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Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks the folks while standing line should Google me then mention my name to Service NB people and ask them whether I am crazy or not N'esy Pas?

Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups

People waiting for hours outdoors say things will have to change before winter

Tori Weldon· CBC News· Posted: Sep 22, 2020 7:00 AM AT 

Ginette Sirois said this was her third attempt to renew her driver's licence at the Dieppe Service New Brunswick office. She gave up and left the first two times after waiting for an hour in line. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

Service New Brunswick has always had a reputation for long wait times, but since COVID-19 prompted physical-distancing rules, those lineups often snake outside into parking lots and onto the street.

On Monday afternoon, Ginette Sirois was still in line at the Dieppe Service New Brunswick office after waiting for three hours, and she was still outside.

She needed to renew her driver's licence. It is a service that's offered online, but Sirois doesn't have a computer.

"It should be done differently," she said. "Imagine later when it's cold."

The senior had already stood in the long line twice but gave up after an hour.

She called the wait "unacceptable' but said she was determined to stand there Monday until she got the job done.

Brittney Hunt got in line with about a dozen other people before the office opened. She waited with Gabriel Bizier. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

In Moncton, about 40 people lined up into a parking lot to enter the Service New Brunswick office.

Brittney Hunt said she checked ahead of time, and her change of address needed to be done in person, so she showed up before the office even opened with about a dozen others, and was in and out in about two hours.

Her advice to others is to come prepared and to be patient. 

"We came with coffee and there's like a portable washroom around the corner. I'm not 100 per cent sure if it's for Service New Brunswick, but I used it anyway," said Hunt with a laugh.

Aaron Roberts was in line with his son Phoenix, who wanted to register a motorcycle. 


Aaron Roberts, left, and his son Phoenix waited in line for about two and a half hours before being allowed into the office. They were there for a motorcycle registration. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

He said a Service New Brunswick employee was speaking to people in line to see what they were there for, and if they had the right paperwork, but that didn't happen until he'd been in line for two hours.

"We were almost to the front of the line," he said.

"If anything goes wrong, then you have to leave and come back and have to wait another three … hours."

Weeks after Service New Brunswick opened its offices throughout the province, people still have to line up outside for hours. 1:43

Valerie Kilfoil, director of communications for Service New Brunswick, said wait times vary from 10 minutes to two hours at the bigger centres, including Moncton, with Mondays and Fridays being the busiest days.

In an email she said online transactions are up by 36 per cent since the pandemic started, which shows people are doing what they can to stay home.

"However, with more people using our online services for what are the less complicated transactions, it means that people who wait in line often have more complicated transactions that take longer to process and cannot not be done online at this time at this time," she wrote.

About 40 people were in line at Moncton's Service New Brunswick office on Monday at 11 a.m. The corporation said Mondays and Fridays tend to be the busiest. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

She used the example of a marriage licence, which even before the pandemic would have taken a minimum of 30 minutes to process.

SNB is working to shift more of its services, such as address changes and learner's drivers tests online, but it isn't available yet. 

Kilfoil said the department will launch a more user friendly website later this week. 

"Service New Brunswick is working on a solution to admit more people indoors in anticipation of the colder weather," said Kilfoil .

More details like when or how were not available.

About the Author

Tori Weldon


Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.


David Amos
Methinks the folks while standing line should Google me then mention my name to Service NB people and ask them whether I am crazy or not N'esy Pas? 
Winston Gray
Reply to @David Amos: I think the answer to that question would be a resounding and emphatic “Yes”
David Amos 
Reply to @Winston Gray: Methinks you ain't the only dude supporting Higgy's actions against me N'esy Pas?
Matt Cowan 
Reply to @David Amos: no, because youre are clearly not sane
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: We all need a good laugh !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Were you not able to get enough signatures to run for your " We Party " in the past election ?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should ask your friends what I said during my last debate in Hampton in October 1019 not long after I had left one of the emergency rooms your hero Higgy attacked this spring N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: However if Trudeau the Younger has the writ dropped in short order I may change my mind before I head down to Mexico for the winter
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al should enjoy a little Deja Vu from Sept 18th N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Methinks the Minister of Health is no doubt relieved that my very
decent doctor is retiring as well N'esy Pas? 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal! 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed! 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Like my new pic. Its Sgt. Slaughter to you not Sgt. Oliver from now on..
Lou Bell
Like virtual appointments , many will need to led kicking and screaming before they'll just go online and simply do what they need done in 5 minutes ! 20th Century mentality in the 21st Century !! And will save all a lot of money if they'd just move into the 21st Century , and yet need that Touchy / Feely space . 
Dennis Regan
Reply to @Lou Bell:
It's so difficult for many devoted to the sixteenth century (royal family etc.) to get with today. The colony of Canada might never escape the days of old.
David Amos 
Reply to @Dennis Regan: I concur Methinks little lady Lou must admit I have said such things many times Furthermore it appears I look a lot like you as well N'esy Pas?
Bryan Jones
Reply to @David Amos: That's two very similar pictures you have there, are you and Dennis not the same person?
David Amos 
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Nope
David Amos  
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Your question begs the obvious question in return How many ids do you use or is that your real name??
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Lou Bell: I take it you have not made that call in a long time. try an hours wait on a Rogers Pay as you call package. At least an hour if the batty does not die. Not everyone can afford a $200 a month phone. 
David Peters
Nothing on the impending storm? 
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks we are too busy enjoying the circus in Higgy's Police State that we are paying for dearly to care about a little wind and rain attacking our humble abodes N'esy Pas?

The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter!
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham 1708–78
British Whig statesman; Prime Minister,
David Peters 
Reply to @David Amos:
Nature Trumps all. 
Vel Oakes
I live in Nova Scotia and we have the option to make an appointments before we go. Does New Brunswick not have the same option? 
David Amos
Reply to @Vel Oakes: Methinks Higgy et know why I have had huge bone to pick with Service Nova Scotia since 2010 N'esy Pas?
John Montgomery 
Reply to @Vel Oakes: No but that would be a good idea.
Graham McCormack 
Reply to @Vel Oakes: I believe there was but people complained so it was changed.
janice small
Blaine you have that sought after control,, DO SOMETHING BLAINE PLEASE..
Service NB is a disaster and an embarrassment to all NB governments over the years as you are all guilty. Don't blame the staff..You can call their three times a day and ask the same question to three different people and get three different answers...Service NB started as a place to renew your drivers lice and plates ,,Always run by managers with patronage connections to the leader or government and most times the manager didn't know his left hand from his right hand but he was a great recruiter and supporter of the government in power or looking to take power... Like the Kevin Cormier Trevor Holders chum, don't need any experience to be a Librarian..Motor vehicle / Service NB had great intentions when it started as place to get a new license and drivers lic,,, but both governments overwhelmed the service with multiple tasks,,So we have in my opinion overwhelmed the service and we have two few sites available to access Service NB in person..Mr Higgs please don't drop the ball now that you have the power you so sought !! Check out the services Service NB now offers below in the Link and their are more, below is just few what I found..And bring a lawn chair and an umbrella and a cooler if you going to service NB in Moncton and Dieppe and make sure your your cell phone is on full charge ..
David Amos 
Reply to @janice small: Methinks many would agree that all the Service NB minions are just following Higgy's orders N'esy Pas?
Matt Cowan
Reply to @David Amos: me thinks you should leave you basement, n'esy pas? and maybe come up with a new line
Randy McNally 
Reply to @janice small: Maybe you are missing the big picture.? The government does not want people going to service NB. They want us to do EVERYTHING online. They won't change a thing to make this service more user friendly for NB'ers - it's not part of the plan.
Corrie Weatherfield
Reply to @janice small: Several friends were helping another friend move some firewood. The hardest worker, the only one who had a history of her own business, commented to the others . . . . "It's easy to see who the former govt workers are . . . they need a break every few minutes" . . . if the shoe fits . . . ??
David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Cowan: Methinks Higgy should tell his spin doctors that they should dream up their own lines instead of using mine as they attack me N'esy Pas?
Kevin Cormier
If they can't staff SNB correctly, what make us think that they will staff Public Safety correctly to follow through with all these "second phase" COVID-19 rules. Cut back, cut backs. Remember, the PC are not about big government so soon this service will be privatized to a convivence store which is owned by one of the PC faithful.
Bryan Jones
Reply to @Kevin Cormier: Missing the library Kevin?
David Amos 
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Not the same dude
Sulynn Macewan
The fact that you have to make appointments for every type of healthcare appointment now and it seems to work, yet Service NB cant get their s**t together enough to do the same says something about their generalized incompetence.
Wayne Wright 
Reply to @Sulynn Macewan: truly SNB has been that way forever, nothing new there; at or approaching months-end line-ups have always been horrendous. More staff would only mean citizens would complain about that.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Wayne Wright:
No, more staff would mean there would be more folks standing around doing nothing. You can't really blame them though, just looking around, and at the folks working there, it just screams toxic workplace to me.
Marc Martin 
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Exactly..
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: yeah right..
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Wayne Wright: When your wait time is more than 30 minutes you have a staffing issue but your government does not care. I wonder how many in those line ups are wearing Depends or have to leave because of
suck problems or health issues?
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I concur as usual 
Graeme Scott
In fairness to SNB it would be helpful to know how many people are standing in line for something that could be done online.
Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: I just renewed my car registration online, went slick as a whistle. I do understand not everyone might want/be able to do it online, but it sure saves time.
Ian Scott 
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Lots can be done but some can't, like changing addresses where need to show proof like a bill etc. Cannot renew a drivers licence as need new picture and of course need computer access. Might thin k some of those could use a cafe or a friends instead.
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: The day I was there most were seniors (check day). I hate trying to use online service. Far too complicated for the untrained computer user of FB. These lineup are 3rd world class. I guess that fits Irvings agenda.
Lin Munro
Reply to @Ian Scott: Driver's license can be done online - they use your old picture - that's what I did with no issues (even though on the renewal notice it said it had to be done in person - not true)
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Lin Munro: I had to show up at SNB to renew lic.for photo
Ron Willis 
Reply to @Buddy Best: What do the Irving’s have to do with ServiceNB?
Mary Smith
Reply to @Buddy Best: I had my licence renewed online and they just used the old photo. Maybe that's new that they want you to go in for a new photo? I had mine renewed I think in May, but I could be wrong.
Lin Munro
Reply to @Mary Smith: I don't think it's changed because in the article in Ginette Sirois' story it states "She needed to renew her driver's licence. It is a service that's offered online, but Sirois doesn't have a computer"
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Mary Smith: What would be the point of a 10 year old photo as ID?
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: The Feds demand that in order to renew my passport I must get a current photo ID because my 10 year old ones are no good even for Elections Canada The Service NB minions who refused to renew my drivers license and my Medicare card for years even refused to give me a photo ID while I was running in the election of the 43rd Parliament. So Elections Canada had to use my New Brunswick address on the meds I got after I got out of the emergency room. Methinks i should sue Higgy and Trudeau ASAP if I want to go to Mexico in the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?

Mary Smith
Reply to @Buddy Best: The photo would be a 4 year old photo max. You renew your license every 4 years (unless I'm mistaken). 
Marc Martin
This will only get worst when the Higgs government starts cutting staff in the public service. 
Ron Willis
Reply to @Marc Martin: I think that there are a lot of you who miss the free spending days of Brian Gallant and all that “free stuff” his government passed out.
Winston Gray 
Reply to @Ron Willis: by “free stuff” you mean “services that we paid for with our taxes”?

Do you not like services like healthcare, or is that “free stuff that liberals give out”?
Archie Levesque 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Still wanting to have the people of Miramichi fired from their jobs because they didnt vote how you wanted?
David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: I see Higgy gave your Mayor buddy a fancy new job
Graeme Scott
Does anyone else see the irony in the first word of this agency's name?

Come on SNB you have had 6+ months to figure this out.
David Amos  
Reply to @Graeme Scott: i have no doubt that my Father's ghost certainly does

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