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PCs carry on with nominations in N.B. despite COVID-19 restrictions

For Figure Why I Am Laughing 
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Methinks Higgy et al must have noticed that not everybody is Happy Happy Happy today N'esy Pas?


PCs carry on with nominations in N.B. despite COVID-19 restrictions

Premier says he will decide over next few months whether to call general election

CBC News· Posted: Aug 08, 2020 5:47 PM AT

Attendees at a PC nomination convention at a Quispamsis church were required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the building. (Gary Moore/CBC)

New Brunswick's Progressive Conservatives held five nomination conventions Saturday, and all incumbent MLAs were chosen to run again.

That includes Premier Blaine Higgs.

Nominations took place in Fredericton West-Hanwell and Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton at a meeting room at the Fredericton Inn.

Dominic Cardy, minister of education and early childhood development, received the nomination for the Fredericton West-Hanwell riding.

Mary Wilson, minister of economic development and small business, was chosen to run again for Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton.

Nominations for Rothesay, Quispamsis and Hampton were held at a joint meeting inside a church hall in Quispamsis.

Higgs was declared the candidate for Quispamsis, Health Minister Ted Flemming for Rothesay, and Gary Crossman for Hampton.

Volunteers required people attending the nomination event to sign their name and leave their phone number for contact tracing. (Gary Moore/CBC)

At the Quispamsis event, people were greeted with posters and banners of PC slogans and pictures of the premier.

Around 40 people attended in Quispamsis. Attendees gathered in a room that typically holds 800.

Masks were required and the floors were marked with arrows. Those who didn't have a mask were given one. Attendees were also required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.

The PCs held nomination conventions for Rothesay, Quispamsis and Hampton inside a church that normally seats 800 people. Around 40 people attended and the majority of seats were blocked off. (Gary Moore/CBC)

People were also required to sign their name and leave their phone number for contact tracing.
The convention lasted roughly 30 minutes.

Liberal MLA Rob McKee criticized the government's move to hold nominations in an earlier interview with CBC News.

"To think you're going to have three ridings at one time, respecting social distancing all in the one room, I think that's going to be very hard to achieve," McKee said.

Public Health guidelines allow for indoor gatherings of up to 50 people as long as physical distancing rules are followed, and organizers keep track of contact information in case of infection.

Higgs undecided on calling election

Higgs hasn't decided whether he'll call a general election or proceed with three byelections, which would be held no later than Oct. 15.
On Saturday, Higgs said he's not ready to make an election call, but said he would decide over the next couple months.

"I'm not prepared to wait for COVID to end," he said.

"The fact that we're starting nominations is a very clear signal that we need to keep our province moving forward and it's not about kicking in neutral and waiting for a vaccine."

People attending the PC nomination convention were required to wear a mask. Those who didn't bring a mask were given one by a volunteer before entering. (Gary Moore/CBC)

The three byelections will be crucial in his decision to call a general election, he said.

If an election were called, Higgs said the setup for events and voting would be similar to Saturday's setup.

The government might also employ drive-thru voting stations. It could also look to Saskatchewan, which is holding elections at the end of October, for advice on how to run an election during a pandemic.

Premier Blaine Higgs was not ready to call a general election Saturday, but said he will be considering it over the next couple months. (Gary Moore/CBC NB)

Elections NB is tasked with setting up a way for people to protect their health while voting in a democratic election.

"We cannot have anyone not vote because they fear for their health," Higgs said.

Higgs said he's open to changing legislation to allow for phone voting if a general election was called.

More than a dozen PC riding nominations are scheduled for the coming days.

With files from Gary Moore

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David Amos

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Methinks Higgy et al must have noticed that not everybody is Happy Happy Happy today N'esy Pas? 

David Amos 
Methinks I should be fair to Higgy at al and point out the obvious fact unlike most of our online critics we have real names that appear on ballots and other important public records N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
 Reply to @David Amos: You mean like Involuntary Admission forms? 

David Amos 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Oh My My Please try again to convince me that you are not a cop 

Buford Wilson
I'm seeing a handsome majority government for Blaine.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Buford Wilson:
Would you like to borrow my glasses? Yours are clearly no longer working for you.

Jos Allaire
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: They have a hefty blue tint.

Jos Allaire
Tinted as blue as the bottom of those old Vicks bottles, I might add.

David Amos  
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks Vicky wears the same glasses as he backs up his buddies standing on the thin blue line N'esy Pas? 

Jos Allaire
Reply to @David Amos: Liberals have an agenda too, that's for sure! Maybe we should do away with parties and elect representatives willing to work for the good of us all?

Claude DeRoche
Great idea calling alling an election in the middle of a pandemic!
The COR party will spell the end of this province!

David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Methinks many folks agree that the SANB people doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

Dan Stewart
Reply to @David Amos: Speaking of people protesting too much... how's it going Dave?

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @David Amos:
And the COR
Even more.
And it rhymes
Like a chime.

Jos Allaire
Higgs hopes for a majority that he will never get so he can put the hatchet in education, health and other programs, cut taxes for the rich and leave the poor and middle class out in the cold. That's the mark of a true CORservative folks! Like in Trumpland, they will still vote for him oblivious to the fact that CORservatives are not their friends, like chicken with their head cut off would vote for Col. Sanders.

Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
Do us all a favour and get that chip off
your shoulder !!
Your comments are so NEGATIVE.
Don't you want this Province to succeed ??
I'll admit we all won't agree on EVERYTHING
but voters should keep in mind that the Health
and Prosperity of NB depends on looking at
the big picture.....what is best for the Province

janet awong
lookup birth certificate unlawful conversions

Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @janet awong:

David Amos 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: Methinks you don't understand Freeman lingo either N'esy Pas?

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: Of course, I want the province to succeed. This is why I do not support the CORservatives. Higgs is an old dinosaur living in the past with absolutely no vision. CORservatives are living in the era of fossil fuels, natural gas fracking, while the price of natural is is in the dumpster, oblivious to the future which is in renewables and artificial intelligence. Speaking of the latter, CORservatives have none. The best for the Province
AS A WHOLE is to get rid of the archaic CORservatives, for good !!!

Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
"Higgs an old dinosaur", eh.
How did the Province do under the leadership
of the young and upcoming LIBERAL leader ???

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: "How did the Province do under the leadership
of the young and upcoming LIBERAL leader ???"
This must be a rhetorical question since we all know that Brian Gallant did not lead the province at all. He took all of his orders from the "old guard Liberals" like Slick Vic and the rest of the Atcon gang. The Atcon gang can always fall back on careers as magicians because they sure made $63.4 million of taxpayer's money disappear without a trace.

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: far from being a saint, but he did much better than Higgs.

Matt Steele
It certainly sounds like an election is on the way . Higgs has done a very good job in managing the province , and his management experience has really shone through . His two big mistakes was making Dominic Cardy a Cabinet Minister ; and letting the ragtag wanna be cops from Public Safety get so far out of control . Both are decisions that Higgs may want to reconsider if he gets a majority govt. .

Jos Allaire
Reply to @Matt Steele: Higgs will never get a majority. He's extremely lucky to be the Premier of this province, an anomaly hopefully to be soon corrected.

David News 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Sounds like many would actually like an election. Not sure that I would personally agree with your sentiments but that is what an election would be for. Hope one is called so we can see what the platforms will be and then vote accordingly.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Matt Steele:
I believe you to be a bit over generous of your assessment of Mr Higgs. Patronage is still alive a well in our government, as is too the preferential treatment of some businesses here. NB Power remains out of control, and health care certainly did not improve. He is guilty of bargaining in bad faith with unions, even suggesting to some nurses if they didn't like it they could go to Alberta. I will allow you he is no worse than the last guy, but he certainly is not better, when we deserve better, and need better.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you should check my within the EUB this week I trust its will remain a matter of public record much to the chagrin of Higgy et al and NB Power's many lawyer pals N'esy Pas?

Janice small
Absolutely an election this fall.. It not a matter if we have an election its when..

David Amos 
Reply to @Janice small: I agree but I am not certain if it is gonna be a federal one or a local one or both. Methinks Higgy et al are waiting to see whether of not Trudeau has the writ dropped if he does they won't because Trudeau is still plenty popular in the Maritimes N'esy Pas?

Uganda Rice
I wish Dominic Cardy had lost the nomination. I do not like him. I do not trust him as real conservative. He seems to like to dictate too much like an NDPer would.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Uganda Rice:
Well there you go then........... a valid reason to vote anything but CONServative.

Matt Steele 
Reply to @Uganda Rice: ....Yes , Dominic Cardy certainly is a weak spot for the Higgs PC govt. ; it was a big mistake by Higgs in letting Cardy into the PC fold as Cardy has cost Higgs a lot of support

Dan Stewart  
Reply to @Uganda Rice: Lol.. I thought that's why Cardy was such a good Con fit... and probably its leader soon enough....

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Or NDP

David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that 


Lou Bell
Are the SANB Liberals going to run under the Acadian Party banner again ? There appears to be dissension in their midst !

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Deep down you are a COR, like the CORservative leader and a lot of CORservatives.

David Amos 

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Reply to @Lou Bell: What do the PANB represent if not dissension among the conservatives???

Daryl McBride
Better chance of getting covid from Walmart.

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Daryl McBride: At least Higgy et al made certain that we can't get zinc there anymore

Dave Corbin
why couldn't people nominate through the mail?

David Amos 
Reply to @Dave Corbin: Ask Higgy

David News
Besides being very lucky with Covid-19 what exactly has Higgs done for NB?
Brought economic prosperity to the province? Nope
Brought in enough family doctors to eliminate the wait list? Nope
Built out the health care system in NB? Nope actually tried to close a number of Emergency Departments that service smaller communities
Lowered taxes in NB? Nope
Made a meaningful dent in the accumulated debt of the province? Nope
It will be interesting if an election is called, exactly what the Higgs platform will be as they really haven't done anything. I will exclude covid-19 as it was pure luck that we didn't have an influx of foreign visitors at the beginning of the pandemic like BC, ONT and Que.  

Lou Bell
Reply to @David News: And what did the Liberals do in their 4 years ? None of the above , built up the debt , and ATTEMPTED to underhandedly give away 130 million dollars of taxpayer money for their " Phonie games " ! And if you knew anything about politics in the last 6 months , THERE WAS a deadly virus throughout the world ! Higgs had things well in line to decrease our debt until COVID happened , INCLUDING CANCELLING the attempted UNDISCLOSED giveaway of 130 million dollars BY THE LIBERALS of OUR money !!! Who all in the Liberal Party was involved ? Did all the Liberal MLA's know , or was it only Melanson and his SANB cohorts ???

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell:
You really are going to have to start living in the present, not the past. If the past had anything to offer besides 25 cent hamburgers at McDonalds I'm sure your hero Mr Higgs would take us there.

David News 
Reply to @Lou Bell: As I said Lou bring on the writ. Let the public decide. I am not at all happy with the Higgs government, so many opportunities lost. BTW I will be focused on the present and future not the past.

Jos Allaire
Reply to @David News: As a typical CORservative, Higgs refused to get along with the federal Liberals going as far as refusing their money. So, the money went elsewhere. Well done, Higgs!

David Amos

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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Do you recall what you paid for you first pick up truck?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: FYI Friend of mine paid the same price for a 1970 Chevy that another friend paid a new Harley 2300 bucks Which was the better investment?

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
In 1973 I bought a brand new Toyota Carolla. It was $1695. out the door including tax and licence.

Brian Robertson
Don't they know that time must stand still until Covid-19 is wiped from the Earth.
Just look outdoors. There are pieces of sky everywhere.

David Amos 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: It irritates me when I stumble over one of the pieces that wasn't there mere minutes before Who should I blame for the stubbed toe Trump or Trudeau???

Emery Hyslop-Margison
Blaine has done an excellent job of keeping New Brunswickers safe during the pandemic. Multiple paving projects have restored much of the province’s highway system and municipal roadways to reasonable levels. Dominic Cardy has adopted an engaged approach with provincial educators to improve public schools. They have held the line on taxes and reduced bureaucracy (eliminating front licence plates and moving to two year MVIs). This government clearly deserves another term!

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: Is this a paid political advertisement? Sure sounds like one.

Emery Hyslop-Margison 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: simply the truth Freddy! Simply the truth.

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: "Multiple paving projects have restored much of the province’s highway system and municipal roadways to reasonable levels."
In the south perhaps, but not much up north. He is catering to his CORservative base and we will remember.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
The truth of the matter is:
We are in the middle of a pandemic where is the Minister of Health?
Why is the Education Minister more concerned with public health than education?
Our roads, including our highways, are being patched, not repaired, some of them for the 5th year in a row, and many so inexpertly done as to shed their patches during the first frost in the fall.
New Brunswickers kept themselves safe in spite of Mr Higgs.
And property tax north of Fat Fred City increased "magically" this year.

Graham McCormack 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: Cardy hasn't engaged any educators in the schools.

Graeme Scott   
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Paving happens where the population is.

JJ Carrier  
Reply to @Graeme Scott: BTW, if you can tell me the population of the North Shore in those patronage paving years that would impress me...what was it? And how many secured the Liberal vote via construction and shed jobs?

Matthew Smith  
sure thing, aka; the operation was a success, but the patient died...

Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Come election time , , the Anglophone community won't forget the SANB Liberal attempt to underhandedly manipulate 130 million of OUR tax dollars to the " Phonie Games " ! Were they even aware of the plan , or was it just
Melanson and the SANB caucus ? Questions to be answered ! COMING SOON !!!!!!!!

Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Any aware person would realize Health concerns would be a part of the Education system in NB !

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell:
So Lou, remind me the function, besides being a hat rack and getting an increased pay day, of the Minister of Health ?

val harris 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Wrong again Lou but that’s usual

Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
I have to admit that Flemming has not impressed me
in this term.
He was front and center under Alward and excelled at
his position as Minister of Health.
Although his 'manner' was loud and forceful
which turned a lot of voters off I admired his
'tell it like it is' attitude !!!
This term the 'spirit' has gone and I wonder why .

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson:
As soon as the little close the hospitals/ turn them into nursing homes plan flew to pieces Mr Fleming simply ducked out of sight. It was around this time Mr Cardy was tilting at the vaccine windmills. He seems to surface, now and again, when poked, to say "we should study that", only to exit stage left again, until the next poke. I would strongly suspect that there is trouble behind the scenes in CONServative land, probably caused by the obnoxious Mr Cardy clumping around on the toes of others.

David Amos 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Paid by whom???

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: Just wait for the other shoe to drop. Opening the border with QC was Higgy's biggest blunder of the whole Covid strategy. The bloom will come off that rose pretty quickly. I give it 4 weeks.

Graeme Scott
"To think you're going to have three ridings at one time, respecting social distancing all in the one room, I think that's going to be very hard to achieve," McKee said. "

Only 40 people in a room designed for 800...masks....social distancing etc It sounds to me like Liberal MLA McKee is desperate for something, anything to complain about.

David Amos   
Reply to @Graeme Scott: I concur

Terry Tibbs
Ok, the article didn't say if Mr Higgs has given his silly portfolio to someone else? Or does he remain firmly in charge of the silliness?

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: He remains the Minister of Silly Walks.

Emery Hyslop-Margison 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Why? What specific policy or action prompts your comment? It’s important NOT to be blinded by past party loyalty but vote for good governance instead!

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
If this 2 steps ahead and 3 back song and dance exclusive to Mr Higgs is good governance I'd hate to experience what you consider bad.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Are you sure? I had thought he was the Minister of Silly Talks.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Surely you jest Methinks everybody knows thats Cardy's job N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: Have you never watched Monty Python? Watch Silly Walks and then get back to me. And in my opinion, Higgs gets his orders from the Empire. Remember how he pushed so hard for pipelines and fracking. Thank heavens he failed. We need to expunge the Empire's influence from government. That is the single biggest obstacle that is holding NB back from prosperity and good government. If Higgy could end his loyalty to the Empire, he might actually be an OK premier.

John Smith
Joe Public can't hang out with his friends but the rules evidently don't apply to Blaine Higgs. I can tell you Mr. Premier why some in NB don't take COVID very seriously, it is because you don't.

Graham McCormack
Reply to @John Smith: What are you talking about? The rules for public gatherings were followed.

David Amos 
Reply to @Graham McCormack: Methinks the media in this Police State should let us know in a heartbeat if Higgy et al broke their own rules N'esy Pas?

val harris
Premier Higgs is living in a dream just call 2 bi elections then wait til spring for Sussex. A minority is the best anyone can hope for so sit down and work it out geez with 47 people at his nomination should tell him something.

David Amos 
Reply to @val harris: I agree plus there is the obvious fact that Northrup has not stepped down yet.

SarahRose Werner
"Premier says he will decide over next few months" - Unless Higgs decides before early September, he's setting us up for a situation in which we go to the trouble and expense of holding by-elections October 15, only to have him (possibly) call a general election shortly after. That's bizarre.

Larry Larson  
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: He's hoping the by-elections give him a majority and if they don't he will call a general election! It makes no difference either way because Irving decides what happens in New Brunswick and no one else!

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
So, a tough decision then, a decision he can't sorta do the old Higgs 2 step/3 step on without looking the fool?
Too late for that.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Northrup still has his seat and even if Higgy lost the seat in St Croix I bet he could still govern until he next budget vote at the very least because his opposition are terrified of an election right now However history has already proven the conservatives in NB can be as dumb as posts if they smell a majority and start partaking of two many butter tarts N'esy Pas?

Gerry Ferguson
Going to be pretty much same-old show. All of french country voting liberal, english areas voting PA or conservative, Coon holding his Fredericton riding

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: My money would be on another minority government. If Higgs thinks he's coming out of an election with a majority, he's dreaming - but I can't figure why else he'd want to hold one at this time.

John Smith  
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: agreed. The voters gave Blaine Higgs a miniority and he does not respect democracy so lets see how many people we can put at risk so he can get his coveted majority to close hospitals.

Jos Allaire 
Higgs will be lucky to find candidates to run under the CORservatives banner north of Moncton.

Matthew Smith
Reply to @John Smith: you never had that thing called democracy, New Brunswick since it's inception has had corporate capitalism, like it or else- Higgs just bet nobody would change ponies in the middle of a crisis, you're at the end of phase one and all bets are off

Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Who are the one agenda SANB Liberals running again ?

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Va t'coucher, vieille folle!

Dianne MacPherson  
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson:
NB will not survive if the "same old show'
goes on !!!
If the French vote remains Liberal we are beat
before we start.
I don't care which Party they change to......
but change has to come !!!!

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson:
The CONServatives expect the french to drink from their poisoned well? (The X - Irving song and dance man never paid attention in Irving school on how to deal with the french) Of course the french vote will be anything but CONServative, as as the only ones catering to the french vote are the Liberals, so guess what? The vote will split as it did last time.

Dianne MacPherson  
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
Nothing the matter with a Minority Govt.
I can handle that.
BUT this one succeeded because Politicians
had something in common to work together on....
But in the background the old ways were
always present.
BTW.....which Leader would you vote for ??

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson:
You are forgetting the deal between the Conservatives and the PANB that made the Higgs minority work before Covid 19.
Because, it seems, NB is short of political talent, minority governments are our best way forward, giving either the Liberals, or Conservatives, absolute power would be a big mistake.
We don't currently have a leader worth voting for, my vote goes to one of the smaller parties, in the hope of another minority government.

Dianne MacPherson 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
I'm impressed....honest.
My vote always goes to "one of the smaller Parties"
when in doubt.
It's important to have choices in Elections;
makes for better Govt. too !!!!

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Why not do as I do and put your real name on a ballot?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Because at this moment I am building a motor home, my reason for being here evaporated in March, and this antique is going on his own roadshow.
I can't commit to this at this time.

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