David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 28, 2020 5:34 PM AT
Memramcook-Tantramar. Green candidate Megan Mitton squeaked into office by 11 votes over the Liberals. This is another constituency the Liberals have to win if they have any chance of ousting the PCs.
Jefferson George Wright
Quote Tweet
12:12 PM · Aug 14, 2020
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 14, 2020 10:46 AM AT
Liberal MLA Denis Landry said he would rather go to an election that wait until the fall of 2022. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)
The longest-serving Liberal member of the legislature says he'd prefer to trigger a general election than sign a two-year ceasefire with the Progressive Conservative minority government.
"I would rather like to go to an election," Denis Landry told activist Jefferson George Wright, who was buttonholing politicians Friday morning as they arrived for a third day of negotiations.
"Our caucus is not representing the whole province, but in an election everybody will have a say: yes or no."
That's not the position articulated by Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers, who says Higgs should not call an election.
Landry was first elected in 1995 and has been an MLA for all but four years ever since. He's is serving as leader of the Official Opposition in the legislature because Vickers does not have a seat.
Asked by reporters if the Liberal caucus will support Vickers whatever he decides on signing a deal, Landry said, "I wouldn't say no or yes. I'm going to tell you why: we're working as a team and the leader will go with what the caucus decides."
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Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said there are reservations and concerns among Liberal caucus members, (Shane Fowler/CBC)
Vickers wouldn't say whether he's optimistic there will be a deal today, which is the deadline established by Higgs.
"We're here in good faith," he said.
Higgs has been hinting for weeks that he would trigger a campaign, justifying the threat by saying the province needs stability to manage the pandemic and continue restarting the economy.
The agreement would include a promise by the other parties to not defeat the Progressive Conservative minority government on confidence and supply votes such as the budget and trigger a campaign.
Premier Blaine Higgs speaks to reporters on Day 2 of negotiations to have all four parties agree to postpone an early election call to October 2022. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
In return, Higgs, whose approval ratings in polls have been at record highs, would also not call an election until 2022.
The premier said he wants a deal by the scheduled end of the talks on Friday because the coming weeks are the best "window" for an election if one has to happen, with the province in a relative lull with COVID-19 ahead of a possible second wave.
Mathematically, Higgs doesn't need the Liberals to be part of a deal for him to stay in power for two more years. The votes of the Greens and the Alliance would be enough.
But he said Thursday night that he needed all four parties to be part of any deal.
He said three looming byelections should go ahead this fall.
"It seems there is the long-term planning of a tyranny in place," he said. "I just mean a government that is more happy to control us than to be free."
Saint John Activist Jefferson George Wright, spoke to the three Green MLAs, People's Alliance leader Kris Austin and Vickers and Landry in Fredericton Friday morning about triggering an election. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)
Wright protested the postponement of municipal elections at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday morning he spoke to the three Green MLAs, People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, Vickers and Landry.
"I was treated with dignity and respect," Wright said. "My heart feels pure. I spoke truth to people. I received from those politicians truthful answers back. It seemed like I was understood, so this was nothing but a miraculous success for me."
David Amos
"I would rather like to go to an election," Denis Landry told activist Jefferson George Wright"
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Mac Isaac
Besides being polite to this "activist", how can he seriously expect much support for a "U.F.O." party. This isn't an issue about believing in U.F.O.s, but about integrity in the election process...such a party denigrates the democratic process as much as the Rhino party and those of that ilk. My belief remains that since we're being well-served by Premier Higgs and his government, we should let well enough. I'm a Red l/Liberal and I cannot see how an expensive election at a time when we don't need one will serve anybody's interest, except possibly that of the P.C.s but who knows...lots can happen between the writ being dropped and election day!
Graham McCormack
Doesn't sound like the Liberals are there in good faith to me.
David Amos
Leslie Russell
Would love to hear libs COVID plan before deciding who to vote for. Power is alluring but be careful what you wish for.
David Amos
Roy Kirk
Democracy? The unelected leader of a major party will contractually bind his elected members to abandon their role as Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition?!?
Only in NB, one hopes.
David Amos
Matthew Smith
"politicians are not born- they are excreted"- ( Cicero, d 43BC )
David Amos
James Risdon
UFO party? Now I'm intrigued. What are their policies and do they have candidates throughout the province?
David Amos
Gerry Ferguson
Vickers is just looking for a pay cheque
Fred Dee
NB needs stability!!!
Roy Kirk
Douglas James
Longest serving MLA who hasn't learned a thing about democracy. Municipal elections are needed before political opportunism on the provincial side.
David Amos
randy doncaster
Vikcers wants an election so he can get started on his 4th Government Pension, right now he doesn't have seat.
David Amos
Claude DeRoche
The Irving Boy can do better then that!
Vladimir Putin is in until 2032!
David Amos
Claude DeRoche
The CORservative Party needs a mandate to return more 100's of millions of dollars
in infrastructure to Ottawa destined to northern New Brunswick!
Lou Bell
As Landry stated , of course the Liberal caucus doesn't represent all of NB ! That has become very obvious ! It represents one particular group and that's it ! Pilfering 130 million of taxpayer money for one small group of people has made that obvious to everyone.
Luke Armstrong
I'm betting big that Premier Higgs stays on. For the sake of NB. Great little province!
David Amos
Matt Smith
Hopefully le Parti acadien get hustling so that I have someone to vote for this fall. The liberals will not stand a chance if they ran candidates.
Al Borland
Al Borland
Good, let's vote P A N B and get people who actually care about our province and uniting it in power. I know a lot of Francophones who are ready for a party that truly appreciates their heritage and the richness and uniqueness it brings to New Brunswick. One who appreciates it and isn't using it to d i v i d e and control voting. That party is the P A N B.
James Edward
Donald Gallant
Send out the voting envelopes.
Enough of this foolishness.
Roy Kirk
Hold the by-elections Mr. Higgs. And govern until 2022 or until you lose a confidence motion in the House. Stop trying to obstruct the proper functioning of the House by tying the hands of the opposition. The PC Party is, or should be, better than that.
Al Borland
Al Borland
Francophone or Anglophone, anyone who lives in rural New Brunswick (that's the majority of us) who votes for anyone other than the P A N B is making a mistake in my opinion. How many times can we vote for the same people who don't care about our rural way of life?
Al Borland
Matt Smith
So the back room liberals are stating that they want an election, confirming Vickers is just a figure head with no power or influence. Higgs has outed/aired the liberal's true intentions that they want an election even if it costs the lives of the elderely to get back to the trough. If there is an election it's 100% because of liberal greed.
Roy Kirk:
janice small
Higgs proposal to the opposition is a like a well built Lobster trap.You can get in but you can't get out and Higgs will decide with this proposal when he pulls your trap out of the water and places you in boiling water.
“In my mind, Mr. Higgs saw an opportunity to have a low voter turnout and he’s grappling onto this opportunity to try to get a majority government,” says Brien Watson, President of the New Brunswick division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
He was referring to Elections NB’s decision to dispense with the normal practice of putting polling stations in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities to make it easier for the elderly to vote.
“This was needless to call the election at this time. All parties were working together just fine,” Watson adds, “so there was no need except for him to try and have a power grab.”
Elections NB says that because of the sudden election call with the shortest possible 28-day campaign period, it won’t have the time or staff to set up polling stations as it normally does in long-term care facilities or on university and college campuses.
Wasiimah Joomun, executive director of The New Brunswick Student Alliance, says that decision is disappointing and disheartening because many students are first-time voters unfamiliar with the election process.
“Having on-campus polling stations really eases that process for them because not only is it a familiar space and environment for them, but also you have volunteers on campus that can help them,” she says.
Joomun points out that New Brunswick students living away from home were also able to vote more easily in their home ridings at the campus polling stations.
She says the early September election will deprive some students, who are new to the province, of the right to vote because they will not have resided in New Brunswick for the required 40 days before the election.
Jonathan Ferguson, president of the Mount Allison Students Union, says the situation is not as serious in Sackville as at other universities because the main polling station at the Civic Centre is not far from the university, but he adds that MASU agrees the lack of on-campus voting does present a barrier to some students.
Meantime, Elections NB says residents of long-term care facilities will be able to vote by mail-in ballot, but Brien Watson of CUPE says nursing homes don’t have enough staff to assist elderly voters.
“Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen that the nursing home workers, they don’t have time to do something like that,” he adds.
Watson says that by calling a snap election, Higgs prevented the legislature from giving Elections NB the power to conduct voting in other ways such as by telephone or during special polling times set aside for the elderly or people with compromised immune systems.
“We’re in a pandemic, a world pandemic, times we have never seen before in our lifetime and things like that need to be taken into consideration for people’s lives and health and safety,” Watson says.
Mount Allison politics professor Geoff Martin agrees.
“It really becomes an illustration of the problem of having an election during the pandemic,” he says.
“It’s going to be inconvenient enough for people in general to vote because of concerns about showing up at the polling stations in person,” he adds, “and it’s a shame to discourage young people from getting involved in the system.”
“I’m ready to go,” she said today during a telephone interview.
“We’re going to hit the ground running,” she says. “It will be a very short campaign and it will require some creativity.”
Mitton says she won’t be campaigning door to door as she did two years ago, but will use mail-outs, online media, election signs and the phones to reach voters during the pandemic.
“I’m planning to get a little pop-up tent and move around the riding to be available for people to come to me,” she says, “and we’ll mark it on the ground two metres apart, but that way we can meet, so I’m going to make sure I’m all over the riding.”
Mitton says it’s unfortunate Premier Higgs decided to call an election for political reasons in a bid to win a majority and more power.
“Frankly, it is putting New Brunswickers at risk,” she says. “Democracy is very important, but we do have a minority government that has been working for two years and could have continued to work.”
When asked about main issues, Mitton says health care is always a priority, but even more so now that the pandemic has brought it into sharper focus.
“One of the successes of myself and the Green caucus was in budget negotiations in March getting Higgs to agree to permanently take the overnight ERs off the table in terms of health reforms,” she says referring to a plan to close overnight emergency rooms at six rural hospitals including Sackville Memorial.
Hundreds of people held protest rallies outside the hospital last February after the Horizon Health Network also announced plans to convert acute care beds into long-term ones and to cancel all day surgeries in Sackville.
“Because we had a minority government, the Higgs government wasn’t able to follow through with the plan that they wanted,” Mitton says, “and I think our community won’t hesitate to step right up, get into the streets and rally around our health services and, I’ll be right there with them.”
When asked if she’s worried about getting re-elected after winning in 2018 by only 11 votes, Mitton says she’s planning to campaign hard using the experience she’s gained hearing from people all over the riding in the last two years.
“I’ve learned a lot more and gained a lot more experience,” she says, “and I’m looking forward to going back to the legislature with even more Greens.”
So far, Mitton is facing only one other opponent in Memramcook-Tantramar, Liberal Maxime Bourgeois who is a lawyer in Memramcook.
A Liberal party representative says Bourgeois is still pulling his campaign together, but should be ready for an interview with Warktimes in a few days.
The Progressive Conservatives and the NDP say they haven’t chosen their local candidates yet.
Etienne Gaudet, who ran for the Conservatives in 2018, says he will not be running again this time.
Local Green Party candidate Megan Mitton says the Higgs government’s apparent plan to sell the historic Memramcook Institute shows the same insensitivity to rural areas that it demonstrated when it supported cuts to Sackville Memorial Hospital and tried to privatize the operation of Murray Beach Provincial Park.
“I really had to sit down and think about what I wanted to do and where I was going,” Bourgeois said today during an interview in Sackville, “and at that time, I realized that my political beliefs are a lot more in line with the Liberals than Conservatives.”
He added that even though the Liberals recognize that governments need to be financially responsible, they’re also compassionate.
“I think we’re a lot more socially conscious about the struggles that people have in front of them,” Bourgeois says. “The government cannot provide every single solution for everything, but I think it’s very important that we are there to help those in need, the vulnerable.”
He also set up his own law firm in Memramcook and became the first president of the local Chamber of Commerce he helped launch.
Bourgeois says that while he could have established his law practice in a bigger centre such as Dieppe, he wanted to live in the village where he grew up.
“I’m a big advocate for rural New Brunswick and I think we can’t cut essential services, we need to provide better services,” he says, referring to the PC government’s previous support for cuts to Sackville Memorial Hospital — cuts that included closing the emergency room overnight, converting acute care beds into longer-term chronic care ones and cancelling day surgeries.
Bourgeois says it’s fine to argue that it takes only 30 minutes to drive to the Moncton Hospital, but that doesn’t account for times when there are severe snow storms.
“My argument is that to support rural New Brunswick we need more services, not less,” he says.
Bourgeois says the PC government failed to consult local people when it proposed cuts to rural hospitals and moved ahead with its plan to sell the historic Memramcook Institute.
“That building is very important for especially Francophone communities across New Brunswick,” he says. “It’s been a pillar for our education, it’s where the University of Moncton started (and) it’s a building that has a lot of potential.”
Bourgeois, who serves on a local committee that is working to preserve the building, says that when the Higgs government froze its spending on renovations in 2018, it claimed there were no plans afoot to revive the Institute.
Bourgeois says, however, that between 30 and 40% of the building had potential tenants including the local municipality that wanted to rent the first floor to develop a community centre.
He adds that when he met with the provincial minister responsible for the renovations, the minister wasn’t aware that anyone wanted to rent space in the building.
“So, they took a decision before actually knowing the facts on the ground and I think that’s wrong, that’s not how you run a province.”
He says economic development has to be done in parallel with community development.
“For me, for example, the feeling of coming back home and going to the corner store to fill up the gas tank and to be able to talk to the gas boy because I know him and then, to talk to the cashier because I went to school with her brother, for me, it says a lot about community building and…the lifestyle of living in a smaller community.”
Duguay accepted the nomination today in Memramcook after pledging to fight to maintain full services at the Sackville Memorial Hospital and preserve the historic character of the Memramcook Institute.
During an interview after the meeting, Duguay said she’s the best candidate to defend both causes.
“Premier Higgs is most likely going to win this election,” she said, adding that she wants to be the voice within government speaking up for people’s main priorities.
“People are saying Blaine Higgs is going in again,” Duguay repeated. “If they (voters) want to have their priorities listened to and they want a voice at the table, they need to vote for the Progressive Conservatives.”
She said she realizes that Memramcook-Tantramar is normally a Liberal riding that happens to have elected Megan Mitton of the Green Party in the last election.
“She is a wonderful representative,” Duguay said, “but unfortunately, being on the wrong side, the wrong party, you do not have the same voice at the table (and) I want to be that voice.”
The PC candidate and her father Fortunat Duguay, who is serving as her campaign manager, both spoke about riding with Premier Higgs on his campaign bus last Wednesday as it travelled from Memramcook to Patterson’s restaurant in Sackville.
They say that when Higgs was asked in Sackville about his support for the overnight closure of the hospital’s emergency room, he responded with an apology.
“I’m sorry, I made a mistake,” Fortunat Duguay quoted Higgs as saying.
“That takes a strong person to do that,” Duguay added.
For her part, Carole Duguay said she asked Higgs on the bus about the government’s plan to sell the Memramcook Institute, site of the first Acadian university and a centre of Francophone history and culture.
She said the Conservative leader told her there would be a clause in any potential sale agreement requiring a purchaser to respect and maintain the historical integrity and heritage value of the building including the chapel that survived when the original Collège Saint-Joseph burned in 1933.
Duguay says the building, which has sat empty since 2016, needs to have a purpose, one that respects its heritage value and that would be one of her main priorities if she’s elected to sit with the PCs in the legislature.
Duguay adds that she would also fight for improvements in mental health services, home health care and long-term care for the elderly.
She told her nomination meeting that her status as a retired person with two grown-up daughters gives her an opportunity to work full-time on behalf of constituents.
After practising family law for six years, Duguay spent an additional 21 years working as an investigations analyst for the federal prison system.
She explained that her job involved supervising and analyzing investigations into the circumstances around such incidents as breaches of security inside penitentiaries or violations of parole outside them.
The Greens are hoping to make a breakthrough in the riding when the New Brunswick election is held on September the 24th.
To view the sections of the NB Green Party Platform where highway tolls are mentioned, click here.
The leaders of the provincial Green and Liberal parties visited Sackville today to defend the local hospital, but David Coon and Kevin Vickers had very different political messages.
Both made it clear they would not cut overnight emergency room services, close acute-care beds or cancel day surgeries as Premier Blaine Higgs proposed before changing his mind in February.
But, while Coon outlined the details of a Green plan to decentralize health care, giving local hospital managers and staff more power, Vickers used his visit to warn that a vote for local Green candidate Megan Mitton would threaten Sackville’s hospital.
“Megan is an extraordinary person (and) she’s wonderful,” Vickers told a small crowd of supporters standing on a lawn near the hospital, “but I’m telling you, if you vote Green, you are indirectly voting for the Conservative government and you’re voting to lose your hospital.”
Coon, who had addressed a small group of his supporters near the hospital a few hours earlier, seemed to have anticipated Vickers’s remarks.
“Using health-care reform as a political football has got to stop and we’ve already, once again, seen this happen in this election campaign,” Coon said.
“Using health-care reform as a political football and instilling fear in people as a result, is no way to solve the very real challenges faced by our health-care system.”
“The management of our health-care system has become so over-centralized,” Coon said, “it has lost touch with the needs and expectations of local communities and local people.”
The Green leader argued that’s how what he called “the appalling plan” to cut services at six rural hospitals came to pass.
“It didn’t make sense locally, which is why, understandably, there was overwhelming opposition to that plan which I joined as did my colleagues,” Coon said.
He added that a Green government would restore local autonomy to hospital administrators and their staff.
“There’ll be no more decisions handed down from on high in Fredericton by managers who have no direct connection to the hospital or the community health centre,” Coon added.
“We will also establish community health boards to ensure local health-care services reflect the needs and expectations of the community.”
Coon’s words were echoed by Megan Mitton who is running for re-election in Memramcook-Tantramar.
“Successive governments, both Liberals and Conservatives, have failed to listen to what people in rural areas need,” she said, “and failed to recognize that these ill-conceived plans would add strain to the already overburdened urban hospitals.”
Mitton said she is listening to local concerns.
“I am listening to the patient who has been admitted by their family doctor and been able to receive care here in Sackville close to home and not had to worry about transportation,” she said.
She added she has also been listening to patients left in hallways at the Moncton hospital as well as to local people who have worked hard to raise money for Sackville Memorial.
“I will continue to stand with you and fight for you and to ensure that we have the health-care services we need and deserve in our riding,” she concluded.
“I tell you that in the first 30 days of my taking the office of the premiership, I will direct both health authorities, in your case Horizon, that your hospital and the hospitals that were identified in the other communities will not be touched,” Vickers said.
He added that in the last four to five years, more than 30 people’s lives were saved at the Sackville hospital.
Vickers also argued that the hospital is not only important to the local economy, it’s instrumental in attracting new residents and businesses.
Later, the Liberal leader introduced Robert Gauvin, the former Conservative cabinet minister, now running for the Liberals in the riding of Shediac Bay-Dieppe.
“I remember when I ran in 2018 in Northern New Brunswick, Premier Higgs came there and said we are not going to touch your hospitals,” Gauvin said.
“Well, you know what happened,” he added, referring to Higgs’s initial decision to back the hospital cuts.
“Do you think all [Conservative] MLAs and ministers wanted this?” Gauvin asked. “He (Higgs) wanted this. He said, ‘We’re doing this, it’s good for the province, we’re doing this.'”
Gauvin said he told Higgs on a Friday that the Conservatives would be lying to the people if they went ahead with the hospital cuts, but the premier was adamant.
“On Sunday, he changed his mind,” Gauvin said. “What did he find out Saturday that he didn’t know before? So, it was just political, but you can’t play politics with people’s lives.”
Gauvin ended by urging people to support Memramcook-Tantramar Liberal candidate Maxime Bourgeois.
“So, right here, you have someone that will work for you,” he said, adding Bourgeois would join northerners, southerners, Francophones, Anglophones and First Nations people in the Liberal caucus and party.
“He’ll be a great addition to the team,” Gauvin said.
Maxime Bourgeois
491, rue Centrale, Memramcook, NB,
Canada E4K 3R3.
1 506- 875-8803.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Collins <heather.collins.panb@gmail. com>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 00:22:36 -0300
Subject: Re: Ambulance contract details can stay secret,judge rules
Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Premier Gallant?
To: David Amos <>
I know right so there we know there is a lot being hidden for sure and
everyone is so tight lipped!!!! Amazing what happens when they hire their
own lawyers right!!! We’ll get no good nobodies lol
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 11:50 PM David Amos <> wrote:
> http://davidraymondamos3. and-lawyers-such-as-michael. html
> Thursday, 5 April 2018
> NB Power and lawyers such as Michael Dixon like to keep secrets from
> us but I see no reason to act like they do N'esy Pas?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 00:29:11 +0000
> Subject: RE: Yo Chucky LeBlond remember me? Need I say what I read in
> CBC about Medavie Health Services is just more PURE D BULLSHIT?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
> . Thank you!
> ******************************
> *******
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> . Merci!
> new-brunswick/medavie- contract-judge-ruling-1. 4732457
> Ambulance contract details can stay secret, judge rules
> Ambulance New Brunswick wins bid to keep contract details from taxpayers
> Shane Magee · CBC News · Posted: Jul 03, 2018 5:57 PM AT
> David Amos
> "Methinks folks should read this real slow then ask the people
> knocking on your dor this summer seeking their vote a very simple
> question.
> Who is the boss the public or the government? It certainly should not
> be Bernie Lord and his lawyer pals N'esy Pas?
> The province, Rideout said, provided evidence that only set out known
> facts, then said it feels the full uncensored contract should be
> released.
> "There are no facts to support that position," Rideout said.
> The decision cannot be appealed.
> LeBlond said he couldn't comment Tuesday because he had yet to read
> the decision. The province did not immediately respond to a request
> for comment."
Thank you
Heather Collins
PANB Candidate for
Riverview, NB
---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:26:17 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't
write Methinks like your buddies Chucky Leblanc and Mikey Carrier you
don't love me N'esy Pas?
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 07:26:02 -0400
Subject: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks like your buddies
---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:37:22 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't
write Methinks that just like all the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP,
Green Meanies and PANB people you don't love me N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
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From: Forsætisráðuneytið <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:36:07 +0000
Subject: Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime
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To: David Amos <>
Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's
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Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum / Do not reply to this email. Contact us with any queries
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 21:35:56 -0400
Subject: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks that just like all the
Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Green Meanies and PANB people you don't love me
N'esy Pas?
To:, pm <>,
"maxime.bernier"<>, "andrew.scheer"<>,, "David.Coon"<>,
"blaine.higgs"<>, krisaustin<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
Robert Gauvin
Campaign headquarters:
200 Blvd JD Gauthier, Shippagan
(506) 336-8745
---------- Original message ----------
From: Stacey Merrigan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation
with your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC
Now she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
To: David Amos <>
I will continue to be out of the office until Tuesday, October 9, and
will have very limited access to email during that time.
If your matter is urgent, you may call the Amherst office at
902-667-7214, or the Sackville office at 506-939-3199.
Thank you for your patience.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Carmen Budilean <carmen.budilean@greenpartynb. ca>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 18:17:01 -0700
Subject: Notice Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with
your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now
she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
Thank you so much for your email. Please note that I'm no longer with
the Green Party of NB. This account will be suspended shortly. If you
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David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to@Jeffers54939670
Hey @HeatherStGeorg1 Why so shy??? Methinks we should talk again particularly in light of the fact that you and Wright are running against my evil cousin in the area where I was born and raised N'esy Pas?
The 8 battleground ridings that could decide who wins the New Brunswick election
Surprises are always possible, but history and campaign insiders suggest these ridings are key
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 28, 2020 5:34 PM AT
Memramcook-Tantramar. Green candidate Megan Mitton squeaked into office by 11 votes over the Liberals. This is another constituency the Liberals have to win if they have any chance of ousting the PCs.

Jefferson George Wright
Independent Candidate for New Brunswick Provincial Election Memramcook-Tantramar Simpler government, futuristic planning.
Joined March 2020

Conversation Aug 14
Remember mean old me arguing this snobby Green leader/lawyer named Wright about the election of the 39th Parliament on CTV in Fat Fred City during the Yuletide Season long ago?
Quote Tweet

Jefferson George Wright
Me,Myself and I
Replying to
No relation! And 1 independent can keep the entire wave of political tyranny at bay, I agree. ... Please don't judge me too harshly by that interview. Most of my argument was too hot for CBC, so he truncated it poorly. (Also, I'm no Johner, and would never say I was!) Talk soon!
Replying to
Yea Right
12:12 PM · Aug 14, 2020
Longest-serving Liberal MLA hopes for general election, despite talks to delay one
'Our caucus is not representing the whole province, but in an election everybody will have a say: yes or no'
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 14, 2020 10:46 AM AT

Liberal MLA Denis Landry said he would rather go to an election that wait until the fall of 2022. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)
The longest-serving Liberal member of the legislature says he'd prefer to trigger a general election than sign a two-year ceasefire with the Progressive Conservative minority government.
"I would rather like to go to an election," Denis Landry told activist Jefferson George Wright, who was buttonholing politicians Friday morning as they arrived for a third day of negotiations.
"Our caucus is not representing the whole province, but in an election everybody will have a say: yes or no."
That's not the position articulated by Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers, who says Higgs should not call an election.
Landry was first elected in 1995 and has been an MLA for all but four years ever since. He's is serving as leader of the Official Opposition in the legislature because Vickers does not have a seat.
Asked by reporters if the Liberal caucus will support Vickers whatever he decides on signing a deal, Landry said, "I wouldn't say no or yes. I'm going to tell you why: we're working as a team and the leader will go with what the caucus decides."

NEW: Liberal MLA Isabelle Thériault arrives for decisive party caucus meeting.
![ Image result for]()

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said there are reservations and concerns among Liberal caucus members, (Shane Fowler/CBC)
Vickers wouldn't say whether he's optimistic there will be a deal today, which is the deadline established by Higgs.
"We're here in good faith," he said.
Avoiding early election
Higgs sent a letter to the three opposition parties Monday asking them to to agree to avoid forcing an early election until the scheduled date in October 2022 or until the COVID-19 pandemic is over.Higgs has been hinting for weeks that he would trigger a campaign, justifying the threat by saying the province needs stability to manage the pandemic and continue restarting the economy.
The agreement would include a promise by the other parties to not defeat the Progressive Conservative minority government on confidence and supply votes such as the budget and trigger a campaign.

Premier Blaine Higgs speaks to reporters on Day 2 of negotiations to have all four parties agree to postpone an early election call to October 2022. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
In return, Higgs, whose approval ratings in polls have been at record highs, would also not call an election until 2022.
The premier said he wants a deal by the scheduled end of the talks on Friday because the coming weeks are the best "window" for an election if one has to happen, with the province in a relative lull with COVID-19 ahead of a possible second wave.
Mathematically, Higgs doesn't need the Liberals to be part of a deal for him to stay in power for two more years. The votes of the Greens and the Alliance would be enough.
But he said Thursday night that he needed all four parties to be part of any deal.
Activist urges for byelection to go ahead
On Friday morning, Wright, a Saint Johner whose email address identifies him with the "UFO Party," politely urged the politicians arriving for the meetings to stand up for democracy.He said three looming byelections should go ahead this fall.
"It seems there is the long-term planning of a tyranny in place," he said. "I just mean a government that is more happy to control us than to be free."

Saint John Activist Jefferson George Wright, spoke to the three Green MLAs, People's Alliance leader Kris Austin and Vickers and Landry in Fredericton Friday morning about triggering an election. (Jacques Poitras/CBC News)
Wright protested the postponement of municipal elections at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday morning he spoke to the three Green MLAs, People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, Vickers and Landry.
"I was treated with dignity and respect," Wright said. "My heart feels pure. I spoke truth to people. I received from those politicians truthful answers back. It seemed like I was understood, so this was nothing but a miraculous success for me."
Commenting is now closed for this story.David Amos
"I would rather like to go to an election," Denis Landry told activist Jefferson George Wright"
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Mac Isaac
Besides being polite to this "activist", how can he seriously expect much support for a "U.F.O." party. This isn't an issue about believing in U.F.O.s, but about integrity in the election process...such a party denigrates the democratic process as much as the Rhino party and those of that ilk. My belief remains that since we're being well-served by Premier Higgs and his government, we should let well enough. I'm a Red l/Liberal and I cannot see how an expensive election at a time when we don't need one will serve anybody's interest, except possibly that of the P.C.s but who knows...lots can happen between the writ being dropped and election day!
David Amos
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Methinks you have the right o say what you wish about the UFO Party.However at least the dude in charge of the party is a raging success at getting on CBC and by simply recording his conversations with MLAs who would never talk to me or answer my emails since 2004 N'esy Pas?
Graham McCormack
Doesn't sound like the Liberals are there in good faith to me.
David Amos
Reply to @Graham McCormack: Is anyone?
Leslie Russell
Would love to hear libs COVID plan before deciding who to vote for. Power is alluring but be careful what you wish for.
David Amos
Reply to @Leslie Russell: Methinks the many folks who don't bother to vote agree that we always get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?
Roy Kirk
Democracy? The unelected leader of a major party will contractually bind his elected members to abandon their role as Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition?!?
Only in NB, one hopes.
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Welcome back to the circus
Matthew Smith
"politicians are not born- they are excreted"- ( Cicero, d 43BC )
David Amos
Reply to @Matthew Smith: Methinks that fact must justify all the BS N'esy Pas?
Roy Kirk
Reply to @Matthew Smith: The words of a man who watched a republic devolve into autocracy. On a more hopeful note, consider Burke:
"Certainly, Gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinions high respect; their business unremitted attention. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasure, his satisfactions, to theirs,—and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own.
But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure,—no, nor from the law and the Constitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.
"Certainly, Gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinions high respect; their business unremitted attention. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasure, his satisfactions, to theirs,—and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own.
But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure,—no, nor from the law and the Constitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Some say a dude named Burke said this as well
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
James Risdon
UFO party? Now I'm intrigued. What are their policies and do they have candidates throughout the province?
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Methinks you should tell us us about your KISS Party first N'esy Pas?
Gerry Ferguson
Vickers is just looking for a pay cheque
James Risdon
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: Aren't we all?
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Speak for yourself
Fred Dee
NB needs stability!!!
Roy Kirk
Reply to @Fred Dee: A rock at the bottom of a well is very stable.
James Risdon
Reply to @Fred Dee: NB needs to send me to the Senate.
And pizza. NB also needs pizza.
And pizza. NB also needs pizza.
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Witty
Douglas James
Longest serving MLA who hasn't learned a thing about democracy. Municipal elections are needed before political opportunism on the provincial side.
David Amos
Reply to @Douglas James: Methinks he is playing right on par for the course N'esy Pas?
randy doncaster
Vikcers wants an election so he can get started on his 4th Government Pension, right now he doesn't have seat.
David Amos
Reply to @randy doncaster: Perhaps
Claude DeRoche
The Irving Boy can do better then that!
Vladimir Putin is in until 2032!
David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Don' bet on it
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: The SANB Liberals , like Putin does , attempted to pilfer an UNDISCLOSED 130 million from the provincial coffers ! Can't blame him for wanting to keep them outta government !
Claude DeRoche
The CORservative Party needs a mandate to return more 100's of millions of dollars
in infrastructure to Ottawa destined to northern New Brunswick!
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Imagine that, a poor province like New Brunswick, refusing money from Ottawa!
Graham McCormack
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Imagine a poor province like New Brunswick having to match it dollar for dollar.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Graham McCormack: OK then, let the money go elsewhere. Tough!
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Yup
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Liberals would have used it for their Phonie Games ! Undisclosed of course !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: The only ones who'd know about that would be the Liberals ! And Dom. of course ! And they've never put anything into the north in the past 2 decades , so it wouldn't start now ! But they did have 130 million to put into their Phonie Games !!!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: That money was destined for the Phonie Games fund by the Liberals !!
Lou Bell
As Landry stated , of course the Liberal caucus doesn't represent all of NB ! That has become very obvious ! It represents one particular group and that's it ! Pilfering 130 million of taxpayer money for one small group of people has made that obvious to everyone.
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks that dead horse you have been flogging dont' care anymore N'esy Pas?
Kat Jo
Reply to @David Amos: I disagree, it shows the Liberal pattern of funneling taxpayer dollars.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Lou Bell: Let's stay focused on the present and gods forbid, maybe even the future
Luke Armstrong
I'm betting big that Premier Higgs stays on. For the sake of NB. Great little province!
David Amos
Reply to @Luke Armstrong: Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm N'esy Pas?
Kat Jo
Reply to @Luke Armstrong: I hope so too. The alternatives aren't good for this province.
Matt Smith
Hopefully le Parti acadien get hustling so that I have someone to vote for this fall. The liberals will not stand a chance if they ran candidates.
Al Borland
Reply to @Matt Smith: Please consider the P A N B. Wouldn't it be great if our province stopped allowing politicians to d i v i d e us?
Matt Smith
Reply to @Al Borland: PANB do not have much of a chance up here but le Parti acadien could finally bring new hope and prosperity to the area.
Jos Allaire
Both P A N B are a joke. They both divide us.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jos Allaire: YupSarah Elizabeth
Reply to @Al Borland: The PANB literally has candidates who've made discriminatory comments towards francophones, such as stating that no francophone should be premiers in this province... why in the world would francophones vote for that?
Al Borland
Good, let's vote P A N B and get people who actually care about our province and uniting it in power. I know a lot of Francophones who are ready for a party that truly appreciates their heritage and the richness and uniqueness it brings to New Brunswick. One who appreciates it and isn't using it to d i v i d e and control voting. That party is the P A N B.
James Edward
Reply to @Al Borland: it's worth a shot. we know what we will get with the other ones.
Andrew Clarkson
Reply to @Al Borland:
Don't Bogart that joint my friend!
Don't Bogart that joint my friend!
Al Borland
Reply to @Andrew Clarkson: I don't understand what that means.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Al Borland: Which P A N B are you referring to, the People's Alliance of New Brunswick or Le Parti Acadien du Nouveau-Brunswick? - Both parties are divisive, if you ask me.
David Amos
Reply to @Al Borland: Methinks some old folks such as I still remember the way Humphrey used to smoke his cigarettes N'esy Pas?
Donald Gallant
Send out the voting envelopes.
Enough of this foolishness.
Graham McCormack
Reply to @Donald Gallant: The last thing we need right now is a general election.
David Amos
Reply to @Graham McCormack: I disagree
Roy Kirk
Hold the by-elections Mr. Higgs. And govern until 2022 or until you lose a confidence motion in the House. Stop trying to obstruct the proper functioning of the House by tying the hands of the opposition. The PC Party is, or should be, better than that.
Al Borland
Reply to @Roy Kirk: The PC Party has really lost it's way. I like Blaine Higgs as a person, but he has terrible judgment and I think he's letting that socialist Cardy whisper in his ear too much. Don't trust Cardy, he's a strange man.
James Edward
Reply to @Roy Kirk: PC and Liberal or BLUEvsRED two sides of the same coin. Heads "they win" tails "they win".
Al Borland
Reply to @Al Borland: And I don't feel badly about saying such nasty things about Cardy. He always has lots of v e n i m for anyone who dares to disagree with any of his e d i c t s. Is he the education minister or the health minister? It's h a r d to tell these days.
Matt Smith
Reply to @Roy Kirk: This whole ultimatum is to shutdown the liberal's talking point that Higgs wants an election. After today, the liberals intentions will be plain as day and they will be responsible for what happens.
Roy Kirk
Reply to @Matt Smith: A lovely theory, but in practice the only way the liberals could get a general election is by carrying a vote of non-confidence. If they did that, the general election that might result would be entirely on them. Instead we have Mr. Higgs threatening to call one himself, unless the loyal opposition agrees to abandon its role in the House. It stinks to high heavens.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Al Borland: I don't like either.
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Nor I
Matt Steele
It seems that the MLAs like Denis Landry who are confident in being re-elected want a general election ; and the MLAs like Coon , Austin , and Vickers want to avoid an election for fear of being rejected by the voters , and losing their place at the taxpayer funded trough. It is not hard to determine which MLAs truly believe in the democratic system , and which MLAs are only in politics to fill their own pockets .
Christopher Harborne
Reply to @Matt Steele: First off, Vickers has no seat, so I'm questioning the intention of your comments. As for avoiding an election - there's a public health crisis ongoing, in case you've missed that. Have you ever campaigned? It involves talking, to a LOT of people, going door to door, holding town halls, etc. If even one infected person meets a candidate, they could spread it to team members, other candidates, the general public, etc. That's why there's hesitance to hold an election.
I've given Higgs lots of credit for his COVID response and the way he worked with the Leg. This undoes a lot of that goodwill in my mind, this is just craven opportunism.
I've given Higgs lots of credit for his COVID response and the way he worked with the Leg. This undoes a lot of that goodwill in my mind, this is just craven opportunism.
David Amos
Reply to @Christopher Harborne: How many times has your name been on a ballot?
Al Borland
Francophone or Anglophone, anyone who lives in rural New Brunswick (that's the majority of us) who votes for anyone other than the P A N B is making a mistake in my opinion. How many times can we vote for the same people who don't care about our rural way of life?
Al Borland
Reply to @Al Borland: That's not to say that the P A N B won't care about the cities, it just means they might govern with both the cities and rural areas in mind. People in rural areas aren't against cities, they're where we work, shop, conduct our business, but we need people in power who understand the challenges unique to rural areas.
Matt Steele
Reply to @Al Borland: .....If that is the case , then the PANB had better get a new leader as Kris Austin is doing everything he can to avoid an election . The big MLA pay cheque and expense account seems to mean more to Austin than anything else .
Al Borland
Reply to @Matt Steele: That's unfortunate. I'd like to think it's because he wants to maintain the influence his party currently enjoys or that he's worried about being blamed for an election during a pandemic. I'd like to think it's for nobler reasons than his salary.
Matt Smith
Reply to @Matt Steele: So not being selfish, working across party lines, and caring about the health of seniors in NB is seen as weakness in your eyes. Interesting.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Matt Smith: Trying to stay in power by offering bribes is perhaps the most selfish act I have seen in a long while there Mattie.
Matt Smith
Reply to @Fred Brewer: The paramedics was a bribe?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Matt Smith: No. Higgy is offering Minister's positions to the opposition parties as a deal sweetener. That is probably the only reason they are still at the table discussing this absurd deal.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: YUP
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Al Borland: You are delusional if you believe that this party will work for Northern New Brunswick.
Sarah Elizabeth
Reply to @Al Borland: Cute joke. Meanwhile, a few of the candidates for the PANB have a known and public history of saying nasty things against francophones and their communities. No francophone in their right mind would vote for a single-issue party trying to work against their rights, especially a party who allows people who speak AGAINST francophones on a discriminatory level to act as voices and leaders for their platform as candidates.
Examples, such as Michael Griffin stating in these exact words: “There should be no more Francophone premiers in this province”, Doug Ellis going out of his way to purposely and hatefully call the Acadian flag a “banner”, Sharon Buchanan sharing nonsense offensive ads with her hate group masquerading themselves as a “anglo rights” group. The type of people running this group are the same types of people you see parading around in the US making fools of themselves because of their needs for “white and straight pride and rights”.
There's a reason why no one takes them seriously, and there's a reason why PANB supporters are viewed in the same light as Trumpers in this province.
Examples, such as Michael Griffin stating in these exact words: “There should be no more Francophone premiers in this province”, Doug Ellis going out of his way to purposely and hatefully call the Acadian flag a “banner”, Sharon Buchanan sharing nonsense offensive ads with her hate group masquerading themselves as a “anglo rights” group. The type of people running this group are the same types of people you see parading around in the US making fools of themselves because of their needs for “white and straight pride and rights”.
There's a reason why no one takes them seriously, and there's a reason why PANB supporters are viewed in the same light as Trumpers in this province.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Sarah Elizabeth: I see that Lou DumBell would fit right in with this party! No wonder she supports CORservative Higgs.
Winston Gray
Reply to @Al Borland: “rural way of life” is code for “keep people out who don’t look like us and blame them for all our problems”
Matt Smith
So the back room liberals are stating that they want an election, confirming Vickers is just a figure head with no power or influence. Higgs has outed/aired the liberal's true intentions that they want an election even if it costs the lives of the elderely to get back to the trough. If there is an election it's 100% because of liberal greed.
Roy Kirk:
Reply to @Matt Smith: To be fair, M. Landry is an elected MLA. Not the normal definition of a 'back-room boy'. And his state desire was only actionable through a motion of non-confidence, in which case his party would clearly bear responsibility. Premier Higgs has muddied these waters by threatening to call a general election unless the opposition in the house abandons its normal role -- and absurd demand on its face. So Mr. Higgs will have to own it if he fails to hold the by-elections and just calls a general election.
Michael Collins
Reply to @Matt Smith: That's exactly what Higg's would have people believe but it's not based in reality. Higg's believes he can win an election right now, but if the opposition is crazy enough to buy into his proposal ,it's even better for him. No risk,all gain.
Matt Smith
Reply to @Roy Kirk: I disagree. Two seconds on the liberal facebook page and you can see they have been in full election mode this whole time. Higgs is going to make them state their true intentions today and they will not be able to sugar coat it. The liberals will 100% be the cause of the next election and if any deaths occur it will be on their heads solely.
Matt Smith
Reply to @Michael Collins: Please explain the title of this article then.
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Smith: Who cares about the title?
Winston Gray
Reply to @Matt Smith: the liberals are not the cause of an election if the one who calls it is the Conservative Premier.
They are being held hostage, either they accept losing their ability to challenge the minority government (effectively making it a majority) or reject the offer.
You don’t blame a father if they refuse to pay the ransom and their child goes missing.
They are being held hostage, either they accept losing their ability to challenge the minority government (effectively making it a majority) or reject the offer.
You don’t blame a father if they refuse to pay the ransom and their child goes missing.
janice small
Higgs proposal to the opposition is a like a well built Lobster trap.You can get in but you can't get out and Higgs will decide with this proposal when he pulls your trap out of the water and places you in boiling water.
Matt Smith
Reply to @janice small: It was built to show NBers that the liberals had no intention of not forcing an election. It will be their fault if an outbreak occurs.
James Smythe
Reply to @Matt Smith: I see you took the bait.
David Amos
Reply to @janice small: I concur
Higgs’s snap election makes voting harder for young and old, critics say
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is coming under fire for calling a provincial election that could deprive both older and younger people of an opportunity to vote.“In my mind, Mr. Higgs saw an opportunity to have a low voter turnout and he’s grappling onto this opportunity to try to get a majority government,” says Brien Watson, President of the New Brunswick division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
He was referring to Elections NB’s decision to dispense with the normal practice of putting polling stations in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities to make it easier for the elderly to vote.
“This was needless to call the election at this time. All parties were working together just fine,” Watson adds, “so there was no need except for him to try and have a power grab.”
Elections NB says that because of the sudden election call with the shortest possible 28-day campaign period, it won’t have the time or staff to set up polling stations as it normally does in long-term care facilities or on university and college campuses.
Wasiimah Joomun, executive director of The New Brunswick Student Alliance, says that decision is disappointing and disheartening because many students are first-time voters unfamiliar with the election process.
“Having on-campus polling stations really eases that process for them because not only is it a familiar space and environment for them, but also you have volunteers on campus that can help them,” she says.
Joomun points out that New Brunswick students living away from home were also able to vote more easily in their home ridings at the campus polling stations.
She says the early September election will deprive some students, who are new to the province, of the right to vote because they will not have resided in New Brunswick for the required 40 days before the election.
Jonathan Ferguson, president of the Mount Allison Students Union, says the situation is not as serious in Sackville as at other universities because the main polling station at the Civic Centre is not far from the university, but he adds that MASU agrees the lack of on-campus voting does present a barrier to some students.
Meantime, Elections NB says residents of long-term care facilities will be able to vote by mail-in ballot, but Brien Watson of CUPE says nursing homes don’t have enough staff to assist elderly voters.
“Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen that the nursing home workers, they don’t have time to do something like that,” he adds.
Watson says that by calling a snap election, Higgs prevented the legislature from giving Elections NB the power to conduct voting in other ways such as by telephone or during special polling times set aside for the elderly or people with compromised immune systems.
“We’re in a pandemic, a world pandemic, times we have never seen before in our lifetime and things like that need to be taken into consideration for people’s lives and health and safety,” Watson says.
Mount Allison politics professor Geoff Martin agrees.
“It really becomes an illustration of the problem of having an election during the pandemic,” he says.
“It’s going to be inconvenient enough for people in general to vote because of concerns about showing up at the polling stations in person,” he adds, “and it’s a shame to discourage young people from getting involved in the system.”
Local Green MLA plans to focus on health care in her bid for re-election
Green MLA Megan Mitton says she’s all set for her re-election campaign in Memramcook-Tantramar.“I’m ready to go,” she said today during a telephone interview.
“We’re going to hit the ground running,” she says. “It will be a very short campaign and it will require some creativity.”
Mitton says she won’t be campaigning door to door as she did two years ago, but will use mail-outs, online media, election signs and the phones to reach voters during the pandemic.
“I’m planning to get a little pop-up tent and move around the riding to be available for people to come to me,” she says, “and we’ll mark it on the ground two metres apart, but that way we can meet, so I’m going to make sure I’m all over the riding.”
Mitton says it’s unfortunate Premier Higgs decided to call an election for political reasons in a bid to win a majority and more power.
“Frankly, it is putting New Brunswickers at risk,” she says. “Democracy is very important, but we do have a minority government that has been working for two years and could have continued to work.”
When asked about main issues, Mitton says health care is always a priority, but even more so now that the pandemic has brought it into sharper focus.
“One of the successes of myself and the Green caucus was in budget negotiations in March getting Higgs to agree to permanently take the overnight ERs off the table in terms of health reforms,” she says referring to a plan to close overnight emergency rooms at six rural hospitals including Sackville Memorial.
Hundreds of people held protest rallies outside the hospital last February after the Horizon Health Network also announced plans to convert acute care beds into long-term ones and to cancel all day surgeries in Sackville.
“Because we had a minority government, the Higgs government wasn’t able to follow through with the plan that they wanted,” Mitton says, “and I think our community won’t hesitate to step right up, get into the streets and rally around our health services and, I’ll be right there with them.”
When asked if she’s worried about getting re-elected after winning in 2018 by only 11 votes, Mitton says she’s planning to campaign hard using the experience she’s gained hearing from people all over the riding in the last two years.
“I’ve learned a lot more and gained a lot more experience,” she says, “and I’m looking forward to going back to the legislature with even more Greens.”
So far, Mitton is facing only one other opponent in Memramcook-Tantramar, Liberal Maxime Bourgeois who is a lawyer in Memramcook.
A Liberal party representative says Bourgeois is still pulling his campaign together, but should be ready for an interview with Warktimes in a few days.
The Progressive Conservatives and the NDP say they haven’t chosen their local candidates yet.
Etienne Gaudet, who ran for the Conservatives in 2018, says he will not be running again this time.
Mitton pledges to fight Conservative plan to sell historic Memramcook Institute

The provincial government wants to sell the Memramcook Institute which has been unoccupied since 2016 and has undergone $17 million in renovations
“We see this again and again, whether it’s our rural hospitals threatened with closures this spring, provincial parks, or highly important cultural and historical symbols — simply put, enough is enough!” Mitton says in a news release, adding, “I can promise you one thing: I will fight this!”
Later, during a telephone interview, she criticized the Higgs government’s failure to consult with local people before moving ahead with plans to sell the Memramcook Institute, site of Collège Saint-Joseph, the first Acadian university.
“It’s another example of governments, and we’ve seen this with both Conservative and Liberal governments, making decisions without the people who live in those communities,” said Mitton who is running for re-election in the riding of Memramcook-Tantramar.
“In Memramcook, there are people who have formed committees, who have been working hard to find a plan, have wanted to work with the provincial government and here the government’s moving unilaterally and without any consultation,” she added.
“I’ve contacted them (the government) on four different occasions in the last couple of weeks, with no phone calls returned,” he said in a telephone interview.
“Premier Higgs was in Memramcook on Wednesday and nobody even called me to be there,” Gaudet says, “so that proves how much they care about the riding.”
The provincial government has owned the Memramcook Institute since 1967 after the college and seminary there closed.
In 2014, a previous Conservative government sought unsuccessfully to sell the complex, which includes several buildings, after the corporation that ran the institute declared bankruptcy.
Then, in 2017, the Liberals pledged $25 million over three years to renovate the institute.
Mayor Gaudet says the province spent $17 million restoring the exterior of the main building and putting a new heating system in it before the Conservatives halted the project in 2018 as part of their overall reductions in capital spending.
“What’s concerning is that there’s $17 million in the building now and if they sell it, I would be very, very, very, surprised if they would get even $17 million to cover the renovations,” he adds.
Instead, he argues the government should use the institute for provincial offices instead of renting space elsewhere.
“Here’s a building that they have 100,000 square feet all completed in Memramcook which is 15 minutes from Sackville, 15 minutes from Dieppe, 20-25 minutes from Shediac,” Gaudet says.
“Here’s a building that they can go and potentially put offices for a fraction of what they’re paying in rent; it’s very fiscally irresponsible in my opinion that they are doing that.”
On Wednesday, Radio-Canada — the French-language arm of the CBC — reported that several buyers had expressed interest in the institute.
Radio Canada also quoted from an e-mail it had received from the provincial department of transportation and infrastructure saying that officials could give no further details as discussions are underway with various parties.
Later, during a telephone interview, she criticized the Higgs government’s failure to consult with local people before moving ahead with plans to sell the Memramcook Institute, site of Collège Saint-Joseph, the first Acadian university.
“It’s another example of governments, and we’ve seen this with both Conservative and Liberal governments, making decisions without the people who live in those communities,” said Mitton who is running for re-election in the riding of Memramcook-Tantramar.
“In Memramcook, there are people who have formed committees, who have been working hard to find a plan, have wanted to work with the provincial government and here the government’s moving unilaterally and without any consultation,” she added.
Election issue
Memramcook Mayor Michel Gaudet says the potential sale of the Memramcook Institute, without any consultation, is going to be a big issue in the provincial election campaign.“I’ve contacted them (the government) on four different occasions in the last couple of weeks, with no phone calls returned,” he said in a telephone interview.
“Premier Higgs was in Memramcook on Wednesday and nobody even called me to be there,” Gaudet says, “so that proves how much they care about the riding.”
The provincial government has owned the Memramcook Institute since 1967 after the college and seminary there closed.
In 2014, a previous Conservative government sought unsuccessfully to sell the complex, which includes several buildings, after the corporation that ran the institute declared bankruptcy.
Then, in 2017, the Liberals pledged $25 million over three years to renovate the institute.
Mayor Gaudet says the province spent $17 million restoring the exterior of the main building and putting a new heating system in it before the Conservatives halted the project in 2018 as part of their overall reductions in capital spending.
“What’s concerning is that there’s $17 million in the building now and if they sell it, I would be very, very, very, surprised if they would get even $17 million to cover the renovations,” he adds.
Instead, he argues the government should use the institute for provincial offices instead of renting space elsewhere.
“Here’s a building that they have 100,000 square feet all completed in Memramcook which is 15 minutes from Sackville, 15 minutes from Dieppe, 20-25 minutes from Shediac,” Gaudet says.
“Here’s a building that they can go and potentially put offices for a fraction of what they’re paying in rent; it’s very fiscally irresponsible in my opinion that they are doing that.”
On Wednesday, Radio-Canada — the French-language arm of the CBC — reported that several buyers had expressed interest in the institute.
Radio Canada also quoted from an e-mail it had received from the provincial department of transportation and infrastructure saying that officials could give no further details as discussions are underway with various parties.
Local Liberal candidate, Maxime Bourgeois, says rural communities need better services, not cuts in services
Maxime Bourgeois, the 34-year-old Liberal candidate in Memramcook-Tantramar says PC leader Blaine Higgs tried to recruit him to run for the Conservatives in the 2018 provincial election, but he decided his political sympathies lay with the Liberals instead.“I really had to sit down and think about what I wanted to do and where I was going,” Bourgeois said today during an interview in Sackville, “and at that time, I realized that my political beliefs are a lot more in line with the Liberals than Conservatives.”
He added that even though the Liberals recognize that governments need to be financially responsible, they’re also compassionate.
“I think we’re a lot more socially conscious about the struggles that people have in front of them,” Bourgeois says. “The government cannot provide every single solution for everything, but I think it’s very important that we are there to help those in need, the vulnerable.”
Rural advocate
Five years ago, Bourgeois founded a company in Memramcook that organizes cultural events and forums for Francophone groups such as Canadian Parents for French and French for the Future.He also set up his own law firm in Memramcook and became the first president of the local Chamber of Commerce he helped launch.
Bourgeois says that while he could have established his law practice in a bigger centre such as Dieppe, he wanted to live in the village where he grew up.
“I’m a big advocate for rural New Brunswick and I think we can’t cut essential services, we need to provide better services,” he says, referring to the PC government’s previous support for cuts to Sackville Memorial Hospital — cuts that included closing the emergency room overnight, converting acute care beds into longer-term chronic care ones and cancelling day surgeries.
Bourgeois says it’s fine to argue that it takes only 30 minutes to drive to the Moncton Hospital, but that doesn’t account for times when there are severe snow storms.
“My argument is that to support rural New Brunswick we need more services, not less,” he says.
Lack of consultation
Bourgeois says the PC government failed to consult local people when it proposed cuts to rural hospitals and moved ahead with its plan to sell the historic Memramcook Institute.
“That building is very important for especially Francophone communities across New Brunswick,” he says. “It’s been a pillar for our education, it’s where the University of Moncton started (and) it’s a building that has a lot of potential.”
Bourgeois, who serves on a local committee that is working to preserve the building, says that when the Higgs government froze its spending on renovations in 2018, it claimed there were no plans afoot to revive the Institute.
Bourgeois says, however, that between 30 and 40% of the building had potential tenants including the local municipality that wanted to rent the first floor to develop a community centre.
He adds that when he met with the provincial minister responsible for the renovations, the minister wasn’t aware that anyone wanted to rent space in the building.
“So, they took a decision before actually knowing the facts on the ground and I think that’s wrong, that’s not how you run a province.”
Community development
Bourgeois emphasizes that supporting local businesses in rural areas and removing barriers to their success also includes supporting communities in which people stick together and support each other.He says economic development has to be done in parallel with community development.
“For me, for example, the feeling of coming back home and going to the corner store to fill up the gas tank and to be able to talk to the gas boy because I know him and then, to talk to the cashier because I went to school with her brother, for me, it says a lot about community building and…the lifestyle of living in a smaller community.”
PC Carole Duguay says she’s the best candidate to fight for Sackville hospital and Memramcook Institute
Progressive Conservatives in Memramcook-Tantramar have officially nominated 52-year-old Carole Duguay to run as their candidate in the September 14th New Brunswick election.Duguay accepted the nomination today in Memramcook after pledging to fight to maintain full services at the Sackville Memorial Hospital and preserve the historic character of the Memramcook Institute.
During an interview after the meeting, Duguay said she’s the best candidate to defend both causes.
“Premier Higgs is most likely going to win this election,” she said, adding that she wants to be the voice within government speaking up for people’s main priorities.
“People are saying Blaine Higgs is going in again,” Duguay repeated. “If they (voters) want to have their priorities listened to and they want a voice at the table, they need to vote for the Progressive Conservatives.”
She said she realizes that Memramcook-Tantramar is normally a Liberal riding that happens to have elected Megan Mitton of the Green Party in the last election.
“She is a wonderful representative,” Duguay said, “but unfortunately, being on the wrong side, the wrong party, you do not have the same voice at the table (and) I want to be that voice.”
The PC candidate and her father Fortunat Duguay, who is serving as her campaign manager, both spoke about riding with Premier Higgs on his campaign bus last Wednesday as it travelled from Memramcook to Patterson’s restaurant in Sackville.
They say that when Higgs was asked in Sackville about his support for the overnight closure of the hospital’s emergency room, he responded with an apology.
“I’m sorry, I made a mistake,” Fortunat Duguay quoted Higgs as saying.
“That takes a strong person to do that,” Duguay added.
For her part, Carole Duguay said she asked Higgs on the bus about the government’s plan to sell the Memramcook Institute, site of the first Acadian university and a centre of Francophone history and culture.
She said the Conservative leader told her there would be a clause in any potential sale agreement requiring a purchaser to respect and maintain the historical integrity and heritage value of the building including the chapel that survived when the original Collège Saint-Joseph burned in 1933.
Duguay says the building, which has sat empty since 2016, needs to have a purpose, one that respects its heritage value and that would be one of her main priorities if she’s elected to sit with the PCs in the legislature.
Duguay adds that she would also fight for improvements in mental health services, home health care and long-term care for the elderly.
She told her nomination meeting that her status as a retired person with two grown-up daughters gives her an opportunity to work full-time on behalf of constituents.
After practising family law for six years, Duguay spent an additional 21 years working as an investigations analyst for the federal prison system.
She explained that her job involved supervising and analyzing investigations into the circumstances around such incidents as breaches of security inside penitentiaries or violations of parole outside them.
NB election: Greens promise sweeping changes to fix health care ‘crisis’
New Brunswick’s Green Party leader is promising a revamped provincial health care system that would include improved mental health services, 40 new nurse practitioners, midwifery services in every region and eight new community health centres.
David Coon says the changes would be paid for partly by cutting $100 million a year in government subsidies and tax breaks to big business and charging forestry companies $30 million more for the wood they cut on Crown lands.
During an outdoor news conference on Wednesday near the Sackville hospital, Coon said he’s met with New Brunswickers from all over the province as well as health professionals such as nurse practitioners, nurses, paramedics and emergency room doctors who all say that health care is in crisis.
“What is this crisis of care?” Coon asked. “We have to begin with a wholly inadequate mental health treatment system in this province that is failing everyone,” he said. “We have a virtual epidemic of depression and anxiety disorders in our schools, among our youth in every corner of this province right now and the system cannot handle it,” he added. “The wait times are excruciatingly long to get treatment and long to get diagnosis.”
Coon also mentioned long wait times in emergency rooms, poor rural ambulance services, burnout among paramedics and nursing home workers as well as a looming shortage of nurses with more than 40 per cent of them set to retire over the next five years.
“We have fundamental problems,” Coon said. “Putting duct tape over them as has been the practice of the last number of governments is not the solution. We need fundamental change in the health-care system, we need reconstructive surgery.”
“We will fundamentally move away from the solitary practice of physicians,” Coon said, “to a collaborative system where health professionals such as nurse practitioners, pharmacists and others work hand-in-hand collaboratively with physicians.”
He said eight new community health centres along with 40 new nurse practitioner positions would facilitate the move to a collaborative system while easing wait times in emergency rooms.
Coon also advocates giving pharmacists the power to diagnose and treat minor ailments as they can in other parts of Canada.
“So that instead of using the expensive machinery of an ER and having eight, nine, 10 hours of wait in our city ERs, people will be able to go to the local pharmacist and get treated for minor but painful infections and so on and get their prescriptions right there in a matter of minutes,” he said.
“We cannot afford to give money or lucrative tax breaks to hugely profitable corporations,” Coon said, “nor can we continue to afford the token property tax bills charged to heavy industries like the oil refineries and the pulp mills of this province.”
The Green leader added that another $30 million would come from charging forestry companies fair prices for the wood they harvest on Crown lands.
“We’ve been earning very little from our forest resources and they’re extensive as we know and so, we will change that,” he said.
“We’ll tackle the health crisis head on,” Coon concluded. “New Brunswickers will then be able to get the care they need and our health professionals will be able to deliver the care they’re trained to deliver.”
To read the entire health-care section of the Green Party platform, click here.
A New Brunswick Green Party candidate is defending her party’s plan to impose tolls on drivers entering the province on four-lane highways.
Megan Mitton is running for the Greens in the riding of Memramcook-Tantramar which is on the border with Nova Scotia.
She says the tolls charged to motorists on the Trans-Canada highway would help pay for another Green Party promise — improved public transportation to all parts of New Brunswick.
However, Mitton says the highway tolls would have to be implemented carefully to avoid hurting people who drive back and forth, to and from Amherst:
Audio Player
David Coon says the changes would be paid for partly by cutting $100 million a year in government subsidies and tax breaks to big business and charging forestry companies $30 million more for the wood they cut on Crown lands.
During an outdoor news conference on Wednesday near the Sackville hospital, Coon said he’s met with New Brunswickers from all over the province as well as health professionals such as nurse practitioners, nurses, paramedics and emergency room doctors who all say that health care is in crisis.
“What is this crisis of care?” Coon asked. “We have to begin with a wholly inadequate mental health treatment system in this province that is failing everyone,” he said. “We have a virtual epidemic of depression and anxiety disorders in our schools, among our youth in every corner of this province right now and the system cannot handle it,” he added. “The wait times are excruciatingly long to get treatment and long to get diagnosis.”
Coon also mentioned long wait times in emergency rooms, poor rural ambulance services, burnout among paramedics and nursing home workers as well as a looming shortage of nurses with more than 40 per cent of them set to retire over the next five years.
“We have fundamental problems,” Coon said. “Putting duct tape over them as has been the practice of the last number of governments is not the solution. We need fundamental change in the health-care system, we need reconstructive surgery.”
Green solutions
Coon’s solutions include increasing the money available for mental health and addiction services over four years until it reaches nine per cent of the health-care budget. He explained that would mean spending an additional $30 million in the first year, $60 million in the second, $90 million in the third and $120 million in the fourth.“We will fundamentally move away from the solitary practice of physicians,” Coon said, “to a collaborative system where health professionals such as nurse practitioners, pharmacists and others work hand-in-hand collaboratively with physicians.”
He said eight new community health centres along with 40 new nurse practitioner positions would facilitate the move to a collaborative system while easing wait times in emergency rooms.
Coon also advocates giving pharmacists the power to diagnose and treat minor ailments as they can in other parts of Canada.
“So that instead of using the expensive machinery of an ER and having eight, nine, 10 hours of wait in our city ERs, people will be able to go to the local pharmacist and get treated for minor but painful infections and so on and get their prescriptions right there in a matter of minutes,” he said.
Financing the changes
Coon said improvements to health care would be paid for partly by cutting $100 million a year in assistance, subsidies and tax breaks to profitable businesses like the TD Bank.“We cannot afford to give money or lucrative tax breaks to hugely profitable corporations,” Coon said, “nor can we continue to afford the token property tax bills charged to heavy industries like the oil refineries and the pulp mills of this province.”
The Green leader added that another $30 million would come from charging forestry companies fair prices for the wood they harvest on Crown lands.
“We’ve been earning very little from our forest resources and they’re extensive as we know and so, we will change that,” he said.
“We’ll tackle the health crisis head on,” Coon concluded. “New Brunswickers will then be able to get the care they need and our health professionals will be able to deliver the care they’re trained to deliver.”
To read the entire health-care section of the Green Party platform, click here.
Mitton on highway tolls
Here is a story broadcast last week on CFTA, Tantramar community radio, 107.9 FM in Amherst:A New Brunswick Green Party candidate is defending her party’s plan to impose tolls on drivers entering the province on four-lane highways.
Megan Mitton is running for the Greens in the riding of Memramcook-Tantramar which is on the border with Nova Scotia.
She says the tolls charged to motorists on the Trans-Canada highway would help pay for another Green Party promise — improved public transportation to all parts of New Brunswick.
However, Mitton says the highway tolls would have to be implemented carefully to avoid hurting people who drive back and forth, to and from Amherst:
Audio Player
Mitton made her comments on highway tolls while campaigning in Sackville with federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May.The Greens are hoping to make a breakthrough in the riding when the New Brunswick election is held on September the 24th.
To view the sections of the NB Green Party Platform where highway tolls are mentioned, click here.
Green and Liberal leaders use different political messages during Sackville hospital stop

The leaders of the provincial Green and Liberal parties visited Sackville today to defend the local hospital, but David Coon and Kevin Vickers had very different political messages.
Both made it clear they would not cut overnight emergency room services, close acute-care beds or cancel day surgeries as Premier Blaine Higgs proposed before changing his mind in February.
But, while Coon outlined the details of a Green plan to decentralize health care, giving local hospital managers and staff more power, Vickers used his visit to warn that a vote for local Green candidate Megan Mitton would threaten Sackville’s hospital.
“Megan is an extraordinary person (and) she’s wonderful,” Vickers told a small crowd of supporters standing on a lawn near the hospital, “but I’m telling you, if you vote Green, you are indirectly voting for the Conservative government and you’re voting to lose your hospital.”
Coon, who had addressed a small group of his supporters near the hospital a few hours earlier, seemed to have anticipated Vickers’s remarks.
“Using health-care reform as a political football has got to stop and we’ve already, once again, seen this happen in this election campaign,” Coon said.
“Using health-care reform as a political football and instilling fear in people as a result, is no way to solve the very real challenges faced by our health-care system.”
Green plan
Coon gave details of the Green plan to fix problems that he said are at the root of many problems in the system.“The management of our health-care system has become so over-centralized,” Coon said, “it has lost touch with the needs and expectations of local communities and local people.”
The Green leader argued that’s how what he called “the appalling plan” to cut services at six rural hospitals came to pass.
“It didn’t make sense locally, which is why, understandably, there was overwhelming opposition to that plan which I joined as did my colleagues,” Coon said.
He added that a Green government would restore local autonomy to hospital administrators and their staff.
“There’ll be no more decisions handed down from on high in Fredericton by managers who have no direct connection to the hospital or the community health centre,” Coon added.
“We will also establish community health boards to ensure local health-care services reflect the needs and expectations of the community.”
Coon’s words were echoed by Megan Mitton who is running for re-election in Memramcook-Tantramar.
“Successive governments, both Liberals and Conservatives, have failed to listen to what people in rural areas need,” she said, “and failed to recognize that these ill-conceived plans would add strain to the already overburdened urban hospitals.”
Mitton said she is listening to local concerns.
“I am listening to the patient who has been admitted by their family doctor and been able to receive care here in Sackville close to home and not had to worry about transportation,” she said.
She added she has also been listening to patients left in hallways at the Moncton hospital as well as to local people who have worked hard to raise money for Sackville Memorial.
“I will continue to stand with you and fight for you and to ensure that we have the health-care services we need and deserve in our riding,” she concluded.
Vickers’ 30-day pledge
For his part, Liberal leader Kevin Vickers repeated the pledge he made earlier this week in Sussex to maintain services at rural hospitals.“I tell you that in the first 30 days of my taking the office of the premiership, I will direct both health authorities, in your case Horizon, that your hospital and the hospitals that were identified in the other communities will not be touched,” Vickers said.
He added that in the last four to five years, more than 30 people’s lives were saved at the Sackville hospital.
Vickers also argued that the hospital is not only important to the local economy, it’s instrumental in attracting new residents and businesses.

Robert Gauvin, who is running in Shediac Bay-Dieppe with local Liberal candidate Maxime Bourgeois standing behind him, rear left
“I remember when I ran in 2018 in Northern New Brunswick, Premier Higgs came there and said we are not going to touch your hospitals,” Gauvin said.
“Well, you know what happened,” he added, referring to Higgs’s initial decision to back the hospital cuts.
“Do you think all [Conservative] MLAs and ministers wanted this?” Gauvin asked. “He (Higgs) wanted this. He said, ‘We’re doing this, it’s good for the province, we’re doing this.'”
Gauvin said he told Higgs on a Friday that the Conservatives would be lying to the people if they went ahead with the hospital cuts, but the premier was adamant.
“On Sunday, he changed his mind,” Gauvin said. “What did he find out Saturday that he didn’t know before? So, it was just political, but you can’t play politics with people’s lives.”
Gauvin ended by urging people to support Memramcook-Tantramar Liberal candidate Maxime Bourgeois.
“So, right here, you have someone that will work for you,” he said, adding Bourgeois would join northerners, southerners, Francophones, Anglophones and First Nations people in the Liberal caucus and party.
“He’ll be a great addition to the team,” Gauvin said.
Maxime Bourgeois
491, rue Centrale, Memramcook, NB,
Canada E4K 3R3.
1 506-
Thursday, 4 October 2018
YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks that just like all the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Green Meanies and PANB people you don't love me N'esy Pas?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Collins <heather.collins.panb@gmail.
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 00:22:36 -0300
Subject: Re: Ambulance contract details can stay secret,judge rules
Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Premier Gallant?
To: David Amos <>
I know right so there we know there is a lot being hidden for sure and
everyone is so tight lipped!!!! Amazing what happens when they hire their
own lawyers right!!! We’ll get no good nobodies lol
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 11:50 PM David Amos <> wrote:
> http://davidraymondamos3.
> Thursday, 5 April 2018
> NB Power and lawyers such as Michael Dixon like to keep secrets from
> us but I see no reason to act like they do N'esy Pas?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 00:29:11 +0000
> Subject: RE: Yo Chucky LeBlond remember me? Need I say what I read in
> CBC about Medavie Health Services is just more PURE D BULLSHIT?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
> . Thank you!
> ******************************
> *******
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> . Merci!
> Ambulance contract details can stay secret, judge rules
> Ambulance New Brunswick wins bid to keep contract details from taxpayers
> Shane Magee · CBC News · Posted: Jul 03, 2018 5:57 PM AT
> David Amos
> "Methinks folks should read this real slow then ask the people
> knocking on your dor this summer seeking their vote a very simple
> question.
> Who is the boss the public or the government? It certainly should not
> be Bernie Lord and his lawyer pals N'esy Pas?
> The province, Rideout said, provided evidence that only set out known
> facts, then said it feels the full uncensored contract should be
> released.
> "There are no facts to support that position," Rideout said.
> The decision cannot be appealed.
> LeBlond said he couldn't comment Tuesday because he had yet to read
> the decision. The province did not immediately respond to a request
> for comment."
Thank you
Heather Collins
PANB Candidate for
Riverview, NB
---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:26:17 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't
write Methinks like your buddies Chucky Leblanc and Mikey Carrier you
don't love me N'esy Pas?
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.
To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
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Thank you
Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.
Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 07:26:02 -0400
Subject: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks like your buddies
Chucky Leblanc and Mikey Carrier you don't love me N'esy Pas?
To:,,,,,,,,,>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, news <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com, v=0yJu0ChfiLc
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 22:03:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with your
client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now she
and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
carmen.budilean@greenpartynb. ca, shannon.carmont@greenpartynb. ca,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "charlie.angus"<>,
"Murray.Rankin"<>, "maxime.bernier"
<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie. com>, "elizabeth.may"
<>, "Bernard.LeBlanc"
<>,,, "Paul.Harpelle"<>,
"serge.rousselle"<>, "brian.gallant"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>, dcardy
<>,, "terry.seguin"
<>, "David.Coon"<>, davidcoon
<>, krisaustin
< >, BrianThomasMacdonald
<BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail. com>
Cc: David Amos <> , "Shane.Magee"
https://davidraymondamos3. gauvin-you-dont-call-you-dont. html
Thursday, 4 October 2018
YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks that just like
all the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Green Meanies and PANB people
you don't love me N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: Stacey Merrigan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation
with your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC
Now she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
To: David Amos <>
I will continue to be out of the office until Tuesday, October 9, and
will have very limited access to email during that time.
If your matter is urgent, you may call the Amherst office at
902-667-7214, or the Sackville office at 506-939-3199.
Thank you for your patience.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Carmen Budilean <carmen.budilean@greenpartynb. ca>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 18:17:01 -0700
Subject: Notice Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with
your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now
she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
Thank you so much for your email. Please note that I'm no longer with
the Green Party of NB. This account will be suspended shortly. If you
need assistance please email Cathey Lyons at
------------------------------ ------------------
Merci beaucoup pour votre courriel. Veuillez noter que je ne suis plus
au Parti vert du NB. Ce compte sera suspendu sous peu. Si vous avez
besoin d'aide, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cathey Lyons à l'adresse
suivante :
Executive director | Directrice exécutive
Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
Green Party of New-Brunswick | Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:04 +0000
Subject: Thank you for contacting the Office of Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. I welcome and appreciate receiving comments
and questions from constituents.
I receive a much larger volume of correspondence (postal and email)
than the average MP. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis,
however due to the high volume of emails my office receives, I may not
be able to respond personally to each one.
My constituents in Saanich-Gulf Islands are my highest priority. If
you are a constituent, please email< mailto:elizabeth.may.c1a@parl.>. To
help me serve you better, please ensure that your email includes your
full name and street address with your postal code.
For meeting requests and invitations, please email
To:,,,,,,,,,>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, news <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Robert Gauvin, vice-premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick debat Language Commissioner!
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 22:03:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with your
client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now she
and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "charlie.angus"<>,
"Murray.Rankin"<>, "maxime.bernier"
<>, "Bernard.LeBlanc"
<>,,, "Paul.Harpelle"<>,
"serge.rousselle"<>, "brian.gallant"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>, dcardy
<>,, "terry.seguin"
<>, "David.Coon"<>, davidcoon
<>, krisaustin
Cc: David Amos <>
Thursday, 4 October 2018
YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks that just like
all the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Green Meanies and PANB people
you don't love me N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: Stacey Merrigan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation
with your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC
Now she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
To: David Amos <>
I will continue to be out of the office until Tuesday, October 9, and
will have very limited access to email during that time.
If your matter is urgent, you may call the Amherst office at
902-667-7214, or the Sackville office at 506-939-3199.
Thank you for your patience.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Carmen Budilean <carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 18:17:01 -0700
Subject: Notice Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with
your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now
she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
Thank you so much for your email. Please note that I'm no longer with
the Green Party of NB. This account will be suspended shortly. If you
need assistance please email Cathey Lyons at
Merci beaucoup pour votre courriel. Veuillez noter que je ne suis plus
au Parti vert du NB. Ce compte sera suspendu sous peu. Si vous avez
besoin d'aide, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cathey Lyons à l'adresse
suivante :
Executive director | Directrice exécutive
Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
Green Party of New-Brunswick | Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:04 +0000
Subject: Thank you for contacting the Office of Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. I welcome and appreciate receiving comments
and questions from constituents.
I receive a much larger volume of correspondence (postal and email)
than the average MP. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis,
however due to the high volume of emails my office receives, I may not
be able to respond personally to each one.
My constituents in Saanich-Gulf Islands are my highest priority. If
you are a constituent, please email<
help me serve you better, please ensure that your email includes your
full name and street address with your postal code.
For meeting requests and invitations, please email
---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:37:22 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't
write Methinks that just like all the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP,
Green Meanies and PANB people you don't love me N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to
Letters to the Editor can be sent to
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
Just in case somebody wondering why I send my emails to the Prime Minister of Iceland trust that we crossed paths long before Julian Assange met Birgitta Jonsdottir and she and her sneaky cohorts created IMMI. However since 2015 I have opted to store my blog about suing the CROWN on the IMMI domain because the Irving Media dude Scott Agnew killed my original Google blog long ago.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Forsætisráðuneytið <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:36:07 +0000
Subject: Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime
Minister's Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
To: David Amos <>
Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's
Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum / Do not reply to this email. Contact us with any queries
Með bestu kveðju / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
Stjórnarráðshúsinu, IS - 101 Reykjavík, Sími/Tel. +354 545 8400<http://
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 21:35:56 -0400
Subject: YO Bobby Gauvin You don't call You don't write Methinks that just like all the
Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Green Meanies and PANB people you don't love me
N'esy Pas?
To:, pm <>,
"maxime.bernier"<>, "andrew.scheer"<>,, "David.Coon"<>,
"blaine.higgs"<>, krisaustin<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
"darrow.macintyre"<>, kedgwickriver <>,, MRichard@lawsociety-barreau.,,
"Brenda.Lucki"<>,,,,,, "Jack.Keir"<>, "Furey, John"<>, wharrison <>, postur <>,,,,, "Jack.Keir"<>, "Furey, John"<>, wharrison <>, postur <>,
Newsroom <>, "Bill.Morneau"<>, "hon.ralph.goodale"<>,
"David.Akin"<>, "steve.murphy"<>,
oldmaison <>, andre <>,
jbosnitch <>oldmaison <>, andre <>,
Robert Gauvin
Campaign headquarters:
200 Blvd JD Gauthier, Shippagan
(506) 336-8745
---------- Original message ----------
From: Stacey Merrigan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 01:17:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation
with your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC
Now she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
To: David Amos <>
I will continue to be out of the office until Tuesday, October 9, and
will have very limited access to email during that time.
If your matter is urgent, you may call the Amherst office at
902-667-7214, or the Sackville office at 506-939-3199.
Thank you for your patience.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Carmen Budilean <carmen.budilean@greenpartynb.
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 18:17:01 -0700
Subject: Notice Re: Attn Anastacia Merrigan I had a conversation with
your client Megan Mitton's husband in May after she spoke on CBC Now
she and her lawyer knows what everbody else knows
Thank you so much for your email. Please note that I'm no longer with
the Green Party of NB. This account will be suspended shortly. If you
need assistance please email Cathey Lyons at
Merci beaucoup pour votre courriel. Veuillez noter que je ne suis plus
au Parti vert du NB. Ce compte sera suspendu sous peu. Si vous avez
besoin d'aide, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cathey Lyons à l'adresse
suivante :
Executive director | Directrice exécutive
Phone : (506) 447-8499 | Fax (506) 447-8489
Green Party of New-Brunswick | Parti vert du Nouveau-Brunswick