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New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 15:43:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Darrow MacIntyre Methinks this should
prove to CBC that Neo Nazis, Trudeau the Younger, his buddy Higgy and
their pals in the RCMP and the FBI cannot deny that I am a man of my
word N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
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Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
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Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks VIAFOURA, CBC,their lawyers and the RCMP should be aware of Section 300 of the Criminal Code If this libel were published about Erin O'Toole's family they would be N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli




New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices

Atlantic provinces experiencing significant increases in food costs that are outstripping the rest of Canada


Tori Weldon· CBC News· Posted: Sep 23, 2020 5:00 AM AT



Syvain Charlebois said one cause of high food costs in New Brunswick is, "our food comes from far away and logistical costs are really a problem." (Shane Ross/CBC)

According to researchers at Dalhousie University, the Atlantic provinces are experiencing significant increases in food costs that are outstripping the rest of Canada, and New Brunswick may be the worst off.

Sylvain Charlebois, a professor at Dalhousie University and director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab, looked at numbers from Statistics Canada and found that over the past 20 years, the cost of food has risen faster than the cost of products and services that make up the consumer price index.

And nowhere more so than in New Brunswick.

Charlebois said the problem is New Brunswick's "food comes from far away and logistical costs are really a problem."

Food distribution and policy expert Sylvain Charlebois says little to no processing of food is happening in New Brunswick. 'And without processing, you don't control the supply chain," he said. (David Laughlin/CBC)

Another issue, according to Charlebois, is that there is little to no processing of food happening in New Brunswick.

"Without processing, you don't control the supply chain," he said.

"So you are likely very vulnerable to factors you don't control like the currency and energy costs and things like that."


Some Saint John shoppers say they've adjusted to changes in price, often by cutting certain foods from their grocery lists. 1:23

He said more processing means more control of the province's food and its costs.

Months ago, when the pandemic first changed people's daily lives by limiting outings and supply chains, gaps in food security came into focus.

Charlebois said it seems the government took notice and started working with his lab on ways to extend the growing season, in an effort to make local food available year-round.

"Which is really critical," said Charlebois.

"And it's not just about potatoes, it's about celery, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, everything which is important for New Brunswickers diets," he said.

While the pandemic has caused food prices to rise, "really the food inflation rate has been a challenge for most Canadians for many, many years now."

Sean Fillmore is the owner/operator of On the Vine meat and produce in Saint John. He said customers are 'loyal to their wallets' and will follow the lowest prices. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

In Saint John at On the Vine Meat and Produce, owner Sean Fillmore said that as prices crept up over the years, he's noticed people being more careful about what they're paying for food.

"They're loyal to their wallets."

But it's understandable," Fillmore said.

"It's getting harder to put supper on the table so they shop around."

And his customers agree.


Mireille Savoie said she's noticed more of her monthly budget goes toward food. 'The price is sky high and it's so hard to try to eat healthy,' she said. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

Mireille Savoie said she's had to change the way she eats to accommodate her growing food budget. She cut down on meat because she couldn't afford it.

"The price is sky high and it's so hard to try to eat healthy," said Savoie.

When she couldn't cut back anymore, she put in a garden.

"I do intend in the winter to try to grow a little something inside."

David Eagles said he's worked across the country and agrees that food is more expensive in New Brunswick. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

David Eagles has taken to strict budgeting and using apps to find the best prices for food. 

"So if it means I'm spending an extra four or five bucks on gas, I will go to four or five different stores to meet my budget every week," he said.

Eagles said he was a cook in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where he was able to compare prices.

"You could get a six-litre jug of milk for three bucks and you're paying six bucks for four litres here," said Eagles.  

"The price of living when it comes to the food is absolutely astronomical."

About the Author

Tori Weldon


Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.

With files from Harry Forestell and Graham Thompson


Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise, it won't be long before we are all eating rice and beans.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Bear meat.
CeeJay Shaw
Reply to @David Amos: I eat a can of cat food every week just to get used to the taste. Will probably be eating a lot of it if prices continue to rise.
David Amos 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: I like bear meat after it has been bottled
David Amos
Reply to @CeeJay Shaw: Try snaring some rabbits and feed your cat what you don't eat
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: You’ve never truly hunted in your life from what Jennifer said
Ronald Parker
Higgs talked about food supply before the election, lets see if he does anything. 
Clem Tagliente
Reply to @Ronald Parker: has nothing to do with Higgs, the cost of food in Canada is related to energy cost.
Ronald Parker
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: If it has nothing to do with Higgs why was he talking about doing something about it?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ronald Parker:
Because Mr Higgs likes talking out of his backside.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Clem Tagliente:
Combined with some good, old fashioned, price gouging.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I am Happy that you notice such things
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
I notice a few things, the price of gold and currency exchange, a federal government literally printing and spending money as fast as they can diminishing the value of what is in my pocket, the concentration of certain vital industries turning them into monopolies while the government sits on their hands, politicians speaking for hours and saying nothing, whole sectors of our economy drying up or being shipped offshore at our expense.
There certainly is no end or things to notice
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Did you notice the hearing I caused in Washington about the Mutual Fund industry in November of 2003 is still missing?
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: No it isn’t.
DeanRoger Ray  
Reply to @David Amos: And you certainly did not cause it. A form letter with a rubber stamped signature is not evidence to the contrary btw
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Methinks you make it blatantly obvious who you truly are N'esy Pas?
Clem Tagliente
You can thank your friends in Ottawa and their forced carbon taxes they are forcing down your throat.
David Amos 
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: Methinks our troubles began long before carbon taxes were dreamed up N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
"Sean Fillmore said that as prices drept up over the years" 
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks I enjoyed Mr Furey of NB Power giving a Yankee dude named Filmore the third degree during an "In Camera Session" about "Not So Smart" Meters in 2018 However NB Power lost that one N'esy Pas?
Ian Scott
Its one thing to increase local food processing but you have to have the food to process. Most of it is coming from west to east and south to north.Our fish products are costly, seasonal, and most shipped out and for some reason dairy seems to be in decline. Our protein sources have become very expensive. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ian Scott: True 
David Webb NB
With all of the large corporations buying up what were once thriving businesses in the Maritimes then shutting down production and moving it to plants in central Canada, production isn't coming back any time soon. Added to the cost considering our food is moved both ways by truck and rail, is the carbon tax on fuel. There is nothing the Provincial government can do about any of this as the Maritimes keeps heading to third world status. 
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Webb NB: You DO realize that eastern canada doesn't include the Maritimes or Newfoundland don't you?
Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @David Webb NB: Maybe if Government were to collect all the back taxes sleeping within tax accounting books of sweetheart deals, favoring those who don't pay their taxes, then New Brunswick could re-start our New Brunswick Economy rather then banking our sleeping un-paid taxes in OFF-SHORE BANKING ACCOUNTS!
David Amos 
Reply to @David Webb NB: Methinks some claim that we are nearly there N'esy Pas? 
Ben Haroldson
You can thank gov't sanctioned corporate welfare, aka supply management for that. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Oh So True
Michael durant
Bank of Canada reporting inflation is very low, which is benefiting consumers. 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael durant:
More tall tales to be told around a campfire.
Real Estate is reportedly to have increased 18% (on average) this year.
Right here you are reading about food price increases.
Insurance costs are up along with taxes.
So, provided you live at no fixed address, don't eat, and don't own anything to insure or pay taxes on, your inflation rate is low.
Maybe those homeless folks know something we don't?
Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @Michael durant: Maybe on Accounting Papers but not in Joe Public's saving's accounts
James Edward
Reply to @Michael durant: Bank of Canada is run by globalist Banking Cabal. Our debt based economy is nearing it's end and will crash and burn shortly.
David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Yup but they will fix it overnight
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy et aI enjoyed the fact that I was busted flat and homeless for 15 years yet I survived on the milk of human kindness However every dog has his day N'esy Pas?
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Or in other words sponged off the O’Mearas... 
Gabriel Boucher
This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Both of our main parties have been clear that they would support capitalism in hopes of a trickle down economy, but the reality is that trickle down economy no longer exist. Businesses are getting greedier and greedier by the day, as they want to pay their workers less and less in order to gain more profits to line up their pockets. They'll keep on maximizing the prices of their products in order to maximize their revenue, so as long as we're supporting this idea of promoting businesses, this issue will be staying with us for a very long time.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: "This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism" Oh sure, Communism is certainly the answer as the success of Communism is well know.
James Edward
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: yes let's all be poor together and starve to death under communism...lol. You have no clue what pain our country is in for when we go full communist...which might be today based on rumors of what will be in the throne speech.
Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Words from a fool, let me guess, you want us all to be miserable together, and penalize people who actually have work ethic and focus.
I’m also guessing that you are way too young to remember the joy of the Berlin Wall, ending decades of right suppression and poverty
David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: I believe in capitalism. It is the public corruption created by wealthy capitalists and their bankster buddies that I disdain
Reply to @David Amos: Never assume that others run their business the way you would if you got a chance.
David Amos 
Reply to @JoeBrown: I ran a business for years
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: Until you ran out on Jennifer and a very young Laura that is 
Monsieur Rioux 
There are certainly some things more expensive but I've been a dedicated "flyer shopper" for the 15 years I've been living here. There are many things for which I pay the same flyer price now as I did 15 years ago. In one or two cases that's shrinkflation - like Bacon now coming in 375g packs rather than 500g.

If "this week" you're happy to buy a water melon for $4 instead of grapes @ $3.50/lb and then buy grapes next week @ $1.50/lb; or buy 3 or 4 chickens this week @ $1.99/lb and buy your beef next week when it's half this week's cost, you can do quite well.
David Amos
Reply to @Monsieur Rioux: How much does it cost you to go to all the various stores so often?
Monsieur Rioux 
Reply to @David Amos: It doesn't. If you read what I said you would see I say weekly. Buy the water melon this week at $4 and the grapes that are $3.50/lb this week can wait until next week when they are back to $1.50/lb. Chicken this week, beef next week.
But since you mention going to different stores I live in a house where someone works near one particular supermarket. Sometimes I or others in the house have a need to be in a part of the city which is very close to a different supermarket.

What's so hard about popping into a store advertising chickens @ $1.67/lb like IGA did last week when you are in the area anyway, while someone else is already working 30 seconds away from the entrance to Superstore and can buy the steak at half price?

Some folk have no imagination. Obviously much depends on where you live but in this city things are close together and stores are very often close together or one is on the way home from the other.
Paul Bourgoin
Maybe a factor affecting the cost of groceries is transportation to the sales outlets.
Other factor's, the cost of transportation, and those who benefit by not paying their taxes while getting provincial sweet heart tax deals, such as Cooperate, Individual sales and tax exemptions, other are tax exempt and don't pay taxes. So no wonder the cost of living is expensive in New Brunswick.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Surprise Surprise I agree with you again
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Fine collection of unrelated ideas. "hose who benefit by not paying their taxes while getting provincial sweet heart tax deals, such as Cooperate, Individual sales and tax exemptions, other are tax exempt and don't pay taxes."
Dave Cochrane 
Food is up but you can’t have everything. NB has the most reasonable real estate prices in the country. Look on the bright side. 
Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: why do you think that is ?
Fred Sanford 
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: Don't forget one of the lowest income and highest taxation rates as well.
David Amos 
Reply to @Fred Sanford: Methinks I find that rather hard to forget in light of the fact that every time I buy tobacco it equals my grocery bill N'esy Pas?
Scott W 
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: not to mention the nice pace of life in general that we are privileged to have
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is that possible when you eat out of dumpsters?
Peter Churcher
I don't know where the study was focused. Our experience is that food prices are still very reasonable compared to Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. If you shop local and buy when the main items are on sale you can actually live for much less.
David Amos 
Reply to @Peter Churcher: Yea Right
Lou Bell
Comparative shopping and sales can save a lot of money . Some people will complain but are just too lazy to put a little time and effort into it . Just take a look at how many are using the " personal shoppers " at the grocery stores these days . I'm sure there will be many who'll complain about not having enough money to come the end of the month and yet use personal shoppers , spend like " drunken sailors " on I phones and I pads , and waste to their hearts content . Self entitlement these days is like a pandemic
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Do you mean "personal shoppers" as curb side pick up? There's no fee for curb side pick up unless you want to have it done that day (but most days we do it we still are able to pick it up that day or the next day, so it's not inconvenient at all). You can have both - curb side pick up and save money by shopping when things are on sale.
Jason Inness
I love being last place in every measure. At least we are consistent.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Jason Inness: I resemble that remark except for the last election I ran in
Terry Tibbs
I *suspect* it is simply a matter of miscommunication.
You know how often we are told that operations in 2 official languages don't cost us any more?
Those guys, who operate the grocery chains, and are likely located in Toronto, did not get that memo.
Scott W
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: what exactly are you trying to say here? Language is not the issue at hand
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its comical that the Feds are having trouble with the 2 official languages right now N'esy Pas?
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just 3 more languages on top of those and the number will equal the number of stints Gracie has had in rehab so far!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Irrelevant...
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Scott W:
Increased cost of groceries, specifically in NB is, you know that place that is officially bilingual. There is no reason groceries should be more expensive here than in NS, or PEI, but they are, so what is different?
 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:43:20 -0300
Subject: Hey Darrow MacIntyre Methinks this should prove to CBC that
Neo Nazis, Trudeau the Younger, his buddy Higgy and their pals in the
RCMP and the FBI cannot deny that I am a man of my word N'esy Pas?
To: "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Roger.Brown"
<Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, erin.otoole@parl.gc.ca, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, administrator@thehumanityproject.ca,
info@antihate.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"David.Lametti"<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "Bill.Blair"
<Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>,
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>, jesse
<jesse@viafoura.com>, "Tori.Weldon"<Tori.Weldon@cbc.ca>,
"Chuck.Thompson"<Chuck.Thompson@cbc.ca>, "Catherine.Tait"
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Kevin.leahy"
<Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Kevin.Vickers"<Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "barb.whitenect"
<barb.whitenect@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks VIAFOURA, CBC, their lawyers and the RCMP should be aware of
Section 300 of the Criminal Code If this libel were published about
Erin O'Toole's family they would be N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli


New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices
Social Sharing
Atlantic provinces experiencing significant increases in food costs
that are outstripping the rest of Canada
Tori Weldon · CBC News · Posted: Sep 23, 2020 5:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Ronald Parker
Higgs talked about food supply before the election, lets see if he
does anything.

Clem Tagliente
Reply to @Ronald Parker: has nothing to do with Higgs, the cost of
food in Canada is related to energy cost.

Ronald Parker
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: If it has nothing to do with Higgs why was
he talking about doing something about it?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ronald Parker:
Because Mr Higgs likes talking out of his backside.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Clem Tagliente:
Combined with some good, old fashioned, price gouging.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I am Happy that you notice such things

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
I notice a few things, the price of gold and currency exchange, a
federal government literally printing and spending money as fast as
they can diminishing the value of what is in my pocket, the
concentration of certain vital industries turning them into monopolies
while the government sits on their hands, politicians speaking for
hours and saying nothing, whole sectors of our economy drying up or
being shipped offshore at our expense. There certainly is no end or
things to notice

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Did you notice the hearing I caused in
Washington about the Mutual Fund industry in November of 2003 is still

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No it isn’t.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: And you certainly did not cause it. A form
letter with a rubber stamped signature is not evidence to the contrary

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Methinks you make it blatantly obvious who
you truly are N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise, it won't be long before we are all eating rice and beans.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Bear meat.

CeeJay Shaw
Reply to @David Amos: I eat a can of cat food every week just to get
used to the taste. Will probably be eating a lot of it if prices
continue to rise.

David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: I like bear meat after it has been bottled

David Amos
Reply to @CeeJay Shaw: Try snaring some rabbits and feed your cat what
you don't eat

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You’ve never truly hunted in your life from what
Jennifer said

Michael durant
Bank of Canada reporting inflation is very low, which is benefiting consumers.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael durant:
More tall tales to be told around a campfire.
Real Estate is reportedly to have increased 18% (on average) this year.
Right here you are reading about food price increases.
Insurance costs are up along with taxes.
So, provided you live at no fixed address, don't eat, and don't own
anything to insure or pay taxes on, your inflation rate is low.
Maybe those homeless folks know something we don't?

Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @Michael durant: Maybe on Accounting Papers but not in Joe
Public's saving's accounts

James Edward
Reply to @Michael durant: Bank of Canada is run by globalist Banking
Cabal. Our debt based economy is nearing it's end and will crash and
burn shortly.

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Yup but they will fix it overnight

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy et aI enjoyed the fact that I
was busted flat and homeless for 15 years yet I survived on the milk
of human kindness However every dog has his day N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Or in other words sponged off the O’Mearas...

Gabriel Boucher
This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism. The rich
gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Both of our main parties have
been clear that they would support capitalism in hopes of a trickle
down economy, but the reality is that trickle down economy no longer
exist. Businesses are getting greedier and greedier by the day, as
they want to pay their workers less and less in order to gain more
profits to line up their pockets. They'll keep on maximizing the
prices of their products in order to maximize their revenue, so as
long as we're supporting this idea of promoting businesses, this issue
will be staying with us for a very long time.

Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: "This is what happens when we fall over
towards capitalism" Oh sure, Communism is certainly the answer as the
success of Communism is well know.

James Edward
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: yes let's all be poor together and starve
to death under communism...lol. You have no clue what pain our country
is in for when we go full communist...which might be today based on
rumors of what will be in the throne speech.

Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Words from a fool, let me guess, you want
us all to be miserable together, and penalize people who actually have
work ethic and focus.
I’m also guessing that you are way too young to remember the joy of
the Berlin Wall, ending decades of right suppression and poverty

David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: I believe in capitalism. It is the public
corruption created by wealthy capitalists and their bankster buddies
that I disdain

Reply to @David Amos: Never assume that others run their business the
way you would if you got a chance.

David Amos
Reply to @JoeBrown: I ran a business for years

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Until you ran out on Jennifer and a very young
Laura that is

Dave Cochrane
Food is up but you can’t have everything. NB has the most reasonable
real estate prices in the country. Look on the bright side.

Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: why do you think that is ?

Fred Sanford
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: Don't forget one of the lowest income and
highest taxation rates as well.

David Amos
Reply to @Fred Sanford: Methinks I find that rather hard to forget in
light of the fact that every time I buy tobacco it equals my grocery
bill N'esy Pas?

Scott W
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: not to mention the nice pace of life in
general that we are privileged to have

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is that possible when you eat out of dumpsters?

Terry Tibbs
I *suspect* it is simply a matter of miscommunication.
You know how often we are told that operations in 2 official languages
don't cost us any more?
Those guys, who operate the grocery chains, and are likely located in
Toronto, did not get that memo.

Scott W
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: what exactly are you trying to say here?
Language is not the issue at hand

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its comical that the Feds are having
trouble with the 2 official languages right now N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just 3 more languages on top of those and the
number will equal the number of stints Gracie has had in rehab so far!


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others



#cdnpoli #nbpoli

To give the Devil his do it appears that he was correct in that
Patrick Doran's spin my lawsuit against the Crown in 2015 was
republished within Encyclopedia Dramatica's latest domain




Due to god hating us all wiki accounts must be manually approved for
editing. Reach out to aediot@encyclopediadramatica.wiki for account


User talk:Cobaltcat

Old archive 1
From old archive 1 to the server dying
From above to April 1st 2016

David Raymond Amos

Good job intervening with David Anus. I knew that idiot would try to
edit his own page. He's been crying on Twitter about it for hours,
tagging various ED Twitter accounts LOL! --The MadShangi 01:41, 19
April 2016 (EDT)



Skeevy Douchebag from Canada who makes flame pages of people who
outwit him. Eventually ED will need to expand their storage beyond all
measure to contain the butthurt whinings of this user.

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 09:13:47 -0300
Subject: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call you and explain my
Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: administrator@thehumanityproject.ca, info@antihate.ca, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, mcu
<mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "David.Lametti"<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"
<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "darrow.macintyre"
<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>


(506) 382-6840

Your boss Mr Trudeau should affirm that Evan Balgord had lots to say
while we were running in the election of the 43rd Parliament  EH



Evan Balgord
ED, Canadian Anti-Hate Network: info@antihate.ca. Former VP, Canadian
Association of Journalists. Anti-fascist. Motorcyclist. Public
Torontoantihate.caJoined April 2013


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others

Content disabled
Methinks its interesting that nobody noticed that the Neo Nazi's have
been attacking me for years N'esy Pas?

Charlie Burrell Evan Balgord or anyone can Google my name and Neo Nazi
to review many things over the years

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Non-profit head on defensive after connection to neo-Nazi Facebook
group uncovered

Humanity Project founder says he didn't know about Northern Guard's
goals, but questions if they're racist

CBC News · Posted: Sep 23, 2020 8:06 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks the Attorney Generals working for Trudeau "the Younger" and
Premiers Higgs and Ford no doubt wish that their bosses' computers
were not so diligent and ethical N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You still smell like a gas station toilet

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: YO Depupty Dog say Hey to your RCMP pals for me will ya?

 David Amos
 Methinks its time to take a break and listen the Governor General
while she still has her job N'esy Pas?

Speech From the Throne and a New Session of Parliament: September 23
Follow full coverage on CPAC and cpac.ca with Peter Van Dusen and
Esther Bégin: Wednesday, September 23 at 12:30pm ET

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Taking a break means you had to have been doing
something in the first place.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @Ray Oliver: He’s been jobless for over 25 years you know.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: But hes building some big cases. From Bulger
wiretaps to UFOs taking out cattle. A fierce political animal i
believe he described himself as

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @Ray Oliver: And the type of guy who smells his fingers after
picking up his grandchildren. What a class act!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: How sick are you?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Well...unlike the person I’m talking to I was
never sent to Chalmers...

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Why is it that I doubt whom you claim to be?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Probably along the same lines as you think I
work from Higgy. Your spidey senses are Bush league

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: The more you deny it The more I am certain of it

David Amos
Methinks while the RCMP is getting to the bottom of things this dude
should also dig up all the documents and the CD I sent his office and
the RCMP over 15 years ago N'esy Pas?

"Alberta's Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Kaycee Madu said
he wants RCMP to "get to the bottom of this."

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: That hit the trash can the day in arrived. When
you gonna realize no one takes you even remotely serious??

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm clearly somebody has read my legal
documents but loves to put an evil twist on them EH?

"Ray Oliver Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on
lawyers. That transcript was better than the back and forth with your
ex brother in law."

Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No you are not still married. Both of you have
been with other people since you went on the run from the cops in the

Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: lololol...

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Speak of the Devil and he is sure to appear

Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: Who's the devil?
Is the wheel the work of the devil?

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: He pretends to be DeanRoger Ray today

Deja Vu?

"Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?"

James Edward
The broadcaster is using an Antifa member to call out other for being
haters? That's rich! Talk about Pot calling Kettle black.

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Pretty wicked eh?

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Imagine if you read such things posted about
your family

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Should I post the link to the audio on Andrew
Johnson’s site where you talk about what Gracie was doing for fun at
sixteen? Your words not mine..

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Why are your friends blocking my replies?

Dr John Smythe
They should be outing antifa members.

David Amos
Reply to @Dr John Smythe: Check social media

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Gracie made a bunch of pro-Antifa posts. How do
you feel about that? Is it like Max’s “persuasion” where you tolerate
it because it’s your kid but in your heart hate it?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Gracie made a bunch of pro-Antifa posts. How do
you feel about that? Is it like Max’s “persuasion” where you tolerate
it because it’s your kid but in y

David Peters
This seems like an attempt to publicly besmirch someone using very
thin evidence. It's worse than a nothing burger. It's a nothing burger
with intent, imo.

buster jones
Reply to @David Peters: Why? Ever think?

David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
Imo, liking a single post does not make someone a violent, totally
unreasonable antifa type. The article is trying to pin this man out to
be something he may very well not be, on too thin of evidence.

David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
How so?

David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: I agree

Dusty Green
Reply to @David Peters: Reading the article helps. "Balgord said he
understands the project does good work and did not mean to personally
attack Burrell. He just wanted assurance from Burrell that members of
the Northern Guard will not be volunteers at the Salisbury-area
project or raise money for it."

David Amos
Reply to @Dusty Green: Try reading between the lines

David Peters
Reply to @Dusty Green:
Why is it so important to appease Balgord? This thread is national.

Imo, Burrell's project seems like a great idea and seems like a great
idea for a story, in itself. Balgords snooping/creeping of ppl's
Facebook pages could also be the subject of a national story.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Peters: Balgord and his organization are a joke.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks I saved a recording of your voice N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You managed that how? I'm very intrigued

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks you should ask your RCMP buddies N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: I'd love to know. Include it in your case
against me will you please. I'll be waiting

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: You are Crown's problem not mine

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is Max and his boyfriend in San Diego? I
heard the boyfriend is a generous guy. Bought him a Tesla!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Say Hey to the RCMP for me will ya?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No thanks. Besides, you are the documented
informant not I.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: I suspect that you are still in Tofield AB
since getting the boot from your Mother's basement correct?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: It took me a while to be certain that the Crown
had hooked up with the evil Yankee in this domain

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: YO Depupty Dog Methinks many RCMP dudes must
remember the first Crimestoppers YouTube video that St Moe posted in
the Salisbury area before 133 cops pounced on the Tingley Clan in 2008
and the media began calling them the "Salisbury Sopranos". Methinks
you know that I saved every word of the over 1400 comments (many of
them YOURS) and that Werner Bock printed most of them. After calling
you and talking to you personally he took the documents to your
buddies RCMP in Moncton N'esy Pas?

darb yor
Why is this even news?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @darb yor: Methinks everybody loves a circus N'esy Pas?

darb yor
Reply to @David Amos: lol,,,with all due respect there buddy. This
isn't even a free ticket to a circus.Just flick on one of them south
of the border noise machines for an hour,,,,that is a circus.

David Amos
Reply to @darb yor: Trust that Trump et knows that I am still married
to a Yankee Lady and the Proud Father of 2 Yankees. Methinks you
should check my work N'esy Pas?

Jim Cyr
Reply to @darb yor: Because the CBC thinks they can use it to score a
couple of political points. Same old same old.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You can find his latest failed lawsuit on
Encyclopedia Dramatica!

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Dream on

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: It’s true. Thank you PaTrick Doran!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: How dumb are you Dirty Dicky Dean? Methinks
even your sicko buddy Patty Baby Doran is clever enough to know that
Encyclopedia Dramatica went the way of the Dodo Bird long ago N'esy

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: The RCMP should have informed you that
Encyclopedia Dramatica went the way of Mr Baconfat long ago

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Nope. It’s back up. Different domain.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: It’s DOT wiki instead of DOT se now.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Do me a favour: find just ONE thing to yap about
where you actually have the facts to back your words up EH M’essy

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Anyone can Google your name and get the facts
about you Correct?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Sure. I am not a broke down drug dealer with
nothing to hide!

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Nor I However you are beneath contempt

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Your RCMP buddies have known about your
cyberstalking my family and I since 2005

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: “I never died said he.” - Joan Baez.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Then why haven’t I been arrested like your buddy
Winters? Why have you not squeezed one dime out of me for libelous
statements? Maybe, just maybe...Davey es fullo Shiite? N’estea

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Because you are shill for the RCMP

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You are the only one of us with a record of
testifying on their behalf as an “expert witness” in their prosecution
of Gilles Moreau.

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: BINGO

Carl Douglas
Canadian Anti-hate network....oh the irony

David Amos
Reply to @Carl Douglas: Too Too Funny

Carl Douglas
Reply to @David Amos: and in other news Antifa members are peaceful protesters

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carl Douglas: Yea about as peaceful as my evil new nazi
Yankee brother in law and his many corrupt cop pals

Jim Cyr
These "anti hate" groups are often the biggest hate groups in the
world, ironically. The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has no more moral
authority than you or I. Politics, politics, politics. (The Southern
Poverty Law Center is STILL frequently cited by the media and other
groups, even though they are now completely discredited as an "anti
hate" group......and have been successfully sued for incitement to
murder). But the media orgs just keep on playing the game.......

David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks many lawyers and politicians know that I
received an answer in writing from the very unethical Southern Poverty
Law Center before I came home to run in the election of the 38th
Parliament N'esy Pas?

Larry Larson
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Care to show your proof about the lawsuits against
the Southern Poverty Law Centre? They have only been discredited in
the minds of rac ists!

Jim Cyr
Reply to @Larry Larson: No, Larry. Google Floyd Corkins. Check the
SPLC Wikipedia entry for its many scandals . (And Wikipedia is
leftwing, so they only capture half of the scandals). It's sad that
you support the world's worst hate group.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Larry Larson: Perhaps you should read my lawsuit first?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: David Amos = The Boy Named Sue

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: A Pretend Dean Roger Ray = Robert F. O'Meara

Claude DeRoche
Nothing here!
LOL! We have a COR Party Premier!

Robert Langue
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Ex-CoR member. Try to keep up.

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Langue: Methinks a leopard cannot change his spots N'esy Pas?

Wayne Wright
Reply to @David Amos: oh, but like Robert Gauvin (among others over
the decade) just Change the colour so easily.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Methinks the decade before Wally Stiles and
his wife took the cake in that regard N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Cardy will run anywhere for anyone to keep a seat.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: THANK GOD FOR THAT!!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Cardy and Higgy must have quit sharing
their butter tarts with you N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just like Laura had to quit sharing her pussycat
with you after Reaghan was conceived?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: You may rest assured that I have saved and
sent every word that CBC allowed you to publish against my family to
the RCMP.. Obviously an article about one like in a FaceBook pales in
comparison to you and your neo nazi buddies attacking me since 1982


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 08:01:29 -0300
Subject: So says CBC and Higgy's spin doctor "Ray Oliver" So say you all?
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, premier.ministre@gnb.ca,
voteryancullins@outlook.com, roy4fgl@gmail.com, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>,
"Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mary.wilson"<mary.wilson@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, aip-aivp@gnb.ca, mark@huddle.today,
perry.brad@radioabl.ca, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, jefferson@ufoparty.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, votemaxime@gmail.com,
heather.collins.panb@gmail.com, lglemieux@rogers.com, nobyrne@unb.ca,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, jesse <jesse@viafoura.com>, "Tori.Weldon"
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al should forget about putting masks on the sheople
and put muzzles on their spin doctors instead N'esy Pas?


 #cdnpoli #nbpoli


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 21:27:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: "Content disabled" Congrats CBC on your
sudden fit of Integrity However will it last?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premierministre@gnb.ca

Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups
People waiting for hours outdoors say things will have to change before winter

Tori Weldon · CBC News · Posted: Sep 22, 2020 7:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Content disabled
Congrats CBC on your sudden fit of Integrity However will it last?

David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al should forget about putting masks on the sheople
and put muzzles on their spin doctors instead N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm clearly somebody has read my legal
documents but loves to put an evil twist on them EH?

"Ray Oliver Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on
lawyers. That transcript was better than the back and forth with your
ex brother in law."

Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks everyone should enjoy the fact that Higgy's circus is still
going on before the new MLA elects are sworn in N'esy Pas?

Joe Rootliek
Reply to @David Amos: You can thank your lucky stars Higgy is elected.

Stop the waste of taxpayer dollars you seem to talk about often enough on here.

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Why do you think i ran against him?

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Too Too Funny

"Nouveau-Brunswick Vice-Premier Ministre Daniel Allain est confronter
par le tannant Blogger!!!"

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Methinks you didn't know that HIggy rammed
through the the "Not So Smart Meter" deal to allow NB power to
squander well over 100 million loonies during the election because the
media did not report until i raised a little hell N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Deja Vu?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the
EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!

August 31st, 2020
Dear fellow citizens,
Our natural environment has no voice in our current decision-making
process. We saw this during the shale gas issue, and we see it now
with smart meters and 5G technology. Also, given the current spraying
season here in New Brunswick, we cannot forget to mention glyphosate.
Unfortunately, these are just a few examples of how we are left out.
We, the people of this province, can see this happening but we are
being quietly and subtly excluded from important decisions that
concern and affect all of us. I am therefore taking advantage of this
election campaign to exercise the right to speak to you, since it’s
the only time this is possible.
Systems, regardless of the kind, are becoming more and more complex.
This leads to the illusion that we ordinary citizens are unable to
question or participate in decision-making because we are not
sufficiently informed or intelligent enough to “understand”. It is
therefore strongly suggested to leave these decisions to the so-called
experts, public servants and politicians. Sometimes they are named the
Party’s Caucus.

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Continued

Furthermore, there are countless other reasons for not participating
in the decision-making process: The required time to get informed, the
costs involved, the risk of losing one’s job or seeming alarmist are
among some of them.
So, in its paternalistic fashion, government will designate an
“expert” who will “consult” us and then produce a “report”. A good
example of this kind of attitude is the report published by Dr Louis
Lapierre on the shale gas issue. This same process is coming with
time-of-day billing for electricity. For your information, the
time-of-day rate structure will increase our power bill. This is why
it is important for NB Power and government to install smart meters.
We want to believe the environmentalists who are all-too happy to tell
us that our transition towards « smart » technology will save the
environment. Yet, why do all these expensive so-called « smart »
devices become so quickly obsolete or are simply not reparable? You
have no doubt heard about the children and marginalized people who
work in the mines and factories to produce these gadgets? So, thanks
to their appalling working conditions and hard labour, we can simply
maintain our lifestyles without worry? A lifestyle that is simply not
sustainable by our planet?
Everything revolves around money and jobs. The environment, therefore,
has no chance of having a voice at the Legislature.
Respectfully yours,
Roger Richard
Independent candidate for Kent North,

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Ran against him? Don't make me laugh. You're so
far behind you think you're leading

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: they cut you from being a contributor because
you went way off the map again like the mental patient you are

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on lawyers. That
transcript was better than the back and forth with your ex brother in

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You are such a waste of humanity you don't even
realize it. The bright shining example of ill ness. LoL no wonder you
and Mr gunther are one and the same


Roger Richard
Some comments in this article from CBC may not last for long:
Service New Brunswick to mandate masks to help battle long lines
outdoors | CBC News
Service New Brunswick to mandate masks to help battle long lines
outdoors | CBC News

Roger Richard
Thank you Mr. David Raymond Amos
David Amos
Mon ami Methinks you know that you are more than welcome N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
You may or you may not know, CBC like l’Acadie Nouvelle place a “spin”
on news... So they usually delate comments that do not fit the

Nicole Marshall
fact check the damn news period!!!

Nicole Marshall
they will say what ever they are paid to say

David Raymond Amos
Nicole Marshall
Oh So True






























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