Why is it I was not surprised to find some nasty English bastard willing to insult me merely because I have fun with a French expression?
Hadrian's Wall under siege by thieves wielding metal detectors
A 'small criminal element' are using metal detectors at the site to find pieces of history


Daniil Zhuravel
Historical monuments are supposed to be well marked and maintained. The way sheeps are going around, no observation pathway, no historical information sheets - this is not a historical site de facto. No need to complain that somebody start pocking stones for artefacts. Authorities collect enough of tax money to do their job well with places like this, but they rather tamp pockets with cash and pensions. Even in the heart of Europe. Sad to see.

John Oaktree
@Daniil Zhuravel
From the article:
"Hadrian's Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the border of Scotland and England."
It is an historical site whether you agree with it or not.
From the article:
"Hadrian's Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the border of Scotland and England."
It is an historical site whether you agree with it or not.

David Amos
@John Oaktree Big deal That just means its ok if somebody officials steals the stuff Correct?

David Amos
@Daniil Zhuravel Methinks my Scottish forefathers are rolling in their graves laughing at this crybaby British nonsense N'esy Pas?

Mark Sallows
@David Amos - I think you mean n’est ce pas, which confirms the ignorance of your post.

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David Amos
@Mark Sallows "I think you mean n’est ce pas, which confirms the ignorance of your post"
NOPE but thanks for showing me your nasty arse with such an insult. Trust that Proud Maritimer writes it just like it sounds because of what Trudeau the Elder's ""Charter' not blessed by his home province did to New Brunswick many moons ago N'esy Pas?
NOPE but thanks for showing me your nasty arse with such an insult. Trust that Proud Maritimer writes it just like it sounds because of what Trudeau the Elder's ""Charter' not blessed by his home province did to New Brunswick many moons ago N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Mark Sallows Perhaps you should Google me sometime to figure who is Ignorant and who is not N'esyPas?
Just so ya know back in 2001 or so I took my young son who will be the next Chief of the the Amos Clan across a pasture just like the one you see in the photograph I sat him on the old Roman wall and told him true stories of just how proud and fierce his ancestors were and that their blood flows through his veins. After the tour of the "Not So Merry" UK I sued Bernard Francis Law in Beantown a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Empire and now I am suing the British Queen the "Protector of the Faith of the Church of England"
Just so ya know back in 2001 or so I took my young son who will be the next Chief of the the Amos Clan across a pasture just like the one you see in the photograph I sat him on the old Roman wall and told him true stories of just how proud and fierce his ancestors were and that their blood flows through his veins. After the tour of the "Not So Merry" UK I sued Bernard Francis Law in Beantown a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Empire and now I am suing the British Queen the "Protector of the Faith of the Church of England"

David Amos
Perhaps you should Google me sometime to figure who is Ignorant and who is not N'esyPas?
Just so ya know back in 2001 or so I took my young son who will be the next Chief of the the Amos Clan across a pasture just like the one you see in the photograph I sat him on the old Roman wall and told him true stories of just how proud and fierce his ancestors were and that their blood flows through his veins. After the tour of the "Not So Merry" UK I sued Bernard Francis Law in Beantown a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Empire and now I am suing the British Queen the "Protector of the Faith of the Church of England"
Just so ya know back in 2001 or so I took my young son who will be the next Chief of the the Amos Clan across a pasture just like the one you see in the photograph I sat him on the old Roman wall and told him true stories of just how proud and fierce his ancestors were and that their blood flows through his veins. After the tour of the "Not So Merry" UK I sued Bernard Francis Law in Beantown a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Empire and now I am suing the British Queen the "Protector of the Faith of the Church of England"

David Amos
@David Amos Opps Seems that it posted twice to the chagrin of CBC for some strange reason I readily can't explain

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David Amos
@Mark Sallows Oh My My I see that CBC deleted my reply to your insult already.
Methinks if you wish to see the expression "N'esy Pas?" employed a lot today best check out this comment section before the Lion's share of my comments go "POOF" as well N'esy Pas?
Methinks if you wish to see the expression "N'esy Pas?" employed a lot today best check out this comment section before the Lion's share of my comments go "POOF" as well N'esy Pas?
Hadrian's Wall under siege by thieves wielding metal detectors
A 'small criminal element' are using metal detectors at the site to find pieces of history

A British official has discovered dozens of holes caused by metal detectors at an ancient Roman fortification in the United Kingdom.
Hadrian's Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the border of Scotland and England.
After a recent tip by a member of the public, Historic England inspector Mike Collins visited and discovered the holes around the 1,900-year-old Brunton Turret section.
He told As It Happens host Carol Off that there have been other instances of illegal metal detecting at the wall in the past couple of years, leading to concerns in his department about a growing trend.
Here's part of that conversation.
What are they looking for?
They're looking for metallic objects... that they can sell.
This is not hobby metal detectorists who are really interested in their past, but know that they have to make the proper environmental checks to make sure they're not on protected sites.
- AS IT HAPPENS: Vandals destroy ancient UK rock

There's always a chance of Roman coinage, but also military equipment, and all of the sort of throwaway everyday objects that an army that's in garrison here for more than 300 years discards on a daily basis.
It's that kind of unglamorous stuff that allows us to piece together the story of Hadrian's Wall and increase our understanding.
They're actually digging into it — they're destroying the wall?
It's not the fabric of the wall itself, it's the archeological deposits on either side of that.
Hadrian's Wall is a complex frontier... It's [made up of] all of the archeology, all of the bits and pieces that people have thrown away during 300 years of military occupation in the northeast and northwest of England.
It's a Roman frontier that the Emperor Hadrian decreed should be built sometime around AD 122. We know he visited this frontier after what looks like a border war sometime in the AD 119 or 120.
One of his later biographers actually sums it up really well. They said that he was the first to build a wall to separate the Romans from the barbarians.
So it's a frontier wall with a whole series of ditches and banks and earthworks and forts and milecastles and signal towers and camps. It's a really fascinating Roman landscape from a frontier defence point of view. It's not like any of the other frontiers of the Roman Empire. It's making a really powerful architectural statement as well.
We preserve this site, we work on it really hard precisely because people can come and appreciate it and understand it as a common human past.
The police take it very seriously.- Mike CollinsThis isn't just nuisance activity [by the metal detectorists]. This is criminal activity, right?
It is. These sites are protected by UK law.
It is a criminal offence to use a metal detector or to dig on them without very specific permissions. These people clearly don't have those and are either very cavalier about not having permission or deliberately seeking to find things that they could sell regardless of what the law says.

This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. Written by Katie Geleff and produced by Samantha Lui.