---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 04:32:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Higgy and my Green Mearnie cousin
Madame Mitton agree with Trudeau and CBC in that Free Speech is no
right that I am entitled to N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 04:31:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Higgy and my Green Mearnie cousin
Madame Mitton agree with Trudeau and CBC in that Free Speech is no
right that I am entitled to N'esy Pas?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Parliamentary Leader of the Green Party of Canada
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 6 new cases confirmed, more vaccines on the way
Province concerned about outbreak at Edmundston hospital, where 13 people have tested positive
· CBC News· Posted: Dec 17, 2020 9:15 AM AT
Dr. Jennifer Russell and Premier Blaine Higgs addressed reporters in Fredericton on Thursday. (CBC)
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:58:34 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life
Trudeau The Younger's evil minions in CBC ban me from the Crown Corp
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:59:46 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life
Trudeau The Younger's evil minions in CBC ban me from the Crown Corp
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. I'm in Fredericton and sitting in the
Legislature during the weeks of December 7th and December 14th. I
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constituents. Due a high volume of email received and temporarily
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Merci pour votre courriel. Cette réponse a pour but de vous assurer
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Je suis heureuse de recevoir les commentaires et les questions de mes
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Je vous remercie encore une fois de m'avoir contacté.
Megan Mitton
Députée / Member of the Legislative Assembly of NB
Riding Office / Bureau de circonscription: (506) 378-1565
Office / Bureau - Fredericton: (506) 457-6842
Higgs government blunts opposition abortion motion, removes references to Clinic 554
Motion would have allowed funding of abortions at Fredericton clinic
· CBC News· Posted: Dec 17, 2020 6:51 PM AT
The motion was designed to allow Clinic 554 to charge medicare for abortion procedures. (Mike Heenan/CBC)
The Progressive Conservative government has used its majority in the legislature to neutralize an opposition motion calling for the funding of surgical abortions at Fredericton's Clinic 554.
MLAs voted Thursday to take out references to the clinic and instead ask the province's two health authorities to look at whether existing abortion access complies with the Canada Health Act.
The original motion, which would not have been binding, called for the funding of abortions at the clinic and for the repeal of Reguation 84-20, which prevents Medicare from covering the procedure outside a hospital.
Caraquet Liberal MLA Isabelle Thériault introduced the motion and pleaded with the nine women sitting as PC MLAs to support it.
"Women, sisters, we need you now," she said. "Silence is not an option. History will not be kind to those who turn their backs on the rights of women. Actually we could make history today."
She added: "I hope that the women here who have gone into politics did it to advance the cause of women. Otherwise, what are we doing here?"
Liberal MLA Isabelle Theriault introduced a motion to remove the regulation that disallows funding of abortions outside a provincial hospital. (
During the summer election campaign, Fredericton North PC candidate Jill Green, now the minister of transportation and infrastructure, promised to "fight to keep those services available for our community" and to "protect the people who use that clinic."
But she didn't commit to securing Medicare funding for abortions at the clinic, and Green supported her party and government in gutting the Liberal motion.
"I argue that the issue at stake is about access to abortion, not Clinic 554," she said.
Green said she supports a women's right to choose and questions why abortion is offered in two hospitals in Moncton but not at the one in Fredericton.
But she said the Liberal motion was about "providing support to an individual business with a group of lobbyists trying to influence decision related to public health."
She also said while she had "open and honest discussions" with voters about the issue during the campaign, she was also attacked by online "keyboard warriors" from outside the province.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Jill Green, the MLA for Fredericton North, supported her government's amendments. During the election campaign, she had promised to 'protect the people who use that clinic.' (CBC News/Jacques Poitras)
Green promised to work for adequate access provincewide but said she would "not advocate for an individual clinic to be funded."
Instead the PCs voted for an amendment calling on the government to "to task the regional health authorities with determining if abortion services in New Brunswick follow the Canada Health Act."
"If they feel the access does not meet the requirements of the Canada Health Act, they must determine how to meet that requirement while keeping within the principles of the Medical Services Payment Act," said Health Minister Dorothy Shephard.
Horizon Health has already taken a stand on the issue, passing a resolution earlier this year asking the province to fund abortions outside hospitals.
Two hospitals in Moncton and one in Bathurst provide surgical abortions that are funded by Medicare, and the province says that is enough to meet demand given the limited financial means of the government.
The Liberals tried to amend the PC amendment to restore the original intent of the motion, but that was defeated 27-20.

Health Minister Dorothy Shephard said it's up to the province's two health authorities to determine if abortion access meets the requirements of the Canada Health Act. (Government of New Brunswick)
Thériault said it was absurd to still have to debate access to abortion in the present day.
"How can this still be possible? It makes no sense. Sometimes when I enter this assembly I think I'm entering the Twilight Zone. I'm coming here in 2020 to debate a motion on reproductive health. It blows my mind."
Shephard said the 2017 decision to cover the abortion pill Mifegymiso had led to a 30 per cent reduction in surgical abortions in hospitals.
She said the share of all abortions done using the pill went from 40 per cent in the first year it was available to 58 per cent in the second year.
But Thériault said there was no way to accurately measure how many women wanted or needed an abortion and were unable to get one.
"This is not an accounting exercise. We have to take into account the human factors. This is not a spreadsheet column. These are people. These are women."
Feds say N.B. violating Health Act
Clinic 554 charges patients between $750 and $800 for abortions. Medicare does not cover because Regulation 84-20 in the province's Medical Services Payment Act excludes abortions done outside hospitals from funding.
The federal government says that violates the Canada Health Act, which requires provinces to cover all medical procedures inside or outside of hospitals, and says they must not "impede … reasonable access" to services.
Higgs said during the election campaign the province was complying by providing access in three locations and that if supporters of Clinic 554 disagreed, they should go to court.
In October the Canadian Civil Liberties Association filed notice that it will do that.
Clinic 554 also provides other services including to LGBTQ people, patients with HIV, those with mental health issues and survivors of sexual assault. Those services are covered by Medicare.
The clinic was put up for sale in October 2019.
Dr. Adrian Edgar put Clinic 554 up for sale in October of last year. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)
In September, Dr. Adrian Edgar, who runs the family practice, said it was no longer viable to "siphon" money paid by Medicare for other services to subsidize the cost of abortions for patients who couldn't afford them.
He said at the time another doctor was interested in taking it over, running it as a sexual health centre and continuing to provide abortions.
No one at the clinic could be reached Thursday for an update on its status.
To single out abortion as some exception to the rule is unacceptable.
Hypocrisy at its finest is on display here.
That's not true.
With the charter you can argue pro choice on its own merits and protections.
However there is no specific protection for pro life and other clauses must be used to defend such a position.
I thought M. Trudeau threatened to cut some health care funding because of this issue . . . ? ?
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:58:33 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life
Trudeau The Younger's evil minions in CBC ban me from the Crown Corp
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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From: Newsroom <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:59:47 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life
Trudeau The Younger's evil minions in CBC ban me from the Crown Corp
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 23:58:30 -0400
Subject: WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life Trudeau The Younger's
evil minions in CBC ban me from the Crown Corp
To: "blaine.higgs"<>,,
"David.Coon"<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
<>, "elizabeth.may"<>,
"jeff.carr"<>, oldmaison <>, andre
<>, COCMoncton <>,
markandcaroline <>, "terry.seguin"
<>, "Robert. Jones"<>,
"David.Akin"<>, "steve.murphy"
<>, "Mark.Blakely"<>,
"martin.gaudet"<>, "charles.murray"
<>, jesse <>,,,
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, Newsroom
<>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<>, "Katie.Telford"<>
David Raymond Amos
Replying to@DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
WOW The instant I hinted I am Pro Life I get this?
Your account has been banned permanently. Reason: Your account has
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#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Higgs government blunts opposition abortion motion, removes references
to Clinic 554
Motion would have allowed funding of abortions at Fredericton clinic
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Dec 17, 2020 6:51 PM AT
Brian Robertson
When it acceptable for private clinics to provide medical services to
New Brunswickers at taxpayer expense, then you can make the case for
To single out abortion as some exception to the rule is unacceptable.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: I concur
Dan Short
All the posters attacking religion and God is hilarious, I guess they
forgot the charter they rave about over abortion also protects
Hypocrisy at its finest is on display here.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: The Charter affirms that one does not have to be
religious to be pro life
Dan Short
Reply to @David R. Amos:
That's not true.
With the charter you can argue pro choice on its own merits and protections.
However there is no specific protection for pro life and other clauses
must be used to defend such a position.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: Free Speech is a right alright
Corrie Weatherfield
I thought M. Trudeau threatened to cut some health care funding
because of this issue . . . ? ?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Corrie Weatherfield: Methinks most folks don't believe
politicians N'esy Pas?