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Gee as I read the news lately I wonder if Chucky and Dominic Leblanc remember this old email about fishing in the Maritimes


DFO closes another fishing area in northern N.B. after right whale sighting

Fishermen have until June 26 to remove gear in snow crab grounds

Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: Jun 24, 2018 10:43 AM AT

DFO orders fisheries closure in Bay of Fundy after right whale sighting

Lobster fishermen fear for livelihood in wake of Monday’s announcement

Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Jun 18, 2018
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:46 PM
Subject: Fr: Byron Prior

Rob, John Carten says, if anyone tells me they can help me with my situation, they're lying to me and wasting my time, what do you say Rob, true or not? I haven't heard from you , I know you've been away, please reply truthfully. I left home today with the intention of filling a, Writ of Summons, A Statement of Claim & An Affidavit with the Supreme Court Of Newfoundland aganist T. Alex Hickman & The RCMP, I didn't & left the building more determined than ever to inform the PUBLIC. On public display, upon entering, a picture of Alex Hickman & The Queen, great start, a list of Supreme Court Judges, Mr Justice R J Halley, X partiner of Halley, Hunt & Hickman, Hon Chief Justice J D Green, a member of the Ocean Ranger Inquiry which white washed the sinking of the Ocean Ranger & said the Oil Companies were not Responsible or Liable Legally for the SO CALLED, ACCIDENT. Most of the other Judges also sat on the inquiry with Alex Hickman, than Chief Justice as Chairman. None of these people would know an Oil Rig from an Oil Delivery Truck. After the Ranger sank, I came home from Tanzania, East Africa, to help 2 sea Captains, start an Offshore Safety Course For the oil rigs, Basic Offshore Survival Training, BOST Course, at the marine institute. I had worked on 4 continents for a company called Helmer Staubo, of Oslo, Norway, a hobby for me was collecting Rig Photos from around the world, one of which was the Ocean Ranger. This rig had one thing completely different from ALL other Semi Submersable Rigs, it's anchor chains were moved up ,on the legs, so the chains were always visablely out of the water, this was done to try to add stability. The sister RIG of the Ocean Ranger is still working , to this day in the Norwegan Sector of thr North Sea, to work in 3 meters, 6 ft. less water than it was designed for, 20 tons of weight had to be removed from the work deck, to compensate for the 3 meters of less water, to prevent it from hitting bottom during a storm, NOT ONLY WAS THE OCEAN RANGER IN 30 METERS LESS WATER THAN IT WAS DESIGNED FOR BUT EXTRA EQUIPMENT WAS ADDED TO THE DECK FOR HALIBURTON TESTING EQUIPMENT. I was showing these pictures in my saftey classes when an order came from CAPT. Jack Strong to remove my Photos from the class room & instruct only from the prepaird text book. After that my teaching career ended & I was black listed from the offshore. I'm told filling my CHARGES with these people, will show them I'm serious about my Charges. If ,after 44 yrs. of reporting & my web sites & 4600 hand outs door to door hasn't convinced them, my spending $40.00 on their corrupt system, so they can further discredit & devour me ,at my expense, will make no difference to them at all BUT $40.00 will give me 400 more handouts to inform the taxpayers they keep in the dark, a total of 5000 & I will stick to MY schedule and allow them to discredit me & many others in my chosen time space .Lisa, I have to thank you very much for helping me with the Forms, they wouldn't be done without you, but I can't afford to COMPLETELY WASTE $40.00, it will be better spent in hand-outs than wasted in their CORRUPT court rooms, they can take me there at their expense anytime they want. I, and most of you know, OUR LEGAL SYSTEM IS FINISHED DEALING JUSTICE, IT IS NOW SELFSERVING ONLY.
Sincerely Sad Canadian
Byron Prior
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: Good Day Charlie say het to Andy for me


David Amos <motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com> wrote:
     Hey Andy do ya remember this email I sent before the last I came home? I bet Charlie Leblanc don't just as the other LeBlanc dude didn't want to talk fishing and you didn't want to talk about soliciting. Since I have left the last thing you want to talk about is Indians EH? What is you dudes do other than suck Martin's arse?
       It seems the Frenchman who represents from Beauséjour, the area I was born in forgot the fact that both he and his wife are lawyers. Obviously I didn't. I also never forgot how Chréitian waltzed on down to Beauséjour years ago and his buddy Mulroney allowed him to have a seat without opposition except from a lady in CoR from Dorchester. You remember that place don't Charlie? I grew up just down the road from ya. What do you think will do the other LeBlanc Dude will do  when he receives the same material you did last year? I don't trust Frenchmen who are lawyers do you? Ask the other Frenchman you admire Bernard Richard who is a lawyer from Shediac/Cape Pelearea why that is.What do ya think should I stress test the new kid on the block, Victor Boudreau. I know he ain't a lawyer but never the less he is still a god damned Frenchman. I think most Frenchmen are just like you Charles LeBlanc. Greedy Bullshiters. However I really love the French ladies. So does that make me all bad? Am I pissing anybody off yet? Good. Trust nobody is half as mad as I am right now but at least I am still having fun. I am just giggling up a storm at the thought of how many people are cursing my name :) 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:03 PM
Subject: You, the Harvard Crowd and I

We are going to have lots to argue about very soon. But like any true Maritimer we should first discuss why the Fishing ain't worth a good Goddamn.

I have too many people on my list so I added
another account! Some of you will received my updates
from oldmaison1@yahoo.ca and others will be
oldmaison@yahoo.com...It just takes me too long to
send my update with only one account!

Ok..yesterday, I phoned the editor of the Local
paper and asked him where do I send the bill for my
stomach Transplant? The Irvings?????
This is what got me very upset-

Daily Gleaner | Brent Taylor
As published on page A8 on January 11, 2005

Robichaud made an impact
Brent Taylor

This morning in Moncton Louis Robichaud was given his
final farewell.

He had not been well in recent weeks, but maybe not
everybody knew that. Journalists knew, and had been
preparing for some time. So, when the sad news finally
came last Thursday, New Brunswick's media was ready to
retell the story of the "father of modern New

All of the papers had extensive coverage, as did the
electronic media.

In helping to prepare a little of that preliminary
work myself, I spent quite a bit of time researching
the career of Louis Robichaud. The more I found, the
more fascinated I became. Being a resident of Quebec
for the entire 10-year reign of Robichaud, I never saw
in person the changes he brought to the province. AND

For you people who’s not familiar with Brent
He’s a former MLA from the C.O.R. Party! I used
to debate Acadian issues with these bigots for years
in the letters to the editor!
The C.O.R. Party was to the Acadian population
like the KKK is to the Blacks! Brent Taylor ran for
the Leadership of the C.O.R. Party in the early 90s
while in Campbellton he made a very very very
Anti-French speech!
We all know that a leopard never changes it spots
and it makes me sick to my stomach seeing this
headline in the Daily Gleaner and of course I never
read this BS anyway but there’s something that I
found very interesting yesterday.
Someone told me that Brent Taylor will run under
the P.C. Banner during the next Provincial Election!
Well? I’ll tell you one thing right now!!! If
Bernard Lord allows that Bigot to run??? Well? I’m
going to be front and center with this issue!
The P.C Party shouldn’t associate themselves with
a man like Brent Taylor. Mind you, I met and have some
good friends from the C.O.R. Party!
As a matter of fact, I had a good chat with Max
White during the P.C. Annual meeting in Fredericton a
few months ago!
But I’ll never forget Brent Taylor speech and I’m
very surprised that he has his own column in the
Irving Papers???
Why is that now???
The Telegraph Journal stop printing my letters
but they allowed a bigot to spread his views? Why is
that now? Who knows?
I crashed their first annual convention in 1991
when Danny Cameron held a news conference telling the
Government of the day < Frank McKenna > to removed the
Acadian flag from on top of the Legislature.
My actions went across Canada. There were 1,000
members at that convention and I am not afraid to
speak out against hatred!!!
I was very surprised to see J.K. Irving at Louis
Robichaud Funeral yesterday!
Of course, I always like J.K. anyway but it’s his
son J.D that I don’t care for!
Hey? Any Billionaire who supports Racism? There’s
definitely something wrong with this Picture.
I told J.D. himself that he had a very racist
Supervisor working at Gulf Operators
The Rise and Fall of the New Brunswick CoR Party, 1988-1995
Geoffrey Martin

At the time this article was written Geoffrey Martin was teaching at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick
This article traces the rise and fall of one of Canada's recently-formed populist, "New right" parties, the Confederation of Regions Party of New Brunswick. It shows how and why the party was formed and why it collapsed in the last provincial election. COR-NB was a programmatic party based on political protest, which advocated a libertarian ideology. The article argues that partisan realignment is possible in "traditional" areas like New Brunswick, but that the anger that led to the formation of the party eventually turned inward and destroyed the party's coherence.
On September 11, 1995, the saga of the Confederation of Regions Party of New Brunswick (COR-NB) ended, when the party received 7% of the votes and no seats in the provincial election. This represented a major collapse of a party, which in the 1991 provincial election polled 87,256 votes (21% of the total), took 8 seats, and the position of Official Opposition in the Legislative Assembly. As it turned out, COR-NB's success in 1991 took place in a "populist moment" in New Brunswick politics, in which a number of factors came together to enable a new party, which rejected "Official Bilingualism" and many of the basic principles of the political system, to achieve significant success in a province with almost no tradition of third-party activity. COR's collapse in the recent election shows that this populist moment has passed, along with the other factors that made for COR-NB's success. For the forseeable future New Brunswick politics has returned to its historic pattern of two-party competition among small-c conservative elites.
The COR Party of New Brunswick
COR-NB was formed in 1989, less than two years after the "McKenna sweep" of 1987, in which the Liberal Party under Frank McKenna won every single seat in the legislature. In the 1991 election, COR-NB won its seats in the South and Central parts of the province, and its support was also disproportionately in rural, sparsely populated areas. COR took advantage of the voters' underlying concern about bilingualism. It did this chiefly in the former heartland of the Progressive Conservative (PC) Party.
There are five central points that describe the party's platform and principles.
The party was, first of all, a programmatic party, not a brokerage party. It had a fixed programme which its activists were unwilling to compromise.
Second, it was a protest party with roots in a single issue, that of "Official Bilingualism." The party was essentially an "ethnic party" representing a segment of English New Brunswick which was extremely dissatisfied, to the point of anger, over the direction of public policy in the province and the country.1
Third, like Social Credit in Alberta, COR-NB was a populist party and it placed high priority on changing the system in addition to changing specific public policies. This populism was represented most significantly in the inversion of the political hierarcy: For COR activists, elected members were responsible to the Electorate first, then the Party, and only finally the Leader.
Fourth, ideologically the party is "classical liberal" in the nineteenth century sense, which today is best referred to as libertarian.
Fifth and finally, like Social Credit in the past, in class terms the COR Party is petty bourgeois and lower-middle class in its orientation.
This final point is important and too often neglected, and is also relevant to other Canadian political experiments, especially the Reform Party of Canada. In its heyday the COR Party was dominated by middle-income and small-business people, professionals, and the self-employed. The middle class is the backbone of advanced industrial societies and pays more than its share of taxes and is most likely to feel put upon and unable to "get ahead." The party went beyond appealing only to "middle-income groups." It was also a reflection of those individuals who have an intermediate amount of control over their work, including professionals, small business people, and independent commodity producers, like farmers, woodlot owners, fishers and the self-employed in general. These characteristics are important because this class sometimes allies with the working class, sometimes with the middle class, and sometimes is alienated from both.
Political parties based purely on the middle class and petty bourgeoisie are notoriously hard to hold together. As C. B. MacPherson notes, "the petite-bourgeoisie cannot be cohesive" in politics because the individualism of members of this class divides it and splinters it apart.2
In electoral terms the COR Party was not a party of big business or the affluent, even if its programme, especially the provisions that weaken government, would seem to provide disproportionate benefits to large corporate interests. Yet high income groups and wealth holders appear to have stuck with the Liberals and PCs. This is symbolized by the close association of the powerful McCain family with the Liberal Party, and the fact that one of the McCain spouses, Margaret Norrie McCain, was appointed to a five-year term as the province's Lieutenant-Governor in 1994. The Irving interests, both individual and corporate, are harder to identify with certainty. The descendants of the founder of the Irving empire take little public role in partisan politics, seeming to prefer to influence the provincial government of the day regardless of its political stripe. Judging from the 1993 federal election and the 1995 provincial election, the Irving preference runs towards the "old line" parties and not populist alternatives further to the right or the left. In the 1993 federal campaign, the Irving interests made financial contributions to both the PC and Liberal campaign funds, and not to Reform, the National Party or the NDP.3
The Formation of the COR Party
The McKenna Liberals completely dominated New Brunswick politics from 1987 to 1989, and New Brunswick was effectively a one-party province during that time. Yet the COR Party rose much faster, less than two years after the 1987 election, than is usually the case with third parties. First of all, this rapid rise is explained by the seriousness and longevity of New Brunswick's high unemployment and economic hardship over the last 25 years. The Progressive Conservative Party was wiped out in 1987 as a repudiation of Richard Hatfield, whose longevity in power and personal legal troubles turned the electorate against him. Further, the Progressive Conservative Party was slow to rebuild, and the leader it finally elected, Barbara Baird Filliter, was generally regarded as ineffective. The rapidity of the rise of COR-NB was also a response to the McKenna government's desire to increase bilingualism in the civil service, an effort which the government has since admitted it has not succeeded in achieving. Finally, for many activists and voters, federal and provincial politics are not separate, and one reason for the rise of the COR-NB was the activists' distaste for the Mulroney government, another handicap for the provincial PC Party.
A neglected aspect of the rise of COR-NB was its genesis as a social movement called the New Brunswick Association of English-Speaking Canadians, usually shortened to the English Speaking Association (ESA). The ESA was formed in the early 1980s to oppose the extension of bilingualism in the provincial government, something that it was effective in preventing. The ESA was like a party-in-waiting with a membership and an agenda, so that activists were easy to mobilize once the decision to form a new party was taken in the late 1980s. By that time individuals involved in the organization began to question their effectiveness as a lobby group. "We brought our concerns to government but it just became frustrating because month after month we were bringing the same concerns, getting the same answers, and really not getting anywhere," said Arch Pafford, COR-NB's first president, first leader, and an ESA activist.4
The ESA was a single-issue social movement and the COR Party inherited ESA activists and this issue. Perhaps because of its ties to the (now-defunct) federal COR Party, COR-NB quickly developed similar New Right policies, including opposition to the Meech Lake Accord and support for parliamentary reform, tax reform, privatization, and deregulation. While party activists claim the COR Party is not a one-issue party, the party, like the ESA before it, would never had been formed without Anglophone discontent over the perceived lack of jobs for Anglophones, and Official Bilingualism, two phenomena that COR-NB activists always linked together. As Sue Calhoun has written, "If someone is pushed about why they joined COR, the answer is, inevitably, because of language."5 Just as the ESA was a protest vehicle, the COR Party was a protest party because of its desire to overturn the status quo and because of its dependence on a single issue, that of language policy.
The COR Party in Decline
By the fall of 1993, two years after the party's breakthrough in the 1991 election, the COR Party was clearly in decline, manifested in the party's slide in public opinion polls as well as internal bickering. By 1994 the party consistently polled between 3-7% of decided voters in various polls (down from 21% in the 1991 election) and its membership had plunged from around 20,000 in 1991 to approximately 2500 by the end of 1994. To some extent the conditions for the decline of the party mirror the conditions under which it arose.
In this section some of the reasons for the party's decline will be outlined, but we will concentrate on one of the root reasons for the party's problems, that of the incompatibility between the party's: a) populism; b) free market ideology, and; c) its role as a political party and Official Opposition in the existing system. In contrast to many members of the party, the argument presented here is that COR's problem was not just a matter of finding a new or better leader.
The party ultimately collapsed because of the membership's approach to politics and because a section of the party was unwilling to conform to the existing party system.
There are straight-forward reasons for the party's decline that should be delineated briefly. First, the departure of Brian Mulroney from national politics, and the collapse of the federal PCs in the 1993 federal election, made it possible for small-c conservatives to return to the provincial PC Party. Second, the COR Party suffered a double blow from the Charlottetown Constitutional Accord referendum in 1992. Since the accord was defeated nationally, constitutional and language issues disappeared for a time from the political agenda, which hurt the COR Party's ability to grab public attention. Even the province's constitutionalization of Bill 88, which declared the equality of the Francophone and Anglophone communities in the province, and the 1994 Québec election, did not excite widespread public attention. The second blow was that COR-NB led the anti-accord side in New Brunswick in 1992 and yet the pro-accord side won convincingly in the province, all of which undermined COR-NB's claim that it represented some kind of "silent majority."
Third, the provincial PC Party gained new credibility in the last two years because of the effectiveness of its leader, Dennis Cochrane, who was elected to that position and to the Legislative Assembly in 1991. Even the sudden resignation of Mr. Cochrane in the spring of 1995, and his replacement by former Mulroney cabinet minister Bernard Valcourt, did not revive COR's fortune's. Fourth, Frank McKenna's Liberal government was rightward leaning during its second mandate (1991-95), given its attitudes toward individual and provincial self-reliance, cuts to social and health services, and its emphasis on job creation in the private sector. This also hurt the COR Party because like a competent brokerage politician, McKenna's rightward move undercut COR-NB support, and this left most opponents of the government in the centre (supporting the PCs) or to the left (supporting the NDP, led by Elizabeth Weir).
All of these are important reasons for the decline of the party, but we should concentrate on another reason, the incompatibility of the party's self-identity and its role in the system. The party tried to combine populism and free market economics, two ideologies that are often in conflict because the interest of the "common man" is often in conflict with the interests of even small business, let alone the larger firms that dominate the New Brunswick political economy. Like the supporters of the United Farmers and Social Credit in Alberta, COR-NB members believed in the value of the individual and of free enterprise, even though the concentration of capital and high levels of unemployment are the result of the particular form of resource-based capitalism that exists in New Brunswick. The COR Party started as a "revolt against the system," though by 1993 the party increasingly internalized the system and so the revolt turned inward, with all of the venom once reserved only for the New Brunswick Society of Acadians and the established parties.
As the economy and job situation in New Brunswick improved somewhat after the recession of the early 1990s, COR-NB lost momentum. (Instead of scapegoating Acadians as they did in the late 1980s, in 1995 New Brunswick Anglophones were more likely to feel aggrieved at the Liberal federal government for tightening the Unemployment Insurance rules in the 1994 budget, or for its gun control initiative of 1995.)
There is a serious structural problem underlying these internal conflicts, in the form of an ideological conflict between Board control and caucus control of the party. As has been stated above, the party policy is that an elected member is responsible to the electorate first, the party second, and the leader last. Yet under its constitution the COR Party—and not the elected caucus—selected the leader and the Board of Directors could call a leadership convention, which inevitably gave the party control over the elected members.
Greg Hargrove (MLA-York North) said in 1993 that the Board overstepped its authority in trying to dump then-leader Danny Cameron because the Board is answerable to the membership while the caucus is responsible to the electorate. By this line of reasoning, the membership can elect a leader but cannot remove a leader, which ultimately sounds like the "old-line parties" that the COR Party criticized. This suggests an inherent contradiction in the party's inversion of the "Leader-Party-Electorate" hierarchy, because elected members cannot be responsible to the electorate first given the party's power to remove the party leader by calling a leadership convention.
COR-NB was a right-of-centre protest party that picked up on the tendency of many New Brunswick Anglophones to blame their economic woes on Official Bilingualism, big government, and "special interest groups." The COR Party went into the vacuum left by the collapse of the provincial PCs, aided by the general weakness of political opposition in McKenna's first term and the unpopularity of the Mulroney government in the Atlantic region. The political culture of New Brunswick was, for a brief period, not as traditional as many observers claim, because a significant segment of the electorate proved that they were willing to try a political alternative to the two dominant parties. By making the COR Party the Official Opposition, the voters showed that they were prepared to forgo, both as individuals and as constituencies, the benefits of having a member on the government side of the house.
The COR Party ultimately declined because of the contradiction between its anti-party populism and the realities of operating a political party in the existing party system. This essay also shows the risks of building a new party based on participatory and populist principles when it must function in a "democratic" political system that remains hierarchical and discourages active, meaningful, mass participation in the process of governing between elections. With the election of 1995, the voters have again accepted the elitist political system, in which a government is judged based on its results—the "bottom line"—and not on its style.
The COR Party was formed by a delicate coalition of populists, anti-francophone activists, and traditional conservatives. This coalition has shattered, and it is unlikely that it will come back together in the near future. It may take a generation to rebuild it. There is some possibility that populism will make itself felt in the coming years, if people increasingly feel alienated from New Brunswick's McKenna government and from the Chrétien government in Ottawa. The key question is whether any political party can take advantage of this populist discontent without itself being consumed by its fires.
1. More attention is paid to the issue of bilingualism as well as the ethnic basis of the party in another article by the same author, entitled "The New Brunswick COR Party as an `Ethnic Party'", Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, forthcoming, 1996, Vol. 23.
2. See C.B. MacPherson, Democracy in Alberta: Social Credit and the Party System, Second Edition, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962), pp. 224-226.
3. New Brunwick Telegraph Journal, October 4, 1994, p. 1.
4. Interview with Arch Pafford, Nordin, NB, August 20, 1993.
5. Sue Calhoun, "Getting to the Core of COR," New Maritimes, 1992, vol. 11, No. (2) November/December, p. 15.
March 18, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Paul Martin announced today the renewed mandate of the Task Force on Seasonal Work. The Task Force will evaluate the challenges born by seasonal industries while looking into the needs of workers and communities that depend on them and provide advice on areas for possible action in the future.

“This government places great importance on hearing from those lives that are directly impacted by our policies, including our seasonal workers. Our Caucus has been extremely active in making the sector’s opinions known, and will continue to play an important role in further examining those views,” said Prime Minister Paul Martin.

“We are facing particularly challenging times in one of our economy’s strongest sectors and I look forward to working in collaboration with Parliamentarians and all Canadians to find solutions.” 

The Task Force will examine;
  • the specific needs of seasonal industries and workers in the area of skills development, life-long learning, and literacy;
  • ways to promote greater economic diversity and stronger local economies, particularly in rural and remote communities across Canada;
  • the support required to help seasonal work dependent communities to adapt to seize opportunities provided by the new knowledge-based global economy;
  • ways of lowering barriers to regional and interprovincial labour mobility;
  • how to align income support programs such as Employment Insurance and Provincial Social Assistance Programs to improve income support, while also promoting full, year-round participation in the labour force;
  • ways of addressing the challenges and opportunities offered by temporary foreign workers;
  • the potential role for government in encouraging new approaches to community development, i.e. the `social economy` ;
  • an assessment of the opportunities and challenges specific to seasonal economies in promoting the safeguard of our natural environment;

The Task Force will deliver its report to the Prime Minister by November 2004.

Members of the Prime Minister`s Task Force on Seasonal Work include;

Chair: Brent St. Denis, MP (Algoma-Manitoulin)
Vice-Chair: The Honourable Pierrette Ringuette, Senator (New Brunswick)   
Members: The Honourable Libby Hubley, Senator (Prince Edward Island)
The Honourable Lorna Milne, Senator (Ontario)
Dominic Leblanc, MP (Beauséjour-Petitcodiac)
Jeannot Castonguay, MP (Madawaska-Restigouche)
Rick Laliberte, MP (Churchill River)
Georges Farrah, MP (Bonaventure-Gaspé-Îles-de-la-Madeleine-Pabok)
Nancy Karetak-Lindell, MP (Nunavut)

Dominic LeBlanc was elected to the House of Commons in November 2000. Since then he has served on the Special Committee on Non-Medical Use of Drugs, and the Standing Committees on Fisheries and Oceans, Transport and Government Operations, National Defence and Veterans Affairs, and Public Accounts. He has also served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence and was Chair of the Atlantic Caucus.      Mr. LeBlanc received a B.A. in political science from the University of Toronto (Trinity College), his Bachelor of Laws from the University of New Brunswick, and then attended Harvard Law School, where he obtained his Masters of Law. Academic successes include the Dean's List at the University of New Brunswick's Faculty of Law, a scholarship from the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, and the Graduating Average Prize from Trinity College at the University of Toronto.
Prior to his election to the House of Commons, Mr. LeBlanc was a barrister and solicitor with Clark Drummie in Shediac and Moncton. From 1993-1996, Mr. LeBlanc was a Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada.
     Mr. LeBlanc is married to Jolène Richard, a Moncton lawyer. They have one son, Selby.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:55 PM

   Methinks you and I should have a long talk very soon about Maritimers and Solicitor Generals. Call Anne McLellan or Wayne Easter and mention my name if you haven't heard of it by now. Trust that no lawyer uphome will welcome my letters. They hate it when they are compelled to uphold the law and the Public Trust particularly at election time.
           David R. Amos

> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/tiff name=New Solicitor General.tif

> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/tiff name=Insp+General+DHS.tiff

> ATTACHMENT part 4 image/tiff name=Francis+Galvin+too+late.tiff

> ATTACHMENT part 5 image/tiff name=AG+Elliott+Spitzer.tiff

Charles LeBlanc
114 Brunswick Street
New Brunswick
E3B 1G6

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: A simple blood test

David, immediately after I contacted you yesterday with these messages, our computer went crazy. Trevor & I ran the anti virus scan, it showed 51 viruses. We got ride of 20 & now I have to run it again. Contacting you isn't a popular thing to do, this is the first time we've had trouble like this in a long while, ruffled feathers I guess, David at least I know, when this happens, some-one's watching somewhere. I'll run the anti virus again now, check in later if I can.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: I read what you wrote to Byron lets see how you do with me


Ginette Pilon Manager,                                                                                                     Ministerial Correspondence
Justice Canada
Ministerial Secretariat
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0H8
Telephone: (613) 957-2950

       Please don't try to pretend that you do not know who I am. For you information I did serve Mr. Byrne the letter at the bottom of this email with many witnesses and Byron did likewise and got signatures.  On September the 13th Leutenant Governer of New Brunswick finally answered me with a letter he claims to have written September 3rd. However on September 2nd I got tired of waiting for everyone to act ethically so I sent the stuff to Adreinne Clarkson myself and let her know I was gonna sue the Queen providing the DHS did not to take me away to be tortured. I tracked the letter and she got it before the Acadian Leutenant Governor got up enough balls to respond.
       Do you know of anyone taking bets that I will live until October 1st? Maybe I will give the bookies recorded on the tapes a call and fix the game to hedge my bets. What say you? I have three bucks that I will bet you on the side that says I do. To be fair I have let some of the bastards in Beantown aware of the game to make it a more even bet for you. I will give it to the Canadian Consulate in Beantown if you are game to take the bet.
       I just called your office and hour or so ago and referred to your recent letter in answer to my friend Byron Prior's years of concerns. I also asked if you were a lawyer. The obvious question I wish to ask you is whether or not the RCMP are under federal juristion. When they dropped the ball and failed to investigate legitmate complaints going back over forty years, should not Parliamment ask for a Royal Commission to investigate Byron Prior's concerns just as Mr. Arar now has to investigate his matters? As for me I don't want one but I am willing to testify on Mr, Arar's or on Byron's behalf. I just want the truth to be known by all as I go about my business of torturing lawyers with the awful truth about themselves in order that they may fall on their own swords. I am having way more fun than Byron or Mr. Arar could dream of but I know that truth and justice would at least make them happy.
     I would think the issue of bringing Byron allegations into a Parliamentry investigation could be easily resolved by asking a man who was awarded the Order of Canada so show enough integrity to allow a simple blood test in order to prove Byron's allegations false. If Byron's allegations prove to be true by Hickman's denial of a blood test or the results of one then many heads should roll throughout Parliament and the RCMP for failing to uphold the Public Trust and the law.I now realize that it ain't important if you Ms. Pilon are a lawyer or not because your boss Irwin Cotler certainly is as are his bosses, Anne McLellan and Paul Martin. Apparently everybody was comfortable with the answer you gave to my friend. Lets see how they feel about your answer to me once I serve the man in Beantown that speaks for us all down here. If don't get an answer in writing by my wife's birthday I will send the Queen a summons for her to answer and i don't think many Yankees will care if i do. (excepting of course lawyers) Ms Pilon please feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I beleive the following words are yours.
      In my response to your words to my friend I will deliver many documentsto another lawyer Ronald A. Irwin employed by Parliament to speak for Canadians in Boston. Some of them will iclude documents delivered to the Leutenant Governor Roberts. That man had Byron Prior sign a very interesting document years ago that should be brought into the public view because it concerns the actions of the MP Bill Matthews. Don't try to tell me that is not of federal concern.
     By the recent flood of letters sent to me dated on or about Setember 3rd, it appears that many Canadian politically appointed lawyers are rather surprised that I managed to escape the clutches of Attorney General Ashcroft and his cohorts within the DHS and stand in order on Sept 3rd and file many FBI tapes in the Public Record. Apparently Ronald A. Irwin doesn't give a damn about my Safety just like Anne McLellan and Wayne Easter didn't.I know that he is immune from prosecution in the USA but I can certainly complain of him in Canada. What say you Ms. Pilon?
      Whereas you Ms. Pilon seem to have all the answers, I must ask you a few questions. When I sue Her Majesty the Queen in the USA, do I served the summons upon Ronald A. Irwin? He does speak for her here in Boston correct? If not upon whom do I serve the documents? Furthermore can I call Ronald A. Irwin to testify in my defense or can he simply continue to ignore me? How do I as a Canadian citizen begin the process of seeing him removed from his office? As I write this I am trying hard to inspire the NDP to cause a confidence vote. October 6th should be an interesting day in Canada particularly if I am allowed to stand in Dorchester District Court on Octber 1st in the USA.
      Mere minutes ago I received by US Mail irrefuttable proof of former Prime Ministers Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien malice towards my family and I. I had expected as much byway of an email notofication from Coldwell Bankers last week yesterday while I stood in court in Norfolk County to argue the very lawyer that began the actions on behalf of criminals in Plymouth County the Clerks offfice of Plymouth County mailed certified proof of the court's willingness to assist in fraud, larceny and perjury. The Massachuseets Registy of Motor Vehicles is threatening to take our drivers licenses for not willing to pay exise tax on vehicles stolen from our own yard by the State and this after I had notified all their lawyers of the fraud etc.
    Whereas many of my concerns involve Securities Fraud I believe that many Canadians should be made well aware of my concerns and of the sort of people that safeguard thei investments. If anyone has any questions perhaps they should seek the counsel of Robert C. Pozen of Boston a director of Bell Canada Inc. and an authority on Mutual Fund issues and a former legal counsel for the SEC. If you are wondering about the realestate sale I am referring to,  perhaps you should confer with Francis Galvin of Massachusetts or John R. Buckley Jr. the Plymouth County Register of Deeds whom will seeks reelection shortly. I will be suing those bastards in federal court in the USA in short order along with Brian Mulroney and many lawyers within Cendant Corp. You all will be invited to participate in the prosecution of an necessary complaint either as witnesses or litigants against me. These bastards made the sale of our property seem to be legal five months after our property was stolen and destroyed without due process of law in order to protect the interests of many a crooked lawyer in Canada and the USA.
       Feel free to argue me but you really should wait until Ronald A. Irwin receives his correspondence from me. One last question do you think you can trust yyour yankee friends to protect your interests when I start bringing up the subject of murder? Think fast. I have already filed some of the evidence in a couple of courts. Everybody knows there is no honour amongst theives. Ask T. Alex Hickman or John Crosbie or dig up Joey Smallwood and watch him grinning from the grave. Alas we all knew Joey too well.
                                                 Cya'll in Court
                                                                  David R. Amos
Barry looks like I guessed right eh? You really should stand with me in court on Oct 1st and at least testify as to why the criminal complaint against me involves federal issues.I don't care what your partners think it is my ass that is on the line that is why I gave your some of the wiretap tapes perhaps you should make certain that someone I respect receives Three of them right away and simply send her the contents of my mail to Dane M. Shulman but save the envelope so that I can prove that I did not go his office on April fools day but merely employed the US Postal Service.
 Hey Byron would you like me to sue the RCMP in Newfoundland? The bastards gave me their final answer on September 3rd as well. I could call you and Ms. Pilon to testify
                                                   July 30, 2004

Mr. Byron Prior
66 Readers Hill Crescent
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland & Labrador
A1W 5B4

Dear Mr. Prior:

    On behalf of the Honourable Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice and Attorney
General of Canada, I acknowledge receipt of your correspondence involving
allegations of sexual assault. The office of the Honourable Bill Graham,
then Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as former Member of Parliament
Mr. Dennis Mills, also forwarded your concerns to Minister Cotler. I apologize
for the delay in responding.

    Allegations of criminal offences should be directed to the police. While
the Parliament of Canada is responsible for enacting criminal law, the
administration of justice in a province, including police services and the
prosecution of Criminal Code offences, is the responsiblility of the
provincial governments. Neither Minister Cotler nor any official of the
federal government can have any involvement in this matter.

   Thank you for expressing your concerns.

                           Yours Sincerely,

                                                Ginette Pilon
                                                Ministerial Correspondence Unit
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: I read what you wrote to Byron lets see how you do with me

David, I'd be delighted to be a wittness, sue them, they're all assholes.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: A simple blood test

David, have you ever gotten a reply from John Furlong?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: A simple blood test

Nope the CBC has known who I was for a very long time. I even got on reporter fired I think. His name is Carl Davies and he now works for the Irving empire of newspapers. I know him personaly. He and I have crossed paths many times. As I write thiss he has been asking me how he can help for quite a while. He knows I have his ass in a sling.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 10:50 AM
Subject: Fw: Text of letter to Joe Day
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: Text of letter to Joe Day
I remember the call in 2002. I didn't make the connection when you were at Bill's that time. I'm not sure what exactly it is you're asking though.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 1980 3:37 AM
Cc:davies.carl@nbpub.com; news@timestranscript.com; advocacycollective@yahoo.com; nbombud@gnb.ca
Subject: Fw: Text of letter to Joe Day
Yes Frenchy (aka Charles Leblanc) I did get your silly slam about comparing me to to a dog. The thing is it is no insult. I compare myself to a mangy old guard dog. Ask Brad Green and maybe he will show you the letter I sent him. I am not impressed that you made an Irving paper. I have had far better coverage than you and trust me they hate me more than they do you. Ask Frank McKenna. Have you got around to asking your favorite priest where Cardinal Law went after I filed my affidavit on Dec. 12th/02? Watch the priest's eyes when he answers you. Never mind laughing at my plight Frenchy. Did you ever think the confession booth is built the way it is so that you could not see the priests laughing at you?
     If you really want to get the scoop on things ask Carl why he is no longer with CBC and why he don't say shit about me long ago. Remember when I called you from the camp Carl in November of 2002 and asked you to get Henrik to call me? Don't deny it because I had a witnesses there who had suggested that I call you and I have my cell phone records as well. How does it feel to be a part of an interesting story Carl? 
  As for you Carl you can just say hey to our friends Henrik Tonning and Bill Dalton for me and tell them I am still pissed off at them. All of you smiling bastards know I ain't no bullshitter because it takes one to know one. 
     As for you Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Richard perhaps you should get together and share the material that Charles Leblanc gave you before the shit hits the fan. Do you understand the meaning of the word Conspiracy? If not call the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan in Boston and ask him to explain. He is such a good Catholic boy that he edited out Cardinal Law from my complaint about religious freedom. Now thats funny because after he did so Charles J. Kickham Jr. did it again. Are you still laughing fellas? Watch out for my next complaint

August 24th, 2004

NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir                                                                Bernard  Richard      
Constituency Office                                                                          Office of the Ombudsman
39 King Square North                                                                        767 Brunswick Street
Saint John, NB E2L 1E6                                                                     Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8

Re: Corruption

Sir and Madam,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor, Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others today. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
There is no need to be long winded with you two people. I can prove contact with each of you and your associates many times. I know that you are expecting this material and why I am providing it to you for your review. Not only will I be mentioning your names today to the Police Commission but you names can be found in various places within my documents. I feel that you are entitled to review the material and I am entitled to expect you to act ethically and with integrity as would befit an officer of the court. What you will do with your newfound knowledge of crime? Please send your response to this letter to the address below. I can no longer linger in New Brunswick and wait for politicians to find the time to uphold the Public Trust.
Cya’ll in CourtJ
David R Amos                                                                                                                                                                        153 Alvin Ave.                                                                                                                                                                       Milton, MA. 02186
          I, David R. Amos, of 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. on August 25th, 2004, I delivered the enclosed material to the Office of the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard at 767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8. Whereas the Provincial office building at 710 Queen St. is longer assessable to the public, I will provide these documents to Elizabeth Weir’s Constituency Office at 39 King square North Saint John NB E2L 1E6 as soon as possible.
David R. Amos

-----Original Message-----
From:Byron Prior
Sent:Monday, September 20, 2004 1:34 PM
Subject:Re: Time to get Mad Barry

David, it's started, welfare just called, a guy Baker, to say we must provide recipes for how we spend our welfare money or we won't recieve another cheque. Audrey now has to go to the bank, get copies & take them in tomorrow or we're cut off. I agree, completely fake left, all bullshit, what animals.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 12:20 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Cc: Byron Prior
Subject: Fw: Time to get Mad Barry
Barry I sent a letter to the RCMP General Counsel immediately after the LT Gov of NFLD gave me the wrong response I tracked the mail and the letter dissappeared from the Post Office records. So i called the RCMP boss in NFLD to see if they got it They said no. and i beleive the lady. I warned Byron to keep his head up within the hour the Province pounced on him
-----Original Message-----
Sent:Monday, September 20, 2004 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry

on what grounds.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 6:53 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry
Byron is a witness to many things that have been covered up for over forty years. The RCMP are involved. It appears that CSIS(Canadian Secret Service stole the RCMP mail) to protect the former Minister of Juctice and the Present Minister of Justice as well as the LT Gov as some sort of national secret. It is really hard to explain but I tried to tell you the other day. Look at the stuff I gave ya. the Minister of Juctice T. Alex Hickman that raped Byron's 12 year old sister and the Present Member of Parliament Bill Matthews who raped his thirteen year old sister. Both of whom made them pregnant and their kids are walking around as Byron's kin helped cover up the Ocean Ranger Bulshit for former president Bush and his buddies when he was vice president It is really really deep.The Lt Gov was Matthews lawyer when he was working for John Crosbie, Brian Mulroney's Minister of Finance. It goes on and on. Email won't do. Twice as many men died on the ocean ranger than Indians hve died on the reservation since Leonard was arrested. Byron was on the drilling rig that killed the Cod back in 1981. The whole fishing industry was killed because of unsafe oil exploration. the Martimes are sitting on the second biggest oil fields in the world. If you had come to see me up home I could have shown you capped oil wells from the 1930's We are next to New England had they are running gas lines down here now. I told you this is really really big. And I ain;t said dick yet.
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:43 AM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry

is he ok.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:18 AM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry
Nope is all I can say for your benefit
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry

can i help?
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:02 AM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Cc: Byron Prior
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry
Call him and perpare to listen to a very serious and sincere  man. He would appreciate it and you would profit from the experience at least in the form of some enlightenment as to how bad things really are. Say hey to him for me Jean and I are off to court to tear a piece off Angie Baby. 709 834-9822
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry

i will make every attempt to call him as soon as i get back from court.
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Friday, September 24, 2004 12:02 AM
Subject: You are Under Attck

Hello Bryon
A colleague went to your web site and says he got tagged by a virus or a worm of some kind. 
Just letting you know that the bad guys are out their sabotaging you.
John Carten
So soe
-----Original Message-----
Sent:Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: You are Under Attck

John, they never stop. On friday NFLD. Const. John Roche called to say they wish to speak with me on monday about my 5000 fliers. I told him call me monday, I think Rob told me I have the right to have a witness present & I can tape the meeting, if I make them aware before hand.I'll do both, they aren't working on my behalf.
-----Original Message-----
From: Byron Prior alltrue@nl.rogers.com
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:58 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry FR: Byron Prior
Barry, things are getting busy here, I will need outside help very soon I suspect, these are alerts from some people who watch my site & what's happening, please read their messages & be aware I will survive if people pay attention to what happens to me hear.
Byron Prior
        And nothing from LISA in days, John, what's going on, things are getting very strange, I knew it had to happen so I'm trying my best to keep everyone aware of what the Corrupt ones are up to, I like knowing at least there is some-one out side who will inform some-one.Post for me if you can.I must send this message to as many small groups as I can, to get the news out, but protect as many sources as possible, this sucks but it has to be done, I have to fight dirt with dirt & all rules are out, it's time to party, the minority should take it on the chin.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:10 PM
Subject: Fw: You are Under Attck FR; Byron

People, I'd appreciate it if you watch for a message from my wife Audrey this week, I get the impression from Const. Roche they may be ready to make an arrest, ME. Not a big problem, if at all possible, I will be updating my web Site Info next Sunday, Oct. 3 ,after than they will have NO CHOICE, tune in to http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse some-one will have to arrest me, I've had it up to my chin, I'm naming some important characters From Ottawa, NFLD. & the CHURCH, who have earned a place of distinction on my web-site, I may even publish my mother's customer List.I'm ready to take a vacation at tax payers expense, after, maybe I'll be ELECTED, I'll be a qualified CRIMINAL.
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry FR: Byron Prior

i will read them and keep abreat. you can trust me.
 -----Original Message-----
From:Byron Prior alltrue@nl.rogers.com
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:02 PM
Bachrach, Barry A.
Cc: moto maniac
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry FR: Byron Prior
Thank you Barry, nice to no you're there. David will keep things buzzing & says you can help.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Byron Prior"
To: "moto maniac"
Subject: Re: Fw: You are Under Attck FR; Byron, FROM BYRON
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 23:50:08 -0230
David, this one I like very much,good man.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: You are Under Attck FR; Byron, FROM BYRON
                                                                                              September 26th, 2004
Tom Marshall Minister of Justice and Attorney General
4th Flr., East Block, Confederation Building
Box 8700
St. John's, NL A1B 4J6
Telephone: (709) 729-5942
Facsimile: (709) 729-2129
Hey Tom
        I heard through the grapevine that Constable John Rochewants to hassle my friend Byron Prior over some very truthful flyers he handed out. Don’t you think you should talk to me first about the material of mine that Lieutenant Governor Roberts sent you? I asked him to send to his boss Adrienne Clarkson but idiot picked you instead. So i sent her the stuff myself before the Leutenant Governor in New Brunswick tried to act honest. I do not have to send you hard copy you already have it. Tell me what will you do with the copy of wiretap tape numbered 139?
        You should know as well as I that problems with the RCMP fall under Federal Jurisdiction. I know John Crosbie and diddler Hickman know it but trust that I will look forward to arguing with you about it. Don’t you think you should act ethically and call me quickly before I bring up your name in court on October 1st as being in cahoots with the FBI in Boston? I called Gerry Lynch's office and left him my number. Perhaps you should call Bolduc Clement of the Police Commission in Fredericton and ask for a copy of the tape of the meeting I had with him in August if you don't wish to speak to me. Byron and Jim Case are mentioned on the tape and I already have my copy. I will be filing it in the Public Record down in Boston. If I do not hear from you by October 1st I will consider you to be a conspirator against me. Say hey to Jim Case and Danny Williams for me will ya?
                                                        Cya’ll in CourtJ
                                                                                 David R. Amos
-----Original Message-----
From:moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:47 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Something weird going on...FR: Byron
Be careful Byron and I both think this lady is a FED in BC. He just spilled some beans to her on purpose.So that they will make a play against me on Oct 1st. You know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. There is nothing wrong with my emails she just said that so that others won't read them..
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Time to get Mad Barry FR: Byron Prior

Thanks Barry, keep in touch.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: Time to get Mad Barry FR: Byron Prior

i will try.
-----Original Message-----
From:moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:47 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Something weird going on...FR: Byron
Be careful Byron and I both think this lady is a FED in BC. He just spilled some beans to her on purpose.So that they will make a play against me on Oct 1st. You know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. There is nothing wrong with my emails she just said that so that others won't read them..
-----Original Message----
From: "Bachrach, Barry A."
To: 'moto maniac'
Subject: RE: Fw: Something weird going on...FR: Byron
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 12:49:51 -0400
you got to be careful. just found out someone went out to pine ridege. totally disrupted a group of people trying to fight the corruption. guess what. bingo, his wife is an fbi agent. i smelled something and told them to find out. in the interim, the work was disrupted as planned
.-----Original Message----
Sent:Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: FR: Byron RE; Mafia Boss visit, yesterday

Yesterday I had the unpleasent presents of one of Eastern Canada's Top Mafia Bosses & Drug Lord, from Montreal, a Newfie, spend more than 2 hours in my home, inquiring what my intentions were with my WEB-Site & if any persons have made me any offers to get ride of my site. I told him only threats of charging me from the NFLD. Constabulary. His offer to me was to forget everything & come back to work for him, immediately, if I wish, drug mule. I said no thanks & told him my web site will be there until my last breath. His comment to me was, that may be so, and left my home. John, you have my association chart, he married the Mexican Girl who couldn't speak English, by Judge Lloyd Wicks, at the NFLD. Hotel. John, that list has been with, RCMP, NFLD. Const., CIA, FBI, since 2001, why is he still aloud to travel the world from South America to Qubec to NFLD. constantly, & not be bothered by anyone when they are all aware of what he does, is he really representing them & the MOB. I'm sure others in this group know exactly who I'm speaking about, how do you sleep at night? Should anything happen to me I told him & I tell you all, I won't go without a fight, I will inform as many public as I can & I have records hidden in several places & with many different people. What is most disapointing to me is how many foney & corrupt people are out there without consience. YES, I will stay a member of this group, as long as I feel there is 1 honest person here. 34 years a MULE & for that now I call myself a JACKASS. If you have to run drugs for kids, it's better not to survive.
Byron David Prior
66 Readers Hill Crescent
Conception Bay South
709 834 9822 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:46 PM
Subject: Fr: Byron Prior

Rob, John Carten says, if anyone tells me they can help me with my situation, they're lying to me and wasting my time, what do you say Rob, true or not? I haven't heard from you , I know you've been away, please reply truthfully. I left home today with the intention of filling a, Writ of Summons, A Statement of Claim & An Affidavit with the Supreme Court Of Newfoundland aganist T. Alex Hickman & The RCMP, I didn't & left the building more determined than ever to inform the PUBLIC. On public display, upon entering, a picture of Alex Hickman & The Queen, great start, a list of Supreme Court Judges, Mr Justice R J Halley, X partiner of Halley, Hunt & Hickman, Hon Chief Justice J D Green, a member of the Ocean Ranger Inquiry which white washed the sinking of the Ocean Ranger & said the Oil Companies were not Responsible or Liable Legally for the SO CALLED, ACCIDENT. Most of the other Judges also sat on the inquiry with Alex Hickman, than Chief Justice as Chairman. None of these people would know an Oil Rig from an Oil Delivery Truck. After the Ranger sank, I came home from Tanzania, East Africa, to help 2 sea Captains, start an Offshore Safety Course For the oil rigs, Basic Offshore Survival Training, BOST Course, at the marine institute. I had worked on 4 continents for a company called Helmer Staubo, of Oslo, Norway, a hobby for me was collecting Rig Photos from around the world, one of which was the Ocean Ranger. This rig had one thing completely different from ALL other Semi Submersable Rigs, it's anchor chains were moved up ,on the legs, so the chains were always visablely out of the water, this was done to try to add stability. The sister RIG of the Ocean Ranger is still working , to this day in the Norwegan Sector of thr North Sea, to work in 3 meters, 6 ft. less water than it was designed for, 20 tons of weight had to be removed from the work deck, to compensate for the 3 meters of less water, to prevent it from hitting bottom during a storm, NOT ONLY WAS THE OCEAN RANGER IN 30 METERS LESS WATER THAN IT WAS DESIGNED FOR BUT EXTRA EQUIPMENT WAS ADDED TO THE DECK FOR HALIBURTON TESTING EQUIPMENT. I was showing these pictures in my saftey classes when an order came from CAPT. Jack Strong to remove my Photos from the class room & instruct only from the prepaird text book. After that my teaching career ended & I was black listed from the offshore. I'm told filling my CHARGES with these people, will show them I'm serious about my Charges. If ,after 44 yrs. of reporting & my web sites & 4600 hand outs door to door hasn't convinced them, my spending $40.00 on their corrupt system, so they can further discredit & devour me ,at my expense, will make no difference to them at all BUT $40.00 will give me 400 more handouts to inform the taxpayers they keep in the dark, a total of 5000 & I will stick to MY schedule and allow them to discredit me & many others in my chosen time space .Lisa, I have to thank you very much for helping me with the Forms, they wouldn't be done without you, but I can't afford to COMPLETELY WASTE $40.00, it will be better spent in hand-outs than wasted in their CORRUPT court rooms, they can take me there at their expense anytime they want. I, and most of you know, OUR LEGAL SYSTEM IS FINISHED DEALING JUSTICE, IT IS NOW SELFSERVING ONLY.
Sincerely Sad Canadian
Byron Prior
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: barry save this email for me will ya?

i will.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:davidamos@comcast.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 3:15 AM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: barry save this email for me will ya?
For your benefit I won't elaborate.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 12:10 AM
Subject: Fw: Fw: FR: Byron Prior

Byron pick up the damned phone will ya? I am serious Buddy you know I care. You are important not only to me but as a witness to all that you know to be true. Don't like the smiling bastards push you into doing something wrong. I realy think that is exactly what they want you to do. If you react badly to their persecution you will be playing into their hands. They are just baiting ya buddy. Don't let them set the hook in ya. Ignore the bastards and listen to me will ya? Jesus man we are so close. the FBI denied today about shit come to Beantown by boat. You and I can easily prove otherwise. Two of us telling the truth is better that one. Gang up with me. Forget the lone wolf attitude will ya? You ain't alone. Never forget that it was you who contacted me and I responded. Maybe Ellen will call ya and make your day. It was your website that made her speak up and the others as well. Why give up when your are just getting some results after all these years. Just take a break and have a nap. Let me poke a little fun with them from afar just to skake their Tree. Then you let me know when the bad apples hit the dirt. Just keep your nose clean and chase Audrey around the yard and let them see you laughing. Its stuff like that, that will confuse them. Never do what they want you to do. Be unpredictable and crazy like a fox and trust another madman to stir the shit. You let me know when some folks are running from the stink. I think the first to bail will be Jim Case and then Ted Cardwell. the little dudes are always the weakest links and you know how I rattled an jerked Case's chain. let me fuck with him some more will ya?
                      Love Dave
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 1980 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: FR: Byron Prior

I am very worried about Byron he was sounding very very upset yesterday and now he won't answer his phone

DFO closes another fishing area in northern N.B. after right whale sighting

Fishermen have until June 26 to remove gear in snow crab grounds

To date 75 North Atlantic right whales have been spotted by observers who are making daily flights over 460,000 square kilometres of ocean as part of the marine mammal surveillance program. (Center for Coastal Studies)
Another fishing area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence has been closed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans after North Atlantic right whales were spotted.

The latest closure in extends the no-fish zone farther east, well into the middle of the Gulf.
Fishermen have until Tuesday at 3 p.m. to remove any fishing gear in the area.
Maritime Fishermen's Union president Carl Allen says this closure of one smaller area is not overly concerning as much of the quota has already been reached.

"When you look at the location and where it is, it's out on the snow crab grounds and it's not of a huge concern at this point of the game because I think, at this point, we're over 90 per cent of the quota is caught."

Some individual fishermen have already filled their quota and are finished, he said.

"It's not of huge consequence considering the location of where it's at and the timing of it."
But Allen said fishermen must still cope with the "complex protocols" that accompany every closure order.

"Every time we get an email with notice to harvesters, alerting us to another closure, it's like those few seconds that it takes to load the map up to see where the closure is, are like the longest few seconds in your life some days."

This is the seventh closure of a fishing area over the last month in the waters off northern New Brunswick that has forced crab fishermen and lobster fishermen to move their fishing gear to other areas.

A fishing area was also closed June 18 in the Bay of Fundy after a right whale was spotted there.
All  the closures still remain in effect until further notice.

18 right whale deaths

Since January 2017, there have been 18 deaths of North Atlantic right whales in U.S. and Canadian waters — 12 off the Canadian coast and six off the U.S.

To date, there are only 100 breeding females remaining in a population of about 450 North Atlantic right whales.

Up to 75 right whales have been spotted in the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence so far this year, officials said.

The fishery closure is just one of the measures taken by the department to try to save North Atlantic right whales. New rules also require ships to slow down in some areas.

Allen said he feels the general consensus is the right whales being in the area is more of a trend than an anomaly.

​"I think this is something we will be dealing with year in and year out. In the future we're going to have to come up with some more thought out plans."

This includes not closing the static closure zone too early so the area outside it doesn't get overfished or exploited year after year.

"That static closure is worth 25 per cent of the tack last year. That's a huge portion of the crab that comes out of the water and if we can't have access to that you run that risk of you might actually collapse that resource."

Allen said MFU will have to sit with DFO again to discuss how it can be done in 2019 so the objectives of not entangling right whales but have a fishery that is better managed.
With files from Blair Sanderson


DFO orders fisheries closure in Bay of Fundy after right whale sighting

Lobster fishermen fear for livelihood in wake of Monday’s announcement

 Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Jun 18, 2018

In this Wednesday March 28, 2018 photo, a North Atlantic right whale feeds off the coast of Plymouth, Mass. Fishermen in certain parts of the Grand Manan Basin have to get their gear out of the water Thursday after endangered North Atlantic right whales were spotted in the area. (Michael Dwyer/Associated Press)

The federal government announced Monday evening the first temporary fisheries closure in the Bay of Fundy as a result of a North Atlantic right whale sighting.

The area, just east of Grand Manan, will be closed to fixed-gear fishing activities starting at 11:59 p.m. Thursday, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans said in a statement. It said the closure, which affects lobster, crab, groundfish, herring and mackerel licenses, will remain in place until further notice.
The Grand Manan Basin is a critical habitat area for the whales.

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ALERT ⚠️: New temporary fisheries measures will be in place next to areas temporarily closed to help protect North Atlantic . http://ow.ly/cRrC30kyzDw 

It's believed to be the first closure of its kind ever in the bay, according to Laurence Cook, chairman of the Grand Manan Fishermen's Association lobster advisory board.

Cook was busy fielding calls and texts from "angry and upset" members after government informed the association around 6 p.m. Monday, he said.

The association has been closely following the tension surrounding a series of closures in waters off northeastern New Brunswick after dozens of whale sightings in the area. Frustration is mounting with hundreds of fishermen concerned for their livelihood.

A map showing where the fishing area closures are located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (CBC )
Those sentiments are now being shared with their counterparts in the island community off New Brunswick's southern coast.

'It's a massive hit'

About 40 boats, roughly a third of the Grand Manan fleet, will be impacted, Cook said, estimating about 150 workers — on and off shore— could be affected as they enter the "most prosperous time of the season."

"The lobster is the engine that drives Grand Manan's economy," he said. "It's a massive hit."
Cook said he was holding his breath after a right whale was spotted off Grand Manan on Saturday.
The association argued its case with DFO officials in Dartmouth on Monday before Ottawa made the final decision. Cook said their unblemished track record to avoid harming whales fell on deaf ears.
In 2006, fishermen voluntarily developed a mitigation strategy to not disturb whales, he said. That involved reporting whale movements and modifying equipment to reduce the chance of entanglements.

"It isn't fair for the government to shut us down because crab gear 1,000 kilometres away killed two right whales last year," he said.

19 dead whales

Necropsies on seven of the whales that died last year showed four died of blunt force trauma from collisions with ships, while two more appeared to die from being entangled in fishing gear.

Since January 2017, there have been 18 deaths of North Atlantic right whales in U.S. and Canadian waters — 12 off the Canadian coast and six off the U.S. A whale carcass found last week in Virginia is the 19th.

Last year 17 North Atlantic right whales died in Canadian and U.S. waters. Another two have been found dead off the U.S. coast this year. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
To date, there are only 100 breeding females remaining in a population of about 450 North Atlantic right whales.

Up to 75 right whales have been spotted in the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence so far this year, officials said.

Since the beginning of the fishing season for lobster, snow crab and other species, the federal government has closed six fishing areas because of the presence of whales. More closures are scheduled to come into effect Thursday.

The fishery closure is just one of the measures taken by the department to try to save North Atlantic right whales. New rules also require ships to slow down in some areas.

Federal Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc met with representatives of the Maritime Fishermen's Union in Moncton last Friday but did not agree to relax the closures.

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