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Mayors blast 'terrible' rural ambulance response times




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Madame Shephard must know by now that the Medavie officials should be regretting their minions threatening litigation against me today N'esy Pas? 




Mayors blast 'terrible' rural ambulance response times

Auditor general report shows poor rural response times masked by urban data


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Oct 21, 2020 4:00 PM AT


In many rural and remote communities, Ambulance New Brunswick fails to respond to 90 per cent of calls within its target of 22 minutes. (Catherine Allard/Radio-Canada)

Mayors and community leaders in small–town New Brunswick say they weren't surprised at all by this week's scathing report by the auditor general about ambulance response times.

The audit shows that in many rural and remote communities, Ambulance New Brunswick fails to respond to 90 per cent of calls within its target of 22 minutes.

"It's terrible," said Belledune Mayor Joe Noel. "It shouldn't be allowed and there's no need for it."

But those shortfalls are obscured, and don't count against ANB's performance payments, because they're combined with better response times in urban centres for measuring performance--which is allowed under the company's contract.

Blackville Mayor Chris Hennessy said the report is a vindication for him.

"They basically bury the rural stats in the urban numbers so they never show the bad with the good," he said.

"I know people thought I was crazy when I was preaching about this for the last five years … so I'm glad somebody uncovered that." 

Rural vs. urban response

The aggregation of the numbers allows Medavie Health Services New Brunswick, which operates the ambulance service, to collect $650,000 a year for hitting the broader 90-percent target in four large zones that include cities and towns. 

"They're meeting them on the backs of the rural areas," Noel said.

"That's exactly what happens here. When an ambulance goes out in Campbellton or Bathurst, they take the ambulance from Belledune and send it to Bathurst or Campbellton to sit there, whether it gets a call or not...

"It's terrible," says Belledune Mayor Joe Noel. "It shouldn't be allowed and there's no need for it." (Ian Bonnell/CBC)

"That's where the calls are and that's why they're doing it: because it makes their numbers look good." 

Harvey Mayor Winston Gamblin said response times in the village are good when the ambulance happens to be at its local station. 

But when it's been shifting elsewhere, paramedics have a hard time reaching some locations within 22 minutes.

"We feel that if you live in a rural area, you have to take second best, and that's the way it came out in the report yesterday -- that we're second class citizens and [they say] 'we'll get there when we can,'" he said.

Ambulance targets

Under Medavie's contract with the province, ambulances must hit response targets 90 per cent of the time for the organization to receive performance payments.

The targets are to reach the scene of a call within nine minutes in 16 urban areas and within 22 minutes everywhere else in New Brunswick.

The audit found that in 19 out of 67 communities, ANB fell short of the 90 per cent goal. 

But because response times are blended together within four large zones, it "masked" the poor numbers in those rural, remote communities, Auditor General Kim Adair-MacPherson said Tuesday.

Auditor General Kim Adair-MacPherson's audit said the system "has introduced a bias toward achieving high performance in areas of greater population density, to the detriment of rural or remote communities where 911 calls occur less frequently." (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Her audit said the system "has introduced a bias toward achieving high performance in areas of greater population density, to the detriment of rural or remote communities where 911 calls occur less frequently."

Rural areas were at a disadvantage because the system is "reducing the emphasis on improving performance in those areas," allowing Medavie "to focus resources on urban areas while having decreased performance in outlying communities."

In a statement released Tuesday, Medavie Health Services New Brunswick president Richard Losier agreed the average response time "varies from community to community."

But he pointed out what Adair-MacPherson's audit acknowledged: that the contract doesn't rate performance community by community but in four large zones.

"MHSNB is always open and willing to work with our government partners to improve the services to the people of New Brunswick," he said.

Medavie mum

Medavie did not respond to a request Wednesday for an interview with Losier.

On Tuesday Health Minister Dorothy Shephard said she was talking to Medavie officials about renegotiating the contract, which was renewed in 2017 for another 10 years.

Noel said rural response times should carry more weight in measuring ambulance performance.

"When you're 25 minutes away from a hospital to start with, that's where you need the response times," he said.

Belledune had the lowest number of any community measured by the auditor general: ambulances reached their destination within 22 minutes in only 69 per cent of calls.

On Tuesday, Health Minister Dorothy Shephard said she was talking to Medavie officials about renegotiating the contract, which was renewed in 2017 for another 10 years. (Government of New Brunswick)

Marc Henrie, the former chair of the Saint-Paul local service district north of Moncton, said he was not surprised to see the Fords Mills ambulance station with the second-worst rate in the report.

Ambulances based there reach calls within 22 minutes in only 70 per cent of cases.

"The auditor general just released proof that rural citizens are sadly taken as citizens of a second-class," he said.

Henrie chaired the LSD when Ambulance New Brunswick decided to put its bay in Fords Mills rather than in another location closer to Saint-Paul and Route 126, where he says most people in the area live.

"The numbers are not surprising at all," he said.

Sometimes ambulances responding to calls in the Saint-Paul area are sent from Salisbury, even though Moncton is closer. Henrie believes it's so ambulances based in Moncton can stay there and respond to calls in and around the city. 

"It's clear that it's not strategic and it's not what's for the well-being in an emergency situation," he says.

Gamblin says he's glad to see the auditor general put the spotlight on the problem but worries it will discourage people from moving to smaller communities. "It's not an advertisement for rural areas," he says. 

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.


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David Amos
"Health Minister Dorothy Shephard said she was talking to Medavie officials about renegotiating the contract, which was renewed in 2017 for another 10 years"

Methinks Madame Shephard must know by now that the Medavie officials should be regretting their minions threatening litigation against me today N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: threatened litigation? Take em down, you don't lose when it comes to the court room nesy pas!!!!
David Amos
MethinksHiggy et al know why Mayor Joe Noel and I should have a long talks ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Mayor Joe Noel should not deny that I tried to talk to him
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Higgy et al are gonna regret that I enjoyed talking to Mayor Joe Noel and that I liked the fact he was honest with me N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks to be fair to all I should contact Mayors Winston Gamblin and Chris Hennessy too N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Well I called them but ain't heard back from them yet 
David Amos
Methinks it High Time N'esy Pas?
Al Clark 
Reply to @David Amos: methink it always high time in your trailer naysay paws?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Al Clark: trailer. You mean dumpster
Chantal LeBouthi 
This isn’t about caring about poeples who need help but about getting bonus

Pathetic Bernard lord pathetic
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Welcome back to the circus
JOhn D Bond
So first the auditor general, now the mayors, soon to be followed by a litany of experts on both sides of the fence.
In the meantime, the important individual in this discussion, the patient in need of an ambulance is left holding the proverbial bag. Not necessarily because of a bad contract with Medavie, but more because of the chronic under funding of the entire health care system by successive NB government. Shortage of Nurses, Shortage of Doctors, Shortage of Specialists, Shortage of ambulances, Shortage of LTC facilities. the only thing we seem to have a surplus is under performing politicians. Example, NB,1 MLA per 17,700 residents, Que, 1 MLA per 67,400 residents, Ont, 1 MLA per 117,500 residents. Have to wonder are we getting 10 times the value from our elected representatives? Doesn't seem to be the case.
Charlie Papa
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Good observation. if you read through the report she clearly states that the number of resources has not changed but the volume has had a significant increase. you write a contract knowing that you don't have enough resources get to all the calls 100% so you allow a certainly level of error... 10% in this case. if you want things to improve someone has to pay for it... Rural NBrs may have to see their taxes go up.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Charlie Papa: Absolutely goes back to the funding shortfall by the provincial government. Stealing from Peter to pay Paul is what they do. It needs to stop.
David Amos
Reply to @Charlie Papa: Methinks Higgy et al will never admit what the fancy beancounter in Fat Fred City ain't telling us is far more interesting N'esy Pas?
Sammy Kofax
I agree this smells bad, but besides the shady practices, hummm you live in a REMOTE area. You want faster times, move closer to the city. We can't have an ambulance waiting on every side road waiting for calls....
Chantal LeBouthi 
Reply to @Sammy Kofax:

Never ever
David Amos
Reply to @Sammy Kofax: Methinks everybody finally knows this stinks to the high heavens N'esy Pas?
Paul Estey
My question is why is there in some cases a second Ambulance NB vehicle(usually an SUV Dodge Durango rushing to most calls as well. They are apparently Advanced EMT´s. Why not just put an advanced EMT in every ambulance, the savings would be astronomical considering costs for for operating these second vehicles(cost for the vehicle, gas, insurance)..use these savings to advance ANB...
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Estey: I repeat are you the former member of the Fat Fred City Finest who worked at the court house when your buddies stole my Harley in 2007 then lost your job for interesting reasons to say the least?
Jake Quinlan
Follow the money. Someone is signing off on this . Performance bonuses for healthcare delivery in this province??. Who are all the players complicit? This is so gd irritating.
David Amos
Reply to @Jake Quinlan: Methinks the Auditor General ain't telling us everything just like she never does with NB Power N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Someone needs to check who the key shareholders are for ANB and Medavie . I think we'd find the SANB backed Assumption Life maybe ?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou DumBell: CRY ME A RIVER

Methinks your buddies Cardy and Higgy and even your SANB cohorts Maggy and Marc know that ain't rocket science N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Al Clark
Interesting, isn't it, how easy it is for someone WITH an education can get one over on someone Higgy picked because of how his genius grand-daddy voted!!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Al Clark: Methinks you and your lawyer should say Hey to your heroes Higgy et al and the RCMP for me ASAP N'esy Pas?
Johnny Jakobs
Thievery at its finest. Government knew they have been altering their numbers.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Who is a grouch?
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: its Ray's avatar...
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: its Dave popping his head out for butter tarts
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: who was Sergeant Slaughter? Your grandmothers favorite wrestling character or an off duty cop?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Gammy was a hacksaw Jim Duggan fan
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: I hope you know who this dude is
Joseph Carrier
Joey used to be an ambulance driver, which Jacques failed to identify..
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks everybody knows your buddies whom you and Risdon used to write spin for own Ambulance NB N'esy Pas?
Gerry Ferguson
I've never had to call an ambulance before and hope I never do, because I live out in the sticks!
David Amos
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: Me Too
Gary MacKay
I am looking forward to an apology from the Mayor of Saint John for not only receiving a multi million dollar support payment from every taxpayer in NB, now an added subsidy from the rural folks. His constant wining that they don't pay their way has absolutely no merit IMO.
David Amos
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Good Luck getting one
Ian Miller
Good to know that emergency services are set up to get bonuses on peoples lives...all people involved should be charged for this system..no wonder its a news story...they fix their own times anf ignore the long ones...wow im disgusted by this
David Amos
Reply to @Ian Miller: Methinks you are not alone N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
The Ambulance provider certainly shouldn't be fudging the books to fill their pockets ; but the response time for any emergency service in the rural areas is very slow to non existent . Call the RCMP at 4 am some time , and see how slow their response time is ; or the volunteer fire service . People keep demanding that rural areas pay more taxes , yet rural folks get next to zero services . Rural folks are lucky if the govt. even sands their roads in the winter .
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: Methinks many would agree with me that you are very wrong the volunteer fire service folks but you would never admit it N'esy Pas?
John Smith
Plus the ambulances aren't allow to go more than 10 kilometres OVER the speed limits so lets hope they don't hit many 50 or 60 km speed limits on the way to your house.
Matt Steele
Reply to @John Smith: ....The speed restrictions on Ambulances were put into place after some serious accidents involving Ambulances that were traveling to fast and recklessly . It is far better for the Ambulance to follow the speed limit , and get there safely ; rather than have them driving at high speeds , and becoming involved in serious accidents in which the Ambulance crews , patients , and others could be killed .
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: Methinks you would change your tune if you were one of their clients n'esy Pas/
Al Clark
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you would change YOUR tune if plowed into at the corner of Crown and Union......
David Amos
Reply to @Al Clark: Methinks your RCMP buddies if they were remotely ethical would agree that is an implied threat hinting about the location involved in trial going on in Saint John right now. i have no doubt whatsoever if you had posted such a thing directed at a politician such as Teddy Flemming in a public forum the Keystone Kops would be knocking on you door and asking to expalin your comment real slow N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: no, because its a chat forum on a website and means absolutely nothing. Get a clue
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Higgy et al should have had your RCMP buddies say hey to their favourite shill many moons ago N"esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: yet I still run free! I'm as shocked as you are. Guess those emails you send go exactly where we all know they do
Al Clark
Reply to @David Amos: There's a guy on trial in freddy right now that's shares your paranoia and delusions.........
David Amos
Reply to @Al Clark: Methinks you and you lawyer should say Hey to your fellow Keystone Kops in Fat Fred City who stole my Harley registered in the the US of A in 2007. Whereas you know so much about me I trust YOU know that Higgy et al, the RCMP and the FBI all know about the SNB deliberately losing the record of my motorcycle being stored at Capital City Towing illegally after the Yankee cops and the Insurance Bureau Of Canada failed in their false allegations against me being a thief and a Hells Angel etc N'esy Pas?
Chuck Gendron
Well now we know that ANB has very little ethics, they are no better then thieves.
David Amos
Reply to @Chuck Gendron: This is not news to me and many others.
Paul Bourgoin
Have a look at your roads and you hospital parking!! Then you will understand!
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Yea Right
Andrew Taylor
Imagine allocating resources to a population but instead of using logic and reasoning you try to give everyone the same ambulance response rates. Am I stupid for thinking this way? honest question.
David Amos
Reply to @Andrew Taylor: Do you really want an answer?
Lorelei Stott
why did it take 5 years to get an audit done? seems like a big fish that should have had eyeballs on it from the get go? oui? non?
David Amos
Reply to @Lorelei Stott: Go Figure
Brian Robertson
Any expectation that an ambulance can be dispatched to a remote rural location, and then arrive at a time comparable to urban services is ludicrous.
How does police service compare?
Or how about fire services?
Next some of these dreamers will be complaining about the lack of sidewalks and street lights.
Michael Collins
Reply to @Brian Robertson: If you read the article you would see that the contract states expected response times of 9 minutes for urban areas and 22 minutes for rural areas. No one is expecting them to be similar, but fudging the numbers to make it appear they are meeting the response times in all areas, in order to collect bonuses close to a million dollars a year, is border line criminal.
David Amos
Reply to @Michael Collins: I concur




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
"Lizotte said appointments aren't necessary, but each person needs to have a New Brunswick Medicare card" Methinks Mayor Joe Noel of Belledune should have called me back by now N'esy Pas? 




N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Campbellton region 'on verge' of return to red phase after new cases

Restrictions tightened as Public Health sees strong signs of community spread of disease


Gail Harding, Jordan Gill· CBC News· Posted: Oct 22, 2020 7:27 AM AT


Higgs said he was concerned with the increasing number of cases in Zone 5 and while the zone technically remains in the orange stage, that may not be the case for long. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

More restrictions have been announced for the Campbellton region, which recorded three new cases of COVID-19 Thursday, almost two weeks after it was pushed back to the orange phase of recovery.  

The new cases consist of one person in their 40s and two in their 50s. 

While Zone 5 will remain in the orange stage, people will be limited to interacting with a single household bubble, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell said.

Meanwhile, Belledune, which is not in Zone 5, will have to follow the new restrictions, and Kedgwick, which is in Zone 5, will be exempt.

Russell said there are four separate chains of infection in the region that cannot be linked.

"This is a strong indication that community spread is happening," she said. 

Premier Blaine Higgs said he'd hoped that by moving the region back earlier this month from yellow to orange in the recovery process that the spread of the virus would be contained. That hasn't happened, he said, and about 300 people are now self-isolating in the region because they're at risk of developing COVID-19.


And while the zone technically remains at orange, that may not be the case for long.

"When I think about [the] Campbellton region and Zone 5, I think … we're on the verge of going back," Higgs said, referring to the red phase that the whole province was placed under early in the pandemic.

"We do not want to ... turn it into a red. We are on the verge of making a decision, though, that would significantly impact the economy and the livelihoods."

Higgs said travel into and out of the zone is "highly discouraged" but stopped short of saying it was forbidden.

'When I think about [the] Campbellton region and Zone 5, I think … we're on the verge of going back,' Higgs said, referring to the red phase that the whole province was placed under early in the pandemic. (Government of New Brunswick)

Under the red stage, which is still a possibility for the region, all elective and non-urgent medical procedures would be postponed.

K-12 schools would become virtual only but daycares would remain open. Restaurants would only be able to offer drive-thru, delivery or takeout. and only drive-in church services would be allowed

Gyms, cinemas and barbers world remain closed but most retail businesses could remain open as long as they had an operational plan.

Provincial guidelines give four criteria for when a red stage could be introduced: three unlinked chains of community transmission in six days, the health-care system being overwhelmed, outbreaks not being controlled through testing and public health measures not being effective.

There are now 81 active cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick. There were 714 tests for the virus in the province on Wednesday, bringing the total number of tests to 95,036.

The province has had 322 total cases since the pandemic began with 237 recoveries and four deaths.

Five people are now hospitalized because of the virus, including one in intensive care.

Higgs doesn't rule fines for violators

The province released some sobering statistics about the outbreak in the Campbellton region.

Over 16 days in October, the provincial positive test average was less than one per cent, but in Zone 5 it was 4.24 per cent.

While the province has an average of 14.39 cases per 100,000 "in Zone 5 the ratio is 245 cases per 100,000 people," and "COVID-19 is more prevalent in Zone 5 than anywhere else in Atlantic Canada."

Russell said she understands some residents may feel shamed and she's not looking to blame anyone for the outbreak, but she suggested people living in the area were not limiting their social contacts as much as they should be.

"Expanding the household bubbles too widely, obviously in the situation that is happening right now in the Campbellton-Restigouche area, we cannot maintain,"

Higgs said he had hoped that returning Zone 5 to the orange level would be enough to lower rates of transmission, but it has not been, which necessitated the increased restrictions.

"We will assess these activities through testing, through adherence, through additional staffing of compliance officers and, yes, fines if necessary, because we must get back under control," said Higgs. 

Moncton moves forward to yellow again

While restrictions are increasing in Zone 5, the government is loosening restrictions in Zone 1, the Moncton region, although both have had outbreaks in recent weeks.

Moncton's active cases now stand at 25, and Dr. Jennifer Russell, the chief medical health officer, said its outbreak has been brought under control. The first cases in the Moncton outbreak were reported the first week of October, and the outbreak went on to include residents, staff and family at the Manoir Notre-Dame special care home.

"We are seeing fewer cases related to that outbreak and have identified links among all the reported cases," Russell said Thursday.

With no new cases in Zone 1, the region will move Friday from orange to the less restrictive yellow stage of COVID-19 recovery. All other health zones, with the exception of the Campbellton region, have been under some stage of the yellow phase since May 22.

Dr. Jennifer Russel, the chief medical officer of health, said Moncton's outbreak has now been brought under control. (Government of New Brunswick)

Under yellow, Zone 1 residents will be able to meet with people beyond a two-family bubble although, as in the rest of the province, they should limit groups.

Uncontrolled indoor or outdoor gatherings with physical distancing can be held with crowds of 50 or fewer.

Gyms, cinemas and hair-styling businesses can also reopen in yellow

Zones 5 will be the only health region of the province in the orange stage of recovery as of midnight Thursday night. Everywhere else will be in the yellow stage.

Case at NB Power plant

As Belledune has moved back into the orange stage of recovery CBC News has learned that an employee of NB Power's Belledune Generating Station in the village has tested positive for COVID-19.

Joe Noel, the mayor of Belledune, said NB Power informed him of the positive test on Sunday.

"They said they had someone who had tested positive and that some other employees were being tested," said Noel.

Noel said he didn't know if the worker was from Belledune or from another community.

During her briefing on Thursday, Russell would not confirm there was a case at the Belledune plant or if the case was the reason for the area being moved into the orange stage. She cited privacy reasons.

"The decision around … Belledune in terms of how they're included or not included in Zone 5 is based on our risk assessment," Russell said.

NB Power also declined to comment on the case at the plant.

"Any questions related to COVID should be directed to Public Health," said NB Power spokesperson Marc Belliveau.

Mass testing for Zone 5 this weekend

Public Health and Vitalité Health Network will hold two days of mass testing for COVID-19 in the Campbellton region, or Zone 5, on Saturday and Sunday.

"The objective is to get an accurate picture of the prevalence of the virus in the community given the current outbreak in that region," Vitalité spokesperson Thomas Lizotte said in a release Thursday. 

As of Wednesday, there were 57 actives COVID cases in Zone 5, and it remains in the orange phase of recovery, behind almost all other health zones in the province. Moncton is also in orange but could move to the less restrictive yellow phase on Friday.

This week, the province also recorded the fourth death related to COVID-19, Dalhousie resident, Rheal Vautour, 71.

Saturday's testing will be held at the Memorial Regional Civic Centre in Campbellton and Sunday's will be in Dalhousie at Inch Arran Arena. Testing will be done from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. 



 N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Campbellton region 'on verge' of return to red phase  after new cases | CBC News

Lizotte said appointments aren't necessary, but each person needs to have a New Brunswick Medicare card.

"Screening tests will be done on a first come, first served basis." 

Those attending are advised to dress warmly since people will be waiting outside at times. 

"All testing done during these two days is only intended for people who do not have any symptoms of COVID-19," Lizotte said in the release.Those with symptoms are asked to request a test online or call Tele-Care 811 to get an appointment at the nearest screening centre. 

"The network would like to remind people about the importance of following health advice to protect themselves and their loved ones, which is to wear a mask, maintain two metres of physical distancing and wash their hands often."

Mass testing was conducted in Restigouche County during Zone 5's first outbreak in June. 

Dalhousie high school remains closed after 2nd case reported

Dalhousie Regional High School remained closed Thursday and Friday after a second case of COVID-19 was confirmed at the northern New Brunswick school. 

Public Health said the second case has no connection with the previously identified case at the school in Dalhousie.

Mass testing will be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Memorial Regional Civic Centre in Campbellton. (Serge Bouchard/Radio Canada)

A decision on when the school will reopen will be made Friday, Anglophone School District North superintendent Mark Donovan advised parents and guardians in a letter posted on the school's website and Facebook page.

Students from Grade 6 to 12 will continue virtual learning until then. 

Students expected to show up when schools open

Six schools in Zone 5, the Campbellton region, have had confirmed cases of COVID-19, including all four schools in Dalhousie, one in Campbellton and one in Balmoral.

And Anglophone School District North says all students are expected to attend school unless they have a doctor's note.

"If parents choose to keep students home when schools are open, there is no expectation for teachers to provide work for those students," superintendent Mark Donovan told parents and guardians in a letter published online.

Donovan said schools or classrooms would be closed for one of two reasons: by direction of Public Health or because of operational problem. One operational issue would be an inability to find replacement staff or supply teachers. 

"A classroom or school may need to close, simply because there are not enough staff to operate the class/building." 

No student-to-student transmission has been recorded in any school to date, said Public Health.

What to do if you have a symptom

People concerned they might have COVID-19 symptoms can take a self-assessment test on the government website at gnb.ca. 

Public Health says symptoms shown by people with COVID-19 have included: a fever above 38 C, a new cough or worsening chronic cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, new onset of fatigue, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste or smell, and difficulty breathing.

In children, symptoms have also included purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People with one of those symptoms should:

  • Stay at home.

  • Call Tele-Care 811 or their doctor.

  • Describe symptoms and travel history.

  • Follow instructions.




Commenting is now closed for this story. 
Tamara MacMillan 
We are told to limit to a one household family but our local school is still open. I am considered Zone 5 but we border Belledune. One minute Belledune is excluded than now included. I wish someone would set the Zones finally for all to understand.
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Tamara MacMillan: Tide Head to Dalhousie-Charlo basin to the Chaleur and Lorne LSDs to Belledune/JR is a big region, as we interact countless of times a week for everything...Our 20,000+ people are always at high risk of transfer because we tend to share numerous services and are connected by family and culture...The number of cases is no surprise...You're taking 125 communities here, both past, merged, and present...  
Lou Bell
Hard to convince self entitled people they can save the lives of others . Social media and greed will do that to you .
Amajor Hall 
Reply to @Lou Bell: you obviously went to the region and saw all the entitled and selfish people to make this hyperbolic and disproportionate conclusion! Covid doesn't care!
Carlson MacKenzie
Wear your masks. They might save you anti-maskers from drowning if you go out in the rain.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: A bit of rain never hurt anyone. People would be well advised to spend more time going for walks in the rain and less time inside public spaces in close contact with other people.
Carlson MacKenzie
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Apparently you didn't get it. I was referring to the myth that turkeys stare up at the sky with open mouths in the rain which leads to their death from drowning hence equating anti-maskers, etc. with turkeys who have the reputation of being dumb. You follow?

Your statement is true.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Here's the question: did *anyone* get it besides you?










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