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Fredericton facing $3.1M shortfall in next year's budget





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks my old Harley and the Yankee cop tapes in its saddlebag that the Fat Fred City Finest stole from me years ago is gonna cost the taxpayers of Fat Fred City bigtime soemday N''esy Pas?




Fredericton facing $3.1M shortfall in next year's budget

City councillors don't want to see a tax increase


Lauren Bird· CBC News· Posted: Oct 27, 2020 8:00 AM AT


Some Fredericton city councillors are hoping to avoid a tax increase to meet the $3.1 million in shortfall in the city's budget. (City of Fredericton)

The city of Fredericton is grappling with how to make up an expected $3.1 million shortfall in next year's budget.

City staff attributed $2 million to revenue losses during the pandemic and $1.1 million to rising costs. 

"It's a very large shortfall," said Coun. Greg Ericson, the chair of the city's finance and administration committee. "It's going to require some extraordinary budget decisions that we don't normally face in a budget."

Council heard loose options from staff at Monday night's budget meeting, which could include raising the tax rate, cutting capital projects or services, or a combination of all three. 

A tax rate increase of four cents would make up the shortfall but most councillors said they were against a rise that high. 

"I cannot support, in good conscience, a tax increase," said Coun. Kate Rogers. 

"I'm not comfortable going to the public, because they too are struggling."

Coun. Dan Keenan also said he was against raising the tax rate. He said the cuts should come from elsewhere.

"We could reduce services temporarily or we could reduce our capital program temporarily." 

Staff will come back to council with ideas on how to make up the shortfall at next week's budget meeting.

"We're going to look deeply into our capital budgets and our capital project priorities in order to determine ways to minimize and reduce this potential deficit down to zero without actually having to raise the burden on the community in undue ways," Ericson said.


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David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos
Methinks my old Harley and the Yankee cop tapes in its saddlebag that the Fat Fred City Finest stole from me years ago is gonna cost the taxpayers of Fat Fred City an interesting chunk of change too or my name ain't "Just Dave" N''esy Pas?
Murray Brown
That $2 million skateboard park and eyesore behind the Carleton Street Armory isn't looking so good now, since it's likely part of this $3 million dollar 'shortfall'. There must be like two hundred skateboarders in the city dude, so that works out to $10,000 per skateboarder... Maybe O'Brien can charge skateboarders licensing fees for their park... Like $10,000 per license dude.
David Amos
Reply to @Murray Brown: Methinks the folks in Fat Fred City know you are joking because everybody knows whose kids they built that park for N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Unfortunately many Government workers at all 3 levels in the province view sick leave and disablilty as paid vacation days that they're entitled to ! The private sector has much tighter reins on this " self entitled phenomenon " !
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou DumBell: Bitterness will get you no-where. I know a lot of government worker who never take all of their 15 sick leaves a year.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Yea Right
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Don't start something you cant finish Davis.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: I don't know a dude named Davis but certainly know who you are
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Are you sure your talking to the right Marc Martin this time ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Would you like me to name your family members just as mine are often named???
Lou Bell
Really surprised none of these councillors have suggested look to outside communities for money . That's the new template they all like to follow . " If at 1st you don't succeed , go after others for your shortcomings " !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks if the folks up on the Hanwell bake enough butter tarts they will have no worries about the greedy snobs in Fat Fred City taxing them N'esy Pas?
Billy Buckner
I would be interested to know what revenue was lost. Do municipalities not receive their biggest chunk of change from property taxes? It would be nice to see a project in the city actually get completed on time, does every city have most projects run weeks over most of the time? And rising costs, what costs were those? Were those salaries? Don't we pay city workers better than most anyone in Atlantic Canada, maybe I am wrong. This city has been poorly run for years, why should things stop now.
Winston Gray
Reply to @Billy Buckner: so you went from assuming Fredericton has a unique construction problem that no other city has (honestly how do you not realize that’s how all construction projects go?), to assuming they raised their own salaries...

Not helpful, at all. Just trying to find a simple answer that you can understand, rather than listening to what the council ACTUALLY had to say.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Billy Buckner: Actually I believe wages for Frederictons employees are less than both Saint John and Moncton . They're still too high but not the highest . Moncton pays their garbage collectore just short of 80,000 dollars ! And they have a disability problem with many of them !
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou DumBell: Garbage collectors don't make $80 000 a year lol.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Winston Gray: I did not say anyone raised their own salaries, I wondered if part of our cost problem is bloated salaries, but I was not sure where we are compared to other cities, which is why I said I might be wrong on that. As for construction projects, again, I can't comment on other cities, and unless you are in the industry, you can't either. But if they always go over you would think someone by now would realize that and clue up when estimating finish times. I certainly know the big cities do not tolerate this, they actually have them working weekends and evenings when things fall behind, imagine that. 
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: I know some Yankee ones who make a great deal more than that
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: You know a garbage collector that makes more then $ 80 000 ? Maybe in your dreams ?
David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: I know of more than just one Methinks anyone can check the wages in Ontario or ask the strange dude whole bought the jail in my old hometown N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Davis Amos: We are not talking about Ontario here...Pay attention.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Who is WE? I know I am
Les Cooper
Get rid of the union and hire from private sector. You will get more work out of them and less sick time. And you can get rid of the dead weight!
Winston Gray
Reply to @Les Cooper: just what workers need, less rights and less pay and less benefits! Who is your employer so I can call them and ask them to do the same to you?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Les Cooper: Yeah hire from the private sector who will charge more and pay less the employees, makes sense....
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: So you say
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Santa Amos: So says facts.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: bs
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Santa Amos: Your on BS ? Surprise surprise !!
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks I should sue you N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Davis Amos: I am scared...
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you should be scared of irrefutable facts after all the libel you have willingly published in the past N'esy Pas?
Duncan Lombard
Very recently Greg Ericson was saying how well the city was doing financially.
How did the wheels fall off overnight....!!!!!!!!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Duncan Lombard:
Hold the phone Duncan.
The 2020 budget was for $124.4 million.
Cost of living increases, what, 2.5% yearly?
$124.4 million X 2.5% = $3.11 million
Not exactly "the wheels falling off" is it?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks it ain't rocket science N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
How do you manufacture a news story out of nothing?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I don't everybody knows that I ran in Fat Fred City in the Election of the 39th Parliament in 2005 many years after I went to High School and UNB there in the sixties and early seventies
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Who cares.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks its blatantly obvious that YOU and Little Lou do N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Davis Amos: Not really..cry me a river..
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks fairly obvious to anyone it is you who has been crying bigtime today N'esy Pas?
Emery Hyslop-Margison
How about a percentage reduction across the board to all municipal employees including supervisors, mayor and council? I’ve been preaching for years the current municipal structure in NB is unsustainable. Just one more example. You can’t keep going to the public well when the public well is dry.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: You can't give someone a reverse raise. They'd have to do something like what their doing in Alberta - terminate the positions and look to the private sector to recreate them at whatever actual market value is.

I'm not saying this should be done necessarily and I'm not looking to eliminate all government jobs but the union people especially need to understand where the non-union people are coming. We LITERALLY CAN'T AFFORD to care about your stupid mandatory index raises. 
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Images of nurses doing tiktok dance routines in empty hospitals all over the world are immediately coming to mind for some reason.
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks many are having the same thought these days N'esy Pas?
Andrew Clarkson
And again...… As the house of cards continues to collapse!
David Amos
Reply to @Andrew Clarkson: Welcome back to the on going circus in Fat Fred City
Larry Dickinson
Perhaps stop wasting money on dumb projects like a skateboard park near the river which will flood in the spring making swimming pools. Or Officers Square where a skating "oval" sure isn't historic in any stretch of the imagination. How about fixing the potholes or curbs, then painting the lines on the street, not the other way around. Public works can't seem to schedule work very well. And why not downsize the big city busses which run empty most of the time. Get smaller ones, more of them, and run a bus service where it doesn't take two hours and a tour of the city to get from north to south.
Steve Gordon
Reply to @Larry Dickinson: You hit the nail squarely on the head. How many thousands are being waster to prepare, buy and install the piece of art they are putting in the middle of the new victoria circle?
Steve Gordon
Reply to @Steve Gordon: *wasted*
Marc Martin
Reply to @Larry Dickinson: Although i agree with you on the spending the skate park will not be flooded, it has been built really high.
David Amos
Reply to @Larry Dickinson: Well put but trust that Mayor Mikey and his cohorts don't care
Alex Butt
If the city of Fredericton ever learns that it is not a real city like Toronto, Edmonton or Vancouver and realises this that would be a huge start. They waste so much money on frivolous and unnecessary things like the convention centre that sits empty almost all the time, play house, art gallery upgrades, building traffic circles like they are going out of style and the list goes on and on. There is not a huge population here, and not many jobs other than government etc. and thus not the tax base that they continue to tax until people can not afford to exists. It is a vicious circle that is just getting worse and worse every year! 
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Alex Butt: Methinks many rural folks would agree that the snobs who inhabit Fat Fred City get the governments they deserve N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
JOhn D Bond
Simple answer, if cities are starving for cash that is a result of people residing outside of the boundary of the city and this results in many people commuting to the city to take advantage of the amenities or services offered in the city. Then put up toll roads on the entrance of the city. All non city residents pay a toll of a few dollars per person per trip to the city.
That would more than address the shortfall and the potential free ride the non city dwellers get by residing outside the city but using the city services or amenities. 
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: No.
Addie lingley
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: I would boycott the city then, and open my own store, the people coming into the city KEEP the city going by shopping ect, we pay enough now for EVERYTHING, and look at the mess we are in.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Addie lingley: So you believe it is ok to live outside the city, but yet use the facilities on a regular basis that the city has to pay for that are paid by property taxes and pay nothing for the access and use of the services?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Ronald Parker: Yes
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Do you know that a portion of gas tax goes to the cities to help pay for rinks , ball fields ect and rural people buy lots of gas? Where do you think people are coming from to fill jobs in the city?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Ronald Parker: That is not the point the gas tax is nominal. There are costs supporting the infrastructure that is used that is paid by the city. It is only fair that people pay. Not a full property tax but some nominal amount that addresses the usage. The problem with the current arrangement is that the cities will not be able to maintain the services, they essentially wither and die and then the services, the jobs, the amenities are no longer there. Consumption taxes are the fairest way to address this.
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: This is the truth that no one in this province wants to face. It’s time to merge outlying communities with urban areas.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: I would agree something needs to be done that provides the urban areas with sufficient and predictable revenue to support these services. Right now the current system has more holes that Swiss cheese.The province needs to address this sooner rather than later
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Then instead of talking about here, write your letter to the people that can change it.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Ronald Parker: It is being discussed as per the article here last week. So changes are coming, what and when is unknown. The reality is this is just a board for opinions. Nothing more nothing less.
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: You know what they say about opinions.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Ronald Parker: Why then are you bothering?
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Because I can, you?
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: I think there are lots of ways to address this problem instead putting a toll for rural areas, some have been mentioned here already.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Ronald Parker: Toll roads are simply an example of one of many ways that it could be accomplished. Not stuck on toll roads as the only option.
Ronald Parker
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Good, have a great day.
David Amos
Reply to @Ronald Parker: Methinks a lot of rural folks would like your style if they bothered to read these forums N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
Pretty much standard operating procedure for politicians at all levels of govt. . Instead of managing with what they have , and adjusting their spending , they always want more taxes . Apparently politicians think that taxpayers are bottomless pits of easy money . Wait until Trudeau starts piling on the taxes to pay for all his mismanagement , and you will really see taxes soar .
Toby Tolly
Reply to @Matt Steele: do you....Talk Music & Mental Health on CBC
David Peters
Reply to @Matt Steele:
Don't forget, inflation is also a tax.
David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: Trust that he won't answer that question
Toby Tolly
and no one paying their water bills
guess its the first step to defunding the tax wasters
buy more art for the roundabouts plz
David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: Well put
David Peters
The fox guarding the hen-house analogy seems to be applicable here. The foxes are saying they need more hens, because they have no idea what happened to all the ones who have disappeared.

How long are Canadians going to put up with this madness?
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @David Peters: I think we’re bled dry?
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks on or about the 12th of Never the fat dumb and happy sheople may sit up and pay attention N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Why are you writing articles like this? There is not enough information contained here to form an opinion. To a city with a total budget of $10 million $3.1 million is a BIG deal. To Fat Fred City, with a total 2020 budget of $124.4 million, $3.1 million is pretty small potatoes.
$124.4 million is $10.3 million a month. With 2 months remaining in 2020 you could likely stop supplying toilet paper to executive bathrooms and make up the shortfall. I'm just kidding there, but you catch my thinking.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
Interestingly enough, I just did the math, a $3.1 million increase on a budget of $124.4 million is approximately 2.5%, so how is it mighty strange that a city has to deal with yearly inflation we all have to deal with?
This isn't even a story.
Duncan Lombard
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Excellent calculation Terry.....by your logic, every year the annual budget should only be short 2.5 %....!!!!!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: The real story is that the city lost most of that money because of parking fees.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks I had the ball long before you chucked it today N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Duncan Lombard:
If you don't build in inflation it certainly will be short. Governments of all three stripes (municipal/provincial, and federal)budgets all have to grow to match inflation, or someone will be shortchanged, or a deficit will result.
This is why, contrary to popular belief, none of these governments can afford to stand still, inflation will eat away at their budgets until they can no longer function.
Gerry Ferguson
should extend the city limits. Everyone wants to live on the Hanwell or Lincoln Rd just outside town to avoid paying taxes to the city they basically live in.
Gerald Celente
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: I agree eliminate overlap, duplication and redundancy of municipalities. But it won't happen as it is political suicide.
Les Cooper
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: maybe cut taxes in Fredericton. I pay more taxes in Fredericton than I did in Edmonton!!! For less 
David Amos
Reply to @Gerald Celente: Methinks "political suicide" is a private mental health issue that is illegal to discuss N'esy Pas?















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