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Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 09:05:36 +0000
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From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 06:05:33 -0300
Subject: YO Higgy Methinks Mr Jones of CBC should report that Mikey
Holland expects from the EUB by Friday N'esy Pas?
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Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
NB Power rate-hike holiday not an election gimmick, PCs insist

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Mr Jones should report that Mikey Holland expects the decision he wants from the EUB about NB Power going forward with their "Not So Smart" Meter plans by Friday N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Deja Vu Anyone?
David Amos
Methinks the EUB and NB Power should also rethink what they did against me during the last hearing N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Mr Jones doesn't tell folks about the battle for "Not So Smart" Meters at the semi secret EUB hearing today as Higgy et al go for the gold just after the EUB suddenly shut down the hearing about the changes in rate structure N'esy Pas?
NB Power rate-hike holiday not an election gimmick, PCs insist
'No, no, no, no, no no. Absolutely not,' says party spokesperson
· CBC News· Posted: Sep 02, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Progressive Conservative candidate Mike Holland says NB Power did not want to impose a rate increase this summer, despite its own financial problems, and he supported the decision as natural resources and energy development minister. (Kirk Pennell/CBC News)
A multimillion-dollar decision by NB Power not to activate a pending 1.9 per cent rate increase in August saved the Higgs government a potential election irritant with voters.
But Mike Holland, who agreed to the plan last month as the province's natural resources and energy development minister, said deferring the rate hike had nothing to do with politics.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not," Holland said on Tuesday.
It has been common practice in previous elections for political parties to ignore NB Power's financial well-being in favour of courting votes, but Holland is adamant that is not happening this year.
Liberals promised rate freeze in 2018
In 2010, the Progressive Conservatives promised a three-year rate freeze at the utility if elected and made it stick when they formed government, even as NB Power was going $1 billion over budget on the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.In 2018, Liberals promised their own rate freeze on NB Power residential and small business customers, despite significant financial problems at the utility, but they were defeated before being able to implement it.
Former New Brunswick premier Brian Gallant campaigned to freeze NB Power rates for residential and small business customers during the 2018 election but was defeated before he could implement the plan. (Shane Magee/CBC)
Holland, who is running for re-election in the riding of Albert said this year's deferred rate hike, which amounts to a rate freeze, is a sensible response by NB Power to the economic damage caused to its customers by the COVID-19 pandemic, not an election gimmick.
Utility sought rate increase before pandemic
"I would say it was born of their initiative, but it was received well because we were all looking to find ways to make sure we could keep the ship steady as it relates to the average New Brunswicker getting through this," Holland said.Prior to the COVID-19 health crisis, NB Power had been seeking approval from its regulator, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board, to impose a 1.9 percent rate increase on customers beginning April 1.
A hearing was held over seven days in February but with a decision from the EUB "imminent" on March 19, the province declared a state of emergency to deal with the emerging pandemic.
Former NB Power president Gaetan Thomas responded by writing to the EUB asking for the rate increase application to be suspended indefinitely while the utility and the province decided how to proceed.
"NB Power will, in consultation with the government of New Brunswick, determine an appropriate time for a decision on this matter," said the letter.
No increase until March
Last month on Aug. 5, the utility made contact with the EUB again, saying it needed to know for planning purposes if it would receive all or part of the rate increase and asked for a final ruling on it.However, it also requested if it were to win, the increase not be imposed on customers until next March
"Despite the progress made in New Brunswick in minimizing the spread of the virus … NB Power recognizes the economic impacts continue," wrote utility lawyer John Furey.
The utility acknowledges it talked the matter over with the Higgs government prior to the election call but insists its request to forgo the rate hike until next spring, which could cost it up to $18 million in lost revenue between August and next March, was its idea alone.

NB Power's nuclear generating station at Point Lepreau got bogged down in a renovation that went $1 billion over budget at the same time the PCs imposed a three-year rate freeze on the utility they had promised in the 2010 election. (Submitted) (Submitted/NB Power)
"We discuss with our shareholder many issues related to the utility regularly, so in this case we would have assured [ourselves] the government was comfortable with our direction before we filed with the EUB," utility spokesperson Marc Belliveau said in an email to CBC News about the plan to win the rate hike now, but put off collection until next year.
At the time of NB Power's Aug. 5 proposal, election talk in New Brunswick was already well advanced.
Premier Blaine Higgs told reporters on Aug. 4 that he was seriously pondering a general election call to avoid three October byelections. On Aug. 8, Progressive Conservatives nominated five key candidates, including Higgs, in case the decision came quickly.
The actual election call, following failed negotiations with opposition parties to avoid one, was made Aug. 17 for a Sept. 14 vote.
It was in those politically charged days NB Power raised its desire with the Higgs government to obtain a rate increase ruling from the EUB. But Belliveau said the proposal not to charge customers with any increase it might be awarded until next year was not pushed by the province.

NB Power says it discussed a pending rate increase with the Higgs government on the eve of the provincial election in August, but the idea to defer collecting it from customers until next March was proposed by it. (Michael Heenan/CBC)
"The decision to defer the 2020/21 rate increase until March 31, 2021, was an NB Power management initiative to support customers, which was approved by the NB Power board of directors," wrote Belliveau.
"NB Power then notified the shareholder of its decision before submitting the motion to the EUB."
Solution still needed, says Holland
Deferring a rate increase would appear contrary to instructions delivered to NB Power last November by Holland to get its financial affairs in order and pay down a significant portion of its $4.9 billion debt load by 2027."This target should come first and foremost in utility planning," Holland wrote in a mandate letter to the utility.
NB Power executives, including new president Keith Cronkhite, told the February rate hearing the utility took Holland's letter seriously and considered itself on a deadline to retire debt, with annual rate hikes a critical part of that solution.
Instead, after COVID-19 struck late last winter, NB Power posted a loss for the fiscal year ended in March for the first time in a decade and watched the prospect for an April 1 rate increase evaporate.
Holland said he still wants to see NB Power solve its financial problems but not by raising rates this particular year.
"We're going through a situation that is, I guess, uncharted territory I think nobody would disagree we would hope we could come through the other side of that in the relatively near future," said Holland.
"I am pleased the utility was able to read and react and put measures in place to limit the stress and the burden on the ratepayers."
The EUB has scheduled a hearing for Sept. 10 into NB Power's request to receive its rate decision but defer implementing it.
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
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Methinks Mr Jones should report that Mikey Holland expects the decision he wants from the EUB about NB Power going forward with their "Not So Smart" Meter plans by Friday N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Deja Vu Anyone?
David Amos
Methinks the EUB and NB Power should also rethink what they did against me during the last hearing N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Mr Jones doesn't tell folks about the battle for "Not So Smart" Meters at the semi secret EUB hearing today as Higgy et al go for the gold just after the EUB suddenly shut down the hearing about the changes in rate structure N'esy Pas?
Jos Allaire
Do these CORservatives think we're as obtuse as they are?
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks they have every right to because you are N'esy Pas?
Andy Bernard
I see this outlet is working H A R D with the doctor to try and S M E A R Higgs. What coincidental timing! Shouldn't be allowed during an election! D E F U N D this outlet!
Jason Inness
Reply to @Andy Bernard: News about an ongoing story shouldn't be allowed during an election? I'm sorry, but a Fifth Estate article was probably started weeks/months ago, and was scheduled to come out before the election was even called.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Andy Bernard:
The "truth" of the matter is: if there is "reasonable doubt", that the accused (by Mr Higgs) did not cause this, then it is yet another case where Mr Higgs engaged his mouth BEFORE his brain.
AND with a half decent lawyer, that doctor is in for a multi-million pay day, of our money, thanks to Mr Higgs.
The "truth" of the matter is: if there is "reasonable doubt", that the accused (by Mr Higgs) did not cause this, then it is yet another case where Mr Higgs engaged his mouth BEFORE his brain.
AND with a half decent lawyer, that doctor is in for a multi-million pay day, of our money, thanks to Mr Higgs.
Andy Bernard
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Premier Higgs never named him as the source though if I remember correctly.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Andy Bernard: You sure their isn't some other reason for defending higgs in this case?
Reply to @Andy Bernard: Your memory is faulty, since he stated it was a doctor and no attempt was made to muzzle the FB poster whose spouse worked in contract tracing. Try reading the article since the investigation took a month and the doc feared for his life. SHould that be allowed to continue or should inconvenient facts come out?
Andy Bernard
Reply to @JoeBrown: I don't have any feelings of sympathy for that doctor. He has shown no contrition for what he did by going to Montreal and then not isolating. He has even tried to use the r word to gain sympathy.. he's pathetic.
Reply to @Andy Bernard: YOur emotional state is irrelevant. THe rest of us rely on facts.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Andy Bernard: And from what's in the story , his defence is He may have gotten it in the ER form someone at the Hospital ! Shouldn't there be a record of his looking after and contacting that someone , or is it a " Phantom Patient " ?
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Lou Bell: We will find out, with our tax money, in court. Should dump higgs and let him fight this on his own
Reply to @Lou Bell: THe investigator determined the facts but no one can publicly state people's names except Higgs in a sly way can allude to a name and not attempt to deal with the contract tracer who leaked it to the spouse who publicly outed. Higgs didn't make any outcry about that problem..
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks I see no reason whatsoever for this thread to exist within a comment section about NB Power Rate increases yet it does N'esy Pas?
valmond landry
Certain people seem to blame vickers for the election which is not the case even if i'm i not going to vote for him the person that called the election is higgs .why because he couldn't have everything his way two steps forward one step back very unpredictable premier.in my opinion
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @valmond landry:
You do realize, we might not have an election in 2 weeks, "The Bumbler", Mr Higgs, might break out his song and dance routine, and change his mind. We could just have a covid 19 outbreak.
You do realize, we might not have an election in 2 weeks, "The Bumbler", Mr Higgs, might break out his song and dance routine, and change his mind. We could just have a covid 19 outbreak.
Andy Bernard
Reply to @valmond landry: Maybe we should be thankful that we live in a place that has done well to contain COVID-19 and be thankful that we can have an election and have our democracy function. Who cares why he called it, it was his choice and it's rights that after 2 years, New Brunswickers have their voices heard.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:Good Point
Wally Manza
I live in a province where the former Attorney General was arrested last week in Ontario on a Canada wide warrant for defrauding over $700,000, where the former assistant to New Brunswick's Governor General has been arrested for defrauding NBers of over $700,000 and where Premier Higgs incorrectly called a doctor in Campbellton "patient zero" in a covid outbreak causing him to receive threats from the community.
Higgs shot from the hip to ruin a doctors life, ruined family businesses, messed up the border with Nova Scotia and can't come up with a storyline which does not make him appear incompetent. Meanwhile our province suffers a further credit downgrade from rating agencies.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Wally Manza: He'll pay for that one(doctor), on our backs.
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: that Dr got what he deserved
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Joseph Vacher:
Maybe so, but if there is the least little bit of doubt he was the cause, a high dollar lawyer will turn that into a multi-million dollar pay day of our money. Thank you Mr Higgs.
Maybe so, but if there is the least little bit of doubt he was the cause, a high dollar lawyer will turn that into a multi-million dollar pay day of our money. Thank you Mr Higgs.
Dave Shimla
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Don't forget the Liberal ACton fiasco...We could spend all day talking government waste form every party. How about for NB power we stop all the bonuses, retreats and highly paid deskjockeys....
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dave Shimla:
Excepting, Atcon is long past, and at the moment it comes down to a blabbermouth, who is going to cost us a bunch of money because he does not know when to keep his mouth shut, who is looking for us to vote for him.
Now, as to "government waste", or the shenanigans over at NB Power, Mr Higgs has had 2 years to attempt to straighten that stuff out and what did he deliver?
I believe the term is "SFA"
Excepting, Atcon is long past, and at the moment it comes down to a blabbermouth, who is going to cost us a bunch of money because he does not know when to keep his mouth shut, who is looking for us to vote for him.
Now, as to "government waste", or the shenanigans over at NB Power, Mr Higgs has had 2 years to attempt to straighten that stuff out and what did he deliver?
I believe the term is "SFA"
Dave Shimla
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: agreed but the liberals last term was 4 years of SFA as well...neither party is any good but better than the rest of the choices :(
David Amos
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Reply to @Wally Manza: Well Put Sir
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Reply to @Wally Manza: Well Put Sir
David Amos
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Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks at least you must recall all the things I posted about NB Power's nonsense N'esy Pas?
Johnny Jakobs
Whatever Mikey.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Rather go turkey hunting.
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: lol...
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ben Haroldson:
We better get this election over before "turkey season" opens.
We better get this election over before "turkey season" opens.
David Amos
Content disabled
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks all the the turkeys running in this election no doubt agree with you N'esy Pas?