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Funding abortions in private clinics would be a 'slippery slope,' says Higgs




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
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Methinks there must be something in the water in Fat Fred City even the City Council shook its head at their poet last night N'esy Pas?




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Funding abortions in private clinics would be a 'slippery slope,' says Higgs

New interim Liberal Leader says his party would fund private clinic abortions


Mia Urquhart· CBC News· Posted: Sep 28, 2020 6:18 PM AT


Fredericton's Clinic 554 is at the heart of a debate over funding for abortions outside hospitals. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

Kerri Froc still believes the government had no authority to remove tents that were part of a citizens protest at the New Brunswick Legislature on Friday. 

But the associate law professor at the University of New Brunswick said the debate only diverts attention from the real issue — the lack of government funding for abortions performed at Fredericton's Clinic 554. 

While seizing the tents was a "distraction," Froc said the move is "connected" to the larger issue.

"You have a government that thinks that they can ride roughshod over our private property rights, over our constitutional rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, and also thumb their nose at women's constitutional rights."

She said it's the same issue that women have been battling in New Brunswick for decades. 

"We just keep on having to fight this fight over and over again. And here we are in New Brunswick in the year 2020 … having to fight fights that women had to fight in the 1970s."

Premier Blaine Higgs reacts to the removal of a Clinic 554 protester from the legislature grounds. 2:09

On Monday morning, Premier Blaine Higgs said he wasn't opposed to more hospitals offering abortions. 

"If it really is access, then there's an avenue to deal with that," he said during a news conference. 

But the request should come from health officials, not politicians, said Higgs. 

Froc said Higgs's willingness to provide abortions at more hospitals is "somewhat of a development," but she said health officials have already made it clear that they'd like to see better access. 

Horizon Health has already joined reproductive right activists in calling for funding private-clinic abortions. The authority passed a resolution to that effect earlier this year.

"Every excuse they've thrown up has been thoroughly debunked," said Froc. "So what's left?"


Kerri Froc, an associate law professor at the University of New Brunswick, at the Clinic 554 protest in Fredericton before the tent in back of her was taken down by government officials on Friday night. (Submitted by Kerri Froc)

As for the complaints from protesters about having their tents removed from the grounds of the New Brunswick Legislature on Friday night, Higgs said the decision wasn't made by him but by the Speaker of the legislature. 

"But it's my understanding that the protesters themselves were never removed. It was only the structures that were a concern."

Participants were protesting the lack of funding of abortions outside hospitals. Currently, Medicare only covers abortions performed at three hospitals in the province, two in Moncton and one in Bathurst.

The only other place providing surgical abortion services is Clinic 554. 

It is a slippery slope. And if you do it for one service, where does it stop?
-Blaine Higgs

On Friday evening, protesters were presented with a notice from the sergeant-at-arms. It said that no structures, including tents, could be erected on the property and camping was not permitted.

Froc, who was part of the protest, said there was no legal basis for removing the tents. She said she spent hours looking for legal justification and couldn't find any. 

Speaker Daniel Guitard told CBC News on the weekend that he made the decision with the staff and advisory team after being told it was a longstanding practice not to permit tents on the property for security reasons. 

Dominic Cardy, who criticized the speaker in a tweet Saturday, refused to discuss the issue with reporters Monday. He would not say whether he agrees the Speaker had the authority to remove the tents.

On Monday, the newly named interim Liberal leader sided solidly with the protestors. 

"The protest should not have happened," said Roger Melanson. "Because if the current premier would fund Clinic 554, there wouldn't have been anybody here on the weekend. And individual rights and women's rights would have been respected."


Interim Liberal Leader Roger Melanson says his party would fund Clinic 554. (CBC)

Melanson said his party supports funding Clinic 554.

"We have said that during the campaign and we still support that," he said on Monday. 

"It's a human right, it's an individual right, and the premier should realize that the services that are offered there are important and essential."

Clinic 554

Clinic 554 is a family medical practice that, in its words, "is committed to sex-positive, gender-celebratory care, anti-racist and feminist practices, and full-scope reproductive care, including abortions."

It serves about 3,000 patients as a family practice, and every service it provides — other than abortion — is covered by Medicare, said Dr. Adrian Edgar, who runs the clinic.

Edgar, who specializes in LGBTQ care, said the clinic subsidizes the cost of abortions for patients. He said that just isn't viable and he plans to close the facility. 

On Monday, Higgs maintained his position that the province is not violating the Canada Health Act by not funding abortions outside hospitals. 

He said abortions are already funded at three hospitals and if the question is about access, "then the next suggestion should be, 'Well, then is there another hospital that should be performing the service?'"

Higgs said he's concerned that funding abortions in private clinics would set a precedent. 

"So if we're going to suggest … that it's more cost-effective to offer services in a private clinic, then where does that stop? Does that mean that we should continue to offer more and more services in private clinics and less and less services in public institutions?" 

Higgs said it's "a slippery slope. And if you do it for one service, where does it stop?"



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David Amos
Methinks there is no law for or against abortion. Hence I don't think my taxes should fund the demise of the unborn. N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
"Dominic Cardy, who criticized the speaker in a tweet Saturday, refused to discuss the issue with reporters Monday. He would not say whether he agrees the Speaker had the authority to remove the tents."

Methinks Cardy has finally been told to clam up N'esy Pas? 
Buford Wilson
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Abortion is a ghastly business all around.
It's not something we should be promoting.
Denise Leblanc
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Reply to @Buford Wilson:
Make your case.
Jake Wright
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Reply to @Denise Leblanc: P.S. my mistake on the New York Times. The article is closed for opinions now.
Jake Wright
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Reply to @Buford Wilson: "We"?? Who are you speaking for.
Denise Leblanc
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Reply to @Jake Wright:
No harm no foul.
David Amos
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Reply to @Denise Leblanc: Nor I
David Amos 
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Reply to @Buford Wilson: imagine you and I actually agreeing again
Thomas Imber
If the provincial Liberals want a chance in 4 years, they need to think twice about their support for issues that the hard-left are fixated on (in this case, a boutique privatized abortion clinic). 
David Amos
Reply to @Thomas Imber: Yup
David Trueman
I find it odd that people who lean left, like this university professor, get all up in arms anytime the word "privatization" is mentioned when it comes to health care, yet they want to support a private clinic that does abortions. Wonder how they justify and reconcile that? 
David Amos
Reply to @David Trueman: Go figure
David Trueman 
Abortions are available at 3 hospitals. Health care dollars are hard to find yet these folks feel entitled to having a private clinic provide them as well? Why? Is a hospital not good enough? 
David Amos
Reply to @David Trueman: Methinks fake left lawyers thins just like the political lawyer David Dingwall in that they are entitled to their entitlements N'esy Pas? 
David Trueman
Yet another University professor from the far left side.
David Amos
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Reply to @David Trueman: Methinks there must be something in the water in Fat Fred City even the City Council shook its head at their poet last night N'esy Pas?
William Edwards
I'm glad my mother didn't abort me and I would think so are the pro choicers.
David Amos
Reply to @William Edwards: Me Too
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @William Edwards: My mother would have had a happier life if she'd aborted me. She was on the verge of leaving my father when she discovered she was pregnant. She decided to stay and try to make the marriage work for the sake of the child. Big mistake.
Rudy Hicks 
Reply to @William Edwards: Glad you think you can decide how other people should live.
Beverley Kernan 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
SarahRose ... Your posts are always thoughtful, informative, insightful and calming.
Particularly during COVID.
I, for one, am glad your mother "decided to stay and try to make ... for the sake of the child". You bring so much intelligence and common sense to the commentary.
Thank you.
David Amos
Reply to @Beverley Kernan: Yea Right
Viv Myers
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
SarahRose, it sounds like your childhood wasn't always pleasant from what was suggested here, and I'm sorry to hear that happened...

HOWEVER....I'm glad you're with us, and your mom kept you. You are NOT a mistake.
David Amos
Reply to @Viv Myers: Methinks notwithstanding any ethical debate about the rights of the unborn and whereas I am not one bit religious I truly believe the old bard addressed the longstanding quandary of our existence quite well byway of Hamlet dealing with his conscience N'esy Pas? 
Joe Rootliek 
Reply to @William Edwards: Glad you are here William. 
Joe Rootliek
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: I see your comments all the time on here, and speaking for myself, I am glad you are debating and bringing in much welcome thought and different ways of looking at things into the debate.

I am glad you are here to express your views, you are a star in the midnight sky.
Viv Myers
Reply to @David Amos:
I definitely don't use Hamlet as a reference when envisioning how we should live our lives.

And, to me, there is no question...'TO BE' is the answer.
David Amos
Reply to @Viv Myers: Despite your disdain of me go figure why we agree on the right 'TO BE"
David Amos
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Reply to @Viv Myers: “This above all: to thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!” Hamlet Act 1, Scene III by The Old Bard (Methinks many folks are sure who he really was N'esy Pas?) 
Viv Myers
Reply to @David Amos:
I'm not sure what you're getting at - I have absolutely no disdain for you whatsoever.
David Amos 
Reply to @Viv Myers: If so then you are among a precious few 











Dan Short
Abortion is such a tricky issue, there's just so many nuances and factors to it.

Unfortunately the debate is only going to get worse over the next 20 years as science continues to improve in leaps and bounds and we learn more and more about the unborn and what they will be after birth and as they grow.

I can easily envision by 2050 by week four of a pregnancy we have a complete map of the unborn and who and what they will be. Height, illnesses, hair colour, sex, genetic markers. Etc.

It really is a fascinating ethical issue. 
David Amos 
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Reply to @Dan Short: Its not a tricky issue to me. There is no law for or against abortion. Hence I don't think my taxes should fund the demise of the unborn.

Methinks you should consider that fact that we all once walked in the path of the souls of the unborn who can't speak for themselves yet. Please consider your ethics again. i trust that the pro choice people cannot deny they had the same standing as the unborn for 9 months or so and are no doubt doubt grateful to walk among us now and yap a great deal about their right to free health care while Higgy et al deny me the right to the same N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan Short: Methinks the deletion of my reply to you speaks volumes to me N'esy Pas? 


John Grail
Apparently the hill the Liberals want to die on is abortion... 
buster jones
Reply to @John Grail: Apparently the hill the Conservatives want to die on is abortion
David Amos 
Reply to @buster jones: Me Too 


Emery Hyslop-Margison
Although some are unwilling to accept the logic, the issue of abortions is not a simple bifurcation. There are many nuances that require consideration. An abortion at 3 months is not the same as an abortion at 6 months. Further, it is a legitimate question to ask whether abortion is a default birth control method. It’s complicated.
Dan Short 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
You can know the sex by week 9 or 10.

Do we really want gender based child selection in Canada?
Dan Lee
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
killing an unborn baby at 3 month is the same as killing an unborn baby at 6 month
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @Dan Lee: not really / there are developmental milestones along the way- but I do respect your position.
Dan Short
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
So who gets to determine th@4 level of "feel".
Roy Baty
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: Whene these is no immediate threat to safety of baby or mother, what is complicated about it? Either you choose to end a life growing inside a mother or you choose not to. The rest is all opinion no matter what side of the ideological spectrum you are on.
Roy Baty
Reply to @Roy Baty: Should read "When there is" above.
Dan Lee
Reply to @Roy Baty:
Shh but almost all pro choices refuse to even consider it a living thing (probably so they can sleep at night).

I've gotten into many many arguments about that point with my fellow pro choices. It really bothers me thst they use that excuse/logic.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Lee: "killing an unborn baby at 3 month is the same as killing an unborn baby at 6 month"

I concur






Dan Short
If it's really a health issue, it shouldn't be done for profit. 
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @Dan Short:
Like dental hygiene?
Dan Short
Reply to @Denise Leblanc:
That depends. Most dentist work is cosmetic and not health.
Denise Leblanc 
Reply to @Dan Short:
Try doing some research.
Dan Short
Reply to @Denise Leblanc:
You don't die from a removed tooth instead of a root canal to make it pretty again.
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: it’s not really a research question Denise. At its core it’s a moral issue with scientific nuances.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: Please name a doctor in NB who does not make big bucks off our health care
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan Short: Please explain your reasoning to the ghosts of many folks who died of tainted blood infections years ago   
David Amos    
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"Dominic Cardy, who criticized the speaker in a tweet Saturday, refused to discuss the issue with reporters Monday. He would not say whether he agrees the Speaker had the authority to remove the tents."

Methinks Cardy has finally been told to clam up N'esy Pas?
Chantal LeBouthi
Higgs goes biblical against women’s health

Dan Lee
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi:
health or burden?
Dan Short
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi:
Please quote the bible parts he quoted.
buster jones
Reply to @Dan Short: Thou must tout thy abortion card to divide and conquor, lest ye be the worst affliction set upon man.
David Amos 
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Reply to @buster jones: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged



Denise Leblanc 
Higgs said it's "a slippery slope. And if you do it for one service, where does it stop?"
I wonder if he has a clue?
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
And the trails to the moon are fabricated with Martian dust
David Amos 
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Reply to @Denise Leblanc: Methinks Mr Tibbs will be missed N'esy Pas?

Marc LeBlanc                                                                                                                                          And this is just the beginning of four years of "the world according to Higgs" 

Denise Leblanc
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc:
The history of politics.
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @Denise Leblanc:
And censorship.
Fred Dee
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc: liberals had 4 years,,, did not change the funding!!!!
John Grail
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc: Less abortion is a good thing...
David Amos
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Reply to @John Grail: I concur and none whatsoever would be even better 

David Amos
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Reply to @John Grail: Methinks its verboten to agree with you N'esy Pas?
Roy Kirk
So make them available in every hospital. Slippery slope gone. 
Roy Kirk
Reply to @Dan Short: Perhaps, perhaps not. But it's not your call, or mine, is it. It's a matter between patient and doctor.
Dan Short
Reply to @Roy Kirk:
Which it shouldn't be if it's simply not wanting a kid. Which has nothing to do with health and a doctor.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pro abortion. But let's be real and not use fake justifications,
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan Short: Methinks it should be obvious to you that I am pro life Too bad so sad that I was not permitted to stress test your ethics N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner  
 "Horizon Health has already joined reproductive right activists in calling for funding private-clinic abortions." - Why isn't Horizon Health offering abortions at its own facilities instead of punting this responsibility to private clinics?
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Go Figure Why I Don't Care

Fredericton city councillors question poet laureate's role after abortion poem read

While some councillors say poem was too political, others disagree

Lauren Bird· CBC News· Posted: Sep 29, 2020 8:00 AM AT

Some Fredericton city councillors said a poem about abortion read by poet laureate Jenna Lyn Albert was too political while others disagreed.

The role of Fredericton's poet laureate is being questioned after Jenna Lyn Albert read a poem about abortion access at Monday night's council meeting, which some councillors said was too political. 

The issue will go to the governance committee for further discussion.

"I'm terribly concerned that we are now politicizing our poems," said Coun. Dan Keenan, after Albert read the poem.  

"I completely agree with freedom of speech and the right for people to say what they want to say — but that was never the intention of this form that we developed."

The poem, Those Who Need To Hear This Won't Listen by Ottawa-based poet Conyer Clayton, depicts her experience having an abortion. Here it is in part:  

I cried.
A procedural pinch
deep in my belly.                         Little pinch now.
Nondescript ceiling.                      Big pinch now.
A nurse held my hand. 
                                                  Are you ready?
                                                  Are you sure? 

Albert said she felt there was a need to share the poem now.

"With the impending closure of Clinic 554 … I felt it was really important to share a poem about the importance of abortion access." 

Coun. Stephen Chase agreed with Keenan.

"It was never intended to be a political statement. I think Coun. Keenan's comments are absolutely right." 

Reflection of community

Keenan called for a rethink of how the poet laureate operates. But not at all councillors agreed. 

"It's a reflection of our community," said Coun. John MacDermid. 

"We've had commentary, we've had poems about Black Lives Matter and the experience of people of colour within our community, and it's not the experience that anyone around this table has," MacDermid said. "And it's important that we have those conversations. It's not political. It's a better community and it's a reflection of our community."

He added that he would not want to change the kind of conversation the poet laureate brings to council. 

Coun. Kate Rogers said it's the role of the poet laureate to provide cultural commentary.

"The arts gives an opportunity for a person to be provocative and to express ideas and perspectives … and to me, that's what we have had."

Albert said she was shocked by the response to the poem. 

"It is kind of difficult to be a woman sharing a poem about reproductive rights, which are evidently important to me and many people that have uteruses in this city and in this province and to be shut down and told it's too political, which is often the case when you're discussing issues like this — it's really difficult"

But this isn't the first time she's faced pushback on a poem that could be considered controversial. 

In June, Albert proposed the reading of a poem by local poet Thandiwe McCarthy, Enough, about police violence against Black people. Initially she was not allowed to read the poem. Mayor Mike O'Brien later said he regretted the decision, and McCarthy was invited to perform his poem at council.

About the Author

Lauren Bird is a journalist at CBC New Brunswick. You can contact her at lauren.bird@cbc.ca


CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

David Amos
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Too Too Funny
David Amos
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Reply to @David Amos:
"Coun. Kate Rogers said it's the role of the poet laureate to provide cultural commentary.

"The arts gives an opportunity for a person to be provocative and to express ideas and perspectives … and to me, that's what we have had."

Albert said she was shocked by the response to the poem."

Methinks if abortion issues equal culture then there must be something very strange in the water in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
Theo Trapper
Allow voices you don't agree with to speak. It doesn't matter what side of any argument is presented, there is absolutely nothing that is so sacred of a topic to ban speech.
David Amos
Reply to @Theo Trapper: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir
Dan Short
Of course if one doesn't want a kid at all, one could practice abstinence, then abortion isn't even an issue.

We are supposed to be intelligent snimals and have grown last the need to rut,
Tristis Ward
Reply to @Dan Short:
Dan, you better not have ever had any kind of kid making encounters prior to marrying the woman who is currently wanting a child, infertile, adjusted or elsewise aged out of it.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: I cannot imagine a life worth living without children in it.
Dan Short
Reply to @David Amos:
There are many children out there desperate for an sdult(S) to care for them. You don't need to have a kid, to have a kid,

My point was there are options rather than an abortion of one knows they do not wish to bear a kid.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: Are you attempting to lecture me? If you were paying attention I already stated that i adopted one child and had others of my own CORRECT?
Dan Short
Reply to @David Amos:
I was simply stating why I made my initial comment, had zero to do with you.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: Yea Right
Chantal LeBouthi
Higgs is stuck in the dark ages with is biblical morality on others

Pathetic in this days and ages
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Dream on
Dan Short
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi:
Seems to me it's you judging others not meeting your standards and expectations,
Tristis Ward
Reply to @Dan Short:
I'm (Higgs is) not judging!
You're judging, with your comment on judging!


Dan Short
Reply to @Tristis Ward:
The comment was to Chantal. Who was attacking religion, and therefore being judgemental.

As for my posts. They are to invoke discussion and present possible other views. They rarely have little to do with how I actually feel on any issue.

Some of us can actually do that. See both sides of an issue and find good and bad points in both sides. It's called intelligence. 
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: What does your intelligence tell you about why so many of my replies to you two going "Poof"??? 
Denise Leblanc
Art is mostly political. 
David Amos
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: So you say 
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: Methinks Higgy et al and more importantly the ghosts of the old soldiers who raised me and many others I counted as friends would agree these are the words of a true blue Canadian Poet N'esy Pas?

"I smoke my pipe and I meditate in the light of the Midnight Sun,
And sometimes I wonder if they was, the awful things I done.
And as I sit and the parson talks, expounding of the Law"

From the Poem entitles The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill
By Robert W. Service  
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: I repeat the there is no law pertaining to abortion Hence I have the right to protest against my taxes funding the demise of the unborn whose rights we all should respect and protect 
Noel Fowles
Reply to @David Amos: yes, and I don't want to pay for the roads you drive on, your medical premiums, your pension, and any other government services you use, have used, or will use.
Dan Short
Reply to @Noel Fowles:
As is your right to your opinion and your ability to seek change to match your ideals.
David Amos
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Reply to @Noel Fowles: Relax as you know your hero Higgy has denied me the right to a Medicare Card for hears while I tried to protect YOUR pension Hence you won't have to pay if I must go the emergency room again. As for the other services trust that I have paid my fair share of taxes to use OUR roads etc
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: No one believes you
David Amos
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Reply to @Ray Oliver: Clearly your hero Higgy don't trust his former Chief of Staff perhaps you are the reason he got booted from cabinet
David Amos
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Reply to @Noel Fowles: Methinks you should consider that fact that we all once walked in the path of the souls of the unborn who can't speak for themselves yet. I trust that the pro choice people cannot deny they had the same standing as the unborn for 9 months or so and are no doubt doubt grateful to walk among us now and yap a great deal about their right to free health care while Higgy et al deny me the right to the same N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Ray Oliver: Hours ago you did not dare to argue these words N'esy Pas?

"Methinks the PC lady Andrea Johnson and Higgy should not deny that the MLAs Sherry Wilson, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Shephard, Margaret Johnson, Kathy Bockus, Tammy Scott-Wallace, Jill Green, Arlene Dunn and Andrea Anderson-Mason no doubt remember everything I said to them and or about them during the election I put in writing N'esy Pas?"
David Amos
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Reply to @Denise Leblanc: Surprise Surprise Surprise The wise words of the poet Robert Service went "Poof"
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: I actually have to work from time to time and don't have all day to debate you. Its called a full time job. Ever heard of them?

Noel Fowles  
well over 50% of pregnancies end in natural termination. To all those that think everything is god's will, it makes god the biggest abortionist of all.
Paul Richardson
Reply to @Noel Fowles: Where does this 50% number come from?
David Amos
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Reply to @Paul Richardson: Methinks he should allow you one guess N'esy Pas?
Winston Gray
Reply to @Paul Richardson: you don’t believe that nearly 50% of pregnancies are not complete? Miscarriages are quite common...
Paul Richardson
Reply to @David Amos: Then we both would be guessing.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Richardson: Not I
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Paul Richardson: Nor am  I surprised to see my only comment go "Poof' 
Buddy Best
Reply to @Noel Fowles: You are so full of it. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts!!! 
Noel Fowles
Reply to @Paul Richardson: About 30% to 40% of all fertilized eggs miscarry, often before the pregnancy is known and then 10% to 40% more, with the 10% being in younger women and increasing with age.
Noel Fowles
Reply to @Buddy Best: You should really do your homework before telling people they are full of it. Here are the facts "About 30% to 40% of all fertilized eggs miscarry, often before the pregnancy is known and then 10% to 40% more as pregnancy continues., with the 10% being in younger women and increasing with age. "
Joe Carrey
Reply to @Paul Richardson: Science. Miscarriage rates are extremely high. Fertilized eggs are as likely to not make it as make it. You would likely know this if you had ever tried for children. My wife suffered two miscarriages before we got successfully pregnant. It was traumatic to lose the hope of a child, but nothing like losing a child. Because a fetus is not a child.
Dan Short
Reply to @Joe Carrey:
It is however something living and growing and with potential.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Short: Thats an understatement

Paul Richardson 
People always say to the expectant mother "When will your baby be born?" 
They NEVER say "When will your fetus be born?"
David Amos
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Reply to @Paul Richardson: BINGO
Winston Gray
Reply to @David Amos: not bingo. People ask expectant MOTHERS that question because they have decided to complete the pregnancy and care for the child for 16-18 years.

A person who wants an abortion by definition is NOT an “expectant mother”.
David Amos
Reply to @Winston Gray: Who are you to define what a Mother is?
Winston Gray
Reply to @David Amos: who are you to define what a person is?
David Amos
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Reply to @Winston Gray: Methinks it must be because I am a member of mankind not Trudeau the Younger's beloved "peoplekind". Furthermore many Yankees used to call me Mr Mom.Trust that the RCMP cannot deny that I brought my children to Canada with me when I ran in the elections of the 38th and 39th parliaments . If you ask many politicians whom I debated what I said throughout 7 elections thus far they would easily a affirm that this "Mr Mom" is very much Pro Life N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Winston Gray: FYI My adopted daughter who has presented me with 2 grandchildren thus far is ever bit the person my natural born children are and is loved every bit as much by Mr Mom.
Tristis Ward
Reply to @David Amos: I'm not sure there's a point in there anywhere, David.
John Grail
Reply to @Winston Gray: Basic biology defines what a person is.
David Amos
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Reply to @Tristis Ward: It was deleted
Tristis Ward
Reply to @David Amos:
Well, there, then.
David Amos
Reply to @Tristis Ward: Notice anything?
Tristis Ward
Reply to @David Amos:
I get frustrated when mine get removed, too.
It's a thing. A dance. A weird and unknowable maze.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tristis Ward: Its public corruption
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tristis Ward: Its blatantly obvious to me that the narrative is being controlled for the benefit of the Fake Left 

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