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Woodlot owners say N.B. pricing system keeps them from cashing in on high lumber demand





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others   
Methinks some of the private woodlot owners in the Sussex area may be regretting the fact that I was barred from debating Northrup et al about this nonsense during the election in 2018 N'esy Pas? 




#cdnpoli #nbpoli





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others  



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Woodlot owners say N.B. pricing system keeps them from cashing in on high lumber demand

Allege system hides true price for private wood


Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: Nov 16, 2020 6:30 AM AT 


Bruce Colpitts on one of his family's woodlots in Shannon. 'Costs have not gone down,' he says. (Graham Thompson, CBC)

About 7,000 vehicles a day pass the billboard on New Brunswick Route 1 at Sussex. 

'We're buying wood!', it announces, with a link to the J.D. Irving Ltd. website and a phone number: 855-WOODLOT.

In the background stands the JDI  sawmill, with long rows of stacked logs.

Dialling that number is one of a handful of ways woodlot owners can get their timber to the province's biggest buyer.

If you sign a contract with the company, you can collect $64.25 a metric tonne for spruce studwood logs used to make two-by-fours.

It's a rate that is maddeningly low for those woodlot owners who are selling logs. And it hasn't budged despite booming lumber sales in North America this year.

These private wood sellers see the price as a symptom of a broken system, where some are quietly paid more for their logs, and an abundance of trees available to mills from Crown land prevents the majority from cashing in when times are good.

J.D. Irving Ltd. sends a message to woodlot owners from a billboard at Sussex. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

About 40 minutes to the west of Sussex, at his family farm in Shannon, one of those private growers, Bruce Colpitts, recalls some wisdom shared 20 years ago by his wife's grandfather, Lawrence McCrea. 

"He said, 'Look after the land and the land will look after you,'" said Colpitts. "Well, 20 years ago the price of studwood was about $80 a tonne. Today that exact same product purchased here is $65 a tonne.

"And I guarantee you our costs have not gone down."

Across the provincial border, Nova Scotia woodlot owners are collecting $75 to $93 a tonne for the same wood at the gates to their mills. 

Not easy to sell in Nova Scotia

Those higher prices, triggered in part by a COVID-related jump in demand for lumber, aren't being realized by New Brunswick tree growers who don't see hauling the wood to Nova Scotia as an easy remedy.

Not only are there added travel costs to reach that province's mills, but U.S. tariffs on New Brunswick's lumber make it more difficult to process that wood.

Nova Scotia is exempt from U.S. lumber tariffs, a status New Brunswick also enjoyed until May 2017, when the U.S. concluded the rising share of Crown wood being consumed in this province was  distorting the market, acting as an unfair subsidy to our mills.

A 20.8 per cent tariff was slapped on lumber originating in New Brunswick. JDI was targeted at a lower rate, 9.9 per cent.


Softwood logs await transport on a New Brunswick woods road. Prices for private woodlot owners are considerably lower than they were 20 years ago. (Graham Thompson, CBC)

So while the quality of Nova Scotia logs is no different than those of New Brunswick, they require a completely separate accounting system.

 "They can't run it through the mill with the Nova Scotia wood," said Neil Silliker, general manager of the South East New Brunswick Forest Products Marketing Board, whose members, overwhelmingly family woodlot owners, have the best shot at capitalizing on higher prices across the provincial border. "They've got to clean all the New Brunswick sawdust, chips, lumber out of the mill in order to run Nova Scotia wood again."

As a result mills in that province have a preference for local logs, if they're available.

Cheaper New Brunswick wood has also held down prices at those Maine mills closest to our border, making the trip there less attractive to many sellers, according to the Carlton Victoria Forest Products Marketing Board in Florenceville.

Two-tier system

But groups representing the province's woodlot owners have long claimed the biggest reason prices are being held down at home is that the largest mill owners have access to similar trees in the grandest woodlot of all, the taxpayer-owned Crown forest.

The price paid by those companies for trees taken from Crown land are based on the private market, in other words, on how much woodlot owners can fetch for their trees.

The woodlot groups claim there's a two-tier system. On one side, low prices paid to private landowners keep Crown wood prices in check. On the other, harvesting contractors, who have established relationships with the mills are being paid premium prices for logs.  And those premiums aren't being shared with the landowner and aren't being disclosed to the New Brunswick Forest Products Commission, the arm's-length panel overseeing the private wood market and keeping track of prices. 

"There's a lot of things happening that no one is tracking," said Rick Doucett, president of the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners. And so it's very difficult to know for sure what's happening out there, and what's fair and not fair."


U.S. trade rules mean Nova Scotia mills have to store, saw and account for New Brunswick logs separate from their own. (Nicolas Steinbach, Radio-Canada)

In her October report, Auditor General Kim Adair–MacPherson, said only 20 to 30 per cent of the approximately 200 larger harvesting contractors respond to surveys on stumpage prices sent to them by the Commission. 

There is no enforcement, even though it is required by law.

Her report recommends the province enforce the rule, or find a new way to get a more complete picture of that part of the market.

She also noted the province doesn't have a written definition for what constitutes fair market value for Crown stumpage, and that the province hasn't adjusted Crown timber rates, as required annually by law, since 2015.

Even so, to the dismay of private woodlot owners,  Adair–MacPherson concluded the system for tracking private wood sales to set Crown wood rates is 'statistically sound' and a significant improvement over methods used in the past.

At the commission, executive director Tim Fox said the study on private tree sales examines 18,000 transactions, 60 per cent of which are between contractors and woodlot owners providing an "accurate reflection" of the market overall.


Prices for New Brunswick logs remained largely stable despite sharp increases in lumber prices this summer. (Graham Thompson, CBC)

He said it is up to woodlot owners to ensure they are getting a good price for their trees by educating themselves about the market, something the province's woodlot marketing boards should be helping with. 

"There may be certain cases where there may be [harvesting contractors] receiving a premium from a mill and not sharing a proportion (or any) of that premium with the woodlot owner when they could," said Fox. "When, or if that is the case, those wood producers directly contribute to keeping average stumpage rates lower." 

Representatives from the majority of the province's marketing boards disagree with Adair-MacPherson's conclusion that the stumpage study, for the most part, is working.

At the Carlton Victoria Forest Products Marketing Board, Chair Andrew Clark says the Auditor General's team wasn't given the right numbers.

Is the data right?

"There's an old saying about computers, you know, garbage in, garbage out," said Clark. "We dispute entirely the fact that they can establish or pay a royalty rate based on these, on this stumpage data."

Mike Holland, the New Brunswick minister of natural resources and energy says he has confidence in the private wood prices survey. But he is on record saying there's work to be done on the province's forest management system. He's beefed up funding to allow the Forest Products Commission to add more staff to expand and speed up data gathering.

That, he said, will make the system more transparent, reassuring both international trade partners and the province's private woodlot sector.

An organization representing the province's mills says New Brunswick's private wood market is secure and stable, featuring sales between 'willing buyers and willing sellers, free from high price volatility seen elsewhere. 

In the meantime questions are being raised about the whereabouts of a Deloitte study commissioned by the province in 2018. 

Its mandate was to examine the forest products market in New Brunswick and in other comparable markets, and do an analysis of the "process and methodology" used to determine Crown wood rates.

The woodlot groups contributed to the study and have requested, without success, to see the final report.

A spokesperson for the Department of Natural Resources and Energy said the report is being reviewed and will be released in early 2021.

About the Author

Connell Smith is a reporter with CBC in Saint John. He can be reached at 632-7726 Connell.smith@cbc.ca





David Amos 
Content disabled
Methinks the irvings want the private wood around Sussex because the Crown wood is gone N'esy Pas?

See for yourself


David Amos 
Methinks some of the private woodlot owners in the Sussex area may be regretting the fact that I was barred from debating Northrup et al about this nonsense during the election in 2018 N'esy Pas?

Sammy Kofax
Suck it up. You have amazing years and you have bad years. Just like other markets like lobster ! Ha. What a joke this is. It will never change. Either get out of the business or monopolize like the big boyz!!
David Amos 
Reply to @Sammy Kofax: Surely you jest
Rudy Hicks
Reply to @Sammy Kofax: You are not an economist, I see.
Rudy Hicks
Reply to @Sammy Kofax: There are NO amazing years as a woodlot owner in this province, unless you are irving.
Justin Gunther
If the economic situation isn't viable then why are you still selling your wood? Are you still making money? I'm having a hard time experiencing sympathy for somebody who likely inherited millions of dollars in property.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Maybe you could take some of your money, but an apartment building, and then jack the rent up 150% if that'll be more profitable for you. Who decides what stories get run anyway?
David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Trudeau
Rudy Hicks
Reply to @Justin Gunther: That is a completely unfounded statement, and only goes to show how little you know about the situation.
David Amos 
Reply to @Rudy Hicks: He is in his own little world
Amajor Hall
Bro, all you have to do is to 300 Union St, SJ, NB and take it up with the people there, they can surely help!
Darryl Hill
Reply to @Amajor Hall: I wonder if Irving makes people wait 3 months or more for an answer. They are notorious for making people wait for their payments.
David Amos 
Reply to @Darryl Hill: Methinks that been their MO since I was in diapers N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: I recall my Father sending the Sheriff to put chains on the gates of their refinery in order to make them pay their property taxes
Alfred Watson
I'm only 70 but there has never been a time in those years you could get paid for BOTH your work AND trees from your wooodlot.. likely won't change over the next 100 years either. Don't worry, be happy.
David Amos 
Reply to @Alfred Watson: I am only 68 and I know the secret to happiness after the kids have grown and flown away

Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that I am Happy Happy Happy stress testing legions of unethical politicians, lawyers and cops on a daily basis N'esy Pas?
Chantal LeBouthi
Woodlots owners are like a DSL committee they don’t have no administrative financial or contractual authority.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Frank McKenna and his SANB Liberals took crown land leases away from the small private woodlot owners and gave them to the large operators !
David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you wish to forget that your hero Bernie Lord promised to switch it back if elected and never did N'esy Pas?
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou DumBell: And further to what Mr. Amos stated, CONservative Alward and Paul Robichaud gave big industry whatever was left of public lands. Now that they have full control, what more can you expect?
Chantal LeBouthi
NB conservative don’t care about NB forest or the environment protection or about small wood lots owner

They never did never will bad management is the conservatives way
David Peters
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi:
This is definitely bipartisan chicanery.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @David Peters:
Im not in any political party and you cannot denial Alward disaster forest plan who made sure of the long term destruction of NB forest and wildlife
Lou Bell
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Time to get over the Liberal election loss , quit blaming others , and move on . Liberals did nothing to help the private wood lot owners , they were too busy planning their " Phonie Games " !!!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: McKenna took away crown land leases from the small private woodlot owners and gave them to the big companies ! Their damage to the small operators was immense ! Time to place blame where it all began !!!!!!!
David Amos 
Reply to @David Peters: Yup Everybody knows the Irving Clan keeps a tight leash on all the political animals even the Green Meanies I witnessed it first hand over a public debate in Sussex during the election in 2018
David Webb NB
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: "I'm not in any political party"? Definitely partizan though. Wise to be critical of all parties, because none of them care about you.
David Peters
Price controls and monopolization of the economy are hallmarks of socialism/fascism.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Peters:
Try telling that to those demanding rent controls.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Well put
Chantal LeBouthi
Alward conservative is responsible for all The this mess
David Amos 
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks many would agree that this malicious nonsense goes back to Hatfield and every Premier since Now its Higgy's job to maintain the status quo for the benefit of his buddies not the sheople he purportedly serves N'esy Pas?
Buddy Best
Irving!!! Irving!!! Irving!!! No more need be said!!!!
Samual Johnston
Reply to @Buddy Best: add on AV and Twin Rivers
David Amos 
Reply to @Samual Johnston: and Frank Boy and his cohorts
Jim Johnston
New Brunswick are subsidizing the forest industry - and always have been. Shame that when we are constantly in a deficit position that we have to subsidize a very profitable industry. At one time many years ago there was some justification because the forest industry employed so many people but that is no longer the case.
David Amos 
Reply to @Jim Johnston: I concur
Matt Steele
Not really surprising . Many years ago former Liberal Premier Frank McKenna ordered that all the Crown Land leases be taken away from the small private woodlot owners without compensation , and be given to the big forestry companies for next to nothing , and that is the way it remains to this day . Why would big forestry companies want to buy lumber at a fair price when they can get it so cheaply from Crown land . Welcome to N.B. .
Samual Johnston
Reply to @Matt Steele: Agreed the system is taking money out of the taxpayers pockets in order to subsidize the big mills. Twin Rivers is from the USA and AV is out of India and Irving NB/Bermuda.
David Amos 
Reply to @Samual Johnston: BINGO
Michael Collins
Basically one company controls New Brunswick's forests and decides how much they are going to pay and how much wood they will harvest. They have been handed management of crown lands by the government and do as they please. They set market prices and have even managed to convince the Americans that they should receive reduced tariffs. Good luck trying to change the current system.
Aaron Lagendyk
Reply to @Michael Collins: NB will never have a democratic free market.
Samual Johnston
Reply to @Michael Collins: Twin Rivers is American owned and AV is out if India - On the Pulp side I believe they are even bigger than Irving - have to look that up though.
Carlson MacKenzie
Reply to @Michael Collins: Exactly.
David Amos 
Reply to @Michael Collins: Methinks you are preaching to a choir of apathetic sheople who complain about the nonsense but do nothing about it and in fact vote for the very political parties that created the mess in the first place N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
Except for the fact that most ppl either don't vote, or vote for something other than the blue/red uniparty.
David Amos 
Reply to @David Peters: The first and last time I ever voted in my life was in 2018 That was when i was allowed to vote for myself. Furthermore my Mother is the widow of a former Chief Electoral Officer so go figure why you are trying to tell me something I already know very well
Dave Shimla
a certain company set the pricing years ago to shut down small family owned wood harvesting companies. they undercut everyone at the mill with free wood from crown lands. pretty easy to lower your price when you get your raw materials for free.
Carlson MacKenzie
Reply to @Dave Shimla: Exactly.
David Amos 
Reply to @Dave Shimla: Methinks its been par for the course since Franky Boy won every seat in NB many moons ago N'esy Pas?








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