David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks somebody should ask Jacques Poitras and several other CBC people in NB why they block me in Twitter while many of their associates do not N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @WandaMMason1@alllibertynews and 48 others
Higgs proposes deal to avoid general election until 2022 or end of COVID-19 pandemic
Premier agrees to listen to policy ideas of 3 opposition parties if they agree to keep PCs in power
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 10, 2020 5:34 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs has proposed formalization of the all-party committee and policy input from all parties. (Submitted by Tyler Campbell/Government of New Brunswick)
Premier Blaine Higgs has made a dramatic offer to the three opposition parties, committing to put off a snap election and listening to their policy ideas if they agree to keep his minority government in power for another two years.
Higgs released a letter Monday to the other party leaders, asking that all four of them agree to avoid forcing an early election until the scheduled date in October 2022 or until the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Higgs has been hinting for weeks that he would trigger a campaign, justifying the threat by saying the province needs stability to manage the pandemic and continue restarting the economy.
"If we can attain that" through this deal, Higgs told reporters, "we just keep moving forward."
The agreement would include a promise by the other parties to not defeat the government on confidence and supply votes such as the budget. A defeat there would normally trigger an election.
Higgs said he would be looking for "fundamental agreements … on how we would operate." His letter said he wanted "a mutually agreed-upon legislative agenda including proposals from each participating party."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers welcomed the premier's offer.
"I believe this is the right decision at this time," he said, adding he looked forward to meeting with Higgs this week to discuss a possible agreement on a "progressive program."
He said what he needs in order to sign on is "mutual trust and meaningful consultation" from the premier.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers has previously said his party would not force an election in 2020. (CBC)
Higgs acknowledged that he and the Liberals disagree on issues such as taxation and spending, but said he hoped for a consensus on "general philosophical guidelines" on the economy.
Under the proposed deal, three byelections expected this fall would go ahead as planned.
Higgs's letter included a proposed deadline. He said he'd like to meet the party leaders Wednesday, with party representatives continuing negotiations Thursday and Friday.
"We should be able to conclude discussions with the final approval by the close of the last day of talks," he said.
BREAKING: in letter to Liberal leader Kevin Vickers, Higgs asks for agreement on no election until 2022 or official end of pandemic; deal would involve formalization of all-party committee & policy input from all parties.
Asked by reporters if that meant an immediate election call if there's no deal by Friday, Higgs did not respond directly.
But he did say that if an election has to happen, "this is the time to do it" given the current lull in COVID-19 cases.
Higgs's letter says he wants to formalize the all-party cabinet COVID-19 committee that was set up in March and that includes other party leaders.
He also said he was open to including Liberal, Green and People's Alliance MLAs as ministers in his cabinet as part of a possible deal.
"It is interesting to consider new options," he said. "Would I take that offer off the table? I would not."
The tricky part is where it gets into the weeds of specific policy and legislation.
- Kris Austin, People's Alliance leaderPeople's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he supported the idea of a four-party agreement but said it remains to be seen whether they will all be able to agree on an agenda.
"I guess the tricky part is where it gets into the weeds of specific policy and legislation."
Green Party Leader David Coon was not available for comment on the proposal. A spokesperson said he would consult his caucus Tuesday.
Higgs didn't say Monday whether he needed all three opposition parties to sign on or whether two or the three would be enough for him to opt against an election.
David Amos
Awaiting moderation
Go Figure
"Green Party Leader David Coon was not available for comment on the proposal."
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al are gonna have to come up with another plan before Friday because this one obviously went over his circus like a lead balloon N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks somebody should ask Jacques Poitras and several other CBC people in NB why they block me in Twitter while many of their associates do not N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks somebody should ask the others why they don't block you
David Peters
Reply to @Ray Oliver:
Personally, I like to hear other ppl's opinions, even if I don't understand why they express themselves like they do.
Personally, I like to hear other ppl's opinions, even if I don't understand why they express themselves like they do.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Ray Oliver loves the government because he's in a band and his local city council has set aside a ludicrous amount of money for his very talented band to make money during the pandemic while like 99% of talented musicians aren't doing anything.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: It's understood if you have no integrity and are government funded you go after the voices that go after the government.
Johnny Jakobs
What's te band name?
David AmosReply to @Johnny Jakobs: RCMP
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: lolol
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Methinks they are quite a band of not so merry men since their lady members spoke up, then sued and then got a new boss N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Justin Gunther: I'm not sure what any of that meant. I dont think anyone is.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You and Justin seem to fall under the same mental capacity umbrella nesy pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Riddles Amos, hard to say day to day which one will show up to play!
David Amos
Methinks desperate people say desperate things N'esy Pas?
Mary MacKenzie
Reply to @David Amos: Have you noticed the pandemic?
David Amos
Reply to @Mary MacKenzie: Nope
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: How is he in a position of desperation? Thats where you are...
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Mary MacKenzie: Probably not, the bridge he lives under has been totally unaffected by it
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks sometimes its wise not to feed the Trolls N'esy Pas?
Rick MacMillan
What a totally UN-DEMOCRATIC idea, i.e. those in office presently colluding to stay in power by preventing people from voting. It fully exposes that the "old boys club" of party politics is alive and well in New Brunswick.
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Frank G. Castiglione
Pretty sure if he keeps the peoples party happy he can stay in power as well.
Robert Langue
Joe Kelly
If you got your voter card and believe that he is trying to not call an election, I have some ocean from property in Doaktown to sell you.
David Amos
randy doncaster
I would say Kevin Vickers wants to get elected and in the legislature so he can start working on his 4 th government tax payer funded pension, soon he will be the million dollar man in pensions: RCMP, Sergent in Arms "parliament" ,Ambassador to Ireland
David Amos
Philip Lucas
It is a sensible and progressive idea, to get every member of the legislature working on the same side, to support their people, and to avoid an election that could risk further damage from infections and discontinuity in support programs.
Should a vaccine be generally available and the threat of the pandemic largely over in 6-8 months this idea may fall apart and an election called.
I think the greatest risk in this idea is that it will work!! And the people will see that there is an alternate way to govern the province that is more efficient, inclusive and harmonious. Once the people see that it can be done, they may demand that any new government act in the same way, seeking support and advice from the other non-aligned members, having multiple party representation in cabinet and a more consensus form of government in general.
Would it not be nice if we could emerge from this pandemic with a country where most of us work together for the common good instead of fighting for power and personal benefit.
David Amos
Philip Lucas
Reply to @Jason Inness: I did not suggest the idea was a done deal or entirely workable and I agree there may well be underlying motives that the PCs are using to contrive a justification for an election.
I do not see why though in Canada we cannot have a law that fixes elections at all levels to a specific date every x number of years. A government that cannot govern is replaced by the LG or GG with another until the election date when all parties go to the people.
I also think the pay for MPs and MLAs be partially based on their work for government not for bringing it down. Even consensus governments fight and disagree, there are even revolts and exposing of poor management or breach of trust, these are actually good for government, keeps everyone honest.
In the worst cases where no effective government can be created the LG or GG should have the power to discharge the legislature or parliament and call early elections with none of the prior MPs or MLAs being candidates (a new group). If this new group can work together they stand again in the normal election cycle. Such a potential power would be a deterrent to MPs or MLAs from personally focused ambitions.
Jason Inness
He knows damn well that he isn't going to get such an agreement from all three parties. These three parties wouldn't agree that the sky is blue. So, now he has a nice reason to call an election during a pandemic, without even trying to govern (which has been working nicely up until now). The good will he got from me from handling the pandemic is quickly evaporating.
David Amos
David Stairs
well folks...let's all make a decision not to make a decision...that about sums up politics of the decisions,no accountability...and oh yes..the golden hand shake and the good ole boys club....all aboard...
David Amos
Claude DeRoche
The Crown Prince of Bermuda wants to suspend democracy?
Vickers needs to agree , it being non binding, he can double cross the CORservatives anytime!
David Amos
Al Clark
It seems that Vickers just wants to buy a new dock at the cottage by stretching his leader salary for as long as possible. Time to turf HIM. He's a do-nothing dough-head exactly like Higgs!
David Amos
Matt Steele
Politicians are really milking this Covid-19 scare for all it is worth . Municipal elections were cancelled because politicians claimed everyone would die of Covid if there was an election . Then Trudeau had Parliament shut down , and went on a half trillion dollar spending spree with next to no oversight . Now we have N.B. MLAs doing backroom deals because they want to hang onto their big salaries and expense accounts , and are terrified of an election ; yet they try to blame it on Covid . What a farce this has become as politicians hide behind Covid -19 while they fill their pockets with taxpayer cash
David Amos
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Matt Steele: It's all deflection from the real issue, pretty well every gov't in the world, except maybe china, failed to heed the warnings they were getting, all in the name of the economy. In NB , it was blind luck, nothing more. Everywhere else is going to have some level of immunity, but not here in nb. Our turn to "deal" with it is likely coming. Nothing but excuses coming out of all parties.
Randy McNally
I'm no politician, just a retired railway worker but this proposal stinks and sounds to me like a Dominic Cardy plan. "Don't threaten me with an election and I promise not to threaten you with one" The threat of bringing down the gov is the only card the opposition holds in a minority situation. If they give this up - what do they have? Is he trying to appeal to the egos of the opposition?leaders trying to make them believe they could be some kind of faux "co premiers"? What a tool
David Amos
Ryan Chambers
"or until the COVID-19 pandemic is over."
And people laughed when I said politicians were looking to grab more power.
We all know Covid isn't going away.
Randy McNally
Mike Johnson
Red herring folks... he's trying to push the political blow back for calling an election onto others instead of himself.
David Amos
Justin Gunther
Why in NB do we have a structure of a "Old rich guys at the top" and many "middle/upper middle class women pushing the buttons and pulling the levers" throughout the rest?
Is this somebody's idea of a diversity quota or a ludicrous joke with no punchline?
Justin Gunther
David Peters
""I guess the tricky part is where it gets into the weeds of specific policy and legislation."
Kris Austin comes across as a voice of reason, on this file. Would be refreshing to hear some difference of opinion amongst the parties.
...but, what about municipal elections?
It seems viruses are an authoritarian's best friend. No elections. Borders closed and limited, restricting ppl's movements. Wide-spread harassing of small businesses. Constitutional liberties severely curtailed...with all the 'parties' singing virtually the same tune. Increased gov't spending/increasing number of ppl dependent on gov't. Could go on and on.
David Amos
Methinks sometimes its wise not to feed the Trolls N'esy Pas?
Rick MacMillan
What a totally UN-DEMOCRATIC idea, i.e. those in office presently colluding to stay in power by preventing people from voting. It fully exposes that the "old boys club" of party politics is alive and well in New Brunswick.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Rick MacMillan: Methinks the usually outspoken Green Meanie leader was clever enough to offer no comment thus far N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Frank G. Castiglione
Pretty sure if he keeps the peoples party happy he can stay in power as well.
David Amos
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: I concur
Al Clark
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: The 1% IRP?
Robert Langue
Trudeau should propose a similar type deal to the federal opposition. I would love to see Pierre Poilievre remplace Morneau as Finance Minister.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert Langue: Me Too
Joe Kelly
If you got your voter card and believe that he is trying to not call an election, I have some ocean from property in Doaktown to sell you.
David Amos
Reply to @Joe Kelly: I will trade you a case of Cardy's butter tarts for the property in Doaktown. Methinks they could become collector items in short order N'esy Pas?
randy doncaster
I would say Kevin Vickers wants to get elected and in the legislature so he can start working on his 4 th government tax payer funded pension, soon he will be the million dollar man in pensions: RCMP, Sergent in Arms "parliament" ,Ambassador to Ireland
David Amos
Reply to @randy doncaster: Of that I have no doubt
Philip Lucas
It is a sensible and progressive idea, to get every member of the legislature working on the same side, to support their people, and to avoid an election that could risk further damage from infections and discontinuity in support programs.
Should a vaccine be generally available and the threat of the pandemic largely over in 6-8 months this idea may fall apart and an election called.
I think the greatest risk in this idea is that it will work!! And the people will see that there is an alternate way to govern the province that is more efficient, inclusive and harmonious. Once the people see that it can be done, they may demand that any new government act in the same way, seeking support and advice from the other non-aligned members, having multiple party representation in cabinet and a more consensus form of government in general.
Would it not be nice if we could emerge from this pandemic with a country where most of us work together for the common good instead of fighting for power and personal benefit.
David Amos
Reply to @Philip Lucas: Dream on
Jason Inness
Reply to @Philip Lucas: I hate to be cynical, but that is not what this is about. Higgs knows all three parties are not going to go with this. If he promises to implement some of their policies, the People's Alliance may go along, but is he going to also implement Liberal and Green policies? Will they not want that if the People's Alliance gets some of their policies implemented?
This is cover to call an election, and blame it on other parties for not cooperating. The PC Party is itching for an election before their polling numbers start to erode (which will inevitably happen). They are holding nomination meetings, BBQs and fundraising events despite covid. Their party is already running the next election campaign.
This is cover to call an election, and blame it on other parties for not cooperating. The PC Party is itching for an election before their polling numbers start to erode (which will inevitably happen). They are holding nomination meetings, BBQs and fundraising events despite covid. Their party is already running the next election campaign.
Philip Lucas
Reply to @Jason Inness: I did not suggest the idea was a done deal or entirely workable and I agree there may well be underlying motives that the PCs are using to contrive a justification for an election.
I do not see why though in Canada we cannot have a law that fixes elections at all levels to a specific date every x number of years. A government that cannot govern is replaced by the LG or GG with another until the election date when all parties go to the people.
I also think the pay for MPs and MLAs be partially based on their work for government not for bringing it down. Even consensus governments fight and disagree, there are even revolts and exposing of poor management or breach of trust, these are actually good for government, keeps everyone honest.
In the worst cases where no effective government can be created the LG or GG should have the power to discharge the legislature or parliament and call early elections with none of the prior MPs or MLAs being candidates (a new group). If this new group can work together they stand again in the normal election cycle. Such a potential power would be a deterrent to MPs or MLAs from personally focused ambitions.
Jason Inness
He knows damn well that he isn't going to get such an agreement from all three parties. These three parties wouldn't agree that the sky is blue. So, now he has a nice reason to call an election during a pandemic, without even trying to govern (which has been working nicely up until now). The good will he got from me from handling the pandemic is quickly evaporating.
David Amos
Reply to @Jason Inness: High Time you try to understand the game they are all playing
David Stairs
well folks...let's all make a decision not to make a decision...that about sums up politics of the decisions,no accountability...and oh yes..the golden hand shake and the good ole boys club....all aboard...
David Amos
Reply to @David Stairs: YUP
Claude DeRoche
The Crown Prince of Bermuda wants to suspend democracy?
Vickers needs to agree , it being non binding, he can double cross the CORservatives anytime!
David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: YUP
Al Clark
It seems that Vickers just wants to buy a new dock at the cottage by stretching his leader salary for as long as possible. Time to turf HIM. He's a do-nothing dough-head exactly like Higgs!
David Amos
Reply to @Al Clark: Oh My My
Methinks 'you are very fickle about whom you follow N'esy Pas?
Methinks 'you are very fickle about whom you follow N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
Politicians are really milking this Covid-19 scare for all it is worth . Municipal elections were cancelled because politicians claimed everyone would die of Covid if there was an election . Then Trudeau had Parliament shut down , and went on a half trillion dollar spending spree with next to no oversight . Now we have N.B. MLAs doing backroom deals because they want to hang onto their big salaries and expense accounts , and are terrified of an election ; yet they try to blame it on Covid . What a farce this has become as politicians hide behind Covid -19 while they fill their pockets with taxpayer cash
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: Did you ever doubt that this is a circus???
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Matt Steele: It's all deflection from the real issue, pretty well every gov't in the world, except maybe china, failed to heed the warnings they were getting, all in the name of the economy. In NB , it was blind luck, nothing more. Everywhere else is going to have some level of immunity, but not here in nb. Our turn to "deal" with it is likely coming. Nothing but excuses coming out of all parties.
Randy McNally
I'm no politician, just a retired railway worker but this proposal stinks and sounds to me like a Dominic Cardy plan. "Don't threaten me with an election and I promise not to threaten you with one" The threat of bringing down the gov is the only card the opposition holds in a minority situation. If they give this up - what do they have? Is he trying to appeal to the egos of the opposition?leaders trying to make them believe they could be some kind of faux "co premiers"? What a tool
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: "this proposal stinks and sounds to me like a Dominic Cardy plan"
I concur
I concur
Ryan Chambers
"or until the COVID-19 pandemic is over."
And people laughed when I said politicians were looking to grab more power.
We all know Covid isn't going away.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Ryan Chambers: I like what David Peters said below ' It seems viruses are an authoritarian's best friend. No elections. Borders closed and limited, restricting ppl's movements. Wide-spread harassing of small businesses. Constitutional liberties severely curtailed...with all the 'parties' singing virtually the same tune. '
Randy McNally
Reply to @Ryan Chambers: 'or until the covid -19 pandemic is over' Yes unfortunately (for us) this will more than likely be just after the 'common cold' pandemic is over
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: In the "Mean" time we have to deal with Higgy's many minions in his Police State who operate under a very dubious mandate to say the least. Methinks the turncoat Mr Gauvin should at least admit that there are some interesting lawsuits in the works N'esy Pas?
Mike Johnson
Red herring folks... he's trying to push the political blow back for calling an election onto others instead of himself.
David Amos
Reply to @Mike Johnson: BINGO
Justin Gunther
Why in NB do we have a structure of a "Old rich guys at the top" and many "middle/upper middle class women pushing the buttons and pulling the levers" throughout the rest?
Is this somebody's idea of a diversity quota or a ludicrous joke with no punchline?
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: It is a very effective layout for gaming the current identity politics paradigm. That isn't lost on me.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: 74%. Just in case some people believe the optics of these articles and think it's all bunch of white guys driving this province straight into the ground.
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Well put
David Peters
""I guess the tricky part is where it gets into the weeds of specific policy and legislation."
Kris Austin comes across as a voice of reason, on this file. Would be refreshing to hear some difference of opinion amongst the parties.
...but, what about municipal elections?
It seems viruses are an authoritarian's best friend. No elections. Borders closed and limited, restricting ppl's movements. Wide-spread harassing of small businesses. Constitutional liberties severely curtailed...with all the 'parties' singing virtually the same tune. Increased gov't spending/increasing number of ppl dependent on gov't. Could go on and on.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: "Kris Austin comes across as a voice of reason"
Methinks you didn't hear me talking to the questionable PANB leader on TV months ago when his buddy Higgy was attacking certain hospitals N'esy Pas?
Methinks you didn't hear me talking to the questionable PANB leader on TV months ago when his buddy Higgy was attacking certain hospitals N'esy Pas?
Jeff LeBlanc
As long as Kevin Vickers doesn't ever hold office I could not care less who is premier.
Mary MacKenzie
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: You've got that right. I know lifelong Liberals who hate him. I find it hard to believe they couldn't find someone better who has actually lived most of their lives in NB.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Mary MacKenzie: Methinks you should read my lawsuit N'esy Pas? Terry Tibbs
Right out of the goodness of what he calls a heart.
Got used to ruling did you?
Lets see the results of the by-elections first.
Got used to ruling did you?
Lets see the results of the by-elections first.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: lol
Douglas James
Sounds like something Mr. Higgs would have learned as a boy on the knee of K.C. Irving. Wait...he probably did.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Douglas James:
Learn your history before you attempt puerile rhetoric.
K.C. had retired to Bermuda before Mr. Higgs got his Degree in Engineering.
Learn your history before you attempt puerile rhetoric.
K.C. had retired to Bermuda before Mr. Higgs got his Degree in Engineering.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Which is why Douglas said "as a boy" not as an engineer.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Which makes no sense at all, given that he was no where near Saint John in his youth.
Just give it up.
Desperation is not an attractive attribute.
Which makes no sense at all, given that he was no where near Saint John in his youth.
Just give it up.
Desperation is not an attractive attribute.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Brian Robertson: No need to be embarrassed by your misinterpretation of what Douglas said. By the way, Higgs was born in Saint John and graduated from UNB.
Douglas James
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Conservatives never did have a sense of humour.
David Amos
Reply to @Douglas James: Nor do you Green Meanies
Jane Sherrard
Smart play, Mr Higgs. Hopefully the leaders will all agree and one of them will make NB’s failing education system their priority.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jane Sherrard:
If you give Mr Higgs the keys to the car you can bet there will be no money for gas, or fix our education system. Between him and Mr Cardy, you can rest assured, after 2 years of nothing, you can look forward to more nothing.
If you give Mr Higgs the keys to the car you can bet there will be no money for gas, or fix our education system. Between him and Mr Cardy, you can rest assured, after 2 years of nothing, you can look forward to more nothing.
David Amos
Reply to @Jane Sherrard: Dream on
Guy Richard
French are losing their strangle hold on NB.
David Amos
Reply to @Guy Richard: Nope
SarahRose Werner
Meanwhile, Elections NB has already mailed each voter a card "to help ensure the list of electors is as up-to-date as possible for any future elections." If we're really not having a general election until 2022, this seems a waste of time, as some/many people will move around over the next two years.
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Why did they have permission to do that, when an election wasn't
David Amos
Reply to @JoeBrown: Methinks they don't need permission from Higgy to do their job N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
But whatever you do don't expect them to watchdog political donations
But whatever you do don't expect them to watchdog political donations
val harris
Who will be the first conservative minister to lose his or her portfolio. This will be interesting
Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @val harris:
We could use a Cabinet shuffle !!
May as well change the scene going forward !!!
We could use a Cabinet shuffle !!
May as well change the scene going forward !!!
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: YUP
Bill Vasseur
Not sure he can win during a snap election, so just trying to secure his job for as long as he can. What any Politician would do no matter what colour he wears.
David Amos
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: I concur
Dale Hackett
Premier Higgs for Prime Minister....finally a politician looking out for his constituents, rather than him/herself....thank you sir!
Reply to @Dale Hackett: No thanks, we already have JT bankrupting the country printing cerb money. Only thing keeping NB afloat is JT's printing press, so another socialist PM is not needed. Imagine if provinces west of NB were run by a guy who tells everyone to hide until months (maybe even years at the rate he is going) after the last Covid disappears - which it will never do. No international flights, third world living standards. Feudal lifestyles in mid winter aren't going to work out for most people if everyone hunkers down.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Dale Hackett: His constituents? I'll listen to what you have to say as long as you let me be Premier for two more years.... Sounds a lot like looking sfter himself to me.... Best wait to see his actual idea about what a "deal" means before bestowing Sainthood. The devil is in the details after all.
Dale Hackett
Reply to @JoeBrown: ok, I do agree with you that we need to re-open to the rest of the nation, but he’s not the only premier in the Maritimes doing this. He will open up the province soon.
John Fullmer
Reply to @Dale Hackett: Higgs is looking out for himself, he is basically trying to stay in office for another 2 years, it has nothing to do with his constituents.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Dale Hackett: Has anyone else noticed a sudden influx of newcomers to this site who post campaign style propaganda?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Bang on. The key word is "listen". What Higgs is not saying is that the Listening will be quickly followed up with Ignoring.
Larry Larson
Reply to @Dale Hackett: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Reply to @Dale Hackett: That's a logical fallacy, being "better" (in your view) than 3 other cerb economy leaders. All that matters is he will never reopen until forced and is quite willing to take down our living standards forever.
David Amos
Reply to @John Fullmer: BINGO
Rob Grace
Interesting, especially the Cabinet Minister part.
Imagine people working for the best interests of all the people.
Nah. nobodies going to settle, snap election
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Grace: Imagine if they made a deal and Cardy being replaced by a liberal or a PANB member Methinks that would be a circus well worth watching N'esy Pas?
Sidney Watts
BC also has a minority government. I would hate to see an early election forced because of political opportunism, by either side.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Sidney Watts:
The only thing needed here is a leader of a minority government needs to be shown his place.
The only thing needed here is a leader of a minority government needs to be shown his place.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that he needs to be shown the door N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Seems I'm not "allowed" to agree with you?
Seems I'm not "allowed" to agree with you?
Bob Smith
All parties working together? It'll be nice to see but methinks the back room folks for the Liberals or Conservatives might throw a wrench into it in the right scenario.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Bob Smith: One would absolutely hope so.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Methinks everybody knows that this is a just another joke in Higgy's circus N'esy Pas?