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Elon Musk's rural high-speed internet project in stiff competition




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks after all the nonsense I witnessed today less is more with this topic in particular because it has nothing to do with Higgy's promise to bring high speed internet to my neighborhood ASAP N'esy Pas?




Elon Musk's rural high-speed internet project in stiff competition

Canada's Telesat and Amazon's Jeff Bezos also in the low-Earth-orbit satellite game

Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: Oct 05, 2020 7:03 AM AT

Telesat's new LEO, or low Earth orbit, satellite. The company will offer 'big fat' broadband service to telecommunications companies and internet service providers on the ground. (Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.)'

A telecommunications expert says there's no question Elon Musk can get his satellite internet service operating globally over the next year.

But Chris Forrester of Advance Television says the engineer and founder of SpaceX and Tesla is facing formidable competition for rural internet customers from another celebrity businessman, Jeff Bezos.

Bezos has his own spacecraft company, Blue Origin, and has created a satellite internet company of his own, Project Kuiper, with plans to launch 3,200 spacecraft into low earth orbit.

He's directed $10 billion US toward the venture.

"Amazon are a year or two away from launching their service," said Forrester, who points to the company's already existing relationships with millions of customers, many of whom subscribe to services such as Amazon Prime TV and Amazon Music.

"Potentially, Amazon is a much greater threat than anyone else."

Musk's Starlink service faces another formidable hurdle: the purchase cost for the flat plate antenna required by consumers wishing to pick up the broadband satellite signal.

Forrester says the antennas are widely used on ships, commercial aircraft and military vehicles, such as tanks. 

"They work very well, but they cost a fortune," he said.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos owns his own rocket company. He's put $10 billion US toward Project Kuiper. It will use 3200 low Earth orbit satellites to bring high speed internet to its customers. (Cliff Owen, AP Photo)

Even the cost for home use would be "many, many hundreds of dollars."

"The challenge for Starlink will be to bring that down to affordable levels," Forrester said. "If he can do that, his market is assured, in my view."

Even then Musk's satellite competition won't be over.

Existing telecommunications companies and internet service providers in New Brunswick will have an opportunity to be part of the satellite high speed internet world through a home-grown Canadian company.

Telesat is also getting into the low Earth orbit satellite game using a slightly different business model.

Telesat with work with Telcos and internet service providers, beaming what the company calls "big fat trunks," fibre optical quality broadband signals, down to existing infrastructure in rural communities. 

The local, on-the-ground companies will send the broadband signal on to homes using fibre optic cable or wireless transmission towers. 

"Our satellites are actually more complex, I would say, than Starlink," said Michellel Beck, Telesat's vice-president North American Sales. "We've got certainly more advanced capabilities on our satellite, which frankly allows us to deliver more throughput per satellite."

Telesat's service is not as far along as Starlink or Project Kuiper. The company plans to place orders for construction of its 298 satellites this fall. 

They will orbit further out than Starlink's, at between 1,000 and 1,300 kilometres above the Earth.

The Ottawa-based company hopes to launch its service in Canada late in 2022 and globally a year later.


About the Author

Connell Smith is a reporter with CBC in Saint John. He can be reached at 632-7726 Connell.smith@cbc.ca

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David Amos 
Methinks after all the nonsense i witnessed today less is more with this topic in particular because it has nothing to do with Higgy's promise to bring high speed internet to my neighborhood ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Methinks many Maritmers in NB should agree that Higgy's buddies in Xplornet controlled by family of the Chair of NB Power in our province since 2006 or so culd use some competition ASAP N'esy Pas?

Ed Barrett, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr. Barrett is co-CEO of Barrett Corporation, a North American investment and management company. He is CEO of Barrett Diversified Inc., which operates wholesale distribution companies in Canada and the US, and is co-founder, significant shareholder, and serves on the Board of Xplornet Communications, a leading broadband and communications company in Canada. In addition to NB Power, Mr Barrett serves on the Board of Wajax Industries, a public company traded on the TSX which is a leading mobile equipment and industrial supplies company in Canada, two private companies based out of New Brunswick, Atlantic Industries and Apex industries, and is Past Chair and Board member of Crandall University. Mr. Barrett also serves on the Board of Directors for Nav Canada, a private sector, non-share capital corporation that owns and operates Canada's civil air navigation service (ANS), and for Medavie Blue Cross, a not-for-profit health services partner for individuals, employers and governments across Canada.

Headquartered in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Xplornet Communications Inc. (formerly Barrett Xplore Inc.) is Canada’s leading rural broadband provider, with customers and dealers in every province and territory. Xplornet aims to bridge the urban/rural digital divide by ensuring that every Canadian, regardless of where they live, has access to broadband, thereby enabling them to compete effectively in the global economy and gain access to essential government and educational services.
Jack Rodnies
Reply to @David Amos: Usually i agree with you but your assessment of Xplornet is totally off my good friend, Xplornet was bought by a new york based company Stone peak infrastructures
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jack Rodnies: I wasn't aware of recent doings but it does not surprise me. Out of the gate knew of the link to McKenna and the Clinton buddies in the Big Apple and of them using Bellmedia IPs etc. My YouTube videos will easily confirm that I took on the Barrett Boys and their lawyer/CEO such a Johnny "Never Been Good" Maduri of Telus and Yankee SEC infamy beginning in 2007 when they attacked me. I first began studying the rich dudes in Woodstock in earnest while I was running in the provincial election and Bernie Lord gave the Barretts a cool million loonies just before the writ was dropped. BTWI have spoken with Maduri and old Ed personally Maduri was very nasty and Ed was nice as he lied to me just as most wealthy politically appointed dudes do.
David Amos
Reply to @Jack Rodnies: I did reply
Ed Roberts
Reply to @David Amos: You can hype Xplornet all you want. Bottom line is it's the worst service ever created run by the worst support. I can't believe that a US company was dumb enough to buy out Xplornet without reading all the complaints about it. Once Starlink gets up and running in Canada Xplornet will be forever forgotten.
Fred Brewer
Chris Forrester says "Amazon are a year or two away from launching their service," That's funny because Amazon has yet to launch a single satellite. Perhaps he meant to say that Amazon are a year or two away from launching their FIRST satellite, and then that will be followed by another 2,999 satellites according to the FCC. The FCC has allowed Amazon six years to get 3,000 satellites into orbit, so it will take some time before Amazon can "launch" its internet service. Meanwhile Starlink already has 715 satellites in orbit and has applied to FCC for a total of 30,000.
David Amos 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Surprise Surprise Surprise
john smith
everyone should listen to elon's latest podcast interview and listen to what he thinks of this dog and pony show gov around teh world are flexig on people
David Amos 
Reply to @john smith: Welcome to the circus

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