Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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The comical case of the Old Wet Red Hen in Lexington, VA


Uncivil society: The divide between passion and practicality in U.S. politics now

People don't feel heard and want to fight back, says professor and Democrat supporter


Christopher Sebzda 
Christopher Sebzda
Someone should have bothered to teach Sarah Sanders that if you work in the service of the Devil, you shouldn't be surprised when the people around you hold their noses and complain that you reek of sulphur.

George Foreman
George Foreman
@Christopher Sebzda Yeah, sounds like something Hugo Chavez would say!

David Amos
David Amos
@George Foreman YO Georgey Boy Methinks the real George Foreman has enough class not to speak ill of the dead N'esy Pas?

Arlond LyndsArlond Lynds
Trump calling for other people to be respectful is the very definition of hypocrisy.

David Amos
David Amos
@Arlond Lynds Oh So True

Arlond Lynds 
Chris Halford
I see no reason for Sanders to be shown respect when she shows no respect for her fellow citizens while shilling for Trump. Anybody who lies for a living doesn't deserve respect.

Brian Cohen
Brian Cohen
@Alex Taylor
Ah yes, all of those news outlets that don’t parrot Alex Jones are “neo-Marxist propaganda”.
Me thinks you’ve gotten it backwards

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Cohen Methinks you are emulating mean ol me but you are bass ackwards as per your MO N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
rick richard
It's NUTS down there. We've been going "South" to the USofA to spend our Winters (& our $$) for the last 10 years. NOT THIS YEAR. Sad that i will miss our friends but they understand.

Brian Cohen
Brian Cohen
@Don Brown
Mo ro ns Are Governing America

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Cohen Methinks I should ask you the obvious question Are you related to Trump's lawyer Mikey Cohen You do seem as witty as he N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
Don Brown
Trump will love it if violence breaks out over him.

Phil Beech
Phil Beech
@Don Brown No that is the Soros plan. Organized riots via the groups he funds. Each week Trump stays in power he is losing billions on his shorts.

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Beech "No that is the Soros plan"

I wholeheartedly agree.

Cal Mett 
Cal Mett
Republicans practically threw a party during the Obama years when a baker refused to serve Joe Biden. They were elated. It's just like when Republicans were having angry fits when Obama said he would be willing to talk to Kim. Now they a Nobel prize for Trump because he talked to Kim. Their hypocrisy is a matter of public record.

Darren Coleman
Darren Coleman
@Cal Mett Biden refused being refused service is a mix of true and false. Joe Biden's staff wanted to host a media event at the store, the store refused due to political differences. Joe Biden didn't stop in to buy some cookies and was refused service. Do a "snopes biden refused service" search. The Republicans took advantage of the event in 2012, Democrats are taking their turn in 2018.

David Amos
David Amos
@Darren Coleman "Joe Biden didn't stop in to buy some cookies"


Methinks the Fake Left are arguing apples versus oranges N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
Colin Sanders
The conservatives have lost all credibility over this issue. They blame the left for being uncivil towards Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her entourage for the Red Hen denying them service? What about the bakery that denied Joe Biden service and for which the Republicans not only applauded the bakery, but toured him around celebrating this action and claiming it as the way to stand up to government corruption?!?!? Memories are short and hypocrisy immense on the right side of the political spectrum

Phil Beech
Phil Beech
@Colin Sanders Maybe Joe Biden was refused service because they did not want their customers children grouped? It was a cookie store right? Or is inappropriate touching okay when Dems do it?

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Beech Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?

Phil Beech 
Arlond Lynds
Civility, just watched the press briefing by John Bolton regarding the meeting with Vladimir Putin. When John Bolton is more reasonable sounding than the President and the President thinks Russians are the good guys one has to wonder.

Phil Beech
Phil Beech
@Arlond Lynds Sign. Russian is a huge country with many huge competing interests all of them much bigger and more powerful than the Canadian government (not saying much admittedly). The Russians as Good guys or Bad guys view of reality is an old prejudiced and infantile hold over from the cold war. Ironic it's the "educated" left that seems to be the most unable to adapt to the new reality due to this lifelong anti-Soviet propaganda absorption.

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Beech Methinks we are on the same page about a lot of things this evening N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
Edie Allen
Karma will visit this mouthpiece. No job is worth what she is teaching her children. Repeating lies is as bad as if they originated with you.

David Amos
David Amos
@Edie Allen I ain't one bit religious but methinks somebody should have taught you to judge not not lest ye be judged. The Lady is entitled to her political opinions and she does work for the Yankee President N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
Al Park
Glad you didn't make a scene when you were kicked out Sara....don't go away angry, just go away :)

David Amos
David Amos
@Al Park I wonder what you would say and do if it had happened to you.

Methinks you would sing a different tune N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds 
Chris Maurier
She has access to the best Chefs in the world and she chooses what Trump calls a Filthy Chicken Joint ,, Whats wrong with this picture?

David Amos
David Amos
@ Chris Maurier Whats wrong with this picture?


Methinks the Lady can dine wherever she wishes within purportedly profound democracy. I know I should have said republic but no doubt Plato's ghost will forgive me N'esy Pas?

James Mittlefehldt
James Mittlefehldt
@David Amos Don't you mean n'es't pa

Uncivil society: The divide between passion and practicality in U.S. politics now

People don't feel heard and want to fight back, says professor and Democrat supporter

CBC Radio·

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, was asked to leave a restaurant in Virginia on Friday. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

People who are "fighting back for their lives" against the policies of the Trump administration shouldn't be asked to hold on politely for the next election, according to a political science professor.

"People don't feel heard, and I think you are asking them to wait," said Melissa Michelson, a Democrat supporter and professor at Menlo University, California.

"I think that's unreasonable given what is happening to our country," she told The Current's guest host Mike Finnerty. "I think people want to fight back."

Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

On Friday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va. Its proprietor Stephanie Wilkinson took her aside and  "politely" asked her to leave, because she worked for the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump. Sanders left, but the incident caused uproar online, fuelling the debate over civility — or the lack thereof — in American politics.

Speaking at a rally at the weekend, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters urged people to "push back" if they encountered representatives of the Trump administration in public. In response, Trump tweeted that Waters was "an extraordinarily low IQ person."

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!

The use of incivility as a political tactic, however, has divided the Democratic opposition.

"When we engage in tactics that are personally just yelling at each other, that tactic — rather than the issue — becomes what is vivid to people," said Celinda Lake, a leading political strategist within the Democratic Party.

Lake told Finnerty that action like this could have an electoral impact.
"For swing voters, when we participate in tactics like this we become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution," she said.

Michelson disagreed, arguing that it will take passion to get people out to vote.
"Enough about reaching out to swing voters," she countered.

"That is not working. The way to victory is to fire up the base, and to fire up people who have not been voting in previous elections."

CBC News
Sarah Sanders on being asked to leave restaurant
WH spokesperson says 'calls for harassment' are unacceptable. 1:13

Midterm elections looming

With U.S. midterm elections in November, Lake argued that the tactic could deflect from issues.
"What we need to do is organize, get out the vote, and win these elections in four months because they have real consequence," she said.
"I'd rather have the Supreme Court in four months and have blockage on the Supreme Court than not have Sarah eat at a restaurant in Virginia," she added.

Michelson argued that it's easy to say that dissatisfied voters need to organize "when you go home and you live a life of relative privilege."

"Members of these marginalized communities — people who are seeing their friends and family members hurt by this administration — just don't think that that's enough," she said.

Listen to the full discussion near the top of this page.

This segment was produced by The Current's Willow Smith and Idella Sturino.

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