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Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2020 19:24:04 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Higgy's latest circus held over the Internet but 

without the Crown allowiing a Vote on the Throne Speech as of yet yet
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

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"Cardy said he was "not even convinced" virtual sittings should be allowed during a state of emergency like the one now in place for the pandemic"

Methinks its quite a hoot to read that N'esy Pas?








Few hiccups as MLAs hold first partially virtual workday

'I'm glad that we got through it,' says Justice and Public Safety Minister Ted Flemming


Jacques Poitras· CBC News · Posted: Dec 04, 2020 4:15 PM AT 


Moncton South MLA Greg Turner's set up while participating remotely. (Greg Turner/Facebook)

New Brunswick MLAs managed to get through their first-ever partly virtual workday on Friday with few glitches or delays.

Using the Zoom video chat application, the legislature's committee on economic policy reviewed and approved three government bills, with some members at their homes or riding offices.

All three bills had been introduced by Justice and Public Safety Minister Ted Flemming, making him the test case for the new way of working.

"Never did I think that the least technically abled person in the legislature [would be] the first minister to take this technological step, but so be it," he said after questioning wrapped up on the first bill. "I'm glad that we got through it."

Committee members then unmuted their computers and headsets in unison to vote.

The legislature has managed on and off during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has had to suspend its sittings three different times because of various lockdowns.

When MLAs adjourned Nov. 24 after two health zones were put under orange-phase restrictions, Premier Blaine Higgs said the assembly still wasn't "equipped" to hold virtual or partly virtual sittings for MLAs unable or unwilling to travel.

But a committee of members who oversee legislature business agreed last week to get a hybrid system in place quickly.

MLAs from the health zone that includes Fredericton attended Friday's meeting in person while those elsewhere took part online. 

Unmuted mics, digitally distorted MLAs

There were only a few minor problems.

Flemming forgot to mute his microphone at one point while he consulted remotely with civil servants from his department about a question on one of his bills.

Moncton Southwest PC MLA Sherry Wilson's voice was digitally distorted during her questions because she had low internet bandwidth. Shutting down her video feed opened up enough capacity for her voice to come through more clearly. 

Three bills introduced by Justice and Public Safety Minister Ted Flemming became the test case for the virtual committee meeting. (New Brunswick Legislature)

Overall things unfolded smoothly as MLAs from four parties questioned Flemming on his legislation. They approved three bills before the mandatory 2 p.m. adjournment time. 

The first bill would make it mandatory for hospitals and health care facilities that treat gunshot and stabbing wounds to report them to police.

The second would update the Coroner's Act. The third would allow lawyers recognized as Queen's Counsel to lose that honour if they are disbarred by the New Brunswick Law Society.

All three bills must still get third and final reading from the full legislature before they become law.

Test case

Speaker Bill Oliver said this week that if Friday's committee session worked well, the full legislature of 49 MLAs might be able to sit as scheduled next Tuesday for the resumption of the session.

Green MLA Kevin Arseneau said on Twitter after the first bill passed that the hybrid virtual sitting model could be used post-pandemic to accommodate elected members who can't be in Fredericton for "parental leave, compassionate care or bereavement" reasons.

But Education Minister Dominic Cardy said he was leery of the COVID-19 virtual sittings becoming a precedent that would change the nature of how the legislature works.

Education Minister Dominic Cardy said he's not convinced virtual sittings should be allowed during a state of emergency like the one now in place for the pandemic. (Mikael Mayer/Radio-Canada)

He said regular virtual sittings would allow answers to be fed to ministers or pressure to be applied to MLAs in the midst of a sitting day — two things not possible when they are in the chamber in person.

Cardy said he was "not even convinced" virtual sittings should be allowed during a state of emergency like the one now in place for the pandemic.

MLAs must vote next Tuesday to change legislature rules to allow some of them to participate virtually in a sitting of the full assembly.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 


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David Amos

Methinks Greg Turner and two other newbie PC backbenchers should never forget our phone conversations and my email earlier this week before this nonsense on the internet began N'esy Pas? 





David Amos 

"Cardy said he was "not even convinced" virtual sittings should be allowed during a state of emergency like the one now in place for the pandemic"

Methinks its quite a hoot to read that N'esy Pas?


Terry Tibbs

Reply to @David Amos:
I'd simply quit if my job expected me to look up Ted Flemming's nostrils.
Cardy is just upset because everyone can turn the audio off when he speaks.


Lou Bell

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I see the 2 caucus members of the " We Party " are conversing , no need for Zoom on their part ! Just feed for free off the CBC website ! Don't even need to show a Medicare Card !!!



David Amos

Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you know as well as I that your hero Higgy is expecting a lawsuit from me about my right to Health Care Best you stick to baking butter tarts for Cardy and his buddies instead of rubbing salt in old wounds N'esy Pas?


Ray Oliver

Reply to @David Amos: he's expecting it sure but methinks he doesn't lose any sleep over its outcome nesy pas? 










David Amos

Methinks they forgot to debate and vote on the Throne Speech again Hence Higgy and his ministers have no mandate yet to table bills N'esy Pas?


Terry Tibbs

Reply to @David Amos:
We just got 2 years of nothing out of this bunch wadda you want? Miracles?


Lou Bell

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ah , the 2 members / caucus of the " Me Party " conversing for all to hear ! And all about nuthin' !!! Unfortunately no supporters , but we all love watching a circus ! Carry on gentlemen !!


David Amos

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you are enjoying the circus as much a I N'esy Pas?












Terry Tibbs

I'm guessing the cost of this little extravaganza is top secret?


David Amos

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Par for the course


Lou Bell

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: As expected always guessing , you and Dave !


David Amos

Reply to @Lou Bell: So you say


David Amos

Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the SANB sheople must find it interesting that you feel free to claim such things after the the proof of how you were embarrassed earlier is gone N'esy Pas?  











Lou Bell

No one wants to watch Arsenault shearing sheep on taxpayer dime ! We , after all , know what and where he got his own take on what " common sense " really is in his mind ! Gotta go back to 1940's Germany to get what he thinks common sense means .


David Amos

Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks it was hoot that our first spit and chews on this topic went "Poof" N'esy Pas?









JOhn D Bond

"But Education Minister Dominic Cardy said he was leery of the COVID-19 virtual sittings becoming a precedent that would change the nature of how the legislature works.He said regular virtual sittings would allow answers to be fed to ministers or pressure to be applied to MLAs in the midst of a sitting day — two things not possible when they are in the chamber in person.

Cardy said he was "not even convinced" virtual sittings should be allowed during a state of emergency like the one now in place for the pandemic."

What a load of unmitigated rubbish. Why is it that politicians are always quick to gloss over the effects of technology on the day to day lives of the citizens it is supposed to be looking after but the second it starts to change their day to day lives, they claim it won't work or is not good for democracy. Unbelievable.
In this day and age, if you have difficulty using a computer, smart phone, participating in a video conference, goto meeting zoom conference and a host of others similar interactive mediums or interacting with social media, you don't belong in a position. These devices have replaced what were newspapers from 40 years ago. Perhaps you should not be in office. 


David Amos

Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Methinks you are a little late attending the circus today particularly after lots of little Lou's words were deleted N'esy Pas?









David Stairs

these guys put in Zoom to protect their sorry selves but still have done nothing to protect the real contributors(the seniors) to this province....and absolutely nothing for the first responders or the personal care workers..what a joke they are...


David Amos

Reply to @David Stairs: Oh So True However

Methinks you might as well enjoy the circus We are all paying for it N'esy Pas?







Ray Oliver

Just don't pull a Toobin ladies and gentlemen


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