---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http:// www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter
www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http:// www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier. ministre@gnb.ca
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin. fin@canada.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:20 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
Government of Canada website at
www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http ://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> or by
calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention
économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http ://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> ou en
composant le
1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ddrummond <ddrummond+noreply@autoreply. mail.google.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:20 +0000
Subject: Re: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Thank you for your note. For assistance please contact:
officeofdaviddrummond@gmail. com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Norman Sabourin <Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:15 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Mr. Sabourin is away from the office at this time. Please contact
Marie-Claude Rolland, Manager, issues management and administration,
so that she may redirect your message to the appropriate official in
the Council office. Marie-Claude can be reached at:
Marie-claude.rolland@cjc-ccm. caMarie-claude. rolland@cjc-ccm.ca >
(613) 288-1566 ext: 314
If this is a media related question, please contact Johanna Laporte at:
Johanna.laporte@cjc-ccm.ca< mailto:Johanna.laporte@cjc- ccm.ca>
Me Sabourin est à l’extérieur du bureau en ce moment. Veuillez
communiquer avec Marie-Claude Rolland, Gestionnnaire des enjeux et de
l’administration, afin qu’elle achemine votre message à la personne
responsable au bureau du Conseil. Marie-Claude peut être jointe à :
Marie-claude.rolland@cjc-ccm. caMarie-claude. rolland@cjc-ccm.ca >
(613) 288-1566 poste : 314
S'il s'agit d'une question relative aux médias, veuillez contacter
Johanna Laporte à l'adresse suivante :
Johanna.laporte@cjc-ccm.ca< mailto:Johanna.laporte@cjc- ccm.ca>
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:39:13 -0300
Subject: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
Cc: CabalCookies <cabalcookies@protonmail.com>, Norman Traversy
<traversy.n@gmail.com>, kim@picaziolaw.com, tholmseth@wiktel.com,
denisec65@hotmail.com, lionnews00@gmail.com,
AgentMargaritaville@ protonmail.com, "Bill.Blair"
<Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, meko@discussglobal.com, lagenomai4
<lagenomai4@protonmail.com>, "PETER.MACKAY"
<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie. com>, colinmckay@google.com,
jkee@google.com, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
andremadore@hotmail.com, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
andre.madore@edmundston.ca, Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca,
jbosnitch@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, mckeen.randy@gmail.com,
steve.murphy@ctv.ca, premier@ontario.ca, PREMIER@gov.ns.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca,
Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca,
megan.mitton@gnb.ca, rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca,
michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, briangallant10@gmail.com,
dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, DDrummond@google.com,
chris.macpherson@fredericton. ca, macpherson.don@dailygleaner. com,
David.Akin@globalnews.ca, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca, Newsroom@globeandmail.com, Nathalie
Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@ brunswicknews.com>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca >, "Hamish.Wright"
<Hamish.Wright@gnb.ca>, "Roger.Brown"<Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely"<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,
"Norman.Sabourin"<Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.gc.ca >, "Ian.Shugart"
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "ian.fahie"<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "warren.mcbeath"
<warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >, andre@jafaust.com,
https://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.com/2020/07/hub- model-teaming-officers-and- social.html
Monday, 20 July 2020
Hub model teaming officers and social workers is working, say Fredericton Police
https://twitter.com/ DavidRayAmos/with_replies
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that Martin Gaudet and his cohorts in the Fat Fred City Finest have yet to account for my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes they stole from me in 2007 N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health clients on the 17th N'esy Pas?
CBC News· Posted: Jul 20, 2020 12:25 PM AT
The Fredericton Police Force is making use of a new program to integrate community and policing services. (Daniel McHardie/CBC)
The Fredericton Police Force says a new program to integrate community services with policing is a success so far and one they want to expand.
Deputy chief Martin Gaudet said the unit, known as the hub, is a team made up of two police officers and two social workers.
Each specializes in a certain area, such as intimate partner violence, youth services, mental health, and the community and multiculturalism.
With officers responding to several files per day, specific files can be flagged for help from the multicultural liaison, youth services, mental health services and intimate partner violence coordinator.
"When one of our police officers or staff members gets one those files, sometimes… through discussions they realize the other individual can have a part to play or can assist.
"So it breaks down silos. It breaks downs silos between those four specialities and the front line officers."
Gaudet said the four people working in the hub can reach out to community partners for help and in turn, community partners are contacting them.
"So we've broken down that silo of all that front part decorum and the introductions and now it's strictly business."
Deputy police chief Martin Gaudet said the police force would like to expand the new hub model. (Gary Moore/CBC)
Gaudet said now work gets done quickly and efficiently. He adds by having all four working in the same office they can discuss the files to see who can help who.
"This could be a referral based on the call that was attended the night before by the frontline officer."
Gaudet said normally an officer attends the scene, makes an arrest, ensures the victim is safe, and moves on to the next call. Now they have the hub unit to do follow up.
"There's a big difference. When we know better we do better."
The police force has plans to expand the program, but Gaudet said they don't have the capacity to do it.
"We know it works and we want to build on it and we hope to move forward."
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that Martin Gaudet and his cohorts in the Fat Fred City Finest have yet to account for my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes they stole from me in 2007 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health clients last week N'esy Pas?
Art Clogg
Sorry guys. I certainly hope that this 'cops and casers' thing works but the Police are not a reliable source of information. If you want to convince me the info has to come from a neutral, reliable source.
David Amos
Dianne MacPherson
No need here to pick this article apart
looking for 'what-ifs'.
It's a start and that's all that matters !!!
SarahRose Werner
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:16:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police
Chief Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where
my Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Thank you very much for reaching out to the Office of the Hon. Bill
Blair, Member of Parliament for Scarborough Southwest.
Please be advised that as a health and safety precaution, our
constituency office will not be holding in-person meetings until
further notice. We will continue to provide service during our regular
office hours, both over the phone and via email.
Due to the high volume of emails and calls we are receiving, our
office prioritizes requests on the basis of urgency and in relation to
our role in serving the constituents of Scarborough Southwest. If you
are not a constituent of Scarborough Southwest, please reach out to
your local of Member of Parliament for assistance. To find your local
MP, visit: https://www.ourcommons.ca/ members/en
Moreover, at this time, we ask that you please only call our office if
your case is extremely urgent. We are experiencing an extremely high
volume of calls, and will better be able to serve you through email.
Should you have any questions related to COVID-19, please see:
www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http ://www.canada.ca/coronavirus>
Thank you again for your message, and we will get back to you as soon
as possible.
MP Staff to the Hon. Bill Blair
Parliament Hill: 613-995-0284
Constituency Office: 416-261-8613
bill.blair@parl.gc.cab ill.blair@parl.gc.ca
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact avec le bureau de l'Honorable Bill
Blair, Député de Scarborough-Sud-Ouest.
Veuillez noter que par mesure de précaution en matière de santé et de
sécurité, notre bureau de circonscription ne tiendra pas de réunions
en personne jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Nous continuerons à fournir des
services pendant nos heures de bureau habituelles, tant par téléphone
que par courrier électronique.
En raison du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons, notre bureau
classe les demandes par ordre de priorité en fonction de leur urgence
et de notre rôle dans le service aux électeurs de Scarborough
Sud-Ouest. Si vous n'êtes pas un électeur de Scarborough Sud-Ouest,
veuillez contacter votre député local pour obtenir de l'aide. Pour
trouver votre député local, visitez le
site:https://www.noscommunes. ca/members/fr
En outre, nous vous demandons de ne téléphoner à notre bureau que si
votre cas est extrêmement urgent. Nous recevons un volume d'appels
extrêmement élevé et nous serons mieux à même de vous servir par
courrier électronique.
Si vous avez des questions concernant COVID-19, veuillez consulter le
site : http://www.canada.ca/le- coronavirus
Merci encore pour votre message, et nous vous répondrons dès que possible.
Personnel du Député de l'Honorable Bill Blair
Colline du Parlement : 613-995-0284
Bureau de Circonscription : 416-261-8613
bill.blair@parl.gc.cab ill.blair@parl.gc.ca >
< mailto:bill.blair@parl.gc.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ddrummond <ddrummond+noreply@autoreply. mail.google.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:15:45 +0000
Subject: Re: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police Chief
Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where my
Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Thank you for your note. For assistance please contact:
officeofdaviddrummond@gmail. com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<Megan.Mitton@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:15:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police
Chief Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where
my Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. Please note I will be out of the office
July 20-31st.
I welcome and appreciate receiving comments and questions from
constituents. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due
to the high volume of emails my office is currently receiving, I may
not be able to respond personally to each one.
A toll-free information line and email address has been set up to help
answer non-health related COVID-19 questions, including questions
about travel and compliance with the state of emergency. The number,
1-844-462-8387, is operational seven days a week. The email address is
Also information related to the province’s recovery plan can be found
here https://www2.gnb.ca/content/ gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid- 19.html
For media requests, please call: 506-429-2285.
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions. Veuillez noter que je serai absent
du bureau du 20 au 31 juillet.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Une ligne d’information sans frais et une adresse courriel ont été
mises sur pied afin d’aider à répondre aux questions sur la COVID-19
qui ne sont pas reliées à la santé, y compris les questions relatives
à la conformité à l’état d’urgence et sur les voyages. Le service est
offert dans les deux langues officielles. Les gens peuvent téléphoner
au 1-844-462-8387 sept jours par semaine. Ou envoyez un courriel à :
Vous trouverez également des informations relatives au plan de relance
de la province à l'adresse suivante :
https://www2.gnb.ca/content/ gnb/fr/corporate/promo/covid- 19.html.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler: 506-429-2285.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Massey <Barbara.Massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 21:16:57 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police Chief
Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where my
Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct? (Out of Office )
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
I will be away from the office until August 4th. In my absence, please
contact my assistant, Elena Ienzi or Jolene Harvey.
Je serai absent du bureau jusqu'au 4 août. En mon absence, veuillez
contacter mon assistante, Elena Ienzi ou Jolene Harvey.
>>> David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com> 07/20/20 21:15 >>>
https://twitter.com/ DavidRayAmos/with_replies
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the
proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City
Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health
clients on the 17th N'esy Pas?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
https://www.cbc.ca/news/ canada/new-brunswick/nb- fredericton-police-force-hub- model-1.5655777
Hub model teaming officers and social workers is working, say
Fredericton police
Deputy chief says new program has encouraged community partnerships
CBC News · Posted: Jul 20, 2020 12:25 PM AT
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc
recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers
around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister
Flemming's well known mental health clients last week N'esy Pas?
http://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.com/2019/08/methinks- chucky-leblancs-it-guy-andre. html
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre Faust and everybody else
knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5 years ago N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gaudet, Martin"<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Hello / Bonjour.
I am out of office until September 3rd. Should your matter be urgent,
please contact Sophia Sheridan at Sophia.sheridan@fredericton.ca or
506-460-2325 and she can help direct your request to the appropriate
Je serai sorti du bureau jusqu'au 3 septembre. Si votre message est
urgent, s.v.p. contactez Sophia Sheridan au
Sophia.sheridan@fredericton.ca ou au 506-460-2325.
Thank you / Merci.
This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any use, review,
retransmission, distribution, dissemination, copying, printing, or
other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this e-mail, is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
contact the sender and delete the original and any copy of this e-mail
and any printout thereof, immediately. Your co-operation is
Any correspondence with elected officials, employees, or other agents
of the City of Fredericton may be subject to disclosure under the
provisions of the Province of New Brunswick Right to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act.
Le présent courriel (y compris toute pièce jointe) s'adresse
uniquement à son destinataire, qu'il soit une personne ou un
organisme, et pourrait comporter des renseignements privilégiés ou
confidentiels. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire du courriel, il est
interdit d'utiliser, de revoir, de retransmettre, de distribuer, de
disséminer, de copier ou d'imprimer ce courriel, d'agir en vous y
fiant ou de vous en servir de toute autre façon. Si vous avez reçu le
présent courriel par erreur, prière de communiquer avec l'expéditeur
et d'éliminer l'original du courriel, ainsi que toute copie
électronique ou imprimée de celui-ci, immédiatement. Nous sommes
reconnaissants de votre collaboration.
Toute correspondance entre ou avec les emploVille de Fredericton
pourrait être divulguée conformément aux
dispositions de la Loi sur le droit à l’information et la protection
de la vie privée.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
[Le français suit.]
On behalf of Premier Blaine Higgs, I would like to acknowledge receipt
of your email.
Please note that your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to write the Premier.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144
Thank you
Au nom du premier ministre Blaine Higgs, j’accuse réception de votre
Veuillez noter que votre demande sera traitée dans les plus brefs
Je vous remercie d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au premier ministre.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<Megan.Mitton@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. I welcome and appreciate receiving comments
and questions from constituents.
All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due to the high
volume of emails my office receives, I may not be able to respond
personally to each one.
For media requests, please call Amanda Wildeman at: 506-429-2285 or
email her at: Amanda.wildeman@gnb.caAmanda.wildeman@gnb.ca
Thank you once again for contacting me.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez communiquer avec Amanda
Wildeman au : 506-429-2285 ou par courriel à : Amanda.wildeman@gnb.ca
Merci encore une fois de m'avoir contacté.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca"
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019, 2:13:14 PM ADT
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.
To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
Thank you
Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.
Le pcourriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca"
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019, 2:13:13 PM ADT
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
Thank you for your email to the Honourable Jane Philpott, Member of
Parliament for Markham-Stouffville.
This automated message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of
your email. Due to the high volume of correspondence, there may be a
delay in processing your email. Rest assured it will be given every
If you have not already done so, please send us your full name,
address and postal code which will enable us to assist you more
Thank you,
Office of the Hon. Jane Philpott
Member of Parliament, Markham-Stouffville
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:13:02 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre Faust and everybody
else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5 years ago N'esy
To: Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca,
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca,
andre@jafaust.com, jbosnitch@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
mckeen.randy@gmail.com, steve.murphy@ctv.ca, premier@ontario.ca,
PREMIER@gov.ns.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca,
Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca,
megan.mitton@gnb.ca, rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca,
michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, briangallant10@gmail.com,
brian.gallant@gnb.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, DDrummond@google.com,
chris.macpherson@fredericton. ca, macpherson.don@dailygleaner. com,
Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca,
David.Akin@globalnews.ca, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
David.Raymond.Amos333@gmail. com, Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca,
Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca, Newsroom@globeandmail.com
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Scroll down past Chucky's latest bullshit to enjoy a little Deja Vu
The truth is that it was my emails about Sections 300 and 319 of the
Canadian Criminal Code and the violations found within Chucky's blog
and that of Mr Baconfat's that got Det Robb Costello, the corrupt cops
out west and Google to sit up and pay attention.
http:// charlesotherpersonalitie. blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-was- ordered-shut-down-5-years-ago. html
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Blog was ordered shut down 5 years ago today!!!!!
Blog was shut down 5 years ago today!!!! Yesss...there is no freedom
of speech in Canada....The Fredericton Police can label you as a
Pedophile but if you fight back...they will shut you down....I used to
do lots of writing but this all came to a stop.....I said -
Ohhhhh...they don't want to read my views...they want to listen to
me...VIDEOS..VIDEOS AND MORE VIDEOS!!!!! I would hunt them down on the
streets!!!!! Then came 2 years later the Fredericton Police ordered
two cops from Edmunston to come down and assault me or possibly have
be killed...Media never grabbed that story....I wonder why???...Oh
well this Blogger will continue the fight for Justice for years to
come or until the Cops have me shot!!!! Truly stay tuned!!!!!
Posted by Charles Leblanc at 9:18 am No comments :
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:35:44 -0600
Subject: Yo Det Robb Costello of the Fat Fred City Finest You don't
call and you don't write do tell has Chris macPherson or the Google
lawyers To: oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
almabrooks26 <almabrooks26@hotmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
laurie hawn <laurie.hawn.a1@parl.gc.ca>, mclellana
< mclellana@bennettjones.com>, info <info@ricmciver.com>, "Richard D.
Brinkman"<richardwtc@gmail.com>, info <info@jimprentice.ca>, Thomas
Lukaszuk <edmonton.castledowns@ assembly.ab.ca>, "edmonton.centre"
< edmonton.centre@assembly.ab.ca>, "don.iveson"
< don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, "rod.knecht"<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan"<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, scott
< scott@scottmckeen.ca>, "scott.mckeen"<scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca>,
"David.Veitch"<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice. ca>,
greg.preston@edmontonpolice.ca, patrick_doran1
< patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"Gary.Rhodes"<Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "gary.forward"
< gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
< Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "danny.copp"
< danny.copp@fredericton.ca>, robb.costello@fredericton.ca,
"Tim.RICHARDSON"<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
< Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca, "Paul.Harpelle"
< Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, madeleine <madeleine@berrevoets2014.ca>,
"Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>, Brian Gallant
< briangallant@nbliberal.ca>, execdirgen <execdirgen@nbliberal.ca>,
Joel MacIntosh <macintosh.joel@gmail.com>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, David.Glockner@usdoj.gov, lgunter
< lgunter@shaw.ca>, "Josh.Skurnik"<Josh.Skurnik@sunmedia.ca>,
"mckeen.randy"<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "kirk.macdonald"
< kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "james.goodman"<james.goodman@forces.gc.ca>,
"roger.l.brown"<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bernadine.chapman"
< bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, jacques boucher
< jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, info <info@gg.ca>, "Biage.Carrese"
< Biage.Carrese@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
< Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
< Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, frankffrost
< frankffrost@hotmail.com>, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>, merv
< merv@northwebpress.com>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
< foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>
Cc: "chris.macpherson"<chris.macpherson@fredericton. ca>, "dan.
bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>,
David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "glick@google.com"
< glick@google.com>, "graydon.nicholas"<graydon.nicholas@gnb.ca>,
Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca, "calgary.varsity"
< calgary.varsity@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.greenway"
< calgary.greenway@assembly.ab. ca>, "calgary.northernhills"
< calgary.northernhills@ assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.hays"
< calgary.hays@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.cross"
< calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgarynews <Calgarynews@ctv.ca>,
calgarynewstips <calgarynewstips@cbc.ca>, "calgary.elbow"
< calgary.elbow@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.mountainview"
< calgary.mountainview@assembly. ab.ca>, "calgary.mccall"
< calgary.mccall@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.acadia"
< calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.buffalo"
< calgary.buffalo@assembly.ab.ca>
Remember this blog???? I bet Danny Boy Bussieres does
http://oldmaison.wordpress. com/2013/05/21/fredericton- police-officer-robb-costello- looking-for-tyrant-quebecois- dan-bussieres/
Scroll down to review these words of mine
"One thing I know for sure the corrupt cops in Fat Fred City such as
Robb Costello no doubt love reading Mr Baconfat's blogs about Chucky
Leblanc and mean old me. This is what Chucky posted on my birthday
http:// charlesotherpersonality. blogspot.ca/2014/07/ fredericton-detective-robb- costello.html
If the corrupt cop Robb Costello does not think that the title of
Chucky's Blog alone does not violate Sections 300 and 319 of the
Canadian Criminal Code I will eat the crook's hat badgee and all. Why
don't he at least sue the nasty French bastard?"
"Fredericton Police Detective Robb Costello could be the first Black
Pedophile Cop in the Maritimes???"
"To be fair to Chucky Baby here is Mr Baconfat's latest piece of work
about Chucky and I. Small wonder the cops support Mr Baconfat EH?
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2013/08/daPedophiles Charles Leblanc,
David Amos, and a Tale of Two Provinces"
On 8/19/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Det Robb Costello???
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=K5a9XaG54FM&list= UUVftTJcoljDpNQR81drXb4g
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=iKHp7oWyOk4&list= UUVftTJcoljDpNQR81drXb4g
> However I wonder if Costello and the other corrupt cops are clever
> enough to know that Chucky has at least two other blogs that are still
> active.
http://oldmaison.wordpress. com/2004/12/22/the-nazis- marches-in-the-capital-of- fredericton-opps-i-mean/
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/ 2004/12/jk-irving-view-on-sex. html
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/ 2006/04/roomers-truly-have-no- rights.html
> I see that Chucky made a test fire yesterday but nothing new yet N'esy
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/test.html
> That said 10 years ago Chucky's first posts within WordPress and
> Blogger were really quite racist nothing has changed since.EH? What
> say you dudes?
> Chucky's BULLSHIT about the election and that of his FAKE LEFT Puppet
> Master Andre Faust is truly comical but Mr Baconfat's spin on it
> definitely is not
http://lefteyex.wordpress.com/ 2014/08/18/social-activists- blog-removed-by-google- following-complaint/
> Social Activist’s Blog Removed by Google following complaint
> Posted on August 18, 2014 by lefteyex
> By André Faust
> Political/Social Activist Charles Leblanc’s Blog shut down
> Upon receiving a complaint against controversial social political
> activist Charles LeBlanc blog, Google removed the polemical blog from
> its servers after notifying the blogger of their action.
> The blog was an irritant to the Fredericton city police and Sergeant
> at Arms Daniel Bussières because of his sometimes not to kind
> criticisms of their actions. Above and beyond criticizing the FPD and
> Bussières, LeBlanc confronted and challenged the provincial MLAs and
> the Premier on many delicate issues that mainstream media does not
> cover.
> While the blog has been the center of controversy for quite some time,
> it appears very convenient to have the blog shut down prior to the
> provincial election. Was the motive behind the complaint to Google
> politically motivated to keep the issues of pensions fracturing and
> forestry from being presented to the New Brunswick audience? Blogs
> like Charles’s blog are a threat to government and big business
> because their propagandist no longer have control over the message
> given to the public.
> Anyway there is quite simply too much for Andre and Chucky's small
> minds to review so I will just provide Mr Baconfat latest posts about
> his pal Chucky Leblanc and just some of what the perverted Zionist has
> published about black folks recently (Never mind for the past five
> years EH?)
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014_08_01_archive.html
> Tuesday, August 19, 2014
> Charles LeBlanc's Blog Has Gone Poof!
> David Amos' blog, or the Andre Murray Blog, he suborned had been
> removed a few weeks ago by Google. Today Google removed Fredericton
> Blogger Charles LeBlanc's Blog. Charles LeBlanc has been
> misrepresenting self as a "journalist" for several years. He had
> called his cyber-space version of a scandal sheet or penny dreadful,
> legitimate media outlet to panhandle in cyber-space for cash,
> furniture, computer and so on. Charles has publically defamed the
> entire Fredericton Police Force. He has lied that a Fredericton
> Police Detective L'Oisou "touched his private part," whilst being
> searched for weapons, and has called him on several occasions, "a
> pedophile."
> Charles LeBlanc has referred to the entire Fredericton Police Force
> and its Chief Leanne Fitch as "steroid monkeys," into "serious drugs,
> thieves"> posting a shred of evidence of these allegations, as a real journalist
> would. Charles LeBlanc is clearly a mental defective moron, a
> sociopath, and pathological liar like David Amos. But Charles Leblanc
> has engaged in this illegal behavior for years, why did Google decide
> that today, he had gone too far? David Raymond Amos convicted sex
> offender, and fugitive from US law enforcement authorities had his
> blog removed because he used it to stalk, harass and abuse women,
> professionals throughout Canada. His well documented abuse of "half
> dead blogs" or blogs he uses that belong to others is against or
> contrary to the terms and conditions of use of Google's cyber-space
> products. Google's censure of David Amos and the removal of his blog
> seems more than acceptable.
> But Charles LeBlanc's blog no more than a cyber-space "bully pulpit"
> he uses to defame police, local politicians, women who avail
> themselves access to services of a woman's reproductive heath clinic,
> people he calls snobs or fans of the Fredericton Blues Festival, or
> the people he says, " piss him off!"
> There are many that wonder what took Google so long to muzzle this
> moron and hater of Jews . Charles LeBlanc makes no apology fro
> censoring the comments of readers to his blog, in fact he is very
> happy to shut up most of the commenters to his blog. Charles LeBlanc
> was wont to say, "Its my blog and I will decide who gets to comment,
> or what they can say"
> Well its Google's "cyber-space" and they'll decide how far Charles
> LeBlanc or any of us can go, or what we can say. Or as Charles Leblanc
> used to say, "that's the fact Jack!"
> Posted by Seren at 4:30 AM No comments:
> Saturday, August 9, 2014
> Monkey Boy Obama Says!
> Its a long way from DC to Tel Aviv! Amerka's first nigger "president"
> Barak Hussein Obama castigates Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin
> Netanyahu for not making "the hard choices," or "tough decisions" to
> "make peace" with the so called "palestinians." Amerka's first nigger
> president thinks after a mere sixty, seventy years since the Shoah
> that Jews ought to risk extermination by "the world" and HAMAS once
> again, in the name of "two state solution." and Barak Hussein Obama's
> "presidential legacy."
> The current nigger "president," John Kerry and the rest of the Jew
> haters in the current administration tell diaspora Jews, and Jews in
> Israel that they and amerka "has Israel's back," and to somehow lift
> the Egyptian blockade of Gaza, make peace with an organization that
> within its Charter that calls for the destruction of Israel and the
> extermination of the Jews twelve times. But alas there's a problem for
> amerka's first nigger "president." Right now a full 87 % of Jews in
> Israel don't think "amerka has Israel's back." All full 100% of Jews
> in Israel, many still with concentration camp numbers tattooed on
> their forearms do NOT want to risk their lives once again because,
> this is a "hard decision" that Barak Hussein Obama says they have to
> make.
> One of the long term effects of HAMAS' war upon Eretz Yisrael is a
> revitalization of, or a renewed priority for the settler movement in
> Israel, to steal, buy, bully, settle and take more land in areas B and
> C in YESHA. To build more housing developments and communities, and
> push the Arab animals out. Until what is left of the "palestinian
> authority" becomes nothing more than a semi-autonomous region or
> state of Jordan. After all as Sir Winston Churchill boasted. "I
> created [ The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan] with the stroke of a pen
> on a Sunday afternoon in Cairo." There are twenty-three Arab States in
> the Middle East. The region does NOT need one more.
> I an quite sure someone or many people have told amerka's first nigger
> "president" that if Israel was to say today, this minute, that Israel
> wants peace with its neighbours, and "turned their weapons into
> ploughshares," the Jews would once again be exterminated, this time
> by HAMAS, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and twenty> I am also quite sure, amerka''s first nigger "president" has also been
> told if HAMAS were to disarm, and promise peace...there would be peace
> the very next day.
> Egypt lost Sinai to Israel twice. Egypt sustained 250,000 casualties
> in the Yom Kippur war, and failed to win Sinai back. Egyptian
> President Anwar Sadat got the Sinai back from Israel at the cost of "a
> piece of paper," and a promise. A promise of peace, a peace that has
> endured to today. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was murdered by the
> Moslem Brotherhood, and HAMAs for the "Audacity of Hope" for peace.
> Abu Mazen, and the self described "palestinians" promise nothing, but
> death to the Jews. The "palestinians" promise nothing but to steal
> what Jews have built.
> It is remarkably easy for amerka's first nigger "president" to tell
> Jews that they have to make "hard decisions" or "tough choices" when
> he and his family are a long way away in DC.
> But then again Barak Hussein Obama's life and family are NOT at risk,
> But the Prime Minister, "president" Obama hates, and the lives of the
> Jew he hates ...are at risk. Someone ought explain to amerka's first
> nigger "president" this is not about what you assholes call "Israel's
> legitimate security concerns." Its all about the survival of Jews
> everywhere, and NEVER AGAIN.
> Posted by Seren at 6:13 AM No comments
> Sunday, August 17, 2014
> Michael Brown, Another "Afrikan Amerkan" Thief Bites The Dust
> The Negroes of Ferguson Missouri are once again outraged to the point
> of throwing Molotov cocktails, rioting and looting stores in the name
> of "racial equality" and "justice." A couple of days ago Ferguson
> police released video, store surveillance video of Michael Brown
> hitting a store clerk and robbing a Ferguson convenience store,
> immediately preceding his being shot by police. So the so called
> "community" the "negro community" returned to the streets to riot and
> vandalize the store Mike Brown robbed, in the name of "justice" and
> "racial equality" of course.
> Michael Brown's parents raised, a thief and criminal. The pictures do
> NOT lie. Michael Brown's attorney said, "Ferguson police assassinated
> Mike Brown and now they are assassinating his memory." Someone ought
> tell Mike Brown's "parents" and attorney not only that the pictures
> don't lie, you knew Mike Brown was a thief, and criminal. The entire
> negro "community" knew Mike Brown was a violent criminal. Yet this
> "peaceful," and or "justice desirous, negro community," rioted, looted
> and assaulted people in the name of "justice and racial equality," and
> because the police were "wearing BDUs," and in armoured vehicles, on
> three separate nights.
> "Leaders" of Ferguson's "negro community" told media on the first
> night of violent riots and looting, that "this is a peace march for
> justice." There was nothing peaceful about these "negroes" behaviour.
> This was an opportunity for Ferguson's "negro community" to cash in.
> To loot, steal and take what isn't theirs just as Mike Brown did,
> while he was still alive to do so.
> If Mike Brown was shot illegally, if the cop was not justified in
> doing so, the cop will pay. Even in "white amerka" police can't shoot
> "negroes" without justification. The "wheels of justice turn slowly,"
> but turn nonetheless. There is NO justification of any kind, for any
> reason for the "negroes" of Ferguson or its "negro community" take
> this opportunity to riot, steal, and or assault white people.
> Mike Ferguson fled the scene of a violent crime, of which surveillance
> video shows he's not only a suspect but the perpetrator of. It is not
> surprising Ferguson police not only stopped him. But also ordered him
> to exit the car, and get on the ground. Mike Brown was a violent
> criminal that did not do as he was legally and legitimately ordered to
> do. Mike Brown was legally obligated to carry out the orders of a
> policeman. If a six foot two or three, and three hundred p> regardless of skin colour.
> In the days subsequent to Ferguson's "negro community" rioting,
> looting, stealing, and firebombing in the name of justice and racial
> equality" we are finding out Mike Brown was a violent robber and
> thief. Not unlike Ferguson Missouri's "negro community."
> Posted by Seren at 1:56 PM No comments:
> Monday, August 18, 2014
> CNN,Truth, Justice, And The "Negroes" Of Ferguson Missouri
> Last night the Governor of the State of Missouri called out the
> Missouri National Guard stop Ferguson' Missouri's" "law abiding negro
> community's "peace march for justice."
> Last night was another evening of riots, violence, "negro" snipers
> shooting at decent white people, vandalizing business' and throwing
> fire bombs by Ferguson Missouri's "negro community." All in the name
> of "racial equality, justice" and "ending the repression, oppression
> and racial profiling" by police of St. Louis County upon the "poor
> downtrodden negro community" of Ferguson Missouri.
> Preliminary autopsy reports are forensic proof that "Ferguson's negro
> witnesses" accounts of the shooting of Michael Brown are perjuries,
> and racially motivated falsehoods. CNN's token "negro reporter" Don
> Lemon has trotted out three or four "negro" women accompanied on
> camera with their lawyers, that claim Michael Brown was running and
> shot in the back by police. The forensic evidence of the preliminary
> autopsy report is indisputable. Michael Brown was shot from or in the
> front. CNN's and their token "negro reporter's "eye witnesses'" from
> Ferguson Missouri's "negro community, deliberately lied, and are
> liars.
> Michael Brown's "parents" are deliberately fomenting unrest and
> inciting Ferguson Missouri's "law abiding negro community' to
> violence. Michael Brown's "Father" wore a T Shirt to a "negro " so
> called "church service" saying. "No Justice, No peace!" That seems
> ironic, considering Michael Brown was a violent criminal, and his
> parents and Ferguson's "negro community" all knew it.
> Fox News and every other media outlet, save CNN posted store
> surveillance video from ten minutes before Michael Brown's shooting,
> of our "law abiding" Ferguson "negro" violently robbing a convenience
> store. At this point Michael Brown became a violent fugitive from
> justice and Missouri law enforcement agencies. This was NOT Michael
> Brown's "first rodeo!" Notwithstanding Michael Brown's "Father" and
> his attorney's whining that, "the police assassinated Michael Brown,
> and now they are assassinating his reputation".... the pictures, the
> video surveillance footage CNN will not show amerka... do not lie!
> Now it has been several nights that "negro community" of Ferguson
> Missouri has been robbing, looting, fire bombing, sniping and
> generally trying to cash in, on this "gross injustice" and
> "oppression" of "negro folks" in amerka. I guess that is what they
> call the "afrikan amerkan way!" Ferguson Missouri's "law abiding black
> folks" were and are violently running amuck, to make a buck, and
> "Negro" Missouri State Trooper "Captain" Ron Johnson, stands there and
> does nothing. I thought cops were cops. There are no black cop, no
> white cops, cops are BLUE. Obviously that is not the case in the
> Missouri State Troopers, and Missouri's governor called in National
> Guard troops.
> Michael Brown's "parents," the so called "afrikan amerkan church," his
> "community and neighbours do NOT want peace or justice. They want to
> cash in as journalist's paid "witnesses." They want TVs stereos and
> computers, stolen whilst looting. Michael Brown's "Mommy and Daddy"
> want a pay day and "fifteen minutes of CNN inspired fame. After all
> this is indeed the "afrikan amerkan way!"
> And.... if someone is desirous of truthful, fair, balanced and
> accurate reporting, you won't get it from CNN or their "token negro"
> reporter Don Lemon....but Fox News!
> Posted by Seren at 1:37 PM No comments:
http://oldmaison.wordpress. com/2004/12/22/the->> THE NAZIS MARCHES IN
> Wednesday
> Dec 2004
> Posted by oldmaison in Uncategorized
> .>Date:
> Wed, 22 Dec 2004 08:29:42 -0800 (PST)
> From:
> “charles leblanc” View Contact Details
> Subject:
> To:
> “oldmaison”
> Yesterday meals served at the Fredericton Soup
> Kitchen-
> Noon-162 meals
> Supper 72 meals
> Have a good clear conscience day! If you happened
> to go to Saint John this Friday? Please send me an
> email!!!! Merci!!
> Excuse sorry for the poor grammar in yesterday
> update! I missed many words! C’est la vie!!
> Ok..Yesterday, I received this little email. I
> don’t know where it came from but her it is-
> Oh, and by the way: I still think it’s unfair for you
> to call the Human Rights Commission racist. Just
> because your racism complaint was dismissed,
> doesn’t make them racist. If a judge acquits a guy of
> sexual abuse charges on a technicality, that doesn’t
> make the judge a sex abuser!
> Now…lets try to get this issue straight once and
> for all!
> I’m going to try to make as short as possible.
> I wrote a complaint to the New Brunswick Human
> Rights of the way that I was treated by Gulf Operators
> I told them that I had a very
> racist supervisor named Brian Grant and he would go
> around and tell his co-workers that no niggers or
> frogs should be allowed to work within the Irving
> Empire!
> I might add that he tried to hit me with a large
> piece of steel!
> This complaint was bad enough but the Irvings sent
> this memo to the Commission-
> When Mr.LeBlanc was interviewed by Gulf Operators
> he informed us he had ADHD and was taking Ritalin
> there were medical limitations placed on Mr.LeBlanc.
> We
> accommodated Mr.LeBlanc disability by ensuring that he
> was given jobs and duties that complied with his
> medical limitations.
> Sherry Merssereau < Irving Human Resources with no
> Doctor’s paper! >
> Now? The day that I was suppose to find out the
> verdict? Carl White < only case worker in the Southern
> Part of the province > was not at work!
> I phoned the guy at his house and he quickly
> hung the phone in my ears!
> Lets not forget that he was the Deputy Mayor at
> the time!
> The Director Janet Culinan did the same action!
> I received a little letter telling me that my
> complaint was without merit!
> NOW??? If a Judge dismissed a case against a
> child abuser? Does this mean the Judge supports
> Pedophiles?
> Of course not!
> But the public has the right to hear the
> evidence!
> In my case? We the public don’t know what was
> said in that building of the Commission!
> Did they say- OHH??? He has ADHD??? Ignore
> him!!! What was said behind those close doors that
> they agreed with the Irvings that racism in the
> workplace is ok????
> What was said that they came to a verdict that
> adults with ADHD are close to mental retardation?
> I got more story in the new year of Carl White
> and that man is Black. I never once heard a good
> remark from any black person in the Saint John are
> about Carl White!
> The Ombudsman will investigate this commission
> in the new year because of some new evidence!
> Racist members???? You damn right they are!
> They might be in Irving’s pocket because there
> hasn’t been a human rights Complaint against the
> Irvings in years and I’ll get back to this issue in
> the new year!
> It’s not the Irving Human Rights! It’s the
> people Human Rights!
> As I said in the past? Those racist members must
> stay in their building and collect their pay from the
> taxpayers of this Province because they sure support
> racist > certain that my letters to the editor were cut off!<
> Irving Orders>
> Anyway? I heard from a close source that
> someone in the Government is working hard to cut my
> updates from reaching Government employees!
> Can you imagine that one? Well? Enough for the
> information Highway???
> This line of communication will only be allowed
> to a few of the elites!
> I know for a fact that many bureaucrats love my
> updates because they tell me on the streets but this
> might come to an end in the very near future!
> Democracy??? Hogwash!!!
> Hey maybe I can make a complaint to those racist
> members of the New Brunswick Commission????
> Nahhh….won’t work!!! This is the reason that
> this Commission must be eliminated as soon as
> possible!
> Opsss getting angry again….
> Sh@t over 800 words already!!!
> I noticed the HERE paper is in the City Of
> Fredericton! I was very surprised to see that paper at
> U.N.B.!
> Are they trying to put the Brunswickan out of
> business????
> That student newspaper has been around for the
> last 100 years and the Irvings want to shut it
> down????
> The HERE paper has a forum on the internet and
> only the elite few will be allowed to share views with
> the people on the net!
> Of course only users who will praise the Evil
> Irving Empire will be allowed in there!
> I used to paste my updates in there but these
> Irving Gestapo employee quickly deleted my views!
> Yes, it’s like the Nazis marching in the
> Capital! It’s Germany all over again but in a
> different approach!
> The Irvings don’t go around and execute people
> but they will deny their freedom of speech and this is
> exactly what Hitler did!!!
> Once he took control of media? He would make
> certain that only praising letters are printed in
> their papers therefore brainwashing the public mind!
> Hey? Am I far off the mark?
> I even paste my update on a daily basis at J.D.
> IRVING.COM. I know for a fact that the Irvings always
> reads my updates but what can a person do to you if
> you speak la Veriter???
> The Publisher called me two years ago and told
> me only praising letters of the Irvings will be
> printed! His name is Peter Huggard and these days J.D.
> Irving son Jamie is in charge of that Paper so it
> makes a person wonder????
> By the way? The Santa Claus will be on at 3:00pm
> this afternoon and you will see my dog Chico on float
> 18! I was with the Autism Float!
> Yesterday, I arrived at the Library at the
> Legislature and someone left a Christmas Card for me!
> I opened it up and it said- Merry Christams from
> Santa with 30 bucks in it!
> I felt sad but glad that someone wants to help
> me during the holidays! I soon found out where it came
> from and thanked the person very much!
> Hey? The check only comes at the end oif month
> and many other families are hurting during these
> Christmas Holidays!
> Yes! During my six months protest in my tent,
> I’ve met some wonderful people!
> Speaking of poor people??? A funny story
> happened to me last Sunday!
> The Acadians were celebrating the 4oth
> anniversary of the Priest, I noticed some white and
> Red Wine on a table and I had around five glasses!
> A couple of hours later, I was walking down King
> Street in the Capital and I noticed a couple of
> Alcoholic asking the public for some extra change!
> One guy name is Russell! Russell is a Native and
> he sure looks like one! He has long black hair and
> he’s always drinking but mind you? He’s a very nice
> guy!
> Anyway, He showed me his cup therefore giving me
> a hint that he wanted some money!
> I quickly told the two guys- Hey? I haven’t had
> a drink in a couple of hours and I sure would like a
> nice shot of alcohol!
> They quickly answered- Huuuhhh?????
> This were confuse that I confronted them for > These panhandlers hang together and thank God
> for that because no one else wants them!
> One came to the scene wondering what was going
> on???
> I asked him for a drink???
> ANYWAY ?????
> Lol…. I quickly left the scene!..lol…I believe
> this is the last time they will asks me for some
> change!!!…LOL
> I really do fell bad for these people because
> it’s very cold out there!!!
> Thank God for the Soup Kitchen!!!! My God???
> 1,300 words already!!!!
> :
> On 8/17/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yo Davey baby Alward I wonder if the latest Premier and the three
>> Stooges who wannabe the next Premier of Alberta remeber my battles
>> within their last election or Mr Baconfaat's bragging immediately
>> afterwards. Better yet DO YOU??? Do ya think I won't be every bit as
>> fierce as soon as the the Writ is dropped in "The Palce to Be"
>> Pleas Enjoy little Deja Vu about your nasty neo con butt buddies in
>> Alberta
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2012/04/hint-for-our- pedophile-friend.html
>> Saturday, April 28, 2012
>> A hint for our pedophile "friend"
>> An Alberta political perspective of an Albertan from the Marshall
>> Building! Last week's election after some hiccups, justified or
>> illustrated the correctness of Alison Redford's moving of the Alberta
>> Progressive Conservative Party more to the ideological centre of the
>> political spectrum.
>> I wrote previously about roughly mid-way through the campaign the
>> Rose Alliance, it appeared, to have "jumped the shark" or suddenly
>> completely lost credibility with the Alberta electorate.
>> Yesterday long time serving Speaker of the Alberta Legislature Ken
>> Kowalzki announced his well deserved and earned retirement. In his
>> interview with media he told Alberta's legislators not to forget that
>> Albertan's, Albertas demographics, and society has changed. Alberta
>> has no longer been the"redneck" or homogeneous, or insular and wildly
>> libertarian society it once was....If it ever was!
>> That was, I think clearly illustrated when Danielle Smith's Wild Rose
>> Party exploded spectacularly half way through the election campaign.
>> It was a combination of several long time Wild Rose Policies that
>> Alberta's electorate were reminded of during the campaign and
>> political debate. That led to the electoral demise of the Wild Rose
>> Alliance
>> The libertarian / Reform /Canadian Alliance cherished notion of
>> "firewalling Alberta" had become distinctly unpalatable. As Alison
>> Redford's new Tory cant had become; "Alberta needs to build pipelines
>> not fire walls."
>> The Tory campaign machine reminded Albertans early in the campaign of
>> the Wild Rose Party's policy regarding "issues of conscience"
>> regarding doctors and marriage councilors. The rather impolictical
>> statements and tweets of Pastor Hunsperger and others were well
>> trumpeted and spread by both Alberta's more editorial left of centre
>> papers, the Herald and Journal
>> In a private conversation with Alberta's first elected woman Premier
>> she told me: (another hint David that's two, aren't you lucky) That
>> the idea of the 400 dollar dividends or "Dani dollars was really the
>> turning point of the campaign. What Albertans want is what the Tories
>> had promised; investments in education, infrastructure and health
>> care.
>> Notwithstanding Premier Redford's moving the PCs to the centre, she
>> has made several mistakes in her brief pre-election period of
>> Premiership. The cancellation of the fall sitting of the Legislature
>> without consultation of the caucus. When the Alberta PCs were up in
>> the polls last winter, many political strategists thought she ought
>> have dropped the writ then. But she called for an abbreviated Spring
>> Sitting of the Legislature, tabled a budget, and then dropped the
>> writ, when the pol>> There is be a once again abbreviated May session of the Alberta
>> Legislature to elect a new Speaker, introduce new ministers, and to
>> announce a small reorg of government Ministries.
>> In our brief conversation we recognized that the opposition parties
>> will publicly be very chagrined with a short session of The
>> Legislature, but privately be happy for the time to prepare for the
>> Fall Sitting.
>> Premier Redford recognizes that she may have been "impulsive" in her
>> decisions and announcements immediately subsequent her winning the PC
>> leadership. Whilst she is promising "big changes", you can count on
>> them being measured and incremental.
>> The PC party is currently in a state of flux or change. Many of the
>> "old guard" have left, will leave or are without the influence they
>> once had.
>> Evolution and or change within the Alberta Progressive Conservative
>> Party is a very good thing. As Premier Redford said; "we won with
>> word, progressive!
>> Alberta and Albertans are evolving and changing as Canada's political
>> and economic centre of gravity is shifting to the "new big west". So
>> will its political discourse.
>> So much for the "assistance" of the pedophile David Amos to affect
>> "political change in Alberta" via E mail.
>> Posted by Seren at 9:05 AM
>> I am far from broken yet and have many thoughts and questions to put
>> to the CROWN
http://davidamosrant. wordpress.com/2013/01/05/ canadians-faith-in-police-has- plunged-poll-finds-duhhh/ comment-page-1/
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot. com/2009/05/thoughts-of- broken-man.html
>> Sunday, May 31, 2009
>> The thoughts of a broken "man" Or: Who the fuck is Sherriff Tim
>> and who cares?
>> David Raymond Amosuis a convicted pedophile that is holed up in New
>> Brunswick because he has outstanding arrest warrants in the US.
>> Mr. Amos infects web sites, blogs and posts people's private personal
>> data to create mischief. He is an American animal and a conspiracy
>> theory nuttier.
>> His e mailed this to me...and to the chief of the RCM Police, various
>> political leaders and his few fucked up friends. He is....beaten
>> Until we meet in person I no longer care what you say or do.
>> Now it is over 5 years later
>> Lets deal with Sheriff Tim Turner and his support of his pal Mr
>> Baconfat's latest blog about Indians
>> I must say I find it very strange that the CROWN, the Alberta Premier
>> and even his security people such Tim Turner and Ken Ziekle think
>> their mindless Zionist/DND associate Mr Baconfat is such an
>> ourtstanding citizen.
>> N'esy Pas Mr Out Going Lt Gov Graydon Nicholas???
>> I feeled compellto ask an ex judge and an officer of the Queen's
>> howcome you did not deem it important to defend your own race BEFORE
>> you became a Lt Governor???
>> What are you gonna do now as you head south of the medicine line to
>> play with your grandkids? ADon't my kids and grand kids who also live
>> in Canada AND the USA have the same RIGHTS as yours? I suspect that
>> the RCMP and the lawyer in you has told you to continue to play as
>> dumb as the Librano lawyers Brian Gallant, Mikey Murphy, Greg Byrne,
>> Brit Dysart, Kelly Lamrock, TJ Burke or the other nasty bastards you
>> call friends such as Chucky Leblanc David Alward, Krissy Baby Austin,
>> Dominic Cardy and David Coon. CORRECT?
>> That said I hope Chucky Leblanc, David Alward and their many Indian
>> Palestinian or gay friends are aware that that their old blogging
>> buddy Mr Baconfat will be in Fat Fred City once again shortly. If not
>> you dudes can never say that I didn't inform the RCMP and the DND
>> before the evil Zioniist bastard appoaches any of my family or
>> in the Maritmes. If he does trust that there will be Hell to pay.
>> One thing I know for sure the corrupt cops in Fat Fred City such as
>> Robb Costello no doubt love readIng Mr Baconfat's blogs about Chucky
>> Leblanc and mean old me. This is what Chucky posted on my birthday
http:// charlesotherpersonality. blogspot.ca/2014/07/ fredericton-detective-robb- costello.html
>> If the corrupt cop Robb Costello does not think that the title of
>> Chucky's Blog alone does not violate Sections 300 and 319 of the
>> Canadian Criminal Code I will eat the crook's hat badgee and all. Why
>> don't he at least sue the nasty French bastard?
>> "Fredericton Police Detective Robb Costello could be the first Black
>> Pedophile Cop in the Maritimes???"
>> Yo be fair to Chucky Baby here is Mr Baconfat's latest piece of work
>> about Chucky and I. Small wonder the cops support Mr Baconfat EH?
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2013/08/david-amos-and-tale- of-two-capital.html
>> Saturday, August 16, 2014
>> Pedophiles Charles Leblanc, David Amos, and a Tale of Two Provinces
>> This is really a tale of two provinces, two peoples, and two
>> In maritime kanada generally, and Fredericton specifically there are
>> "people" like Charles Leblanc, David Amos and his "family" of
>> prostitutes. Charles Leblanc is a lay about, a bum, a social welfare
>> parasite, a mental defective, convicted criminal, panhandler and con
>> artist. But above all else Charles Leblanc of Westmorland Street in
>> Fredericton is a pedophile. He has been under investigation by
>> Fredericton Police, and other Canadian law enforcement agencies for
>> some years now. His inter-net provider has been freely cooperating
>> with police to eventually convict this criminal. Charles Leblanc has
>> already been convicted of a violent assault. Mr. Leblanc has
>> pathetically tried to disperse allegations against himself, by
>> "accusing the entire Fredericton police force pedophiles, drug
>> dealers, steroid monkies, deep into heavy drugs, racists, and being
>> "maudit Quebecois."
>> Charles Leblanc is diagnosed bipolar, sociopathic, having ADHD,
>> epilepsy, being a moron, and a mental defective. Charles Leblanc
>> be an object of great pity, if he weren't fucker of small boys, into
>> child porn, such an inter-net panhandler, and societal freeloader.
>> Charles Leblanc likes drum up sympathy by telling the "cyber-world"
>> is the "product of a broken home." But the truth is, both his parents
>> threw him out of the family home at 20 years old because he was a
>> thief, freeloader, a lay about, and a fucker of children. To this day
>> Charles Leblanc is despised by his Mother an Father.
>> Charles Leblanc impersonates a "journalist" as he uses his blog to
>> get people to give him, cameras, computer equipment, police scanners,
>> beer, free dinners, flat screen TVs, furniture, clothing, use of
>> and any cash he can get. Charles Leblanc is a classic example of a
>> Brunswicker . Albertans would be better off if our federal tax
>> did not subsidize Canada's "welfare state" New Brunswick , and little
>> boy fuckers like Charles Leblanc. All we can hope is brave
>> police get him off the street, and in jail soon
>> Hiding with his "magic jack" phone on Donaldson Street in Halifax 902
>> 800 0369, leeching off his children is David Amos. David Amos pimps
>> out his kids and grand kids to perverts "earn his daily bread." David
>> Amos is also a convicted criminal, pedophile, registered sex
>> and has outstanding criminal warrants in the United States of amerka.
>> David Amos and his children are less than human sex trade workers. It
>> is well known in maritime kanada, no one swallows past like an Amos!
>> David Amos couldn't find Edmonton Alberta on a map, on the very best
>> day he ever had. But this pathological liar created an elaborate yet
>> ineffectual little con to try and convince the "cyber-world" he came
>> here to get me and my better half. David Amos, and Charles Leblanc
>> the norm, typical maritime kanadians. Thank God I am an Albertan!
>> It is fifteen minutes to noon this Saturday in maritime kanada. Do
>> know where you kids are? Charles Leblanc and or David Amos could be
>> fucking them!
>> Posted by Seren at 8:46 AM
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2013/08/more-observations-of- two-capital-cities.html
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/pedophiles-charles- leblanc-david-amos.html
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/monkey-boy-obama-says. html
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/islam-relgion-of- peace-bomb-gaza-until.html
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/fem-nazi-cunts-at-u- of-t-or-women-that.html
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/here-is-your-david- amos-update.html
>> KID????
http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/ 2014/08/snuff-gracie-and- another-testiment-of.html
>> Thursday, August 14, 2014
>> Snuff Gracie, and an another "Testiment of Pure Political Evil"
>> Gracie, baby, did your "Dad" give you my offer sheet for you to do
>> a"snuff film!" Not a "real one" of course, well maybe. Gracie Baby
>> I'll make you a very very big star! All you need is a baseball bat,
>> and a gallon can of Mazolla Corn Oil.
>> So Davey Baby, when will we "C'yall in court!" When will you finally
>> get a "Canadian lawyer to sue me for a piece of the action?" When
>> you butt buddy Frankie Frost come and get Lori and myself?
>> I'll be in your neck of woods soon son! Its a shame you and I, are
>> destined to have this forever "unrequited love affair" from afar. lol
>> lol
>> Bang! Gracie Baby!
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> As the long gone Gypsy Blogger and Wannabe RCMP dude used to exclaim
>> NB
>> Enjoy Ya Bastards
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
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Thank you.
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E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.
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Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:20 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
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From: ddrummond <ddrummond+noreply@autoreply.
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:20 +0000
Subject: Re: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your note. For assistance please contact:
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From: Norman Sabourin <Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:39:15 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Mr. Sabourin is away from the office at this time. Please contact
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:39:13 -0300
Subject: YO Deputy Police Chief Martin Gaudet ENJOY
To: martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca
Cc: CabalCookies <cabalcookies@protonmail.com>, Norman Traversy
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<Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, meko@discussglobal.com, lagenomai4
<lagenomai4@protonmail.com>, "PETER.MACKAY"
jkee@google.com, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
andremadore@hotmail.com, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
andre.madore@edmundston.ca, Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca,
jbosnitch@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, mckeen.randy@gmail.com,
steve.murphy@ctv.ca, premier@ontario.ca, PREMIER@gov.ns.ca,
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dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, DDrummond@google.com,
David.Akin@globalnews.ca, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@
<Hamish.Wright@gnb.ca>, "Roger.Brown"<Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely"<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "ian.fahie"<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "warren.mcbeath"
Monday, 20 July 2020
Hub model teaming officers and social workers is working, say Fredericton Police

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that Martin Gaudet and his cohorts in the Fat Fred City Finest have yet to account for my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes they stole from me in 2007 N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health clients on the 17th N'esy Pas?
Hub model teaming officers and social workers is working, say Fredericton Police
Deputy chief says new program has encouraged community partnerships
CBC News· Posted: Jul 20, 2020 12:25 PM AT
The Fredericton Police Force is making use of a new program to integrate community and policing services. (Daniel McHardie/CBC)
The Fredericton Police Force says a new program to integrate community services with policing is a success so far and one they want to expand.
Deputy chief Martin Gaudet said the unit, known as the hub, is a team made up of two police officers and two social workers.
Each specializes in a certain area, such as intimate partner violence, youth services, mental health, and the community and multiculturalism.
With officers responding to several files per day, specific files can be flagged for help from the multicultural liaison, youth services, mental health services and intimate partner violence coordinator.
"When one of our police officers or staff members gets one those files, sometimes… through discussions they realize the other individual can have a part to play or can assist.
"So it breaks down silos. It breaks downs silos between those four specialities and the front line officers."
Gaudet said the four people working in the hub can reach out to community partners for help and in turn, community partners are contacting them.
"So we've broken down that silo of all that front part decorum and the introductions and now it's strictly business."
Deputy police chief Martin Gaudet said the police force would like to expand the new hub model. (Gary Moore/CBC)
Gaudet said now work gets done quickly and efficiently. He adds by having all four working in the same office they can discuss the files to see who can help who.
"This could be a referral based on the call that was attended the night before by the frontline officer."
Gaudet said normally an officer attends the scene, makes an arrest, ensures the victim is safe, and moves on to the next call. Now they have the hub unit to do follow up.
"There's a big difference. When we know better we do better."
The police force has plans to expand the program, but Gaudet said they don't have the capacity to do it.
"We know it works and we want to build on it and we hope to move forward."
With files from Sarah Morin
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that Martin Gaudet and his cohorts in the Fat Fred City Finest have yet to account for my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes they stole from me in 2007 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health clients last week N'esy Pas?
Art Clogg
Sorry guys. I certainly hope that this 'cops and casers' thing works but the Police are not a reliable source of information. If you want to convince me the info has to come from a neutral, reliable source.
David Amos
Reply to @Art Clogg: I second that emotion
Dianne MacPherson
No need here to pick this article apart
looking for 'what-ifs'.
It's a start and that's all that matters !!!
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: Agreed that it's a start, but it's only a start. It *does* matter that everyone involved continues to work on making progress.
Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
Give it time, girl !!!
Give it time, girl !!!
David Amos
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: How so? The cops in Fat Fred City have yet explain my false arrest and imprisonment in 2008 Correct?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:16:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police
Chief Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where
my Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you very much for reaching out to the Office of the Hon. Bill
Blair, Member of Parliament for Scarborough Southwest.
Please be advised that as a health and safety precaution, our
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volume of calls, and will better be able to serve you through email.
Should you have any questions related to COVID-19, please see:
Thank you again for your message, and we will get back to you as soon
as possible.
MP Staff to the Hon. Bill Blair
Parliament Hill: 613-995-0284
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Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact avec le bureau de l'Honorable Bill
Blair, Député de Scarborough-Sud-Ouest.
Veuillez noter que par mesure de précaution en matière de santé et de
sécurité, notre bureau de circonscription ne tiendra pas de réunions
en personne jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Nous continuerons à fournir des
services pendant nos heures de bureau habituelles, tant par téléphone
que par courrier électronique.
En raison du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons, notre bureau
classe les demandes par ordre de priorité en fonction de leur urgence
et de notre rôle dans le service aux électeurs de Scarborough
Sud-Ouest. Si vous n'êtes pas un électeur de Scarborough Sud-Ouest,
veuillez contacter votre député local pour obtenir de l'aide. Pour
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En outre, nous vous demandons de ne téléphoner à notre bureau que si
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Si vous avez des questions concernant COVID-19, veuillez consulter le
site : http://www.canada.ca/le-
Merci encore pour votre message, et nous vous répondrons dès que possible.
Personnel du Député de l'Honorable Bill Blair
Colline du Parlement : 613-995-0284
Bureau de Circonscription : 416-261-8613
< mailto:bill.blair@parl.gc.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ddrummond <ddrummond+noreply@autoreply.
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:15:45 +0000
Subject: Re: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police Chief
Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where my
Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your note. For assistance please contact:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<Megan.Mitton@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:15:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police
Chief Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where
my Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. Please note I will be out of the office
July 20-31st.
I welcome and appreciate receiving comments and questions from
constituents. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due
to the high volume of emails my office is currently receiving, I may
not be able to respond personally to each one.
A toll-free information line and email address has been set up to help
answer non-health related COVID-19 questions, including questions
about travel and compliance with the state of emergency. The number,
1-844-462-8387, is operational seven days a week. The email address is
Also information related to the province’s recovery plan can be found
here https://www2.gnb.ca/content/
For media requests, please call: 506-429-2285.
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions. Veuillez noter que je serai absent
du bureau du 20 au 31 juillet.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Une ligne d’information sans frais et une adresse courriel ont été
mises sur pied afin d’aider à répondre aux questions sur la COVID-19
qui ne sont pas reliées à la santé, y compris les questions relatives
à la conformité à l’état d’urgence et sur les voyages. Le service est
offert dans les deux langues officielles. Les gens peuvent téléphoner
au 1-844-462-8387 sept jours par semaine. Ou envoyez un courriel à :
Vous trouverez également des informations relatives au plan de relance
de la province à l'adresse suivante :
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler: 506-429-2285.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Massey <Barbara.Massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 21:16:57 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN André Madore You do know Deputy Police Chief
Martin.Gaudet of the Fat Fred City Finest and you all know where my
Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are Correct? (Out of Office )
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I will be away from the office until August 4th. In my absence, please
contact my assistant, Elena Ienzi or Jolene Harvey.
Je serai absent du bureau jusqu'au 4 août. En mon absence, veuillez
contacter mon assistante, Elena Ienzi ou Jolene Harvey.
>>> David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows Chucky Leblanc recorded and published the
proof that there were no social workers around when the Fat Fred City
Finest arrested one of Minister Flemming's well known mental health
clients on the 17th N'esy Pas?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Hub model teaming officers and social workers is working, say
Fredericton police
Deputy chief says new program has encouraged community partnerships
CBC News · Posted: Jul 20, 2020 12:25 PM AT
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc
recorded and published the proof that there were no social workers
around when the Fat Fred City Finest arrested one of Minister
Flemming's well known mental health clients last week N'esy Pas?
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre Faust and everybody else
knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5 years ago N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gaudet, Martin"<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Hello / Bonjour.
I am out of office until September 3rd. Should your matter be urgent,
please contact Sophia Sheridan at Sophia.sheridan@fredericton.ca or
506-460-2325 and she can help direct your request to the appropriate
Je serai sorti du bureau jusqu'au 3 septembre. Si votre message est
urgent, s.v.p. contactez Sophia Sheridan au
Sophia.sheridan@fredericton.ca ou au 506-460-2325.
Thank you / Merci.
This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
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Toute correspondance entre ou avec les emploVille de Fredericton
pourrait être divulguée conformément aux
dispositions de la Loi sur le droit à l’information et la protection
de la vie privée.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
[Le français suit.]
On behalf of Premier Blaine Higgs, I would like to acknowledge receipt
of your email.
Please note that your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to write the Premier.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144
Thank you
Au nom du premier ministre Blaine Higgs, j’accuse réception de votre
Veuillez noter que votre demande sera traitée dans les plus brefs
Je vous remercie d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au premier ministre.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<Megan.Mitton@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:28:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received. I welcome and appreciate receiving comments
and questions from constituents.
All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due to the high
volume of emails my office receives, I may not be able to respond
personally to each one.
For media requests, please call Amanda Wildeman at: 506-429-2285 or
email her at: Amanda.wildeman@gnb.caAmanda.wildeman@gnb.ca
Thank you once again for contacting me.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez communiquer avec Amanda
Wildeman au : 506-429-2285 ou par courriel à : Amanda.wildeman@gnb.ca
Merci encore une fois de m'avoir contacté.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019, 2:13:14 PM ADT
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.
This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.
To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.
Thank you
Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.
Le pcourriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.
Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jane.Philpott@parl.gc.ca"
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019, 2:13:13 PM ADT
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre
Faust and everybody else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5
years ago N'esy Pas?
Thank you for your email to the Honourable Jane Philpott, Member of
Parliament for Markham-Stouffville.
This automated message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of
your email. Due to the high volume of correspondence, there may be a
delay in processing your email. Rest assured it will be given every
If you have not already done so, please send us your full name,
address and postal code which will enable us to assist you more
Thank you,
Office of the Hon. Jane Philpott
Member of Parliament, Markham-Stouffville
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:13:02 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Methinks Chucky Leblanc's "IT Guy" Andre Faust and everybody
else knows the truth about his blog going "Poof" 5 years ago N'esy
To: Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca, David.Coon@gnb.ca, Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca,
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca,
andre@jafaust.com, jbosnitch@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
mckeen.randy@gmail.com, steve.murphy@ctv.ca, premier@ontario.ca,
PREMIER@gov.ns.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca,
Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca,
megan.mitton@gnb.ca, rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca,
michelle.conroy@gnb.ca, briangallant10@gmail.com,
brian.gallant@gnb.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, DDrummond@google.com,
Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca,
David.Akin@globalnews.ca, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Scroll down past Chucky's latest bullshit to enjoy a little Deja Vu
The truth is that it was my emails about Sections 300 and 319 of the
Canadian Criminal Code and the violations found within Chucky's blog
and that of Mr Baconfat's that got Det Robb Costello, the corrupt cops
out west and Google to sit up and pay attention.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Blog was ordered shut down 5 years ago today!!!!!
Blog was shut down 5 years ago today!!!! Yesss...there is no freedom
of speech in Canada....The Fredericton Police can label you as a
Pedophile but if you fight back...they will shut you down....I used to
do lots of writing but this all came to a stop.....I said -
Ohhhhh...they don't want to read my views...they want to listen to
me...VIDEOS..VIDEOS AND MORE VIDEOS!!!!! I would hunt them down on the
streets!!!!! Then came 2 years later the Fredericton Police ordered
two cops from Edmunston to come down and assault me or possibly have
be killed...Media never grabbed that story....I wonder why???...Oh
well this Blogger will continue the fight for Justice for years to
come or until the Cops have me shot!!!! Truly stay tuned!!!!!
Posted by Charles Leblanc at 9:18 am No comments :
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:35:44 -0600
Subject: Yo Det Robb Costello of the Fat Fred City Finest You don't
call and you don't write do tell has Chris macPherson or the Google
lawyers To: oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
almabrooks26 <almabrooks26@hotmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
laurie hawn <laurie.hawn.a1@parl.gc.ca>, mclellana
< mclellana@bennettjones.com>, info <info@ricmciver.com>, "Richard D.
Brinkman"<richardwtc@gmail.com>, info <info@jimprentice.ca>, Thomas
Lukaszuk <edmonton.castledowns@
< edmonton.centre@assembly.ab.ca>, "don.iveson"
< don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, "rod.knecht"<rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"Marianne.Ryan"<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, scott
< scott@scottmckeen.ca>, "scott.mckeen"<scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca>,
greg.preston@edmontonpolice.ca, patrick_doran1
< patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, deanr0032 <deanr0032@hotmail.com>,
"Gary.Rhodes"<Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "gary.forward"
< gary.forward@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
< Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "danny.copp"
< danny.copp@fredericton.ca>, robb.costello@fredericton.ca,
"Tim.RICHARDSON"<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
< Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca, "Paul.Harpelle"
< Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, madeleine <madeleine@berrevoets2014.ca>,
"Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>, Brian Gallant
< briangallant@nbliberal.ca>, execdirgen <execdirgen@nbliberal.ca>,
Joel MacIntosh <macintosh.joel@gmail.com>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, David.Glockner@usdoj.gov, lgunter
< lgunter@shaw.ca>, "Josh.Skurnik"<Josh.Skurnik@sunmedia.ca>,
"mckeen.randy"<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "kirk.macdonald"
< kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "james.goodman"<james.goodman@forces.gc.ca>,
"roger.l.brown"<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bernadine.chapman"
< bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.
< jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, info <info@gg.ca>, "Biage.Carrese"
< Biage.Carrese@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
< Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
< Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
< frankffrost@hotmail.com>, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>, merv
< merv@northwebpress.com>, "foghorn.leghorn_175"
< foghorn.leghorn_175@zoho.com>
Cc: "chris.macpherson"<chris.macpherson@fredericton.
bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>,
David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "glick@google.com"
< glick@google.com>, "graydon.nicholas"<graydon.nicholas@gnb.ca>,
Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca, "calgary.varsity"
< calgary.varsity@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.greenway"
< calgary.greenway@assembly.ab.
< calgary.northernhills@
< calgary.hays@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.cross"
< calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgarynews <Calgarynews@ctv.ca>,
calgarynewstips <calgarynewstips@cbc.ca>, "calgary.elbow"
< calgary.elbow@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.mountainview"
< calgary.mountainview@assembly.
< calgary.mccall@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.acadia"
< calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.buffalo"
< calgary.buffalo@assembly.ab.ca>
Remember this blog???? I bet Danny Boy Bussieres does
Scroll down to review these words of mine
"One thing I know for sure the corrupt cops in Fat Fred City such as
Robb Costello no doubt love reading Mr Baconfat's blogs about Chucky
Leblanc and mean old me. This is what Chucky posted on my birthday
If the corrupt cop Robb Costello does not think that the title of
Chucky's Blog alone does not violate Sections 300 and 319 of the
Canadian Criminal Code I will eat the crook's hat badgee and all. Why
don't he at least sue the nasty French bastard?"
"Fredericton Police Detective Robb Costello could be the first Black
Pedophile Cop in the Maritimes???"
"To be fair to Chucky Baby here is Mr Baconfat's latest piece of work
about Chucky and I. Small wonder the cops support Mr Baconfat EH?
David Amos, and a Tale of Two Provinces"
On 8/19/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas Det Robb Costello???
> However I wonder if Costello and the other corrupt cops are clever
> enough to know that Chucky has at least two other blogs that are still
> active.
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/
> I see that Chucky made a test fire yesterday but nothing new yet N'esy
> http://oldmaison.blogspot.ca/
> That said 10 years ago Chucky's first posts within WordPress and
> Blogger were really quite racist nothing has changed since.EH? What
> say you dudes?
> Chucky's BULLSHIT about the election and that of his FAKE LEFT Puppet
> Master Andre Faust is truly comical but Mr Baconfat's spin on it
> definitely is not
> Social Activist’s Blog Removed by Google following complaint
> Posted on August 18, 2014 by lefteyex
> By André Faust
> Political/Social Activist Charles Leblanc’s Blog shut down
> Upon receiving a complaint against controversial social political
> activist Charles LeBlanc blog, Google removed the polemical blog from
> its servers after notifying the blogger of their action.
> The blog was an irritant to the Fredericton city police and Sergeant
> at Arms Daniel Bussières because of his sometimes not to kind
> criticisms of their actions. Above and beyond criticizing the FPD and
> Bussières, LeBlanc confronted and challenged the provincial MLAs and
> the Premier on many delicate issues that mainstream media does not
> cover.
> While the blog has been the center of controversy for quite some time,
> it appears very convenient to have the blog shut down prior to the
> provincial election. Was the motive behind the complaint to Google
> politically motivated to keep the issues of pensions fracturing and
> forestry from being presented to the New Brunswick audience? Blogs
> like Charles’s blog are a threat to government and big business
> because their propagandist no longer have control over the message
> given to the public.
> Anyway there is quite simply too much for Andre and Chucky's small
> minds to review so I will just provide Mr Baconfat latest posts about
> his pal Chucky Leblanc and just some of what the perverted Zionist has
> published about black folks recently (Never mind for the past five
> years EH?)
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
> Tuesday, August 19, 2014
> Charles LeBlanc's Blog Has Gone Poof!
> David Amos' blog, or the Andre Murray Blog, he suborned had been
> removed a few weeks ago by Google. Today Google removed Fredericton
> Blogger Charles LeBlanc's Blog. Charles LeBlanc has been
> misrepresenting self as a "journalist" for several years. He had
> called his cyber-space version of a scandal sheet or penny dreadful,
> legitimate media outlet to panhandle in cyber-space for cash,
> furniture, computer and so on. Charles has publically defamed the
> entire Fredericton Police Force. He has lied that a Fredericton
> Police Detective L'Oisou "touched his private part," whilst being
> searched for weapons, and has called him on several occasions, "a
> pedophile."
> Charles LeBlanc has referred to the entire Fredericton Police Force
> and its Chief Leanne Fitch as "steroid monkeys," into "serious drugs,
> thieves"> posting a shred of evidence of these allegations, as a real journalist
> would. Charles LeBlanc is clearly a mental defective moron, a
> sociopath, and pathological liar like David Amos. But Charles Leblanc
> has engaged in this illegal behavior for years, why did Google decide
> that today, he had gone too far? David Raymond Amos convicted sex
> offender, and fugitive from US law enforcement authorities had his
> blog removed because he used it to stalk, harass and abuse women,
> professionals throughout Canada. His well documented abuse of "half
> dead blogs" or blogs he uses that belong to others is against or
> contrary to the terms and conditions of use of Google's cyber-space
> products. Google's censure of David Amos and the removal of his blog
> seems more than acceptable.
> But Charles LeBlanc's blog no more than a cyber-space "bully pulpit"
> he uses to defame police, local politicians, women who avail
> themselves access to services of a woman's reproductive heath clinic,
> people he calls snobs or fans of the Fredericton Blues Festival, or
> the people he says, " piss him off!"
> There are many that wonder what took Google so long to muzzle this
> moron and hater of Jews . Charles LeBlanc makes no apology fro
> censoring the comments of readers to his blog, in fact he is very
> happy to shut up most of the commenters to his blog. Charles LeBlanc
> was wont to say, "Its my blog and I will decide who gets to comment,
> or what they can say"
> Well its Google's "cyber-space" and they'll decide how far Charles
> LeBlanc or any of us can go, or what we can say. Or as Charles Leblanc
> used to say, "that's the fact Jack!"
> Posted by Seren at 4:30 AM No comments:
> Saturday, August 9, 2014
> Monkey Boy Obama Says!
> Its a long way from DC to Tel Aviv! Amerka's first nigger "president"
> Barak Hussein Obama castigates Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin
> Netanyahu for not making "the hard choices," or "tough decisions" to
> "make peace" with the so called "palestinians." Amerka's first nigger
> president thinks after a mere sixty, seventy years since the Shoah
> that Jews ought to risk extermination by "the world" and HAMAS once
> again, in the name of "two state solution." and Barak Hussein Obama's
> "presidential legacy."
> The current nigger "president," John Kerry and the rest of the Jew
> haters in the current administration tell diaspora Jews, and Jews in
> Israel that they and amerka "has Israel's back," and to somehow lift
> the Egyptian blockade of Gaza, make peace with an organization that
> within its Charter that calls for the destruction of Israel and the
> extermination of the Jews twelve times. But alas there's a problem for
> amerka's first nigger "president." Right now a full 87 % of Jews in
> Israel don't think "amerka has Israel's back." All full 100% of Jews
> in Israel, many still with concentration camp numbers tattooed on
> their forearms do NOT want to risk their lives once again because,
> this is a "hard decision" that Barak Hussein Obama says they have to
> make.
> One of the long term effects of HAMAS' war upon Eretz Yisrael is a
> revitalization of, or a renewed priority for the settler movement in
> Israel, to steal, buy, bully, settle and take more land in areas B and
> C in YESHA. To build more housing developments and communities, and
> push the Arab animals out. Until what is left of the "palestinian
> authority" becomes nothing more than a semi-autonomous region or
> state of Jordan. After all as Sir Winston Churchill boasted. "I
> created [ The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan] with the stroke of a pen
> on a Sunday afternoon in Cairo." There are twenty-three Arab States in
> the Middle East. The region does NOT need one more.
> I an quite sure someone or many people have told amerka's first nigger
> "president" that if Israel was to say today, this minute, that Israel
> wants peace with its neighbours, and "turned their weapons into
> ploughshares," the Jews would once again be exterminated, this time
> by HAMAS, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and twenty> I am also quite sure, amerka''s first nigger "president" has also been
> told if HAMAS were to disarm, and promise peace...there would be peace
> the very next day.
> Egypt lost Sinai to Israel twice. Egypt sustained 250,000 casualties
> in the Yom Kippur war, and failed to win Sinai back. Egyptian
> President Anwar Sadat got the Sinai back from Israel at the cost of "a
> piece of paper," and a promise. A promise of peace, a peace that has
> endured to today. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was murdered by the
> Moslem Brotherhood, and HAMAs for the "Audacity of Hope" for peace.
> Abu Mazen, and the self described "palestinians" promise nothing, but
> death to the Jews. The "palestinians" promise nothing but to steal
> what Jews have built.
> It is remarkably easy for amerka's first nigger "president" to tell
> Jews that they have to make "hard decisions" or "tough choices" when
> he and his family are a long way away in DC.
> But then again Barak Hussein Obama's life and family are NOT at risk,
> But the Prime Minister, "president" Obama hates, and the lives of the
> Jew he hates ...are at risk. Someone ought explain to amerka's first
> nigger "president" this is not about what you assholes call "Israel's
> legitimate security concerns." Its all about the survival of Jews
> everywhere, and NEVER AGAIN.
> Posted by Seren at 6:13 AM No comments
> Sunday, August 17, 2014
> Michael Brown, Another "Afrikan Amerkan" Thief Bites The Dust
> The Negroes of Ferguson Missouri are once again outraged to the point
> of throwing Molotov cocktails, rioting and looting stores in the name
> of "racial equality" and "justice." A couple of days ago Ferguson
> police released video, store surveillance video of Michael Brown
> hitting a store clerk and robbing a Ferguson convenience store,
> immediately preceding his being shot by police. So the so called
> "community" the "negro community" returned to the streets to riot and
> vandalize the store Mike Brown robbed, in the name of "justice" and
> "racial equality" of course.
> Michael Brown's parents raised, a thief and criminal. The pictures do
> NOT lie. Michael Brown's attorney said, "Ferguson police assassinated
> Mike Brown and now they are assassinating his memory." Someone ought
> tell Mike Brown's "parents" and attorney not only that the pictures
> don't lie, you knew Mike Brown was a thief, and criminal. The entire
> negro "community" knew Mike Brown was a violent criminal. Yet this
> "peaceful," and or "justice desirous, negro community," rioted, looted
> and assaulted people in the name of "justice and racial equality," and
> because the police were "wearing BDUs," and in armoured vehicles, on
> three separate nights.
> "Leaders" of Ferguson's "negro community" told media on the first
> night of violent riots and looting, that "this is a peace march for
> justice." There was nothing peaceful about these "negroes" behaviour.
> This was an opportunity for Ferguson's "negro community" to cash in.
> To loot, steal and take what isn't theirs just as Mike Brown did,
> while he was still alive to do so.
> If Mike Brown was shot illegally, if the cop was not justified in
> doing so, the cop will pay. Even in "white amerka" police can't shoot
> "negroes" without justification. The "wheels of justice turn slowly,"
> but turn nonetheless. There is NO justification of any kind, for any
> reason for the "negroes" of Ferguson or its "negro community" take
> this opportunity to riot, steal, and or assault white people.
> Mike Ferguson fled the scene of a violent crime, of which surveillance
> video shows he's not only a suspect but the perpetrator of. It is not
> surprising Ferguson police not only stopped him. But also ordered him
> to exit the car, and get on the ground. Mike Brown was a violent
> criminal that did not do as he was legally and legitimately ordered to
> do. Mike Brown was legally obligated to carry out the orders of a
> policeman. If a six foot two or three, and three hundred p> regardless of skin colour.
> In the days subsequent to Ferguson's "negro community" rioting,
> looting, stealing, and firebombing in the name of justice and racial
> equality" we are finding out Mike Brown was a violent robber and
> thief. Not unlike Ferguson Missouri's "negro community."
> Posted by Seren at 1:56 PM No comments:
> Monday, August 18, 2014
> CNN,Truth, Justice, And The "Negroes" Of Ferguson Missouri
> Last night the Governor of the State of Missouri called out the
> Missouri National Guard stop Ferguson' Missouri's" "law abiding negro
> community's "peace march for justice."
> Last night was another evening of riots, violence, "negro" snipers
> shooting at decent white people, vandalizing business' and throwing
> fire bombs by Ferguson Missouri's "negro community." All in the name
> of "racial equality, justice" and "ending the repression, oppression
> and racial profiling" by police of St. Louis County upon the "poor
> downtrodden negro community" of Ferguson Missouri.
> Preliminary autopsy reports are forensic proof that "Ferguson's negro
> witnesses" accounts of the shooting of Michael Brown are perjuries,
> and racially motivated falsehoods. CNN's token "negro reporter" Don
> Lemon has trotted out three or four "negro" women accompanied on
> camera with their lawyers, that claim Michael Brown was running and
> shot in the back by police. The forensic evidence of the preliminary
> autopsy report is indisputable. Michael Brown was shot from or in the
> front. CNN's and their token "negro reporter's "eye witnesses'" from
> Ferguson Missouri's "negro community, deliberately lied, and are
> liars.
> Michael Brown's "parents" are deliberately fomenting unrest and
> inciting Ferguson Missouri's "law abiding negro community' to
> violence. Michael Brown's "Father" wore a T Shirt to a "negro " so
> called "church service" saying. "No Justice, No peace!" That seems
> ironic, considering Michael Brown was a violent criminal, and his
> parents and Ferguson's "negro community" all knew it.
> Fox News and every other media outlet, save CNN posted store
> surveillance video from ten minutes before Michael Brown's shooting,
> of our "law abiding" Ferguson "negro" violently robbing a convenience
> store. At this point Michael Brown became a violent fugitive from
> justice and Missouri law enforcement agencies. This was NOT Michael
> Brown's "first rodeo!" Notwithstanding Michael Brown's "Father" and
> his attorney's whining that, "the police assassinated Michael Brown,
> and now they are assassinating his reputation".... the pictures, the
> video surveillance footage CNN will not show amerka... do not lie!
> Now it has been several nights that "negro community" of Ferguson
> Missouri has been robbing, looting, fire bombing, sniping and
> generally trying to cash in, on this "gross injustice" and
> "oppression" of "negro folks" in amerka. I guess that is what they
> call the "afrikan amerkan way!" Ferguson Missouri's "law abiding black
> folks" were and are violently running amuck, to make a buck, and
> "Negro" Missouri State Trooper "Captain" Ron Johnson, stands there and
> does nothing. I thought cops were cops. There are no black cop, no
> white cops, cops are BLUE. Obviously that is not the case in the
> Missouri State Troopers, and Missouri's governor called in National
> Guard troops.
> Michael Brown's "parents," the so called "afrikan amerkan church," his
> "community and neighbours do NOT want peace or justice. They want to
> cash in as journalist's paid "witnesses." They want TVs stereos and
> computers, stolen whilst looting. Michael Brown's "Mommy and Daddy"
> want a pay day and "fifteen minutes of CNN inspired fame. After all
> this is indeed the "afrikan amerkan way!"
> And.... if someone is desirous of truthful, fair, balanced and
> accurate reporting, you won't get it from CNN or their "token negro"
> reporter Don Lemon....but Fox News!
> Posted by Seren at 1:37 PM No comments:
> Wednesday
> Dec 2004
> Posted by oldmaison in Uncategorized
> .>Date:
> Wed, 22 Dec 2004 08:29:42 -0800 (PST)
> From:
> “charles leblanc” View Contact Details
> Subject:
> To:
> “oldmaison”
> Yesterday meals served at the Fredericton Soup
> Kitchen-
> Noon-162 meals
> Supper 72 meals
> Have a good clear conscience day! If you happened
> to go to Saint John this Friday? Please send me an
> email!!!! Merci!!
> Excuse sorry for the poor grammar in yesterday
> update! I missed many words! C’est la vie!!
> Ok..Yesterday, I received this little email. I
> don’t know where it came from but her it is-
> Oh, and by the way: I still think it’s unfair for you
> to call the Human Rights Commission racist. Just
> because your racism complaint was dismissed,
> doesn’t make them racist. If a judge acquits a guy of
> sexual abuse charges on a technicality, that doesn’t
> make the judge a sex abuser!
> Now…lets try to get this issue straight once and
> for all!
> I’m going to try to make as short as possible.
> I wrote a complaint to the New Brunswick Human
> Rights of the way that I was treated by Gulf Operators
> I told them that I had a very
> racist supervisor named Brian Grant and he would go
> around and tell his co-workers that no niggers or
> frogs should be allowed to work within the Irving
> Empire!
> I might add that he tried to hit me with a large
> piece of steel!
> This complaint was bad enough but the Irvings sent
> this memo to the Commission-
> When Mr.LeBlanc was interviewed by Gulf Operators
> he informed us he had ADHD and was taking Ritalin
> there were medical limitations placed on Mr.LeBlanc.
> We
> accommodated Mr.LeBlanc disability by ensuring that he
> was given jobs and duties that complied with his
> medical limitations.
> Sherry Merssereau < Irving Human Resources with no
> Doctor’s paper! >
> Now? The day that I was suppose to find out the
> verdict? Carl White < only case worker in the Southern
> Part of the province > was not at work!
> I phoned the guy at his house and he quickly
> hung the phone in my ears!
> Lets not forget that he was the Deputy Mayor at
> the time!
> The Director Janet Culinan did the same action!
> I received a little letter telling me that my
> complaint was without merit!
> NOW??? If a Judge dismissed a case against a
> child abuser? Does this mean the Judge supports
> Pedophiles?
> Of course not!
> But the public has the right to hear the
> evidence!
> In my case? We the public don’t know what was
> said in that building of the Commission!
> Did they say- OHH??? He has ADHD??? Ignore
> him!!! What was said behind those close doors that
> they agreed with the Irvings that racism in the
> workplace is ok????
> What was said that they came to a verdict that
> adults with ADHD are close to mental retardation?
> I got more story in the new year of Carl White
> and that man is Black. I never once heard a good
> remark from any black person in the Saint John are
> about Carl White!
> The Ombudsman will investigate this commission
> in the new year because of some new evidence!
> Racist members???? You damn right they are!
> They might be in Irving’s pocket because there
> hasn’t been a human rights Complaint against the
> Irvings in years and I’ll get back to this issue in
> the new year!
> It’s not the Irving Human Rights! It’s the
> people Human Rights!
> As I said in the past? Those racist members must
> stay in their building and collect their pay from the
> taxpayers of this Province because they sure support
> racist > certain that my letters to the editor were cut off!<
> Irving Orders>
> Anyway? I heard from a close source that
> someone in the Government is working hard to cut my
> updates from reaching Government employees!
> Can you imagine that one? Well? Enough for the
> information Highway???
> This line of communication will only be allowed
> to a few of the elites!
> I know for a fact that many bureaucrats love my
> updates because they tell me on the streets but this
> might come to an end in the very near future!
> Democracy??? Hogwash!!!
> Hey maybe I can make a complaint to those racist
> members of the New Brunswick Commission????
> Nahhh….won’t work!!! This is the reason that
> this Commission must be eliminated as soon as
> possible!
> Opsss getting angry again….
> Sh@t over 800 words already!!!
> I noticed the HERE paper is in the City Of
> Fredericton! I was very surprised to see that paper at
> U.N.B.!
> Are they trying to put the Brunswickan out of
> business????
> That student newspaper has been around for the
> last 100 years and the Irvings want to shut it
> down????
> The HERE paper has a forum on the internet and
> only the elite few will be allowed to share views with
> the people on the net!
> Of course only users who will praise the Evil
> Irving Empire will be allowed in there!
> I used to paste my updates in there but these
> Irving Gestapo employee quickly deleted my views!
> Yes, it’s like the Nazis marching in the
> Capital! It’s Germany all over again but in a
> different approach!
> The Irvings don’t go around and execute people
> but they will deny their freedom of speech and this is
> exactly what Hitler did!!!
> Once he took control of media? He would make
> certain that only praising letters are printed in
> their papers therefore brainwashing the public mind!
> Hey? Am I far off the mark?
> I even paste my update on a daily basis at J.D.
> IRVING.COM. I know for a fact that the Irvings always
> reads my updates but what can a person do to you if
> you speak la Veriter???
> The Publisher called me two years ago and told
> me only praising letters of the Irvings will be
> printed! His name is Peter Huggard and these days J.D.
> Irving son Jamie is in charge of that Paper so it
> makes a person wonder????
> By the way? The Santa Claus will be on at 3:00pm
> this afternoon and you will see my dog Chico on float
> 18! I was with the Autism Float!
> Yesterday, I arrived at the Library at the
> Legislature and someone left a Christmas Card for me!
> I opened it up and it said- Merry Christams from
> Santa with 30 bucks in it!
> I felt sad but glad that someone wants to help
> me during the holidays! I soon found out where it came
> from and thanked the person very much!
> Hey? The check only comes at the end oif month
> and many other families are hurting during these
> Christmas Holidays!
> Yes! During my six months protest in my tent,
> I’ve met some wonderful people!
> Speaking of poor people??? A funny story
> happened to me last Sunday!
> The Acadians were celebrating the 4oth
> anniversary of the Priest, I noticed some white and
> Red Wine on a table and I had around five glasses!
> A couple of hours later, I was walking down King
> Street in the Capital and I noticed a couple of
> Alcoholic asking the public for some extra change!
> One guy name is Russell! Russell is a Native and
> he sure looks like one! He has long black hair and
> he’s always drinking but mind you? He’s a very nice
> guy!
> Anyway, He showed me his cup therefore giving me
> a hint that he wanted some money!
> I quickly told the two guys- Hey? I haven’t had
> a drink in a couple of hours and I sure would like a
> nice shot of alcohol!
> They quickly answered- Huuuhhh?????
> This were confuse that I confronted them for > These panhandlers hang together and thank God
> for that because no one else wants them!
> One came to the scene wondering what was going
> on???
> I asked him for a drink???
> ANYWAY ?????
> Lol…. I quickly left the scene!..lol…I believe
> this is the last time they will asks me for some
> change!!!…LOL
> I really do fell bad for these people because
> it’s very cold out there!!!
> Thank God for the Soup Kitchen!!!! My God???
> 1,300 words already!!!!
> :
> On 8/17/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yo Davey baby Alward I wonder if the latest Premier and the three
>> Stooges who wannabe the next Premier of Alberta remeber my battles
>> within their last election or Mr Baconfaat's bragging immediately
>> afterwards. Better yet DO YOU??? Do ya think I won't be every bit as
>> fierce as soon as the the Writ is dropped in "The Palce to Be"
>> Pleas Enjoy little Deja Vu about your nasty neo con butt buddies in
>> Alberta
>> Saturday, April 28, 2012
>> A hint for our pedophile "friend"
>> An Alberta political perspective of an Albertan from the Marshall
>> Building! Last week's election after some hiccups, justified or
>> illustrated the correctness of Alison Redford's moving of the Alberta
>> Progressive Conservative Party more to the ideological centre of the
>> political spectrum.
>> I wrote previously about roughly mid-way through the campaign the
>> Rose Alliance, it appeared, to have "jumped the shark" or suddenly
>> completely lost credibility with the Alberta electorate.
>> Yesterday long time serving Speaker of the Alberta Legislature Ken
>> Kowalzki announced his well deserved and earned retirement. In his
>> interview with media he told Alberta's legislators not to forget that
>> Albertan's, Albertas demographics, and society has changed. Alberta
>> has no longer been the"redneck" or homogeneous, or insular and wildly
>> libertarian society it once was....If it ever was!
>> That was, I think clearly illustrated when Danielle Smith's Wild Rose
>> Party exploded spectacularly half way through the election campaign.
>> It was a combination of several long time Wild Rose Policies that
>> Alberta's electorate were reminded of during the campaign and
>> political debate. That led to the electoral demise of the Wild Rose
>> Alliance
>> The libertarian / Reform /Canadian Alliance cherished notion of
>> "firewalling Alberta" had become distinctly unpalatable. As Alison
>> Redford's new Tory cant had become; "Alberta needs to build pipelines
>> not fire walls."
>> The Tory campaign machine reminded Albertans early in the campaign of
>> the Wild Rose Party's policy regarding "issues of conscience"
>> regarding doctors and marriage councilors. The rather impolictical
>> statements and tweets of Pastor Hunsperger and others were well
>> trumpeted and spread by both Alberta's more editorial left of centre
>> papers, the Herald and Journal
>> In a private conversation with Alberta's first elected woman Premier
>> she told me: (another hint David that's two, aren't you lucky) That
>> the idea of the 400 dollar dividends or "Dani dollars was really the
>> turning point of the campaign. What Albertans want is what the Tories
>> had promised; investments in education, infrastructure and health
>> care.
>> Notwithstanding Premier Redford's moving the PCs to the centre, she
>> has made several mistakes in her brief pre-election period of
>> Premiership. The cancellation of the fall sitting of the Legislature
>> without consultation of the caucus. When the Alberta PCs were up in
>> the polls last winter, many political strategists thought she ought
>> have dropped the writ then. But she called for an abbreviated Spring
>> Sitting of the Legislature, tabled a budget, and then dropped the
>> writ, when the pol>> There is be a once again abbreviated May session of the Alberta
>> Legislature to elect a new Speaker, introduce new ministers, and to
>> announce a small reorg of government Ministries.
>> In our brief conversation we recognized that the opposition parties
>> will publicly be very chagrined with a short session of The
>> Legislature, but privately be happy for the time to prepare for the
>> Fall Sitting.
>> Premier Redford recognizes that she may have been "impulsive" in her
>> decisions and announcements immediately subsequent her winning the PC
>> leadership. Whilst she is promising "big changes", you can count on
>> them being measured and incremental.
>> The PC party is currently in a state of flux or change. Many of the
>> "old guard" have left, will leave or are without the influence they
>> once had.
>> Evolution and or change within the Alberta Progressive Conservative
>> Party is a very good thing. As Premier Redford said; "we won with
>> word, progressive!
>> Alberta and Albertans are evolving and changing as Canada's political
>> and economic centre of gravity is shifting to the "new big west". So
>> will its political discourse.
>> So much for the "assistance" of the pedophile David Amos to affect
>> "political change in Alberta" via E mail.
>> Posted by Seren at 9:05 AM
>> I am far from broken yet and have many thoughts and questions to put
>> to the CROWN
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.
>> Sunday, May 31, 2009
>> The thoughts of a broken "man" Or: Who the fuck is Sherriff Tim
>> and who cares?
>> David Raymond Amosuis a convicted pedophile that is holed up in New
>> Brunswick because he has outstanding arrest warrants in the US.
>> Mr. Amos infects web sites, blogs and posts people's private personal
>> data to create mischief. He is an American animal and a conspiracy
>> theory nuttier.
>> His e mailed this to me...and to the chief of the RCM Police, various
>> political leaders and his few fucked up friends. He is....beaten
>> Until we meet in person I no longer care what you say or do.
>> Now it is over 5 years later
>> Lets deal with Sheriff Tim Turner and his support of his pal Mr
>> Baconfat's latest blog about Indians
>> I must say I find it very strange that the CROWN, the Alberta Premier
>> and even his security people such Tim Turner and Ken Ziekle think
>> their mindless Zionist/DND associate Mr Baconfat is such an
>> ourtstanding citizen.
>> N'esy Pas Mr Out Going Lt Gov Graydon Nicholas???
>> I feeled compellto ask an ex judge and an officer of the Queen's
>> howcome you did not deem it important to defend your own race BEFORE
>> you became a Lt Governor???
>> What are you gonna do now as you head south of the medicine line to
>> play with your grandkids? ADon't my kids and grand kids who also live
>> in Canada AND the USA have the same RIGHTS as yours? I suspect that
>> the RCMP and the lawyer in you has told you to continue to play as
>> dumb as the Librano lawyers Brian Gallant, Mikey Murphy, Greg Byrne,
>> Brit Dysart, Kelly Lamrock, TJ Burke or the other nasty bastards you
>> call friends such as Chucky Leblanc David Alward, Krissy Baby Austin,
>> Dominic Cardy and David Coon. CORRECT?
>> That said I hope Chucky Leblanc, David Alward and their many Indian
>> Palestinian or gay friends are aware that that their old blogging
>> buddy Mr Baconfat will be in Fat Fred City once again shortly. If not
>> you dudes can never say that I didn't inform the RCMP and the DND
>> before the evil Zioniist bastard appoaches any of my family or
>> in the Maritmes. If he does trust that there will be Hell to pay.
>> One thing I know for sure the corrupt cops in Fat Fred City such as
>> Robb Costello no doubt love readIng Mr Baconfat's blogs about Chucky
>> Leblanc and mean old me. This is what Chucky posted on my birthday
>> If the corrupt cop Robb Costello does not think that the title of
>> Chucky's Blog alone does not violate Sections 300 and 319 of the
>> Canadian Criminal Code I will eat the crook's hat badgee and all. Why
>> don't he at least sue the nasty French bastard?
>> "Fredericton Police Detective Robb Costello could be the first Black
>> Pedophile Cop in the Maritimes???"
>> Yo be fair to Chucky Baby here is Mr Baconfat's latest piece of work
>> about Chucky and I. Small wonder the cops support Mr Baconfat EH?
>> Saturday, August 16, 2014
>> Pedophiles Charles Leblanc, David Amos, and a Tale of Two Provinces
>> This is really a tale of two provinces, two peoples, and two
>> In maritime kanada generally, and Fredericton specifically there are
>> "people" like Charles Leblanc, David Amos and his "family" of
>> prostitutes. Charles Leblanc is a lay about, a bum, a social welfare
>> parasite, a mental defective, convicted criminal, panhandler and con
>> artist. But above all else Charles Leblanc of Westmorland Street in
>> Fredericton is a pedophile. He has been under investigation by
>> Fredericton Police, and other Canadian law enforcement agencies for
>> some years now. His inter-net provider has been freely cooperating
>> with police to eventually convict this criminal. Charles Leblanc has
>> already been convicted of a violent assault. Mr. Leblanc has
>> pathetically tried to disperse allegations against himself, by
>> "accusing the entire Fredericton police force pedophiles, drug
>> dealers, steroid monkies, deep into heavy drugs, racists, and being
>> "maudit Quebecois."
>> Charles Leblanc is diagnosed bipolar, sociopathic, having ADHD,
>> epilepsy, being a moron, and a mental defective. Charles Leblanc
>> be an object of great pity, if he weren't fucker of small boys, into
>> child porn, such an inter-net panhandler, and societal freeloader.
>> Charles Leblanc likes drum up sympathy by telling the "cyber-world"
>> is the "product of a broken home." But the truth is, both his parents
>> threw him out of the family home at 20 years old because he was a
>> thief, freeloader, a lay about, and a fucker of children. To this day
>> Charles Leblanc is despised by his Mother an Father.
>> Charles Leblanc impersonates a "journalist" as he uses his blog to
>> get people to give him, cameras, computer equipment, police scanners,
>> beer, free dinners, flat screen TVs, furniture, clothing, use of
>> and any cash he can get. Charles Leblanc is a classic example of a
>> Brunswicker . Albertans would be better off if our federal tax
>> did not subsidize Canada's "welfare state" New Brunswick , and little
>> boy fuckers like Charles Leblanc. All we can hope is brave
>> police get him off the street, and in jail soon
>> Hiding with his "magic jack" phone on Donaldson Street in Halifax 902
>> 800 0369, leeching off his children is David Amos. David Amos pimps
>> out his kids and grand kids to perverts "earn his daily bread." David
>> Amos is also a convicted criminal, pedophile, registered sex
>> and has outstanding criminal warrants in the United States of amerka.
>> David Amos and his children are less than human sex trade workers. It
>> is well known in maritime kanada, no one swallows past like an Amos!
>> David Amos couldn't find Edmonton Alberta on a map, on the very best
>> day he ever had. But this pathological liar created an elaborate yet
>> ineffectual little con to try and convince the "cyber-world" he came
>> here to get me and my better half. David Amos, and Charles Leblanc
>> the norm, typical maritime kanadians. Thank God I am an Albertan!
>> It is fifteen minutes to noon this Saturday in maritime kanada. Do
>> know where you kids are? Charles Leblanc and or David Amos could be
>> fucking them!
>> Posted by Seren at 8:46 AM
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> KID????
>> Thursday, August 14, 2014
>> Snuff Gracie, and an another "Testiment of Pure Political Evil"
>> Gracie, baby, did your "Dad" give you my offer sheet for you to do
>> a"snuff film!" Not a "real one" of course, well maybe. Gracie Baby
>> I'll make you a very very big star! All you need is a baseball bat,
>> and a gallon can of Mazolla Corn Oil.
>> So Davey Baby, when will we "C'yall in court!" When will you finally
>> get a "Canadian lawyer to sue me for a piece of the action?" When
>> you butt buddy Frankie Frost come and get Lori and myself?
>> I'll be in your neck of woods soon son! Its a shame you and I, are
>> destined to have this forever "unrequited love affair" from afar. lol
>> lol
>> Bang! Gracie Baby!
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> As the long gone Gypsy Blogger and Wannabe RCMP dude used to exclaim
>> NB
>> Enjoy Ya Bastards