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President Trump Seeks Dismissal of Fraud Lawsuit Filed by His Niece, Says It’s ‘Laden with Conspiracy Theories’




Mary L Trump
Nailed it. Thank you, my friend.
Donald Trump would be wise to avoid advocating prosecution of presidential families for federal tax crimes.
Replying to @MaryLTrump
Methinks I can capitalize on your spit and chew with @realDonaldTrump and finally force the Taxman to act ethically on both sides of the 49th N'esy Pas? @JustinTrudeau@DiLebouthillier@CanRevAgency@IRS_CI

I'm pretty sure that Donald is extremely tired of Joe Biden's winning. Congratulations--yet again--to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Replying to @MaryLTrump
YO @realDonaldTrump One of your former lawyers cannot deny its been over 5 years since we crossed paths Correct? 
Methinks your lawyers and your niece should check my work ASAP before I file another lawsuit mentioning you and the taxman etc N'esy Pas? 
Mary L Trump
This is what every Democrat in Congress needs to say--because it's all true:
“Right now, the most serious attempt to overthrow our democracy in the history of our of country is underway. Those who are pushing to make Donald Trump President, no matter the outcome of the election, are engaged in a treachery against their nation.”
Replying to @MaryLTrump
I strongly disagree Methinks the citizens are entitled to have their votes properly tallied N'esy Pas? Even though people such as @annvandersteel and @PatrickByrne ignore my concerns for political reasons no doubt it does not follow that I ignore theirs


Streamed live 111 minutes ago

Special Guest: Mel Krell https://twitter.com/impulsivewoman



David Amos
Enjoy your next email from me
David Amos
@Steven Kerr Whose God?
@David AmosIsn't there just one god but called different names by different people?
David Amos
@R D Trust that I don't care to argue at Xmasstime how many gods there may be. 
Methinks Trump's lawyers should agree that the devil is always in the details no matter whom their god may be N'esy Pas? 
At least your god knew that i was not joking about Tweeting Trump and his niece whether or not you believed me or even cared EH?


Last Posts Within The Live Chat

Robert Justice​I think Lynn Wood is highly overworked and is seeing monsters in the shadows. He is a great guy but maybe has some things wrong

Theresa C
 Yes the bombing is connected to the election and dominion etc. also to shut down the emergency broadcast system and probably more.
David Amos 
Guess who just tweeted this to Trump and his niece?
Kim Of Pittsburgh
 @Tami agreed!
Mike S 
Agreed, this is James Bond level gaming,
Faceless Nameless Rando
 @Tami Cyr Hawkins wot? Pence is a clone? No way

b j 
Patrick hanging there at the Hotel room with Sidney Powell is enough proof for me
It is the real name of that disgrace.
 A replay of the interview
Beulah Nix
 Is that a about a certain House Member.
Kim Of Pittsburgh 
they are  s
Kathleen Walters
 the Clinton's live in New York
Frank Evans
 Prolly spook contractors
Gail Frances 
Pence being a clone is crazy talk.
Jacquelin Caruso 
I feel like we are living in a suspensemovie! Can we just get to the end!
Veronica Crespo RN
 right now you're so frustrating because you are up against us right now spill the darn beans
HobbytremSchiff is a bizarre daemon.
Faceless Nameless RandoNot revealing?
Mark G 
 What happened to Qanon?
 Lyn Wood's playing Broadway Stage Mgr. The show's already over. He just want's to keep them shouting, to make mop-up and full-disclosure easier.
Faceless Nameless RandoMore secrets no proof
b jbeen Cloning since 1945
Veronica Crespo RNhow do these people sleep with this information? I guess they don't sleep
David AmosToo bad so sad you folks did not answer my email yesterday EH?
Robert Justice@Mark G - Countdown to Jan 6th
Kim Of Pittsburgh
 MEDBEDS are for clones! much DISINFO on medmeds
chris doe 
 Big Mike is big
Jeff Z 
Bryne is a fraud.
Sakib H 
Kathy Dawson 
Nothing surprises me.
Mark G 
@robert justice will see what happens
Veronica Crespo RN
 this guy reminds me of Corey Feldman all these secrets but they don't spill the beans
Gail Frances 
I do not believe Pence is a clone. Why would he be cloned? It doesn't make any sense.
Dubon Js
 I think Patrick is on our side! but he is not who he claims he is. He is some trained intelligence guy probably from Israel. this is just my opinion , and I am probably wrong. but he knows a lot.
James P. 
Bradley for US SenateAll roads lead to Obama
Judy O 
This is a replay and I prayed for Patrick’s safety I was so worried of him being killed
Kim Of Pittsburgh 
many talking up the Medbeds not good
Mary Cantu
 I thought this was LIVE???
The President of the United States NEEDs two minutes with Patrick Byrne to totally explain his last 4 years, with clarity, ... DESPERATELY!!!...NOT.
Heidi Andrews
 agree pence is a clone.
Mark G 
@jeff there is something about him. He came out of nowhere ... to this lead role
Frank Evans 
No freaking clones!,,
Kathy Dawson
 I’m sure potus has Powell’s number. And Vic Verda.
H K 
its a miracle that Patrick is even still alive. Hes got to be extremely scared.
Tami Cyr Hawkins 
Justice Roberts is compromised! On Ebsteins flight log.
Judy O 
Thank you Ann
Kathy Dawson 
The fly was CGI
Veronica Crespo 
RNJFK said. the very word secrecy is repugnant.
David Amos 
Go Figure what these people are ignoring 
Judy OMerry 
Christmas Patriots
rob sinclaire 
Merry Christmas Ann and friends!
MsSkilledgamerBless You Ann
Kim Of Pittsburgh
 Pence tried to kill POTUS TREASON!
Alan Speaight
There was more but it was edited out perhaps not intentionally

Somebody said spill the beans and I replied that I just did

and somebody else said they wished they could go to the USA and I replied Me Too My children live there 




President Trump Seeks Dismissal of Fraud Lawsuit Filed by His Niece, Says It’s ‘Laden with Conspiracy Theories’

Donald Trump and his sister Maryanne Trump Barry

President Donald Trump and his sister Maryanne Trump Barry on Wednesday each asked a judge in New York to toss a lawsuit filed by the president’s niece which alleges that the Trump family conspired to fraudulently swindle her out of her inheritance.

In a motion to dismiss filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, the president’s attorneys said the suit was based on a series of falsehoods and argued that it was too late for Mary Trump to bring a lawsuit over her alleged claim to the estate of Fred Trump, who died in 1999.

Read: Fred Trump’s will

“Plaintiff makes outlandish and incredulous accusations in her Complaint, which is laden with conspiracy theories more befitting a Hollywood screenplay than a pleading in a legal action. Plaintiff even uses the thematic structure of a play to contrive a decades-long sinister plot in which she claims her aunt and uncles conspired with reputable lawyers, appraisers and other professionals to defraud her,” the motion stated.

In her September lawsuit, Mary alleged that her uncle Donald, her aunt Maryanne, and the president’s recently deceased brother Robert Trump, engaged in “rampant fraud and misconduct” to give her less of an inheritance than she deserved. The lawsuit began by describing the Trump family’s alleged decades-old scheme to “cheat on their taxes, swindle their business partners, and jack up rents on their low-income tenants.”

The suit broke down the Trump family’s alleged scheme into three parts: the “Grift,” the “Devaluing,” and the “Squeeze Out.”

Trump’s lawyers said Mary Trump is just trying leverage her family’s name for money.

“Neatly packaging the conspiracy as such, Plaintiff casts herself as the unknowing and unsophisticated victim. Quite the contrary, from her very public appearances this past year, it is apparent that Plaintiff has orchestrated a sophisticated plan to exact retribution for decades old, previously litigated family grievances to further her own political agenda and cash in on her family name,” the motion stated. “Plaintiff herself articulates no direct or specific evidence to substantiate her claims of fraud and conspiracy. Instead, she simply refers to a New York Times story published on October 2, 2018 which purported to demonstrate that Defendant, Donald J. Trump, inherited wealth from his parents and was not totally self-made, a narrative the authors and, no doubt, the New York Times itself were eager to push.”

Attorneys for Maryanne Trump Barry—who served as a federal judge for more than 30 years—also filed a motion to dismiss, similarly categorizing Mary Trump’s claims as “nothing more than conclusory allegations” of fraud “drawn directly from a New York Times investigative report,” based on documents provided to the newspaper by Mary herself.

“If the New York Times was able to divine this claimed ‘fraud’ in less than a year, surely Plaintiff could have done so within the applicable limitations period,” Maryanne Trump Barry’s attorneys argued.

The fraud lawsuit came after Mary Trump’s legal battle to publish her tell-all book about the Trump family.

Roberta Kaplan, an attorney for Mary Trump, said her client’s complaint speaks for itself.

“Donald Trump and his siblings defrauded their own niece out of tens of millions of dollars in connection with interests she inherited from her father, as has recently come to light,” Kaplan said in a statement to Law&Crime. “While it is true that Mary Trump is no fan of Donald Trump or his policies, that fraud is what this case is about. We are confident that the evidence will show and a jury will decide that that is exactly what happened.”

Read both motions to dismiss below:

Trump MTD by Law&Crime on Scribd

Maryanne Trump Barry MTD by Law&Crime on Scribd

Editor’s note: story updated post-publication with a statement from Mary Trump’s lawyer.

[image via ED Jones/AFP via Getty Images]

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MARY L. TRUMP, Index # 654698/2020

-against- OF DEFENDANTS’
PURSUANT TO 3211(a)(5) & (7)
DONALD J. TRUMP, in his personal capacity,
HUGHES, the executor of the ESTATE OF
ROBERT S. TRUMP, in his capacity as executor,

James D. Kiley, Esq., an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the Courts of the
State of New York, hereby affirms and states:

(1) I am a partner in the law firm of Kiley, Kiley & Kiley, PLLC, attorneys for the
Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Shawn Hughes, the executor of the Estate of Robert S. Trump,
and I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this action. That my knowledge comes
from a review of the files from Plaintiff’s previous litigation with Defendants dating back to 2001
and of the corporate records of the various entities named in Plaintiff’s Complaint.

(2) I make this Affirmation in support of said Defendants’ motion to dismiss all actions
stated in the Complaint in their entirety pursuant to CPLR § 3211(a)(5) & (7).

(3) The plaintiff, Mary L. Trump, brought the instant action against her uncle, Donald
J. Trump, her aunt, the Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry and the estate of her uncle, Robert S.
Trump by filing a Summons and Complaint on or about September 24, 2020 alleging eight separate
causes of action for fraud, civil conspiracy and breach of fiduciary duty. (Exhibit “A”)


350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7110
New York, NY 10118
(212) 763-0883
(212) 564-0883 Fax

James D. Kiley Esq.
3000 Marcus Ave., Ste. 3W07
Lake Success, NY 11042 U.S.A.
Phone: (516) 466-7900

600 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10118
(212) 818-9336
212-818-1264 Fax




What to Know About Mary L. Trump, Donald Trump's Niece and Author of Too Much and Never Enough

She's largely stayed out of the spotlight—until now.

too much and never enough
  • Donald Trump's niece, Mary Trump, released a tell-all book about the President and his family earlier this summer.
  • In the book, Mary reveals that she was a source for a landmark New York Times investigation.
  • A couple months later, in September, Mary filed a lawsuit against the President and his siblings, claiming they defrauded her out of her share of her grandfather's wealth.

When Donald Trump moved into the White House, more than a few of his family members stepped into the spotlight alongside him. It seems not a day goes by that the public doesn't hear about a Trump child's exploits, whether it be Ivanka's poorly-timed Instagram posts or Don Jr.'s right-wing pronouncements; even lesser-known figures, like Donald's sister Maryanne Trump Barry, have found themselves under renewed scrutiny.

But until very recently, the President's niece, Mary Trump, had been hardly heard from at all. With the publishing of her book about her uncle—which prompted a legal skirmish and then set sales records on its first day—that's all changed. In recent months, she's continued to make television appearances to speak about Trump, and filed a lawsuit against the President and his siblings in September.

Here, what you should know about Mary Lea Trump.

She's the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., Donald's older brother.

Mary is the eldest grandchild of patriarch Fred Trump Sr., and the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., the second of Fred Sr. and Mary Trump's five children. Fred Trump Jr. died from a heart attack due to complications from alcoholism, at age 42 in 1981. He left behind two children—Mary L. Trump and Fred Trump III, both teenagers at the time—with Linda Lee Clapp, his former wife.

Fred Jr.'s death left enduring scars on the family, including his younger brother, the now-President. Fred Sr. had hoped that Fred Jr. would take over the family business, but Fred Jr. was reticent to do so, preferring to pursue a career as a pilot. "There was a lot of tension between not only the old man but also between him and Donald," one of Fred Jr.'s friends, Annamaria Forcier, told the Washington Post in 2019. "There was a lot of tension because they didn’t want him to be an airline pilot."

Famously, Fred Jr.'s struggle with alcoholism would put Donald off drinking entirely. Donald Trump told the Washington Post, "I do regret having put pressure on him."

fred trump in atlantic city

Fred Trump Sr., photographed in 1988.Jeffrey AsherGetty Images

Mary has mostly stayed out of the spotlight.

Unlike some other members of her family, Mary has chosen to live largely under the radar. Not much is known about her personal life, other than that the 55-year-old lives with her daughter in New York. Mary holds a master's degree in literature from Columbia University and a doctorate in psychology from Adelphi University, per CNN. According to her biography on the Simon & Schuster website, she's taught courses in trauma, psychopathology, and developmental psychology.

She does have a Twitter account, in which she hints at her political views. In her bio, she writes "Black Lives Matter," and has an emoji of the LGBTQ rainbow flag.

fred trump, jr 1966

Fred Trump Jr. (left) signs a contract with Murray Zaret, (right) producer of the Pet Festival and Animal Husbandry Exposition in 1966.New York Post ArchivesGetty Images

She did speak out once about the Trump family.

Mary publicly slammed her extended family about the way Fred Trump Sr.'s estate was handled after his death in 1999.

After Fred III and Mary learned that they would received a far smaller portion of Fred Sr.'s estate than they expected, they filed lawsuits to challenge the outcome, alleging that Donald had pressured Fred Sr. to change his will while Fred Sr. was suffering the effects of dementia.

Her brother, Fred III, had recently had a child with cerebral palsy, who required pricey medical care. The expenses had been covered by a Trump company insurance plan. But after Fred III and Mary challenged Fred Sr.'s will, Robert, Maryanne, and Donald dropped the medical coverage for Fred III's young son in retaliation.

"When [Fred III] sued us, we said, 'Why should we give him medical coverage?'" Donald told the New York Daily Newsin 2000.

Mary also spoke to the Daily News for the article. "Given this family, it would be utterly naive to say it has nothing to do with money. But for both me and my brother, it has much more to do with that our father be recognized," she said. "He existed, he lived, he was their oldest son. And William is my father's grandson. He is as much a part of that family as anybody else. He desperately needs extra care."

The dispute was settled confidentially—but with Mary's new lawsuit against the President and his siblings, it's recently been resurrected. More on that below.

opening of donald trump's taj mahal casino   april 5, 1990

Siblings Donald Trump, Maryanne Trump Barry, and Robert Trump in 1990.
Ron GalellaGetty Images

 With her tell-all, she made a big splash.

In June, the Daily Beast broke the story that Mary was set to publish a tell-all about the Trump family. The highly-anticipated Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Manwas officially released on July 16, 2020. 

Courtesy Amazon
Too Much and Never Enough
$19.58 (30% off)
"Mary L. Trump has the education, insight, and intimate familiarity needed to reveal what makes Donald, and the rest of her clan, tick," reads the description on publisher Simon & Schuster's site, adding that Mary discloses "a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse" in the book. Mary also reveals that she was a primary source for the New York Times's landmark investigation into Donald Trump's taxes.
On June 21, Donald Trump told Axios that Mary is "not allowed to write a book" because she had signed a non-disclosure agreement in 2001, following the dispute over Fred Sr.'s estate. Trump's statements to Axios confirmed a separate Daily Beast article, which reported Mary's NDA. The youngest of Donald Trump's siblings, Robert, had sued Mary to attempt to stop the book's publication, citing the 2001 NDA. On June 3o, a New York state Supreme Court judge temporarily blocked the publication of Mary's book, ahead of a July 1o hearing for the case. Both Mary's attorney and Simon & Schuster pledged to appeal—and on July 1, an appellate judge reversed the lower court's decision, allowing the publication of the book to move forward.

Mary filed a lawsuit against the President and his siblings in September. 

The lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court of Manhattan, begins by stating that "For Donald J. Trump, his sister Maryanne, and their late brother Robert, fraud was not just the family business—it was a way of life," echoing the sentiments of Mary's tell-all.
"Mary's father, and their brother, Fred Trump Jr., died in 1981 when Mary was just sixteen years old. Upon his death, Mary inherited valuable minority interests in the family business. Donald, Maryanne, and Robert committed to watch over her interests as fiduciaries. They lied," the suit reads. "Rather than protect Mary's interests, they designed and carried out a complex scheme to siphon funds away from her interests, conceal their grift, and deceive her about the true value of what she had inherited."
The suit seeks to recover millions of dollars, which Mary said her relatives worked "together in secret to steal from me" in a statement issued by her lawyer, per the New York Times. She added, "I am bringing this case to hold them accountable and to recover what is rightfully mine."
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany disputed the suit's claims at a press conference on September 24, saying, “The only fraud committed there was Mary Trump recording one of her relatives and she has really discredited herself."

Who Was Donald Trump's Brother, Robert Trump?

“He was not just my brother, he was my best friend,” said the President of his younger brother, who died August 15 age 71.

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