Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Liberals, NDP reach deal on sick leave, avoiding immediate election



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others                                                           Methinks the Minister of Heritage Steven Guilbeault, his minon the CEO of CBC Catherine Tait, Jesse Moeinifar Viafoura's CEO and all their lawyers should check their work and mine ASAP N'esy Pas?

Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks many folks must find it very Interesting that this comment section remains open after what they had posted yesterday went "Poof" N'esy Pas? 

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Liberals, NDP reach deal on sick leave, avoiding immediate election

Singh says change will 'help millions of Canadians'


Catharine Tunney, Chris Hall· CBC News· Posted: Sep 25, 2020 4:19 PM ET

Ahead of Wednesday's speech from the throne NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said his party would need to see the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) extended and paid sick leave offered to every employee across the country to ensure no Canadian has to go to work sick. (The Canadian Press)

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says the Liberal government is willing to boost the number of people who can access sick days, clearing the way for New Democrats to support the throne speech and bypass an immediate fall election.

Singh said the agreement involves a change to the wording in Bill C-2 — the proposed legislation that would transition people from the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) to an employment insurance program with expanded eligibility, or to one of three new recovery benefits —  to significantly expand the number of Canadians who would be able to access paid sick leave.

"If what we've agreed upon is reflected in the bill that's presented on Monday, if all the same elements are still there, then we will be able to support that bill and yes, we will be able to support the throne speech," said Singh during a news conference this evening.

The NDP's support for the throne speech would give the minority Liberals enough votes to pass it in the House of Commons and avoid a snap election.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has secured improved sick day provisions from the Liberal government. He will now support the government on an upcoming confidence vote, reducing the prospect of a snap election. 1:54

The details of the sick leave changes haven't been released yet, but Singh said the change "will help millions of Canadians."

"Today marks the first step in achieving the first ever, in the history of our country, federal paid sick leave for Canadian workers," he said

"It's a first step toward our ultimate goal of insuring all Canadian workers have paid sick leave now and forever."

Liberal House Leader Pablo Rodriquez tweeted this afternoon that a deal has been reached, but didn't offer any more details about the sick leave changes.

"We are entering the second wave and millions of Canadians are still struggling to make ends meet. We now have an agreement with the NDP on a bill that will deliver the help that Canadians need. It's by working together that we will get through this pandemic," he said.

The Conservatives said flatly they won't support the throne speech, while the Bloc Québécois said it won't support it unless the government boosts health care transfers to the provinces with no strings attached.

CBC News: The House
Interview — NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on greater access to paid sick leave
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh talks to CBC Radio's The House about striking a deal with the Liberal government to ensure greater access to paid sick leave. 8:28

Canadians faced 'impossible choices:' Singh

That made the 24 New Democrats in the House the Liberals' best shot for securing enough votes to pass the confidence vote on the throne speech and avoid a snap election.

Ahead of Wednesday's speech from the throne, Singh said his party would need to see the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) extended and paid sick leave offered to every employee across the country to ensure no Canadian has to go to work sick.

Bill C-2 provides for a 10-day sick leave benefit — something the NDP had demanded —  but on Thursday Singh said he still had concerns about how accessible the paid sick leave would be. He refused to explain in detail what he was asking for, saying that negotiations with the government are ongoing and those talks could affect the entire bill.

He said it's a priority for the NDP because too many people now face what he calls "impossible choices" between staying home or going to work when they're unwell.

"Many of them have to go into work because if they don't they're not going to get paid ... and they cannot pay their bills at the end of the month unless they go to work," he said in an interview of CBC's The House airing Saturday.

Trudeau had hinted earlier in the day that talks were ongoing with the NDP.

"I've heard reflections from the NDP that this should be a permanent feature of Canada's system going forward and I think that's certainly something we can have conversations about," he said.

"But we are very much focused on making sure that into this fall as cold season starts again that people have access to sick leave to be able to stay home and not risk going to work and infect people."


 10435 Comments before I refreshed the page long past closing time Sept 27th
Now the tally is

5 hours later(6:30 pm AT) down to


David Amos
Content disabled 
Methinks CBC should make VIAFOURA sit up and pay attention ASAP N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Methinks for the Public Recordand the benefit of my followers within Twitter and my blog as well the taxpayers funding this forum are entitled know that to CBC's credit all my comments stood the test of time  until I replied to the conservative spin doctor who is now calling me names N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled 
Methinks many folks must find it very Interesting that this comment is remains open after what they had posted yesterday went "Poof" N'esy Pas?
Brian Allen
Jagmeet just skrood millions of a Canadians.
Brian Allen
Reply to @Brian Allen:

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Brian Allen: Methinks WE get the government we deserve N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Dan McIntyre
So just for clarity, honesty, transparency, etc. I have to ask. How will federal legislation for sick days will be applied to anything but federally regulated employees? As I read it, it's going to apply to government workers and the few that are in the Federal system. As for the vast majority of us working people that are in provincially regulated workplaces?
Brian Allen
Reply to @Dan McIntyre:
Since you have a vote, perhaps even an NDP MP, and certainly access to the NDP National Office....give them a call and in sure they’ll be more than happy to answer all your questions.
I know I intend to.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Brian Allen: Please feel free to call me as well right after you listen to my Fundy Royal Debate
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
David McGregor
This would only would apply to federally regulated employee which is about 6% of the workers in Canada and guess what they already get paid sick days, so Jags grandstanding means absolutely nothing.
Ross Johnson
Reply to @David McGregor: Yet Poilievre's ridiculous and failed grandstanding show did mean something? No doubt that insufferable court jester will be offering a public apology to the couple he publicly defamed this week, hopefully minutes before he resigns.
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Ross Johnson: Methinks ever since Peter MacKay began arguing Federal Court File No T-1557-15 the Crown calls me much worse than a mere insufferable court jester N'esy Pas?
Peter Buck
For those snapping off about value of the film industry in Canada...

“... with the total volume of film and television production reaching a record $9.32 billion and generating a GDP of $12.8 billion for the Canadian economy.”

David Amos 
Reply to @Peter Buck: Google David Raymond Amos CBC 
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Peter Buck: Enjoy this if you can see this

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Peter Buck: Why is that you can post links but I cannot? 
Peter Buck
Reply to @David Amos:
This network is kinda quirky for that stuff I think.
Jim MacInnis
Trudeau's minority can't hold power for too much longer as they steadily lose public support. The next confidence vote after the throne speech is only months away. While Trudeau has promised us 'the World', his track record shows that 90+ % of his promises fail to happen. Despite promises or legislation, permanent mandatory paid sick leave will not happen, as neither the Government nor the small/medium businesses within the private sector can afford it. The NDP fear an election because their popularity continues to dwindle and their coffers cannot cover an election right now. Nonetheless, the NDP's decision to support non-confidence will occur when money is raised and the potential outcome of supporting the Government causes increased loss in NDP support. The NDP were forced to find a means to save face in light of Liberal scandal and ethical allegations, and demanding payed sick leave and increased post CERB benefits was the route that needed to be taken. In reality, the Liberals already had plans to increase benefits and paid sick leave is a temporary Pandemic measure. Even NDP supporters have a moral compass that points away from scandal, corruption and ethics violations.
David Amos 
Reply to @Jim MacInnis: Methinks you are correct but the results of the next election may not be what you wish for N'esy Pas?

Peter Buck
Reply to @Jim MacInnis: if most Canadians thought like you more would miss the fact that PM Trudeau is making decisions based on a complex business strategy that encompasses more than just simplistic politicking...and we are thankful as a majority of Canadians looking beyond our noses.

Susan Stapleton
Reply to @Peter Buck: "PM Trudeau is making decisions based on a complex business strategy " I might believe that if I believed he had any inkling about strategy, complexity or business.
Susan Stapleton
Reply to @Jim MacInnis: "Trudeau's minority can't hold power for too much longer as they steadily lose public support. " They don't need public support. All they need is sell-out Singh.
Ross Johnson
Reply to @Susan Stapleton: No, Susan. That's what the CPC needed. Of course had Jag not backed the Libs it would have sent the CONs into a panic because they hoped and prayed that they wouldn't have to face an election that they knew they can't win. Their gamble paid off for now but as the saying goes the CPC can run but they can't hide. Eventually they'll have to face the electorate but they still have nothing to offer us.
David Amos 
Reply to @Peter Buck: Dream on
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Susan Stapleton: "They don't need public support. All they need is sell-out Singh"

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ross Johnson: Google David Raymond Amos Erin O'Toole

Then try to argue me 
Peter Buck
Reply to @David Amos:
Why would anyone “argue you“? You’ve already broadcast that you care nothing about processes of democracy in Canada with you dismissive, disrespectful insults.
Don’t worry, you are not alone. There are twenty six others posting under two hundred pseudonyms on here CONflating all manner of stories to seek creation of chaos in our country, my home, Canada.
Unity and supportive measures to survive stronger should be our only pursuit. Get over yourself and think on this a bit. Stop making us look petty....please.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Peter Buck: Trust that I would lay odds that you are the conservative spin doctor flagging my comments 
Anne Bérubé
There is absolutely NO difference between the liberals and the NDP. They are two peas in a pod.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Anne Bérubé: I concur
Peter Buck
Reply to @Anne Bérubé:
Thank god too...the dark oppressive austerity so readily crawled after by the opposition is NOT what is needed this year at all...no matter how many times offered.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Peter Buck: Yea RIght
Nicholas Jones
The NDP supporting the libs. Who didn't see this coming? 
David Amos
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Surprise Surprise Surprise 
Joe Long
What a surprise....Look, it's not the time for an election. The committee work has to be completed and full answers are required related to the scandals still being investigated so Canadians will go to the polls informed. 
Robert Jones
Reply to @Andrew Stat:
" Probably won't happen. There was 'info' last October, and JT is still PM. "

'Info' isn't the same as a full investigation.
Robert Jones 
Reply to @Anna Rumley:
"The "scandals" are Nothing."

Is that why Trudeau prorogued Parliament when he did, because the WE scandal was "nothing"?

"If there was any actual evidence, it would have come out already."

Yes, if Trudeau hadn't shut down Parliament to avoid any investigation. It will come out now, thankfully.
David Amos
Reply to @Joe Long: Dream on
Tom Smith
Reply to @Joe Long: You are so right.
The deeper the ethics committee dig the more Liberal corruption will surface.
Stephen David 
And now the WE investigation can restart in ernest. It was only on hold...it didn't go away and now it definitely won't.
David Amos
Reply to @Stephen David: Who is WE when Trudreau The Younger worships WHO?
Al Purves 
Reply to @Stephen David: Justin thinks Canadians are Unintelligent.
Brian Allen 
Reply to @David Amos:
Karm G 
Reply to @Stephen David: People like you said the same thi
Karm G 
Reply to @Stephen David: People like said the same thing when Canada entered WWII. If you think economists in the government don't know what the hell they're doing then why don't you go apply. Also Japan is the third largest economy in the world but has an utterly massive debt. Debts for governments are different than those for corporations and individuals.
David Amos 
Reply to @Brian Allen: What I said
Brian Allen
Reply to @Brian Allen:
Ohhh Why?
Keith Slater   
Fire up the WE inquiry
Brian Allen
Reply to @Keith Slater:
Announcer: ‘Could a wave of NDA’s hit parliament hill?
Tune-in tomorrow as the gripping saga “As the Shredder Turns” continues.”
David Amos
Reply to @Keith Slater: The sooner the better 
Abe Fukumaya
Canadians, you love your benefits from Trudeau, right? I can understand that. But when Canada is broke and requires a rescue package from IMF and WB, there will be strings (austerity) attached. All benefits would be cut to zero.
David Amos
Reply to @Abe Fukumaya: True but Trust that the sheople don't the want what they can get today because they believe Trudeau's claim that the budget will balance itself
Will Randall
Singh is not stupid. He want's to hold on to the only power his party will ever have.
John London
Reply to @Robert Jones:

Robert, the libs and ndp's have more votes than the conservatives, ergo they represent far more Canadians. All they can do is attack and make political hay out of every tiny issue. Too bad they couldn't be more constructive, pro-active, realistic, inclusive, diverse. Oh and btw, it's not MY party. I'm not a lib, con, ndp or green, do I really don't care about the party, as I care more about people.
David Amos
Reply to @Will Randall: BINGO
David Amos
Reply to @John London: Yea Right Google Fundy Royal Debate

Methinks it should be a small wonder I put my name on a ballot 7 times thus far N'esy Pas?







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