to exercise an informed vote in this province is beyond me. That's just one example of the cost of imposed ignorance.
how is such a poorly informed public ever expected to exercise an informed vote in this province is beyond me. That's just one example of the cost of imposed ignorance.

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David Amos
@Michael durant "That's just one example of the cost of imposed ignorance"
Methinks the solution is so simple and I have been explaining through five elections since 2004. Just VOTE. Please vote for anyone you wish in whatever riding you live in except for one person. Don't vote for the incumbent. Logic commands that sooner or later somebody ethical may find a seat in the House N'esy Pas?
Methinks the solution is so simple and I have been explaining through five elections since 2004. Just VOTE. Please vote for anyone you wish in whatever riding you live in except for one person. Don't vote for the incumbent. Logic commands that sooner or later somebody ethical may find a seat in the House N'esy Pas?

rayma allaby
isn't that just lovely we pay their salaries and we can't know how much we are paying...most of the time you see them just driving around...have even seen one talking on a cell phone while driving.....to my mind it would be more cost efficient if the ambulances had bays to wait in instead of this aimless driving around

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David Amos
@rayma allaby "isn't that just lovely we pay their salaries and we can't know how much we are paying"
Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?
Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc
Government could release anything they wanted. Instead they chose to pretend to be transparent, then hide behind RTIPPA legislation and not defend their position. Government didn’t want it released. They just wasted more money pretending to fight this.
What can be so bad in the contract. Maybe the fact that there are big bonuses (profit) for language deliverables, and who gets to build and then rent the ambulance depots to ANB. A very profitable venture.
What can be so bad in the contract. Maybe the fact that there are big bonuses (profit) for language deliverables, and who gets to build and then rent the ambulance depots to ANB. A very profitable venture.

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David Amos
@Doug Leblanc "Government could release anything they wanted."
I agree hence the liberals got their fellow political animal Justice George Rideout to fix it for them so that they don't look bad before the writ is dropped.
Methinks this was not rocket science to figure out before the judgement was revealed. This is in fact incredibly dumb politicking by Brian Gallant and his mindless minions. However the truly comical part of this circus is that Blaine Higgs and David Coon will just continue...

Natalie Pugh
This is absolutely ridiculous that we are even discussing this. If it weren't for the liberal u de m elite running this province, privatizing ANB and enforcing this French language law we would be able to focus on other issues to improve NB. This is almost criminal. Why are taxpayers sitting back and allowing all of this? What kind of elected government refuses to openly disclose where and how much tax dollars are being allotted and spent.

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David Amos
@Natalie Pugh "Why are taxpayers sitting back and allowing all of this?"
Methinks the awful truth is that the folks have grown accustomed to the malicious nonsense and no longer give a damn that is if they ever did in the first place N'esy Pas?
Methinks the awful truth is that the folks have grown accustomed to the malicious nonsense and no longer give a damn that is if they ever did in the first place N'esy Pas?

Brad Little
If a private company wants a government contract, it should be mandatory that the particulars be disclosed. Otherwise, let it go to a publicly traded company where the financial statements can be seen. I don't accept this line of defence.

David Amos
@Brad Little I agree as obviously so do several others

this is nothing more than a cover up..and if you don't think they don't judge shop..think again..the corruption has got to stop..taxpayers paying Government Officials,Lawyers and Judges,and yet no access to their own,paid for information..what a wonderful system...so called governmental privilege has got to be removed...no more making laws to protect themselves from the legislation they create...

David Amos
@David Stairs I Concur Sir
Ambulance contract details can stay secret, judge rules
Ambulance New Brunswick wins bid to keep contract details from taxpayers
A judge has ruled no further details of the provincial government's contract with a private firm to run Ambulance New Brunswick need to be released to the public.
In a 35-page decision Tuesday afternoon, Court of Queen's Bench Justice George Rideout ruled in favour of Medavie Health Services New Brunswick Inc., which sought to block release of portions of its contract with the Department of Health.
The judge was asked to rule on whether the province could release an unredacted version of its contract with Medavie for the ambulance service, which the company has run since 2007. The contract was renewed in 2017 for another 10 years.
CBC News and the newspaper publisher Brunswick News Inc. had separately sought copies of the contract through right-to-information requests.
The province indicated it would release the whole contract for the purposes of transparency with taxpayers, which Medavie opposed.
While I may think it would be helpful to the public, I cannot order publication if it is prohibited under the Act or case law.- George Rideout, Court of Queen's Bench justiceThe company went to court to block release of details related to staffing numbers, salary figures and other financial information.
In an hour-long hearing in Moncton last Friday, lawyers for Medavie and the province outlined their positions.
Charles LeBlond, a lawyer for Medavie, called the information the company's "secret sauce."
Competitors could use the information to outbid Medavie in New Brunswick and other jurisdictions, he said.
Richard Williams, representing the province, said the government sought to release the full contract in the interest of transparency because of public interest in how the ambulance system operates.
Portions of the contract between Medavie Health Services New Brunswick Inc. and the provincial government for operation of Ambulance New Brunswick were redacted. The province sought to release the contract without any redactions, which Medavie opposed.
Ambulance New Brunswick, which had a budget of $97.3 million in the 2016-17 fiscal year, has faced public pressure over the past year.There have been stories by the Telegraph-Journal newspaper and CBC News about out-of-service ambulances, and paramedics have held rallies calling attention to staffing issues.
While Medavie spent about 40 minutes outlining its position at the hearing, the province summarized its case in under 10, and Rideout suggested in his ruling that the province didn't give him much to work with.
New Brunswick's Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act includes provisions that set out trade secrets and information provided in confidence can be withheld from the public.
Sees facts on Medavie's side
"As I understand this matter, this Court is to interpret the law relating to Freedom of Information and apply the law to the facts," Rideout wrote.
"While I may think it would be helpful to the public, I cannot order publication if it is prohibited under the Act or case law."
In the decision that largely quotes previous case law and briefs filed in support of Medavie and the province, Rideout said Medavie's evidence is "uncontradicted."
The province, Rideout said, provided evidence that only set out known facts, then said it feels the full uncensored contract should be released.
"There are no facts to support that position," Rideout said.
The decision cannot be appealed.
LeBlond said he couldn't comment Tuesday because he had yet to read the decision. The province did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Bernard Lord tapped as new Medavie CEO
Pierre-Yves Julien is retiring as the company's CEO after spending more than 2 decades at Medavie

Former premier Bernard Lord will be taking over as the new chief executive officer of Medavie in September, after serving on the company's board of directors for the last eight years.
Lord will be replacing Pierre-Yves Julien, who is preparing to retire after being with Medavie for more than 20 years.
"Bernard's leadership, vision and track record of innovation make him the ideal leader to help Medavie strengthen its position and realise its full potential," said Michael Decter, the chair of Medavie.
"He was chosen to lead Medavie in this pivotal role, providing strategic leadership to further Medavie's vision to transform primary health care."
He is the president and chief executive officer for the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. He is also the chair of Ontario Power Generation.
The former Progressive Conservative premier's name had been floated as a possible successor to Stephen Harper when the federal Conservatives were defeated in the 2015 federal election.
Lord has said he has no interest in leading the federal Tories.
Medavie's statement indicated Lord was chosen as the new CEO after a national search, which was led by the board and a recruitment firm.
Lord said in a statement that he wants to build on the culture of innovation at the company.
"I am looking forward to leading a dynamic national company with roots in Atlantic Canada and immense potential to improve health care delivery," Lord said.
Medavie has more than 6,000 employees and has two operating companies, Medavie Blue Cross and Medavie EMS.
Medavie Blue Cross delivers health, dental, travel, life and income replacement insurance to companies and individuals.
Meanwhile, Medavie EMS is the largest provider of emergency medical services in Canada and is the largest ambulance operator in Massachusetts.
The company is also involved in other facets of the health sector.
New Brunswick Health Minister Victor Boudreau announced in February that Medavie EMS will oversee the extra-mural health and Telecare programs.
The company also runs Ambulance New Brunswick.
Lord will be replacing Pierre-Yves Julien, who is preparing to retire after being with Medavie for more than 20 years.
"Bernard's leadership, vision and track record of innovation make him the ideal leader to help Medavie strengthen its position and realise its full potential," said Michael Decter, the chair of Medavie.
"He was chosen to lead Medavie in this pivotal role, providing strategic leadership to further Medavie's vision to transform primary health care."
- Victor Boudreau defends moving extra-mural program to Medavie
- Nova Scotia drug monitoring program 'not working the way it was intended'
- Bernard Lord's possible federal candidacy excites local Tories
- Bernard Lord won't seek federal Conservative leadership
He is the president and chief executive officer for the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. He is also the chair of Ontario Power Generation.
The former Progressive Conservative premier's name had been floated as a possible successor to Stephen Harper when the federal Conservatives were defeated in the 2015 federal election.
Lord has said he has no interest in leading the federal Tories.
Medavie's statement indicated Lord was chosen as the new CEO after a national search, which was led by the board and a recruitment firm.
Lord said in a statement that he wants to build on the culture of innovation at the company.
"I am looking forward to leading a dynamic national company with roots in Atlantic Canada and immense potential to improve health care delivery," Lord said.
Medavie has more than 6,000 employees and has two operating companies, Medavie Blue Cross and Medavie EMS.
Medavie Blue Cross delivers health, dental, travel, life and income replacement insurance to companies and individuals.
Meanwhile, Medavie EMS is the largest provider of emergency medical services in Canada and is the largest ambulance operator in Massachusetts.
The company is also involved in other facets of the health sector.
New Brunswick Health Minister Victor Boudreau announced in February that Medavie EMS will oversee the extra-mural health and Telecare programs.
The company also runs Ambulance New Brunswick.