We both lost this election N'esy Pas?
Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local Campaign, Rogers TV
Throne speech won't get Canadians back to work, Conservative MP charges
‘There’s the built-in disincentive for people to take available work’
· CBC News· Posted: Sep 25, 2020 12:03 PM ATRob Moore, Conservative critic for Atlantic Canada, accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of proroguing Parliament as a diversion. (CBC)
There is nothing in Wednesday's throne speech that will solve some of the fundamental problems with the federal government's support for workers during the pandemic, says Conservative MP Rob Moore.
Moore, the MP for Fundy Royal in New Brunswick and the Atlantic Canada representative in the Conservative caucus, said the speech was largely a rehash of things the Liberal government was already talking about.
"What in this speech from the throne speaks to the need to get people back to work and get our economy going again? Once again, very little mention for Atlantic Canada," Moore told Island Morning host Mitch Cormier.
Moore took particular issue with CERB and the program being proposed to replace it.
"In these programs, both CERB and the transition to an enhanced EI, there's the built-in disincentive for people to take available work," he said.
"I'm hearing that from constituents and small businesses. They say, look, I want to go back to work or I need to fill vacancies for employees and I can't do that because of the government's system."
Avoiding WE scandal
Moore said proroguing Parliament for a new throne speech was unnecessary.
"The anticipation, many felt, was, OK, there's going to be something in here that helps us get through this next year," he said.
"In fact, what we see is proroguing Parliament was just about ending the multiple investigations … into the WE scandal. By proroguing Parliament all of those House of Commons committees had to stop their work."
Conservatives have a plan to support Canadians while encouraging them to return to the workforce, Moore said, but the government didn't choose to follow up on any of those suggestions.
With files from Island Morning
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
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David Amos Content disabled Methinks everybody knows about the battles between Rob Moore and I by now N'esy Pas?
You did well in that debate, imo. It really showed that Moore is a neo con. Of course, blue, red, orange and green all think they know how to spend our $ better than we do.
Would be very interested to hear about the Conservative plan. How it will help that avg person and small business and how much that will cost the taxpayers.
We have way to much noise involved in politics and not enough work by all of the politicians.
"not enough work by all of the politicians." The PM ought to be leading this, but he does not have the capabilities and they don't have any skin in the game. Reduce the salary by 50% and eliminate all benefits of every elected official and the top 2 levels of the bureaucracy. Watch them all make different decisions salary benefits restored when the unemployment rate is back down to 5% and the government spending is back to 2019 levels. Netherlands unemployment at 4.5% now after being fully open for this entire 3rd Quarter. Canada at 10.2%
What risk? We are almost at October 1. April is long gone.
95% of Canada's deaths related to Covid were prior to July 13.
Since the peak in early May mortality is lower by 96%.
The current death rate from Covid is lower than for every, every, cause that StatsCan carries except for the category "Information Unavailable”.
The reason Canadians agreed to stay home was to not overwhelm the healthcare system and that objective was achieved a. long time ago and is nowhere threatened.
99.98% of Canadians are left to pick up the societal and financial mess that the previous decisions have created.
Other countries, such as in the EU, have similar current stats as Canada. 95% of deaths in The Netherlands occurred before June 4, Germany - June 26, and Sweden - July 6
Canada will be left behind for decades with the plan being followed. The pandemic only exists by imagination, not by the data or the definition.
1. The UBI needs to be placed into the Constitution (including #4 describing what is not permitted). I will never support UBI if instituted by statute. A Constitutional Conference could also be used as the opportunity to make other important changes – another discussion.
2. What constitutes basic income. To me, this is about “existence”. Not included then is money for a cell phone. No one “needs” a cell phone. Not included is money for a personal vehicle. No one “needs” to own a vehicle. This needs to be thoroughly thought through. The basic income amount needs to be in the Constitution. Here, this article states “It measures the basic necessities for living, including, housing, transportation, food, clothing and heat.” What exactly does this mean? To me, it’s an existence level, perhaps not even at the poverty level which always strikes me as high, and I have been broke twice in my life.
3. Once the amount is decided, the escalation factor needs to be decided. UBI will have to increase over time, I support this. How would this be determined? More thought required and this also needs to be in the Constitution.
4. The UBI MUST replace all other forms of payments, and credits (including income tax credits), from government. This includes EI, CPP, all income tax credits (federal and provincial), GST credits and so on. All other forms of any payment from the government. All of them. This is the economic win for Canadian taxpayers; you know, those who actually fund everything.
Methinks I should ask if you remember me constantly stress testing his integrity N'esy Pas?
Why has this not been called out by the ever loving press?
This statement in the speech is not anywhere close. Just over 100 years ago an estimated 50,000 Canadians died after contracting the Spanish Flu. This was 614 deaths per 100,000 people. After almost 8 months of Covid-19 in Canada, the death rate has been 25 deaths per 100,000 people and is currently lower than any cause of death for which StasCan tracks.
Currently, the death rate from Covid is lower than for every, every, cause that StatsCan carries except for the category "Information Unavailable”.
And all of this is the excuse for the other 25 pages of the speech.