David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 05, 2020 3:33 PM AT
Premier Blaine Higgs said he's not sure whether to go ahead with three byelections or call a full general election. (CBC)
Premier Blaine Higgs said he's not prepared to call a general election — at least not this week.
That was about as definitive as he got when asked during a Tuesday afternoon news conference.
With three byelections looming — and another three MLAs who haven't announced whether they'll reoffer — Higgs still hasn't decided whether to call a full-scale election or simply have byelections, which would be held no later than Oct. 15, he said.
"So there's no confusion there. As far as whether a general election would overtake those and they'd all be combined, that part still has to be determined and that's the part I'm weighing at this stage," said Higgs.
He acknowledged that some voters — and all three opposition party leaders — don't want a general election.
"I don't want an election either but I don't want to leave the government exposed to three byelections, which we're saying we must have those," he said.
"I have never been one to be pushed into a corner," said Higgs, and the election issue is no different.
"I'll move in the direction that I believe is right for the province. I'm looking at the long picture."
Higgs said he has met with caucus to discuss the issue and will continue to do so. He said an election won't be called "without a clear understanding of how we can manage it safely, and how we can have an election that ensures that democracy continues to work as it needs to in order to govern our province."
Chief electoral officer Kim Poffenroth said she prefers to test new COVID-19-related changes in a byelection rather than a general election. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
Higgs said Elections New Brunswick is working with Public Health officials and those discussions will continue.
On Tuesday, chief electoral officer Kim Poffenroth told a standing committee of the legislature that Elections New Brunswick has made several changes to protect the public in a pandemic and has already spent an extra $1 million to do so.
She said she prefers to have byelections before a general election so that her staff can test new COVID-19-related protocols.
Poffenroth said she also prefers not to have the power to cancel or postpone an election mid-stream if a second wave puts the province back into orange or red restrictions.
Higgs said it's Poffenroth's job to ensure Elections New Brunswick is ready for an election whenever the government calls it.
"That is the mandate," he said Wednesday.
"And so to understand what's required in order to achieve that mandate, would be squarely in the chief electoral officer's court … The mandate is: be ready. And for me, my mandate is how do I ensure we protect democracy."
Higgs told reporters that polling results will have no bearing on the timing of an election.
"I'm not basing this on, you know, my current level in the polls. I know how that changes overnight. So I don't put any strength or stock in how volatile that situation is."
He also doesn't put much stock in Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers' promise not to force an election.
"Do I put any stock in that? Absolutely not," said Higgs on Wednesday.
Green Party Leader David Coon has said this isn't the right time for an election, and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin has said he doesn't think New Brunswickers want an election.
When pressed about when he will make a decision, Higgs wouldn't be pinned down.
"So I'm sure that Elections New Brunswick ... can figure out a way that we can maintain democracy and move it in a direction that allows us to ensure we do it safely. And it would only be under those conditions of being able to do it safely that I would consider calling an election in the future."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Welcome back to the circus
David Amos
How often has Higgy changed his mind after he said something he deemed important for our democracy?
David Amos
Has anyone tried to read Higgy's lips lately?
Methinks it was a famous Yankee who said "Read My Lips No New Taxes" king before he went fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41 #canpoli
David Amos
Methinks Higgy smells a Federal Election coming just like I do. Hence he does not want to get tangled up in blue with the far right wing dudes while Trudeau the Younger is still popular in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Too Too Funny
David Amos
Methinks Mr Oliver and his buddy Madame Bell are a bit late for the start of the circus today N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs ?
Terry Tibbs
Content disabled before I could save
Reply to @David Amos He basically agreed with me about this latest circus
Terry Tibbs
Content disabled before I could save
Reply to @David Amos He said something about Cardy hunkering down in his bunker with a bunch of butter tarts
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that he is hiding from Mr Duffie N'esy Pas?
Ray Bungay
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos You are absolutely right Mr. Amos!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: When has it not been a circus? Are you the one who could tame such a ever changing environment without daily criticism??
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP for me will ya?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks there are no coincidences N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
Covid-19 is at a low point right now , and there are three by-elections in the wings which could very well topple the Higgs govt . Just call a provincial election for Sept. ; and let the cards fall where they may . It is better to have an election now instead of waiting to see if the govt. falls after the three by-elections , and then being forced to go to the polls in the winter months . Opposition MLAs seem to be against it because they are worried about losing their big salaries , expense accounts , and gold plated pension plans
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: "To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Larry Larson
When a CONservative denies something you can bet that it is in the works!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
If you notice, no one is saying anything. Usually Mr Cardy is good for a story, or two. Usually the reporters here chase up a politician, to get their take on different things, but all is silent, Afraid of stepping in something I'd bet.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm back FYI I noticed what you said to me earlier about Higgy and elections and his buddy Cardy hunkering down in his bunker with his precious butter tarts went "Poof" before I could save it or blog it. Methinks you likely said other things as well but this reply of mine will have to suffice for now for blogging purposes N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Larry Larson: Methinks it was a famous Yankee who went fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney who said "Read my lips No new taxes" N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41 #canpoli
Douglas James
What's right for the province? That is obvious to everyone. No election during a pandemic. Municipal elections before a provincial election. How difficult is that Mr. Higgs?
James Smythe
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Methinks folks should have asked Vickers why he was mentioned in my lawsuit before they picked him for their leader N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Methinks folks should have asked Vickers why he was mentioned in my lawsuit before they picked him for their leader N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks everybody knows why nothing surprises me anymore N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Bungay: Say hey to Mr Savoie for me will ya? Methinks the reason he don't call or write me back is because he don't love my politicking N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Kim Life-Coach
I would hope Mr Higgs does not call an election, benefiting for a job well done with his actions with Covid 19. He must not use Covid 19 as an election platform to get a majority government. We must remember how he wants to close hospitals not too long ago. One must wonder on his thinking for personal gain using the pandemic.
Lou Bell
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Oh My My
Thank you.
New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board
Ce compte de courrier électronique n’est plus en service.
Veuillez rediriger votre courriel à
general@cespnb.cagener > ou téléphoner le
Commission de l'énergie et des services publics du Nouveau-Brunswick
http:// charlesotherpersonalitie. blaine-higgs-calls-fall- election-he.html
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
If Blaine Higgs calls a Fall Election? He WILL be known as a TRUE Scumbag!!!!
Posted by Charles Leblanc at 11:00 pm
https://davidraymondamos3. election-call-coming-this- week-higgs.html canada/new-brunswick/higgs- undecided-on-general-election- 1.5675259
No election call coming this week, Higgs says
Opposition parties against general election
Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Aug 05, 2020 3:33 PM AT
David Amos
Too Too Funny
David Amos
Methinks Higgy smells a Federal Election coming just like I do. Hence
he does not want to get tangled up in blue with the far right wing
dudes while Trudeau the Younger is still popular in New Brunswick
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Mr Oliver and his buddy Madame Bell are a bit late for the
start of the circus today N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs ?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that he is hiding
from Mr Duffie N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: When has it not been a circus? Are you the one
who could tame such a ever changing environment without daily
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP for me will ya?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and
the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about
the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
Matt Steele
Covid-19 is at a low point right now , and there are three
by-elections in the wings which could very well topple the Higgs govt
. Just call a provincial election for Sept. ; and let the cards fall
where they may . It is better to have an election now instead of
waiting to see if the govt. falls after the three by-elections , and
then being forced to go to the polls in the winter months . Opposition
MLAs seem to be against it because they are worried about losing their
big salaries , expense accounts , and gold plated pension plans
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is
lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and
south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their
political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder
to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card
yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as
well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
Larry Larson
When a CONservative denies something you can bet that it is in the works!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
If you notice, no one is saying anything. Usually Mr Cardy is good for
a story, or two. Usually the reporters here chase up a politician, to
get their take on different things, but all is silent, Afraid of
stepping in something I'd bet.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm back FYI I noticed what you said to me
earlier about Higgy and elections and his buddy Cardy hunkering down
in his bunker with his precious butter tarts went "Poof" before I
could save it or blog it. Methinks you likely said other things as
well but this reply of mine will have to suffice for now for blogging
purposes N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Larry Larson: Methinks it was a famous Yankee who went
fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney who said "Read my lips
No new taxes" N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George
H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can
confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may
you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41
http://davidraymondamos3. behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
Friday, 18 September 2015
David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
Court File No. T-1557-15
The Parties
1. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crown) is Elizabeth II, the Queen of
England, the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England, the
longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and one of the
wealthiest persons in the world. Canada pays homage to the Queen
because she remained the Head of State and the Chief Executive Officer
of Canada after the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 came into force
on April 17, 1982. The standing of the Queen in Canada was explained
within the 2002 Annual Report FORM 18-K filed by Canada with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It states as
“The executive power of the federal Government is vested in the
Queen, represented by the Governor General, whose powers are exercised
on the advice of the federal Cabinet, which is responsible to the
House of Commons. The legislative branch at the federal level,
Parliament, consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of
“The executive power in each province is vested in the Lieutenant
Governor, appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the
federal Cabinet. The Lieutenant Governor’s powers are exercised on the
advice of the provincial cabinet, which is responsible to the
legislative assembly. Each provincial legislature is composed of a
Lieutenant Governor and a legislative assembly made up of members
elected for a period of five years.”
2. Her Majesty the Queen is the named defendant pursuant to
sections 23(1) and 36 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. Some
of the state actors whose duties and actions are at issue in this
action are the Prime Minister, Premiers, Governor General, Lieutenant
Governors, members of the Canadian Forces (CF), and Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (RCMP), federal and provincial Ministers of Public
Safety, Ministers of Justice, Ministers of Finance, Speakers, Clerks,
Sergeants-at-Arms and any other person acting as Aide-de-Camp
providing security within and around the House of Commons, the
legislative assemblies or acting as security for other federal,
provincial and municipal properties.
3. Her Majesty the Queen’s servants the RCMP whose mandate is to
serve and protect Canadian citizens and assist in the security of
parliamentary properties and the protection of public officials should
not deny a correspondence from a former Deputy Prime Minister who was
appointed to be Canada’s first Minister of Public Safety in order to
oversee the RCMP and their cohorts. The letter that helped to raise
the ire of a fellow Canadian citizen who had never voted in his life
to run for public office four times thus far is quoted as follows:
“Mr. David R. Amos
Jan 3rd, 2004
153Alvin Avenue
Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
Dear Mr. Amos
Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding
your safety.
I apologize for the delay in responding.
If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
suggest that you contact the police of local
jurisdiction. In addition, any
evidence of criminal activity should be brought to
their attention since the
police are in the best position to evaluate the
information and take action
as deemed appropriate.
I trust that this information is satisfactory.
Yours sincerely
A. Anne McLellan”
4. DAVID RAYMOND AMOS (Plaintiff), a Canadian Citizen and the
first Chief of the Amos Clan, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick
(NB) on July 17th, 1952.
5. The Plaintiff claims standing in this action as a citizen
whose human rights and democratic interests are to be protected by due
performance of the obligations of Canada’s public officials who are
either elected or appointed and all servants of the Crown whose
mandate is to secure the public safety, protect public interests and
to uphold and enforce the rule of law. The Crown affirms his right to
seek relief for offences to his rights under section 24(1) of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). Paragraphs 6 to 13
explain the delay in bringing this action before Federal Court and
paragraphs 25 to 88 explain this matter.
6. The Plaintiff states that pursuant to the democratic rights
found in Section 3 of the Charter he was a candidate in the elections
of the membership of the 38th and 39th Parliaments in the House of
Commons and a candidate in the elections of the memberships of the
legislative assemblies in Nova Scotia (NS) and NB in 2006.
On 8/6/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com> wrote:
> Methinks questionable lawyer Mr Furey wishes to forget many rather
> important emails I sent him and his bosses over the years but one I
> sent on the 12th of February of 2018 should be of great importance to
> mon ami Roger Richard today N'esy Pas?
> Vertias Vincit
> David Raymmod Amos
> P.S.Trust that I published the emails found beloe on the Internet just
> like I always do
> http://davidraymondamos3. matter-375-nb-power-2018-2019. html
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:40:39 +0000
> Subject: RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know
> how to read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for your email to the Energy and Utilities Board.
> This is to acknowledge receipt of the document you have filed with the
> Board.
> ***
> La Commission de l’énergie et des services publics vous remercie pour
> votre courriel.
> Nous accusons réception du document que vous avez déposé auprès de la
> Commission.
> N.B. Energy and Utilities Board
> Commission de l’énergie et des services publics du N.-B.
> 15 Market Square – Suite 1400
> P.O. Box 5001/C.P. 5001
> Saint John, NB E2L 4Y9
> Telephone : 506-658-2504
> Fax/Télécopieur : 506-643-7300
> Email : / Courriel :
> Website: / Site Web :
> Confidentiality Notice
> This private message (and any attachments) is for the exclusive use of
> the individual for whom, or entity for which, it is intended. It may
> contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from
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> to it under applicable law. Disclosure to anyone other than the
> intended recipient does not constitute waiver of privilege. Its
> possession or usage, by any person other than the one for whom it is
> intended, is not authorized by its author and is strictly prohibited.
> If you have received this communication in error, please notify us
> immediately, at our expense, by telephone at (506) 658-2504. Also, if
> you received this email in error, delete it and any attachments from
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> effacer ce courriel, ainsi que les pièces jointes, de votre système
> informatique et de vos dossiers. Merci.
> Début du message réexpédié :
> De: "Furey, John"<>
> Objet: RE: Matter 452 - NB Power Application for Approval of an
> Advanced Metering Infrastructure Capital Project /
> Date: 5 août 2020 14:59:11 UTC−3
> À: "Mitchell, Kathleen"<>,
> "Colleen.Mitchell@"
>>, ""
> <>, ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""
> <> , ""
> <>, "Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities. com"
> <Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities. com>, "Gilles.volpe@"
> <Gilles.volpe@>,
> "dave.lavigne@"
> <dave.lavigne@>, "Cozzarini, Lilia"
> <>, "Waycott, Stephen"<>,
> "Crawford, Brad"<>, "Clark, Lori"
> <>, NBP Regulatory <>,
> "Gagnon, Jessica Lynn"<>, NBEUB/CESPNB
> <>, "Lawton, John"<>, "Desmond,
> Ellen"<>, "Dickie, Michael"
> <>, "Young, Dave"<>,
> ""<> ,
> ""<> ,
> ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""<>,
> ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <> , ""
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>
> Dear Ms. Mitchell,
> In relation to the above noted Matter, please find attached a Notice
> of Motion and supporting documentation.
> All parties to Matter 452 are being served with this documentation.
> Regards,
> John
> John G. Furey
> Senior Legal Counsel
> New Brunswick Power Corporation
> P.O. Box 2000
> 515 King Street
> Fredericton, N.B.
> E3B 4X1
> Direct Line - 506-458-6970
> Facsimile - 506-458-4319
> This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Greg H."
> Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:36:10 -0400
> Subject: Re: Hey Greg say Hey to two good friends whom I call the
> other two stooges Curly and Moe
> To: David Amos , rrichard , Gerald Bourque
> Cc: David Amos
> I hear this morning that Canada has made application to take the US/Cdn
> softwood lumber dispute before the NAFTA Chapter 19 dispute resolution
> panel. They interviewed some trade expert from Queens University(if my
> memory has not failed me here) on the CBC NB morning show...he thought
> it would be a "touchy situation" regards outcome this time around.
> We know the NB saw-mills are being hit with countervailing and dumping
> duties but I am asking myself about the pulp-mills which are receiving
> the fraudulent LIREPP subsidy...*we are even subsidizing a US based
> pulp-mill with NB Pwr ratepayers $s !*...that being the one on the US
> side(Madawaska) being fed from the Edmundston pulp-mill switch-yard as
> they feed its electrical supply for that US operation from the Canadian
> Edmundston mill side...all supplied via NB Pwr at multi-million $
> discounts each year. There is no "renewable energy" received onto the NB
> Pwr electrical grid...the whole thing is a fraudulent subsidy scam!
> **G.*
> *
> On 16/11/2017 10:00 AM, David Amos wrote:
>> Methinks Mr Furey is gonna regret having an ethical computer N'esy Pas
>> Moe?
>> Enjoy your day fellas. If don't wake up tommorrow please know it is
>> because I died laughing in my sleep.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Furey, John"
> Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:51:03 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Attn Hon.Rick Doucet Are you aware of
> what transpired at eh NBEUB on Oct, 31, 2017 and these documents with
> regards the U.S .Commerce Dept concerns about NB Power and its Large
> Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase Program (LIREPP)?
> To: David Amos
> I am away from my office and unable to access my email. I will
> respond to your message on my return to the office. If your message is
> urgent, please contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
> ______________________________ __
> This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
> intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
> addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
> you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any use, review,
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> électronique ou imprimée de celui-ci, immédiatement. Nous sommes
> reconnaissants de votre collaboration.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Furey, John"
> Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:11:59 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Re The news NB Power payola and a
> little Deja Vu about my indignation towards Gaëtan Thomas and Ed
> Barrett and their meeting with Kris Austin and PANB seven years ago
> To: David Amos
> I will be out of the office until Monday, November 13, 2017, and will
> not have access to my email during my absence. I will respond to your
> message on my return to the office. If your message is urgent, please
> contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
> ______________________________ __
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> http://davidraymondamos3. 375-nb-power-2018-2019.html
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Newsroom <>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:03:59 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate
> Application This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing -
> Day 3 I opted
> to attend Day 4
> To: David Amos <>
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:04:12 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate
> Application This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing -
> Day 3 I opted
> to attend Day 4
> To:
> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
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> Thank you
> -------------------
> Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:05:13 +0000
> Subject: RE: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing - Day 3 I
> opted to attend Day 4
> To: David Amos <>
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:03:28 -0400
> Subject: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing - Day 3 I
> opted to attend Day 4
> To:,,
> newsroom <>, "Robert. Jones"<>,
>, "Furey, John"<>,
> wharrison <>, nmoore <>,
> news <>
> Cc: David Amos <> ,
> "David.Coon"<>, BrianThomasMacdonald
> <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail. com>,
> "jody.carr"<>,
> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca>,
> "Bill.Morneau"<>, "brian.gallant"
> <>
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> Hey
> Clearly I have some serious issues to dispute with Darren Murphy the
> CFO of NB POWER and the rest of his cohorts within a Crown
> Corporation. This is as brief as I can make an argument in support of
> the need of my testimony in the 375 Matter about what occured within
> it and the 357 Matter etc. In a nutshell I have every right to be an
> Intervenor and to testify as a witness under oath. NB POWER and its
> cohorts in NBEUB failed to prove why I have no right to do so. However
> they certainly proved to anyone who knows how to read what has been
> published why they should be prosecuted libel ASAP. Section 300 of the
> Canadian Criminal Code applies to lawyers too. If you don't think I
> was libeled then introduce me to your lawyer.
> The public shows that NBEUB did bar me for malicious reasons on
> October 31st yet permitted me to attend the public hearings this month
> in order to advise my friends Gerald Bourque and Roger Richard. On
> February 7th Gerald Bourque did manage to ask Darren Murphy and his
> associates on NB Power's 1st panel of witnesses a few questions that I
> had asked him to. Need I say that I enjoyed their responses? The
> NBEUB also allowed me to speak for 21 minutes during the Public
> Session that evening but the transcript of the aforesaid session has
> not been filed in the NBEUB records as of yet.
> My friends Gerald Bourque and Roger Richard as Intervenors in this
> matter have every right to say and do what they wish which also
> includes paying heed to my advice or ignoring it altogether. The
> filings of Roger Richard in this matter easily attest to the fact that
> initially he wished for me to testify on his behalf in this matter.
> However after Daniel Leblanc appeared in the matter in order to speak
> on my friend's behalf I was removed as a witness. So be it. The NBEUB
> and all the other Intervenors know the truth of my concerns anyway
> byway of many filings within the 357 and 375 Matters. More importantly
> I stated my opinion of this fancy little circus in no uncertain terms
> of the evening of February 7th and I look for to reviewing what I said
> in the heat of the moment.
> This weekend after I read the transcript of the 3rd day of the hearing
> I ried to convince my friend Roger Richard to ignore Leblanc's advice
> and put me in his witness list again. However he did not wish to, so I
> respectfully backed away again and will not interfere with my friend's
> plan to stop smart meters going to NB. Methinks the key to it will be
> the media N'esy Pas Mr Jones?
> These documents can be sourced from the records of the 375 Matter
> browserecord.php?-action= browse&-recid=560
> 02/07/2018 Hearing - Day 1 / Audience - 1ier jour
> Page 295
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So there is the two interveners 6 or two
> participants in the proceeding that have no legal counsel. One is Mr.
> Richard and the other one is Mr. Bourque. So I just want to provide --
> yes, Mr. Rouse?
> MR. ROUSE: I guess I don't have legal counsel either.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: True. So you are -- NCFS doesn't have legal counsel?
> MR. ROUSE: That's correct.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So I will address the three of you then. So Mr. Bourque
> and Mr. Rouse -- I think, Mr. Rouse, you know how the proceeding
> proceeds. So Mr. Bourque, essentially when it comes and you have a
> panel, they are subject to cross-examination. And if you do have any
> questions specifically to the panel, you will be asked to come in
> front and ask your question to whomever your questions you want to ask
> to. Now if there is an objection to your questioning I would ask you
> to stop and at that point what I will do is I will hear the person
> who was objecting to your question and afterwards I will hear if you
> have any other comments to make regarding the objection and we will
> deal with those -- with the objection as it comes. So do you
> understand that?
> MR. BOURQUE: Yes, I do and thanks for explaining it.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Monsieur Richard, essentiellement
> qu’est ce qui va arriver, pis quoi je mentionnais en anglais, c’est
> que vous êtes non-représenté par un avocat donc vous – peut-être que
> vous connaissez pas toute la façon que les procédures fonctionnent.
> Donc, l’Énergie Nouveau-Brunswick a différent panel qui – qui vont
> introduire pour – pour – pour contre-interrogatoire, donc si vous avez
> des questions a demandé aux personnes, donc, vous allez poser vos
> questions à ces personnes-là. Et puis si y’a une partie qui s’objecte
> à votre question, j’vous demanderais juste d’arrêter. Et puis quoi ce
> que la Commission va faire c’est qu’elle va entendre la partie qui
> s’objecte. Et puis à ce moment-là j’vas vous demandez si vous avez
> aucun commentaire à regarder l’objection et puis on – on va – on va
> rendre une décision à ce point-là relativement à l’objection. Est-ce
> que vous comprenez ceci.
> DR. RICHARD: Oui. Oui, Monsieur Vice-président.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN : Pis je comprends aussi que, Monsieur Richard, que vous
> êtes un professionnel, donc durant la procédure vous serez pas ici à
> tous les jours. J’pense que vous avez autorisé un Monsieur LeBlanc de
> – d’être ici à – pour vous représenter lorsque vous serez dans votre
> clinique. Je ne sais pas où votre clinique est, donc ce que je
> comprends bien que cette personne-là va vous représentez lorsque vous
> serez pas disponible.
> DR. RICHARD : Oui c’est bien ça
> Page 322
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, as Chief Financial Officer, do you agree with 13 the
> accounting of KPMG?
> MR. MURPHY: Sorry, do I understand the question, do I agree with the
> accounting of KPMG?
> Q. - Yes.
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, I do.
> Q. - Do you know the account -- the KPMG auditor, and if so who are they?
> MR. MURPHY: Sorry, I am having a little difficult time 21 hearing up
> here, did you say the owner or the author?
> Q. - The auditors, sorry about that.
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, I do. I know the primary partner on our particular audit
> file.
> Q. - Do you have a name for them?
> MR. MURPHY: Our primary audit partner is Jamie O'Neil.
> Q. - Jamie O'Neil. And I was a bit surprised that when I asked the
> question earlier and there was -- the audit was not signed and any
> business I have ever been involved with before, the auditors always
> came and made the presentation of the audit and this didn't appear to
> happen. Is there a reason for that?
> MR. MURPHY: So I am not exactly sure of the reference that's being
> made, but our audit statements are signed every year. As described, we
> have a very traditional process in terms of the auditors coming in and
> making a final presentation to the boards of directors. It's at that
> time that we do sign off on the audited statements and they are
> available online for anybody to go in and view them.
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, are you familiar with David Amos and Greg Hickey and
> their concerns about the payout to pulp mills by the NB Power Large
> Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase programs and the fact that the
> U.S. Department of Commerce consider it corporate welfare affecting
> the American interest and with trade with Canada?
> MR. FUREY: Mr. Chair, we have been down this road before in previous
> hearings. Mr. Hickey addressed this in at least one, and if I am not
> mistaken, two hearings. And I
> believe where we objected to certain questions of Mr. Hickey in the
> past like this, the Board concluded that relevant questioning -- that
> it would be a relevant question to ask questions related to compliance
> by NB Power with provisions of the Electricity Act and the LIREPP
> regulation, the renewable regulation, which includes the LIREPP
> program, but debate about policy, as to whether or not LIREPP is a
> desirable policy is not a matter for this Board and I think we have
> had that resolved in previous hearings.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bourque, Mr. Furey is right. We did have -- when
> Mr. Hickey was here last year, and I think at other hearings, we had
> that debate and so it's a policy issue. If you have questions
> regarding LIREPP, regarding compliance, I think you are permitted to
> ask those questions, but if it's questions regarding policy, regarding
> the LIREPP program, it's not relevant and it's in the legislation so
> --
> MR. BOURQUE: I wasn't aware of what took place last year.
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, are you aware of my friend, David Amos and the
> concerns with the NB Power since 2006?
> MR. MURPHY: I would not say that I am aware of any detailed concerns
> that Mr. Amos has expressed.
> Q. - Have you read the filings that NB Power filed into the record of
> this matter since -- on October 30th of 2017?
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, generally I have read all the documents.
> Q. - Have you read the transcript of the hearing on October 2 31st?
> MR. MURPHY: I did not read the transcript.
> Q. - And have you read the emails that Mr. Amos sent since then?
> MR. MURPHY: I did not read the emails. If there is something in
> particular that's filed on evidence that you would like to bring up on
> the screen for me to review, I am happy to review it and answer
> questions on it, but I have not read the emails.
> Q. - Ms. Clark, why does NB Power consider the smart meter it wished
> to attach to my home a federal matter? If I get sick, or because of
> an injury to my home or property, do I sue the federal or do I sue NB
> Power?
> MS. CLARK: So with respect to the smart meters, the AMI installation,
> we would be complying with all of Health Canada's Guidelines with
> respect to the meter installation.
> Q. - So if there is a problem NB Power is responsible for it or the
> federal, if you are complying by the federal regulations?
> MR. FUREY: Mr. Vice-Chair, I don't think that's a fair question to
> address to this panel.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Is there going to be another panel that can address his
> question, Mr. Furey?
> MR. FUREY: Well to be asked to comment in advance on circumstances in
> which liability might arise, you know, certainly if there is a
> specific fact circumstance presented, maybe the question could be
> answered, but this is very broad.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So are you suggesting that if he rephrases his
> question that this panel could answer the question?
> MR. FUREY: I guess I would have to hear the question, but I -- what I
> am saying is the question as framed is I think impossible to answer.
> And it's unfair to ask any witness to commit to liability around a
> question as broad as if something goes wrong.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bourque, can you reframe your question?
> Q. - Well my -- my concern is the spending of a lot of money for the
> smart meters. And as we heard earlier this morning, the temperature
> has a big temp' -- a big effect on the use of power. Well do we need
> to spend millions of dollars to tell us when the temperature gets
> colder and that? NB Power knows that. When the temperature goes down,
> they are going to have to start producing, you know, more power to
> supply the demand. And I think it's really -- wonder if it's worth
> sending that. The other thing is I have received some videos off the
> internet of smart meters where they literally caught the side of the
> house on fire. There was pictures of just around the meter and that.
> So if that happens to my house, who is responsible?
> MS. CLARK: I will address your question in two parts. The first part
> of it is with respect to the installation of smart meters or the AMI
> project. The example that was given would be a perfect reason for NB
> Power to install advanced metering infrastructure. During the times
> when the utility or when the province is facing very cold
> temperatures, having the advanced metering infrastructure in place
> would allow customers to have more information readily available
> during the month. So when we are dealing with high bill complaints,
> like we have been this last month due to the extremely cold
> temperatures, customers would actually be able to see their usage
> throughout the month and not be subject to receiving a final bill at
> the end of the month and being surprised by their consumption because
> of the cold weather. So this would be a perfect example of why the
> advanced metering infrastructure would be in the -- it would be in the
> benefit of our customers.
> The second piece, I think with reference to the safety of meters, we
> will be following Measurement Canada safety standards, Health Canada
> safety standards. All of our meters will be tested. And during the
> install, we will actually be able to look at customers' premises to
> see if there are any issues related to safety that we should be
> addressing at the time. There are specific incidents where there have
> been some issues with meters being installed, but those are very
> specific to either the geographical location where they were being
> installed or the customers' equipment itself. But again when we are
> actually installing the meters, as we are installing 355,000 meters
> across the province, we will actually be able to visually inspect
> each one of those locations to see if there is any issues with respect
> to the meter itself or the installation that's on the customers'
> premises. But it would depend on what exactly it is we find as to how
> it would be handled.
> Q. - I got one final question. If a customer decides he doesn't want a
> smart meter at his place, can he opt out?
> MS. CLARK: Yes, absolutely. We will have an opt out policy.
> MR. BOURQUE: Thank you.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is that all your questions, Mr. 20 Bourque?
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you.
> MR. BOURQUE: Thank you.
> 02/09/2018 Hearing - Day 3/ Audience - 3ième jour
> Page 590
> MR. CRONKHITE: That is a pretty broad statement. If you could be a
> little bit more specific on restrictions you are referring to.
> Q. - Well for an example, Mr. Cronkhite, would be the LIREPP program
> restricts how your generation assets are used. Would you agree with
> that?
> MR. CRONKHITE: The LIREPP program is simply a input of renewable
> resources into the system. It does not, in my opinion, for the size of
> the contribution, restrict our operations in any way.
> Q. - Okay. You have purchase power agreements. Do they mot also
> dictate or indicate how your generation assets can be used?
> MR. CRONKHITE: Certainly we do have power purchase arrangements when
> energy would be an example where we need to incorporate that wind when
> it's generated. As a result of that, we do position, so I think maybe
> Ms. Desmond may be asking this that we do need to position our
> remaining fleet to accommodate or adjust and follow that wind
> variation as it operates today. Not unlike that we would have with
> embedded generation assets, and to a much smaller degree obviously,
> home generation around solar and different items such as that.
> Q. - If we were to maximize the benefits of AMI in our smart grid,
> isn't it also true that we should maximize the use of our generation
> supply assets that we currently have, and wouldn't that mean
> revisiting some of these existing constraints?
> MR. CRONKHITE: We are always mindful of the existing commitments that
> we have on our system today. When we look forward with respect to the
> time frames, and as I mentioned earlier, that this is a managed
> transition not over five years, but over 15, 20 and 25 years, we are
> always mindful and that's why we have looked at power purchase
> arrangements that are coming due in the mid-20s and beyond that we
> allow the freedom and flexibility for us to make the correct
> adjustments, as we move towards those particular milestones.
> With respect to new generation coming on line, that's why we do the
> modelling, that's why we do sensitivities around various scenarios to
> ensure that we are optimizing to the best of our ability. One of the
> foundational items around our Energy Smart NB plan is being able to
> connect with customers to connect to intermittent generation that we
> know is coming onto the system in the near term and medium term and
> having more visibility on that. So that exactly we can optimize our
> generation fleet more effectively today through visibility on this
> distributed generation resources so that we can synchronize it much
> more effectively with the system moving forward.
> Q. - I wasn't specifically asking about new generation. It really was
> the existing constraints that you have to work around and deal with in
> terms of generation dispatch.
> MS. DESMOND: Okay. I think those are all of our questions though.
> Thank you very much.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ms. Desmond. So I think we do have -- as
> Board members we do have a couple of questions to ask. So I will
> start. I am looking at your current business case that you have
> before us with your total project contribution of minus $1.3 million.
> And from the evidence that we have heard the last couple of days, is
> that you consider this as a breakeven number, and I think that that's
> what you were telling us, Ms. Clark.
> So the normal individual, your rate customer, would you not think
> that he would not perceive your $1.3 million as a breakeven number?
> MS. CLARK: I guess in the context in which I was using breakeven is
> it is an investment rationale document and it's intended to cover the
> life cycle costs of the program, and those are assumptions and it's
> hovering very close to zero when you look at it over the life cycle.
> I think in the last few days of the hearing, we have indicated that
> it's more than breakeven and would even say that if we were to
> incorporate the adjustments, and the undertaking we just took from Ms.
> Desmond to provide the adjustments that were recommended in the
> Synapse report, we are looking at an investment rationale that is
> leaning closer to probably $10 million or 8 or $9 million. And if we
> were to quantify some of those non-quantifiable benefits and be less
> conservative in some of the estimates that we put in the investment
> rationale document, I think we could easily get to a $10 million
> improvement.
> Again, and I know you have heard this before, the intention was to
> come in as conservative as possible, and know that we had all the
> potential upside. In hindsight, perhaps we should have taken a
> different approach, but I do believe that we can demonstrate that we
> have a positive investment rationale as well.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So there was discussion around -- and I think it was
> brought forward by Mr. Bourque and Dr. Richard, all about -- and Ms.
> Desmond regarding the option of option in and option out. Have you
> surveyed your current residential customers to see who will opt in and
> who will opt out before making $123 million investment?
> MS. CLARK: Customer engagement is a big part of this project, and
> we are as concerned as you would be about making that sort of an
> investment. So we will be doing, as part of our customer engagement,
> but part of it is the focus group that we did early on is people don't
> understand what the smart meter is, so part of it would be around
> education of what the smart meter is and the benefits it can provide
> to customers. So we need to educate our customers first and then
> allow them to make an informed decision. So that will be part of the
> roll-out plan and we will check and adjust along the way. If there
> are issues concerning the social engagement or a customer's uptake,
> you know, this is very similar to what has been done in other
> jurisdictions and they haven't had those challenges, but if we did, we
> certainly wouldn't be looking at making an investment of this size
> without having the customer with us.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Well don't you think, Ms. Clark, that you should
> have your educational piece before the Board approves $123 million
> spend?
> MS. CLARK: I recognize the challenge. The commitment the utility
> would make is, as part of the project itself, we would be doing --
> undertaking the engagement process with our customers again starting
> with the education piece.
> Assuming that was positive, we would proceed and we are prepared
> to give the Board updates, as we come forward, either through the general
> rate application or through any other process including the quarterly
> updates we are providing at this point in time on our infrastructure, so
> that
> can be done and conditional with the approval of the project.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So I am trying to understand the objective of the
> AMI, and there was discussion, so can -- and I am having a little bit
> of difficulty understanding what is the objective or objectives that
> you are trying to do with AMI?
> Page 601
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: I was a bit surprised when I heard this morning and
> yesterday that you are entering into a contract at the end of February
> and is that with respect to the purchase of the smart meters?
> MS. CLARK: That's correct.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So how can you enter into a contract without the
> firm approval of this Board, if we are going to approve or not the
> AMI? How prudent is that?
> MS. CLARK: So we are at the end stages of the contract in terms of
> just the final terms and conditions, but we have been very clear that
> we -- with the vendor -- and they recognize that, because we also have
> Nova Scotia Power, who is part of our consortium, who also needs Board
> approval. So should we not get -- this is conditional on EUB
> approval. So should we not get EUB approval, the contract would not
> proceed.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Now there was discussion yesterday, I think it was
> with Mr. Stoll regarding time of use and time based pricing, and so I
> went through the evidence this morning, and in your main evidence, and
> I think one of the objective of having the AMI going forward to a time
> of use price structure -- rate structure. So am I understanding that
> correctly?
> MS. CLARK: That is correct. And in the evidence, we did answer an
> interrogatory on that and you will see that AMI is an enabler for time
> varying rates in the Energy Smart NB Plan. And we did have time
> varying rates included in our investment rationale. We took it out,
> because we couldn't -- we couldn't pinpoint without more detail as to
> what those time varying rates may be and the benefit of those, so we
> took them out of the investment rationale at this point in time, but
> certainly it's something that we are looking at in the future.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So the fundamental question here is that the Board
> should heard -- or hear Matter 357 before approving the AMI? So if we
> don't approve time of use, that basically what will happen with your
> AMI, I mean it's -- if we don't approve the time of use, which we are
> going to hear next year, how can we proceed in approving the AMI
> before we look at the rate structure?
> MS. CLARK: As we have talked about in our investment rationale,
> there are a number of other benefits to both the customer and to the
> utility over and above time varying rates that we believe are
> important for the utility and for the movement forward of our Energy
> Smart New Brunswick plan. Many of those benefits accrue to the
> customer. And many of those benefits accrue to the utility and
> ultimately the customer. So even if we were not to move in the
> direction of time varying rates, we believe that the investment
> rationale supports the AMI installation based on the other investment
> -- or based on the other benefits that it provides.
> 10/31/2017 Pre-Hearing / Conférence préalable à l'audience
> Page 84
> CHAIRMAN: All right. I will now give the decision of the Board on this
> matter.
> Mr. Amos seeks intervenor status in Matter 375. NB Power objects to
> his intervention claiming his conduct during the hearing of a motion
> in Matter 357 was confrontational and that his arguments lacked any
> connection to the issues before the Board. The Board agrees with that
> assessment.
> In the present matter, Mr. Amos was given ample opportunity to put
> forward a case that would support a respectful and responsible
> intervention. He failed to do so, rolling forward issues raised in
> Matter 357 and not addressing the issue before us today.
> Mr. Amos states that the interests he would bring before the Board
> are those raised by Mr. Bourque and Mr. Richard. The Board is
> satisfied that those two intervenors can adequately represent those
> issues. In addition, those issues will undoubtedly be addressed by
> the Public Intervenor and others.
> Page 85
> The Board finds on a balance of probability that Mr. Amos will not
> participate in this matter in a respectful and responsible manner. As
> a result, the Board will exercise its discretion and refuse
> intervenor status to Mr. Amos. Intervention is encouraged but it must
> be responsible.
> Mr. Amos may participate in the public session which date will be
> announced shortly. But again he is reminded that any presentation
> must be done in a respectful and responsible manner.
> Finally, Mr. Amos had indicated that he wished to assist his two
> colleagues that are sitting with him today. And certainly the Board
> has no issue with that at all. But Mr. Amos will have no status at the
> hearing in terms of cross-examination or making any argument.
> So that is the decision of this Panel with respect to the status of Mr.
> Amos.
> Are there any other issues to deal with today? There being no other
> issues, then we will adjourn.
> This exhbit was filed by NB Power along with many others to support my
> barring from the 375 Matter
> NB Power Notice of Objection - Appendix I 10/30/2017
> For the benefit of my fellow stakeholders I wish to explain all of the
> transcript found above of under oath

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @WandaMMason1 @alllibertynewsand 48 others
Methinks Higgy smells a Federal Election coming soon Hence he does not want to get tangled up in blue with the far right wing dudes while Trudeau the Younger is still popular in NB N'esy Pas?
No election call coming this week, Higgs says
Opposition parties against general election
· CBC News· Posted: Aug 05, 2020 3:33 PM AT
Premier Blaine Higgs said he's not sure whether to go ahead with three byelections or call a full general election. (CBC)
Premier Blaine Higgs said he's not prepared to call a general election — at least not this week.
That was about as definitive as he got when asked during a Tuesday afternoon news conference.
With three byelections looming — and another three MLAs who haven't announced whether they'll reoffer — Higgs still hasn't decided whether to call a full-scale election or simply have byelections, which would be held no later than Oct. 15, he said.
"So there's no confusion there. As far as whether a general election would overtake those and they'd all be combined, that part still has to be determined and that's the part I'm weighing at this stage," said Higgs.
He acknowledged that some voters — and all three opposition party leaders — don't want a general election.
"I don't want an election either but I don't want to leave the government exposed to three byelections, which we're saying we must have those," he said.
"I have never been one to be pushed into a corner," said Higgs, and the election issue is no different.
"I'll move in the direction that I believe is right for the province. I'm looking at the long picture."
Higgs said he has met with caucus to discuss the issue and will continue to do so. He said an election won't be called "without a clear understanding of how we can manage it safely, and how we can have an election that ensures that democracy continues to work as it needs to in order to govern our province."

Chief electoral officer Kim Poffenroth said she prefers to test new COVID-19-related changes in a byelection rather than a general election. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
Higgs said Elections New Brunswick is working with Public Health officials and those discussions will continue.
On Tuesday, chief electoral officer Kim Poffenroth told a standing committee of the legislature that Elections New Brunswick has made several changes to protect the public in a pandemic and has already spent an extra $1 million to do so.
She said she prefers to have byelections before a general election so that her staff can test new COVID-19-related protocols.
Poffenroth said she also prefers not to have the power to cancel or postpone an election mid-stream if a second wave puts the province back into orange or red restrictions.
Higgs said it's Poffenroth's job to ensure Elections New Brunswick is ready for an election whenever the government calls it.
"That is the mandate," he said Wednesday.
"And so to understand what's required in order to achieve that mandate, would be squarely in the chief electoral officer's court … The mandate is: be ready. And for me, my mandate is how do I ensure we protect democracy."
Higgs told reporters that polling results will have no bearing on the timing of an election.
"I'm not basing this on, you know, my current level in the polls. I know how that changes overnight. So I don't put any strength or stock in how volatile that situation is."
He also doesn't put much stock in Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers' promise not to force an election.
"Do I put any stock in that? Absolutely not," said Higgs on Wednesday.
Green Party Leader David Coon has said this isn't the right time for an election, and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin has said he doesn't think New Brunswickers want an election.
When pressed about when he will make a decision, Higgs wouldn't be pinned down.
"So I'm sure that Elections New Brunswick ... can figure out a way that we can maintain democracy and move it in a direction that allows us to ensure we do it safely. And it would only be under those conditions of being able to do it safely that I would consider calling an election in the future."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Welcome back to the circus
David Amos
How often has Higgy changed his mind after he said something he deemed important for our democracy?
David Amos
Has anyone tried to read Higgy's lips lately?
Methinks it was a famous Yankee who said "Read My Lips No New Taxes" king before he went fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41 #canpoli
David Amos
Methinks Higgy smells a Federal Election coming just like I do. Hence he does not want to get tangled up in blue with the far right wing dudes while Trudeau the Younger is still popular in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Too Too Funny
David Amos
Methinks Mr Oliver and his buddy Madame Bell are a bit late for the start of the circus today N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs ?
Terry Tibbs
Content disabled before I could save
Reply to @David Amos He basically agreed with me about this latest circus
Terry Tibbs
Content disabled before I could save
Reply to @David Amos He said something about Cardy hunkering down in his bunker with a bunch of butter tarts
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that he is hiding from Mr Duffie N'esy Pas?
Ray Bungay
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos You are absolutely right Mr. Amos!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: When has it not been a circus? Are you the one who could tame such a ever changing environment without daily criticism??
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP for me will ya?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks there are no coincidences N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
Covid-19 is at a low point right now , and there are three by-elections in the wings which could very well topple the Higgs govt . Just call a provincial election for Sept. ; and let the cards fall where they may . It is better to have an election now instead of waiting to see if the govt. falls after the three by-elections , and then being forced to go to the polls in the winter months . Opposition MLAs seem to be against it because they are worried about losing their big salaries , expense accounts , and gold plated pension plans
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: "To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Larry Larson
When a CONservative denies something you can bet that it is in the works!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
If you notice, no one is saying anything. Usually Mr Cardy is good for a story, or two. Usually the reporters here chase up a politician, to get their take on different things, but all is silent, Afraid of stepping in something I'd bet.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm back FYI I noticed what you said to me earlier about Higgy and elections and his buddy Cardy hunkering down in his bunker with his precious butter tarts went "Poof" before I could save it or blog it. Methinks you likely said other things as well but this reply of mine will have to suffice for now for blogging purposes N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Larry Larson: Methinks it was a famous Yankee who went fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney who said "Read my lips No new taxes" N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41 #canpoli
Douglas James
What's right for the province? That is obvious to everyone. No election during a pandemic. Municipal elections before a provincial election. How difficult is that Mr. Higgs?
James Smythe
Reply to @Douglas James: Higgs doesn’t care about that, he just wants his majority. That’s why he bankrupted the province trying to keep the case count at zero, hoping our typically older and rural populations would hand him his majority for doing so.
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: I concur
Douglas James
Reply to @James Smythe: I think that's exactly the point I made.
Gerry Ferguson
Reply to @James Smythe: Higgs didn't bankrupt NB, the Liberals did.
James Smythe
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: They’ve spent heavily in the past, but they never shut down the entire provincial economy because the Premier himself was 65+ and afraid of catching a cold.
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: Oh So True
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: Oh So True
David Amos
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: Methinks the liberals are doing that byway of the federal leveL
Roy Kirk
This should be an easy call. Hold the by-elections and live with the results. Running everyone through an early general election may be advantageous for the party, but its not so for the public. If the result of the by-elections is that another party or group of members can carry the house, the L-G can leave them to govern until the normal 4 years from the last general election has passed. Then everyone can pull out their knives and go at it.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Good point
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Good point
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Good point Gary MacKay
Mail works fine. Please send me my ballot now as so it can arrive in time for the October vote
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks Higgy et all know why my important mail often goes missing even when I pay extra to track it .So I sometime resort to the Yankee UPS or some other courier. However I doubt Elections New Brunswick would ever go to such an expense on behalf of our democracy N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks Higgy et all know why my important mail often goes missing even when I pay extra to track it .So I sometime resort to the Yankee UPS or some other courier. However I doubt Elections New Brunswick would ever go to such an expense on behalf of our democracy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks Higgy et all know why my important mail often goes missing even when I pay extra to track it .So I sometime resort to the Yankee UPS or some other courier. However I doubt Elections New Brunswick would ever go to such an expense on behalf of our democracy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabledReply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks Higgy et all know why my important mail often goes missing even when I pay extra to track it .So I sometime resort to the Yankee UPS or some other courier. However I doubt Elections New Brunswick would ever go to such an expense on behalf of our democracy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm
Jeff LeBlanc
Oh darn and here I was all ready for Vickers to get humiliated (again) in a very public fashion. Guess we will have to wait a bit longer.
val harris
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: When was the first time jeff.... Your story is getting old and boring and with no teeth.....
Lou Bell
Reply to @val harris: Tell us all you know about the " phonie games " giveaway Val ! Or were you left outta the SANB run loop ?
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: Oh, Lou, you really need a new chant...
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the SANB should ask if you are baking enough butter tarts to keep your MLA happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the SANB should ask if you are baking enough butter tarts to keep your MLA happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks it interesting that everybody had sworn off talking about butter tarts N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the SANB should ask if you are baking enough butter tarts to keep your MLA happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the SANB should ask if you are baking enough butter tarts to keep your MLA happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks it interesting that everybody had sworn off talking about butter tarts N'esy Pas?
Tim Trites
is anyone...anyone aware of any meaningful stand or statement Vickers has taken or uttered since his return to NB
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Tim Trites: nope, hasn't been one, I check every day. He just likes to feel important so being Liberal leader fills the void I guess. Miramichi folks love him oddly enough. Must have not read those ballistic reports or chose to not believe them.
Larry Larson
Reply to @Tim Trites: No, the fake hero has nothing to say because he knows nothing about politics!/
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Larry Larson: He took a pretty hard stand over the rural healthcare row back in February. Not that I'm backing him or anybody else for that matter.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Tim Trites: If you don't take a stand or make a statement at least you don't have to back peddle.? Maybe his plan is to just let Higgs do that instead.
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Trites: Methinks folks should have asked Vickers why he was mentioned in my lawsuit before they picked him for their leader N'esy Pas?
Tim Trites
Reply to @Larry Larson:
i'll give him this he ain't no no fake hero he went out there and stood his ground against a guy who was packin
i'll give him this he ain't no no fake hero he went out there and stood his ground against a guy who was packin
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Methinks folks should have asked Vickers why he was mentioned in my lawsuit before they picked him for their leader N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Methinks folks should have asked Vickers why he was mentioned in my lawsuit before they picked him for their leader N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks everybody knows why nothing surprises me anymore N'esy Pas?
Jos Allaire
Not this week, nor next week! Work as a team with the other parties CONservatives!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Keep sweatin' there Joey ! Your party is destined to minority staus for years to come ! Who's next after Vickers ? Maybe our Gov General when she gets the boot !
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: Now Lou, deep down inside you know darn well that the best any provincial government here can hope for is at best two terms... Heck, the only reason Higgs is contemplating an election now is becauwe he is worried the byelections might do him in first.. I know he would like people to think its all about whats best for the province but even you know better than that... and so does most everyone else.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Dan Stewart: If fundraising is a sign of party popularity , the Liberals are in a deep hole. NB'ers have come to realize who the Liberals represent and it's no accident Melanson and his SANB buddies have been doing all the talking for the party ! Have any of the Liberal MLA's spoken up who were left outta the SANB planned " Phonie Games " , or were they also in on the scheme ??? Following the Federal Liberal Party template to a tee ! Dom. appears to be their insider !!!
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: For a man that lives in the past When it comes to his favorite phonie chant you would at least know a but more about our political history... selective memory I'm thinking....
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Dan Stewart: She is a "womsn", a "femme fatale"!
Jos Allaire
One of the foolish virgins mentioned in the gospel.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Lou Bell: Vickers can't win he isn't in the right riding and he doesn't have the magic surname!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Surely you jest
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Surely you jest
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody knows if you put a red coat on a dog in that riding it will win N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Ah , Le mind in da gutter Joey . No substance , just minimalist ramblings form a vacant noggin .
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody knows if you put a red coat on a dog in that riding it will win N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Ah , Le mind in da gutter Joey . No substance , just minimalist ramblings form a vacant noggin .
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody knows if you put a red coat on a dog in that riding it will win N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks you have put old Lou's nasty blue knickers in quite a knot again N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Too Too Funny Ben Haroldson
Since when is it his call , legislature?
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Ever since the PANB supported him
Ray Bungay
As I said in another media today, no mass vote by mail I will not vote and as I usually vote 9 out of 10 times Conservative or PC that is one vote my MLA Glen Savoie will not get. Rethink this one Mr. Higgs. This province is very old a grey haired residents who are the ones who usually vote for old grey haired men like you. So rethink this through.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Bungay: I resemble that remark David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Bungay: Say hey to Mr Savoie for me will ya? Methinks the reason he don't call or write me back is because he don't love my politicking N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Bungay: "This province is very old a grey haired residents who are the ones who usually vote for old grey haired men like you"
Methinks I resemble that remark N'esy Pas?
Methinks I resemble that remark N'esy Pas?
Ray Bungay
Reply to @David Amos: same here David, and no matter who seniors vote we are highest group that votes usually thr most.
Dave Corbin
a general election or any election for that matter is best conducted through mail. There is no problem identified by our democrat neighbours to the south that would indicate mail in voting to be a problem whatsoever.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Dave Corbin: But, but, but. The orange man says otherwise...
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Methinks the last orange party leader who made a splash was Higgy's buddy Mr Cardy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
janice small
As tempting as it is with 80% approval rating its political suicide for Higgs to call an election..Let one of the other party's force the election....
Marc Martin
Reply to @janice small: 80% ? LOL
Greg Miller
Reply to @Marc Martin: LOL all you want--and what is the alternative?
David Amos
Reply to @Greg Miller: Methinks SANB spindoctors are like moths to a flame N'esy Pas?
James Risdon
An election!!!! What a great opportunity for the good people of Bathurst to re-elect - again - a Member of the Legislative Assembly from the party that seems to own the very hearts, minds and souls of the local voters.
Never mind that this area is so staunchly in support of that party that both it and the opposition parties routinely write it off and fail to address any of its most pressing needs. Never mind that it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, that its economic development efforts are in the toilet, and its municipalities are basically broke and commercial buildings and churches are being abandoned and torn down. Never mind that it is one of the few areas in Canada where waterfront property on a natural harbour is going begging for someone, anyone, to redevelop it and take advantage of the spectacular views.
None of that matters.
In the next election, what will matter is that Bathurst will once again vote en masse to re-elect anyone or anything that is draped in the right political colours - no matter what their policies might be. Or even if they have any policies at all.
In Bathurst, elections are basically make-work projects for the local organizers and supporters of that party.
Nothing more.
Never mind that this area is so staunchly in support of that party that both it and the opposition parties routinely write it off and fail to address any of its most pressing needs. Never mind that it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, that its economic development efforts are in the toilet, and its municipalities are basically broke and commercial buildings and churches are being abandoned and torn down. Never mind that it is one of the few areas in Canada where waterfront property on a natural harbour is going begging for someone, anyone, to redevelop it and take advantage of the spectacular views.
None of that matters.
In the next election, what will matter is that Bathurst will once again vote en masse to re-elect anyone or anything that is draped in the right political colours - no matter what their policies might be. Or even if they have any policies at all.
In Bathurst, elections are basically make-work projects for the local organizers and supporters of that party.
Nothing more.
Greg Miller
Reply to @James Risdon: As long as certain communities are "force fed" this trend will be on-going. Bathurst has been artificially grown to the point where it is not self-sustaining.
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: So does this rant mean that you are gonna run for the KISS Party again?
I would hope Mr Higgs does not call an election, benefiting for a job well done with his actions with Covid 19. He must not use Covid 19 as an election platform to get a majority government. We must remember how he wants to close hospitals not too long ago. One must wonder on his thinking for personal gain using the pandemic.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Kim Life-Coach: You'd prefer the Liberals who attempted to underhandedly give away 130 million of OUR MONEY to the " Phonie Games " ? And have many doctors sitting idly by in ER's serving 5 or 6 patients in an 8 to 10 hour period while others wait for hours in many other crowded ER's , as well as many being sent home with pain relievers and told to return the following day ?? Gotcha !!!!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Kim Life-Coach: Methinks you seem confused Perhaps a nap is in order for both you and old Lou N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Oh My My
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 06:19:17 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452 Its missing
in action lawyer Ellen Desmond and its Chair as well My lawsuit,
Chucky's blog and the CBC News Elections
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
Government of Canada website at<http ://> or by
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Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
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composant le
1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 03:19:00 -0300
Subject: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452 Its missing in
action lawyer Ellen Desmond and its Chair as well My lawsuit, Chucky's
blog and the CBC News Elections
To: "Holland, Mike (LEG)"<>, "blaine.higgs"
<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"kris.austin"<>,,, briangallant10 <>,
"louis-philippe.gauthier@cfib. ca"<louis-philippe.gauthier@cfib. ca>,
<Gilles.volpe@>, "Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities. com"
<Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities. com>, "dave.lavigne@"
<dave.lavigne@>, "Hoyt, Len"
<>, "jeffery.callaghan@"
<jeffery.callaghan@>, ""
<>, ""<>,
> or call 506-658-2504.From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 06:19:17 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452 Its missing
in action lawyer Ellen Desmond and its Chair as well My lawsuit,
Chucky's blog and the CBC News Elections
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
Government of Canada website at<http
calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention
économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au<http
composant le
1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 03:19:00 -0300
Subject: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452 Its missing in
action lawyer Ellen Desmond and its Chair as well My lawsuit, Chucky's
blog and the CBC News Elections
To: "Holland, Mike (LEG)"<>, "blaine.higgs"
<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"kris.austin"<>,,, briangallant10 <>,
<>, "jeffery.callaghan@
<>, ""<>,
""<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, NBEUB/CESPNB <>, "Dickie,
Michael"<>, "Lawton, John"
<>, "Young, Dave"<>,
"Cecile.Bourbonnais@brattle. com"<Cecile.Bourbonnais@brattle. com>,
<Colleen.Mitchell@>, ""
<>, ""<>,
"Clark, Lori"<>, "Gagnon, Jessica Lynn"
<>, "Desmond, Ellen"<>,
""<> ,
""<> ,
""<>, ""
<>, ""<>,
""<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<> , ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "Dominic.Cardy"<>,
"bruce.northrup"<>, "jake.stewart"
<>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
<>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@,,, ,, "David.Coon"
<>,, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>,,, "dan. bussieres"<>,
"serge.rousselle"<>, "greg.byrne"
<>, "Jack.Keir"<>, "tyler.campbell"
<>, "jeff.carr"<>,,, markandcaroline
<>,,, "steve.murphy"<>, "David.Akin"
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "robert.gauvin"
<>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>, newsroom
<>, "Robert. Jones"<>
You can never say that your boss Higgy and your buddy Chucky Leblanc
were not duly informed about a lot of things that concerned me again
tonight EH Mikey?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 05:11:46 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452
and NB Power's VERY sneaky Application for Approval of an Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Capital Project
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter<http://>.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau- Brunswick
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Desmond, Ellen"<>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 05:12:35 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452
and NB Power's VERY sneaky Application for Approval of an Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Capital Project
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
This email account is no longer in service.
Please redirect your email to
""<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, NBEUB/CESPNB <>, "Dickie,
Michael"<>, "Lawton, John"
<>, "Young, Dave"<>,
<>, ""<>,
"Clark, Lori"<>, "Gagnon, Jessica Lynn"
<>, "Desmond, Ellen"<>,
""<>, ""
<>, ""<>,
""<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "Dominic.Cardy"<>,
"bruce.northrup"<>, "jake.stewart"
<>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@,,
<>,, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>,,, "dan. bussieres"<>,
"serge.rousselle"<>, "greg.byrne"
<>, "Jack.Keir"<>, "tyler.campbell"
<>, "jeff.carr"<>,,, markandcaroline
<>,,, "steve.murphy"<>, "David.Akin"
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "robert.gauvin"
<>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>, newsroom
<>, "Robert. Jones"<>
You can never say that your boss Higgy and your buddy Chucky Leblanc
were not duly informed about a lot of things that concerned me again
tonight EH Mikey?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 05:11:46 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452
and NB Power's VERY sneaky Application for Approval of an Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Capital Project
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter<http://
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Desmond, Ellen"<>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 05:12:35 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Mikey Holland RE EUB Matter 452
and NB Power's VERY sneaky Application for Approval of an Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Capital Project
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
This email account is no longer in service.
Please redirect your email to
Thank you.
New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board
Ce compte de courrier électronique n’est plus en service.
Veuillez rediriger votre courriel à
Commission de l'énergie et des services publics du Nouveau-Brunswick
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
If Blaine Higgs calls a Fall Election? He WILL be known as a TRUE Scumbag!!!!
Posted by Charles Leblanc at 11:00 pm
No election call coming this week, Higgs says
Opposition parties against general election
Mia Urquhart · CBC News · Posted: Aug 05, 2020 3:33 PM AT
David Amos
Too Too Funny
David Amos
Methinks Higgy smells a Federal Election coming just like I do. Hence
he does not want to get tangled up in blue with the far right wing
dudes while Trudeau the Younger is still popular in New Brunswick
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Mr Oliver and his buddy Madame Bell are a bit late for the
start of the circus today N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs ?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that he is hiding
from Mr Duffie N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: When has it not been a circus? Are you the one
who could tame such a ever changing environment without daily
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP for me will ya?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whereas you claim to read my emails to Higgy and
the Heat have you read the one Higgy et al acknowledged ce soir about
the EUB and my lawsuit etc?
Matt Steele
Covid-19 is at a low point right now , and there are three
by-elections in the wings which could very well topple the Higgs govt
. Just call a provincial election for Sept. ; and let the cards fall
where they may . It is better to have an election now instead of
waiting to see if the govt. falls after the three by-elections , and
then being forced to go to the polls in the winter months . Opposition
MLAs seem to be against it because they are worried about losing their
big salaries , expense accounts , and gold plated pension plans
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Matt Steele: Everybody knows that stuff. However there is
lots Higgy et al and I don't know
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."
Methinks some folks may agree what is going on right now in Ottawa and
south of the 49th has Higgy et al oh so concerned about their
political futures rather than our well being. Hence its a small wonder
to me why they don't even care enough to give me back my Medicare Card
yet no doubt they care enough to see that this comment goes "Poof" as
well N'esy Pas Mr Tibbs?
Larry Larson
When a CONservative denies something you can bet that it is in the works!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
If you notice, no one is saying anything. Usually Mr Cardy is good for
a story, or two. Usually the reporters here chase up a politician, to
get their take on different things, but all is silent, Afraid of
stepping in something I'd bet.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm back FYI I noticed what you said to me
earlier about Higgy and elections and his buddy Cardy hunkering down
in his bunker with his precious butter tarts went "Poof" before I
could save it or blog it. Methinks you likely said other things as
well but this reply of mine will have to suffice for now for blogging
purposes N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Larry Larson: Methinks it was a famous Yankee who went
fishing up north with Bernie Lord and Mulroney who said "Read my lips
No new taxes" N'esy Pas?
Sen Percy Mockler
In Summer 2002, Premier Bernard Lord and I hosted President George
H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in New Brunswick. I can
confirm he was a Very Good Friend of Canada! Thank you Prez and may
you rest in peace. #GeorgeHWBushFuneral #brianmulroney #Bush41
Friday, 18 September 2015
David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
Court File No. T-1557-15
The Parties
1. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crown) is Elizabeth II, the Queen of
England, the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England, the
longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and one of the
wealthiest persons in the world. Canada pays homage to the Queen
because she remained the Head of State and the Chief Executive Officer
of Canada after the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11 came into force
on April 17, 1982. The standing of the Queen in Canada was explained
within the 2002 Annual Report FORM 18-K filed by Canada with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It states as
“The executive power of the federal Government is vested in the
Queen, represented by the Governor General, whose powers are exercised
on the advice of the federal Cabinet, which is responsible to the
House of Commons. The legislative branch at the federal level,
Parliament, consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of
“The executive power in each province is vested in the Lieutenant
Governor, appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the
federal Cabinet. The Lieutenant Governor’s powers are exercised on the
advice of the provincial cabinet, which is responsible to the
legislative assembly. Each provincial legislature is composed of a
Lieutenant Governor and a legislative assembly made up of members
elected for a period of five years.”
2. Her Majesty the Queen is the named defendant pursuant to
sections 23(1) and 36 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. Some
of the state actors whose duties and actions are at issue in this
action are the Prime Minister, Premiers, Governor General, Lieutenant
Governors, members of the Canadian Forces (CF), and Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (RCMP), federal and provincial Ministers of Public
Safety, Ministers of Justice, Ministers of Finance, Speakers, Clerks,
Sergeants-at-Arms and any other person acting as Aide-de-Camp
providing security within and around the House of Commons, the
legislative assemblies or acting as security for other federal,
provincial and municipal properties.
3. Her Majesty the Queen’s servants the RCMP whose mandate is to
serve and protect Canadian citizens and assist in the security of
parliamentary properties and the protection of public officials should
not deny a correspondence from a former Deputy Prime Minister who was
appointed to be Canada’s first Minister of Public Safety in order to
oversee the RCMP and their cohorts. The letter that helped to raise
the ire of a fellow Canadian citizen who had never voted in his life
to run for public office four times thus far is quoted as follows:
“Mr. David R. Amos
Jan 3rd, 2004
153Alvin Avenue
Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
Dear Mr. Amos
Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding
your safety.
I apologize for the delay in responding.
If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
suggest that you contact the police of local
jurisdiction. In addition, any
evidence of criminal activity should be brought to
their attention since the
police are in the best position to evaluate the
information and take action
as deemed appropriate.
I trust that this information is satisfactory.
Yours sincerely
A. Anne McLellan”
4. DAVID RAYMOND AMOS (Plaintiff), a Canadian Citizen and the
first Chief of the Amos Clan, was born in Sackville, New Brunswick
(NB) on July 17th, 1952.
5. The Plaintiff claims standing in this action as a citizen
whose human rights and democratic interests are to be protected by due
performance of the obligations of Canada’s public officials who are
either elected or appointed and all servants of the Crown whose
mandate is to secure the public safety, protect public interests and
to uphold and enforce the rule of law. The Crown affirms his right to
seek relief for offences to his rights under section 24(1) of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). Paragraphs 6 to 13
explain the delay in bringing this action before Federal Court and
paragraphs 25 to 88 explain this matter.
6. The Plaintiff states that pursuant to the democratic rights
found in Section 3 of the Charter he was a candidate in the elections
of the membership of the 38th and 39th Parliaments in the House of
Commons and a candidate in the elections of the memberships of the
legislative assemblies in Nova Scotia (NS) and NB in 2006.
On 8/6/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Methinks questionable lawyer Mr Furey wishes to forget many rather
> important emails I sent him and his bosses over the years but one I
> sent on the 12th of February of 2018 should be of great importance to
> mon ami Roger Richard today N'esy Pas?
> Vertias Vincit
> David Raymmod Amos
> P.S.Trust that I published the emails found beloe on the Internet just
> like I always do
> http://davidraymondamos3.
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:40:39 +0000
> Subject: RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know
> how to read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for your email to the Energy and Utilities Board.
> This is to acknowledge receipt of the document you have filed with the
> Board.
> ***
> La Commission de l’énergie et des services publics vous remercie pour
> votre courriel.
> Nous accusons réception du document que vous avez déposé auprès de la
> Commission.
> N.B. Energy and Utilities Board
> Commission de l’énergie et des services publics du N.-B.
> 15 Market Square – Suite 1400
> P.O. Box 5001/C.P. 5001
> Saint John, NB E2L 4Y9
> Telephone : 506-658-2504
> Fax/Télécopieur : 506-643-7300
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> informatique et de vos dossiers. Merci.
> Début du message réexpédié :
> De: "Furey, John"<>
> Objet: RE: Matter 452 - NB Power Application for Approval of an
> Advanced Metering Infrastructure Capital Project /
> Date: 5 août 2020 14:59:11 UTC−3
> À: "Mitchell, Kathleen"<>,
> "Colleen.Mitchell@
> <>, ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>
> <>, "Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities.
> <Paul.Volpe@libertyutilities.
> <Gilles.volpe@
> "dave.lavigne@
> <dave.lavigne@
> <>, "Waycott, Stephen"<>,
> "Crawford, Brad"<>, "Clark, Lori"
> <>, NBP Regulatory <>,
> "Gagnon, Jessica Lynn"<>, NBEUB/CESPNB
> <>, "Lawton, John"<>, "Desmond,
> Ellen"<>, "Dickie, Michael"
> <>, "Young, Dave"<>,
> ""<>
> ""<>
> ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""<>,
> ""<>,
> ""<>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>
> <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>
> Dear Ms. Mitchell,
> In relation to the above noted Matter, please find attached a Notice
> of Motion and supporting documentation.
> All parties to Matter 452 are being served with this documentation.
> Regards,
> John
> John G. Furey
> Senior Legal Counsel
> New Brunswick Power Corporation
> P.O. Box 2000
> 515 King Street
> Fredericton, N.B.
> E3B 4X1
> Direct Line - 506-458-6970
> Facsimile - 506-458-4319
> This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
> intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Greg H."
> Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:36:10 -0400
> Subject: Re: Hey Greg say Hey to two good friends whom I call the
> other two stooges Curly and Moe
> To: David Amos , rrichard , Gerald Bourque
> Cc: David Amos
> I hear this morning that Canada has made application to take the US/Cdn
> softwood lumber dispute before the NAFTA Chapter 19 dispute resolution
> panel. They interviewed some trade expert from Queens University(if my
> memory has not failed me here) on the CBC NB morning show...he thought
> it would be a "touchy situation" regards outcome this time around.
> We know the NB saw-mills are being hit with countervailing and dumping
> duties but I am asking myself about the pulp-mills which are receiving
> the fraudulent LIREPP subsidy...*we are even subsidizing a US based
> pulp-mill with NB Pwr ratepayers $s !*...that being the one on the US
> side(Madawaska) being fed from the Edmundston pulp-mill switch-yard as
> they feed its electrical supply for that US operation from the Canadian
> Edmundston mill side...all supplied via NB Pwr at multi-million $
> discounts each year. There is no "renewable energy" received onto the NB
> Pwr electrical grid...the whole thing is a fraudulent subsidy scam!
> **G.*
> *
> On 16/11/2017 10:00 AM, David Amos wrote:
>> Methinks Mr Furey is gonna regret having an ethical computer N'esy Pas
>> Moe?
>> Enjoy your day fellas. If don't wake up tommorrow please know it is
>> because I died laughing in my sleep.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Furey, John"
> Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:51:03 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Attn Hon.Rick Doucet Are you aware of
> what transpired at eh NBEUB on Oct, 31, 2017 and these documents with
> regards the U.S .Commerce Dept concerns about NB Power and its Large
> Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase Program (LIREPP)?
> To: David Amos
> I am away from my office and unable to access my email. I will
> respond to your message on my return to the office. If your message is
> urgent, please contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
> ______________________________
> This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Furey, John"
> Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:11:59 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Re The news NB Power payola and a
> little Deja Vu about my indignation towards Gaëtan Thomas and Ed
> Barrett and their meeting with Kris Austin and PANB seven years ago
> To: David Amos
> I will be out of the office until Monday, November 13, 2017, and will
> not have access to my email during my absence. I will respond to your
> message on my return to the office. If your message is urgent, please
> contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
> ______________________________
> This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
> intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
> addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
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> http://davidraymondamos3.
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Newsroom <>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:03:59 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate
> Application This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing -
> Day 3 I opted
> to attend Day 4
> To: David Amos <>
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:04:12 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate
> Application This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing -
> Day 3 I opted
> to attend Day 4
> To:
> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
> of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
> This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
> Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
> may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
> message will be carefully reviewed.
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> Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
> Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
> Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
> correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
> directly to the Department of Justice at
> mcu@justice.gc.camcu@justice.
>> or call 613-957-4222.
> Thank you
> -------------------
> Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
> Vancouver Granville.
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> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:05:13 +0000
> Subject: RE: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing - Day 3 I
> opted to attend Day 4
> To: David Amos <>
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
> commentaires.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:03:28 -0400
> Subject: Re Round 2 of the NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application
> This weekend after I read the Transcript of the Hearing - Day 3 I
> opted to attend Day 4
> To:,,
> newsroom <>, "Robert. Jones"<>,
>, "Furey, John"<>,
> wharrison <>, nmoore <>,
> news <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> "David.Coon"<>, BrianThomasMacdonald
> <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.
> "jody.carr"<>,
> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
> "Bill.Morneau"<>, "brian.gallant"
> <>
> Tuesday, 30 January 2018
> RE: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 General Rate Application This
> should prove the sneaky Yankees such as Wilbur Ross that I know how to
> read N'esy Pas Premier Gallant and and Bill Morneau?
> Hey
> Clearly I have some serious issues to dispute with Darren Murphy the
> CFO of NB POWER and the rest of his cohorts within a Crown
> Corporation. This is as brief as I can make an argument in support of
> the need of my testimony in the 375 Matter about what occured within
> it and the 357 Matter etc. In a nutshell I have every right to be an
> Intervenor and to testify as a witness under oath. NB POWER and its
> cohorts in NBEUB failed to prove why I have no right to do so. However
> they certainly proved to anyone who knows how to read what has been
> published why they should be prosecuted libel ASAP. Section 300 of the
> Canadian Criminal Code applies to lawyers too. If you don't think I
> was libeled then introduce me to your lawyer.
> The public shows that NBEUB did bar me for malicious reasons on
> October 31st yet permitted me to attend the public hearings this month
> in order to advise my friends Gerald Bourque and Roger Richard. On
> February 7th Gerald Bourque did manage to ask Darren Murphy and his
> associates on NB Power's 1st panel of witnesses a few questions that I
> had asked him to. Need I say that I enjoyed their responses? The
> NBEUB also allowed me to speak for 21 minutes during the Public
> Session that evening but the transcript of the aforesaid session has
> not been filed in the NBEUB records as of yet.
> My friends Gerald Bourque and Roger Richard as Intervenors in this
> matter have every right to say and do what they wish which also
> includes paying heed to my advice or ignoring it altogether. The
> filings of Roger Richard in this matter easily attest to the fact that
> initially he wished for me to testify on his behalf in this matter.
> However after Daniel Leblanc appeared in the matter in order to speak
> on my friend's behalf I was removed as a witness. So be it. The NBEUB
> and all the other Intervenors know the truth of my concerns anyway
> byway of many filings within the 357 and 375 Matters. More importantly
> I stated my opinion of this fancy little circus in no uncertain terms
> of the evening of February 7th and I look for to reviewing what I said
> in the heat of the moment.
> This weekend after I read the transcript of the 3rd day of the hearing
> I ried to convince my friend Roger Richard to ignore Leblanc's advice
> and put me in his witness list again. However he did not wish to, so I
> respectfully backed away again and will not interfere with my friend's
> plan to stop smart meters going to NB. Methinks the key to it will be
> the media N'esy Pas Mr Jones?
> These documents can be sourced from the records of the 375 Matter
> 02/07/2018 Hearing - Day 1 / Audience - 1ier jour
> Page 295
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So there is the two interveners 6 or two
> participants in the proceeding that have no legal counsel. One is Mr.
> Richard and the other one is Mr. Bourque. So I just want to provide --
> yes, Mr. Rouse?
> MR. ROUSE: I guess I don't have legal counsel either.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: True. So you are -- NCFS doesn't have legal counsel?
> MR. ROUSE: That's correct.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So I will address the three of you then. So Mr. Bourque
> and Mr. Rouse -- I think, Mr. Rouse, you know how the proceeding
> proceeds. So Mr. Bourque, essentially when it comes and you have a
> panel, they are subject to cross-examination. And if you do have any
> questions specifically to the panel, you will be asked to come in
> front and ask your question to whomever your questions you want to ask
> to. Now if there is an objection to your questioning I would ask you
> to stop and at that point what I will do is I will hear the person
> who was objecting to your question and afterwards I will hear if you
> have any other comments to make regarding the objection and we will
> deal with those -- with the objection as it comes. So do you
> understand that?
> MR. BOURQUE: Yes, I do and thanks for explaining it.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Monsieur Richard, essentiellement
> qu’est ce qui va arriver, pis quoi je mentionnais en anglais, c’est
> que vous êtes non-représenté par un avocat donc vous – peut-être que
> vous connaissez pas toute la façon que les procédures fonctionnent.
> Donc, l’Énergie Nouveau-Brunswick a différent panel qui – qui vont
> introduire pour – pour – pour contre-interrogatoire, donc si vous avez
> des questions a demandé aux personnes, donc, vous allez poser vos
> questions à ces personnes-là. Et puis si y’a une partie qui s’objecte
> à votre question, j’vous demanderais juste d’arrêter. Et puis quoi ce
> que la Commission va faire c’est qu’elle va entendre la partie qui
> s’objecte. Et puis à ce moment-là j’vas vous demandez si vous avez
> aucun commentaire à regarder l’objection et puis on – on va – on va
> rendre une décision à ce point-là relativement à l’objection. Est-ce
> que vous comprenez ceci.
> DR. RICHARD: Oui. Oui, Monsieur Vice-président.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN : Pis je comprends aussi que, Monsieur Richard, que vous
> êtes un professionnel, donc durant la procédure vous serez pas ici à
> tous les jours. J’pense que vous avez autorisé un Monsieur LeBlanc de
> – d’être ici à – pour vous représenter lorsque vous serez dans votre
> clinique. Je ne sais pas où votre clinique est, donc ce que je
> comprends bien que cette personne-là va vous représentez lorsque vous
> serez pas disponible.
> DR. RICHARD : Oui c’est bien ça
> Page 322
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, as Chief Financial Officer, do you agree with 13 the
> accounting of KPMG?
> MR. MURPHY: Sorry, do I understand the question, do I agree with the
> accounting of KPMG?
> Q. - Yes.
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, I do.
> Q. - Do you know the account -- the KPMG auditor, and if so who are they?
> MR. MURPHY: Sorry, I am having a little difficult time 21 hearing up
> here, did you say the owner or the author?
> Q. - The auditors, sorry about that.
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, I do. I know the primary partner on our particular audit
> file.
> Q. - Do you have a name for them?
> MR. MURPHY: Our primary audit partner is Jamie O'Neil.
> Q. - Jamie O'Neil. And I was a bit surprised that when I asked the
> question earlier and there was -- the audit was not signed and any
> business I have ever been involved with before, the auditors always
> came and made the presentation of the audit and this didn't appear to
> happen. Is there a reason for that?
> MR. MURPHY: So I am not exactly sure of the reference that's being
> made, but our audit statements are signed every year. As described, we
> have a very traditional process in terms of the auditors coming in and
> making a final presentation to the boards of directors. It's at that
> time that we do sign off on the audited statements and they are
> available online for anybody to go in and view them.
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, are you familiar with David Amos and Greg Hickey and
> their concerns about the payout to pulp mills by the NB Power Large
> Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase programs and the fact that the
> U.S. Department of Commerce consider it corporate welfare affecting
> the American interest and with trade with Canada?
> MR. FUREY: Mr. Chair, we have been down this road before in previous
> hearings. Mr. Hickey addressed this in at least one, and if I am not
> mistaken, two hearings. And I
> believe where we objected to certain questions of Mr. Hickey in the
> past like this, the Board concluded that relevant questioning -- that
> it would be a relevant question to ask questions related to compliance
> by NB Power with provisions of the Electricity Act and the LIREPP
> regulation, the renewable regulation, which includes the LIREPP
> program, but debate about policy, as to whether or not LIREPP is a
> desirable policy is not a matter for this Board and I think we have
> had that resolved in previous hearings.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bourque, Mr. Furey is right. We did have -- when
> Mr. Hickey was here last year, and I think at other hearings, we had
> that debate and so it's a policy issue. If you have questions
> regarding LIREPP, regarding compliance, I think you are permitted to
> ask those questions, but if it's questions regarding policy, regarding
> the LIREPP program, it's not relevant and it's in the legislation so
> --
> MR. BOURQUE: I wasn't aware of what took place last year.
> Q. - Mr. Murphy, are you aware of my friend, David Amos and the
> concerns with the NB Power since 2006?
> MR. MURPHY: I would not say that I am aware of any detailed concerns
> that Mr. Amos has expressed.
> Q. - Have you read the filings that NB Power filed into the record of
> this matter since -- on October 30th of 2017?
> MR. MURPHY: Yes, generally I have read all the documents.
> Q. - Have you read the transcript of the hearing on October 2 31st?
> MR. MURPHY: I did not read the transcript.
> Q. - And have you read the emails that Mr. Amos sent since then?
> MR. MURPHY: I did not read the emails. If there is something in
> particular that's filed on evidence that you would like to bring up on
> the screen for me to review, I am happy to review it and answer
> questions on it, but I have not read the emails.
> Q. - Ms. Clark, why does NB Power consider the smart meter it wished
> to attach to my home a federal matter? If I get sick, or because of
> an injury to my home or property, do I sue the federal or do I sue NB
> Power?
> MS. CLARK: So with respect to the smart meters, the AMI installation,
> we would be complying with all of Health Canada's Guidelines with
> respect to the meter installation.
> Q. - So if there is a problem NB Power is responsible for it or the
> federal, if you are complying by the federal regulations?
> MR. FUREY: Mr. Vice-Chair, I don't think that's a fair question to
> address to this panel.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Is there going to be another panel that can address his
> question, Mr. Furey?
> MR. FUREY: Well to be asked to comment in advance on circumstances in
> which liability might arise, you know, certainly if there is a
> specific fact circumstance presented, maybe the question could be
> answered, but this is very broad.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So are you suggesting that if he rephrases his
> question that this panel could answer the question?
> MR. FUREY: I guess I would have to hear the question, but I -- what I
> am saying is the question as framed is I think impossible to answer.
> And it's unfair to ask any witness to commit to liability around a
> question as broad as if something goes wrong.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Bourque, can you reframe your question?
> Q. - Well my -- my concern is the spending of a lot of money for the
> smart meters. And as we heard earlier this morning, the temperature
> has a big temp' -- a big effect on the use of power. Well do we need
> to spend millions of dollars to tell us when the temperature gets
> colder and that? NB Power knows that. When the temperature goes down,
> they are going to have to start producing, you know, more power to
> supply the demand. And I think it's really -- wonder if it's worth
> sending that. The other thing is I have received some videos off the
> internet of smart meters where they literally caught the side of the
> house on fire. There was pictures of just around the meter and that.
> So if that happens to my house, who is responsible?
> MS. CLARK: I will address your question in two parts. The first part
> of it is with respect to the installation of smart meters or the AMI
> project. The example that was given would be a perfect reason for NB
> Power to install advanced metering infrastructure. During the times
> when the utility or when the province is facing very cold
> temperatures, having the advanced metering infrastructure in place
> would allow customers to have more information readily available
> during the month. So when we are dealing with high bill complaints,
> like we have been this last month due to the extremely cold
> temperatures, customers would actually be able to see their usage
> throughout the month and not be subject to receiving a final bill at
> the end of the month and being surprised by their consumption because
> of the cold weather. So this would be a perfect example of why the
> advanced metering infrastructure would be in the -- it would be in the
> benefit of our customers.
> The second piece, I think with reference to the safety of meters, we
> will be following Measurement Canada safety standards, Health Canada
> safety standards. All of our meters will be tested. And during the
> install, we will actually be able to look at customers' premises to
> see if there are any issues related to safety that we should be
> addressing at the time. There are specific incidents where there have
> been some issues with meters being installed, but those are very
> specific to either the geographical location where they were being
> installed or the customers' equipment itself. But again when we are
> actually installing the meters, as we are installing 355,000 meters
> across the province, we will actually be able to visually inspect
> each one of those locations to see if there is any issues with respect
> to the meter itself or the installation that's on the customers'
> premises. But it would depend on what exactly it is we find as to how
> it would be handled.
> Q. - I got one final question. If a customer decides he doesn't want a
> smart meter at his place, can he opt out?
> MS. CLARK: Yes, absolutely. We will have an opt out policy.
> MR. BOURQUE: Thank you.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is that all your questions, Mr. 20 Bourque?
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you.
> MR. BOURQUE: Thank you.
> 02/09/2018 Hearing - Day 3/ Audience - 3ième jour
> Page 590
> MR. CRONKHITE: That is a pretty broad statement. If you could be a
> little bit more specific on restrictions you are referring to.
> Q. - Well for an example, Mr. Cronkhite, would be the LIREPP program
> restricts how your generation assets are used. Would you agree with
> that?
> MR. CRONKHITE: The LIREPP program is simply a input of renewable
> resources into the system. It does not, in my opinion, for the size of
> the contribution, restrict our operations in any way.
> Q. - Okay. You have purchase power agreements. Do they mot also
> dictate or indicate how your generation assets can be used?
> MR. CRONKHITE: Certainly we do have power purchase arrangements when
> energy would be an example where we need to incorporate that wind when
> it's generated. As a result of that, we do position, so I think maybe
> Ms. Desmond may be asking this that we do need to position our
> remaining fleet to accommodate or adjust and follow that wind
> variation as it operates today. Not unlike that we would have with
> embedded generation assets, and to a much smaller degree obviously,
> home generation around solar and different items such as that.
> Q. - If we were to maximize the benefits of AMI in our smart grid,
> isn't it also true that we should maximize the use of our generation
> supply assets that we currently have, and wouldn't that mean
> revisiting some of these existing constraints?
> MR. CRONKHITE: We are always mindful of the existing commitments that
> we have on our system today. When we look forward with respect to the
> time frames, and as I mentioned earlier, that this is a managed
> transition not over five years, but over 15, 20 and 25 years, we are
> always mindful and that's why we have looked at power purchase
> arrangements that are coming due in the mid-20s and beyond that we
> allow the freedom and flexibility for us to make the correct
> adjustments, as we move towards those particular milestones.
> With respect to new generation coming on line, that's why we do the
> modelling, that's why we do sensitivities around various scenarios to
> ensure that we are optimizing to the best of our ability. One of the
> foundational items around our Energy Smart NB plan is being able to
> connect with customers to connect to intermittent generation that we
> know is coming onto the system in the near term and medium term and
> having more visibility on that. So that exactly we can optimize our
> generation fleet more effectively today through visibility on this
> distributed generation resources so that we can synchronize it much
> more effectively with the system moving forward.
> Q. - I wasn't specifically asking about new generation. It really was
> the existing constraints that you have to work around and deal with in
> terms of generation dispatch.
> MS. DESMOND: Okay. I think those are all of our questions though.
> Thank you very much.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ms. Desmond. So I think we do have -- as
> Board members we do have a couple of questions to ask. So I will
> start. I am looking at your current business case that you have
> before us with your total project contribution of minus $1.3 million.
> And from the evidence that we have heard the last couple of days, is
> that you consider this as a breakeven number, and I think that that's
> what you were telling us, Ms. Clark.
> So the normal individual, your rate customer, would you not think
> that he would not perceive your $1.3 million as a breakeven number?
> MS. CLARK: I guess in the context in which I was using breakeven is
> it is an investment rationale document and it's intended to cover the
> life cycle costs of the program, and those are assumptions and it's
> hovering very close to zero when you look at it over the life cycle.
> I think in the last few days of the hearing, we have indicated that
> it's more than breakeven and would even say that if we were to
> incorporate the adjustments, and the undertaking we just took from Ms.
> Desmond to provide the adjustments that were recommended in the
> Synapse report, we are looking at an investment rationale that is
> leaning closer to probably $10 million or 8 or $9 million. And if we
> were to quantify some of those non-quantifiable benefits and be less
> conservative in some of the estimates that we put in the investment
> rationale document, I think we could easily get to a $10 million
> improvement.
> Again, and I know you have heard this before, the intention was to
> come in as conservative as possible, and know that we had all the
> potential upside. In hindsight, perhaps we should have taken a
> different approach, but I do believe that we can demonstrate that we
> have a positive investment rationale as well.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So there was discussion around -- and I think it was
> brought forward by Mr. Bourque and Dr. Richard, all about -- and Ms.
> Desmond regarding the option of option in and option out. Have you
> surveyed your current residential customers to see who will opt in and
> who will opt out before making $123 million investment?
> MS. CLARK: Customer engagement is a big part of this project, and
> we are as concerned as you would be about making that sort of an
> investment. So we will be doing, as part of our customer engagement,
> but part of it is the focus group that we did early on is people don't
> understand what the smart meter is, so part of it would be around
> education of what the smart meter is and the benefits it can provide
> to customers. So we need to educate our customers first and then
> allow them to make an informed decision. So that will be part of the
> roll-out plan and we will check and adjust along the way. If there
> are issues concerning the social engagement or a customer's uptake,
> you know, this is very similar to what has been done in other
> jurisdictions and they haven't had those challenges, but if we did, we
> certainly wouldn't be looking at making an investment of this size
> without having the customer with us.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Well don't you think, Ms. Clark, that you should
> have your educational piece before the Board approves $123 million
> spend?
> MS. CLARK: I recognize the challenge. The commitment the utility
> would make is, as part of the project itself, we would be doing --
> undertaking the engagement process with our customers again starting
> with the education piece.
> Assuming that was positive, we would proceed and we are prepared
> to give the Board updates, as we come forward, either through the general
> rate application or through any other process including the quarterly
> updates we are providing at this point in time on our infrastructure, so
> that
> can be done and conditional with the approval of the project.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So I am trying to understand the objective of the
> AMI, and there was discussion, so can -- and I am having a little bit
> of difficulty understanding what is the objective or objectives that
> you are trying to do with AMI?
> Page 601
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: I was a bit surprised when I heard this morning and
> yesterday that you are entering into a contract at the end of February
> and is that with respect to the purchase of the smart meters?
> MS. CLARK: That's correct.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So how can you enter into a contract without the
> firm approval of this Board, if we are going to approve or not the
> AMI? How prudent is that?
> MS. CLARK: So we are at the end stages of the contract in terms of
> just the final terms and conditions, but we have been very clear that
> we -- with the vendor -- and they recognize that, because we also have
> Nova Scotia Power, who is part of our consortium, who also needs Board
> approval. So should we not get -- this is conditional on EUB
> approval. So should we not get EUB approval, the contract would not
> proceed.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: Now there was discussion yesterday, I think it was
> with Mr. Stoll regarding time of use and time based pricing, and so I
> went through the evidence this morning, and in your main evidence, and
> I think one of the objective of having the AMI going forward to a time
> of use price structure -- rate structure. So am I understanding that
> correctly?
> MS. CLARK: That is correct. And in the evidence, we did answer an
> interrogatory on that and you will see that AMI is an enabler for time
> varying rates in the Energy Smart NB Plan. And we did have time
> varying rates included in our investment rationale. We took it out,
> because we couldn't -- we couldn't pinpoint without more detail as to
> what those time varying rates may be and the benefit of those, so we
> took them out of the investment rationale at this point in time, but
> certainly it's something that we are looking at in the future.
> VICE-CHAIRMAN: So the fundamental question here is that the Board
> should heard -- or hear Matter 357 before approving the AMI? So if we
> don't approve time of use, that basically what will happen with your
> AMI, I mean it's -- if we don't approve the time of use, which we are
> going to hear next year, how can we proceed in approving the AMI
> before we look at the rate structure?
> MS. CLARK: As we have talked about in our investment rationale,
> there are a number of other benefits to both the customer and to the
> utility over and above time varying rates that we believe are
> important for the utility and for the movement forward of our Energy
> Smart New Brunswick plan. Many of those benefits accrue to the
> customer. And many of those benefits accrue to the utility and
> ultimately the customer. So even if we were not to move in the
> direction of time varying rates, we believe that the investment
> rationale supports the AMI installation based on the other investment
> -- or based on the other benefits that it provides.
> 10/31/2017 Pre-Hearing / Conférence préalable à l'audience
> Page 84
> CHAIRMAN: All right. I will now give the decision of the Board on this
> matter.
> Mr. Amos seeks intervenor status in Matter 375. NB Power objects to
> his intervention claiming his conduct during the hearing of a motion
> in Matter 357 was confrontational and that his arguments lacked any
> connection to the issues before the Board. The Board agrees with that
> assessment.
> In the present matter, Mr. Amos was given ample opportunity to put
> forward a case that would support a respectful and responsible
> intervention. He failed to do so, rolling forward issues raised in
> Matter 357 and not addressing the issue before us today.
> Mr. Amos states that the interests he would bring before the Board
> are those raised by Mr. Bourque and Mr. Richard. The Board is
> satisfied that those two intervenors can adequately represent those
> issues. In addition, those issues will undoubtedly be addressed by
> the Public Intervenor and others.
> Page 85
> The Board finds on a balance of probability that Mr. Amos will not
> participate in this matter in a respectful and responsible manner. As
> a result, the Board will exercise its discretion and refuse
> intervenor status to Mr. Amos. Intervention is encouraged but it must
> be responsible.
> Mr. Amos may participate in the public session which date will be
> announced shortly. But again he is reminded that any presentation
> must be done in a respectful and responsible manner.
> Finally, Mr. Amos had indicated that he wished to assist his two
> colleagues that are sitting with him today. And certainly the Board
> has no issue with that at all. But Mr. Amos will have no status at the
> hearing in terms of cross-examination or making any argument.
> So that is the decision of this Panel with respect to the status of Mr.
> Amos.
> Are there any other issues to deal with today? There being no other
> issues, then we will adjourn.
> This exhbit was filed by NB Power along with many others to support my
> barring from the 375 Matter
> NB Power Notice of Objection - Appendix I 10/30/2017
> For the benefit of my fellow stakeholders I wish to explain all of the
> transcript found above of under oath