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Green MLAs call out belittling, patronizing language used by legislature colleagues






Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others    
Methinks Higgy et al know I am honoured the not so young Mitton girl would never admit she is my cousin and that the boys in her green meanie party detest me nearly as much as I do them N'esy Pas?




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Green MLAs call out belittling, patronizing language used by legislature colleagues

Megan Mitton says her post about being referred to as 'young lady' by colleague got overwhelming support

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Nov 24, 2020 5:00 AM AT


Megan Mitton, Green Party MLA for Memramcook-Tantramar, got support after revealing she was called "young lady" to her face by male MLA. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Two Green MLAs have called out some of their legislature colleagues for examples of what they call belittling, demeaning and patronizing language during last week's sitting.

Kevin Arseneau said he's had enough of politicians referring to "our" Indigenous people, a phrase he said conjures up a colonial attitude.

And Megan Mitton said she got overwhelming support on social media after revealing an unidentified older male MLA called her "young lady" to her face.

"Ultimately, language matters," she said. "It really matters what we say to each other and about each other. I think we should move calling women 'young lady' out of our vocabulary, especially in the workplace but probably everywhere else."

Mitton won't identify the member but points out that she is, at 34, the youngest MLA in the house and one of only 14 women, "so there's quite a few people who it could be."

Arseneau said he has heard the possessive pronoun "our" used for Indigenous people for a long time but decided to speak out after last week's speech from the throne. It said MLAs had gathered "on the ancestral territory of our Indigenous people."

"It refers to colonialism," he said. "I find it's extremely disrespectful … to take possession of people."

Two days later, Liberal Leader Roger Melanson said he wanted to contribute to  "a strong partnership with our First Nations."

Melanson used the phrase while congratulating St. Mary's First Nation Chief Alan (Chicky) Polchies on winning a new term in band elections.

Polchies said in an interview he'd also like to see the use of "our" disappear. 

"Indigenous people are the Indigenous people of this land," he said. "When you refer to 'our,' we don't belong to any group or government other than our own. We belong to the land of Turtle Island. It's the Indigenous people of the territory." 

The official French translation of the throne speech did not use "our." 

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Arlene Dunn won't say whether the phrase should have been in the English version but commented, "I would not refer to First Nations as 'our' First Nations. I refer to First Nations as partners. Full partners."

She notes she has nine nieces and nephews who are Indigenous. "My preference is to call them partners, and be respectful."

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Arlene Dunn. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Arseneau said if Dunn had read the Throne Speech ahead of time, "she could have told government to change that part of it.

"I know a lot of people in that [Progressive Conservative] caucus, if they'd read it in advance, would have flagged it." 

Liberal MLA Lisa Harris, who became her party's aboriginal affairs critic after the provincial election, has been vocal in criticizing the Higgs government on its refusal to hold an inquiry on systemic racism but said the implications of the word "our" hadn't occurred to her.

"I never really thought about that question before but it's a good question," she said, suggesting the word could be seen as a way to be inclusive.

"I could only begin to imagine what it means, but I think we're blessed to have First Nations in our province, so I guess we're owning the fact that we have First Nations in the province, the same as our francophone population or anglophone population.

"To me, they're all to be celebrated."


Liberal MLA Lisa Harris, who became her party’s aboriginal affairs critic after the provincial election, has been vocal in criticizing the Higgs government on its refusal to hold an inquiry on systemic racism. (Joe McDonald/CBC)


Mitton said 98 per cent of the people who responded to her Instagram post about being called a "young lady" agreed with her that the term was ageist and sexist. 

"In a workplace, but especially workplaces that are dominated traditionally by men, there's a power dynamic that exists, so I think it adds an extra layer to women maybe not feeling they belong because historically they haven't," she said.

Fourteen women were elected as MLAs in September's election, a record number. 

Mitton said none of her fellow female members from other parties had approached her to talk about her post. She said that may be because COVID-19 guidelines have made discreet one-on-one conversations difficult in the corridors of the legislature. 

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.

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David Amos
Welcome back to the circus 
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: Yawn.
Tim Trites
some Green party members seem highly insecure
Awaiting moderation
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Trites: Naw they are just crooks like all the rest
Jos Allaire
If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen...
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks its wickedly comical that one is an evil cousin of mine while the other is a very nasty former president of your beloved SANB N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver 
Shocker coming fresh off the press from the "Feelings" party. Get to work on something of value in your riding!! I'd be embarrassed to have put this forward as news.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Yea Right






Al Clark
And btw, what do those three letters mean on that lobster fisherman's hat, EVERY time Steve Murphy interviews him? 
Chuck Gendron
Reply to @Al Clark: Who is Steve Murphy?
Al Clark
Reply to @Chuck Gendron: Is the war over?
David Amos
Reply to @Chuck Gendron: Chucky Leblanc's buddy

Jos Allaire
Hey teacher, he called me a young lady! The outrage! 
David Amos 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: I am embarrassed to say that she is my cousin

Methinks Higgy et al know why I am honoured that the not so young female would never admit it and that the boys in her dubious political party detest me as as much as i do them N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver:  
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you know what they say "you can pick your nose but...." Nesy Pas?
Al Clark
Reply to @David Amos: that and that explains a lot lol

Terry Tibbs
By not identifying the doer it calls the whole thing into question.
If I addressed her as "young lady" it would be purely descriptive, she is clearly younger than I am, and I find it best to assume a female to be a "lady", unless she demonstrates otherwise.
Of course this just might be that demonstration, and might just lead to other, more accurate descriptions.
Christopher Harborne 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: So she could call anyone of the men in the legislature "old man"? Why is it hard to be even the tiniest bit respectful to a work colleague? And I'm pretty sure that the other member would be livid should he not be called "the honourable member for X".

And not identifying the doer offers them the chance to change. Public shaming only serves to entrench someone.
Billy Buckner
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: you have made some posts over the last couple of days that make perfect sense, not sure what to make of it.
Buddy Best
Reply to @Christopher Harborne: An older gentleman is very often used to describe a senior male. I have never attempted to get news coverage over it because I am not that offended by the acknowledgement. I have issues supporting anyone that thin skinned.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Christopher Harborne:
I *think* weaponizing a simple, respectful, form of address (because there are far worse forms of address) only indicates that maybe this person does not wish to be addressed at all, which I find very strange position for an MLA to put themselves into. An MLA that no one wishes to speak with. I guess it is an interesting way to represent those who voted for you? Maybe next time they won't bother?
I have been called far worse than "old man", and kind of prefer "old fella" to old man, but either form of address does not get my knickers in a twist.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Christopher Harborne: I wouldn't mind any one calling me "old man", not one bit. But then again, I have an actual life..............
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks it may not be wise to ask me for a more accurate description N'esy Pas?

Toby Tolly
Peasant - kevin arseneau's description of himself on twitter 
David Amos 
Reply to @Toby Tolly: Check mine if ya dare
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: oh the treasure chest of information and wise quotes it must possess. People hang off every tweet a la Trump
Harvey York
Reply to @Ray Oliver: "if ya dare" hahaha, you can't make this stuff up.


Jos Allaire
It could have been worse. He could have called her "old lady" 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
Or a silly C.
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks you should know N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?




















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