David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Methinks Professor Schneider and the young reporter should Google David Amos wiretap then ask themselves why they did not bother to call me back today Chief Joseph was a wise man N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter<http://>.
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received.
I welcome and appreciate receiving comments and questions from
constituents. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due
to the high volume of emails my office is currently receiving, I may
not be able to respond personally to each one.
A toll-free information line and email address has been set up to help
answer non-health related COVID-19 questions, including questions
about travel and compliance with the state of emergency. The number,
1-844-462-8387, is operational seven days a week. The email address is
Also information related to the province’s recovery plan can be found
here gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid- 19.html
For media requests, please call: 506-429-2285.
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Une ligne d’information sans frais et une adresse courriel ont été
mises sur pied afin d’aider à répondre aux questions sur la COVID-19
qui ne sont pas reliées à la santé, y compris les questions relatives
à la conformité à l’état d’urgence et sur les voyages. Le service est
offert dans les deux langues officielles. Les gens peuvent téléphoner
au 1-844-462-8387 sept jours par semaine. L’adresse courriel est :
Vous trouverez également des informations relatives au plan de relance
de la province à l'adresse suivante : gnb/fr/corporate/promo/covid- 19.html.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler: 506-429-2285.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Thank you very much for reaching out to the Office of the Hon. Bill
Blair, Member of Parliament for Scarborough Southwest.
Please be advised that as a health and safety precaution, our
constituency office will not be holding in-person meetings until
further notice. We will continue to provide service during our regular
office hours, both over the phone and via email.
Due to the high volume of emails and calls we are receiving, our
office prioritizes requests on the basis of urgency and in relation to
our role in serving the constituents of Scarborough Southwest.
Moreover, at this time, we ask that you please only call our office if
your case is extremely urgent. We are experiencing an extremely high
volume of calls, and will better be able to serve you through email.
Should you have any questions related to COVID-19, please see:<http ://>
If you, a family member, relative, or friend is abroad and needs
assistance, please visit contact 1-613-996-8885, email, or visit: assistance/emergency- assistance?_ga=2.172986851. 1318157851.1584477702- 1658130046.1584477702
Thank you again for your message, and we will get back to you as soon
as possible.
MP Staff to the Hon. Bill Blair
Parliament Hill: 613-995-0284
Constituency Office: 416-261-8613 >
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact avec le bureau de l'Honorable Bill
Blair, D?put? de Scarborough-Sud-Ouest.
Veuillez noter que par mesure de pr?caution en mati?re de sant? et de
s?curit?, notre bureau de circonscription ne tiendra pas de r?unions
en personne jusqu'? nouvel ordre. Nous continuerons ? fournir des
services pendant nos heures de bureau habituelles, tant par t?l?phone
que par courrier ?lectronique.
En raison du volume ?lev? de courriels que nous recevons, notre bureau
classe les demandes par ordre de priorit? en fonction de leur urgence
et de notre r?le dans le service aux ?lecteurs de Scarborough
Sud-Ouest. En outre, nous vous demandons de ne t?l?phoner ? notre
bureau que si votre cas est extr?mement urgent. Nous recevons un
volume d'appels extr?mement ?lev? et nous serons mieux ? m?me de vous
servir par courrier ?lectronique.
Si vous avez des questions concernant COVID-19, veuillez consulter le
site :<h ttp:// coronavirus>
Si vous, un membre de votre famille, un parent ou un ami se trouve ?
l'?tranger et a besoin d'aide, veuillez vous rendre sur place en
composant le 1-613-996-8885, en envoyant un courriel ? ou en vous rendant sur place : assistance/assistance-d- urgence?_ga=2.50762217. 1318157851.1584477702- 1658130046.1584477702
Merci encore pour votre message, et nous vous r?pondrons d?s que possible.
Personnel du D?put? de l'Honorable Bill Blair
Colline du Parlement : 613-995-0284
Bureau de Circonscription : 416-261-8613 >
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 12:31:41 -0400
Subject: Undeliverable: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
Gilles.Blinn (< mailto:Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.>
The email address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the
recipient's email address and try to resend the message. If the
problem continues, please contact your email admin.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:30:14 -0300
Subject: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy Chucky have
kissed and made up over the past year but need I say BULLSHIT AGAIN
exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <>,,,, "barbara.massey"
< >, "Brenda.Lucki"
<>, "barb.whitenect"
<>, washington field
<>, "Bill.Blair"<>,
Cc: "carl.urquhart"<>, oldmaison
<>, "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
"Roger.Brown"<>, "martin.gaudet"
<> , "Gilles.Blinn"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>,
"robert.gauvin"<>, "robert.mckee"
<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
"terry.seguin"<>, "steve.murphy"
<>, Newsroom <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "David.Akin"
<>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, markandcaroline
<>, jbosnitch <>, andre
<>, "David.Coon"<>, "Mitton, Megan
(LEG)"<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"greg.byrne"<>, "Jack.Keir"<>,
"Mark.Blakely"<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "rick.desaulniers"
<>, "lynn.king"<>,
"kris.austin"<>, "michelle.conroy"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<> , "hugh.flemming"
<>, david hughson <> ,
"lou.lafleur"<>, "Dominic.Cardy"
<>,, "tyler.campbell"
<>, "brian.gallant"<>,
Here is a LOT of Deja Vu for you dudes to enjoy this weekend
https://davidraymondamos3. peace-officers-control-who- gets.html
BTW I called your peace loving buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" Lunney
again today..Trust that I was not holding my breath waiting for
another week for him to return my call. However he surprised me and
did so..When he tried to play cat and mouse games with me that I did
not wish to waste my precious birthday time on I ended the
conversation. He and your lawyers can feel to check my work today as I
prepare to argue them in court DavidRayAmos/with_replies
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Trudeau et al should ask why CBC blocked me for nearly a month after
Higgy took Urquhart's sneaky Bill 49 off the table & why Chucky
the nasty French blogger ain't the only person in NB who don't like
Quebeckers canada/new-brunswick/blaine- higgs-bill-police-power- emergency-1.5612774
#nbpoli #cdnpoli JNbfCbts-kA
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart explains - Declaration
implementing the Emergency Measures Act!
Jun 11, 2020
Charles Leblanc
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see
Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
https://davidraymondamos3. peace-officers-control-who- gets.html
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Campbell, Tyler (ECO/BCE)"<>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:02:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Carl Urquhart and hs minions should
understand why I chuckled when I discovered Chucky Leblanc and his
evil lady friend visited my old hometown on my birthday N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
I am currently out of the office and will be returning on July 22.
From July 15 to 17, please contact Jason Humphrey for assistance at For assistance on July 18 and 19, please
contact John McNeil at
Je suis actuellement hors du bureau et retournera le 22 Juillet.
Du 15 au 17 juillet, veuillez contacter Jason Humphrey pour obtenir de
l'aide à l'adresse Pour obtenir de l'aide les
18 et 19 juillet, veuillez contacter John McNeil à
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Carr, Jeff Hon. (ELG/EGL)"<>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:02:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Carl Urquhart and hs minions should
understand why I chuckled when I discovered Chucky Leblanc and his
evil lady friend visited my old hometown on my birthday N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.
If your request is Constituency related, please contact Josiah at my
Constituency office in Fredericton Junction at or
by phone at 506-368-2938.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Si votre demande est liée à la circonscription, veuillez contacter
Josiah à mon bureau de circonscription à Fredericton Junction à ou par téléphone au 506-368-2938.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 12:05:36 -0400
Subject: Re: YO Carl Urquhart need I say BULLSHIT???
To: "carl.urquhart"<>, oldmaison
<>, "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
"Roger.Brown"<>, "martin.gaudet"
<> , "Gilles.Blinn"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>,
"robert.gauvin"<>, "robert.mckee"
<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
"terry.seguin"<>, "steve.murphy"
<>, Newsroom <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "David.Akin"
<>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, markandcaroline
<>, jbosnitch <>, andre
<>, "David.Coon"<>, "Mitton, Megan
(LEG)"<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"greg.byrne"<>, "Jack.Keir"<>,
"Mark.Blakely"<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "rick.desaulniers"
<>, "lynn.king"<>,
"kris.austin"<>, "michelle.conroy"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<> , "hugh.flemming"
<>, david hughson <> ,
"lou.lafleur"<>, "Dominic.Cardy"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>,, "Tim.RICHARDSON"<>,, "tyler.campbell"<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "serge.rousselle"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:04:38 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart need I say BULLSHIT???
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
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Letters to the Editor can be sent to
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On 7/17/19, David Amos <> wrote:
> Blogger explains why he turned against Public Safety Minister Carl
> Urquhart!!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Jul 17, 2019
> v=tXd0nEPPAGk
> On 7/17/19, David Amos <> wrote:
>> http:// charlesotherpersonalitie.
>> Tuesday, 16 July 2019
>> Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart is a scumbag of a Human Being!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 6:40 pm No comments :
>> Blaine Higgs Government WILL NOT allow female to live with man with
>> severe disability!!!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 12:40 am No comments :
>> New Brunswick Highland Games are run by the worst Scots of all Scots!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 6:23 pm No comments :
>> New Brunswick Highland Games
>> PO Box 1491, Station A
>> Fredericton, NB E3B 5G2
>> Phone: (506) 452-9244
>> Monday, 15 July 2019
>> Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart is denounce by Blogger and other
>> issues!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 1:33 pm No comments :
>> Racist Non-Education idiot Asshole Redneck debate issues with
>> Blogger..P.S. Keep kids away!!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 7:03 pm 1 comment :
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:41 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for your email to Premier McNeil.
This is an automatic confirmation your email has been received.
Warmest Regards,
Premier's Correspondence Team
---------- Original message ----------
From: Justice Minister <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:42 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:18:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail. com
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Letters to the Editor can be sent to
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 12:19:37 -0400
Subject: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire
Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,
https://davidraymondamos3. that-i-am-not-surprised-to- see.html
Monday, 13 May 2019
Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse
MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick? DavidRayAmos/with_replies
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse
MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?
https://davidraymondamos3. that-i-am-not-surprised-to- see.html
#nbpoli #cdnpoli canada/new-brunswick/roberge- police-commission-1.4963848 gnb/en/news/news_release.2019. 05.0311.html
Public Safety
Consultant to review New Brunswick Police Commission
13 May 2019
FREDERICTON (GNB) – An independent consultant will review the
policies, practices and procedures of the New Brunswick Police
Alphonse MacNeil, a retired assistant commissioner with the RCMP, will
conduct the review.
“I am pleased to have Mr. MacNeil committed to conducting this
review,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Carl
Urquhart. “Through his distinguished career, he has earned the respect
of the public, government and the policing community thanks to his
commitment to integrity and his work as a leader and subject matter
expert. His experience will serve him well, and we look forward to
receiving his report this summer.”
The commission’s board of directors made a formal request to the
minister in January to help identify an independent third party to
perform such a review. The board requested the review to maintain
public confidence in the commission as an independent oversight body
responsible for protecting the public interest in matters of policing.
MacNeil’s review of the June 2014 shooting in Moncton that killed
three Mounties and wounded two others led to the release of a
comprehensive report, which included 64 recommendations to the RCMP.
Steve Roberge out as head of police watchdog
New Brunswick Police Commission declines comment, calling Roberge's
departure a 'human resources matter'
Karissa Donkin · CBC News · Posted: Jan 02, 2019 6:38 PM AT
The large-scale operation at all points of entry shows no signs of scaling down, even with the opening of New Brunswick to Atlantic Canadian travellers.
On day six of the Atlantic bubble, about a dozen peace officers screened drivers entering from Nova Scotia at the Aulac crossing, near Amherst, N.S. Vehicles were sorted into lanes, and officers walked up to car windows, clipboards in hand, to ask a list of questions.
The oncoming line of traffic, a mix of commercial trucks and passenger vehicles, snaked around the bend in the highway and out of sight several kilometres away. It moved steadily toward the checkpoint, as officers tried to screen each vehicle as quickly as possible.
The staff at these screening areas work around the clock, and are a diverse group of provincial employees: forest rangers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, corrections officers and others who are considered peace officers.
They have taken on a new role, working 12-hour shifts at the province's boundaries, and are now responsible for exercising discretion in determining if a traveller meets the criteria to enter.
It's a move some law enforcement and border experts are following closely.
The province has set up screening checkpoints at roads, airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John. (CBC)
Kelly Sundberg, an associate professor in the department of economics, justice and policy studies at Mount Royal University, said the pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes to travel within the country.
"I cannot see another example in Canadian history where we've had peace officers controlling our inter-provincial borders," he said.
Peace officers are defined under the Criminal Code of Canada as people acting in a law enforcement capacity. The province has used forest rangers, conservation officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, off road vehicle enforcement officers, national safety code investigators, general investigative service members, corrections officers and sheriff officers.
Border checkpoints have been used by other provinces earlier in the pandemic to control certain regions — but not to the extent of the Maritimes.
The Quebec government set up screening points to stop non-essential travel in the national capital region between Ottawa and Gatineau, Que. Those operations were run by Gatineau's municipal police before the provincial government removed the checkpoints in May.
Many provinces established checkpoints staffed by public health officials to provide information on COVID-19 safety measures. Those were largely informational and not designed to control interprovincial travel.
Peace officers at the borders are not subject to an independent public review in the event of a complaint. Instead, the Department of Public Safety says it has an internal system in place for investigations.
Sundberg, who studies borders and policing, said the lack of an external process is understandable, given the state of emergency. But it could be problematic amid the current climate and concerns around law enforcement, especially if the checkpoints remain for a long period of time.
"There's a public expectation it will be independent or outside," he said.
Kelly Sundberg is an associate professor in Mount Royal University's department of economics, justice, and policy studies. (Submitted by Kelly Sundberg)
The dozens of staff involved are sometimes moved to different locations, and different shifts, working during the day or at night, switching off at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
They run screening operations at 11 points of entry to New Brunswick, including three airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John. The peace officers are rotated in and out to give them time to continue working in their regular positions if needed.
The Department of Public Safety has on average four to eight peace officers at checkpoints, supplemented by administrative screeners. Those numbers can be higher during periods of heavy traffic to maintain flow.
In a 24 hour period, the province has an average of 40 peace officers with 25 screeners working at the borders.
The RCMP has also been assisting with screening at multiple locations since border restrictions began in March.
"I'm sure some peace officers probably find it a challenge based on what it is they're faced with," Lunney said. "But our staff are professional, we give them good training and I think they conduct themselves professionally each and every time."
John Lunney said traffic adjustments have been made at the Aulac checkpoint to help speed up traffic. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
Lunney said finding staff on an ongoing basis has been a challenge.
"The people of New Brunswick and the people of Atlantic Canada and the United States have all been primarily gracious and understanding because they want their health protected as well," he said.
"But there's been the odd challenge with the odd difficult personality."
When traffic backed up for kilometres on the first day at the N.B. – N.S. border, vehicles were waved through for Since then, a second lane has been added for commuters and commercial vehicles. Those heading to Prince Edward Island are no longer screened and instead directed to the highway exit for the Confederation Bridge.
Daily commuters crossing for work are provided with a pass to allow for quicker travel between provinces.
A long line of traffic heads towards a checkpoint to enter New Brunswick (left) on July 8, while only a handful of vehicles approach screening for Nova Scotia. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
Public safety officials are also constructing a paved area in the median to make space for trailers, clearing more space on the highway.
The officers ask travellers if they have left the Atlantic region in the past 14 days and if they have any symptoms of COVID-19. If they need to self-isolate, a peace officer will explain the rules and requirements.
Lunney said training has been provided to employees on effective screening and the types of questions to ask travellers. They also receive safety training on best practices and personal protection equipment.
Peace officers have been tasked to do other jobs during times of emergencies, such as forest fires, flooding and other natural disasters. Shortly after 9/11 there were some peace officers and police officers deployed to do specialized work.
But, the current use of peace officers is unique.
Schneider is concerned provincial border restrictions will continue for a longer period of time.
"There should be free movement between provinces without any kind of checkpoints or concerns that people are going to be stopped by police."
Stephen Schneider is a criminology professor at Saint Mary's University in Halifax. (Submitted by Stephen Schneider)
Sundberg said beyond environment officers checking boats for invasive plants, there really isn't another example of any kind of provincial checkpoint that would occur with regularity.
It just shows the extraordinary nature of this pandemic and the controls that some jurisdictions are taking.
He said the geography of New Brunswick and other Atlantic provinces allows for travel restrictions with checkpoints, unlike large western provinces where boundaries are too long to effectively control.
A peace officer screens a traveller at the Aulac point of entry into New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
"It just shows the extraordinary nature of this pandemic and the controls that some jurisdictions are taking," he said.
"It's never been done before, so it's definitely something that's going to cause questions among some."
Peace officers from various law enforcement backgrounds all receive general training. While they are all armed at the provincial borders, most would typically also have a firearm in their usual job.
"I'm sure it's very different for those crossing the border, trying to cross the border into New Brunswick, it would be very unique and perhaps unsettling for some," Sundberg said. "But I think at the end of the day, the province decided what it needed to do and is doing this with the best intentions, I'm sure."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You're more of an expert of every topic covered in these articles than a certain leader in the USA. Only difference is he hasn't been to the loon-E bin yet like you.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
Dr. Stephen Schneider
Areas of Interest
Organized crime, crime prevention, developmental criminology, policing and law enforcement; community development.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Oh So True
The First Nations Canada
@thefirstnationscanada · News & Media Website
"It does not require many words to speak the truth."
Chief Joseph Nez Perce
Methinks Professor Schneider and the young reporter should Google David Amos wiretap then ask themselves why they did not bother to call me back today N'esy Pas?
Coordinator, Criminology Graduate Program
Tel: 902-420-5872
Areas of Interest
Organized crime, crime prevention, developmental criminology, policing and law enforcement; community development.
Current Research
Saint Mary's University Academic Resilience Team (2014 to present) - This pilot project is a quasi-experiment built on principles of crime prevention through social development and recidivism prevention. The project helps disadvantaged and marginalized youth achieve academic success, which includes completing high school and successfully enrolling at Saint Mary's University or another post-secondary institution. The evidence-based intervention principles and strategies being used in this project include the following:
Recent Research
Organized Crime and Internal Conspiracies at Canadian Marine Ports - This study, funded by the federal Department of Justice, examines the vulnerability of Canadian commercial container ports to organized crime groups and activities. The study focuses on the role of internal conspiracies (the corruption of dock workers and/or the placement of members or associates of criminal groups on the docks) to faciliate smuggling and other criminal activites at marine container ports. Research methods include a literature review, interviews, review of criminal intelligence reports, and an analysis of police case files and court proceedings' transcripts.
Addressing Youth Crime and Violence in the HRM: Research Findings and Recommendations. Final report submitted as part of the HRM Mayor’s Roundtable on Violence (2014) - This report documents the findings of research to assess initiatives in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) that address youth and gang violence specifically, and serious and chronic youth offending generally. Based on this research, policy and program recommendations are made to the HRM government to address this problem more effectively.
The SMU PALS Program - PALS was a social developmental program is for children (ages 6 to 12) who live in disadvantaged environments in Halifax. The program began in May of 2006 and ended in December of 2010. The program was meant to address – in a multi-component, complementary and integrated fashion – factors that put disadvantaged children at risk by enhancing their personal “resilience.” The program promoted the following “protective factors” essential to the positive development and personal resilience of children and youth. The acronym PALS stands for Positive Role Models and Mentors, Academic Tutoring, Leisure and Physical Activities, and Social and Life Skills Development. PALS was funded through a $400,000 grant from the National Crime Prevention Centre.
2016 - Iced: The Story of Organized Crime in Canada. 2nd Edition. Toronto: HarperCollins.
2014 - Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
2007 - Money Laundering in Canada: Chasing Dirty and Dangerous and Dollars. (co-authored with Margaret Beare). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2007 - Refocusing Crime Prevention: Collective Action and the Quest for Community. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (peer-reviewed).
Joined May 2015
![Kelly Sundberg]()
I called and tweeted this dude too because I found him interesting
Calgary, AB & XTina Lake, July 2012
Dr. E. Andreas Tomaszewski is a native of Germany and got his Bachelor's degrees from the University of Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany) in Canadian Studies and Sociology. After moving to Canada in 1994, he obtained an M.A. in Canadian Studies (1995) and a Ph.D. in Sociology (2002) from Carleton University in Ottawa.
Dr. Tomaszewski's research is in the Sociology of Crime and Deviance, with a special interest in social control, as well as social justice issues, particularly the connections between forms of inequality (class, ethnic, gender, etc.) and crime. He has done research and published on Aboriginal justice issues, violence against women, street crime, drugs, transnational crime, social justice pedagogy and the post-secondary experiences of Aboriginal Students
Before coming to Mount Royal in the fall of 2008, Dr. Tomaszewski taught part-time at the University of Guelph after having resigned from Eastern Michigan University in 2007, where he had worked for six years. At the beginning of his career, he taught full-time at Ohio University and part-time at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. Andreas is very excited about being in the Department of Justice Studies at Mount Royal and in Calgary as they provide him with opportunities to return to some of his major academic (Aboriginal justice issues) and non-academic (all-year-round outdoor activities) passions.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 13:42:27 -0400
Subject: While Carl Urquhart is in Edmonton perhaps he should inquire
about Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047
To: "carl.urquhart"<>,,
"philip.bryden"<>, "Kathleen.Ganley"<Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>, ministryofjustice <>, "rod.knecht"<, "don.marshall"<>, eps <>,
cps <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"<>
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Trudeau et al should ask why CBC blocked me for nearly a month after Higgy took Urquhart's sneaky Bill 49 off the table & why Chucky the nasty French blogger ain't the only person in NB who don't like Quebeckers
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
Border restrictions
The restrictions on non-essential travel to the province are raising some concerns about people's rights to mobility between provinces. Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart helped oversee the implementation of the plan.
Download Border restrictions
[mp3 file: runs 00:13:36]
I hope the ban stays because I would go nuts!!!
Nothing to blog!!!
But the Blog has cause a lot of emotional stress for many citizens.
The Cop who arrested me at the Legislature is on Stress leave.
The image of the Fredericton Police took a beating when I was arrested last year.
What could be interesting is the fact that we'll have our first P.C. Speaker since Asshole Tanker Malley < excuse my language >
It would be nice if it's Bev Harrison because I would have some fun with the guy.
I might add the Mother of the kid who murdered that young girl will be out of a job.
She's the one who made the complaint and is responsible for my ban.
Will the new Government lift my ban for life from the Legislature?
I hope not!!
From: David Amos
Subject: Fw: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my son and I last night EH?
Cc: "David Amos",,
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 8:51 AM
I'm not a David Amos fan but this email was sent to me last week.
I wonder what happen there???
hello Charles!
Please keep me updated to what is happening inthe pictureprovinces capital and the forgotten hinterlands.
I like to make more comments, but it is to frustrating for me, a cyberspace dummy, to see to many labourosly written letters, getting lost in said realm
Charles, David Amos had been picked up by the RCMP, upon false accusations, and put into the Chalmers Hospital.
This is a fate that is looming at the horizont for anybody who does not put up with the corruption in this country and especially in " the place to be ". The dictators are running a tide ship, and they dont like it, when someone points out to them, that
underneath that picturesque veneer is a big mess hidden.
Yesterday it was me and many others, today it is David, and tomorrow it can be You, and me again. Lets put petty bickering aside, and speak out against the real foe. Short before the mighty sowjet empire crumbled and fell, they used the same tactics, putting opponents into loonybins, people who did not appriciate their benevolent rulership, must be something wrong with their head. Tink about it.
Werner Bock
506 756 8687
--- On Tue, 9/28/10, David Amos wrote:
From: David Amos
Subject: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my son and I last night EH?
To: "MLA", "kelly. lamrock", "jack. keir", "jack.macdougall", "Ed. Doherty", "", "", "danfour", "Richard Harris", "tracy", "nb. premier", "nbpolitico", "terry.seguin"
Cc: "Wayne.Lang", "rob.lafrance", "shawn. graham", "John. Foran", "john", "krisaustin", "robin reid", "tony",, "Barry.MacKnight", "Barry Winters"
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 6:25 PM
How dumb was that? I must ask dd he expect the cops to arrest both of
us and thencall us both crazy? Hell Urquhart even bragged n front of
the cops that he did the same shit on July 4th, 2008 That malicious
nonsense didn't work out too well for the long gone lawyer and former
Minister of Health Mikey Murphy partcularly after the nasty French
bastard Chucky Lebanc and hs pals violated my privacy and blogged
about N'esy Pas? told the cops last nght to simply Google my name and
the dumb bastards laughed.
FYI type in Davd Amos to see that I wa not jokng with the smiling dumb
bastards last nght Google will offer Chucky Leblanc's bullshit about
mean old me at the top of the hit list DUHHH?
Davd Amos plus Google equals
Do tell does Carl Baby really think I won't sue his nasty arse
someday? Ya think the corrupt ex cop of Fat Fred City's Finest would
at least wait until he and his cohorts got sworn in to take over your
jobs EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 00:29:58 -0300
Subject: This may be last email I with bother ya with Alex The pdf
file attached can screw Wally Opal or any other Attorney General for a
joke It would be wise to use it before the BC election
To: Alex Hunter <>
Cc: webo <>
It was one of the first links I sent ya. That letter and about five
hundred documents and one cd of a Yankee wiretap tape were sent
registered US Mail signature required before I spit for Canada Opal
got it and I have the proof.
Take your time reading the rest Joker it is just old news that I don't
much care about anymore but you may find it interesting.
These are all pdf files downloaded over 4000 times now by many crooks
To back it up the dumb bastards in New Brunswick and Newfoundland
answered me in 2004 before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA under
the charges of "Other" without being arrested after I ran in the
election of the 38th Parliament
the dumb Newfy Byron Prior finally filed my documents into evidence at
his crininal trial a week or so ago read his email below.
I also told ya that Connie Fogal is a crook here is why I know it
It is ordinary folks that don't know this stuff because nobody will
ever say my name and not many ordinary folks will believe anything
unless CBC or CTV tell them about it first. So I am using that fact to
my advantage now in order to make a deal with the devil so to speak
and go on with my life. The whole world is nuts not me. When the
bastards attaacked my kids again with the assistance of the RCMP I had
had enough. They know my FTW attitude is back bigtime. I want my
Panhead back and on the road by spring or there will be Hell to pay
and the fucking RCMP know that to The smiling bastards have
transferring or retiring the French bastards in fur hats that I have
been battling with hell west and crooked out of Dodge lately and the
new ones ain't playing nice at all. Hence the renewed attack on my
kids. bthey just figured out that was a major Faux Pas like locking me
up last summer was.
From: Byron Prior
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 22:37:14 -0400
Subject: Fw: Obama documentary, Byron Prior and your Documents in court.
To: David Amos
David, I've stayed away from any conversations with you because things
get to complicated. I'm trying to survive and on Friday in court I
entered your information and the letters you wrote and the paper I had
signed by Danny Williams Office, Lt. Govonor Ed Roberts office and
from the law society of NL.. In court the Legal Aid Lawyer, Michele
Coady, The Crown Lawyer Elaine Reid and the Provincial court Judge
David Orr accepted this information with a list of others and letters
of people in power who have been informed about T. Alex Hickman and my
Byron Prior
Some of these dudes used to work for my Father (he was the tax
supervisor of this province) they all know what a Tiger I can be and
of the world of shit that I am involved with . I believe they will get
me my old Panhead back fairly soon in order to stay out of the fray. I
put one over their bow yesterday and the only fella
I was nice to was Lloyd
From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)"
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400
Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)",
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)",
"Levesque-Finn, Sylvie(SNB)", "Pleadwell, Derek
Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell[(506)
444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended
conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.
Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn[ (506)
453-3879 ],SNB President.
Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE
Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable
régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour
Assessment/ de l'évaluation
Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick
633 rue Main St.
4th floor/4ième étage
Moncton, NB E1C 8R3
Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910
Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519
In closing I will leave things on a positive note between you and I
Joker. I do wish you folks well and I doubt that we will ever meet. I
mean no disrespect but I don't care about celebrity status radio host
or making movies etc. My time in Beantown gave me my fill of big
cities. I quit the pursuit of the almighty buck well over twenty years
ago and ain't filed any income taxes since. That Robert Menard dude
out your way may wish he was George Carlin and talk of being Freeman
on the land but he ain't fooling me. He gives talks and sells his
bullshit while I lived that lifestyle Some of my rules of the road
that I live by are mind my own business but listen to what folks want
to tell me. i already know my story it is theirs that I don't. It is
amazing what a stranger will tell you about their life in aspace of a
few hours when they know they will never see you agsain. another one
is tok eep your pride no matter how tough things get the worm always
turns. I try hard to and never ask anybody for anything but help
anyone I can and take whatever anyone offers me to honour their pride
as well. that is why I went riding to met people and see things. I
want to go back to being a private dude ASAP and enjoying the company
the friends I have who were raised with me and think like me. To get
lost back in the woods with a rocking chair and one hillbilly girl who
likes me after one long last ride is my dream. In fact I may already
know who and where she is. I met her just once about ten years ago. I
truly have fogotten what she looks like other than she was slim and
had dark hair and was attractive to me.However I would not know her
if I met her on the street. I was married at the time and I was just
out for a putt with a friend who was showing me around his neck of the
woods as week bounce from bootlegger to bootlegger having a little
fun. He thought I would enjoy meeting her father and he told me he
seldom if ever takes anyone out to meet them. Anyway dinger was
correct and me and that old man whom I call the fiddler did get on
like a house on fire. I also recognized that his daughter is indeed a
very rare woman in this old world. I have never seen such honest open
innocence in a full grown person. I have seen a lot of things in my
time but I was so flabergasted and flattered when she told her father
right in front of me and everyone else that she thought I was a lovely
man. It is quite simply hard to forget. So I plan to check her out
again to see if we get along. I heard her mother is on her last legs
and that her daddy is already dead. No doubt she is soon to be a
lonely lost soul way back away from everyone else. I could use her
company as much as she no doubt could use mine as I escape this
madness and cool my jets for awhile. She would have no idea about how
to understand what I have been doing with corrupt lawyers for the past
seven years since we met. The attraction was purely animal with no
hidden agenda. That appealled to the beast in me bigtime.
whereas you have an interest in the media. This was the last time I
was ever allowed to speak on the radio (It was right after I ran in
the election of the 39th Parliament and the only way I could was by
not saying who I was werner and I are both banned from the radio talk
shows now because they know he is my friend but he did mangae to get
on coast to coast the other night
This is the only newpaper article about me and it was published by the
local New Rags on the day Stevey Boy Harper wa in town and I looked in
the eye and saw no soul and then had a little pow wow with the RCMP
dudes guarding him. As soon as that snake got back to Upper Canada he
was no long announcing that he had some info for the Arar Inquiry and
his lawyers were just as quick to shut him up. Here is the proof of
what I say is true.
----- Original Message -----
From: "McKnight, Gisele"
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: David Amos
Hello Lisa,
David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
became an independent (not representing any political party) candidate
in our federal election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in
our constituency of Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal).
I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story,
written by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a
report on the candidates' debate held June 18.
As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. I have attached the
two stories that appeared, as well as a photo taken by reporter Erin
Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo that ran, but
this one is very similar.
Gisele McKnight editor
Kings County Record
Sussex, New Brunswick
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of the national gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s
not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, ‘what the hell.’"
Best Regards and Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. Werner will get a kick out of this while I was writng this some
dude from his native land was checking my work in the wee hours of his
morning. Notice that he did not have to Google me? Methinks that my
message got through and the Banksters are getting real nervous
overseas with what the china men are saying lately. When it comes down
to mean old me that makes them dangerous but dumb. It should prove
interesting to see if anyone blinks. If they do and I see it I pounce.
If i snooze I lose because I may only get one more kick at this can of
worms. at least you can't tell me that I don't know how to fish for
sharks in German waters eh Werner?.
Just Dave
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New Brunswick's public safety minister says people are just going to have to put up with waiting when they cross provincial boundaries during the Atlantic bubble.
Wait times are improving but haven't been eliminated because of the time it takes to screen people at the border.
"You have two options, either not allow anybody in, or unfortunately you're going to have to put up with the time it takes to get that information," Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart told Information Morning Moncton.
After the Atlantic bubble opened on July 3, drivers reported waits of of 90 minutes to three hours at the Aulac crossing into New Brunswick, and the province has been forced to simply wave people through without screening.There were concerns about safety, including holding back essential workers and transport trucks from getting across the border in a timely way.
Jacques Babin, director of inspection and enforcement for Public Safety, says wait times are better, averaging around 15 to 20 minutes most days.
Fridays and Sundays, however, are still likely to still see longer wait times to get into New Brunswick on the Trans-Canada Highway, a four-lane divided route.
"The highway was not created with this type of control mechanism applied," Babin said. "So it's really difficult to have any form of control point or registration point that does not affect traffic. Very difficult."
Urquhart said the government has started separating vehicles with New Brunswick licence plates into one lane so they can get back into the province faster and shorten the screening line.
"[New Brunswick residents] have fairly easy access back into it. But there are going be times that if there's an outbreak, it's going to be locked down again, and they're going to go very slowly."![]()
When lines at the border get too long staff wave people through until it is safe to start screening again. (Kate Letterick/CBC)
Urquhart said there are no concerns about emergency vehicles getting through the lineups, and the department has been in constant contact with emergency personnel to ensure it's not a problem.
He said things could move faster if more people had their screening forms ready upon arrival, but even then a wait should be expected.
The forms from the border have to be delivered to staff in Fredericton, where the information is entered into a government website, where it stays for six months, Urquhart said. A new team of staff handles the data entry and is in charge of cleaning out the old information.
"There's a lot of time, a lot of travel, it's a slow process but it's getting done."
Urquhart said an all-electronic system will eliminate the need for paper copies of the forms and speed up the process. He didn't say when that system will be ready.
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
In 1978 the government of Premier Richard Hatfield transferred 25
commercial vehicle enforcement officers from the Highway Law
Enforcement Division of the provincial Department of Transportation to
the provincial Department of Justice. The duties of these officers
initially consisted of traffic patrol, commercial vehicle enforcement,
enforcement of highway laws such as the Highway Act, Motor Carrier Act
and Motor Vehicle Act, seizure of motor vehicle license plates, and
escort for oversize loads. These duties were initially carried out
between Monday and Friday during daylight hours.
In January 1980 the Highway Law Enforcement Division was renamed the
New Brunswick Highway Patrol and the focus changed to policing.
Expansion during the early 1980s saw the NBHP expand its coverage to
all highways in New Brunswick. Training requirements mandated a law
enforcement background and members of the NBHP were peace officers
with the same training and responsibilities as other police forces in
the province under the Police Act.[1] [2][3] [4]
The NBHP expanded to 114 uniformed officers commanded by a chief and
deputy chief and supported by civilian staff at the detachments. NBHP
divided the province into two regions with a staff sergeant being
responsible for each region. Each detachment was commanded by a
sergeant and patrol officers had the rank of constable. There was no
rank of corporal.
In July 1988 the recently elected government of Premier Frank McKenna
announced that the responsibilities of the NBHP would be contracted to
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "J" Division. The NBHP was abolished
effective February 1, 1989.
Vests shown in global say "peace officers" but in CBC they do not 7101145/cumberland-north-mla- working-to-get-borders-opened- in-the-maritimes/
June 24 2020 6:13am
Cumberland North MLA working to get borders opened in the Maritimes
“Whether it’s family, healthcare, or businesses, these border closures
going into New Brunswick have deeply affected the citizens in my
region.” MLA Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin talks with Global News Morning
about working to get borders opened in the Maritimes.
· CBC News· Posted: Jul 09, 2020 5:55 PM AT
Peace officers at the Aulac checkpoint on Wednesday. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
There was a noticeable difference for vehicles on the Trans-Canada Highway pulling up to the border between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia at lunchtime on Wednesday — wait times.
While approaching the border heading into Nova Scotia, there was a daunting lineup of traffic stalled on the other side of the median, backed up for several kilometres waiting to enter New Brunswick.
But for vehicles driving into Nova Scotia, there was no wait and just a couple of cars pulled over at the checkpoint outside Amherst.
Wednesday marked the sixth day since the Atlantic bubble opened interprovincial borders, yet traffic into New Brunswick at Aulac continues to enter the province at a snail's pace.
Public Safety official says adjustments are being made to help cars get across border into New Brunswick faster 1:18
At 1:43 p.m. traffic was backed up about five kilometres from the Aulac checkpoint.
Traffic was backed up for about five kilometres Wednesday afternoon entering New Brunswick. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
The bumper-to-bumper traffic was a mix of personal vehicles and transport trucks and, although the lineup was continuously moving, it took 45 minutes before reaching the New Brunswick entrance.
At that point, vehicles were divided into two lanes. One for commercial vehicles and people who have express passes for people who travel between the two provinces regularly.
That process took about five minutes and there were multiple cars being served at once, to help speed up the process.
John Lunney, acting deputy chief of inspection and enforcement at the Department of Public Safety, said the second lane opened on Tuesday to help move traffic through the checkpoint faster.
John Lunney said traffic adjustments have been made at the Aulac checkpoint to help speed up traffic. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
"We are trying to keep traffic moving, people need to come prepared and be patient," he said, adding that they're making adjustments each day.
"They've gone from sometimes hundreds to thousands of vehicles, right, so it's just been an adjustment."
Lunney said they waved traffic through the checkpoint on Tuesday at one point while they were opening the second lane. On the first day of the bubble, traffic was waved through for a couple of hours to deal with the backlog of vehicles.
According to data released by the province, 6,300 vehicles crossed the border at the Aulac checkpoint on Wednesday.
Despite making adjustments to help speed up the process, Lunney said people should expect delays while approaching the New Brunswick border. He said they're hoping to eventually add a third lane to help push traffic through faster.
Peace officers are screening traffic at the New Brunswick borders. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
Lunney wouldn't comment on why traffic was backed up on the New Brunswick side but not the Nova Scotia side.
Lunney said peak traffic hours at the Aulac checkpoint are Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. He said Sunday afternoon is a busy time, too.
David Amos
Methinks John Lunney and his cohorts should not deny that I called them with a few questions of my own N'esy Pas?
Motor Vehicle Safety Enforcement (Branch)
Public Safety
Contact Information
Phone : (506) 856-2958
Fax : (506) 453-3870
Email : gnb/en/departments/public- safety/multimedia/mmrenderer. 2019.06.2019-06-04_04.jpg.html
Acting Deputy Chief at NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and
Enforcement NB
New Brunswick, Canada 231 connections Contact info
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Loyalist College
Currently on an Acting assignment as Deputy Executive Director/ Deputy
Chief of IENB. An Enforcement agency with the Province of NB that is
comprised of in excess of 200 Peace Officers and staff equaling almost
300. Program responsibly of Conservation Enforcement, Motor Vehicle
Safety Enforcement (CVE, ORVE, MVI, NSC, ) criminal intelligence,
General Investigation section, and Gaming Regulatory Enforcement
unit. This is NB second largest law enforcement agency with a budget
of approximately 20 million.
Superintendent and Director of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
program for NB. Director of the Off Road Vehicle Enforcement program
for NB.Director for the NSC program for NB and manager of the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods NB. Manages an armed law enforcement
division with 70 plus members, five satellite offices, nine fixed
facilities and several patrol vehicles. Budget of approx 5 million
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Acting Deputy Chief
Company Name
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Dates Employed Sep 2019 – Present
Employment Duration 11 mos
Location New Brunswick, Canada
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police
Superintendent (member)
Company Name
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police
Dates Employed Apr 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 5 yrs 4 mos
CRA member for New Brunswick(Compliance and Regulatory Affairs)
Company Name
CRA member for New Brunswick(Compliance and Regulatory Affairs)
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 4 yrs 10 mos
Member for NB, part of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport
Administrators the group is charged with creating standards and
uniformity in CVE and NSC. Each province and territory has membership
along with Transport Canada.
New Brunswick Department of Public Safety
Superintendent of Motor Vehicle Safety and Enforcement
Company Name
New Brunswick Department of Public Safety
Dates Employed Apr 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 5 yrs 4 mos
Location Province of New Brunswick
Superintendent and Officer in Charge of Commercial Vehicle
Enforcement, Off Road Vehicle Enforcement, Motor Vehicle Inspectors
And the National Safety Code Program and investigators. A staff of
approximately 80 Special Constables that investigate all the
Atlantic Canadian Dangerous goods task force Chairperson
Company Name
Dates Employed Mar 2012 – Present
Employment Duration 8 yrs 5 mos
Provincial lead for New Brunswick in this group that monitors the
movement of Dangerous foods on the highways. Currently chair
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police Highway Safety and
Traffic committee
Company Name
Dates Employed Apr 2008 – Present
Employment Duration 12 yrs 4 mos
Committee member
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Company Name
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Dates Employed Feb 2019 – Apr 2019
Employment Duration 3 mos
Location Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Co Chiat of the compliance and regulatory affairs committee
Electronic Recording Device Technical Standard working group. Role was
to support the provinces and Territories interests on the national
stage in the creation of the TS for ELDs in Canada.
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
Company Name Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
Total Duration 2 yrs 8 mos
Title President of Region V (Canada)
Dates Employed Jun 2015 – Apr 2016
Employment Duration 11 mos
Title Vice President Region V (Canada)
Dates Employed Sep 2013 – Jun 2015
Employment Duration 1 yr 10 mos
Location greenbelt, maryland
Government of New Brunswick
Superintendent CVE
Company Name
Government of New Brunswick
Dates Employed Apr 2013 – Apr 2015
Employment Duration 2 yrs 1 mo
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Chair of the Education Quality Assurance Team
Company Name
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Dates Employed Nov 2010 – Nov 2013
Employment Duration 3 yrs 1 mo
Responsible to coordinate and lead a quorum of provincial
representatives to assure uniformity in training within the commercial
vehicle enforcement industry. Responsibility falls under the
compliance and regulatory affairs committee and has an annual budget
of 50 k
Public Safety CVE
Company Name Public Safety CVE
Total Duration 13 yrs 3 mos
Title Deputy Superintendent
Dates Employed Feb 2008 – Mar 2013
Employment Duration 5 yrs 2 mos
Title Sergeant CVE
Dates Employed Jan 2000 – Feb 2008
Employment Duration 8 yrs 2 mos
Border restrictions
The restrictions on non-essential travel to the province are raising some concerns about people's rights to mobility between provinces. Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart helped oversee the implementation of the plan.
Download Border restrictions
[mp3 file: runs 00:13:36]
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2020 2:05 PM AT
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart "signs" the declaration implementing the Emergency Measures Act in March. (Louis Léger's Facebook)
The Higgs government's plan to give itself, and police, sweeping new emergency powers is facing a wave of criticism, leading a senior official to invite opposition MLAs to propose changes to the bill.
The proposal would let the provincial cabinet suspend provincial laws behind closed doors, without an immediate vote in the legislature, and would also give police the authority to stop citizens and demand identification without any reasons.
A legal expert, a leading civil libertarian and a Saint John municipal councillor all quickly denounced the legislation Thursday morning.
"We're in some very unprecedented territory here," said Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick.
"This is such a dramatic overreach by the executive to infringe or override the powers of the legislative assembly."
"It is a hell of a time for a legislature to be giving to police the racist power to card people," he said. "I'd be shocked if the legislature would pass this provision at this time."
David Hickey, a Saint John city councillor, called the idea "a non-starter. … I'll be doing everything in my power to ensure that [the Saint John Police Department] do not follow this regulation."
Liberal leader Kevin Vickers said he has "huge concerns" with the legislation and his party MLAs will vote against the bill as currently written.
"It allows police to harass and gather information unlawfully by way of carding, a universally denounced practice. What is outrageous about this is the timing of it."
- Michael Bryant, director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Public Safety officials responded quickly to the wave of criticism Thursday morning, telling reporters in a briefing that the amendments merely write into law a variety of measures and powers that the province had been using piecemeal since March.
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart declared a state of emergency March 19, giving him the power to make emergency orders to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Under the emergency law, the declaration has to be renewed by the cabinet every two weeks.
Urquhart's bill, introduced Wednesday, will amend the emergency law itself. He said it will allow government to "act in a timely manner [and] enhance compliance with the act, and orders issued under the act."
Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said Urquhart's various emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws
The changes simply give him "some explicit authority" for those orders and "provide greater transparency on the extent of the minister's authority."
Comeau cited those restrictions as examples of how the existing law "already gives extremely broad powers" to the minister. "Where that's going to happen, it's better to have legislative oversight."
He noted that under the amendments, any cabinet order suspending a provincial law must be upheld by the legislature within 30 days.
"We're comfortable that all of those [measures] were necessary for public safety and public health .. and we're comfortable they're all valid exercises of the minister's existing authority."
Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said some emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws. (CBC)
Another section of the bill would ensure people providing essential services during an emergency can't be held legally liable for any damages resulting from that.
The amendment on suspending legislation says cabinet can "suspend the operation of or amend or supersede" any section of a provincial law or municipal by-law. Fourteen provincial statutes are exempt from its application.
"Now that might be efficient," O'Byrne said. "However it contravenes the last 400 years of parliamentary democracy."
The amendment on police officers and other peace officers, such as provincial enforcement officers, would give them the power to require "a person to stop in order to investigate whether or not there has been a violation" of the emergency order or act.
A Detroit protester holds a photo of George Floyd, who was killed in police custody in Minnesota, in a case that has launched nationwide protests and prompted criminal charges. (Sylvia Jarrus/Reuters)
The officer "may require the person to provide documentation as part of that investigation."
"It allows police to harass and gather information unlawfully by way of carding, a universally denounced practice," Bryant said. "What is outrageous about this is the timing of it."
Comeau said officials drafted the bill while "fully appreciating the potential for concern and people's sensitivity to broad policing powers" in the wake of protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd.
A protest against police violence in Moncton where more than 350 people gathered to hear organizers speak and chant slogans like 'Black lives matter' and 'No justice, no peace.' (Guy LeBlanc/Radio-Canada)
He said the aim was to clarify the roles of enforcement officers screening people at the New Brunswick border.
He said most of them are conservation officers or vehicle inspection officers who have "stepped into roles that didn't exist to enforce measures that didn't exist" before the pandemic.
Comeau encouraged MLAs who believe the change is too broad to introduce amendments "that might bring this more clarity" during debate on the bill in the legislature.
The amendments to the act would remain in place after COVID-19 and would be available for governments to use in future emergencies, Comeau said.
Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, says it's unwise for government to amend emergency powers in an emergency. (CBC)
O'Byrne says it's unwise for a government to amend emergency powers during an emergency.
"That leads to very, very bad decision-making, because you're not thinking about the bigger picture like the rule of law. You're just having knee-jerk reactions, and I think that is what is happening here."
Bryant said his organization will likely launch a legal challenge to the expansion of police powers if the bill becomes law.
Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that Canadians have "the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks some folks must have figured out by now that I was not joking about Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that Canadians have "the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."
Methinks Urquhart's Deputy Minister Mike Comeau and the RCMP will finally get to explain to me real slow on the Public Record why the Fat Fred City Finest illegally seized my 1965 Harley in 2007 then lost it N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: They won't be telling you a thing I hope its parked in Comeaus garage right now
Leroy Albertson
Reply to @David Amos: if you are in Canada. You have no rights to own your property enshrined in our constitution, or Charter. Even the clothes on your back are only there because the crown has looked benevolently down upon you. It is only a matter of time before they decide to take what is theirs.
Ron Willis
Reply to @Leroy Albertson: Unfortunately that’s true. Thank that other dilettante Trudeau I and his flawed constitution.
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks there is another hoedown coming to Federal Court in Fat Fred City Its docket already proves the documents and CD I gave Comeau in 2006 are the same Bryant as Attorney General of Ontario got in August of 2005 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
"Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said Urquhart's various emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws."
Of that I have no doubt
Methinks Mikey and I are gonna have quite a hoedown in Federal Court Perhaps Comeau should check the docket and review what I gave him in 2006 and our conversation about it back then Higgy et al cannot deny that was while his current boss Urquhart was still a member of the Fat Fred City Finest and Higgy worked for the Irving Clan More importantly the lawyer Michael Bryant cannot deny that he got exactly the same pile of documents and CD in August of 2005 byway of registered US Mail (signature required) when he was the Attorney General of Ontario N'esy Pas?
Sylvio C Boudreau
Content disabled
What do you call 100 conservative politicians up to their necks in cement?
Not enough cement.
James Edward
Reply to @James Edward: this forum is a joke.
Roland Stewart
He's been watching to much Trump TV.
Graeme Scott
Major over reach and the timing couldn't be any worse. Complete political fumble by the PC's. it's a shame as i thought they were doing fairly well but this is waaaaay over the line.
David Amos
June Arnott
Reply to @Graeme Scott: it is a shame, he was doing so well during the pandemic
Bob Smith
Sounds like high ranking police folks were talking to the gov't about this. I remember years ago, the federal government of the day, at the behest of police chiefs, tried to make legal for police to enter a home without a warrant. It didn't fly then and I doubt this will go forwards either.
David Amos
Kyle Woodman
Just shows how tone deaf Conservatives are. Tell me again about gun rights and government overreach.
David Amos
Johnny Almar
Hearing rumblings that the NB government is going to stop releasing new COVID-19 numbers by zone. May even stop reporting all together unless it’s to shut down regions.
David Amos
June Arnott
Reply to @Johnny Almar: that would be so wrong, however, the way Zone 5 is being treated is horrid. No reason for us turning on each other, What if it were Moncton?? Would they close us all in?
Jeff LeBlanc
Alright...even I will admit this is going way too far. Thankfully NB is too poor to fight this in court...if it ever gets there. Hoping cooler heads prevail and it doesn't pass into law. Higgs you were doing good but you are starting to show some major cracks here.
David Amos
John Grail
Seems like NB's government is really trying to portray itself as authoritarian. This bill, closing borders, forcing people to stay home, forcing vaccinations of children, etc.
David Amos
SarahRose Werner
By me, the laws *as they currently exist* have been well applied during the current emergency. I don't see the need to pass new laws that give the government and police even more power.
David Amos
Johnny Almar
Douglas James
It is a non-starter.
David Amos
Tony Mcalbey
My oh my oh my what is Higgy gonna come up with next
David Amos
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 15, 2020 3:39 PM AT
Premier Blaine Higgs said Monday a second shooting of a First Nations person by police in eight days convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power. (Joe McDonald/CBC)
The Higgs government is scrapping a plan to increase the emergency powers of the provincial cabinet and the police.
Premier Blaine Higgs told reporters Monday afternoon the controversial legislation, Bill 49, would not proceed when the legislature resumes Tuesday.
He said a second shooting of an Indigenous person by police in New Brunswick in an eight-day period had convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power to stop people.
"Friday night changed things for a lot of people, including myself," he said, referring to the death of Rodney Levi of Metepenagiag First Nation.
The legislation introduced last week would have given police powers to stop people during a state of emergency and demand documentation to ensure they're complying with an emergency order.
Chantel Moore, 26, and Rodney Levi, 48, were each shot and killed by police in New Brunswick this month. (CBC)
Higgs reiterated that the bill was intended to clarify powers of enforcement officers working at the border to screen people entering the province for COVID-19.
But he said in light of the two recent shootings and what he called "systemic racism … I think it's important now to focus on the healing process."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said Higgs was "very wise" to withdraw the bill, which he said was an anachronism that would likely not have survived a constitutional challenge.
University of New Brunswick law professor Nicole O'Byrne, who slammed the bill after it was introduced last week, said the premier did the right thing.
She said the bill "did more than it needed to do to tackle the problems that they articulated as the rationale for the bill in the first place."
Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, previously said it's unwise for government to amend emergency powers in an emergency. (CBC)
Michael Bryant, the executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, called it "a good democratic moment for New Brunswick."
Higgs said he will join four of his ministers at a meeting with Indigenous chiefs on Wednesday to discuss the issue and said he was open to a public inquiry on police treatment of Indigenous people.
"I can see that moving forward," he said. "I could see it moving forward in a public inquiry that's well-defined so that we're sure to capture all of the issues that are currently of a concern."
But Levi's shooting death last Friday, just eight days after Moore was fatally shot by an Edmundston city police officer during a wellness check, prompted the premier to shift his tone Monday.
"We are still waiting to learn all of the facts but the process of beginning to heal and implement real changes cannot wait," he said.
"We certainly have to recognize the challenge we're having here in our province, the systematic racism that seems to be part of our society, that has been for generations."
Both shootings are now under investigation by Quebec's independent police investigation agency, the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes.
Another part of Bill 49 that was also widely criticized would have let the cabinet suspend provincial laws or municipal bylaws during a state of emergency without a vote in the legislature for 30 days.
This must be a time for us as a government to listen.- Blaine Higgs, premier
The government argued last week that it would simply clarify in law the powers that the cabinet has already been using under the Emergency Measures Act.
But the scrapping of the entire bill means that proposed change is dead as well.
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jake Stewart, Justice Minister Andrea Anderson-Mason and Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard will all join Higgs at the meeting with chiefs on Wednesday.
"This must be a time for us as a government to listen," the premier said.
"I've heard the calls for dialogue and the concerns of our First Nation chiefs. That is what I want our government to focus on right now."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Buddy Best
Higgs promised to roll back taxes on vehicles that the Liberals implemented. I just paid $893 on a $1500 purchase. Blood suckers. Times are tough enough for seniors. Don't call a cop for help!!!
David Amos
David Amos
val harris
Content disabled
Flip flop higgy is at er again
Brian Robertson
Content disabled
David Amos
Buford Wilson
Good call, Blaine.
Bruce Ellingwood
An excellent re-think of the situation Mr. Premier. Very refreshing from what how the liberals do things. Now, we just need you to drop the mandatory injection of children from Bill 11.
Claude DeRoche
Another good reason to NEVER give the Irving Boy a majority government.
David Amos
Justin Gunther
Premiere Higgs, I formally request a US style "townhall" meeting. Or likely more than one, for the good of all of New Brunswick. The people would like to see you personally, shake your hand, and ask you some questions very politely.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
You are kidding me?
I have met Mr Higgs twice, both times were followed by a strange compulsion to wash, thoroughly wash.
Mackenna Wilson
Who thought expanding police powers as a good idea in the first place? Honestly, I am done with conservatives.
David Amos
Edward Andrews
Ah Higgs, it ain't the police that worry me is the politicians telling the police to take on more powers and adding more laws that they [politicians] then expect police to enforce. So if anyone is going to take a reality pill it's you. Crossing into NB and having someone demanding my ID, recording my information is a bit...well lets say we all thought that was over with in Sept of 1945. Add to this the person who took my ID wore no gloves, no mask and handled everyone's ID and could be a vector point for contaminating people. All a farcical show.
David Amos
Matt Steele
It sounds like Premier Higgs meant well as he thought that Law Enforcement needed the extra powers to keep the N.B. borders contained ; but he was wise to drop the idea as there has already been to much militarization of the police in Canada . It may be time to start reducing the powers , and militarization , of the police , rather than increasing them . We certainly do not need N.B. , or Canada in general for that matter , to become an example for George Orwell's " 1984 " .
Tim Smitty
I wish he was running Alberta .
Jos Allaire
Lou Bell
Didn't the SANB Liberals under Louis and McKenna underhandedly redo our Constitution without the consent of N.B.'s citizens , no votes , nothing ? Much like they did with their " Phonie Games " giveaway ? Perhaps this law would have given ALL citizens a choice, instead of just a chosen few !
Buddy Best
Terry Tibbs
Another example of the , soon to be patented, Higgs shuffle.
2 steps ahead, 3 back.
Brian Robertson
Methinks its merely one of many faux pas' N'esy Pas?
Buddy Best
Reply to @Brian Robertson: You are full of it Righty!!
Buddy Best
Jos Allaire
A politician's popularity is like in sports. You're as good as your last game!
Dan Stewart
Randy McNally
Reply to @Lou Bell: Who are they asking? There is really not much good to be said about anybody who actually stays on the line long enough to do a survey, and if it's done online it's done on a page or a website supportive of whoever is paying for the pole. So in reality the results probably should be viewed with a plus/minus of well over 40%.
David Amos
Murray Brown
Conservative philosophy typically argues against more government control. Socialist and Liberals typically calling for more control by government, then again Higgs is kind of like the Donald... He's not a conservative or a liberal... He's an Irving man.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Murray Brown: At least that is the perception they(whoever "they" are) want us to have for what ever reason. The fact remains that people are individuals and each one capable (in most cases) of formulating and entertaining an original thought. Problem is, the media go to great lengths to frame everything within a red/blue paradigm - 2 teams. There are two teams but they are not red and blue. They are the government and the people and we'd be well advised keep that in mind
David Amos
Bob Smith
The recent deaths didn't stop the bill alone. I think it was sober second thought as well away from those who wanted this in the first place.
Terry Tibbs
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nope
Amajor Hall
Dictatorship averted!
David Amos
Methinks many would agree that the Police State already here Higgy et al just wanted to make appear legal but their mindless Bill put the spotlight on their wrongs N'esy Pas?
Greg Bragdon
What many critical of this government fail to acknowledge is that it does adopt constructive criticism, which in part is good governance.
Jos Allaire
Matt Steele
Buddy Best
Reply to @Matt Steele: No grey matter required!!. Throw out an outrageous idea and then crush to look like a hero.
You can fool some of the people some time!!
David Amos
---------- Orignal message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 23:12:42 -0300
Subject: YO Blaine Higgs Merhinks you should enjoy a liitle Deja Vu as
you consider a snap election while your favourite welfare bum Chucky
Leblanc plays the victim card again N'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs"<>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@>, "Kevin.Vickers"
<>, "bruce.northrup"<>
Cc: premier <>, krisaustin
>, "David.Coon"<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<>, "steve.murphy"<>,
Newsroom <>, Mike Therien
<therien.mike@brunswicknews. com>, "macpherson.don"
<macpherson.don@dailygleaner. com>, nmoore <>,
"jake.stewart"<>, "robert.gauvin"
<>, "mary.wilson"<>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>, David Amos
<> , djtjr <>, washington
field <>, "Boston.Mail"
<>, mdcohen212 <> canada/new-brunswick/election- talk-heats-up-new-brunswick-1. 5635871
New Brunswick premier won't rule out snap election call
Premier Blaine Higgs has said he hasn't made a decision about going to
the polls sooner rather than later
Jordan Gill · CBC News · Posted: Jul 02, 2020 9:17 PM AT
On 10/28/18, David Amos <> wrote:
> https://davidraymondamos3. premier-gallant-put-his- greedy.html
> Saturday, 27 October 2018
> Methinks Premier Gallant put his greedy liberal buddies over the pork
> barrel just before the Speech from the Throne so he could remain their
> leader N'esy Pas?
> canada/new-brunswick/new- brunswick-liberal-caucus- leadership-1.4880817
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> Murray Brown
> Not sure why this is even a story... Having the support of his party
> members is not in question. The question is... Can he form a
> government and run the province and on Friday that answer will be NO.
> Not sure why he's bothering with the charade of being in power when he
> actually isn't. He should have stepped aside and let Higgs fail
> instead. Now he just looks desperate.
> David Amos
> @Murray Brown I repeat the fat lady ain't sung yet.
> David Amos
> Methinks if Gallant were a wise guy he would offer juicy cabinet
> positions to Dominic Cardy, Jake Stewart and the French Lieutenant
> Bobby Gauvin. Cardy already switched from the NDP and their lawyer
> buddy Kelly Lamrcok has only the Green Party or the PANB left to join
> if the Conservative tire of his snobby nonsense. Imagine what a Circus
> that would if either one or all 3 conservative stooges crossed the
> floor? It happened before when Shawn Graham sweet talked Wally Stiles
> and his wife. What worked once can work twice N'esy Pas?
> Anyone recall this Circus?
> canada/new-brunswick/stiles- macalpine-stiles-deny-spying- allegations-1.689360
> Stiles, MacAlpine-Stiles deny spying allegations
> CBC News · Posted: Apr 18, 2007 5:08 PM
> Roy Kirk
> It's all about himself. Kinda like Trump
> .
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk YUP
> David Amos
> @David Amos I am just curious if he is clever enough to make deal like
> Trump certainly would and have me sign an MOU before he is out of
> office.
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk FYO If who wish to have a chuckle about "The Donald" and I
> just Google the following
> Trump Cohen Amos NATA FATCA TPP
> David Amos
> Page is closed to commenting.
> @Roy Kirk Check out page 2 of this file and you will know what Trump
> and legions of lawyers in Canada and the USA know about Mr Mueller and
> I
> document/2619437/CROSS-BORDER
> Need I say there could be an October Surprise in the near future but I
> ain't betting on it because it should have already happened.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 12:38:06 +0000
> Subject: RE: YO Dominic Cardy have you or your cat "Puffin"seen my Harley
> with the Yankee wiretap tapes in its saddlebag up on the Hanwell lately?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camed >. Thank you!
> ****************************** *******
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> media-medias@gnb.camed >. Merci!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dominic Cardy <>
> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 00:23:13 -0300
> Subject: Re: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with
> Blaine Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: David Amos <>
> David,
> Would you like another butter tart?
> Best wishes,
> Dominic
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:51:37 -0400
> Subject: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with Blaine
> Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: oldmaison <>, kelly <>,
> "Dominic.Cardy"<>, "blaine.higgs"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>, "serge.rousselle"
> <>, "Bill.Fraser"<>, andre
> <>, "David.Coon"<>, krisaustin
> < >, "dan. bussieres"
> <>, "Gilles.Blinn"<>,
> "Gilles.Cote"<>, "brian.gallant"
> <>, jbosnitch <>, "bruce.fitch"
> <>, "bruce.northrup"<>, Brian
> Gallant <>, "brian.keirstead"
> <>, "Bill.Oliver"<>, "carl.
> davies"<>, "carl.urquhart"<>,
>,, premier <>,
>, "denis.landry2"<>,
> "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
> Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-, "wayne.easter"
> <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
> <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
> <>, "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc"
> < >, kedgwickriver
> <>, markandcaroline
> <>, "Wilfred.Roussel"
> <>,,
>, "Gilles.LePage"<>,
>,, "Gary.Crossman"
> <>, "Glen.Savoie"<>,
> jeannotvolpe2018 <>, "jeff.carr"
> <>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>,
> ""<>, MarcelDoiron
> <>,,
> votemarywilson <>, mikeholland4albert
> <> ,,
>, "Trevor.Holder"<>,
> "Dorothy.Shephard"<>, Newsroom
> <>, news <>, news
> <>, "David.Raymond.Amos"
> <>
> http://davidraymondamos3. and-dominic-cardy-are-trying. html
> Monday, 22 January 2018
> Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to herd cats and
> even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 05:35:32 +0000
> Subject: RE: Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to
> herd cats and even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
>>. Thank you!
> ****************************** *******
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> media-medias@gnb.camedia->. Merci!
> Tuesday, 28 August 2018
> For people who haven't seen the interview I made with P.C. Leader
> Blaine Higgs....
> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 1:04 pm No comments :
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)"<>
> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 18:23:57 +0000
> Subject: RE: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> To: David Amos <>, "Wright, Hamish (LEG)"
> <>
> Dear David,
> I am so sorry that you are unhappy. I hope the butter tart will help.
> Sometimes when I feel sad I'll have two butter tarts. Because we are
> fiscal conservatives we can only send you one butter tart so, if you
> are very sad, maybe you have a special friend who can help you by
> buying the second one? That would be a great example of civil society
> in action, and a very real public/private partnership.
> There are so many things I want to say right now but, in the end, all
> that matters is that we are kind to each other, right?
> Yours, etc,
> Dominic
> ______________________________ __________
> From: David Amos []
> Sent: November-03-17 3:14 PM
> To: Cardy, Dominic (LEG); Wright, Hamish (LEG); kelly; Higgs, Blaine
> (LEG); leanne.murray; Leanne.Fitch; martin.gaudet; oldmaison; andre;
> Coon, David (LEG); briangallant10; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Stephane.vaillancourt; Tom.Mann; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Jacques.Poitras; nmoore; jeremy.keefe; steve.murphy; newsroom; news
> Cc: David Amos;
> Subject: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> Say Hey to the Fat Fred City Finest and their union for me will ya?
> Obviously it is the same one the Arseole Donny now work for N'esy Pas
> Chucky Leblanc and Andre Faust?
> about-2/staff-directory/
> Robert R. Blakely
> Canadian Operating Officer
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 29
> Arlene Dunn
> Deputy Director
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 26
> Cell 613 619 0653
> Government Relations Manager
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 25
> Andrew Dawson
> Atlantic Canadian Representative
> Phone: 506-470-5435
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 05:49:51 -0300
> Subject: Re the Corrupt cops in the RCMP and the Fat Fred City Finest
> and their constant whining about pensions they don't earn
> To:,,
> "frederic.loiseau"<frederic.loiseau@fredericton. ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
> <>, "leanne.murray"
> <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper. com>, "martin.gaudet"
> <> , oldmaison <>, andre
> <>, andremurraynow <>,
> lmanzer <>, law <>,
> "peter.dauphinee"<>, jwambolt
> <>, sallybrooks25 <>,
> evelyngreene <>,,
> "david.kelly"<>, advocacycollective
> <> , briangallant10
> <>, "Jimmy.Bourque"<>,
> "Ted.Hsu"<>, "flaherty.j"<>,
> freemanrobmenard <>, "victor.boudreau"
> <>, "Davidc.Coon"<>,
> leader <>, "ian.fahie"<>,
> "bernadine.chapman"<bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.>, "lucie.dubois"
> <>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <>, "Juanita.Peddle"
> < >, "bob.paulson"
> <>, "bob.rae"
> < >, MulcaT <>,
> "Gilles.Moreau"<> , "Gilles.Blinn"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <> , woodsideb
> <>,, "terry.seguin"
> <>, acampbell <>,
> "mclaughlin.heather"<mclaughlin.heather@>,
> "macpherson.don"<macpherson.don@dailygleaner. com>, "greg.weston"
> <>, toewsv1 <>,
> "marie-claude.blais"<>, "Mike.Quigley"
> <>, "Marc.Leger"<>,
> "Robert.Trevors"<>, "dean.buzza"
> <>
> Good Evening Mr Banks
> How you pension plans doing looks like you have to work long than you
> planned for less. EH? Cry me a river.
> informationmorningfredericton/ 2013/04/04/pension-plans-1/
> Better start putting something aside for a lawyer to defend you. I
> will be requesting a copy of all my conversations with you office.
> Trust that nsty bastards laughing a tme and giving me their number
> just won’t do. One thing I for certain I know who you are and just
> exactly what you do with the RCMP thanks to Chucky Leblanc and your
> bragging. Tell me truly dirt the evil Brit Sally Brooks grab your
> balls? Too too funny whether it be true or false.
> v=jXUqPPWsfqA
> Now this ridiculous
> This cop
> v=4AR8jhyoTPo
> assaulted his guy on his bike
> v=g2Hl18OIvok
> Then this wacko does the same
> v=fFoQXeyfsbs
> And the Fat Fred City arrest who?
> The recent news easily explains to even the mindless Chucky Leblanc
> why the corrupt Police Chief of Fat Fred City Finest quit after the
> election in 2012.EH?
> The real reason MacKnight went for early retirement was because he and
> his City Council buddies well understood retiring early was far more
> profitable for the crooked bastard.
> If anyone had been paying attention they would have known most pension
> plans were in deficit after the economy to a nose dive excluding that
> of the RCMP and their bankster buddies
> Victor Boudreau took care of all his provincial underlings in 2009
> byway of the Taxpayer dimes and taxing cigarettes etc even more whilst
> the socialist lawyer Tom Mann bitched about investing in smoking. I
> will wage Mann won’t won’t bite the hand that feeds now that the idiot
> David Alward gave him a big job.
> If MacKnight were to quit because of Chucky Leblanc’s nonsense it
> would have been back in 2007 or 2009
> In 2010 when many members of his own Police Force were making
> complaints against him or getting suddenly sick or quitting the City
> Council should had shitcanned him ASAP
> HOWEVER just like old J Edgar Hoover the corrupt Police Chief had the
> dirt on everyone in Fat Fred City so the smiling bastards under
> Woodside paid him off after he was reelected
> Anyone can call me a liar if you wish but put it in writing with a
> true name and signature.
> Everybody and his dog knows MacKnight and his pals attacked me in
> 2004, stole my old Harley in 2007 and have been covering up MURDER and
> Financial Crimes for way past too long’
> The fact that the CROWN had refused to prosecute Chucky Leblanc after
> the Fat Fred City Finest arrested him three times and twice at the
> CROWN’s request should have been an embarrassment for the CROWN and
> its corrupt politicians not MacKnight. He was slightly embarrassed
> that his Police Dept had more complaints against it than any other PD
> but that did not bother him because he knew he was protected by the
> CROWN. The proof that he was Woodside’s best btt buddy was when he
> tried to throw the wannbe lawyer Mark Darcy off of public property. As
> soon as Darcy quoted the Charter to MacKnight in front of the press
> and many witnesses MacKnight ran away and to hide in Woodside’s
> domain whilst Darcy continued yapping to the press inside City Hall.
> Need I say I loved saving Chucky Leblanc’s videos that night?
> Everybody know the Fat Fred City Finest have been illegally harassing
> me on public property since 2004 for the benefit of their political
> puppetmasters and not the people they purported serve.
> One month after MacKnight retired I let everybody and his dog know how
> pissed off I got when Acting Chief Leanne Fitch had her minions make
> false allegations against me on behalf of her nasty pal Rob Frenette
> only a month or so after the CBC exposed what a monumental liar he is.
> It has been many months and I have yet to receive and answer in
> writing or even a call back from Fat Fred City Finest, their lawyer
> Leanne Murray or the Police Commission. However that does not surprise
> me. The Police Commission has answered Chucky Leblanc and his friends
> many times since I made my complaint in 2004 yet I NEVER received an
> answer except one from Danny Copp telling me that I did not respond to
> his queries fast enough while I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee
> jail. However I did receive MANY emails from Brad Woodside and his
> mindless Deputy David Kelly that they will have to argue in court
> someday.
> Murder is a capital crime so there is no statute of limitations. Thus
> I can litigate again anytime I wish. Need I say Chucky’s blogger buddy
> Mr Baconfat has not been helping New Brunswick or Fredericton’s case
> since 2009. With Idle No More heating up for the summer we may not
> have to wait long for some clever greedy Indian lawyers to finally
> read it. Furthermore the deliberate ignorance of my evidence of
> securities crimes and tax crimes by law enforcement people whose
> mandate is to investigate such things has had a direct effect on
> everybody’s pensions plans.
> Any cop or lawyer should confess that ignorance of the law is no
> excuse. What they won’t admit is that every cop should follow his
> mandate and lawyer who received my material should READ the first
> parts of the Law Society Act. As officers of the Queen’s court in
> order to keep their licenses to practice law for a fee they MUST
> protect the public interests and safety. When they receive evidence of
> murder and financial crimes cop should see that it is investigated
> ASAP. If a lawyer gets the same stuff from someone who is not a client
> even if they pretend to not understand it they still must report it to
> law enforcement ASAP. If a client asks them to do so and seeks
> protection and they don’t they are criminals as well. Need I say the
> legions of governmental lawyers and politicians are in deep shit with
> mean old me? That is why everybody plays dumb and nobody dares to say
> my name not even the tough talking Chucky Leblanc. It truly is that
> simple. I must ask the obvious question.
> Everybody knows I have many wiretap tapes of the mob and have given
> many to various cops, the RCMP, the FBI, CISNB, the US Senate
> Judiciary Committee and even the Arar Inquiry. Hell the Fat Fred City
> Finest willingly stole some wiretap tapes along with my old Harley.
> The very dumb cop Randy Reilly asked me to take my stuff out of my
> saddlebags and I refused. I had served him a pile of documents that he
> refused so it as my turn to say no. I simply told him if he was gonna
> steal my bike registered in the USA he can steal it all. I immediately
> called Martin Gaudet the cop supervising him that night and Gaudet was
> so ignorant he would not even give me the Tow Company contact
> information.
> http:// charlesotherpersonality. fredericton-police-force-in- action.html
> For the record I also called the FBI and told them of the wiretap
> tapes in the saddlebag. I heard that in return the Yankees claimed my
> bike was stolen and it did disappear from SNB records. A !965 Harley
> Davidson completely original even the paint does not evaporate. I have
> heard of the arsehole Alan MacPhee bragging to women that he has a
> nice old Harley he is going to restore. He must be waiting for me to
> die first because if I or friends of mine see it on the streets in Fat
> Fred City there will be a call about a stolen Harley immediately. I
> sent his boss and several lawyers registered mail about my bike in
> 2007 as soon as the CROWN refused to press charges against me or
> provide any information at all. Since 2007 and as recently as December
> 2012 many cops have affirmed that there is no warrant for my arrest
> for any unpaid fines or anything else. However in 2012 the CROWN did
> send me some interesting information about my motorcycle and Judge
> Richards” involvement in the matter...I remember her when she was in
> charge of court documents when a pile of disappeared from the dockets
> in 2004 In 2005 she was the Sheriff who ignored me when I complained
> that one of her deputies had me illegally removed from court for the
> benefit of the lawyer David Lutz who was involved in the same matters
> involving the aforementioned missing documents .Whenever I ask about
> my Harley or their tickets now the Fat Fed City Finest only laugh and
> say what Harley or not my problem and end the conversation because the
> suddenly become to busy drinking free Tim’s coffee and eating donuts
> to talk anymore? Just how dumb are the Fat Fred City Finest, many
> other police depts. and Alward’s provincial minions to say such things
> and try to block my emails after you even the GOVERNOR GENERAL etc
> have already acknowledged getting Hard Copy from me and the cops and
> even the New Brunswick police Commission recorded our conversation
> since 2004 DUHHH????
> I began with you David Banks so I will end with you. As you no doubt
> know the CRTC wants to study 911 operations and new technology. Does
> that not include emails? You can bet that the CRTC already are well
> aware of the Fredericton Police and the RCMP and the 911 operators
> they have in common acting under the very nasty chickenshit named
> David Banks. Perhaps you should ask them if you can read the emails
> the Fat Fred City Finest blocked or ignored. BTW please notice who
> else got this email then tell you lawyer Leanne Murray to scroll down
> and go fine the Hard Copy of many document that the Attorney General
> Brad Green admitted they have had since 2004. That includes a true
> copy of a Yankee wiretap tap just like Chucky Leblanc’s buddies stole
> from me in 2004 and finally gave to the Fat Fred City Finest at Xmass
> time 2010 REMEMBER MacKnight sent Mikey Wilson out looking for me
> immediately afterwards merely because I call David Kelly about you
> dudes and his ex Bobbi too? He always speaks for you does he not? You
> cannot deny that he has sent us all the same emails. I doubt you are
> blocking his CORRECT???
> In closing I must say all the corrupt cops within the Fat Fred City
> Finest and the politicians they serve deserve not one red cent of
> their wages or pensions. In fact most should be in JAIL.
> What say you now Chucky Baby Leblanc? I bet you and all your crybaby
> associates will continue to play dumb as you call me names and pray
> that I die soon N’esy Pas?
> v=tipHN1HAHI8
> v=Zxuft6s-8Lk
> v=caq7j2KCnYE
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> Pension changes will ensure 'long-term integrity'
> Finance Minister Blaine Higgs says task force report will be released
> this session
> By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News
> Posted: Mar 27, 2012 3:57 PM AT
> Changes to provincial pension plans that will help address the plans'
> deficits and ensure their sustainability are coming soon, says the
> finance minister.
> The provincial task force on protecting pensions is expected to report
> to the government during this session, Blaine Higgs said Tuesday as
> part of his budget speech.
> The task force will recommend how to put the appropriate rules and
> regulations in place for the long-term sustainability of existing
> pension plans, both public and private, he said.
> “Our goal is to ensure that employee benefits that have been earned to
> date will not be negatively affected by future changes while we
> separate pension reform from the collective bargaining process," he
> said.
> The provincial government will seek ways to expand the coverage of
> affordable, sustainable pension plans in New Brunswick to residents
> who currently do not have adequate pension plan coverage, said Higgs.
> The changes will be fair to both employees and taxpayers, he said.
> “Our government’s vision is that New Brunswickers should have the
> opportunity for a safe and secure retirement," the finance minister
> said.
> "We must also provide assurance to pension contributors that the
> long-term integrity, due diligence and rigour necessary in the
> business and financial operations of the system are maintained at a
> high level."
> The Alward government launched a review of public sector plans in
> September. It is expected to include consultation with the public,
> including employees, contributing employers, union representatives and
> pensioners.
> The same task force is also reviewing private sector plans.
> Higgs said pension plans are facing deficits because people are living
> longer after retirement than previously predicted and market values
> have been lower than expected.
> "Those are the issues we're trying to address because if we don't, it
> will be a problem," he told reporters. "We will fix it...We have a
> program that will do just that."
> charles leblanc wrote:
> Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya?
> I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now?
> Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 07:56:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos"
> Subject: Who says they are ignoring me Chucky? Ask Barry McKnight why
> the Yankees are researching him
> To:,,
> CC:,,
>, ,
> ,,
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau., cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.,
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 1,013
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> IP Address 206.15.101.# (NEWS CORPORATION)
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : New York
> City : New York
> Lat/Long : 40.7605, -73.9933 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft Win2000
> Browser Firefox 2.0
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> Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Last Page View May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL 22barry mcknight%22
> Search Engine
> Search Words fredericton police department "barry mcknight"
> Visit Entry Page
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> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time May 23 2007 5:17:17 pm
> Visit Number 1,013
> Survey of Fredericton police officers finds poor morale within
> forcePublished on February 11, 2010
> Published on February 25, 2010
> The Canadian Press ~ The News Topics : Fredericton
> FREDERICTON - Mayor Brad Woodside has told police Chief Barry
> MacKnight to improve morale within his department following the
> release of a survey that showed a lack of confidence by officers in
> the abilities of upper management.
> "What I am saying to the police is sit down, clean it up and deal with
> it," Woodside said Wednesday.
> The report, prepared for the Fredericton police union, found that only
> 10 per cent of survey respondents had confidence in MacKnight, while
> 26 per cent had confidence in Deputy Chief Leanne Fitch.
> It also questioned the chief's accessibility, his vision for the
> future, and his ability to communicate effectively.
> "Labour management seems to be a problem there," Woodside said. "I
> have spoken to the city administrator. I have spoken to the chief and
> I want morale back where it should be and I want these issues dealt
> with."
> MacKnight said he takes responsibility when things go wrong in the
> police department.
> "We are going to address the issues that can be addressed and should
> be addressed," he said. "This is an important issue for us (but) we
> are not going to make any snap decision."
> The survey suggested that a climate of fear exists within the force
> and that members feel MacKnight believes all public complaints made
> against officers.
> MacKnight said the past year was a tough one for officers with respect
> to public complaints.
> "One of the major themes I am taking away from this is anxiety about
> internal investigations," he said.
> He said he's accessible to members of the force but admitted some
> people may feel he isn't.
> MacKnight said morale is always a concern because it has a direct
> impact on the provision of good services to citizens.
> He said he will go over the report and identify what its major themes
> are and what can be done to address them.
> Wednesday, April 07, 2010
> I support Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight 100%!!!!
> During these past few months, there's lots of stories about battles
> between the Police Union and the Police Chief.
> The Union release a Poll among their members saying only 10% of the
> force supports their Chief.
> I first heard of problems a couple of years ago.
> I was surprise because the Cops are doing a fantastic job in keeping
> this City safe.
> Who's responsible for Fredericton to be a safe City?
> Our leaders at the top of the Fredericton Police Force?
> I would say - Yes!!
> I chatted with some Business owners during the past month and everyone
> is supporting the way the Cops are patrolling the Downtown area.
> They are walking the beat and clearing the troublemakers from the Downtown
> core.
> I have met Police Chief Barry MacKnight on a few occasion and found
> the Chief a nice pleasant gentlemen to chat with.
> I might add I was very surprise when he spoke Le Francais en Chiac!!!
> lol
> lol
> The chief chiac was proven when he launched the new cruiser....
> Here's a blog I wrote on this issue -
> I'm happy they never went with the Black and White Cruiser they have
> in Bathurst!
> But it sure reminds you for a nice cold Canadian eh???
> lol
> What's a Emergencie??? We chiac Acadians say - Emergency!!
> Urgence???
> Myself, I didn't like the new colors and Mayor Brad Woodside agreed!!!
> Click below for video -
> But seriously??? Why are so many members of our Police Force upset
> with the Chief?
> Is he demanding too much from the Union Members?
> His contract is up for renewal in July and the local media are pushing
> the issue.
> This is the very first time there's a contract renewal with a Police Chief.
> In the past, former Police Chiefs were there for 20 years.
> Who will decide Barry MacKnight future?
> The Councilors at City Hall?
> Will this be an open meeting?
> Will the public have a say?
> I tried to get some answers but everyone is keeping their mouth shut
> on this issue.
> Lets say that we do get a new chief and crime goes up? Who will we
> blame? The new Police Chief?
> So what's the problem?
> I know for a fact many members of the Police Force reads this Blog.
> Maybe they can tell the readers what the problem is???
> Myself? I support the Police Chief 100% and I hope his contract is
> renewed for another 5 years!!!
> P.S. I'm not kissing ass!! I'm just calling it as it is!!!
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 8:55:00 AM
> Anonymous said...
> How mixed up is Charles? He hates the RCMP who have never
> arrrested him and loves the Fredericton Police who have.
> 11:14 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Any complaints fabricated against the Fredericton Police are
> simply the quebec spreading organization trying to force french on
> everything by getting Fredericton policed by RCMP. But Moncton has had
> their fill!
> 11:22 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Do police cars in Fredericton real have EMERGENCIE instead of
> URGENCE for the french portion on their police cars?! I have noticed
> that but if this is the case, it is simply unbelievable!! How can this
> have happened?
> 11:29 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Hey Charles,Fredericton doesnt need 2 police forces,we have the
> R.C.M.P at the top of Regent street,the city force on Queen street. I
> think we should disband the chief and his car kicking bandits and
> replace mayor Woodside at the same time.Our chief hasnt the right to
> wear a badge or call himself a cop,he isnt anything more then a social
> worker
> 11:51 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Exactly what a Police Officer needs to be, A Social Worker. An
> educated Social Worker. Not a bilingual shortcake!
> 7:42 AM, April 08, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> I agree, our police officers should be trained as social workers
> and counselors and not the thugs we have today.
> Maybe throw in some non violent conflict resolution training as well.
> 10:32 AM, April 08, 2010
> said...
> My view of both Chief and Deputy Chief remains the same. I will go
> on a lie detector with them both any time. Deputy Chiefs brother was
> involved with stealing all the assets in a Civil Case from a truck
> parked as requested by City Police Officers. I have tried to have
> charges laid only to have them make me out to be the criminal. The
> witnesses are many upstanding citizens yet I can't even get police to
> discuss. They are a joke and MacKnight is the biggest joke. You may
> think I'm crazy but ask Conrad Mead of CKTP, his 3 sons, Robb
> Hartland(Double B), my father Norman Oickle, Tony Mcfaggen, Peter
> Keith, and they will confirm that this theft occurred. They saw the
> evidence and the way the police harassed me when I tried to press
> charges. This theft was done with the help of numerous officers and
> can be proven. Ten minutes on a lie detector for the chief and I would
> settle it. I deserve at least that for all I did for my community
> before these protectors of the Law got involved. I will sign my name
> and assure you Charles the others I mention will confirm the handling
> of my case was Criminal.
> 12:24 AM, April 09, 2010
> said...
> For the record...Up until this truck was broken into I never had a
> single problem with the City Police nor did I have a single thing on a
> Criminal Record over my 50 years as an upstanding citizen. I will put
> my record along side a few of the forces detectives any time. Lets
> fire up the Lie Detectors and then you will see some fired. Come on
> Barry you were the one who wanted all the newbie's on your force to
> take a Lie Detector Test. You and I can prove how well they work. If
> I'm wrong I pay all cost...if right give me back my eguipment and
> press charges against those who were paid to uphold the Law not twist
> it for their own purposes.
> 1:16 AM, April 09, 2010
> Magos said...
> Lie detectors don't work.
> 10:12 AM, April 09, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Barry thinks they do as he is the one that stated in Daily Garbage
> he would like to see all new recruits have to take one before being
> accepted into his Farce. Charles the next time you see Barry you
> should get him on video answering you in regards to his feelings on
> Lie Detectors and wether they work or not.
> 2:29 PM, April 10, 2010
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Related Stories
> RCMP takes over Charles LeBlanc arrest probe
> Woodside concerned over handling of blogger's arrest
> Fredericton blogger's arrest attack on civil liberties
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight says he was planning to
> retire in 2013, but decided to step down next month instead. (CBC)
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> "It was an opportunity that came up and I talked to the city
> administrator and the mayor and we came to an agreement, simple as
> that," he told CBC News Wednesday.
> “The time was right," MacKnight said earlier in a statement.
> "It is time for a change."
> MacKnight has been chief for seven years and on the force for 25 years.
> It's been "a satisfying run," he said in the statement, calling it an
> "honour" to work with so many professional police officers and a
> "privilege" to work with city council and staff.
> "I know I am leaving the city in the good hands of a very professional
> and dedicated police force, and I am proud of that," MacKnight said.
> 'I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart.'—Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside
> "I also want to thank the people of Fredericton for their support over
> my tenure."
> Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside says the process to choose a successor
> will be decided in the coming days after he discusses the matter with
> council and the chief administrative officer.
> MacKnight served the city well, Woodside said.
> "I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart and I wish him the very best in any future
> endeavours."
> On heels of blogger controversy
> MacKnight's retirement comes on the heels of difficulties between the
> force and controversial blogger Charles LeBlanc.
> LeBlanc, who faced charges of criminal libel earlier this year for
> allegedly damaging the reputation of a police officer on his website,
> was arrested at the legislature last month.
> Police said LeBlanc was arrested after a complaint of "assault by
> trespasser." LeBlanc has been banned from the legislature grounds
> since 2006.
> LeBlanc is scheduled to appear in court on June 25.
> The investigation has since been handed over to the RCMP.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> "It's an important issue, but we deal with important issues here every
> single day," he told CBC News. "It's what police officers do every day
> — they make very difficult decisions based on good faith and the
> information they have at the time.
> "I can't be any clearer about this," he said. "The past two months
> have been no harder than any few months I've ever been in this job.
> Yeah, this is a hard job, and somethimes the media is engaged in the
> issues we're dealing with and sometimes they're not."
> MacKnight said the investigation will continue with the city
> administrator. He declined to comment any further on the case.
> LeBlanc's arrest came just days after he and his lawyer called for a
> public inquiry into the Fredericton Police Force's handling of a raid
> at LeBlanc's home in January.
> LeBlanc, who writes a controversial blog that is often critical of
> police officers, politicians and the legislature's sergeant-at-arms,
> was accused of damaging the reputation of a city police officer in
> blog posts last summer.
> Police seized his computer and LeBlanc says he was told he would be
> facing charges of criminal libel.
> But on May 4, the provincial government announced it would not be
> proceeding with criminal libel charges against LeBlanc, saying that
> section of the Criminal Code has been deemed unconstitutional by other
> jurisdictions.
> From: "Mazerolle Stephens, Angela(JUS)"Angela.MazerolleStephens@gnb. ca
> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:39:20 -0300
> Subject: RE: "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz
> Schreiber
> To: David Amos
> Mr. Amos:
> Receipt is acknowledged of the five pieces of e-mail you sent to me on
> May 14, 2009.
> Upon review, it is apparent that they do not relate to me either
> personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is
> unwanted and unwelcome.
> Please do not send me any more of your communications, as I find them
> harassing in nature.
> Sincerely,
> Angela Mazerolle Stephens
> Superintendent of Pensions
> Office of the Superintendent of Pensions Department of Justice and
> Consumer Affairs
> Province of New Brunswick
> Frederick Square, Ste. 450
> 77 Westmorland Street
> P.O. Box 6000
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
> Ph: (506) 453-2055
> Fax: (506) 457-7266
> This e-mail and the information contained in it is confidential, may be
> privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the
> addressee(s). Any other person is strictly prohibited from using,
> disclosing, distributing or reproducing it. If you have received this
> communication in error, please reply by e-mail to the sender and delete
> or destroy all copies of this message.
> Le présent courriel et les renseignements qu'il contient sont
> confidentiels, peuvent être protégés par le secret professionnel et
> sont à l'usage exclusif du (des) destinataire(s) susmentionné(s). Toute
> autre personne est par les présentes avisée qu'il lui est strictement
> interdit d'en faire l'utilisation, la diffusion, la distribution ou la
> reproduction. Si cette transmission vous est arrivée par erreur,
> veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par
> courriel, puis effacer ou détruire toutes les copies du présent
> message.
> Boudreau defends pension plans' $21M investment in big tobacco
> Last Updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 | 9:10 AM AT
> CBC News
> Related
> N.B. pensions have $21M in tobacco companies
> N.B. moving ahead in lawsuit against big tobacco
> Anti-smoking group cheers N.B. lawsuit against tobacco companies
> External Links
> New Brunswick provincial pension investments
> (Note: CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of
> external sites - links will open in new window)
> Finance Minister Victor Boudreau said tobacco companies that are being
> sued by the province have proven to be strong investments for the New
> Brunswick Investment Management Corp.
> 'The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow.'— Finance Minister Victor Boudreau
> When the Liberal government launched the lawsuit against tobacco
> companies in 2006, two cabinet ministers said it was about holding
> them accountable for the soaring health-care costs attributed to those
> who used their products.
> But Boudreau said on Tuesday when it comes to making money on the
> province's pension plans, it's important for investment managers to
> earn revenue any way they can.
> "The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow," he said.
> The pension funds lost almost $2 billion in the markets last year,
> including on its tobacco stocks. But the finance minister said over
> the years the tobacco industry has proved to be a strong money maker.
> The records released last week by the New Brunswick Investment
> Management Corp. show heavy investments in Imperial Tobacco, Rothmans,
> British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, its parent company Altria
> Group and R.J. Reynolds.
> The provincial government agency that manages the pension funds of
> public servants, teachers and judges had holdings in those companies
> worth about $21.2 million on March 31, 2008.
> Those same companies are all targets in a lawsuit launched in December
> 2006 by the province. New Brunswick alleges the companies failed to
> warn consumers of the dangers of smoking, marketed light cigarettes as
> safe and targeted children in their advertising campaigns. It argues
> those actions all led to widespread health problems and public medical
> costs for those who began smoking.
> N.B. union wants tobacco companies snuffed out of pensions
> N.B. pension holdings on March 31, 2008
> • $10.6 million in Phillip Morris and its parent, Altria Group.
> • $4.9 million in British American Tobacco.
> • $2.7 million in Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.
> • $2.4 million in Rothmans Inc.
> • About $600,000 in R.J. Reynolds.
> The New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees, one of the
> largest contributors to the province's pension funds, is joining the
> Canadian Cancer Society and New Brunswick Lung Association in calling
> for the province to dump its investments in tobacco companies.
> Tom Mann, the union's executive director, said his 5,800 members don't
> like it being invested with cigarette manufacturers.
> And he said because of the amount the union contributes to the
> pensions that it should have some sway in where that money is parked
> by the pension plan.
> "Certainly the people who own that money should have a say in how it's
> invested," Mann said.
> Kenneth Maybee, the president of the New Brunswick Lung Association,
> said on Tuesday that the province's pension fund managers must stop
> investing in tobacco companies, calling the revelation an "eye-opener"
> that was "disconcerting."
> "It's perhaps one of these cases where one arm [of the government]
> doesn't know where the other arm is. But I think the message will be
> very clear … that it's not the right thing to do," Maybee said.
> new-brunswick/story/2013/04/ 02/nb-fredericton-police- pension-morale.html
> Fredericton police morale at 7-year low, union rep says
> Shared-risk pension dispute latest in a string of issues
> CBC News
> Posted: Apr 2, 2013 12:09 PM AT
> Pension experts eye changes to save benefits
> A leader with the union representing Fredericton police officers says
> morale on the force is at a seven-year low with the unresolved pension
> issue the latest in a string of issues.
> Andrew Dawson says officers have been without a collective agreement
> for more than two years, without a permanent chief since last summer,
> have faced criticism over their handling of a blogger's case, and are
> now facing the possible loss of pension benefits as the city moves to
> a shared-risk plan.
> "We have one member with nearly 25 years of service who, when it
> became clear that the city was going down this road, he just went in
> and tendered his resignation and said, ‘No, you know what? Enough is
> enough. I'm going home,'" said Dawson.
> Police union leader Andrew Dawson said the lack of information about
> the city's pension plans is troubling. (CBC)
> "And there are many who are nearly as distressed about what exactly it
> is the city is doing. The lack of information is the big thing.”
> Fredericton council had unanimously approved a plan on March 18 to
> convert the city’s pension plan to a shared-risk model, which has been
> promoted by the provincial government.
> Under the new plan, city employees will have to work longer with fewer
> guarantees. Pensioners will also see changes to their cost-of-living
> adjustment.
> Dawson says the police union was only officially notified of the plan
> six days before the city took action.
> "It seems the city has been moving this way for a long time, but we
> haven't been part of the process at all," he said.
> The Labour and Employment Board ruled switching to the new plan would
> have to be delayed for the police and fire departments until both
> groups have gone through arbitration hearings.
> The police union is not planning any job action, said Dawson.
> Two weeks have been set aside for an arbitration hearing in mid-June,
> he said. "We know we'll be able to present our case and get a fair
> answer finally."
> Firefighters are expected to go into an arbitration hearing with the
> city later this month.
> Meanwhile, city officials have said they will continue informal
> pension talks with the two unions, hoping they will agree to the
> shared-risk model.
> The city's current plan has a $60-million deficit.
> CRTC seeks public input on 911 emergency service
> Commission looking to improve service by utilizing new technologies
> The Canadian Press
> Posted: Dec 17, 2012 5:07 PM AT
> The CRTC is conducting a public consultation on ways it can improve
> Canada's 911 emergency service. (Darren Staples/Reuters)
> Canada's telecom regulator is asking for the public’s input on how to
> improve the 911 emergency service in light of changing technology.
> The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said
> Monday it will review the findings of the public consultation which
> asks for Canadians' input in the following areas:
> • The performance and adequacy of the technology currently employed by
> 911 services, such as that used to locate a caller using a cellphone.
> • The issues related to the provision of 911 services on
> next-generation networks, including how systems should be designed and
> the appropriate institutional arrangements.
> • Policy considerations on 911 matters.
> "Each year, the 911 system is relied upon by thousands of Canadians
> during emergency situations," national commissioner Tim Denton said in
> a news release. "As telecommunications networks evolve and adopt new
> technologies, we all have an interest in ensuring that the system
> continues to meet Canadians' needs."
> The CRTC said Denton will conduct research on 911 services in light of
> the telecommunications system's evolution to next-generation networks
> based on Internet Protocol.
> "In particular, I would encourage first responders, call centre
> operators and governmental bodies to share their ideas on how the 911
> system could help them better respond to emergency situations," Denton
> said.
> The commissioner's recommendations will be presented before May 2013
> and consulted when the CRTC begins its formal review of the regulatory
> framework for Canada’s 911 system.
> The formal consultation will be completed in 2014-15.
> With files from CBC News
> Anti-bullying advocate faces questions over tactics
> Bullying Canada co-founder defends handling of complaints
> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News
> Posted: Jun 21, 2012 7:53 AM AT
> Rob Frenette, who was given the Order of New Brunswick for his
> community service in 2011, is facing questions over his tactics. (CBC)
> A high-profile anti-bullying activist in New Brunswick is being
> criticized for the way he challenges institutions and organizations.
> A school superintendent says Rob Frenette was not realistic in
> demanding District 14 respond within hours to a complaint about
> bullying at a Woodstock school.
> And NB Power says it has not been able to substantiate Frenette’s
> allegations of 400 to 500 bullying complaints at the Crown
> corporation.
> Frenette is standing by his actions in both cases. He would not agree
> to an interview but sent CBC a prepared statement responding to the
> criticisms.
> “I've been asked not to do any further interviews on these topics,” he
> said about District 14, “as some are now escalated to the Minister of
> Education/Superintendent. As for NB Power, that file won't be
> discussed any further, unless a employee comes forward.”
> Frenette, a victim of bullying himself as a child, co-founded Bullying
> Canada, a national lobbying group, in 2006. He was successful in
> pressuring the New Brunswick government to create an Anti-Bullying
> Day.
> Last year, he was named a member of the Order of New Brunswick, the
> province’s highest recognition for community service.
> The citation said he was honoured “for his tireless devotion to and
> passionate commitment to ending the spectre of bullying in our
> province and all across Canada."
> Former premier Shawn Graham praised Frenette as “a strong voice
> against bullying and a role model” and current premier David Alward
> has also lauded his efforts.
> Bullying Canada is a non-profit organization that has applied for
> charitable status with Revenue Canada. Starting in September, it will
> be required to file some financial information, which will be made
> public.
> Frenette says he does not earn a salary from the organization.
> Disputed numbers
> Frenette says he first contacted NB Power last September. He went
> public in December, then brought it up again in April.
> In the legislature, a Liberal MLA, Brian Kenny, repeated Frenette’s
> claim that Bullying Canada had received 400 to 500 complaints of
> bullying from employees of the utility.
> But NB Power says it has been unable to verify those numbers.
> “What we need in order to investigate these and follow through is to
> know locations, know particulars, know names of the people involved,
> and that's been one of the challenges that we have when we've been
> dealing with Bullying Canada,” says Lori Clark, the head of human
> resources at the utility.
> “We've not been able to get the information that would allow us to
> deal with the situations.”
> Clark says she was surprised by the number.
> “It's not realistic in terms of what we're dealing with,” she says.
> “There's less than 10 cases [at the moment]. In the single digits, in
> fact.”
> Ross Galbraith, the manager for the union representing most NB Power
> employees, is also skeptical of the number.
> “I've not seen any volume of complaints like that, four or 500,” says
> Galbraith, who adds that his members are never reticent about letting
> him know when they have a problem.
> “It's just a very, very high number. It's an unbelievably high number for
> me."
> He says eight to 10 complaints is the number in a normal year and they
> range from outright bullying to harassment to anything else related to
> an employee’s discomfort in the workplace.
> Galbraith says when he heard Frenette’s number, “I met with my staff,
> and met with our executive board members, and I asked, 'Is there
> something going on here?' Because I'm not seeing an increase. It's
> about steady—the same type of thing you would get every year.”
> Frenette said in an e-mail on June 4 the number is “a log of the
> amount of phone calls and emails we received between September of last
> year and April of this year. We still as of today are receiving calls
> from NB Power staff about concerns.”
> In an earlier e-mail response on May 24, Frenette said Bullying Canada
> has decided to direct any NB Power employees to take their complaints
> to their union or the corporation’s ombudsman.
> “Our charity’s information and resources are targeted at youth /
> parents,” he said.
> “Our work was never really in to the workplace.
> He said he took that decision in light of a fight he is having with
> the utility over several Right to Information requests he made.
> Frenette released portions of the material he received, showing that
> communications officials at the utility were upset about his
> description of the bullying complaints.
> He is also appealing NB Power’s refusal to release any documents under
> the Right to Information Act that name him or Bullying Canada.
> “NB Power has made it clear that they are not interested in the
> assistance we could offer them,” he added in the e-mail.
> “We offered company-wide workshops etc but they declined.”
> Frenette says he offered the workshop at no charge, though Bullying
> Canada normally charges $500 per session.
> Kathleen Duguay, a NB Power spokeswoman, says Frenette offered both
> for-fee and no-fee workshops, but “at that time NB Power had already
> engaged in workshop development and/or was delivering
> workshop/awareness session with employees.”
> Superintendent says release was damaging
> The other organization pushing back against Frenette’s tactics is
> District 14, the school district covering most of the St. John River
> Valley.
> The district will no longer exist after this week as a result of a
> provincial reorganization of districts.
> In May, Theresa Blackburn, a Woodstock town councillor and community
> college instructor, criticized Frenette in a newspaper column for how
> he handled a bullying complaint at Woodstock Middle School.
> Frenette had issued a press release April 29 accusing administrators
> at the school of not acting on a case of bullying.
> He issued the release around noon, after contacting the school early
> that morning to advise them he was going public.
> Blackburn says that wasn’t nearly enough time for a busy principal or
> superintendent to respond.
> “In one fell swoop, I felt that Bullying Canada had ruined the
> reputation of an administration that had worked so hard for the last
> three or four years,” says Blackburn, who dealt with the same school
> officials when her son was bullied.
> She says the officials did everything right in her son’s case, but it
> wasn’t quick, as Frenette seemed to be demanding in the new case.
> “My son's issues were not resolved in five days. When you're dealing
> with people, it's complex. It's really complex. And it takes more than
> just a couple of emails and the demand of action,” she says.
> “Mediation has to take place. There are meetings that have to take
> place. Press releases aren't going to solve what's going on.”
> John Tingley, the acting district 14 superintendent, says he was
> visiting schools in the northern part of the district that morning,
> and it was unfair of Frenette to expect a response within a few hours.
> “The relationship is more difficult now between the school and the
> parent” as a result of Frenette’s press release, Tingley said.
> Frenette says he only issued the release because the family asked for it.
> “That’s a practice that we’ve always had in place,” he said in an
> e-mail statement.
> “We as an organization did not make the decision to issue the media
> release.”
> He says in previous cases, the school principal has not returned his
> calls, and has made it clear in this case “that she would not be
> interested in working with us on this matter.”
> He says officials at the Department of Education are now involved and
> until they respond to him, he won’t comment further on the case.
> FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012
> How come SGT Andrew MacDonald from the Fredericton Police Force
> received a huge pension after arresting Blogger????
> How come this Cop who grabbed me from the streets received a huge
> pension and my complaint was denied???
> Once again??? The Bad Cops gets away with another one and at the
> Taxpayers expense!!!
> Yes...the Citizens in Fredericton are in great danger for these VERY bad
> Cops!!!
> Here's the story - < We need a Provincial Inquiry on the way the Less
> fortunate are being treated in this Province!!!! >
> Just received this letter today!!!! So I guess with the retirement of
> Andrew MacDonald? My complaint is officially over!!!
> Click below for story -
> Here's the letter!!!
> You newcomers can watch the video!!
> The confrontation -
> Part one
> com/v/O50mtX6K4Jo?fs=1&hl=en_ US
> Part two
> com/v/vMH5jrI20Z4?fs=1&hl=en_ US
> The Arrest -
> Part one -
> [youtube v=Ph4t_yLFmsE&hl=en&fs=1]
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 6:51:00 PM
> Anonymous said...
> Well, more video's of unreasonable behaviour by public servants and
> proof of a complete waste of public funds giving these morons jobs.
> Good for you keeping your cool Charles.
> 7:23 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> "Huge pension" lol...My god you are one simple person .... And how
> much is he getting please tell ?? Or maybe simply because he worked 37
> years for the City of Fredericton ?? Yes Charles, people that work for
> a living can have a pension if they want. You may not know this
> because I understand you dont work at all ...
> 8:21 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> gPaBecause he EARNED it. When someone works for the same organization
> and contributes to a pension fund for at LEAST 30 years, they have
> EARNED a pension. It's NOT a reward!! Now if they have had to deal
> with people like YOU for all those years, they SHOULD get Monetary
> Award or BONUS just for the added headache. I hope you are enjoying a
> wonderful retirement, Andrew!!
> Post it if you have the balls, Charles!
> 11:56 AM, May 19, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> It is part of having a job, you would not understand.
> 9:40 PM, May 19, 2012
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: David Amos
> To:;;
>; ;
> ;;
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.;
> Cc:;;
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
> Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I
> would try to make him famous
> results?search_query= davidraymondamos&search=Search
> A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers,
> politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies
> allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH
> Chucky?
> To:,,,
> CC:,,,
>, ,
> ,,
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau., cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.,
> brunswick/story/2007/05/24/nb- burkethreat.html
> docroot/article.php?articleID= 149018
> 2007/05/tj-burke-walking- around-with-rcmp.html
> 2006/06/fapo-has-meeting- about-panhanding.html
> 2007/05/hats-off-to-cbc- reporter-jacques.html
> http://maritimes.indymedia. org/mail.php?id=9856
> Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas?
> Scroll down Frenchie and go down?.
> Threat against Burke taken seriously
> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
> Appeared on page A1
> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and
> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him
> recently.
> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't
> explain the nature of the threats.
> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made
> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters
> Wednesday.
> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a
> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or
> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some
> added protection and that added comfort."
> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security
> unit.
> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have
> been in recent weeks.
> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have
> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.
> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own
> personal safety."
> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his
> pattern of activity.
> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful
> nervous."
> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a
> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my
> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due
> to my background and training.
> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to
> happen."
> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats
> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,
> security in New Brunswick has been
> beefed up.
> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all
> visitors are screened.
> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the
> province's "top cop."
> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as
> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually
> prosecutes them.
> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous
> threats since Day 1 in office."
> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.
> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter
> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them
> their punishment or their sanction," he said.
> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said
> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,
> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not
> complimentary."
> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security
> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
> "They look at each and every situation."
> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former
> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did
> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: After you all read real slow and
> listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for
> me will ya?
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 06:29:37 -0700
> From: "Fitzgerald, Patrick (USACAC)"
> To: "David Amos"
> I will be out of the Office until Monday June 4, 2007. If you need to
> contact someone immediately, please call AUSA Eileen Decker at
> 213-894-0721 or my assistant Joan Moon at 213-984-4699.

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Methinks Professor Schneider and the young reporter should Google David Amos wiretap then ask themselves why they did not bother to call me back today Chief Joseph was a wise man N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your
If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter<http://
S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
message has been received.
I welcome and appreciate receiving comments and questions from
constituents. All emails are reviewed on a regular basis, however due
to the high volume of emails my office is currently receiving, I may
not be able to respond personally to each one.
A toll-free information line and email address has been set up to help
answer non-health related COVID-19 questions, including questions
about travel and compliance with the state of emergency. The number,
1-844-462-8387, is operational seven days a week. The email address is
Also information related to the province’s recovery plan can be found
For media requests, please call: 506-429-2285.
Merci de m'avoir contacté. Ce courriel a pour but de vous assurer que
votre message a bien été reçu. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos
commentaires et de vos questions.
Tous les courriels sont révisés régulièrement, mais en raison du
volume élevé de courriels que mon bureau reçoit, il se peut que je ne
sois pas en mesure de répondre personnellement à chacun.
Une ligne d’information sans frais et une adresse courriel ont été
mises sur pied afin d’aider à répondre aux questions sur la COVID-19
qui ne sont pas reliées à la santé, y compris les questions relatives
à la conformité à l’état d’urgence et sur les voyages. Le service est
offert dans les deux langues officielles. Les gens peuvent téléphoner
au 1-844-462-8387 sept jours par semaine. L’adresse courriel est :
Vous trouverez également des informations relatives au plan de relance
de la province à l'adresse suivante :
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler: 506-429-2285.
Megan Mitton
Member of the Legislative Assembly/Députée
Memramcook - Tantramar
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:30:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you very much for reaching out to the Office of the Hon. Bill
Blair, Member of Parliament for Scarborough Southwest.
Please be advised that as a health and safety precaution, our
constituency office will not be holding in-person meetings until
further notice. We will continue to provide service during our regular
office hours, both over the phone and via email.
Due to the high volume of emails and calls we are receiving, our
office prioritizes requests on the basis of urgency and in relation to
our role in serving the constituents of Scarborough Southwest.
Moreover, at this time, we ask that you please only call our office if
your case is extremely urgent. We are experiencing an extremely high
volume of calls, and will better be able to serve you through email.
Should you have any questions related to COVID-19, please see:<http
If you, a family member, relative, or friend is abroad and needs
assistance, please visit contact 1-613-996-8885, email, or visit:
Thank you again for your message, and we will get back to you as soon
as possible.
MP Staff to the Hon. Bill Blair
Parliament Hill: 613-995-0284
Constituency Office: 416-261-8613
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact avec le bureau de l'Honorable Bill
Blair, D?put? de Scarborough-Sud-Ouest.
Veuillez noter que par mesure de pr?caution en mati?re de sant? et de
s?curit?, notre bureau de circonscription ne tiendra pas de r?unions
en personne jusqu'? nouvel ordre. Nous continuerons ? fournir des
services pendant nos heures de bureau habituelles, tant par t?l?phone
que par courrier ?lectronique.
En raison du volume ?lev? de courriels que nous recevons, notre bureau
classe les demandes par ordre de priorit? en fonction de leur urgence
et de notre r?le dans le service aux ?lecteurs de Scarborough
Sud-Ouest. En outre, nous vous demandons de ne t?l?phoner ? notre
bureau que si votre cas est extr?mement urgent. Nous recevons un
volume d'appels extr?mement ?lev? et nous serons mieux ? m?me de vous
servir par courrier ?lectronique.
Si vous avez des questions concernant COVID-19, veuillez consulter le
site :<h
Si vous, un membre de votre famille, un parent ou un ami se trouve ?
l'?tranger et a besoin d'aide, veuillez vous rendre sur place en
composant le 1-613-996-8885, en envoyant un courriel ? ou en vous rendant sur place :
Merci encore pour votre message, et nous vous r?pondrons d?s que possible.
Personnel du D?put? de l'Honorable Bill Blair
Colline du Parlement : 613-995-0284
Bureau de Circonscription : 416-261-8613
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 12:31:41 -0400
Subject: Undeliverable: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy
Chucky have kissed and made up over the past year but need I say
BULLSHIT AGAIN exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
Gilles.Blinn (<
The email address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the
recipient's email address and try to resend the message. If the
problem continues, please contact your email admin.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:30:14 -0300
Subject: YO Carl Urquhart Clearly you and your buddy Chucky have
kissed and made up over the past year but need I say BULLSHIT AGAIN
exactly one year later on my birthday???
To: David Amos <>,,,, "barbara.massey"
<>, "barb.whitenect"
<>, washington field
<>, "Bill.Blair"<>,
Cc: "carl.urquhart"<>, oldmaison
<>, "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
"Roger.Brown"<>, "martin.gaudet"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>,
"robert.gauvin"<>, "robert.mckee"
<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
"terry.seguin"<>, "steve.murphy"
<>, Newsroom <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "David.Akin"
<>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, markandcaroline
<>, jbosnitch <>, andre
<>, "David.Coon"<>, "Mitton, Megan
(LEG)"<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"greg.byrne"<>, "Jack.Keir"<>,
"Mark.Blakely"<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "rick.desaulniers"
<>, "lynn.king"<>,
"kris.austin"<>, "michelle.conroy"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, david hughson <>
"lou.lafleur"<>, "Dominic.Cardy"
<>,, "tyler.campbell"
<>, "brian.gallant"<>,
Here is a LOT of Deja Vu for you dudes to enjoy this weekend
BTW I called your peace loving buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" Lunney
again today..Trust that I was not holding my breath waiting for
another week for him to return my call. However he surprised me and
did so..When he tried to play cat and mouse games with me that I did
not wish to waste my precious birthday time on I ended the
conversation. He and your lawyers can feel to check my work today as I
prepare to argue them in court
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Trudeau et al should ask why CBC blocked me for nearly a month after
Higgy took Urquhart's sneaky Bill 49 off the table & why Chucky
the nasty French blogger ain't the only person in NB who don't like
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart explains - Declaration
implementing the Emergency Measures Act!
Jun 11, 2020
Charles Leblanc
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see
Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Campbell, Tyler (ECO/BCE)"<>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:02:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Carl Urquhart and hs minions should
understand why I chuckled when I discovered Chucky Leblanc and his
evil lady friend visited my old hometown on my birthday N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I am currently out of the office and will be returning on July 22.
From July 15 to 17, please contact Jason Humphrey for assistance at For assistance on July 18 and 19, please
contact John McNeil at
Je suis actuellement hors du bureau et retournera le 22 Juillet.
Du 15 au 17 juillet, veuillez contacter Jason Humphrey pour obtenir de
l'aide à l'adresse Pour obtenir de l'aide les
18 et 19 juillet, veuillez contacter John McNeil à
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Carr, Jeff Hon. (ELG/EGL)"<>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:02:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Carl Urquhart and hs minions should
understand why I chuckled when I discovered Chucky Leblanc and his
evil lady friend visited my old hometown on my birthday N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.
If your request is Constituency related, please contact Josiah at my
Constituency office in Fredericton Junction at or
by phone at 506-368-2938.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Si votre demande est liée à la circonscription, veuillez contacter
Josiah à mon bureau de circonscription à Fredericton Junction à ou par téléphone au 506-368-2938.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 12:05:36 -0400
Subject: Re: YO Carl Urquhart need I say BULLSHIT???
To: "carl.urquhart"<>, oldmaison
<>, "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
"Roger.Brown"<>, "martin.gaudet"
<>, "blaine.higgs"<>,
"robert.gauvin"<>, "robert.mckee"
<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
"terry.seguin"<>, "steve.murphy"
<>, Newsroom <>, premier
<>, premier <>, "David.Akin"
<>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, markandcaroline
<>, jbosnitch <>, andre
<>, "David.Coon"<>, "Mitton, Megan
(LEG)"<>, "Kevin.Vickers"<>,
"greg.byrne"<>, "Jack.Keir"<>,
"Mark.Blakely"<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "rick.desaulniers"
<>, "lynn.king"<>,
"kris.austin"<>, "michelle.conroy"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, david hughson <>
"lou.lafleur"<>, "Dominic.Cardy"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail., "Tim.RICHARDSON"<>,, "tyler.campbell"<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "serge.rousselle"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:04:38 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Carl Urquhart need I say BULLSHIT???
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to<
Letters to the Editor can be sent to
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
On 7/17/19, David Amos <> wrote:
> Blogger explains why he turned against Public Safety Minister Carl
> Urquhart!!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Jul 17, 2019
> On 7/17/19, David Amos <> wrote:
>> http://
>> Tuesday, 16 July 2019
>> Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart is a scumbag of a Human Being!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 6:40 pm No comments :
>> Blaine Higgs Government WILL NOT allow female to live with man with
>> severe disability!!!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 12:40 am No comments :
>> New Brunswick Highland Games are run by the worst Scots of all Scots!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 6:23 pm No comments :
>> New Brunswick Highland Games
>> PO Box 1491, Station A
>> Fredericton, NB E3B 5G2
>> Phone: (506) 452-9244
>> Monday, 15 July 2019
>> Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart is denounce by Blogger and other
>> issues!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 1:33 pm No comments :
>> Racist Non-Education idiot Asshole Redneck debate issues with
>> Blogger..P.S. Keep kids away!!!!
>> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 7:03 pm 1 comment :
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:41 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to Premier McNeil.
This is an automatic confirmation your email has been received.
Warmest Regards,
Premier's Correspondence Team
---------- Original message ----------
From: Justice Minister <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:42 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:18:08 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to<
Letters to the Editor can be sent to
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 12:19:37 -0400
Subject: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire
Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?
To: David Amos <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Monday, 13 May 2019
Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse
MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others
Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse
MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Public Safety
Consultant to review New Brunswick Police Commission
13 May 2019
FREDERICTON (GNB) – An independent consultant will review the
policies, practices and procedures of the New Brunswick Police
Alphonse MacNeil, a retired assistant commissioner with the RCMP, will
conduct the review.
“I am pleased to have Mr. MacNeil committed to conducting this
review,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Carl
Urquhart. “Through his distinguished career, he has earned the respect
of the public, government and the policing community thanks to his
commitment to integrity and his work as a leader and subject matter
expert. His experience will serve him well, and we look forward to
receiving his report this summer.”
The commission’s board of directors made a formal request to the
minister in January to help identify an independent third party to
perform such a review. The board requested the review to maintain
public confidence in the commission as an independent oversight body
responsible for protecting the public interest in matters of policing.
MacNeil’s review of the June 2014 shooting in Moncton that killed
three Mounties and wounded two others led to the release of a
comprehensive report, which included 64 recommendations to the RCMP.
Steve Roberge out as head of police watchdog
New Brunswick Police Commission declines comment, calling Roberge's
departure a 'human resources matter'
Karissa Donkin · CBC News · Posted: Jan 02, 2019 6:38 PM AT
How peace officers control who gets across New Brunswick borders
Unprecedented controls at provincial borders watched closely by experts
The large-scale operation at all points of entry shows no signs of scaling down, even with the opening of New Brunswick to Atlantic Canadian travellers.
On day six of the Atlantic bubble, about a dozen peace officers screened drivers entering from Nova Scotia at the Aulac crossing, near Amherst, N.S. Vehicles were sorted into lanes, and officers walked up to car windows, clipboards in hand, to ask a list of questions.
The oncoming line of traffic, a mix of commercial trucks and passenger vehicles, snaked around the bend in the highway and out of sight several kilometres away. It moved steadily toward the checkpoint, as officers tried to screen each vehicle as quickly as possible.
The staff at these screening areas work around the clock, and are a diverse group of provincial employees: forest rangers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, corrections officers and others who are considered peace officers.
They have taken on a new role, working 12-hour shifts at the province's boundaries, and are now responsible for exercising discretion in determining if a traveller meets the criteria to enter.
It's a move some law enforcement and border experts are following closely.

The province has set up screening checkpoints at roads, airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John. (CBC)
Kelly Sundberg, an associate professor in the department of economics, justice and policy studies at Mount Royal University, said the pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes to travel within the country.
"I cannot see another example in Canadian history where we've had peace officers controlling our inter-provincial borders," he said.
Peace officers are defined under the Criminal Code of Canada as people acting in a law enforcement capacity. The province has used forest rangers, conservation officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, off road vehicle enforcement officers, national safety code investigators, general investigative service members, corrections officers and sheriff officers.
Border checkpoints have been used by other provinces earlier in the pandemic to control certain regions — but not to the extent of the Maritimes.
The Quebec government set up screening points to stop non-essential travel in the national capital region between Ottawa and Gatineau, Que. Those operations were run by Gatineau's municipal police before the provincial government removed the checkpoints in May.
Many provinces established checkpoints staffed by public health officials to provide information on COVID-19 safety measures. Those were largely informational and not designed to control interprovincial travel.

All kinds of officers staff New Brunswick border points during the pandemic: forest rangers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, corrections officers and other peace officers. 1:57
No independent public oversight
Under the state of emergency, the province has a law enforcement coordination group which oversees the use of peace officers. It is led by the commanding officer of the RCMP's division for New Brunswick.Peace officers at the borders are not subject to an independent public review in the event of a complaint. Instead, the Department of Public Safety says it has an internal system in place for investigations.
Sundberg, who studies borders and policing, said the lack of an external process is understandable, given the state of emergency. But it could be problematic amid the current climate and concerns around law enforcement, especially if the checkpoints remain for a long period of time.
"There's a public expectation it will be independent or outside," he said.

The dozens of staff involved are sometimes moved to different locations, and different shifts, working during the day or at night, switching off at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
They run screening operations at 11 points of entry to New Brunswick, including three airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John. The peace officers are rotated in and out to give them time to continue working in their regular positions if needed.
The Department of Public Safety has on average four to eight peace officers at checkpoints, supplemented by administrative screeners. Those numbers can be higher during periods of heavy traffic to maintain flow.
In a 24 hour period, the province has an average of 40 peace officers with 25 screeners working at the borders.
The RCMP has also been assisting with screening at multiple locations since border restrictions began in March.
Demands on staffing
John Lunney is the acting deputy chief for the Department of Public Safety's inspection enforcement branch. He is a peace officer and said other officers within various New Brunswick departments were given the opportunity to help."I'm sure some peace officers probably find it a challenge based on what it is they're faced with," Lunney said. "But our staff are professional, we give them good training and I think they conduct themselves professionally each and every time."
Lunney said finding staff on an ongoing basis has been a challenge.
"The people of New Brunswick and the people of Atlantic Canada and the United States have all been primarily gracious and understanding because they want their health protected as well," he said.
"But there's been the odd challenge with the odd difficult personality."
Measures to speed up travel
Since the Atlantic travel bubble opened on July 3, some officers have been forced to adapt to screening thousands of vehicles per day.When traffic backed up for kilometres on the first day at the N.B. – N.S. border, vehicles were waved through for Since then, a second lane has been added for commuters and commercial vehicles. Those heading to Prince Edward Island are no longer screened and instead directed to the highway exit for the Confederation Bridge.
Daily commuters crossing for work are provided with a pass to allow for quicker travel between provinces.
A long line of traffic heads towards a checkpoint to enter New Brunswick (left) on July 8, while only a handful of vehicles approach screening for Nova Scotia. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
Public safety officials are also constructing a paved area in the median to make space for trailers, clearing more space on the highway.
The officers ask travellers if they have left the Atlantic region in the past 14 days and if they have any symptoms of COVID-19. If they need to self-isolate, a peace officer will explain the rules and requirements.
Lunney said training has been provided to employees on effective screening and the types of questions to ask travellers. They also receive safety training on best practices and personal protection equipment.
'It's never been done before'
Steven Schneider, a criminology professor at Saint Mary's University, said police have stopped vehicles between provinces in instances of violence, such as mass killings.Peace officers have been tasked to do other jobs during times of emergencies, such as forest fires, flooding and other natural disasters. Shortly after 9/11 there were some peace officers and police officers deployed to do specialized work.
But, the current use of peace officers is unique.
Schneider is concerned provincial border restrictions will continue for a longer period of time.
"There should be free movement between provinces without any kind of checkpoints or concerns that people are going to be stopped by police."

Stephen Schneider is a criminology professor at Saint Mary's University in Halifax. (Submitted by Stephen Schneider)
Sundberg said beyond environment officers checking boats for invasive plants, there really isn't another example of any kind of provincial checkpoint that would occur with regularity.
It just shows the extraordinary nature of this pandemic and the controls that some jurisdictions are taking.
- Kelly Sundberg, associate professor at Mount Royal UniversitySundberg has worked in customs and immigration and helped create the Canada Border Services Agency. He studies border policy and has been following New Brunswick's use of checkpoints closely.
He said the geography of New Brunswick and other Atlantic provinces allows for travel restrictions with checkpoints, unlike large western provinces where boundaries are too long to effectively control.
A peace officer screens a traveller at the Aulac point of entry into New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
"It just shows the extraordinary nature of this pandemic and the controls that some jurisdictions are taking," he said.
"It's never been done before, so it's definitely something that's going to cause questions among some."
Peace officers from various law enforcement backgrounds all receive general training. While they are all armed at the provincial borders, most would typically also have a firearm in their usual job.
"I'm sure it's very different for those crossing the border, trying to cross the border into New Brunswick, it would be very unique and perhaps unsettling for some," Sundberg said. "But I think at the end of the day, the province decided what it needed to do and is doing this with the best intentions, I'm sure."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al know why I would call Dr. Stephen Schneider out of the gate N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You're more of an expert of every topic covered in these articles than a certain leader in the USA. Only difference is he hasn't been to the loon-E bin yet like you.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
Dr. Stephen Schneider
Areas of Interest
Organized crime, crime prevention, developmental criminology, policing and law enforcement; community development.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Oh So True
The First Nations Canada
@thefirstnationscanada · News & Media Website
"It does not require many words to speak the truth."
Chief Joseph Nez Perce
Methinks Professor Schneider and the young reporter should Google David Amos wiretap then ask themselves why they did not bother to call me back today N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et all should find it interesting that what I have been asking about for months is finally being reported N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Deja Vu Anyone?
Bill would give police, government sweeping power over citizens
Bill would give police authority to stop and investigate someone without reason
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Jun 11, 2020 2:05 PM AT
Bill would give police, government sweeping power over citizens
Bill would give police authority to stop and investigate someone without reason
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Jun 11, 2020 2:05 PM AT
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
"Methinks some folks must have figured out by now that I was not joking about Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?"
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @David Amos:
Methinks you got embarrassed in the last election N'esy Pas?
"Methinks some folks must have figured out by now that I was not joking about Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?"
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @David Amos:
Methinks you got embarrassed in the last election N'esy Pas?
Dr. Stephen Schneider
Associate ProfessorCoordinator, Criminology Graduate Program
Tel: 902-420-5872
Areas of Interest
Organized crime, crime prevention, developmental criminology, policing and law enforcement; community development.
Current Research
Saint Mary's University Academic Resilience Team (2014 to present) - This pilot project is a quasi-experiment built on principles of crime prevention through social development and recidivism prevention. The project helps disadvantaged and marginalized youth achieve academic success, which includes completing high school and successfully enrolling at Saint Mary's University or another post-secondary institution. The evidence-based intervention principles and strategies being used in this project include the following:
- tutoring, mentoring, and advocacy by trained SMU students,
- development of an academic success plan for the youth,
- psycho-educational and aptitude assessments of the youth, to identify cognitive and intellectual strengths and weaknesses,
- incentives, including immediate material incentives and long-term financial support (e.g., tuition reduction, bursaries, etc.),
- support for the youth as they transition from high school or the criminal justice system to their post-secondary education, and
- therapeutic treatment (e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy) to address any psychological, mental health, cognitive or social competency risk factors.
Recent Research
Organized Crime and Internal Conspiracies at Canadian Marine Ports - This study, funded by the federal Department of Justice, examines the vulnerability of Canadian commercial container ports to organized crime groups and activities. The study focuses on the role of internal conspiracies (the corruption of dock workers and/or the placement of members or associates of criminal groups on the docks) to faciliate smuggling and other criminal activites at marine container ports. Research methods include a literature review, interviews, review of criminal intelligence reports, and an analysis of police case files and court proceedings' transcripts.
Addressing Youth Crime and Violence in the HRM: Research Findings and Recommendations. Final report submitted as part of the HRM Mayor’s Roundtable on Violence (2014) - This report documents the findings of research to assess initiatives in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) that address youth and gang violence specifically, and serious and chronic youth offending generally. Based on this research, policy and program recommendations are made to the HRM government to address this problem more effectively.
The SMU PALS Program - PALS was a social developmental program is for children (ages 6 to 12) who live in disadvantaged environments in Halifax. The program began in May of 2006 and ended in December of 2010. The program was meant to address – in a multi-component, complementary and integrated fashion – factors that put disadvantaged children at risk by enhancing their personal “resilience.” The program promoted the following “protective factors” essential to the positive development and personal resilience of children and youth. The acronym PALS stands for Positive Role Models and Mentors, Academic Tutoring, Leisure and Physical Activities, and Social and Life Skills Development. PALS was funded through a $400,000 grant from the National Crime Prevention Centre.
Google Scholar
2018 - Canadian Organized Crime. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press2016 - Iced: The Story of Organized Crime in Canada. 2nd Edition. Toronto: HarperCollins.
2014 - Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
2007 - Money Laundering in Canada: Chasing Dirty and Dangerous and Dollars. (co-authored with Margaret Beare). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2007 - Refocusing Crime Prevention: Collective Action and the Quest for Community. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (peer-reviewed).
Dr. Kelly Sundberg
Associate Professor at Mount Royal University | Adjunct Professor at the U of Calgary and U of Adelaide | Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Joined May 2015
Dr. Kelly Sundberg

Dr. Kelly Sundberg is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University, an Adjunct Professor in the School of Law at the University of Adelaide, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary, and Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Victoria, Master of Arts in Justice and Public Safety Leadership and Training from Royal Roads University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Political and Social Inquiry with a specialization in Criminology from Monash University.
Between 2011 and 2013, Dr. Sundberg served as the Chair of the Mount Royal University Department of Justice Studies, and between 2010 and 2012 as the alternate non-government organization representative to the United Nations for the Academy of Criminal Justice Science. Prior to commencing his academic career, Dr. Sundberg worked over fourteen years for the Government of Canada in various border security, policy development, and advisory roles -- during which time he received commendations for assisting in the location of three abducted children and apprehending one of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's most wanted fugitives. As a noted criminologist, Dr. Sundberg has been qualified as an expert on matters relating to crime prevention and crime reduction through design by the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, and on matters relating to immigration enforcement by the Provincial Court of Alberta (Criminal Division).
He has presented his scholarship at high-profile international conferences as a keynote speaker, showcased his research at academic symposiums around the world, and is also published in a variety of academic and industry periodicals. Most recently, and in collaboration with Dr. Tanya Trussler, Dr. Douglas Olson, and Ralph Snell, AIA (with earlier contributions from Dr. Nikki Filipuzzi), Dr. Sundberg led the development of the SAFE Design Standard® -- an innovative and multidisciplinary crime reduction through design methodology focused on reducing both the risk and fear of crime through informed planning, design, and engineering.
I called and tweeted this dude too because I found him interesting
Prof A. Tomaszewski
Sociologist, criminologist, researcher. Social justice advocate. Teaches some, learns from most. He/him.
is my boy.
is my boy.
Dr. E. Andreas Tomaszewski

Dr. Tomaszewski's research is in the Sociology of Crime and Deviance, with a special interest in social control, as well as social justice issues, particularly the connections between forms of inequality (class, ethnic, gender, etc.) and crime. He has done research and published on Aboriginal justice issues, violence against women, street crime, drugs, transnational crime, social justice pedagogy and the post-secondary experiences of Aboriginal Students
Before coming to Mount Royal in the fall of 2008, Dr. Tomaszewski taught part-time at the University of Guelph after having resigned from Eastern Michigan University in 2007, where he had worked for six years. At the beginning of his career, he taught full-time at Ohio University and part-time at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. Andreas is very excited about being in the Department of Justice Studies at Mount Royal and in Calgary as they provide him with opportunities to return to some of his major academic (Aboriginal justice issues) and non-academic (all-year-round outdoor activities) passions.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 13:42:27 -0400
Subject: While Carl Urquhart is in Edmonton perhaps he should inquire
about Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047
To: "carl.urquhart"<>,,
"philip.bryden"<>, "Kathleen.Ganley"<Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.
cps <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"<>
Cc: David Amos <> ,
oldmaison <>, andre <>,
"David.Coon"<>, "kris.austin"<>,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Lynch <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:36:02 -0600
Subject: Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047
To: ""<>
I am emailing you, as you keep hanging up the telephone on me.
I request that you fill out a statement documenting the nature of the
emails that Mr. WINTERS sent to you and how those emails made you
feel. You can either write a statement (which you can obtain from your
local Police station and scan it and email it to me or you could write
a statement in email form. Your cooperation will be very much
appreciated and will help the Crown in obtaining a conviction against
As stated in my conversation with you over the telephone, Barry
Winters was charged with conveying false messages to you. I have
imposed an undertaking condition that he have no contact, direct, or
indirect with you.
Should Mr. WINTERS contact you, please advise me and I will
investigate with a view to arrest him and charge him with breach of an
I also ask that you contact me directly instead of the City hall here
in Edmonton, as those messages are quite vulgar and upset the staff at
the City that have to read them. I assure you that all messages to me
will be investigated and if appropriate charges will be laid. I ask
that you also avoid contacting Mr. WINTERS, as this may antagonize him
and make matters worse.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Reg#2515 Cst. LYNCH
Edmonton Police Service
Northeast Division / Patrol
______________________________ __
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
to which it has been addressed and may contain information that is
privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, or
the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
If this communication has been received in error, respond immediately
via telephone or return e-mail, and delete all copies of this
material. canada/edmonton/nobody-safe- from-edmonton-blogger-charged- with-hate-crime-1.4161015
'Nobody was safe from it': Edmonton blogger charged with rare hate
crime targeted individuals across Canada
Police say Barry Winters, 62, made derogatory remarks about race,
gender, politics
Roberta Bell · CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2017 5:38 PM MT
Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits of the hate crimes unit said the
investigation into blog posts targeting numerous individuals took more
than a year. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
Blogs that led to a rare charge of promoting hatred were more extreme
than anything he's ever seen before, says an Edmonton police
"I've never seen such extreme hatred from an individual," said
Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits. "He just kept spewing and nobody
was safe from it.
"He literally in some of these blogs was saying to kill people."
After an investigation of more than a year, Edmonton police confirmed
Wednesday a CBC News report a day earlier that revealed Barry Winters,
62, was charged with wilful promotion of hatred on a blog called The
Baconfat Papers and other blogs between 2014 and 2016. But police say
there's reason to believe the posts date back at least two years
Edmonton police charge blogger with hate crime against prof
Rise in reported hate crimes in Alberta no surprise to many
Copies of the blog submitted for evidence by one of many complainants
in the case show the blogger repeatedly made derogatory comments about
numerous individuals across the country, including a number of
well-known politicians and LGBTQ advocates in Edmonton.
The remarks don't exclusively target one particular group, but focus
on various factors, including race, gender, sexual orientation and
culture. Others attack individual politicians in various levels of
Willits said it's possible some people still don't know they were
targeted in the blog posts.
Complainants hurt, scared
Glenn Canning, based in Toronto, said there were dozens of posts on
Winters' blog between 2014 and 2016 about his daughter, Rehtaeh
Parsons. She committed suicide after she was sexually abused by a
group of teenage boys at a party in Halifax in 2013.
Canning said he discovered his daughter and his family were the
subject of the blog posts after someone contacted him and told him
about them.
It just broke my bloody heart in half to read that.
- Rehtaeh Parsons 's father Glen Canning
The blogs that focused on Rehtaeh were "just disgusting and sick," Canning said.
"It just broke my bloody heart in half to read that. It was cruel and
it is even crueller to know that the guy did it for no other reason
than he enjoyed hurting somebody."
Canning said he was in touch with police over the past year after they
opened the investigation. He's glad police have finally laid a charge.
"I've cried over this," Canning said. "When it happens to you over a
very personal thing, it affects you pretty badly."
Marni Panas speaks to reporters about how she felt when she discovered
blog posts targeting her. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
Marni Panas, an Edmonton-based LGBTQ advocate, said she was appalled
when she stumbled across posts on a blog suggesting she move to a
country where transgender women, like herself, are persecuted.
You don't know who's on the other end of these keyboards.
- Marni Panas
"You don't know who's on the other end of these keyboards.You don't
know what they're capable of and that instills a real fear," said
Panas, who notified police in 2016.
Panas said she has experienced online hateful comments before, but
said it stood out that the blogger in this instance was from the same
She said she'd never met the the blogger, to her knowledge, but
wondered what would happen if she did.
Exhausting investigation
Willits said police began the investigation in early 2016, after they
received complaints about the blog posts. Collecting the evidence was
time-consuming and complicated, he said, because patterns of hatred,
threats and harm had to be documented meticulously.
Willits said stating an opinion, a personal dislike, of something or
someone, is not the same as "intruding on others" and "uttering
The charge Winters faces is rare. Alberta Justice said in an email
that province-wide, that type of charge has only been laid on three
other occasions since 2011.
Edmonton police had to seek approval from the attorney general to
charge the blogger, who police say had a growing following numbering
into the thousands.
The posts were filled with derogatory words and "dehumanized scorn"
toward people and identifiable groups, Willits said.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:23:11 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
To: David Amos <>
Hey little David...why don't tell the Mayor of Edmonton not to block
your e communications, or the Chief of Police. Perhaps you ought top
try and phone them from the neighbour's phone again. But of course no
one ever takes a second phone call from you! lol lol
So David my son...when do you plan to file papers against me? lol lol lol
"C'yall in court" lol lol
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "patrick_doran1"<>, "Rhansen"
<>, "sunrayzulu"<>,
"rod.knecht"<> , "deanr0032"
<>, "Gary.Rhodes"<>,
"Glen Canning"<>, "scott.macrae"
<>, "Krysti.Meer"<>,
"don.iveson"<>, "Cindy Bruneau"
<>, "ppalmater"
< >, "bill.sweeney"
<>, "Jonathan.Denis"<>,
"Marianne.Ryan"<> , "Charmaine.Bulger"
<Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<>, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
<> , "lgunter"<>,
"kris.wells"<>, "lcook"<>,
"macklamoureux"<>, "omouallem"
<>, "blake"<>,
"mikegormanhfx"<>, "selena ross"
<>, "oldmaison"<>, "jesse"
<>, "sean"<>,
"steve.murphy"<>, "Drew.Barnes"
<>, "premier"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<> , ""
<>, "Gilles.Moreau"<> ,
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 9:48:09 PM
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
"everyone wants you and the kiddies dead"
So YOU say EH Mr Baconfat?
Well at least your old buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" Green aka G $
of QSLS is clever enough not to use his real name as he harasses
people. He certainly knows that I have no phone bill just yearly
contract with MagicJack. Hell G $ and his cop pals have hacked my
MagicJack account twice thus far and he even bragged of it to your old
butt buddy Dirty Dicky Dean whilst I was making your old blog and that
of Chucky Leblanc's go "Poof" last year
Check Dirty Dicky Dean's video from last summer Freeze frame out of
the gate and read real slow DUMMY v=RKODzCzVfeg
Even the Wacko Fatso of Sylvan Lake clued in last summer and has
pretended that I don't exist ever since.However the corrupt cops allow
you to go on and on for some strange reason even after I had your old
blog deleted.
That said watch me embarass the cops a little more tonight byway of
your racist bitch Lori ink
Notice how quick G $ made a Twitter account slammed your evil wifey
then fed you more info on my kid that embarassed the Hell out of you
in a heartbeat because he had fooled you into thinking it was my
daughter who was attacking you?
FYI I am constantly astonished and how stupid you are but I love
embarassing the Hell out your cop friends with your evil work and that
of your fellow YouTube Trolls such as Owen Foster and now Patty Baby
Doran..Nothing like faces and voices to prove the obvious published
malice. N'esy pas Gilles Moreau?
Lets see how long this account lasts once I pounce on it for a bit status/526001161544167425
Barry Winters gone @BarryPoof
@lorimink if he wouldn't have talked shit about my family it wouldn't
have been removed. Did you even ever read his blog?
0 replies 1 retweet 0 favorites
10:23 AM - 25 Oct 2014
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos now
Trust that @lorimink @RCMPAlberta @RCMPNB @RCMPNS @pmharper Know that
@BarryPoof is NOT my account EH G $ of QSLS ?
http://qslsblogcast.blogspot. ca/2008/04/phoenix-ufos-or- balloon-flares.html
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:26:30 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
To: David Amos <>
Little David, NO ONE listens to you, cares what you say, and everyone
wants you and the kiddies dead. Pay the phone bill asshole!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "patrick_doran1"<>, "Rhansen"
<>, "sunrayzulu"<>,
"rod.knecht"<> , "deanr0032"
<>, "Gary.Rhodes"<>,
"Glen Canning"<>, "scott.macrae"
<>, "Krysti.Meer"<>,
"don.iveson"<>, "Cindy Bruneau"
<>, "ppalmater"
< >, "bill.sweeney"
<>, "Jonathan.Denis"<>,
"Marianne.Ryan"<> , "Charmaine.Bulger"
<Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<>, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
<> , "lgunter"<>,
"kris.wells"<>, "lcook"<>,
"macklamoureux"<>, "omouallem"
<>, "blake"<>,
"mikegormanhfx"<>, "selena ross"
<>, "oldmaison"<>, "jesse"
<>, "sean"<>,
"steve.murphy"<>, "Drew.Barnes"
<>, "premier"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 7:57:00 PM
Subject: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht, Rick
Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
Remember when you made the death threat found below after I got the
interesting call which is hereto attached?
http://thedavidamosrant. rcmp-and-military-police_28. html
http://thedavidamosrant. rcmp-should-review-my-old.html
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 18:23:09 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: It looks to me that Chief Rod Knecht must admit that his
favourite client Barry Winters acknowledged several important emails
this weekend as he attempted to inspire me to promote his VERY racist
blog Mr Baconfat makes no "Libellous Innuendos" What the evil Zionist
publishes is very obvious to all
To: David Amos <>
The "Chief" says you're fucked David. I'd call you again but your
phone is disconnected. What's the cash! canada/2011/05/24/rcmp_loses_ another_top_officer_in_rod_ knecht.html
RCMP loses another top officer in Rod Knecht
Rod Knecht was seen as a candidate to replace Bill Elliott, but he
opts for Edmonton police chief’s job; Elliott will now stay until
RCMP Senior Deputy Commissioner Rod Knecht will soon head back out
west to take up job of Edmonton police chief.
By: Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau, Published on Tue May 24 2011
OTTAWA—Another senior RCMP officer is quitting the force early,
bringing to seven the number of senior commanders who have left RCMP
headquarters on Commissioner Bill Elliott’s watch.
Senior deputy commissioner Rod Knecht, 54, was tapped less than a year
ago to be the top operational Mountie and Elliott’s right-hand man.
Knecht says he never came to Ottawa in August hoping, or even wanting,
to replace Elliott as commissioner. But many believed that with 33
years service, and a stellar record, he was next in line for the top
job that Elliott has held since July, 2007.
Knecht admitted he found it more “difficult” than expected to work at
RCMP headquarters, arriving at a time when Elliott was under fire for
what his critics called a “verbally abusive” management style.
But in an exclusive and candid interview at an east-end coffee shop
with the Star, Knecht insists “the big factor” in his decision to quit
Ottawa and the RCMP is family. His two teenaged daughters found the
move to Ottawa tough, and he has opted to return to Alberta.
He accepted a five-year contract as chief of Edmonton’s police service
in early April, replacing former Toronto deputy chief Mike Boyd.
Knecht’s decision to quit was announced quietly during the federal
election campaign. Just as quietly, Elliott has let it be known the
election delayed his own June departure and he will stay until
An active search is underway for Elliott’s replacement. Knecht has a
frank view of what’s needed.
“I think we do suffer a crisis of leadership in the organization. I
think we as an organization haven’t been very good at identifying and
developing future leaders.”
He points to the Canadian military which “was in a similar situation
as we have been in” since the late 1990s and early 2000s “and they
have really embraced leadership and aggressively pursue it.”
Arriving amidst the turmoil of Elliott’s tenure, Knecht says he
quickly decided to “focus on operations,” including a redrawing and
rejuvenation of the RCMP’s senior organizational structure. It’s led
to more than 40 officers in leadership positions across the country
shifting around.
Knecht himself followed the footsteps of a leader he admired: Bill
Sweeney, his predecessor as senior deputy commissioner as well as the
past top commanding officer in Alberta. Sweeney retired in July for
family reasons and never publicly complained about the commissioner.
But Sweeney did reveal concerns to the Privy Council Office in an exit
interview last June, a parliamentary committee has been told.
That led to the government summoning several other senior officers,
including deputy commissioner Raf Souccar, to discuss Elliott’s
workplace behaviour. Souccar testified under oath he never leaked the
turmoil to the media. But Elliott accused him of betrayal.
Souccar retired from the force and is now running security at the
Royal Canadian Mint. Others have also left: assistant commissioner Pat
McDonell, now in charge of Senate security; his brother Mike McDonell,
an assistant commissioner who left for the Ontario Provincial Police;
deputy commissioner Tim Killam; and assistant commissioner Bernie
Corrigan. All chose to retire with full pension.
Knecht says change at the RCMP must be constant. That’s why he
authored a big policy change — now in the hands of the senior
executive committee to decide — to rotate the RCMP’s leaders on a
five-year basis from national headquarters back out to the field.
Reflecting on what the RCMP needs in leadership, Knecht said “it’s
really all about” improving public safety and security for Canadians
and “supporting our personnel” to focus on that job. “In its simplest
form that’s what being the commissioner of the RCMP boils down to.”
In an organization of 31,000 employees, “people will make mistakes in
the organization and people will do bad things, and you’ve got to deal
with those people. If I had a criticism of the RCMP we are too slow in
dealing with our issues. We take too long.”
The other clear “imperative” Knecht sees is that the RCMP needs
“better and more respectful” relationships with governments at all
“The RCMP cannot be political but they have to be politically astute.
I would say we need to work at that.”
The contenders list for the top job usually includes: Peter German,
deputy commissioner for the Western region; Bob Paulson, deputy
commissioner for federal and international policing (replacing
Souccar); Peter Hourihan, deputy commissioner and commanding officer
for B.C.; and assistant commissioner Bill Smith, commanding officer in
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Possible outside contenders are Ottawa police chief and former Mountie
Vern White and Garry Loeppky, a former deputy commissioner who retired
but returned on contract during the Olympics. Toronto police Chief
Bill Blair’s name has also surfaced.
But it is clear a search committee is canvassing even more broadly
outside the force in search of a leader. Rob Wright, a past national
security advisor to Paul Martin, has surfaced as a possible candidate.
Chief Rick Hanson
Chief Rick Hanson joined the Calgary Police Service in 1975, and has
extensive experience in a number of different investigative and
operational areas. For more than half of his law enforcement career,
Chief Hanson has worked at a senior management level, both within the
Calgary Police Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Chief Hanson has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences from the
University of Calgary, and an Honorary Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Criminal Justice from Mount Royal University. He is also a graduate of
the University of Calgary's Executive Development Program, the FBI
Leadership in Counter-Terrorism Program, and the Canadian Police
College Executive Development Program.
Before returning to the Calgary Police Service in 2007, Chief Hanson
was the RCMP "K" Division Chief Superintendent in charge of Integrated
and Federal Policing.
Constantly in contact with the community he serves, Chief Hanson has
tight ties to organizations supporting the city's homeless, victims of
domestic violence and programs geared towards youth intervention and
He is also a strong advocate of establishing effective diversion and
treatment programs, and aligning the Calgary Police Service with other
important agencies to address social disorder and addictions at the
earliest stages.
http://webcache. q=cache:HZ65SAP5vwAJ:https:// programs_and_services/public_ security/peace_officers/ Bulletin/2013/Bulletin%252012- 2013%2520-%2520New%2520ADM. pdf%2Bbill+sweeney+rcmp&rls= SearchBox&oe=&gfe_rd=cr&gws_ rd=cr&hl=en&ct=clnk
This is the html version of the file programs_and_services/public_ security/peace_officers/ Bulletin/2013/Bulletin%2012- 2013%20-%20New%20ADM.pdf.
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.
Public Security Division
A J UStlCG and 9:11 Floor. John E. Brownies Building
b e I '' 10365 9'." Street
SDI lcrtor General Edmonton Alberta. Canada T5] 3W?
May 22, 2013
To all Authorized Employers of Peace Officers
Re: New Assistant Deputy Ministerl'Director of Law Enforcement
I am please to announce that effective May 2?, 2013 Mr. Bill Sweeney
will assume the position of Assistant Deputy Minister/Director of Law
Enforcement, Public Security Division.
Mr. Sweeney comes to the Public Security Division with a wealth of
executive leadership and police experience. He spent 35 years in the
RCMP finishing his career as the Senior Deputy Commissioner. In
addition, Mr. Sweeney was the Commanding Officer for RCMP K Division
from 2001 until 2007‘
Since his retirement from the RCMP, Mr. Sweeney has remained engaged
in the public sector as the Chair for Environment and Sustainable
Resource Development's Flat Top Complex Wildfire Review Committee - a
study into the major fire around Slave Lake in 2011.
I would like to thank Mr. Clifton G. Purvis who has been the Acting
Assistant Deputy
MinisteriDirector of Law Enforcement for the past five months for a
job well done.
Sean Bonneteau
Public Security Peace Officer Program
--- On Sat, 12/8/12, BARRY WINTERS <> wrote:
> Subject: Re: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from
> 7804213333
> To: "David Amos"
> Date: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 7:26 AM
> Wave to the nice "Zionist" sniper
> david!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "david raymond amos"<> ,
> "rod.knecht"<> ,
> "edmonton.centre"<edmonton.centre@assembly.ab. ca>,
> "premier"<>,
> "premier"<>
> Cc: "Gilles Moreau"<> ,
> "Wayne Lang"<>,
> "evelyngreene"<>,
> "acampbell"<>,
> "jacques poitras"<>,
> Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 3:36:02 PM
> Subject: Fw: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack
> mailbox from 7804213333
> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack. com>
> Subject: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
> from 7804213333
> Date: Friday, December 7, 2012, 9:25 AM
> Dear magicJack User:
> You received a new 1:29 minutes voicemail message, on
> Friday, December 07, 2012 at 12:25:06 PM in mailbox
> 9028000369 from 7804213333.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:38:04 -0600
Subject: Mr Staples Please allow me to introduce you to the local cop
Greg Preston and Chucky Leblanc, Glen Canning, Mr Baconfat and a few
of their trollish associates in Alberta I repeat Chelsea Boos was NOT
threatened YOU WERE.
To:, glen <>, Glen
Canning <>, Glen Canning <>,
"greg.preston"<greg.preston@edmontonpolice. ca>, sunrayzulu
<>, deanr0032 <>,
patrick_doran1 <>, eachtem
<>, pol7163 <>,
Cc: David Amos <> , oldmaison
<>, "danny.copp"<>,
sallybrooks25 <>, andre <>
Obviously our conversation did not go well EH? Imagine if your
children had been threatened and sexually harassed by these perverts
in Alberta for over seven years?
FYI the Cop/lawyer Greg Preston, the Edmonton Police Commision and
your news outfit has known about the death threats against my family
and I by Mr Baconfat and his friends since 2007 All the cops and the
jouranlists have ever done is lie or laugh or simply ignore me.
However they must answer a lawsuit CORRECT Chucky Leblanc?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Staples, David (Edm Journal)"<>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:56:29 -0500
Subject: Re: I did call David Staples and Chelsea Boos but they are
not concerned about Barry Winters and his malevolent "Baconfat Report"
However Mayor Don Iveson, Chief Rod Knecht and the RCMP certainly
should be EH Steven Blaney and Mr Mulcair???
To: David Amos <>
Fair enough.
Vicious, cowardly death threat vs young woman my attention. So what
do you know?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 18, 2014, at 10:54 AM, "David Amos"<> wrote:
> I thought you didn't care???
>> On 9/18/14, Staples, David (Edm Journal) <> wrote:
>> What can you tell me about Mr. Winters?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 18, 2014, at 10:49 AM, "David Amos"<>
>>> wrote:
>>> http://thedavidamosrant. pervert-as-i-said-it-is-mr- amos.html
>>> http://www.popularresistance. org/staples-artists-to-occupy- edmonton-parking-stalls/
>>> http://www.popularresistance. org/aboutus/
>>> 202-688-2444
>>> http://drawingroomedmonton. com/blog/parking-day- announcement
>>> LukaszukMLA/status/ 457200691753140224
>>> David Staples @DavidStaplesYEG Apr 18
>>> @LukaszukMLA If you ever want to have an informal talk over a coffee,
>>> give me a call, 780 903 9499,
>>> Wednesday, September 17, 2014
>>> David Staples, Chelsea Boos And Shit
>>> Edmonton Journal "journalist" David Staples says! People need to be
>>> inconvenienced, educated, challenged and "poked" by "people " like
>>> Chelsea Boos. Chelsea Boos is a self described "activist and artist."
>>> She and other "artists and activists" are planning to "occupy" City of
>>> Edmonton parking meters depriving them from motorists because they
>>> want "to play in public places." These "artists and activists" are
>>> part of "parking" (ban day) It seems these "artists" consider playing
>>> croquet in metered parking stalls, some sort of guerilla, or
>>> performance art that induces people to more "fully experience" city
>>> life.
>>> Chelsea Boos, David Staples and the rest of the chattering classes
>>> call this "public art," or "ephemeral art." They call setting up an
>>> outdoor "recording studio," thus depriving decent real Edmontonians
>>> from downtown is good for us, makes us think, and is "art." These
>>> animals tell all and sundry that "instantly changing a space" by
>>> defacing it with a "yarn bomb" is some sort of performance art, or
>>> some sort of "mental heath" good turn.
>>> So called "artist, and activist" Chelsea Boos says this sort of "art"
>>> is "quick and dirty." She claims this vandalism is "public art"
>>> instantly "temporarily changing a space" But this "art" is more akin
>>> to the German Shepard dog taking a shit on the sidewalk...both
>>> "instantly change a space." And NOT for the better.
>>> Chelsea Boos and her "colleagues" claim they don't care if they may
>>> inconvenience or offend decent Edmontonians, because these "artists /
>>> activists think, "it beautiful that humans will meet and be
>>> surprised!" Yes sir, nothing will make working Edmontonians more happy
>>> than being surprised by a shit turd on the sidewalk, courtesy of cunt
>>> girl Chelsea Boos and shit boy David Staples.
>>> And they call this shite..."art?"
>>> Here's a question for David Staples, Chelsea Boos and the rest of the
>>> "artists / activists." If we were to tie little David Staples to a
>>> post wearing an Oilers jersey, and bayonet that cunt to death....would
>>> that be a piece of "performance art." I suppose we could call it
>>> "beautiful" if we were Flames fans?
>>> Posted by Seren at 9:56 PM No comments:
>>> The Good Injin Is A Dead Injin... Redux
>>> Its 5:30 AM, the beginning of another work day, and the "discovery" of
>>> another drunk, comatose, apparently, and hopefully dead injin animal.
>>> There are always lots drunk injins, homeless injins, sleeping in
>>> doorways injins, begging for money to buy syringes injins, shitting
>>> in the bus shelters injins, squaws looking for "few bucks," and other
>>> assorted human refuse on the western end of Jasper Avenue in Edmonton.
>>> Indeed it makes one long for a " final solution" to the problem. A
>>> few short weeks ago I related to readers the finding of a hopefully
>>> dead "proud native person" in front of the neighbourhood Mac's one
>>> morning. Its not really an uncommon occurrence to have to step over or
>>> otherwise avoid such garbage.
>>> This morning was no exception. A large filthy, shite stained, and wet
>>> "injin buck" lay supine in a parking spot in front of the Mac's Store.
>>> My friend the commercial painter" was standing over the animal. He was
>>> one of the decent people that found the "dead injin" I wrote here
>>> about a few weeks ago. I asked Keith, "is it dead?" He kicked the
>>> injin in the face with his steel toed work boot. We heard the nose
>>> break. We thought that was very cool. But alas the animal never made a
>>> sound, "it" bled profusely, but never made a sound, nor seemed to
>>> breathe.
>>> A woman got out of her car and asked, "if anyone had called 911?" My
>>> answer to her was, "why?" She then asked, "perhaps someone should
>>> give him mouth to mouth, and CPR?" I told her, "why don't you do just
>>> that!" The altruistic bimbo got back into her car and drove off. I
>>> guess she didn't want to "save" the dead injin all that much.
>>> Keith was in a hurry as was I, so Keith gave "injin joe" one last kick
>>> to the head and got into his car. I would have pissed on the pig, but
>>> I could see my bus coming in the distance, so I forgo the pleasure.
>>> Indeed, the only good injin, is a dead one! So I crossed Jasper Avenue
>>> to catch the bus, and at the bus shelter there was a turd, where
>>> another "proud aboriginal" just had to shit.
>>> Posted by Seren at 8:39 PM No comments:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 18:09:45 -0600
>>> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat I am tempted to just quote you and your hero
>>> Gene Autry and simply say NOPE BUT I must quote my hero Crazy Horse
>>> and my Keith forefathers as well and holler HOKA HEYt and VERITAS
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, Brian Gallant <>,
>>> execdirgen <>, premier <>,
>>> "mclaughlin.heather"<mclaughlin.heather@>, acampbell
>>> <>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
>>> "Davidc.Coon"<>, "danny.copp"
>>> <>, "dan. bussieres"<>,
>>> "martin.gaudet"<> , "Leanne.Fitch"
>>> <>, BARRY WINTERS <>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<> , "craig.callens"
>>> <> , "Rod.Booth"
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "lesley.smith"
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>> <> , "Pete.Berndsen"
>>> <> , "Kent.Kryzanowski"
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, Todd Learning
>>> <> , "John.Grierson"
>>> <> , Brady Knezacek
>>> < >, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>>> <>
>>> Cc: Scott macrae <>, sallybrooks25
>>> <>, radical <>,
>>> upriverwatch <>, "peter.dauphinee"
>>> <>, David Amos
>>> <> , glen <>, Glen
>>> Canning <>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, themayor <>, Rhansen
>>> <>, pol7163 <>, police
>>> <>, police <>, police
>>> <>, "police. chief"
>>> <police.chief@town.woodstock.>, policeadmin
>>> <>, pm <>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <> , deanr0032 <>,
>>> bluelightning 03 <> , "Gary.Rhodes"
>>> <>,, smcintyre
>>> <>, rod knecht <> ,
>>> john green <>,,
>>> "steven.blaney"<>, frankffrost
>>> <>, patrick_doran1
>>> <>, DDrummond <>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, Paul Elam
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <> , "Gilles.Blinn"
>>> <>, girlwriteswhat
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, MulcaT <>, leader
>>> <>, oldmaison <>, andre
>>> <>, COCMoncton <>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 17:28:56 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that
>>> you and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian
>>> Criminal Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and
>>> Danny Boy Copp???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Well David! We all know that you are semi-illiterate, and I haven't
>>> made "hate speech" as defined by the criminal code. Nor have I
>>> "damaged your reputation or that of your "children.' YOU have no
>>> reputation.
>>> So "sue me David! "C'yall in court,""big man" What nonsense is it you
>>> say? "I double dawg dare you." The law enforcement of New Brunswick
>>> has told you to fuck off. The RCMP told you to Fuck off. The military
>>> police told you to fuck off. The Calgary Police Service told you to
>>> fuck off. And the EPS has told you to fuck off.
>>> Has it dawned on you yet, they are all right and you are not only
>>> wrong, but completely fucked?
>>> Send my love and jiz to Gracie girl
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 17:39:53 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that
>>> you and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian
>>> Criminal Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and
>>> Danny Boy Copp???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> David Baby I never "defamed" or "libeled" you or your diseased
>>> children. In libel law, "the truth is a complete defence.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@>, "acampbell"<>,
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <> , "Leanne.Fitch"
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<> , "craig.callens"
>>> <> , "Rod.Booth"
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "lesley.smith"
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>> <> , "Pete.Berndsen"
>>> <> , "Kent.Kryzanowski"
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Todd Learning"
>>> <> , "John.Grierson"
>>> <> , "Brady Knezacek"
>>> < >, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "sallybrooks25"
>>> <>, "radical"<>,
>>> "upriverwatch"<>, "peter.dauphinee"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <> , "glen"<>, "Glen
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.>, "policeadmin"
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <> , "deanr0032"<>,
>>> "bluelightning 03"<> , "Gary.Rhodes"
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <> , "john green"<>,
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <> , "Gilles.Blinn"
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 5:16:31 PM
>>> Subject: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that you
>>> and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian Criminal
>>> Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and Danny Boy
>>> Copp???
>>> Survey Says?
>>> http://laws-lois.justice.gc. ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-151. html#docCont
>>> Defamatory Libel
>>> Definition
>>> 298. (1) A defamatory libel is matter published, without lawful
>>> justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of
>>> any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is
>>> designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published.
>>> Marginal note:Mode of expression
>>> (2) A defamatory libel may be expressed directly or by insinuation or
>>> irony
>>> (a) in words legibly marked on any substance; or
>>> (b) by any object signifying a defamatory libel otherwise than by words.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 262.
>>> Marginal note:Publishing
>>> 299. A person publishes a libel when he
>>> (a) exhibits it in public;
>>> (b) causes it to be read or seen; or
>>> (c) shows or delivers it, or causes it to be shown or delivered, with
>>> intent that it should be read or seen by the person whom it defames or
>>> by any other person.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 263.
>>> Marginal note:Punishment of libel known to be false
>>> 300. Every one who publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false
>>> is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a
>>> term not exceeding five years.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 264.
>>> Hate Propaganda
>>> Marginal note:Advocating genocide
>>> 318. (1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an
>>> indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
>>> five years.
>>> Marginal note:Definition of “genocide”
>>> (2) In this section, “genocide” means any of the following acts
>>> committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable
>>> group, namely,
>>> (a) killing members of the group; or
>>> (b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
>>> to bring about its physical destruction.
>>> Marginal note:Consent
>>> (3) No proceeding for an offence under this section shall be
>>> instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.
>>> Definition of “identifiable group”
>>> (4) In this section, “identifiable group” means any section of the
>>> public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or
>>> sexual orientation.
>>> R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 318;2004, c. 14, s. 1.
>>> Previous Version
>>> Marginal note:Public incitement of hatred
>>> 319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public
>>> place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such
>>> incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of
>>> (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not
>>> exceeding two years; or
>>> (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
>>> Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred
>>> (2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private
>>> conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group
>>> is guilty of
>>> (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not
>>> exceeding two years; or
>>> (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
>>> Marginal note:Defences
>>> (3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)
>>> (a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
>>> (b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish
>>> by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based
>>> on a belief in a religious text;
>>> (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest,
>>> the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on
>>> reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or
>>> (d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of
>>> removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred
>>> toward an identifiable group in Canada.
>>> Marginal note:Forfeiture
>>> (4) Where a person is convicted of an offence under section 318 or
>>> subsection (1) or (2) of this section, anything by means of or in
>>> relation to which the offence was committed, on such conviction, may,
>>> in addition to any other punishment imposed, be ordered by the
>>> presiding provincial court judge or judge to be forfeited to Her
>>> Majesty in right of the province in which that person is convicted,
>>> for disposal as the Attorney General may direct.
>>> Marginal note:Exemption from seizure of communication facilities
>>> (5) Subsections 199(6) and (7) apply with such modifications as the
>>> circumstances require to section 318 or subsection (1) or (2) of this
>>> section.
>>> Marginal note:Consent
>>> (6) No proceeding for an offence under subsection (2) shall be
>>> instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.
>>> Marginal note:Definitions
>>> (7) In this section,
>>> “communicating”
>>> « communiquer »
>>> “communicating” includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or
>>> other audible or visible means;
>>> “identifiable group”
>>> « groupe identifiable »
>>> “identifiable group” has the same meaning as in section 318;
>>> “public place”
>>> « endroit public »
>>> “public place” includes any place to which the public have access as
>>> of right or by invitation, express or implied;
>>> “statements”
>>> « déclarations »
>>> “statements” includes words spoken or written or recorded
>>> electronically or electro-magnetically or otherwise, and gestures,
>>> signs or other visible representations.
>>> R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 319;R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s.
>>> 203;2004, c. 14, s. 2.
>>> 2014/07/idf-must-keep-killing- hamas-and.html
>>> Saturday, July 26, 2014
>>> IDF Must Keep Killing HAMAS and the "palestinians" They Hide Behind!
>>> "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war." It is not in the best
>>> interests, safety of Eretz Yisrael, its people or all the Jews of the
>>> Diaspora to cease the war against HAMAS. So called "palestinians" are
>>> being killed entirely because HAMAS uses them as human shields, or
>>> what they call shahids. Eretz Yisrael must finish off HAMAS
>>> notwithstanding the vexation of John Kerry or President monkey boy
>>> Obama. Gaza must be rid of HAMAS and de-militarized before
>>> hostilities can cease. HAMAS' tunnels must be destroyed. Moshavniks
>>> and Kibbutzniks in southern Israel now know HAMAs with its tunnels
>>> planned and attempted to massacre them. The government of Eretz
>>> Yisrael must protect its people, save their lives and kill of the
>>> military wing of HAMAS.
>>> The "world" permitted the extermination of six million Jews not so
>>> long ago. The Secretary General of the Arab League in 1948 called for
>>> a "war of great slaughter, and extermination of the Jews," when the
>>> United Nations terminated the British Mandate in Palestine, and
>>> attempted to create the first "two state solution." The Trans Arab
>>> Nation obviously rejected that idea, then and now. The "world" didn't
>>> and doesn't care. Monkey boy Barak Hussein Obama and his cock sucker
>>> John Kerry doesn't care about Jews, or Jewish lives, or citizens of
>>> Eretz Yisrael. Hell, even Calgary's Muslim Mayor Naheed Nenshi or his
>>> anti-Semite chief police Ric Hansen don't give a fuck about the lives,
>>> safety and property of the "damned Jews" of Calgary.
>>> No one cares about Jewish lives anywhere on the planet save the
>>> government and the fighting Jews of Eretz Yisrael. Hence, that is why
>>> IDF must, for the continued survival of Jews everywhere finish the
>>> job, and kill off HAMAS, not withstanding the loud and anti-Semitic
>>> vexation of "diplomats" in Europe and the Arab World. The United
>>> Nations organization UNRW actually hides rockets and munitions for
>>> HAMAS. They have been caught.
>>> There is nothing new here. The world, "kristian" and Muslim has been
>>> killing Jews for millennia. The "world" and amerka is permitting Arabs
>>> to do the same now. The only thing that's different is, these Jews
>>> fight. These Jews will NOT climb aboard the "cattle cars." Israelis to
>>> the chagrin of Monkey boy Obama and John Kerry will not be
>>> exterminated quietly.
>>> That is why IDF must resume hostilities after this humanitarian pause,
>>> and ensure their own safety, and the safety of this "bolt hole" for
>>> all the Jews on the planet.
>>> Kill em all and let Hashem sort em out! Not withstanding "the world"
>>> we want to live!
>>> Posted by Seren at 8:26 AM 2 comments:
>>> Anonymous said...
>>> July 26, 2014 at 12:44 PM
>>> Anonymous said...
>>> NOW!
>>> 1.5 billion islamic scum...NO NOBEL PRIZES.
>>> 15 Million JEWS...3500 NOBLE PRIZES!
>>> July 26, 2014 at 12:52 PM
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:47:49 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Mr Baconfat Never mind Mean Old Me Why not sprout some
>>> balls and tell your take on the Canadian Criminal Code to Chief Rod
>>> Knecht and his buddies in the RCMP???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Hey dickhead! I would expect they know an offense or what, constitutes
>>> an offense to the CC of C than an uneducated slimeball like you.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@>, "acampbell"<>,
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <> , "Leanne.Fitch"
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<> , "craig.callens"
>>> <> , "Rod.Booth"
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "lesley.smith"
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>> <> , "Pete.Berndsen"
>>> <> , "Kent.Kryzanowski"
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Todd Learning"
>>> <> , "John.Grierson"
>>> <> , "Brady Knezacek"
>>> < >, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "radical"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <> , "glen"<>, "Glen
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.>, "policeadmin"
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <> , "deanr0032"<>,
>>> "bluelightning 03"<> , "Gary.Rhodes"
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <> , "john green"<>,
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <> , "Gilles.Blinn"
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 4:43:49 PM
>>> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat Never mind Mean Old Me Why not sprout some
>>> balls and tell your take on the Canadian Criminal Code to Chief Rod
>>> Knecht and his buddies in the RCMP???
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:35:49 -0600
>>> Subject: For the record I am a lot madder at Bruce Northrup and his
>>> pals than his blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc ever was
>>> To: "bruce.northrup"<>, "brent.rathgeber.a1"
>>> < >, bruce <>,
>>> "blaine.higgs"<>, "Bill.Fraser"
>>> <>, "carl.urquhart"<>,
>>> "Kevin.leahy"<>, "Robert.Trevors"
>>> <>, "Robert.Goguen"
>>> <>, DavidYurdiga <>,
>>> "david.akin"<>, josh <>, lgunter
>>> <>, Bob Kuhn <>
>>> Cc: David Amos <> , "bev.harrison"
>>> <>, "rick.doucet"<>, news
>>> <>, news <>, news
>>> <>
>>> v=u6uPUoZog1Y&list= UUVftTJcoljDpNQR81drXb4g
>>> Imagine if Mr Baconfat said this shit about one of their children
>>> N'esy Pas Ricky Baby Doucet?
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:34:09 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Davey Baby!~ If YOU don't like my humble blog, don't read it. There is
>>> NOTHING illegal or contrary to the CC of C in it.
>>> So when can I fuck Gracie in the ass?
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:38:10 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Jesus H Pig Fucking Christ...what a long heavy load of fucking SPAM!
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@>, "acampbell"<>,
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <> , "Leanne.Fitch"
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<> , "craig.callens"
>>> <> , "Rod.Booth"
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "lesley.smith"
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>> <> , "Pete.Berndsen"
>>> <> , "Kent.Kryzanowski"
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>, "Todd Learning"
>>> <> , "John.Grierson"
>>> <> , "Brady Knezacek"
>>> < >, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "radical"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <> , "glen"<>, "Glen
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.>, "policeadmin"
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <> , "deanr0032"<>,
>>> "bluelightning 03"<> , "Gary.Rhodes"
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <> , "john green"<>,
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <> , "Gilles.Blinn"
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 4:23:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> Nay not so Mr Baconfat BUT I must say the RCMP and their politcal
>>> puppetmasters are flatout crazy to support your many PUBLISHED wrongs
>>> and that of Dirty Dicky Dean's and Chucky Leblanc'sf or over 10 years.
>>> v=3WhyjSJneCk&list= UUVftTJcoljDpNQR81drXb4g
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 15:59:47 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Hey little David....YOU will just love the last blog post. So will
>>> Gracie.
>>> 2014/08/heritage-days-david- amos-and-his.html
>>> Sunday, August 3, 2014
>>> Heritage Days, David Amos And His Diseased "Girls"
>>> It is a glorious sunny and already hot Sunday morn, the harbinger of a
>>> wonderful day. The Mrs, and myself have devoured our first Russian
>>> pastries of the day. Mean while in maritime kanada David Amos'
>>> "children" sucked the first cocks of their busy day of turning tricks.
>>> They're going to have to suck a lot of cocks because their "Father"
>>> David Amos needs money for the deposit so he can run for Member of
>>> Parliament. Even David Amos'"Mother" makes granny porn flics, to do
>>> her bit to further David Amos' political career.
>>> Back at Hawralak Park in Edmonton the first cooking smells waft over
>>> the park. The amplifiers blast the first sounds of world music. Mean
>>> while in maritime kanada, Gracie David's "daughter " has had her third
>>> customer, and has douched herself in preparation for the fourth. David
>>> is waiting patiently to collect his cut of the proceeds, of Gracies'
>>> industriousness. David lives, promotes his non-existent "political
>>> career," and raises "political funds" by pimping out his kids.
>>> Obviously politics in maritime kanada is a "family affair."
>>> Posted by Seren at 2:58 PM
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:59:12 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: Ayt least Trudeau Mulcair and their friends in the
>>> Edmonton Police Dept know why I am honoured that the cops evil client
>>> Mr Baconfat hates Mean Old Me
>>> To:, "rod.knecht"<> ,
>>> "David.Veitch"<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice. ca>, "greg.preston"
>>> <greg.preston@edmontonpolice. ca>, "Marianne.Ryan"
>>> <> , premier <>, mclellana
>>> <>,, pm <>,
>>> MulcaT <>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, Mackap <>, premier
>>> <>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
>>> <>, "david.eby.mla"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <> , lorimcdaniel7
>>> <>
>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>> With whom?. I would like to talk to them about you and Mr Baconfat ASAP
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From:
>>> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:22:33 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: Ayt least Trudeau Mulcair and their friends in the
>>> Edmonton PoliceDept know why I am honoured that the cops evil client
>>> Mr Baconfat hates MeanOld Me
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> I asked you to stop. I will be filing a complaint!
>>>> On 9/11/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> national/mulcair-criticizes- opponent-but-doesnt-name-him
>>>> The strange Venne women should study every word of his EH Mr Mulcair???
>>>> Enjoy
>>>>> On 8/28/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Rachelle Venne <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:52:10 -0600
>>>>> Subject: FW: RE The Highway of Tears I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>> To:
>>>>> David,
>>>>> I'm not sure what you are trying to tell us. And hanging up doesn’t
>>>>> help. Please do not call or email our office or any of our
>>>>> representatives in the future or we will file a complaint of
>>>>> harassment with your local police.
>>>>> Rachelle Venne, CEO
>>>>> Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women
>>>>> #201, 10812-178 Street Edmonton T5S 1J3
>>>>> Tel: 780-479-8195, Toll Free: 1-877-471-2171 Website:
>>>>> Proclaiming the “Decade of Difference for Aboriginal Women” 2005-2015
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail. com]
>>>>> Sent: August-26-14 4:23 PM
>>>>> To:; rod.knecht; mclellana
>>>>> Cc: David Amos
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: RE The Highway of Tears I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>> 2014_08_01_archive.html
>>>>> calgary/stephen-harper-s- refusal-of-national-inquiry- shows-canada-s-shame-m%C3% A9tis-leader-1.2744889
>>>>> At a rally in Edmonton on Friday, dozens came out to show their
>>>>> support for calls for a national inquiry and to demand justice for
>>>>> aboriginal women.
>>>>> "It's the shame of Canada now that people realize what's happening in
>>>>> this beautiful country," said Muriel Stanley Venne, a human rights
>>>>> activist and Métis leader in Edmonton. "This is my country and I'm
>>>>> ashamed of the fact that there's so many of our women that are
>>>>> murdered on a kind of regular basis."
>>>>> 'It's the shame of Canada now that people realize what's happening in
>>>>> this beautiful country.'
>>>>> - Muriel Stanley Venne, human rights activist and Métis leader
>>>>> Venne wasn't alone in her condemnation of the prime minister.
>>>>> We are located at #201, 10812 – 178 street Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1J3
>>>>> Phone: 780.479.8195
>>>>> Toll Free: 1.877.471.2171
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:43:34 -0700
>>>>> Subject: RE The Highway of Tears
>>>>> To:, pm <>, MulcaT
>>>>> <>, "steven.blaney"<>,
>>>>> Mackap <>, premier <>,
>>>>> "suzanne.anton.mla"<>, "david.eby.mla"
>>>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>>>> <> , lorimcdaniel7
>>>>> <>, DavidYurdiga <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <> , "Paul.Collister"
>>>>> < >, "Ian.McPhail"
>>>>> <>, frankffrost <>
>>>>> politics/aboriginal-women- inquiry-support-grows-ahead- of-premiers-meeting-1.2747423
>>>>> release-immediate-release- 2014-08-19-en
>>>>> For additional information, please contact:
>>>>> Claudette Dumont-Smith
>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>> 1 Nicholas Street, 9th Floor
>>>>> Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
>>>>> Toll free 1-800-461-4043
>>>>> Tel.: 613-722-3033 x. 223
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant. ethical-lonnie-landrud-and- what.html
>>>>> http://highwayoftears. rcmp-officer-accused-of.html
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 21:00:58 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re The very ethical Lonnie Landrud and what he knows about
>>>>> the Highway of Tears that the Human Rights Watch Bullshitters and Bob
>>>>> Paulson of the RCMP will never talk about
>>>>> To:, "bob.paulson"<>,
>>>>> "t.wilson"<>, "roger.l.brown"
>>>>> <> , "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>>>>> <>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>>>> <> , ""
>>>>> <>, lgunter <>, "joshua.skurnik"
>>>>> <>, oldmaison <>,
>>>>> "Davidc.Coon"<>, acampbell <>,
>>>>> "steve.graham"<>, "steve.murphy"
>>>>> <>, merv <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <> , "steven.blaney"
>>>>> <>, COCMoncton <>,
>>>>> "bruce.northrup"<>, pm <>,
>>>>> "greg.weston"<>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
>>>>> <>, MulcaT <>, frankffrost
>>>>> <>, radical <>,
>>>>> "jennifer.johnston"<>
>>>>> One year ago the Human Rights Watch Bullshitters had Harper's knickers
>>>>> in a knot N'esy Pas?
>>>>> New York
>>>>> Press Desk
>>>>> Tel: +1-212-216-1832
>>>>> Fax: +1-212-736-1300
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> Skype: hrwpress
>>>>> 2013-02-13 · OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper is calling on the
>>>>> group Human Rights Watch to share information with police about
>>>>> allegations of abuse by RCMP
>>>>> 2013/02/13/highway-of-tears- human-rights-watch-rcmp-rape_ n_2675398.html
>>>>> Just so EVERYBODY knows Bobby Baby Paulson was a lowly Cpl in Prince
>>>>> Rupert when Lonnie Landrud witnessed Deena Lyn BRAEM's Murder
>>>>> 1995 - as a Corporal in Prince Rupert, Paulson commented on the girls
>>>>> and women disappearing along Hwy 16 -
>>>>> "Obviously, we're concerned that there is and we've done everything we
>>>>> can do to investigate accordingly," Paulson said. "By the same token,
>>>>> it's not a done deal that it is [a serial killer]. The possibility
>>>>> still exists that these are individual, separate incidents."
>>>>> HOWEVER This is the one true statement that Paulson ever said about
>>>>> the Highway of tears
>>>>> "Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is – don't
>>>>> worry about it, I've got your back."
>>>>> 02/19/canada-rcmp-closes- ranks-abuse
>>>>> In an email late last week discussing the Human Rights Watch report on
>>>>> police mistreatment of indigenous women and girls in northern British
>>>>> Columbia, Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is
>>>>> – don't worry about it, I've got your back."
>>>>> "Commissioner Paulson's dismissive approach sets precisely the wrong
>>>>> tone, and illustrates the challenges RCMP victims face," said Meghan
>>>>> Rhoad, women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. "His comments
>>>>> underscore the need for investigation of police abuse complaints by an
>>>>> independent civilian agency that won't leap into organizational
>>>>> defense mode the moment police abuse is exposed."
>>>>> Paulson further wrote that the RCMP has "tried to persuade [Human
>>>>> Rights Watch] to provide the names and specific details of these
>>>>> allegations in order that they can be investigated in accordance with
>>>>> our external investigation policy. If not to us then to any other
>>>>> investigative body. To date they have refused."
>>>>> v=26CrTLEVNvQ
>>>>> Deena Lyn BRAEM Murder of
>>>>> Quesnel RCMP Case No. 1999-7285
>>>>> index.php?topic=154.0
>>>>> 02/19/canada-rcmp-closes- ranks-abuse
>>>>> meghan-rhoad
>>>>> 2013/02/13/those-who-take-us- away-0
>>>>> m=201401
>>>>> Open Letter to the Federal & Provincial Honourable Members of
>>>>> Parliament from Lonnie Landrud
>>>>> To the Honourable Members:
>>>>> Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Thomas Mulcair, Opposition Leader; Vic
>>>>> Toews, Federal Public Safety Minister; Rob Nicholson, Federal
>>>>> Solicitor General; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Adrainne Dix,
>>>>> Leader, B.C. Opposition Party.
>>>>> I again find myself having to write to you the leaders of Canada and
>>>>> British Columbia to try and put a stop to the attempts on my life by a
>>>>> group of RCMP members and their paid informants.
>>>>> I have already sent letters to some of you Honourable Members and some
>>>>> of you I have never contacted. So I will repeat my situation to put
>>>>> everyone on the same page.
>>>>> I will start by stating I have contacted some of your Honourable
>>>>> predecessors before and was either ignored or told that the government
>>>>> operates separate from the RCMP and that they cannot interfere
>>>>> personally or by way of office s they have no mandate to do so.
>>>>> What I am asking is for someone outside the RCMP with the mandate to
>>>>> investigate the actions of all the RCMP members and their paid
>>>>> informants to do so.
>>>>> If there is no one with a mandate to physically collect evidence or
>>>>> interview witnesses, I ask that the laws be changed that gives someone
>>>>> office that can investigate outside the RCMP.
>>>>> I ask that this staff be given the rights and mandate to go back
>>>>> twenty-five years in order to look at all the relevant evidence. I
>>>>> have been stuck in this situation for over fourteen years personally
>>>>> however this has started way before then.
>>>>> If this cannot be done then I request a Public Inquiry into my
>>>>> accusations against the actions of the RCMP members involved.
>>>>> On January 19th, 2013 I had another attempt on my life. At this time I
>>>>> will not go into detail. I will state that this has been the eleventh
>>>>> of crimes committed against myself and my life in order to silence me.
>>>>> None of which have been investigated from outside the RCMP. Those of
>>>>> which that were investigated by the RCMP enabled them to tamper with
>>>>> evidence and they never interviewed me or my witnesses.
>>>>> I do know the more that these RCMP members do and fail the crazier that
>>>>> I
>>>>> sound.
>>>>> These police officers would like you to believe that I am delusional,
>>>>> however I ask for them to bring forth the evidence that can prove what
>>>>> I saw and what I have lived, wrong.
>>>>> The stress of this situation is incomprehensible. Then add the fact
>>>>> that the government's mandate has left me reliving it over and over
>>>>> again in order to try to get our of this alive.
>>>>> Then add the fact the amount of numerous physical injuries I have
>>>>> incurred during these attempts on my life to silence me.
>>>>> I will continue by stating that not one of these injuries has been
>>>>> treated by a physician due to the fact that they do not want to
>>>>> testify in court, for one reason that it would cost them money. For
>>>>> the second reason that they are friends to some of these RCMP members
>>>>> involved. Some of these member's wives are nurses.
>>>>> I will give one example of the many instances that left me feeling
>>>>> like my life is not worth a plugged nickel.
>>>>> I had gone to the emergency department at the local hospital and as I
>>>>> was having my temperature and blood pressure taken a Doctor Grapes
>>>>> walks over and picks up my medical records and starts to read and as
>>>>> he is doing this he looks at the nurse and states right in front of
>>>>> me. I quote: "Isn't that funny, me and the other doctors have a bet on
>>>>> who gets to pronounce him dead." I could not believe my ears. He then
>>>>> set down my file and walked out the door.
>>>>> I will expand on this by stating that the cop who tried to murder me
>>>>> in my hime and the one who I shot in the left arm with a 12 gauge shot
>>>>> gun loaded with #4 birdshot, his wife was a nurse here in Quesnel for
>>>>> years. She has worked with all these doctors and they all have seen my
>>>>> internet statement on YouTube. (Quesnel, RCMP, Corruption: The Lonnie
>>>>> Landrud Story – for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it).
>>>>> I will continue by stating that I am sitll suffering Post Traumatic
>>>>> Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I cannot even get treated because the
>>>>> RCMP have stated that this event never happened, nor any of the
>>>>> others. I for one know when I shot someone in my home and even if I
>>>>> were in my home alone the RCMP members cannot prove me wrong. That
>>>>> night they had to radio out on a public channel because their ghost
>>>>> channels do not work or their cell phones due to my property's
>>>>> location. There are dozens of people who heard what was taking place
>>>>> and heard that Paul Collister was shot by me. There are a lot of
>>>>> scanners here in public hands that are monitored around the clock. I
>>>>> have spoken to some of these people. Perhaps someone should start to
>>>>> listen to the whole truth! Like I have stated in previous letters, if
>>>>> I could not prove my story I sure as hell would not be risking my
>>>>> life. The evidence can speak for itself. I can sure point to a lot of
>>>>> evidence, all's I need is for someone outside the RCMP to investigate
>>>>> and to interview the people that I have spoken with.
>>>>> Now at this point some of you Honourable Members might want to send me
>>>>> to the RCMP Complaints Commission or the Independent Investigations
>>>>> Office of B.C. (IIOBC). I have already tried and neither one has the
>>>>> mandate to investigate this situation. The Complaints Commission only
>>>>> reviews paperwork put forth by the RCMP. The other's mandate is to
>>>>> investigate only after September 12th, 2012. This is the date given by
>>>>> Shirley Bond, BC Solicitor General to the IIOBC and this was after the
>>>>> fact that she knew the situation that I have been trying to deal with
>>>>> (I have a letter from her that was handed to her by Kevin Falcon and
>>>>> the reply letter that she sent me). She too sent me to the Complaints
>>>>> Commission. Then she signed a twenty year deal with the RCMP shortly
>>>>> thereafter.
>>>>> There is not one thing that anyone of you Honourable Members can't
>>>>> tell me to do that I have not tried. I have had five legal advocates
>>>>> and not one could do anything. I have contacted hundreds of lawyers
>>>>> and cannot find one to represent me. They are all scared to be
>>>>> victimized by the RCMP. I've been to the media and had the same
>>>>> outcome with then. I have also tried a private investigator and he too
>>>>> was threatened with obstruction of justice charges which would destroy
>>>>> his credibility. I have sent a letter to Wally Opal, Supreme Court
>>>>> Justice who was looking into the murdered and missing women by way of
>>>>> Public Inquiry. I received no reply at all.
>>>>> I have in my possession enough evidence to prove that I have No Legal
>>>>> Rights, No Civil Rights and No Human Rights in Canada.
>>>>> The reason being the RCMP are above the law and will be until they no
>>>>> longer investigate themselves.
>>>>> Now I would hazard to guess you're asking why would I continue to
>>>>> expose myself to the danger that I face? My reply is these cops are
>>>>> not going to stop trying to murder me anyway so what do I have to
>>>>> lose? Then add the fact that I have survived this thus far. Unlike the
>>>>> thirteen people who have been murdered by these RCMP members and on
>>>>> top of all that the fifty girls that have came forward to the Human
>>>>> Rights watch dogs in Prince George, B.C., then you had better realize
>>>>> there is a lot more at stake than this. I've spoken to a few of them.
>>>>> There is no way in hell that I am going to sit back and let members of
>>>>> the RCMP murder people. Just like I am not going to let you Honourable
>>>>> Members hid behind your mandates and policies. Someone had better
>>>>> realize that I have nothing left to lose but I still have a means to
>>>>> expose this to the people of Canada and the world.
>>>>> Now I will tell you my story and I'm going to give the names of the
>>>>> RCMP members involved and expose what they have done to cover up the
>>>>> truth. I am not going to start with what led up to the first attempt
>>>>> on my life.
>>>>> I was house sitting for a friend's mom when I witnessed the murder of
>>>>> Deena Lynn Bream by Paul Collister and Bev Hosker, both members of the
>>>>> Quesnel RCMP. But there was a paid informant, Dianne Fuccenecco there
>>>>> also.
>>>>> I phoned the Quesnel detachment of the RCMP however their night calls
>>>>> go to Prince George dispatch. I told them about the gun shots that I
>>>>> was hearing, eight in all. It sounded like a twelve gauge shot gun. I
>>>>> never gave my name. I was told that they would dispatch the police to
>>>>> the location (Sugar Loaf Ball Park in West Quesnel). The next morning
>>>>> I had a surveillance team in a trailer next door. It consisted of the
>>>>> following RCMP officers: Constable Gill, Constable Gruending,
>>>>> Constable Hughs, Constable Hosker and later on Constable Collister.
>>>>> These are the names that I was giving to Sgt. Norrise of the Kamloops
>>>>> RCMP the morning after I shot Constable Collister in my home.
>>>>> Unknown to me I was recorded and after the tape was tampered with was
>>>>> used in court and with the Complaints Commission when I filed a
>>>>> complaint. I can prove it was tampered with. I had a witness sitting
>>>>> right next to me when I spoke to Sgt. Norrise and what I wait was a
>>>>> lot different than the tape. What my witness suggested I tell them
>>>>> (which I did) does not even appear on the tape. There are also other
>>>>> discrepancies that appear on the tape.
>>>>> At the time I did not know the names of the members that, with
>>>>> Constable Collister, came to my property. They were Constable Kinloch
>>>>> and Constable Coutier (the ones on top of my house and the ones who
>>>>> pursued me across my landing). Constable Barkman, Constable McMillan,
>>>>> Constable Anderson, these were the police officers that I saw at my
>>>>> gate. Constable McMillan and Constable Anderson were the ones who
>>>>> hunted me in my field. This was the third attempt.
>>>>> The second attempt was a few months earlier in which Constable
>>>>> McMillan, Constable Rogas came to my friend's home and arrested me for
>>>>> obstruction of justice. I committed no crime and had no idea why I was
>>>>> being arrested. I was severely beaten with a flashlight while in
>>>>> handcuffs and taken to the Quesnel detachment where Constable Paul
>>>>> Collister's old partner Constable Sardinea tried to murder me with a
>>>>> pressure point attack that has not healed to this day.
>>>>> The attempts in between were by paid informants or police officers
>>>>> that I could not get a good look at. I can identify some of the paid
>>>>> informants.
>>>>> The eighth attempt was by Constable Ray Kinloch of the Quesnel RCMP.
>>>>> He came to my rural home and property. He was dressed in camouflage
>>>>> and wearing the same fur hat as the night that I shot Constable
>>>>> Collister.
>>>>> It was an hour and a half after dark and he had to travel two
>>>>> kilometres through the bush to be where he was at. I felt a direct
>>>>> threat to my life and I shot at his head and then heard him run
>>>>> through the bush and trip and fall. I left and went to my mom's. When
>>>>> I returned a few days later I located where he tripped on a piece of
>>>>> blowdown and I found something that fell out of his pocket. I also
>>>>> have a witness to corroborate part of my story.
>>>>> The ninth attempt was by a paid informant. Again, severe injuries.
>>>>> The tenth attempt was by someone with a rifle with a silencer that
>>>>> tried to shoot me in the head in my own yard. As I stated to Christy
>>>>> Clark it was dumb luck that the bullet missed me. However I again did
>>>>> not escape injury.
>>>>> The eleventh attempt was on January 19th, 2013 when, after spending
>>>>> the night at my friend's trailer (the same one I phoned the police
>>>>> from years earlier when I witnessed the murder), someone during the
>>>>> night tampered with my propane ignition system in my truck by taking a
>>>>> hose clamp off and pulling the hose off the intake to my engine and
>>>>> also pulling a plug wire off the front spark plug.
>>>>> My truck also runs on gasoline and I was using that until my trip
>>>>> home. When I changed over I was moving and had travelled a few miles
>>>>> before the truck exploded. If I had been sitting still I would not
>>>>> have survived. However I was moving and the explosion occurred beneath
>>>>> the truck lifting it off the ground. The result was a near fatal
>>>>> accident with a family of four including two children. They were
>>>>> passing me and travelling in the same direction and were right next to
>>>>> me at the time.
>>>>> I'm in a quandary and have no understanding as to why this situation
>>>>> has been allowed to continue. I have tried everything humanly possible
>>>>> to have this investigated from outside the RCMP. There is a lot more
>>>>> information and witnesses that I can expose but for now I feel like
>>>>> this should prove that this is no delusion.
>>>>> To the Honourable Christy Clark: Re: The letter that was your response
>>>>> after the tenth attempt on my life. Here is what happened after you
>>>>> suggested going to pro-bono law, Access to Justice. In late December
>>>>> 2012 I tried five times to contact them and leaving messages. I
>>>>> received no replies.
>>>>> I tried again in late January 2013 and spoke to someone. He stated
>>>>> that he was the office manager. He never gave his name. I explained my
>>>>> situation and what was taking place and what I have done. He suggested
>>>>> that I run. I told him that I had nowhere to go. He gave me a phone
>>>>> number and said that they could help me. It turned out to be a
>>>>> homeless shelter. So I phoned him back leaving him a message. He
>>>>> returned my call four days later. I explained to him that I did not
>>>>> need a shelter, that I needed a lawyer to give me legal advice. To
>>>>> this day I've had no legal advice!
>>>>> I again explained my situation. He stated that he was a lawyer and he
>>>>> could not help me. I requested that in writing. His reply was, "We get
>>>>> 10,000 calls a day and we do not have the time to write letters to
>>>>> everyone." He went on to state that I should continue to deal with the
>>>>> Complaints Commission. This after I explained to him that I've been
>>>>> down that road before and they only review paperwork put forth by the
>>>>> RCMP. He went on again to state that I should run!
>>>>> A couple of days later I phoned the Complaints Commission to request
>>>>> the phone numbers of Bob Paulson, Head RCMP commissioner and Craig
>>>>> Cullen, Deputy Commissioner here in B.C. I spoke to a lady who stated
>>>>> she was a complaints commissioner and that I had no right to that
>>>>> information. That she, herself, could not contact them directly. She
>>>>> suggested that I try the RCMP website. I have no access to a computer.
>>>>> I however have had and the web sites that are connected to me are
>>>>> being stalked by the RCMP. I have exposed two such sites that have
>>>>> been created by the RCMP. I will also state that my mom's phone has
>>>>> been tapped and after contacting Telus I was told that I have no right
>>>>> to that information.
>>>>> On January 19th 2013 I went to the Native Friendship Centre and spoke
>>>>> to Criss Dunlope who handles legal aid and explained my situation to
>>>>> her. She asked, "Why are you coming to me?" I told her that I needed a
>>>>> lawyer and legal advice. She said that she was not a lawyer and
>>>>> everything she could suggest I have already done. She went on to state
>>>>> that I should go underground because my situation will not change
>>>>> until the RCMP quit investigating themselves.
>>>>> On February 6th, 2013 I again phoned the RCMP Complaints Commission. I
>>>>> asked the receptionist that answered if the commission's mandate has
>>>>> changed or do the RCMP still investigate themselves. She stated, "No,
>>>>> our mandate is still the same and the RCMP still investigate
>>>>> themselves." I told her my situation and she said, "I will have an
>>>>> analyst phone me back."
>>>>> I received a phone call twenty minutes later. It was a man's voice who
>>>>> asked, "Now what the fuck do you want?"
>>>>> Now I am a logger and used to such belligerence until he continued by
>>>>> stating, "We have been down this road in 2005 and we will not deal
>>>>> with this any further you fucking asshole." So I asked him, "Can I get
>>>>> that in writing?" He replied, "No, we have given you everything in
>>>>> writing we are going to give you!"
>>>>> So I asked, "So you're telling me I have no rights. I just had someone
>>>>> try to blow me up after I was at a friend's and some one tampered with
>>>>> my propane system."
>>>>> He asked, "Did anyone see who did it?" I replied, "Well the only
>>>>> enemies that I have been dealing with are cops and they are the ones
>>>>> I'm trying to get investigated." He said, "No, we cannot help you." So
>>>>> I said, "So you're telling me that you're going to do nothing just
>>>>> like when I shot Constable Paul Collister? I mean it would have been
>>>>> really simple to subpoena the medical records of Collister." I went on
>>>>> and said, "You know that I did shoot him in the left arm with a twelve
>>>>> gauge shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot! That he is still being treated
>>>>> for a blockage in his ulna." I then added, "I could implicate him in
>>>>> as many as thirteen murders." He then stated that they have done
>>>>> everything that they could and then told me again that I could go fuck
>>>>> myself.
>>>>> I understand why he treated me the way that he did. In my opinion he
>>>>> did an inadequate and inept job when asked for a review by the
>>>>> Complaints Commission. He went solely on the word of Sgt. Hildebrant
>>>>> who was Constable Collister's cohort for years and then add the
>>>>> tampered-with tape.
>>>>> I mean, would you not ask for proof that Collister was not shot? How
>>>>> hard would it have been to ask for medical reports?
>>>>> It's also my opinion that the Complaints Commission is just a cover-up
>>>>> organization for the RCMP and is a useless facet of our justice
>>>>> system.
>>>>> Something I do not understand is why do the RCMP have such control?
>>>>> They are just people like us.
>>>>> You know that I have been asked by lawyers why I was not dead yet and
>>>>> why are you trying to get us killed?
>>>>> I have also been told that I am a threat to national security by these
>>>>> same lawyers. I have always asked why? I'm just trying to deal with a
>>>>> system that has a crack in it that I've unknowingly fallen into. I'm
>>>>> just trying to stay alive. Is that too much to ask? I've had to relive
>>>>> this much too long.
>>>>> The stress and anxiety and the fear for my life, along with the
>>>>> physical injuries, has left me feeling like I'm being tortured to
>>>>> death.
>>>>> I ask all you Honourable Members what do I do, let them murder me? I
>>>>> have always stated to everyone that I may have to forfeit my life.
>>>>> That, I have always expected, but I ask you, am I not going to fight
>>>>> to defend my life?
>>>>> I mean I could go ballistic like the ex-L.A. police officer who was
>>>>> reported to have murdered other police officers. I can relate to some
>>>>> of the feelings but my no means can I understand why he did what he
>>>>> did. I believe there has been enough killing already. That is why I'm
>>>>> doing what I'm doing to prevent me from having to harm anyone. I have
>>>>> only asked for someone to investigate from outside the RCMP and I
>>>>> request to be put in protective custody till this is resolved. I also
>>>>> request medical treatment to see if my injuries can be treated.
>>>>> On the other hand, what do I do if you ignore my requests? Do I go to
>>>>> the United States and ask for asylum? These RCMP members are above the
>>>>> law and will not stop till I'm dead and there is no one who protects
>>>>> me from my supposed protectors. I always thought this was a free
>>>>> country to do what I want within the laws of Canada. Having to live in
>>>>> almost house arrest conditions for nine years has shown me that we
>>>>> live in a police state. I cannot even go to my own home, I have to
>>>>> live with my mother in order to feel any sort of safety and even then
>>>>> it's very little. There has been no way out of this. I have tried
>>>>> everything.
>>>>> I ask the Honourable Christy Clark about your letter dated November
>>>>> 28th, 2012. You stated that you could not get personally involved. Yet
>>>>> you sent my letter to the Quesnel RCMP detachment to be investigated.
>>>>> Your actions exposed every piece of personal identification that I
>>>>> possess to the people who are trying to murder me. These RCMP members
>>>>> have a computer system called C.P.E.C. and now can track me where ever
>>>>> I go in Canada. I ask you, is that not overstepping your mandate and
>>>>> in doing so exposing me to further threat?
>>>>> The RCMP officer who phoned me on your behalf was police officer Ray
>>>>> Kinloch. He asked me to go in and make a statement. I refused. Reason
>>>>> one is for fear of my life and reason two is I'm not going to give him
>>>>> the evidence so it can be altered or go missing.
>>>>> I realize that by stating this I'm not making friends or allies and I
>>>>> do apologize if I've offended you. That was never my intention, ever.
>>>>> I wish that I did not have to involve any of you Honourable Members
>>>>> but what choice do I have? The truth is the truth and life is like
>>>>> that. I have only tried to deal with what's been given to me.
>>>>> I believe that you are the people who look out for society's best
>>>>> interests. These RCMP officers murdering people and investigating
>>>>> themselves is a threat to society is it not? You Honourable Members
>>>>> are our representatives by way of legal election. I've never voted for
>>>>> who would be members of the RCMP and I sure never put them in a
>>>>> position where they are above the law. This has resided in the
>>>>> policies that government has mandated since the time of confederation.
>>>>> I believe that this arcane system has done nothing to protect myself
>>>>> or anyone from being victimized by members of the RCMP and in doing so
>>>>> has left these same RCMP members unaccountable for any crimes that
>>>>> they choose to commit.
>>>>> I will state that if someone from outside the RCMP with a mandate to
>>>>> investigate the RCMP does investigate and I am found not to be telling
>>>>> the whole truth I would expect to be charged with obstruction of
>>>>> justice with the full knowledge of the maximum sentence that can
>>>>> brought down upon me. I fully expect to be held in compliance with
>>>>> Canadian law.
>>>>> I ask you Honourable Members if the I.I.O. office in Ontario can
>>>>> investigate the members of the B.C. RCMP. They have been mandated for
>>>>> a longer period of time. I however do not know if they can be
>>>>> interprovincial. They are a federal branch are they not? I have no way
>>>>> to contact them.
>>>>> Look. I am not trying to destroy the RCMP. I just believe that they
>>>>> should be held accountable. I also know that they are a valuable
>>>>> organization with a lot of good people who are a benefit to society's
>>>>> safety. On the other hand there is a subculture within the RCMP that
>>>>> is a detriment to the safety of the Canadian public by being above the
>>>>> law and investigating themselves.
>>>>> Please do something. I cannot go on living in fear for my life when I
>>>>> know that the laws can be changed and I can feel free to live my life
>>>>> again.
>>>>> I do request a reply in writing from all you Honourable Members in
>>>>> regards to this matter.
>>>>> Thank you. God bless.
>>>>> Yours truly,
>>>>> Lonnie Gabriel Landrud
>>>>> April 24th, 2013
>>>>> FYI Frank Frost told me tonight that Lonnie Landrud amongst many
>>>>> others witnessed the CROWN prosecutor Geoffrey McDonald file HARD COPY
>>>>> of some of my documents into the PUBLIC RECORD of Frank Frost's matter
>>>>> in a fainthearted effort to make him appear to be crazy. However I had
>>>>> already kinda sorta figured it out byway of reading what the
>>>>> chickenshit neo nazi Arty Baby Topham had to say about it and hearing
>>>>> about the local cops in the Maritmes harassing my friends
>>>>> p=4207
>>>>> "On Monday, February 3rd Frank Frost appeared in the Prince George
>>>>> Court House regarding an application which he had filed earlier
>>>>> demanding that his bail conditions be fully rescinded. When he arrived
>>>>> at the courthouse he had some additional evidence with him in his
>>>>> briefcase (which he affectionately refers to as his "Pandora's Box")
>>>>> that could prove to be a major blow to the guilty parties involved in
>>>>> his own arrest and the arrest of his partner Carrie Rupf. As well he
>>>>> was able to also present to the court another major case of federal
>>>>> government corruption with international repercussions that's been
>>>>> held back for close to fifteen years now and is one that former
>>>>> federal Attor...
[Message clipped] View entire message
"David.Coon"<>, "kris.austin"<>,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Lynch <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:36:02 -0600
Subject: Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047
To: ""<>
I am emailing you, as you keep hanging up the telephone on me.
I request that you fill out a statement documenting the nature of the
emails that Mr. WINTERS sent to you and how those emails made you
feel. You can either write a statement (which you can obtain from your
local Police station and scan it and email it to me or you could write
a statement in email form. Your cooperation will be very much
appreciated and will help the Crown in obtaining a conviction against
As stated in my conversation with you over the telephone, Barry
Winters was charged with conveying false messages to you. I have
imposed an undertaking condition that he have no contact, direct, or
indirect with you.
Should Mr. WINTERS contact you, please advise me and I will
investigate with a view to arrest him and charge him with breach of an
I also ask that you contact me directly instead of the City hall here
in Edmonton, as those messages are quite vulgar and upset the staff at
the City that have to read them. I assure you that all messages to me
will be investigated and if appropriate charges will be laid. I ask
that you also avoid contacting Mr. WINTERS, as this may antagonize him
and make matters worse.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Reg#2515 Cst. LYNCH
Edmonton Police Service
Northeast Division / Patrol
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
to which it has been addressed and may contain information that is
privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, or
the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
If this communication has been received in error, respond immediately
via telephone or return e-mail, and delete all copies of this
'Nobody was safe from it': Edmonton blogger charged with rare hate
crime targeted individuals across Canada
Police say Barry Winters, 62, made derogatory remarks about race,
gender, politics
Roberta Bell · CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2017 5:38 PM MT
Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits of the hate crimes unit said the
investigation into blog posts targeting numerous individuals took more
than a year. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
Blogs that led to a rare charge of promoting hatred were more extreme
than anything he's ever seen before, says an Edmonton police
"I've never seen such extreme hatred from an individual," said
Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits. "He just kept spewing and nobody
was safe from it.
"He literally in some of these blogs was saying to kill people."
After an investigation of more than a year, Edmonton police confirmed
Wednesday a CBC News report a day earlier that revealed Barry Winters,
62, was charged with wilful promotion of hatred on a blog called The
Baconfat Papers and other blogs between 2014 and 2016. But police say
there's reason to believe the posts date back at least two years
Edmonton police charge blogger with hate crime against prof
Rise in reported hate crimes in Alberta no surprise to many
Copies of the blog submitted for evidence by one of many complainants
in the case show the blogger repeatedly made derogatory comments about
numerous individuals across the country, including a number of
well-known politicians and LGBTQ advocates in Edmonton.
The remarks don't exclusively target one particular group, but focus
on various factors, including race, gender, sexual orientation and
culture. Others attack individual politicians in various levels of
Willits said it's possible some people still don't know they were
targeted in the blog posts.
Complainants hurt, scared
Glenn Canning, based in Toronto, said there were dozens of posts on
Winters' blog between 2014 and 2016 about his daughter, Rehtaeh
Parsons. She committed suicide after she was sexually abused by a
group of teenage boys at a party in Halifax in 2013.
Canning said he discovered his daughter and his family were the
subject of the blog posts after someone contacted him and told him
about them.
It just broke my bloody heart in half to read that.
- Rehtaeh Parsons 's father Glen Canning
The blogs that focused on Rehtaeh were "just disgusting and sick," Canning said.
"It just broke my bloody heart in half to read that. It was cruel and
it is even crueller to know that the guy did it for no other reason
than he enjoyed hurting somebody."
Canning said he was in touch with police over the past year after they
opened the investigation. He's glad police have finally laid a charge.
"I've cried over this," Canning said. "When it happens to you over a
very personal thing, it affects you pretty badly."
Marni Panas speaks to reporters about how she felt when she discovered
blog posts targeting her. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
Marni Panas, an Edmonton-based LGBTQ advocate, said she was appalled
when she stumbled across posts on a blog suggesting she move to a
country where transgender women, like herself, are persecuted.
You don't know who's on the other end of these keyboards.
- Marni Panas
"You don't know who's on the other end of these keyboards.You don't
know what they're capable of and that instills a real fear," said
Panas, who notified police in 2016.
Panas said she has experienced online hateful comments before, but
said it stood out that the blogger in this instance was from the same
She said she'd never met the the blogger, to her knowledge, but
wondered what would happen if she did.
Exhausting investigation
Willits said police began the investigation in early 2016, after they
received complaints about the blog posts. Collecting the evidence was
time-consuming and complicated, he said, because patterns of hatred,
threats and harm had to be documented meticulously.
Willits said stating an opinion, a personal dislike, of something or
someone, is not the same as "intruding on others" and "uttering
The charge Winters faces is rare. Alberta Justice said in an email
that province-wide, that type of charge has only been laid on three
other occasions since 2011.
Edmonton police had to seek approval from the attorney general to
charge the blogger, who police say had a growing following numbering
into the thousands.
The posts were filled with derogatory words and "dehumanized scorn"
toward people and identifiable groups, Willits said.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:23:11 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
To: David Amos <>
Hey little David...why don't tell the Mayor of Edmonton not to block
your e communications, or the Chief of Police. Perhaps you ought top
try and phone them from the neighbour's phone again. But of course no
one ever takes a second phone call from you! lol lol
So David my son...when do you plan to file papers against me? lol lol lol
"C'yall in court" lol lol
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "patrick_doran1"<>, "Rhansen"
<>, "sunrayzulu"<>,
<>, "Gary.Rhodes"<>,
"Glen Canning"<>, "scott.macrae"
<>, "Krysti.Meer"<>,
"don.iveson"<>, "Cindy Bruneau"
<>, "ppalmater"
<>, "Jonathan.Denis"<>,
<>, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
"kris.wells"<>, "lcook"<>,
"macklamoureux"<>, "omouallem"
<>, "blake"<>,
"mikegormanhfx"<>, "selena ross"
<>, "oldmaison"<>, "jesse"
<>, "sean"<>,
"steve.murphy"<>, "Drew.Barnes"
<>, "premier"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
<>, "Gilles.Moreau"<>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 9:48:09 PM
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
"everyone wants you and the kiddies dead"
So YOU say EH Mr Baconfat?
Well at least your old buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" Green aka G $
of QSLS is clever enough not to use his real name as he harasses
people. He certainly knows that I have no phone bill just yearly
contract with MagicJack. Hell G $ and his cop pals have hacked my
MagicJack account twice thus far and he even bragged of it to your old
butt buddy Dirty Dicky Dean whilst I was making your old blog and that
of Chucky Leblanc's go "Poof" last year
Check Dirty Dicky Dean's video from last summer Freeze frame out of
the gate and read real slow DUMMY
Even the Wacko Fatso of Sylvan Lake clued in last summer and has
pretended that I don't exist ever since.However the corrupt cops allow
you to go on and on for some strange reason even after I had your old
blog deleted.
That said watch me embarass the cops a little more tonight byway of
your racist bitch Lori ink
Notice how quick G $ made a Twitter account slammed your evil wifey
then fed you more info on my kid that embarassed the Hell out of you
in a heartbeat because he had fooled you into thinking it was my
daughter who was attacking you?
FYI I am constantly astonished and how stupid you are but I love
embarassing the Hell out your cop friends with your evil work and that
of your fellow YouTube Trolls such as Owen Foster and now Patty Baby
Doran..Nothing like faces and voices to prove the obvious published
malice. N'esy pas Gilles Moreau?
Lets see how long this account lasts once I pounce on it for a bit
Barry Winters gone @BarryPoof
@lorimink if he wouldn't have talked shit about my family it wouldn't
have been removed. Did you even ever read his blog?
0 replies 1 retweet 0 favorites
10:23 AM - 25 Oct 2014
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos now
Trust that @lorimink @RCMPAlberta @RCMPNB @RCMPNS @pmharper Know that
@BarryPoof is NOT my account EH G $ of QSLS ?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:26:30 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht,
Rick Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
To: David Amos <>
Little David, NO ONE listens to you, cares what you say, and everyone
wants you and the kiddies dead. Pay the phone bill asshole!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<>
To: "patrick_doran1"<>, "Rhansen"
<>, "sunrayzulu"<>,
<>, "Gary.Rhodes"<>,
"Glen Canning"<>, "scott.macrae"
<>, "Krysti.Meer"<>,
"don.iveson"<>, "Cindy Bruneau"
<>, "ppalmater"
<>, "Jonathan.Denis"<>,
<>, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
"kris.wells"<>, "lcook"<>,
"macklamoureux"<>, "omouallem"
<>, "blake"<>,
"mikegormanhfx"<>, "selena ross"
<>, "oldmaison"<>, "jesse"
<>, "sean"<>,
"steve.murphy"<>, "Drew.Barnes"
<>, "premier"<>
Cc: "David Amos"<>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 7:57:00 PM
Subject: Mr Baconfat trust that ex RCMP dudes Chiefs Rod Knecht, Rick
Hanson and their old buddy Bill Sweeney know my trusty little
MagicJack is working fine Re VM 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 780 421 3333
Remember when you made the death threat found below after I got the
interesting call which is hereto attached?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 18:23:09 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: It looks to me that Chief Rod Knecht must admit that his
favourite client Barry Winters acknowledged several important emails
this weekend as he attempted to inspire me to promote his VERY racist
blog Mr Baconfat makes no "Libellous Innuendos" What the evil Zionist
publishes is very obvious to all
To: David Amos <>
The "Chief" says you're fucked David. I'd call you again but your
phone is disconnected. What's the cash!
RCMP loses another top officer in Rod Knecht
Rod Knecht was seen as a candidate to replace Bill Elliott, but he
opts for Edmonton police chief’s job; Elliott will now stay until
RCMP Senior Deputy Commissioner Rod Knecht will soon head back out
west to take up job of Edmonton police chief.
By: Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau, Published on Tue May 24 2011
OTTAWA—Another senior RCMP officer is quitting the force early,
bringing to seven the number of senior commanders who have left RCMP
headquarters on Commissioner Bill Elliott’s watch.
Senior deputy commissioner Rod Knecht, 54, was tapped less than a year
ago to be the top operational Mountie and Elliott’s right-hand man.
Knecht says he never came to Ottawa in August hoping, or even wanting,
to replace Elliott as commissioner. But many believed that with 33
years service, and a stellar record, he was next in line for the top
job that Elliott has held since July, 2007.
Knecht admitted he found it more “difficult” than expected to work at
RCMP headquarters, arriving at a time when Elliott was under fire for
what his critics called a “verbally abusive” management style.
But in an exclusive and candid interview at an east-end coffee shop
with the Star, Knecht insists “the big factor” in his decision to quit
Ottawa and the RCMP is family. His two teenaged daughters found the
move to Ottawa tough, and he has opted to return to Alberta.
He accepted a five-year contract as chief of Edmonton’s police service
in early April, replacing former Toronto deputy chief Mike Boyd.
Knecht’s decision to quit was announced quietly during the federal
election campaign. Just as quietly, Elliott has let it be known the
election delayed his own June departure and he will stay until
An active search is underway for Elliott’s replacement. Knecht has a
frank view of what’s needed.
“I think we do suffer a crisis of leadership in the organization. I
think we as an organization haven’t been very good at identifying and
developing future leaders.”
He points to the Canadian military which “was in a similar situation
as we have been in” since the late 1990s and early 2000s “and they
have really embraced leadership and aggressively pursue it.”
Arriving amidst the turmoil of Elliott’s tenure, Knecht says he
quickly decided to “focus on operations,” including a redrawing and
rejuvenation of the RCMP’s senior organizational structure. It’s led
to more than 40 officers in leadership positions across the country
shifting around.
Knecht himself followed the footsteps of a leader he admired: Bill
Sweeney, his predecessor as senior deputy commissioner as well as the
past top commanding officer in Alberta. Sweeney retired in July for
family reasons and never publicly complained about the commissioner.
But Sweeney did reveal concerns to the Privy Council Office in an exit
interview last June, a parliamentary committee has been told.
That led to the government summoning several other senior officers,
including deputy commissioner Raf Souccar, to discuss Elliott’s
workplace behaviour. Souccar testified under oath he never leaked the
turmoil to the media. But Elliott accused him of betrayal.
Souccar retired from the force and is now running security at the
Royal Canadian Mint. Others have also left: assistant commissioner Pat
McDonell, now in charge of Senate security; his brother Mike McDonell,
an assistant commissioner who left for the Ontario Provincial Police;
deputy commissioner Tim Killam; and assistant commissioner Bernie
Corrigan. All chose to retire with full pension.
Knecht says change at the RCMP must be constant. That’s why he
authored a big policy change — now in the hands of the senior
executive committee to decide — to rotate the RCMP’s leaders on a
five-year basis from national headquarters back out to the field.
Reflecting on what the RCMP needs in leadership, Knecht said “it’s
really all about” improving public safety and security for Canadians
and “supporting our personnel” to focus on that job. “In its simplest
form that’s what being the commissioner of the RCMP boils down to.”
In an organization of 31,000 employees, “people will make mistakes in
the organization and people will do bad things, and you’ve got to deal
with those people. If I had a criticism of the RCMP we are too slow in
dealing with our issues. We take too long.”
The other clear “imperative” Knecht sees is that the RCMP needs
“better and more respectful” relationships with governments at all
“The RCMP cannot be political but they have to be politically astute.
I would say we need to work at that.”
The contenders list for the top job usually includes: Peter German,
deputy commissioner for the Western region; Bob Paulson, deputy
commissioner for federal and international policing (replacing
Souccar); Peter Hourihan, deputy commissioner and commanding officer
for B.C.; and assistant commissioner Bill Smith, commanding officer in
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Possible outside contenders are Ottawa police chief and former Mountie
Vern White and Garry Loeppky, a former deputy commissioner who retired
but returned on contract during the Olympics. Toronto police Chief
Bill Blair’s name has also surfaced.
But it is clear a search committee is canvassing even more broadly
outside the force in search of a leader. Rob Wright, a past national
security advisor to Paul Martin, has surfaced as a possible candidate.
Chief Rick Hanson
Chief Rick Hanson joined the Calgary Police Service in 1975, and has
extensive experience in a number of different investigative and
operational areas. For more than half of his law enforcement career,
Chief Hanson has worked at a senior management level, both within the
Calgary Police Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Chief Hanson has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Sciences from the
University of Calgary, and an Honorary Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Criminal Justice from Mount Royal University. He is also a graduate of
the University of Calgary's Executive Development Program, the FBI
Leadership in Counter-Terrorism Program, and the Canadian Police
College Executive Development Program.
Before returning to the Calgary Police Service in 2007, Chief Hanson
was the RCMP "K" Division Chief Superintendent in charge of Integrated
and Federal Policing.
Constantly in contact with the community he serves, Chief Hanson has
tight ties to organizations supporting the city's homeless, victims of
domestic violence and programs geared towards youth intervention and
He is also a strong advocate of establishing effective diversion and
treatment programs, and aligning the Calgary Police Service with other
important agencies to address social disorder and addictions at the
earliest stages.
This is the html version of the file
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.
Public Security Division
A J UStlCG and 9:11 Floor. John E. Brownies Building
b e I '' 10365 9'." Street
SDI lcrtor General Edmonton Alberta. Canada T5] 3W?
May 22, 2013
To all Authorized Employers of Peace Officers
Re: New Assistant Deputy Ministerl'Director of Law Enforcement
I am please to announce that effective May 2?, 2013 Mr. Bill Sweeney
will assume the position of Assistant Deputy Minister/Director of Law
Enforcement, Public Security Division.
Mr. Sweeney comes to the Public Security Division with a wealth of
executive leadership and police experience. He spent 35 years in the
RCMP finishing his career as the Senior Deputy Commissioner. In
addition, Mr. Sweeney was the Commanding Officer for RCMP K Division
from 2001 until 2007‘
Since his retirement from the RCMP, Mr. Sweeney has remained engaged
in the public sector as the Chair for Environment and Sustainable
Resource Development's Flat Top Complex Wildfire Review Committee - a
study into the major fire around Slave Lake in 2011.
I would like to thank Mr. Clifton G. Purvis who has been the Acting
Assistant Deputy
MinisteriDirector of Law Enforcement for the past five months for a
job well done.
Sean Bonneteau
Public Security Peace Officer Program
--- On Sat, 12/8/12, BARRY WINTERS <> wrote:
> Subject: Re: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from
> 7804213333
> To: "David Amos"
> Date: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 7:26 AM
> Wave to the nice "Zionist" sniper
> david!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "david raymond amos"<>
> "rod.knecht"<>
> "edmonton.centre"<edmonton.centre@assembly.ab.
> "premier"<>,
> "premier"<>
> Cc: "Gilles Moreau"<>
> "Wayne Lang"<>,
> "evelyngreene"<>,
> "acampbell"<>,
> "jacques poitras"<>,
> Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 3:36:02 PM
> Subject: Fw: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack
> mailbox from 7804213333
> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.
> Subject: New VM (1) - 1:29 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
> from 7804213333
> Date: Friday, December 7, 2012, 9:25 AM
> Dear magicJack User:
> You received a new 1:29 minutes voicemail message, on
> Friday, December 07, 2012 at 12:25:06 PM in mailbox
> 9028000369 from 7804213333.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:38:04 -0600
Subject: Mr Staples Please allow me to introduce you to the local cop
Greg Preston and Chucky Leblanc, Glen Canning, Mr Baconfat and a few
of their trollish associates in Alberta I repeat Chelsea Boos was NOT
threatened YOU WERE.
To:, glen <>, Glen
Canning <>, Glen Canning <>,
<>, deanr0032 <>,
patrick_doran1 <>, eachtem
<>, pol7163 <>,
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, "danny.copp"<>,
sallybrooks25 <>, andre <>
Obviously our conversation did not go well EH? Imagine if your
children had been threatened and sexually harassed by these perverts
in Alberta for over seven years?
FYI the Cop/lawyer Greg Preston, the Edmonton Police Commision and
your news outfit has known about the death threats against my family
and I by Mr Baconfat and his friends since 2007 All the cops and the
jouranlists have ever done is lie or laugh or simply ignore me.
However they must answer a lawsuit CORRECT Chucky Leblanc?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Staples, David (Edm Journal)"<>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:56:29 -0500
Subject: Re: I did call David Staples and Chelsea Boos but they are
not concerned about Barry Winters and his malevolent "Baconfat Report"
However Mayor Don Iveson, Chief Rod Knecht and the RCMP certainly
should be EH Steven Blaney and Mr Mulcair???
To: David Amos <>
Fair enough.
Vicious, cowardly death threat vs young woman my attention. So what
do you know?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 18, 2014, at 10:54 AM, "David Amos"<> wrote:
> I thought you didn't care???
>> On 9/18/14, Staples, David (Edm Journal) <> wrote:
>> What can you tell me about Mr. Winters?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 18, 2014, at 10:49 AM, "David Amos"<>
>>> wrote:
>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>> http://www.popularresistance.
>>> http://www.popularresistance.
>>> 202-688-2444
>>> http://drawingroomedmonton.
>>> David Staples @DavidStaplesYEG Apr 18
>>> @LukaszukMLA If you ever want to have an informal talk over a coffee,
>>> give me a call, 780 903 9499,
>>> Wednesday, September 17, 2014
>>> David Staples, Chelsea Boos And Shit
>>> Edmonton Journal "journalist" David Staples says! People need to be
>>> inconvenienced, educated, challenged and "poked" by "people " like
>>> Chelsea Boos. Chelsea Boos is a self described "activist and artist."
>>> She and other "artists and activists" are planning to "occupy" City of
>>> Edmonton parking meters depriving them from motorists because they
>>> want "to play in public places." These "artists and activists" are
>>> part of "parking" (ban day) It seems these "artists" consider playing
>>> croquet in metered parking stalls, some sort of guerilla, or
>>> performance art that induces people to more "fully experience" city
>>> life.
>>> Chelsea Boos, David Staples and the rest of the chattering classes
>>> call this "public art," or "ephemeral art." They call setting up an
>>> outdoor "recording studio," thus depriving decent real Edmontonians
>>> from downtown is good for us, makes us think, and is "art." These
>>> animals tell all and sundry that "instantly changing a space" by
>>> defacing it with a "yarn bomb" is some sort of performance art, or
>>> some sort of "mental heath" good turn.
>>> So called "artist, and activist" Chelsea Boos says this sort of "art"
>>> is "quick and dirty." She claims this vandalism is "public art"
>>> instantly "temporarily changing a space" But this "art" is more akin
>>> to the German Shepard dog taking a shit on the sidewalk...both
>>> "instantly change a space." And NOT for the better.
>>> Chelsea Boos and her "colleagues" claim they don't care if they may
>>> inconvenience or offend decent Edmontonians, because these "artists /
>>> activists think, "it beautiful that humans will meet and be
>>> surprised!" Yes sir, nothing will make working Edmontonians more happy
>>> than being surprised by a shit turd on the sidewalk, courtesy of cunt
>>> girl Chelsea Boos and shit boy David Staples.
>>> And they call this shite..."art?"
>>> Here's a question for David Staples, Chelsea Boos and the rest of the
>>> "artists / activists." If we were to tie little David Staples to a
>>> post wearing an Oilers jersey, and bayonet that cunt to death....would
>>> that be a piece of "performance art." I suppose we could call it
>>> "beautiful" if we were Flames fans?
>>> Posted by Seren at 9:56 PM No comments:
>>> The Good Injin Is A Dead Injin... Redux
>>> Its 5:30 AM, the beginning of another work day, and the "discovery" of
>>> another drunk, comatose, apparently, and hopefully dead injin animal.
>>> There are always lots drunk injins, homeless injins, sleeping in
>>> doorways injins, begging for money to buy syringes injins, shitting
>>> in the bus shelters injins, squaws looking for "few bucks," and other
>>> assorted human refuse on the western end of Jasper Avenue in Edmonton.
>>> Indeed it makes one long for a " final solution" to the problem. A
>>> few short weeks ago I related to readers the finding of a hopefully
>>> dead "proud native person" in front of the neighbourhood Mac's one
>>> morning. Its not really an uncommon occurrence to have to step over or
>>> otherwise avoid such garbage.
>>> This morning was no exception. A large filthy, shite stained, and wet
>>> "injin buck" lay supine in a parking spot in front of the Mac's Store.
>>> My friend the commercial painter" was standing over the animal. He was
>>> one of the decent people that found the "dead injin" I wrote here
>>> about a few weeks ago. I asked Keith, "is it dead?" He kicked the
>>> injin in the face with his steel toed work boot. We heard the nose
>>> break. We thought that was very cool. But alas the animal never made a
>>> sound, "it" bled profusely, but never made a sound, nor seemed to
>>> breathe.
>>> A woman got out of her car and asked, "if anyone had called 911?" My
>>> answer to her was, "why?" She then asked, "perhaps someone should
>>> give him mouth to mouth, and CPR?" I told her, "why don't you do just
>>> that!" The altruistic bimbo got back into her car and drove off. I
>>> guess she didn't want to "save" the dead injin all that much.
>>> Keith was in a hurry as was I, so Keith gave "injin joe" one last kick
>>> to the head and got into his car. I would have pissed on the pig, but
>>> I could see my bus coming in the distance, so I forgo the pleasure.
>>> Indeed, the only good injin, is a dead one! So I crossed Jasper Avenue
>>> to catch the bus, and at the bus shelter there was a turd, where
>>> another "proud aboriginal" just had to shit.
>>> Posted by Seren at 8:39 PM No comments:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 18:09:45 -0600
>>> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat I am tempted to just quote you and your hero
>>> Gene Autry and simply say NOPE BUT I must quote my hero Crazy Horse
>>> and my Keith forefathers as well and holler HOKA HEYt and VERITAS
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, Brian Gallant <>,
>>> execdirgen <>, premier <>,
>>> "mclaughlin.heather"<mclaughlin.heather@
>>> <>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>,
>>> "Davidc.Coon"<>, "danny.copp"
>>> <>, "dan. bussieres"<>,
>>> "martin.gaudet"<>
>>> <>, BARRY WINTERS <>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<>
>>> <>
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <
>>> <>
>>> Cc: Scott macrae <>, sallybrooks25
>>> <>, radical <>,
>>> upriverwatch <>, "peter.dauphinee"
>>> <>, David Amos
>>> <>
>>> Canning <>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, themayor <>, Rhansen
>>> <>, pol7163 <>, police
>>> <>, police <>, police
>>> <>, "police. chief"
>>> <police.chief@town.woodstock.
>>> <>, pm <>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <>
>>> bluelightning 03 <>
>>> <>,, smcintyre
>>> <>, rod knecht <>
>>> john green <>,,
>>> "steven.blaney"<>, frankffrost
>>> <>, patrick_doran1
>>> <>, DDrummond <>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, Paul Elam
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <>
>>> <>, girlwriteswhat
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, MulcaT <>, leader
>>> <>, oldmaison <>, andre
>>> <>, COCMoncton <>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 17:28:56 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that
>>> you and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian
>>> Criminal Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and
>>> Danny Boy Copp???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Well David! We all know that you are semi-illiterate, and I haven't
>>> made "hate speech" as defined by the criminal code. Nor have I
>>> "damaged your reputation or that of your "children.' YOU have no
>>> reputation.
>>> So "sue me David! "C'yall in court,""big man" What nonsense is it you
>>> say? "I double dawg dare you." The law enforcement of New Brunswick
>>> has told you to fuck off. The RCMP told you to Fuck off. The military
>>> police told you to fuck off. The Calgary Police Service told you to
>>> fuck off. And the EPS has told you to fuck off.
>>> Has it dawned on you yet, they are all right and you are not only
>>> wrong, but completely fucked?
>>> Send my love and jiz to Gracie girl
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 17:39:53 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that
>>> you and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian
>>> Criminal Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and
>>> Danny Boy Copp???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> David Baby I never "defamed" or "libeled" you or your diseased
>>> children. In libel law, "the truth is a complete defence.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<>
>>> <>
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "sallybrooks25"
>>> <>, "radical"<>,
>>> "upriverwatch"<>, "peter.dauphinee"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <>
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <>
>>> "bluelightning 03"<>
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <>
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 5:16:31 PM
>>> Subject: Yo Chief Rod Knecht your client Mr Baconfat claims that you
>>> and your buddies in the RCMP know how to read the Canadian Criminal
>>> Code YEA RIGHT Too Too Funny N'esy Pas Chcky Leblanc and Danny Boy
>>> Copp???
>>> Survey Says?
>>> http://laws-lois.justice.gc.
>>> Defamatory Libel
>>> Definition
>>> 298. (1) A defamatory libel is matter published, without lawful
>>> justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of
>>> any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is
>>> designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published.
>>> Marginal note:Mode of expression
>>> (2) A defamatory libel may be expressed directly or by insinuation or
>>> irony
>>> (a) in words legibly marked on any substance; or
>>> (b) by any object signifying a defamatory libel otherwise than by words.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 262.
>>> Marginal note:Publishing
>>> 299. A person publishes a libel when he
>>> (a) exhibits it in public;
>>> (b) causes it to be read or seen; or
>>> (c) shows or delivers it, or causes it to be shown or delivered, with
>>> intent that it should be read or seen by the person whom it defames or
>>> by any other person.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 263.
>>> Marginal note:Punishment of libel known to be false
>>> 300. Every one who publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false
>>> is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a
>>> term not exceeding five years.
>>> R.S., c. C-34, s. 264.
>>> Hate Propaganda
>>> Marginal note:Advocating genocide
>>> 318. (1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an
>>> indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
>>> five years.
>>> Marginal note:Definition of “genocide”
>>> (2) In this section, “genocide” means any of the following acts
>>> committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable
>>> group, namely,
>>> (a) killing members of the group; or
>>> (b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
>>> to bring about its physical destruction.
>>> Marginal note:Consent
>>> (3) No proceeding for an offence under this section shall be
>>> instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.
>>> Definition of “identifiable group”
>>> (4) In this section, “identifiable group” means any section of the
>>> public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or
>>> sexual orientation.
>>> R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 318;2004, c. 14, s. 1.
>>> Previous Version
>>> Marginal note:Public incitement of hatred
>>> 319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public
>>> place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such
>>> incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of
>>> (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not
>>> exceeding two years; or
>>> (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
>>> Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred
>>> (2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private
>>> conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group
>>> is guilty of
>>> (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not
>>> exceeding two years; or
>>> (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
>>> Marginal note:Defences
>>> (3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)
>>> (a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
>>> (b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish
>>> by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based
>>> on a belief in a religious text;
>>> (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest,
>>> the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on
>>> reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or
>>> (d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of
>>> removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred
>>> toward an identifiable group in Canada.
>>> Marginal note:Forfeiture
>>> (4) Where a person is convicted of an offence under section 318 or
>>> subsection (1) or (2) of this section, anything by means of or in
>>> relation to which the offence was committed, on such conviction, may,
>>> in addition to any other punishment imposed, be ordered by the
>>> presiding provincial court judge or judge to be forfeited to Her
>>> Majesty in right of the province in which that person is convicted,
>>> for disposal as the Attorney General may direct.
>>> Marginal note:Exemption from seizure of communication facilities
>>> (5) Subsections 199(6) and (7) apply with such modifications as the
>>> circumstances require to section 318 or subsection (1) or (2) of this
>>> section.
>>> Marginal note:Consent
>>> (6) No proceeding for an offence under subsection (2) shall be
>>> instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.
>>> Marginal note:Definitions
>>> (7) In this section,
>>> “communicating”
>>> « communiquer »
>>> “communicating” includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or
>>> other audible or visible means;
>>> “identifiable group”
>>> « groupe identifiable »
>>> “identifiable group” has the same meaning as in section 318;
>>> “public place”
>>> « endroit public »
>>> “public place” includes any place to which the public have access as
>>> of right or by invitation, express or implied;
>>> “statements”
>>> « déclarations »
>>> “statements” includes words spoken or written or recorded
>>> electronically or electro-magnetically or otherwise, and gestures,
>>> signs or other visible representations.
>>> R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 319;R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s.
>>> 203;2004, c. 14, s. 2.
>>> Saturday, July 26, 2014
>>> IDF Must Keep Killing HAMAS and the "palestinians" They Hide Behind!
>>> "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war." It is not in the best
>>> interests, safety of Eretz Yisrael, its people or all the Jews of the
>>> Diaspora to cease the war against HAMAS. So called "palestinians" are
>>> being killed entirely because HAMAS uses them as human shields, or
>>> what they call shahids. Eretz Yisrael must finish off HAMAS
>>> notwithstanding the vexation of John Kerry or President monkey boy
>>> Obama. Gaza must be rid of HAMAS and de-militarized before
>>> hostilities can cease. HAMAS' tunnels must be destroyed. Moshavniks
>>> and Kibbutzniks in southern Israel now know HAMAs with its tunnels
>>> planned and attempted to massacre them. The government of Eretz
>>> Yisrael must protect its people, save their lives and kill of the
>>> military wing of HAMAS.
>>> The "world" permitted the extermination of six million Jews not so
>>> long ago. The Secretary General of the Arab League in 1948 called for
>>> a "war of great slaughter, and extermination of the Jews," when the
>>> United Nations terminated the British Mandate in Palestine, and
>>> attempted to create the first "two state solution." The Trans Arab
>>> Nation obviously rejected that idea, then and now. The "world" didn't
>>> and doesn't care. Monkey boy Barak Hussein Obama and his cock sucker
>>> John Kerry doesn't care about Jews, or Jewish lives, or citizens of
>>> Eretz Yisrael. Hell, even Calgary's Muslim Mayor Naheed Nenshi or his
>>> anti-Semite chief police Ric Hansen don't give a fuck about the lives,
>>> safety and property of the "damned Jews" of Calgary.
>>> No one cares about Jewish lives anywhere on the planet save the
>>> government and the fighting Jews of Eretz Yisrael. Hence, that is why
>>> IDF must, for the continued survival of Jews everywhere finish the
>>> job, and kill off HAMAS, not withstanding the loud and anti-Semitic
>>> vexation of "diplomats" in Europe and the Arab World. The United
>>> Nations organization UNRW actually hides rockets and munitions for
>>> HAMAS. They have been caught.
>>> There is nothing new here. The world, "kristian" and Muslim has been
>>> killing Jews for millennia. The "world" and amerka is permitting Arabs
>>> to do the same now. The only thing that's different is, these Jews
>>> fight. These Jews will NOT climb aboard the "cattle cars." Israelis to
>>> the chagrin of Monkey boy Obama and John Kerry will not be
>>> exterminated quietly.
>>> That is why IDF must resume hostilities after this humanitarian pause,
>>> and ensure their own safety, and the safety of this "bolt hole" for
>>> all the Jews on the planet.
>>> Kill em all and let Hashem sort em out! Not withstanding "the world"
>>> we want to live!
>>> Posted by Seren at 8:26 AM 2 comments:
>>> Anonymous said...
>>> July 26, 2014 at 12:44 PM
>>> Anonymous said...
>>> NOW!
>>> 1.5 billion islamic scum...NO NOBEL PRIZES.
>>> 15 Million JEWS...3500 NOBLE PRIZES!
>>> July 26, 2014 at 12:52 PM
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:47:49 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Yo Mr Baconfat Never mind Mean Old Me Why not sprout some
>>> balls and tell your take on the Canadian Criminal Code to Chief Rod
>>> Knecht and his buddies in the RCMP???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Hey dickhead! I would expect they know an offense or what, constitutes
>>> an offense to the CC of C than an uneducated slimeball like you.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<>
>>> <>
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "radical"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <>
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <>
>>> "bluelightning 03"<>
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <>
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 4:43:49 PM
>>> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat Never mind Mean Old Me Why not sprout some
>>> balls and tell your take on the Canadian Criminal Code to Chief Rod
>>> Knecht and his buddies in the RCMP???
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:35:49 -0600
>>> Subject: For the record I am a lot madder at Bruce Northrup and his
>>> pals than his blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc ever was
>>> To: "bruce.northrup"<>, "brent.rathgeber.a1"
>>> <
>>> "blaine.higgs"<>, "Bill.Fraser"
>>> <>, "carl.urquhart"<>,
>>> "Kevin.leahy"<>, "Robert.Trevors"
>>> <>, "Robert.Goguen"
>>> <>, DavidYurdiga <>,
>>> "david.akin"<>, josh <>, lgunter
>>> <>, Bob Kuhn <>
>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>> <>, "rick.doucet"<>, news
>>> <>, news <>, news
>>> <>
>>> Imagine if Mr Baconfat said this shit about one of their children
>>> N'esy Pas Ricky Baby Doucet?
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:34:09 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Davey Baby!~ If YOU don't like my humble blog, don't read it. There is
>>> NOTHING illegal or contrary to the CC of C in it.
>>> So when can I fuck Gracie in the ass?
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:38:10 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Jesus H Pig Fucking Christ...what a long heavy load of fucking SPAM!
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"<>
>>> To: "hugh.flemming"<>, "mckeen.randy"
>>> <>, "brian.t.macdonald"
>>> <>, "Brian Gallant"
>>> <>, "execdirgen"<>,
>>> "premier"<>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "Davidc.Coon"
>>> <>, "danny.copp"<>,
>>> "dan. bussieres"<>, "martin.gaudet"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "BARRY WINTERS"<>,
>>> "brad.anderson"<>
>>> <>
>>> <>, "Claude.Tremblay"
>>> <Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>, "Darren.Woroshelo"
>>> <Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <Kent.Kryzanowski@rcmp-grc.gc.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <
>>> <>
>>> Cc: "Scott macrae"<>, "radical"
>>> <>, "David Amos"
>>> <>
>>> Canning"<>, "james.goodman"
>>> <>, "themayor"<>,
>>> "Rhansen"<>, "pol7163"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police"
>>> <>, "police"<>, "police.
>>> chief"<police.chief@town.woodstock.
>>> <>, "pm"<>, "rob.nicholson.a1"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <>
>>> "bluelightning 03"<>
>>> <>,, "smcintyre"
>>> <>, "rod knecht"
>>> <>
>>>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, "frankffrost"
>>> <>, "patrick_doran1"
>>> <>, "DDrummond"<>,
>>> "bob.paulson"<>, "Paul Elam"
>>> <>, "Gilles.Moreau"
>>> <>
>>> <>, "girlwriteswhat"
>>> <>,, "greg.weston"
>>> <>, "MulcaT"<>, "leader"
>>> <>, "oldmaison"<>, "andre"
>>> <>, "COCMoncton"<>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 4:23:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> Nay not so Mr Baconfat BUT I must say the RCMP and their politcal
>>> puppetmasters are flatout crazy to support your many PUBLISHED wrongs
>>> and that of Dirty Dicky Dean's and Chucky Leblanc'sf or over 10 years.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: BARRY WINTERS <>
>>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 15:59:47 -0600 (MDT)
>>> Subject: Re: So Again I must ask the obvious question to Premier
>>> Alward and his Mindless AG Flemming (for a couple more months) So says
>>> the perverted Zionist Mr Baconfat so say you all???
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> Hey little David....YOU will just love the last blog post. So will
>>> Gracie.
>>> Sunday, August 3, 2014
>>> Heritage Days, David Amos And His Diseased "Girls"
>>> It is a glorious sunny and already hot Sunday morn, the harbinger of a
>>> wonderful day. The Mrs, and myself have devoured our first Russian
>>> pastries of the day. Mean while in maritime kanada David Amos'
>>> "children" sucked the first cocks of their busy day of turning tricks.
>>> They're going to have to suck a lot of cocks because their "Father"
>>> David Amos needs money for the deposit so he can run for Member of
>>> Parliament. Even David Amos'"Mother" makes granny porn flics, to do
>>> her bit to further David Amos' political career.
>>> Back at Hawralak Park in Edmonton the first cooking smells waft over
>>> the park. The amplifiers blast the first sounds of world music. Mean
>>> while in maritime kanada, Gracie David's "daughter " has had her third
>>> customer, and has douched herself in preparation for the fourth. David
>>> is waiting patiently to collect his cut of the proceeds, of Gracies'
>>> industriousness. David lives, promotes his non-existent "political
>>> career," and raises "political funds" by pimping out his kids.
>>> Obviously politics in maritime kanada is a "family affair."
>>> Posted by Seren at 2:58 PM
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <>
>>> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:59:12 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: Ayt least Trudeau Mulcair and their friends in the
>>> Edmonton Police Dept know why I am honoured that the cops evil client
>>> Mr Baconfat hates Mean Old Me
>>> To:, "rod.knecht"<>
>>> "David.Veitch"<David.Veitch@edmontonpolice.
>>> <greg.preston@edmontonpolice.
>>> <>
>>> <>,, pm <>,
>>> MulcaT <>, "steven.blaney"
>>> <>, Mackap <>, premier
>>> <>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
>>> <>, "david.eby.mla"
>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>> With whom?. I would like to talk to them about you and Mr Baconfat ASAP
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From:
>>> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:22:33 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: Ayt least Trudeau Mulcair and their friends in the
>>> Edmonton PoliceDept know why I am honoured that the cops evil client
>>> Mr Baconfat hates MeanOld Me
>>> To: David Amos <>
>>> I asked you to stop. I will be filing a complaint!
>>>> On 9/11/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> The strange Venne women should study every word of his EH Mr Mulcair???
>>>> Enjoy
>>>>> On 8/28/14, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Rachelle Venne <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:52:10 -0600
>>>>> Subject: FW: RE The Highway of Tears I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>> To:
>>>>> David,
>>>>> I'm not sure what you are trying to tell us. And hanging up doesn’t
>>>>> help. Please do not call or email our office or any of our
>>>>> representatives in the future or we will file a complaint of
>>>>> harassment with your local police.
>>>>> Rachelle Venne, CEO
>>>>> Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women
>>>>> #201, 10812-178 Street Edmonton T5S 1J3
>>>>> Tel: 780-479-8195, Toll Free: 1-877-471-2171 Website:
>>>>> Proclaiming the “Decade of Difference for Aboriginal Women” 2005-2015
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.
>>>>> Sent: August-26-14 4:23 PM
>>>>> To:; rod.knecht; mclellana
>>>>> Cc: David Amos
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: RE The Highway of Tears I just called from 902 800 0369
>>>>> At a rally in Edmonton on Friday, dozens came out to show their
>>>>> support for calls for a national inquiry and to demand justice for
>>>>> aboriginal women.
>>>>> "It's the shame of Canada now that people realize what's happening in
>>>>> this beautiful country," said Muriel Stanley Venne, a human rights
>>>>> activist and Métis leader in Edmonton. "This is my country and I'm
>>>>> ashamed of the fact that there's so many of our women that are
>>>>> murdered on a kind of regular basis."
>>>>> 'It's the shame of Canada now that people realize what's happening in
>>>>> this beautiful country.'
>>>>> - Muriel Stanley Venne, human rights activist and Métis leader
>>>>> Venne wasn't alone in her condemnation of the prime minister.
>>>>> We are located at #201, 10812 – 178 street Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1J3
>>>>> Phone: 780.479.8195
>>>>> Toll Free: 1.877.471.2171
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:43:34 -0700
>>>>> Subject: RE The Highway of Tears
>>>>> To:, pm <>, MulcaT
>>>>> <>, "steven.blaney"<>,
>>>>> Mackap <>, premier <>,
>>>>> "suzanne.anton.mla"<>, "david.eby.mla"
>>>>> <>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>, DavidYurdiga <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>, frankffrost <>
>>>>> For additional information, please contact:
>>>>> Claudette Dumont-Smith
>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>> 1 Nicholas Street, 9th Floor
>>>>> Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
>>>>> Toll free 1-800-461-4043
>>>>> Tel.: 613-722-3033 x. 223
>>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>>> http://highwayoftears.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: David Amos <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 21:00:58 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re The very ethical Lonnie Landrud and what he knows about
>>>>> the Highway of Tears that the Human Rights Watch Bullshitters and Bob
>>>>> Paulson of the RCMP will never talk about
>>>>> To:, "bob.paulson"<>,
>>>>> "t.wilson"<>, "roger.l.brown"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>, "Barry.Kennedy"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>, lgunter <>, "joshua.skurnik"
>>>>> <>, oldmaison <>,
>>>>> "Davidc.Coon"<>, acampbell <>,
>>>>> "steve.graham"<>, "steve.murphy"
>>>>> <>, merv <>
>>>>> Cc: David Amos <>
>>>>> <>, COCMoncton <>,
>>>>> "bruce.northrup"<>, pm <>,
>>>>> "greg.weston"<>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
>>>>> <>, MulcaT <>, frankffrost
>>>>> <>, radical <>,
>>>>> "jennifer.johnston"<>
>>>>> One year ago the Human Rights Watch Bullshitters had Harper's knickers
>>>>> in a knot N'esy Pas?
>>>>> New York
>>>>> Press Desk
>>>>> Tel: +1-212-216-1832
>>>>> Fax: +1-212-736-1300
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> Skype: hrwpress
>>>>> 2013-02-13 · OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper is calling on the
>>>>> group Human Rights Watch to share information with police about
>>>>> allegations of abuse by RCMP
>>>>> Just so EVERYBODY knows Bobby Baby Paulson was a lowly Cpl in Prince
>>>>> Rupert when Lonnie Landrud witnessed Deena Lyn BRAEM's Murder
>>>>> 1995 - as a Corporal in Prince Rupert, Paulson commented on the girls
>>>>> and women disappearing along Hwy 16 -
>>>>> "Obviously, we're concerned that there is and we've done everything we
>>>>> can do to investigate accordingly," Paulson said. "By the same token,
>>>>> it's not a done deal that it is [a serial killer]. The possibility
>>>>> still exists that these are individual, separate incidents."
>>>>> HOWEVER This is the one true statement that Paulson ever said about
>>>>> the Highway of tears
>>>>> "Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is – don't
>>>>> worry about it, I've got your back."
>>>>> In an email late last week discussing the Human Rights Watch report on
>>>>> police mistreatment of indigenous women and girls in northern British
>>>>> Columbia, Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is
>>>>> – don't worry about it, I've got your back."
>>>>> "Commissioner Paulson's dismissive approach sets precisely the wrong
>>>>> tone, and illustrates the challenges RCMP victims face," said Meghan
>>>>> Rhoad, women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. "His comments
>>>>> underscore the need for investigation of police abuse complaints by an
>>>>> independent civilian agency that won't leap into organizational
>>>>> defense mode the moment police abuse is exposed."
>>>>> Paulson further wrote that the RCMP has "tried to persuade [Human
>>>>> Rights Watch] to provide the names and specific details of these
>>>>> allegations in order that they can be investigated in accordance with
>>>>> our external investigation policy. If not to us then to any other
>>>>> investigative body. To date they have refused."
>>>>> Deena Lyn BRAEM Murder of
>>>>> Quesnel RCMP Case No. 1999-7285
>>>>> Open Letter to the Federal & Provincial Honourable Members of
>>>>> Parliament from Lonnie Landrud
>>>>> To the Honourable Members:
>>>>> Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Thomas Mulcair, Opposition Leader; Vic
>>>>> Toews, Federal Public Safety Minister; Rob Nicholson, Federal
>>>>> Solicitor General; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Adrainne Dix,
>>>>> Leader, B.C. Opposition Party.
>>>>> I again find myself having to write to you the leaders of Canada and
>>>>> British Columbia to try and put a stop to the attempts on my life by a
>>>>> group of RCMP members and their paid informants.
>>>>> I have already sent letters to some of you Honourable Members and some
>>>>> of you I have never contacted. So I will repeat my situation to put
>>>>> everyone on the same page.
>>>>> I will start by stating I have contacted some of your Honourable
>>>>> predecessors before and was either ignored or told that the government
>>>>> operates separate from the RCMP and that they cannot interfere
>>>>> personally or by way of office s they have no mandate to do so.
>>>>> What I am asking is for someone outside the RCMP with the mandate to
>>>>> investigate the actions of all the RCMP members and their paid
>>>>> informants to do so.
>>>>> If there is no one with a mandate to physically collect evidence or
>>>>> interview witnesses, I ask that the laws be changed that gives someone
>>>>> office that can investigate outside the RCMP.
>>>>> I ask that this staff be given the rights and mandate to go back
>>>>> twenty-five years in order to look at all the relevant evidence. I
>>>>> have been stuck in this situation for over fourteen years personally
>>>>> however this has started way before then.
>>>>> If this cannot be done then I request a Public Inquiry into my
>>>>> accusations against the actions of the RCMP members involved.
>>>>> On January 19th, 2013 I had another attempt on my life. At this time I
>>>>> will not go into detail. I will state that this has been the eleventh
>>>>> of crimes committed against myself and my life in order to silence me.
>>>>> None of which have been investigated from outside the RCMP. Those of
>>>>> which that were investigated by the RCMP enabled them to tamper with
>>>>> evidence and they never interviewed me or my witnesses.
>>>>> I do know the more that these RCMP members do and fail the crazier that
>>>>> I
>>>>> sound.
>>>>> These police officers would like you to believe that I am delusional,
>>>>> however I ask for them to bring forth the evidence that can prove what
>>>>> I saw and what I have lived, wrong.
>>>>> The stress of this situation is incomprehensible. Then add the fact
>>>>> that the government's mandate has left me reliving it over and over
>>>>> again in order to try to get our of this alive.
>>>>> Then add the fact the amount of numerous physical injuries I have
>>>>> incurred during these attempts on my life to silence me.
>>>>> I will continue by stating that not one of these injuries has been
>>>>> treated by a physician due to the fact that they do not want to
>>>>> testify in court, for one reason that it would cost them money. For
>>>>> the second reason that they are friends to some of these RCMP members
>>>>> involved. Some of these member's wives are nurses.
>>>>> I will give one example of the many instances that left me feeling
>>>>> like my life is not worth a plugged nickel.
>>>>> I had gone to the emergency department at the local hospital and as I
>>>>> was having my temperature and blood pressure taken a Doctor Grapes
>>>>> walks over and picks up my medical records and starts to read and as
>>>>> he is doing this he looks at the nurse and states right in front of
>>>>> me. I quote: "Isn't that funny, me and the other doctors have a bet on
>>>>> who gets to pronounce him dead." I could not believe my ears. He then
>>>>> set down my file and walked out the door.
>>>>> I will expand on this by stating that the cop who tried to murder me
>>>>> in my hime and the one who I shot in the left arm with a 12 gauge shot
>>>>> gun loaded with #4 birdshot, his wife was a nurse here in Quesnel for
>>>>> years. She has worked with all these doctors and they all have seen my
>>>>> internet statement on YouTube. (Quesnel, RCMP, Corruption: The Lonnie
>>>>> Landrud Story – for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it).
>>>>> I will continue by stating that I am sitll suffering Post Traumatic
>>>>> Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I cannot even get treated because the
>>>>> RCMP have stated that this event never happened, nor any of the
>>>>> others. I for one know when I shot someone in my home and even if I
>>>>> were in my home alone the RCMP members cannot prove me wrong. That
>>>>> night they had to radio out on a public channel because their ghost
>>>>> channels do not work or their cell phones due to my property's
>>>>> location. There are dozens of people who heard what was taking place
>>>>> and heard that Paul Collister was shot by me. There are a lot of
>>>>> scanners here in public hands that are monitored around the clock. I
>>>>> have spoken to some of these people. Perhaps someone should start to
>>>>> listen to the whole truth! Like I have stated in previous letters, if
>>>>> I could not prove my story I sure as hell would not be risking my
>>>>> life. The evidence can speak for itself. I can sure point to a lot of
>>>>> evidence, all's I need is for someone outside the RCMP to investigate
>>>>> and to interview the people that I have spoken with.
>>>>> Now at this point some of you Honourable Members might want to send me
>>>>> to the RCMP Complaints Commission or the Independent Investigations
>>>>> Office of B.C. (IIOBC). I have already tried and neither one has the
>>>>> mandate to investigate this situation. The Complaints Commission only
>>>>> reviews paperwork put forth by the RCMP. The other's mandate is to
>>>>> investigate only after September 12th, 2012. This is the date given by
>>>>> Shirley Bond, BC Solicitor General to the IIOBC and this was after the
>>>>> fact that she knew the situation that I have been trying to deal with
>>>>> (I have a letter from her that was handed to her by Kevin Falcon and
>>>>> the reply letter that she sent me). She too sent me to the Complaints
>>>>> Commission. Then she signed a twenty year deal with the RCMP shortly
>>>>> thereafter.
>>>>> There is not one thing that anyone of you Honourable Members can't
>>>>> tell me to do that I have not tried. I have had five legal advocates
>>>>> and not one could do anything. I have contacted hundreds of lawyers
>>>>> and cannot find one to represent me. They are all scared to be
>>>>> victimized by the RCMP. I've been to the media and had the same
>>>>> outcome with then. I have also tried a private investigator and he too
>>>>> was threatened with obstruction of justice charges which would destroy
>>>>> his credibility. I have sent a letter to Wally Opal, Supreme Court
>>>>> Justice who was looking into the murdered and missing women by way of
>>>>> Public Inquiry. I received no reply at all.
>>>>> I have in my possession enough evidence to prove that I have No Legal
>>>>> Rights, No Civil Rights and No Human Rights in Canada.
>>>>> The reason being the RCMP are above the law and will be until they no
>>>>> longer investigate themselves.
>>>>> Now I would hazard to guess you're asking why would I continue to
>>>>> expose myself to the danger that I face? My reply is these cops are
>>>>> not going to stop trying to murder me anyway so what do I have to
>>>>> lose? Then add the fact that I have survived this thus far. Unlike the
>>>>> thirteen people who have been murdered by these RCMP members and on
>>>>> top of all that the fifty girls that have came forward to the Human
>>>>> Rights watch dogs in Prince George, B.C., then you had better realize
>>>>> there is a lot more at stake than this. I've spoken to a few of them.
>>>>> There is no way in hell that I am going to sit back and let members of
>>>>> the RCMP murder people. Just like I am not going to let you Honourable
>>>>> Members hid behind your mandates and policies. Someone had better
>>>>> realize that I have nothing left to lose but I still have a means to
>>>>> expose this to the people of Canada and the world.
>>>>> Now I will tell you my story and I'm going to give the names of the
>>>>> RCMP members involved and expose what they have done to cover up the
>>>>> truth. I am not going to start with what led up to the first attempt
>>>>> on my life.
>>>>> I was house sitting for a friend's mom when I witnessed the murder of
>>>>> Deena Lynn Bream by Paul Collister and Bev Hosker, both members of the
>>>>> Quesnel RCMP. But there was a paid informant, Dianne Fuccenecco there
>>>>> also.
>>>>> I phoned the Quesnel detachment of the RCMP however their night calls
>>>>> go to Prince George dispatch. I told them about the gun shots that I
>>>>> was hearing, eight in all. It sounded like a twelve gauge shot gun. I
>>>>> never gave my name. I was told that they would dispatch the police to
>>>>> the location (Sugar Loaf Ball Park in West Quesnel). The next morning
>>>>> I had a surveillance team in a trailer next door. It consisted of the
>>>>> following RCMP officers: Constable Gill, Constable Gruending,
>>>>> Constable Hughs, Constable Hosker and later on Constable Collister.
>>>>> These are the names that I was giving to Sgt. Norrise of the Kamloops
>>>>> RCMP the morning after I shot Constable Collister in my home.
>>>>> Unknown to me I was recorded and after the tape was tampered with was
>>>>> used in court and with the Complaints Commission when I filed a
>>>>> complaint. I can prove it was tampered with. I had a witness sitting
>>>>> right next to me when I spoke to Sgt. Norrise and what I wait was a
>>>>> lot different than the tape. What my witness suggested I tell them
>>>>> (which I did) does not even appear on the tape. There are also other
>>>>> discrepancies that appear on the tape.
>>>>> At the time I did not know the names of the members that, with
>>>>> Constable Collister, came to my property. They were Constable Kinloch
>>>>> and Constable Coutier (the ones on top of my house and the ones who
>>>>> pursued me across my landing). Constable Barkman, Constable McMillan,
>>>>> Constable Anderson, these were the police officers that I saw at my
>>>>> gate. Constable McMillan and Constable Anderson were the ones who
>>>>> hunted me in my field. This was the third attempt.
>>>>> The second attempt was a few months earlier in which Constable
>>>>> McMillan, Constable Rogas came to my friend's home and arrested me for
>>>>> obstruction of justice. I committed no crime and had no idea why I was
>>>>> being arrested. I was severely beaten with a flashlight while in
>>>>> handcuffs and taken to the Quesnel detachment where Constable Paul
>>>>> Collister's old partner Constable Sardinea tried to murder me with a
>>>>> pressure point attack that has not healed to this day.
>>>>> The attempts in between were by paid informants or police officers
>>>>> that I could not get a good look at. I can identify some of the paid
>>>>> informants.
>>>>> The eighth attempt was by Constable Ray Kinloch of the Quesnel RCMP.
>>>>> He came to my rural home and property. He was dressed in camouflage
>>>>> and wearing the same fur hat as the night that I shot Constable
>>>>> Collister.
>>>>> It was an hour and a half after dark and he had to travel two
>>>>> kilometres through the bush to be where he was at. I felt a direct
>>>>> threat to my life and I shot at his head and then heard him run
>>>>> through the bush and trip and fall. I left and went to my mom's. When
>>>>> I returned a few days later I located where he tripped on a piece of
>>>>> blowdown and I found something that fell out of his pocket. I also
>>>>> have a witness to corroborate part of my story.
>>>>> The ninth attempt was by a paid informant. Again, severe injuries.
>>>>> The tenth attempt was by someone with a rifle with a silencer that
>>>>> tried to shoot me in the head in my own yard. As I stated to Christy
>>>>> Clark it was dumb luck that the bullet missed me. However I again did
>>>>> not escape injury.
>>>>> The eleventh attempt was on January 19th, 2013 when, after spending
>>>>> the night at my friend's trailer (the same one I phoned the police
>>>>> from years earlier when I witnessed the murder), someone during the
>>>>> night tampered with my propane ignition system in my truck by taking a
>>>>> hose clamp off and pulling the hose off the intake to my engine and
>>>>> also pulling a plug wire off the front spark plug.
>>>>> My truck also runs on gasoline and I was using that until my trip
>>>>> home. When I changed over I was moving and had travelled a few miles
>>>>> before the truck exploded. If I had been sitting still I would not
>>>>> have survived. However I was moving and the explosion occurred beneath
>>>>> the truck lifting it off the ground. The result was a near fatal
>>>>> accident with a family of four including two children. They were
>>>>> passing me and travelling in the same direction and were right next to
>>>>> me at the time.
>>>>> I'm in a quandary and have no understanding as to why this situation
>>>>> has been allowed to continue. I have tried everything humanly possible
>>>>> to have this investigated from outside the RCMP. There is a lot more
>>>>> information and witnesses that I can expose but for now I feel like
>>>>> this should prove that this is no delusion.
>>>>> To the Honourable Christy Clark: Re: The letter that was your response
>>>>> after the tenth attempt on my life. Here is what happened after you
>>>>> suggested going to pro-bono law, Access to Justice. In late December
>>>>> 2012 I tried five times to contact them and leaving messages. I
>>>>> received no replies.
>>>>> I tried again in late January 2013 and spoke to someone. He stated
>>>>> that he was the office manager. He never gave his name. I explained my
>>>>> situation and what was taking place and what I have done. He suggested
>>>>> that I run. I told him that I had nowhere to go. He gave me a phone
>>>>> number and said that they could help me. It turned out to be a
>>>>> homeless shelter. So I phoned him back leaving him a message. He
>>>>> returned my call four days later. I explained to him that I did not
>>>>> need a shelter, that I needed a lawyer to give me legal advice. To
>>>>> this day I've had no legal advice!
>>>>> I again explained my situation. He stated that he was a lawyer and he
>>>>> could not help me. I requested that in writing. His reply was, "We get
>>>>> 10,000 calls a day and we do not have the time to write letters to
>>>>> everyone." He went on to state that I should continue to deal with the
>>>>> Complaints Commission. This after I explained to him that I've been
>>>>> down that road before and they only review paperwork put forth by the
>>>>> RCMP. He went on again to state that I should run!
>>>>> A couple of days later I phoned the Complaints Commission to request
>>>>> the phone numbers of Bob Paulson, Head RCMP commissioner and Craig
>>>>> Cullen, Deputy Commissioner here in B.C. I spoke to a lady who stated
>>>>> she was a complaints commissioner and that I had no right to that
>>>>> information. That she, herself, could not contact them directly. She
>>>>> suggested that I try the RCMP website. I have no access to a computer.
>>>>> I however have had and the web sites that are connected to me are
>>>>> being stalked by the RCMP. I have exposed two such sites that have
>>>>> been created by the RCMP. I will also state that my mom's phone has
>>>>> been tapped and after contacting Telus I was told that I have no right
>>>>> to that information.
>>>>> On January 19th 2013 I went to the Native Friendship Centre and spoke
>>>>> to Criss Dunlope who handles legal aid and explained my situation to
>>>>> her. She asked, "Why are you coming to me?" I told her that I needed a
>>>>> lawyer and legal advice. She said that she was not a lawyer and
>>>>> everything she could suggest I have already done. She went on to state
>>>>> that I should go underground because my situation will not change
>>>>> until the RCMP quit investigating themselves.
>>>>> On February 6th, 2013 I again phoned the RCMP Complaints Commission. I
>>>>> asked the receptionist that answered if the commission's mandate has
>>>>> changed or do the RCMP still investigate themselves. She stated, "No,
>>>>> our mandate is still the same and the RCMP still investigate
>>>>> themselves." I told her my situation and she said, "I will have an
>>>>> analyst phone me back."
>>>>> I received a phone call twenty minutes later. It was a man's voice who
>>>>> asked, "Now what the fuck do you want?"
>>>>> Now I am a logger and used to such belligerence until he continued by
>>>>> stating, "We have been down this road in 2005 and we will not deal
>>>>> with this any further you fucking asshole." So I asked him, "Can I get
>>>>> that in writing?" He replied, "No, we have given you everything in
>>>>> writing we are going to give you!"
>>>>> So I asked, "So you're telling me I have no rights. I just had someone
>>>>> try to blow me up after I was at a friend's and some one tampered with
>>>>> my propane system."
>>>>> He asked, "Did anyone see who did it?" I replied, "Well the only
>>>>> enemies that I have been dealing with are cops and they are the ones
>>>>> I'm trying to get investigated." He said, "No, we cannot help you." So
>>>>> I said, "So you're telling me that you're going to do nothing just
>>>>> like when I shot Constable Paul Collister? I mean it would have been
>>>>> really simple to subpoena the medical records of Collister." I went on
>>>>> and said, "You know that I did shoot him in the left arm with a twelve
>>>>> gauge shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot! That he is still being treated
>>>>> for a blockage in his ulna." I then added, "I could implicate him in
>>>>> as many as thirteen murders." He then stated that they have done
>>>>> everything that they could and then told me again that I could go fuck
>>>>> myself.
>>>>> I understand why he treated me the way that he did. In my opinion he
>>>>> did an inadequate and inept job when asked for a review by the
>>>>> Complaints Commission. He went solely on the word of Sgt. Hildebrant
>>>>> who was Constable Collister's cohort for years and then add the
>>>>> tampered-with tape.
>>>>> I mean, would you not ask for proof that Collister was not shot? How
>>>>> hard would it have been to ask for medical reports?
>>>>> It's also my opinion that the Complaints Commission is just a cover-up
>>>>> organization for the RCMP and is a useless facet of our justice
>>>>> system.
>>>>> Something I do not understand is why do the RCMP have such control?
>>>>> They are just people like us.
>>>>> You know that I have been asked by lawyers why I was not dead yet and
>>>>> why are you trying to get us killed?
>>>>> I have also been told that I am a threat to national security by these
>>>>> same lawyers. I have always asked why? I'm just trying to deal with a
>>>>> system that has a crack in it that I've unknowingly fallen into. I'm
>>>>> just trying to stay alive. Is that too much to ask? I've had to relive
>>>>> this much too long.
>>>>> The stress and anxiety and the fear for my life, along with the
>>>>> physical injuries, has left me feeling like I'm being tortured to
>>>>> death.
>>>>> I ask all you Honourable Members what do I do, let them murder me? I
>>>>> have always stated to everyone that I may have to forfeit my life.
>>>>> That, I have always expected, but I ask you, am I not going to fight
>>>>> to defend my life?
>>>>> I mean I could go ballistic like the ex-L.A. police officer who was
>>>>> reported to have murdered other police officers. I can relate to some
>>>>> of the feelings but my no means can I understand why he did what he
>>>>> did. I believe there has been enough killing already. That is why I'm
>>>>> doing what I'm doing to prevent me from having to harm anyone. I have
>>>>> only asked for someone to investigate from outside the RCMP and I
>>>>> request to be put in protective custody till this is resolved. I also
>>>>> request medical treatment to see if my injuries can be treated.
>>>>> On the other hand, what do I do if you ignore my requests? Do I go to
>>>>> the United States and ask for asylum? These RCMP members are above the
>>>>> law and will not stop till I'm dead and there is no one who protects
>>>>> me from my supposed protectors. I always thought this was a free
>>>>> country to do what I want within the laws of Canada. Having to live in
>>>>> almost house arrest conditions for nine years has shown me that we
>>>>> live in a police state. I cannot even go to my own home, I have to
>>>>> live with my mother in order to feel any sort of safety and even then
>>>>> it's very little. There has been no way out of this. I have tried
>>>>> everything.
>>>>> I ask the Honourable Christy Clark about your letter dated November
>>>>> 28th, 2012. You stated that you could not get personally involved. Yet
>>>>> you sent my letter to the Quesnel RCMP detachment to be investigated.
>>>>> Your actions exposed every piece of personal identification that I
>>>>> possess to the people who are trying to murder me. These RCMP members
>>>>> have a computer system called C.P.E.C. and now can track me where ever
>>>>> I go in Canada. I ask you, is that not overstepping your mandate and
>>>>> in doing so exposing me to further threat?
>>>>> The RCMP officer who phoned me on your behalf was police officer Ray
>>>>> Kinloch. He asked me to go in and make a statement. I refused. Reason
>>>>> one is for fear of my life and reason two is I'm not going to give him
>>>>> the evidence so it can be altered or go missing.
>>>>> I realize that by stating this I'm not making friends or allies and I
>>>>> do apologize if I've offended you. That was never my intention, ever.
>>>>> I wish that I did not have to involve any of you Honourable Members
>>>>> but what choice do I have? The truth is the truth and life is like
>>>>> that. I have only tried to deal with what's been given to me.
>>>>> I believe that you are the people who look out for society's best
>>>>> interests. These RCMP officers murdering people and investigating
>>>>> themselves is a threat to society is it not? You Honourable Members
>>>>> are our representatives by way of legal election. I've never voted for
>>>>> who would be members of the RCMP and I sure never put them in a
>>>>> position where they are above the law. This has resided in the
>>>>> policies that government has mandated since the time of confederation.
>>>>> I believe that this arcane system has done nothing to protect myself
>>>>> or anyone from being victimized by members of the RCMP and in doing so
>>>>> has left these same RCMP members unaccountable for any crimes that
>>>>> they choose to commit.
>>>>> I will state that if someone from outside the RCMP with a mandate to
>>>>> investigate the RCMP does investigate and I am found not to be telling
>>>>> the whole truth I would expect to be charged with obstruction of
>>>>> justice with the full knowledge of the maximum sentence that can
>>>>> brought down upon me. I fully expect to be held in compliance with
>>>>> Canadian law.
>>>>> I ask you Honourable Members if the I.I.O. office in Ontario can
>>>>> investigate the members of the B.C. RCMP. They have been mandated for
>>>>> a longer period of time. I however do not know if they can be
>>>>> interprovincial. They are a federal branch are they not? I have no way
>>>>> to contact them.
>>>>> Look. I am not trying to destroy the RCMP. I just believe that they
>>>>> should be held accountable. I also know that they are a valuable
>>>>> organization with a lot of good people who are a benefit to society's
>>>>> safety. On the other hand there is a subculture within the RCMP that
>>>>> is a detriment to the safety of the Canadian public by being above the
>>>>> law and investigating themselves.
>>>>> Please do something. I cannot go on living in fear for my life when I
>>>>> know that the laws can be changed and I can feel free to live my life
>>>>> again.
>>>>> I do request a reply in writing from all you Honourable Members in
>>>>> regards to this matter.
>>>>> Thank you. God bless.
>>>>> Yours truly,
>>>>> Lonnie Gabriel Landrud
>>>>> April 24th, 2013
>>>>> FYI Frank Frost told me tonight that Lonnie Landrud amongst many
>>>>> others witnessed the CROWN prosecutor Geoffrey McDonald file HARD COPY
>>>>> of some of my documents into the PUBLIC RECORD of Frank Frost's matter
>>>>> in a fainthearted effort to make him appear to be crazy. However I had
>>>>> already kinda sorta figured it out byway of reading what the
>>>>> chickenshit neo nazi Arty Baby Topham had to say about it and hearing
>>>>> about the local cops in the Maritmes harassing my friends
>>>>> "On Monday, February 3rd Frank Frost appeared in the Prince George
>>>>> Court House regarding an application which he had filed earlier
>>>>> demanding that his bail conditions be fully rescinded. When he arrived
>>>>> at the courthouse he had some additional evidence with him in his
>>>>> briefcase (which he affectionately refers to as his "Pandora's Box")
>>>>> that could prove to be a major blow to the guilty parties involved in
>>>>> his own arrest and the arrest of his partner Carrie Rupf. As well he
>>>>> was able to also present to the court another major case of federal
>>>>> government corruption with international repercussions that's been
>>>>> held back for close to fifteen years now and is one that former
>>>>> federal Attor...
[Message clipped] View entire message

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Trudeau et al should ask why CBC blocked me for nearly a month after Higgy took Urquhart's sneaky Bill 49 off the table & why Chucky the nasty French blogger ain't the only person in NB who don't like Quebeckers
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart explains - Declaration implementing the Emergency Measures Act!
Jun 11, 2020

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
Border restrictions
The restrictions on non-essential travel to the province are raising some concerns about people's rights to mobility between provinces. Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart helped oversee the implementation of the plan.

[mp3 file: runs 00:13:36]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Could Premier David Alward life the Ban from the New Brunswick Legislature???

I hope the ban stays because I would go nuts!!!
Nothing to blog!!!
But the Blog has cause a lot of emotional stress for many citizens.
The Cop who arrested me at the Legislature is on Stress leave.
The image of the Fredericton Police took a beating when I was arrested last year.
What could be interesting is the fact that we'll have our first P.C. Speaker since Asshole Tanker Malley < excuse my language >
It would be nice if it's Bev Harrison because I would have some fun with the guy.
I might add the Mother of the kid who murdered that young girl will be out of a job.
She's the one who made the complaint and is responsible for my ban.
Will the new Government lift my ban for life from the Legislature?
I hope not!!
From: David Amos
Subject: Fw: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my son and I last night EH?
Cc: "David Amos"
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 8:51 AM
Monday, July 07, 2008
I don't know if this is a joke?I'm not a David Amos fan but this email was sent to me last week.
I wonder what happen there???
hello Charles!
Please keep me updated to what is happening inthe pictureprovinces capital and the forgotten hinterlands.
I like to make more comments, but it is to frustrating for me, a cyberspace dummy, to see to many labourosly written letters, getting lost in said realm
Charles, David Amos had been picked up by the RCMP, upon false accusations, and put into the Chalmers Hospital.
This is a fate that is looming at the horizont for anybody who does not put up with the corruption in this country and especially in " the place to be ". The dictators are running a tide ship, and they dont like it, when someone points out to them, that
underneath that picturesque veneer is a big mess hidden.
Yesterday it was me and many others, today it is David, and tomorrow it can be You, and me again. Lets put petty bickering aside, and speak out against the real foe. Short before the mighty sowjet empire crumbled and fell, they used the same tactics, putting opponents into loonybins, people who did not appriciate their benevolent rulership, must be something wrong with their head. Tink about it.
Werner Bock
506 756 8687
- I think the Guy is harmless. He May be off on another track somewhat but have seen worse like the sociopaths that work in Goverment and Police!
Do You think the Cows could have conspired to do it? - Why not call the number and find out Charles? You may not be a 'fan', but you two have a lot in common. There was a post at Spinks last night that could be him, it was posted anonymously, but he's the only guy who calls people 'boy'.
You are always offering conspiracy stories about people out to get you, his actually make even more sense as he keeps evidence and talks about using the court system-even runs for parliament. By that token he's more 'dangerous' than you, and doesn't have a popular blog to keep him in the limelight enough to protect him.
Call the Chalmers and ask to speak with him and see what happens... - Let the media use their contact to find out if this is true?
Not this blogger!!!!
I was sent an email and I blogged the issue.
My job is done!!!! - The media is certainly not going to cover it, you are far better known and like you say, the media wouldn't cover your arrest at all. Fighting for people's rights is never 'done'. There are some people who did work for residential tenants acts and about YOUR ban. Ironically Mr. Amos' last blog was a link to www.charlesin asking why YOU got all the attention.
I seem to recall lots of blogs with pictures about the clown who was banned, but maybe past posters are right, and its only people who are nice to you that get any attention. Let's just hope people don't have the same attitude if it does happen that YOU get arrested. Whether you like somebody or not is irrelevant.
I don't know what Mr. Amos' story is and have never been able to follow it, but we certainly know from Charles' treatment and Bonnie O'dea's case that just about anything is possible. - Listen Mike!!!
You cannot communicate with David!!!
It's an impossible task!!!!
I email him for an interview and he sent my request to everyone on his list.
What are his issues?
I don't know!!!!
Dan F tried to helped him and he turned against the guy.
Understand? You cannot do a story on a guy if he or she don't answer.
He sent me a picture and I blogged it. He quickly turned against me for using the picture.
I deleted the blog and pic. Tout fini!!!
Understand Mike?
But you're right on one issue?
The Government could quickly get rid of the guy and nobody will ever know?
Scary eh?
He could end up like an Ashley Smith?
If he gets out? I'm sure we'll hear lots of story and I'm gonna get blasted for blogging his arrest.
See Mike? You can't win for trying?
Can't blame the media either.
C'est la vie!!!
Stay tuned!! - He is a sick man. Hope he's getting some much-needed treatment!
- "Mr. Amos' story is and have never been able to follow it"
David Amos: NB-NWO whistleblower Part 4
"When the Irving idiot Scotty Baby Agnew had the RCMP try to arrest me and have Google delete my blog about them and the nasty French Bastard Chucky Leblanc and then had Yahoo kill two of my email accounts, I laughed at them all and proved to the Irvings' lawyer and the MP Jim Prentice in a wink of an eye that I was far from done with them."
"Dan F tried to helped him and he turned against the guy."
Deservedly so - too many bloggers shoot their mouth off with nothing but ignorance or a corrupt agenda behind their words.
The longer the mindless Canadian and American populace let the Stasi lapdogs of the fiat-debt thieves run rampant over our land, the more repressive action you'll see against independent media.
At least everybody with a clue knows that Main $tream Media is fully co-opted, they'd print their newspapers with uranium-laced ink if their owners gave the command. - Charles, don't mean to be contrary but virtually everything you've said about him has been said numerous times HERE about YOU. On numerous issues people have posted saying 'you just can't reason with the guy'. I don't particularly like being called 'mikey boy' and was often a target of Mr. Amos' criticism myself.
And like I said, if YOU were arrested there are lots who would say exactly the same thing as the above-'he needs help, I hope he gets it' and then move on.
The issue is not the PERSON, in order to raise the ire of lawyers, police, etc., you HAVE to be a bit of a malcontent. Most of us would just cry in our coffee and try to move on. The only reason Mr. Amos (and you I dare say) continue to tilt at windmills is BECAUSE you are belligerent, somewhat cantankerous SOB's.
I've heard Mr. Amos' called crazy, but then I've also heard YOU called crazy by a lot more people. We don't know the issue behind this, perhaps he IS crazy and maybe he was throwing rocks through people's windows.
You SHOULD blame the media, how many people tell YOU that they don't blame the media for ignoring all your letters? It's not pleasant is it? All it takes is a phone call to the DECH or the police station. Can you honestly say that if you get hauled away you wouldn't want people to put at least SOME effort into helping you? Will people just be going over to Spinks blog and saying 'well, he didn't give a rats ass about David Amos so why should we care about him?' I seem to recall a lot of effort in talking to Bonnie O'dea-was it just because she was nice to you and Mr. Amos wasn't? What the hell is the point of all that buddhist bullshit you keep posting when you don't even seem to pay attention to it. Sorry guy, don't mean to be belligerent, but being a blogger sometimes means rising above pettiness. Otherwise, it makes perfect sense that Irving's press ignores you-after all, you haven't been very 'nice' to them (and have been even more cantakerous towards them than Mr. Amos has been to you). - Charles can be annoying. Amos is crazy and hopefully he'll get the help he needs in hospital.
- mikel, why don't YOU actually do something if you're so interested. Charles at least blogged it. What have YOU done?
- It is simply NOT TRUE, as Mikel suggests, that a person can be commited to a mental health facility on the basis of a phone call to hospital or police. That may have been true in 1950, but not today! If Mr. Amos has been hospitalized, it's on the basis of reliable evidence.
btw, I've had dealings with Mr. Amos. He very sincerely believes not only that all lawyers and all politicians and all cops and all civil servants are corrupt, but also that there is a massive conspiracy against him, involving all these people, and the CIA, which he belives is actively trying to kill him, and the media, and Charles, and many many many others. I'm just saying... - Mike...Mike...Mike???
Look what Dan F posted?
He blames me for the deleting of his yahoo account.
I wonder why?
I just send his emails to my soam box. < Just like many people do with mine >
If I had a chance to know his concerns?
I would be behind him but I don't!
I did the guy one favor?
I blogged the issue so people would know he's been picked up by the R.C.M.P.!
Will David Amos be grateful for what I did?
Of course not!!!
Anyone who tried to help the guy? He turns against them!!!!
C'est la vie!!!
But lets wait and see what's going to happen?
The number is on the blog Mike. Call the guy who sent me the email. - One more thing Mike?
If I'm ever picked up by the Police and sent to a mental ward?
I assigned three people to watch over my situation very closely.
In this line of business? You got to be prepare.
Especially when you go against the Irvings, the government and the Police!!!!
Everything is prepared!!!! - there are people in need of the mental health services and if you fight against or speak out,you may be given these services against your will! It is a tool for those in power to use against the poor and uneducated!
- Let's see...Mr Amostruly believes politicians, civil servants and police are corrupt and out to harm or kill him. Hmmmmm...sounds like a blogger I know. If Amos was really picked up and taken to the psyc ward you hadbetter watch your back Charlie. You could be next. Be very afraid.
- "You got to be prepare. Especially when you go against the Irvings, the government and the Police" Well Charels add a little Latin at the end of your rants and you start to sound a heck of a lot like Mr Amos.
--- On Tue, 9/28/10, David Amos
From: David Amos
Subject: Yo Shawny Baby interestng trick your pal Carl Urquhart and his buddies in the RCMP and Fat Fred City's Finest tried to pull on my son and I last night EH?
To: "MLA"
Cc: "Wayne.Lang"
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 6:25 PM
How dumb was that? I must ask dd he expect the cops to arrest both of
us and thencall us both crazy? Hell Urquhart even bragged n front of
the cops that he did the same shit on July 4th, 2008 That malicious
nonsense didn't work out too well for the long gone lawyer and former
Minister of Health Mikey Murphy partcularly after the nasty French
bastard Chucky Lebanc and hs pals violated my privacy and blogged
about N'esy Pas? told the cops last nght to simply Google my name and
the dumb bastards laughed.
FYI type in Davd Amos to see that I wa not jokng with the smiling dumb
bastards last nght Google will offer Chucky Leblanc's bullshit about
mean old me at the top of the hit list DUHHH?
Davd Amos plus Google equals
Do tell does Carl Baby really think I won't sue his nasty arse
someday? Ya think the corrupt ex cop of Fat Fred City's Finest would
at least wait until he and his cohorts got sworn in to take over your
jobs EH?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 00:29:58 -0300
Subject: This may be last email I with bother ya with Alex The pdf
file attached can screw Wally Opal or any other Attorney General for a
joke It would be wise to use it before the BC election
To: Alex Hunter <>
Cc: webo <>
It was one of the first links I sent ya. That letter and about five
hundred documents and one cd of a Yankee wiretap tape were sent
registered US Mail signature required before I spit for Canada Opal
got it and I have the proof.
Take your time reading the rest Joker it is just old news that I don't
much care about anymore but you may find it interesting.
These are all pdf files downloaded over 4000 times now by many crooks
To back it up the dumb bastards in New Brunswick and Newfoundland
answered me in 2004 before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA under
the charges of "Other" without being arrested after I ran in the
election of the 38th Parliament
the dumb Newfy Byron Prior finally filed my documents into evidence at
his crininal trial a week or so ago read his email below.
I also told ya that Connie Fogal is a crook here is why I know it
It is ordinary folks that don't know this stuff because nobody will
ever say my name and not many ordinary folks will believe anything
unless CBC or CTV tell them about it first. So I am using that fact to
my advantage now in order to make a deal with the devil so to speak
and go on with my life. The whole world is nuts not me. When the
bastards attaacked my kids again with the assistance of the RCMP I had
had enough. They know my FTW attitude is back bigtime. I want my
Panhead back and on the road by spring or there will be Hell to pay
and the fucking RCMP know that to The smiling bastards have
transferring or retiring the French bastards in fur hats that I have
been battling with hell west and crooked out of Dodge lately and the
new ones ain't playing nice at all. Hence the renewed attack on my
kids. bthey just figured out that was a major Faux Pas like locking me
up last summer was.
From: Byron Prior
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 22:37:14 -0400
Subject: Fw: Obama documentary, Byron Prior and your Documents in court.
To: David Amos
David, I've stayed away from any conversations with you because things
get to complicated. I'm trying to survive and on Friday in court I
entered your information and the letters you wrote and the paper I had
signed by Danny Williams Office, Lt. Govonor Ed Roberts office and
from the law society of NL.. In court the Legal Aid Lawyer, Michele
Coady, The Crown Lawyer Elaine Reid and the Provincial court Judge
David Orr accepted this information with a list of others and letters
of people in power who have been informed about T. Alex Hickman and my
Byron Prior
Some of these dudes used to work for my Father (he was the tax
supervisor of this province) they all know what a Tiger I can be and
of the world of shit that I am involved with . I believe they will get
me my old Panhead back fairly soon in order to stay out of the fray. I
put one over their bow yesterday and the only fella
I was nice to was Lloyd
From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)"
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400
Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)",
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)",
"Levesque-Finn, Sylvie(SNB)", "Pleadwell, Derek
Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell[(506)
444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended
conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.
Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn[ (506)
453-3879 ],SNB President.
Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE
Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable
régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour
Assessment/ de l'évaluation
Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick
633 rue Main St.
4th floor/4ième étage
Moncton, NB E1C 8R3
Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910
Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519
In closing I will leave things on a positive note between you and I
Joker. I do wish you folks well and I doubt that we will ever meet. I
mean no disrespect but I don't care about celebrity status radio host
or making movies etc. My time in Beantown gave me my fill of big
cities. I quit the pursuit of the almighty buck well over twenty years
ago and ain't filed any income taxes since. That Robert Menard dude
out your way may wish he was George Carlin and talk of being Freeman
on the land but he ain't fooling me. He gives talks and sells his
bullshit while I lived that lifestyle Some of my rules of the road
that I live by are mind my own business but listen to what folks want
to tell me. i already know my story it is theirs that I don't. It is
amazing what a stranger will tell you about their life in aspace of a
few hours when they know they will never see you agsain. another one
is tok eep your pride no matter how tough things get the worm always
turns. I try hard to and never ask anybody for anything but help
anyone I can and take whatever anyone offers me to honour their pride
as well. that is why I went riding to met people and see things. I
want to go back to being a private dude ASAP and enjoying the company
the friends I have who were raised with me and think like me. To get
lost back in the woods with a rocking chair and one hillbilly girl who
likes me after one long last ride is my dream. In fact I may already
know who and where she is. I met her just once about ten years ago. I
truly have fogotten what she looks like other than she was slim and
had dark hair and was attractive to me.However I would not know her
if I met her on the street. I was married at the time and I was just
out for a putt with a friend who was showing me around his neck of the
woods as week bounce from bootlegger to bootlegger having a little
fun. He thought I would enjoy meeting her father and he told me he
seldom if ever takes anyone out to meet them. Anyway dinger was
correct and me and that old man whom I call the fiddler did get on
like a house on fire. I also recognized that his daughter is indeed a
very rare woman in this old world. I have never seen such honest open
innocence in a full grown person. I have seen a lot of things in my
time but I was so flabergasted and flattered when she told her father
right in front of me and everyone else that she thought I was a lovely
man. It is quite simply hard to forget. So I plan to check her out
again to see if we get along. I heard her mother is on her last legs
and that her daddy is already dead. No doubt she is soon to be a
lonely lost soul way back away from everyone else. I could use her
company as much as she no doubt could use mine as I escape this
madness and cool my jets for awhile. She would have no idea about how
to understand what I have been doing with corrupt lawyers for the past
seven years since we met. The attraction was purely animal with no
hidden agenda. That appealled to the beast in me bigtime.
whereas you have an interest in the media. This was the last time I
was ever allowed to speak on the radio (It was right after I ran in
the election of the 39th Parliament and the only way I could was by
not saying who I was werner and I are both banned from the radio talk
shows now because they know he is my friend but he did mangae to get
on coast to coast the other night
This is the only newpaper article about me and it was published by the
local New Rags on the day Stevey Boy Harper wa in town and I looked in
the eye and saw no soul and then had a little pow wow with the RCMP
dudes guarding him. As soon as that snake got back to Upper Canada he
was no long announcing that he had some info for the Arar Inquiry and
his lawyers were just as quick to shut him up. Here is the proof of
what I say is true.
----- Original Message -----
From: "McKnight, Gisele"
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: David Amos
Hello Lisa,
David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
became an independent (not representing any political party) candidate
in our federal election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in
our constituency of Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal).
I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story,
written by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a
report on the candidates' debate held June 18.
As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. I have attached the
two stories that appeared, as well as a photo taken by reporter Erin
Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo that ran, but
this one is very similar.
Gisele McKnight editor
Kings County Record
Sussex, New Brunswick
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of the national gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s
not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, ‘what the hell.’"
Best Regards and Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. Werner will get a kick out of this while I was writng this some
dude from his native land was checking my work in the wee hours of his
morning. Notice that he did not have to Google me? Methinks that my
message got through and the Banksters are getting real nervous
overseas with what the china men are saying lately. When it comes down
to mean old me that makes them dangerous but dumb. It should prove
interesting to see if anyone blinks. If they do and I see it I pounce.
If i snooze I lose because I may only get one more kick at this can of
worms. at least you can't tell me that I don't know how to fish for
sharks in German waters eh Werner?.
Just Dave
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Border delays getting shorter, but there will always be a wait, department says
People waiting 15 to 20 minutes now, compared with more than 90 minutes at start of bubble
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart said New Brunswick residents should be let back into the province quicker than non-residents. (CBC)
New Brunswick's public safety minister says people are just going to have to put up with waiting when they cross provincial boundaries during the Atlantic bubble.
Wait times are improving but haven't been eliminated because of the time it takes to screen people at the border.
"You have two options, either not allow anybody in, or unfortunately you're going to have to put up with the time it takes to get that information," Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart told Information Morning Moncton.
After the Atlantic bubble opened on July 3, drivers reported waits of of 90 minutes to three hours at the Aulac crossing into New Brunswick, and the province has been forced to simply wave people through without screening.There were concerns about safety, including holding back essential workers and transport trucks from getting across the border in a timely way.
Jacques Babin, director of inspection and enforcement for Public Safety, says wait times are better, averaging around 15 to 20 minutes most days.
Fridays and Sundays, however, are still likely to still see longer wait times to get into New Brunswick on the Trans-Canada Highway, a four-lane divided route.
"The highway was not created with this type of control mechanism applied," Babin said. "So it's really difficult to have any form of control point or registration point that does not affect traffic. Very difficult."
Urquhart said the government has started separating vehicles with New Brunswick licence plates into one lane so they can get back into the province faster and shorten the screening line.
"[New Brunswick residents] have fairly easy access back into it. But there are going be times that if there's an outbreak, it's going to be locked down again, and they're going to go very slowly."

When lines at the border get too long staff wave people through until it is safe to start screening again. (Kate Letterick/CBC)
Urquhart said there are no concerns about emergency vehicles getting through the lineups, and the department has been in constant contact with emergency personnel to ensure it's not a problem.
He said things could move faster if more people had their screening forms ready upon arrival, but even then a wait should be expected.
The forms from the border have to be delivered to staff in Fredericton, where the information is entered into a government website, where it stays for six months, Urquhart said. A new team of staff handles the data entry and is in charge of cleaning out the old information.
"There's a lot of time, a lot of travel, it's a slow process but it's getting done."
Urquhart said an all-electronic system will eliminate the need for paper copies of the forms and speed up the process. He didn't say when that system will be ready.
With files from Information Morning Moncton
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices12 Comments
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al well understand why I see red every time I see Carl Urquhart's ugly mug or hear that ex cop's voice N'esy Pas?
In 1978 the government of Premier Richard Hatfield transferred 25
commercial vehicle enforcement officers from the Highway Law
Enforcement Division of the provincial Department of Transportation to
the provincial Department of Justice. The duties of these officers
initially consisted of traffic patrol, commercial vehicle enforcement,
enforcement of highway laws such as the Highway Act, Motor Carrier Act
and Motor Vehicle Act, seizure of motor vehicle license plates, and
escort for oversize loads. These duties were initially carried out
between Monday and Friday during daylight hours.
In January 1980 the Highway Law Enforcement Division was renamed the
New Brunswick Highway Patrol and the focus changed to policing.
Expansion during the early 1980s saw the NBHP expand its coverage to
all highways in New Brunswick. Training requirements mandated a law
enforcement background and members of the NBHP were peace officers
with the same training and responsibilities as other police forces in
the province under the Police Act.[1] [2][3] [4]
The NBHP expanded to 114 uniformed officers commanded by a chief and
deputy chief and supported by civilian staff at the detachments. NBHP
divided the province into two regions with a staff sergeant being
responsible for each region. Each detachment was commanded by a
sergeant and patrol officers had the rank of constable. There was no
rank of corporal.
In July 1988 the recently elected government of Premier Frank McKenna
announced that the responsibilities of the NBHP would be contracted to
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "J" Division. The NBHP was abolished
effective February 1, 1989.
Vests shown in global say "peace officers" but in CBC they do not
June 24 2020 6:13am
Cumberland North MLA working to get borders opened in the Maritimes
“Whether it’s family, healthcare, or businesses, these border closures
going into New Brunswick have deeply affected the citizens in my
region.” MLA Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin talks with Global News Morning
about working to get borders opened in the Maritimes.
Road test: It's a lot harder to get into New Brunswick than out of it
Public Safety officials says adjustments being made to ease flow of traffic into province
· CBC News· Posted: Jul 09, 2020 5:55 PM AT
Peace officers at the Aulac checkpoint on Wednesday. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
There was a noticeable difference for vehicles on the Trans-Canada Highway pulling up to the border between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia at lunchtime on Wednesday — wait times.
While approaching the border heading into Nova Scotia, there was a daunting lineup of traffic stalled on the other side of the median, backed up for several kilometres waiting to enter New Brunswick.
But for vehicles driving into Nova Scotia, there was no wait and just a couple of cars pulled over at the checkpoint outside Amherst.
Wednesday marked the sixth day since the Atlantic bubble opened interprovincial borders, yet traffic into New Brunswick at Aulac continues to enter the province at a snail's pace.

Public Safety official says adjustments are being made to help cars get across border into New Brunswick faster 1:18
Traffic to New Brunswick backlogged
After turning around at Amherst, CBC News joined the long line of traffic waiting to cross into New Brunswick.At 1:43 p.m. traffic was backed up about five kilometres from the Aulac checkpoint.
Traffic was backed up for about five kilometres Wednesday afternoon entering New Brunswick. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
The bumper-to-bumper traffic was a mix of personal vehicles and transport trucks and, although the lineup was continuously moving, it took 45 minutes before reaching the New Brunswick entrance.
At that point, vehicles were divided into two lanes. One for commercial vehicles and people who have express passes for people who travel between the two provinces regularly.
The other lane was at a halt while peace officers screened each vehicle with a questionnaire that required proof of residency in the Atlantic bubble, contact information for all passengers in the vehicle and a list of questions asking about COVID-19 symptoms.
That process took about five minutes and there were multiple cars being served at once, to help speed up the process.
Tweaks being made
Although on day six of the Atlantic bubble there were still traffic woes, the situation has improved somewhat from the lengthy delays on the first day, last Friday.John Lunney, acting deputy chief of inspection and enforcement at the Department of Public Safety, said the second lane opened on Tuesday to help move traffic through the checkpoint faster.
John Lunney said traffic adjustments have been made at the Aulac checkpoint to help speed up traffic. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
"We are trying to keep traffic moving, people need to come prepared and be patient," he said, adding that they're making adjustments each day.
"They've gone from sometimes hundreds to thousands of vehicles, right, so it's just been an adjustment."
Lunney said they waved traffic through the checkpoint on Tuesday at one point while they were opening the second lane. On the first day of the bubble, traffic was waved through for a couple of hours to deal with the backlog of vehicles.
According to data released by the province, 6,300 vehicles crossed the border at the Aulac checkpoint on Wednesday.
Despite making adjustments to help speed up the process, Lunney said people should expect delays while approaching the New Brunswick border. He said they're hoping to eventually add a third lane to help push traffic through faster.
Peace officers are screening traffic at the New Brunswick borders. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)
Lunney wouldn't comment on why traffic was backed up on the New Brunswick side but not the Nova Scotia side.
Lunney said peak traffic hours at the Aulac checkpoint are Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. He said Sunday afternoon is a busy time, too.
Commenting is now closed for this story.David Amos
Methinks John Lunney and his cohorts should not deny that I called them with a few questions of my own N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: And as usual they wont be returning your call. When will you realize no one takes you seriously. Anywhere. Ever.
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: here's an unsolicited tip, maybe start rephrasing your comments to something like this..."I called Mr Lunney and asked him "(insert questions here)". His reply to me was "(insert answers here)". If you try posting like this for a while, then maybe it will spark some constructive debate on these forums and folks would perhaps start understanding where you're coming from.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Harvey York: The suspense of his vague statements always has me on the edge of my seat though.. his debating skills shine thoroughly on here
George Smith
"Lunney wouldn't comment on why traffic was backed up on the New Brunswick side but not the Nova Scotia side."
Could it be as simple as New Brunswick caring more about health than quick traffic? We have one of the best records with covid-19 any where. Why would we jeopardize that just to get tourists and others into the province faster. At this time health trumps all other concerns.
Could it be as simple as New Brunswick caring more about health than quick traffic? We have one of the best records with covid-19 any where. Why would we jeopardize that just to get tourists and others into the province faster. At this time health trumps all other concerns.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @George Smith: There are actually two possible reasons. One is that NS might be processing drivers more quickly, but the other is that there might be more drivers trying enter NB than NS. It seems to me that the numbers of drivers entering each province ought to be fairly easy to get. I wonder why the article didn't include this information?
George Smith
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
The reason is easy. All Atlantic Canada road traffic has no other option than to travel through New Brunswick to get any where other than Atlantic Canada. You can't drive to the mainland without crossing N.B.
The reason is easy. All Atlantic Canada road traffic has no other option than to travel through New Brunswick to get any where other than Atlantic Canada. You can't drive to the mainland without crossing N.B.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @George Smith: yeah, but there aren’t that many people in Nova Scotia. So who ARE all of these people, who are trying to drive west through NB?? Very, very strange.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @George Smith: Right, 99.98% of Canadians are NOT DEAD as a result of the virus. This 99.98% is accountable for the 350 B$ in new debt that at 3% will cost Canadian taxpayers almost 30 million $ EACH DAY. "Caring more about health" is a diversionary tactic. We are long past worrying about that. All future generations will pay for this nonsense that never impacted them. All because someone says we care about health (which is disingenuous in itself).
David Amos
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Well put
Motor Vehicle Safety Enforcement (Branch)
Public Safety
Contact Information
Phone : (506) 856-2958
Fax : (506) 453-3870
Email :

International Roadcheck 2019 to take place June 4-6
Department of Public Safety enforcement officers will be on the lookout for a variety of safety violations as New Brunswick takes part in the annual International Roadcheck program, June 4-6. From left: Supt. John Lunney of the Department of Public Safety’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement division; Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart, and Officer Todd Cavanaugh.
John. Lunney
Acting Deputy Chief at NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and
Enforcement NB
New Brunswick, Canada 231 connections Contact info
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Loyalist College
Currently on an Acting assignment as Deputy Executive Director/ Deputy
Chief of IENB. An Enforcement agency with the Province of NB that is
comprised of in excess of 200 Peace Officers and staff equaling almost
300. Program responsibly of Conservation Enforcement, Motor Vehicle
Safety Enforcement (CVE, ORVE, MVI, NSC, ) criminal intelligence,
General Investigation section, and Gaming Regulatory Enforcement
unit. This is NB second largest law enforcement agency with a budget
of approximately 20 million.
Superintendent and Director of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
program for NB. Director of the Off Road Vehicle Enforcement program
for NB.Director for the NSC program for NB and manager of the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods NB. Manages an armed law enforcement
division with 70 plus members, five satellite offices, nine fixed
facilities and several patrol vehicles. Budget of approx 5 million
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Acting Deputy Chief
Company Name
NB Department of Public Safety Inspection and Enforcement NB
Dates Employed Sep 2019 – Present
Employment Duration 11 mos
Location New Brunswick, Canada
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police
Superintendent (member)
Company Name
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police
Dates Employed Apr 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 5 yrs 4 mos
CRA member for New Brunswick(Compliance and Regulatory Affairs)
Company Name
CRA member for New Brunswick(Compliance and Regulatory Affairs)
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 4 yrs 10 mos
Member for NB, part of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport
Administrators the group is charged with creating standards and
uniformity in CVE and NSC. Each province and territory has membership
along with Transport Canada.
New Brunswick Department of Public Safety
Superintendent of Motor Vehicle Safety and Enforcement
Company Name
New Brunswick Department of Public Safety
Dates Employed Apr 2015 – Present
Employment Duration 5 yrs 4 mos
Location Province of New Brunswick
Superintendent and Officer in Charge of Commercial Vehicle
Enforcement, Off Road Vehicle Enforcement, Motor Vehicle Inspectors
And the National Safety Code Program and investigators. A staff of
approximately 80 Special Constables that investigate all the
Atlantic Canadian Dangerous goods task force Chairperson
Company Name
Dates Employed Mar 2012 – Present
Employment Duration 8 yrs 5 mos
Provincial lead for New Brunswick in this group that monitors the
movement of Dangerous foods on the highways. Currently chair
New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police Highway Safety and
Traffic committee
Company Name
Dates Employed Apr 2008 – Present
Employment Duration 12 yrs 4 mos
Committee member
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Company Name
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Dates Employed Feb 2019 – Apr 2019
Employment Duration 3 mos
Location Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Co Chiat of the compliance and regulatory affairs committee
Electronic Recording Device Technical Standard working group. Role was
to support the provinces and Territories interests on the national
stage in the creation of the TS for ELDs in Canada.
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
Company Name Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
Total Duration 2 yrs 8 mos
Title President of Region V (Canada)
Dates Employed Jun 2015 – Apr 2016
Employment Duration 11 mos
Title Vice President Region V (Canada)
Dates Employed Sep 2013 – Jun 2015
Employment Duration 1 yr 10 mos
Location greenbelt, maryland
Government of New Brunswick
Superintendent CVE
Company Name
Government of New Brunswick
Dates Employed Apr 2013 – Apr 2015
Employment Duration 2 yrs 1 mo
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Chair of the Education Quality Assurance Team
Company Name
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA)
Dates Employed Nov 2010 – Nov 2013
Employment Duration 3 yrs 1 mo
Responsible to coordinate and lead a quorum of provincial
representatives to assure uniformity in training within the commercial
vehicle enforcement industry. Responsibility falls under the
compliance and regulatory affairs committee and has an annual budget
of 50 k
Public Safety CVE
Company Name Public Safety CVE
Total Duration 13 yrs 3 mos
Title Deputy Superintendent
Dates Employed Feb 2008 – Mar 2013
Employment Duration 5 yrs 2 mos
Title Sergeant CVE
Dates Employed Jan 2000 – Feb 2008
Employment Duration 8 yrs 2 mos
Border restrictions
The restrictions on non-essential travel to the province are raising some concerns about people's rights to mobility between provinces. Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart helped oversee the implementation of the plan.

[mp3 file: runs 00:13:36]
Bill would give police, government sweeping power over citizens
Bill would give police authority to stop and investigate someone without reason
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2020 2:05 PM AT

Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart "signs" the declaration implementing the Emergency Measures Act in March. (Louis Léger's Facebook)
The Higgs government's plan to give itself, and police, sweeping new emergency powers is facing a wave of criticism, leading a senior official to invite opposition MLAs to propose changes to the bill.
The proposal would let the provincial cabinet suspend provincial laws behind closed doors, without an immediate vote in the legislature, and would also give police the authority to stop citizens and demand identification without any reasons.
A legal expert, a leading civil libertarian and a Saint John municipal councillor all quickly denounced the legislation Thursday morning.
"We're in some very unprecedented territory here," said Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick.
"This is such a dramatic overreach by the executive to infringe or override the powers of the legislative assembly."
Not good timing
Michael Bryant, the executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, said the expansion of police power is particularly ill-timed coming in the wake of widespread protests over police treatment of Blacks, Indigenous people and other people of colour."It is a hell of a time for a legislature to be giving to police the racist power to card people," he said. "I'd be shocked if the legislature would pass this provision at this time."
David Hickey, a Saint John city councillor, called the idea "a non-starter. … I'll be doing everything in my power to ensure that [the Saint John Police Department] do not follow this regulation."
Liberal leader Kevin Vickers said he has "huge concerns" with the legislation and his party MLAs will vote against the bill as currently written.
"It allows police to harass and gather information unlawfully by way of carding, a universally denounced practice. What is outrageous about this is the timing of it."
- Michael Bryant, director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Public Safety officials responded quickly to the wave of criticism Thursday morning, telling reporters in a briefing that the amendments merely write into law a variety of measures and powers that the province had been using piecemeal since March.
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart declared a state of emergency March 19, giving him the power to make emergency orders to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Under the emergency law, the declaration has to be renewed by the cabinet every two weeks.
Urquhart's bill, introduced Wednesday, will amend the emergency law itself. He said it will allow government to "act in a timely manner [and] enhance compliance with the act, and orders issued under the act."
Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said Urquhart's various emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws
The changes simply give him "some explicit authority" for those orders and "provide greater transparency on the extent of the minister's authority."
Existing law 'already gives extremely broad powers'
Urquhart's orders, which have been updated frequently, were used to restrict travel, require people to self-isolate if ordered by a doctor, order restaurants to close dining rooms and ban landlords from evicting tenants for non-payment of rent.Comeau cited those restrictions as examples of how the existing law "already gives extremely broad powers" to the minister. "Where that's going to happen, it's better to have legislative oversight."
He noted that under the amendments, any cabinet order suspending a provincial law must be upheld by the legislature within 30 days.
"We're comfortable that all of those [measures] were necessary for public safety and public health .. and we're comfortable they're all valid exercises of the minister's existing authority."

Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said some emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws. (CBC)
Another section of the bill would ensure people providing essential services during an emergency can't be held legally liable for any damages resulting from that.
The amendment on suspending legislation says cabinet can "suspend the operation of or amend or supersede" any section of a provincial law or municipal by-law. Fourteen provincial statutes are exempt from its application.
"Now that might be efficient," O'Byrne said. "However it contravenes the last 400 years of parliamentary democracy."
The amendment on police officers and other peace officers, such as provincial enforcement officers, would give them the power to require "a person to stop in order to investigate whether or not there has been a violation" of the emergency order or act.
A Detroit protester holds a photo of George Floyd, who was killed in police custody in Minnesota, in a case that has launched nationwide protests and prompted criminal charges. (Sylvia Jarrus/Reuters)
The officer "may require the person to provide documentation as part of that investigation."
"It allows police to harass and gather information unlawfully by way of carding, a universally denounced practice," Bryant said. "What is outrageous about this is the timing of it."
Comeau said officials drafted the bill while "fully appreciating the potential for concern and people's sensitivity to broad policing powers" in the wake of protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd.

A protest against police violence in Moncton where more than 350 people gathered to hear organizers speak and chant slogans like 'Black lives matter' and 'No justice, no peace.' (Guy LeBlanc/Radio-Canada)
He said the aim was to clarify the roles of enforcement officers screening people at the New Brunswick border.
He said most of them are conservation officers or vehicle inspection officers who have "stepped into roles that didn't exist to enforce measures that didn't exist" before the pandemic.
Comeau encouraged MLAs who believe the change is too broad to introduce amendments "that might bring this more clarity" during debate on the bill in the legislature.
Legal challenge likely if bill comes to law
The suspension of provincial laws would last until the end of the state emergency, unless the legislature met within 30 days of the cabinet order to set a different expiration date. The police powers would be in place until the end of the emergency.The amendments to the act would remain in place after COVID-19 and would be available for governments to use in future emergencies, Comeau said.

Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, says it's unwise for government to amend emergency powers in an emergency. (CBC)
O'Byrne says it's unwise for a government to amend emergency powers during an emergency.
"That leads to very, very bad decision-making, because you're not thinking about the bigger picture like the rule of law. You're just having knee-jerk reactions, and I think that is what is happening here."
Bryant said his organization will likely launch a legal challenge to the expansion of police powers if the bill becomes law.
Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that Canadians have "the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks some folks must have figured out by now that I was not joking about Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that Canadians have "the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."
Methinks Urquhart's Deputy Minister Mike Comeau and the RCMP will finally get to explain to me real slow on the Public Record why the Fat Fred City Finest illegally seized my 1965 Harley in 2007 then lost it N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: They won't be telling you a thing I hope its parked in Comeaus garage right now
Leroy Albertson
Reply to @David Amos: if you are in Canada. You have no rights to own your property enshrined in our constitution, or Charter. Even the clothes on your back are only there because the crown has looked benevolently down upon you. It is only a matter of time before they decide to take what is theirs.
Ron Willis
Reply to @Leroy Albertson: Unfortunately that’s true. Thank that other dilettante Trudeau I and his flawed constitution.
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks there is another hoedown coming to Federal Court in Fat Fred City Its docket already proves the documents and CD I gave Comeau in 2006 are the same Bryant as Attorney General of Ontario got in August of 2005 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
"Deputy Minister Mike Comeau said Urquhart's various emergency orders have already suspended or overridden some provincial laws."
Of that I have no doubt
Methinks Mikey and I are gonna have quite a hoedown in Federal Court Perhaps Comeau should check the docket and review what I gave him in 2006 and our conversation about it back then Higgy et al cannot deny that was while his current boss Urquhart was still a member of the Fat Fred City Finest and Higgy worked for the Irving Clan More importantly the lawyer Michael Bryant cannot deny that he got exactly the same pile of documents and CD in August of 2005 byway of registered US Mail (signature required) when he was the Attorney General of Ontario N'esy Pas?
Sylvio C Boudreau
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What do you call 100 conservative politicians up to their necks in cement?
Not enough cement.
James Edward
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Reply to @Sylvio C Boudreau: seems like a threat?
Sylvio C Boudreau
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Reply to @James Edward: lol what?? It’s a joke. N’esy pas?!
David Amos
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Reply to @Sylvio C Boudreau: I concur
Sylvio C Boudreau
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Reply to @James Edward: a joke from a joke book you would purchase at the drug store. Relax. Do you feel threatened by that for real??
Sylvio C Boudreau
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Reply to @James Edward: if I could, I would delete it before ya melt.
David Amos
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Reply to @Sylvio C Boudreau: What the difference between a crooked government lawyer in Fat Fred City and a tornado up on the Hanwell???
Nothing sooner or later one of them will get your trailer.
Methinks Cardy and his buddy little Lou will never admit that joke is my creation N'esy Pas?
Nothing sooner or later one of them will get your trailer.
Methinks Cardy and his buddy little Lou will never admit that joke is my creation N'esy Pas?
Sylvio C Boudreau
Content disabledReply to @James Edward: this forum is a joke.
Roland Stewart
He's been watching to much Trump TV.
David Amos
Reply to @Roland Stewart: We all have
Graeme Scott
Major over reach and the timing couldn't be any worse. Complete political fumble by the PC's. it's a shame as i thought they were doing fairly well but this is waaaaay over the line.
David Amos
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Reply to @Graeme Scott: Methinks higgy aka Humpty Dumpty is about to suffer a great fall N'esy Pas?
June Arnott
Reply to @Graeme Scott: it is a shame, he was doing so well during the pandemic
Bob Smith
Sounds like high ranking police folks were talking to the gov't about this. I remember years ago, the federal government of the day, at the behest of police chiefs, tried to make legal for police to enter a home without a warrant. It didn't fly then and I doubt this will go forwards either.
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Smith:
The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail — its roof may shake — the wind may blow through it — the storm may enter — the rain may enter — but the King of England cannot enter — all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!
The Right Honourable William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (
Speech on the Excise Bill, House of Commons (March 1763)
The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail — its roof may shake — the wind may blow through it — the storm may enter — the rain may enter — but the King of England cannot enter — all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!
The Right Honourable William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (
Speech on the Excise Bill, House of Commons (March 1763)
Kyle Woodman
Just shows how tone deaf Conservatives are. Tell me again about gun rights and government overreach.
David Amos
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Reply to @Kyle Woodman: What would be the point?
Methinks you only hear what you want to hear anyway N'esy Pas?
Methinks you only hear what you want to hear anyway N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Coming from you that's quite some well delivered irony isnt it?
Johnny Almar
Hearing rumblings that the NB government is going to stop releasing new COVID-19 numbers by zone. May even stop reporting all together unless it’s to shut down regions.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Who cares?
June Arnott
Reply to @Johnny Almar: that would be so wrong, however, the way Zone 5 is being treated is horrid. No reason for us turning on each other, What if it were Moncton?? Would they close us all in?
Jeff LeBlanc
Alright...even I will admit this is going way too far. Thankfully NB is too poor to fight this in court...if it ever gets there. Hoping cooler heads prevail and it doesn't pass into law. Higgs you were doing good but you are starting to show some major cracks here.
David Amos
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Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Cry me a river
John Grail
Seems like NB's government is really trying to portray itself as authoritarian. This bill, closing borders, forcing people to stay home, forcing vaccinations of children, etc.
David Amos
Reply to @John Grail: Methinks that because it is a Police State they just proved it tis all N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
By me, the laws *as they currently exist* have been well applied during the current emergency. I don't see the need to pass new laws that give the government and police even more power.
David Amos
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Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Oh My My Methinks I should ask you why you lost faith in Higgy et al all of a sudden? After all its not like his Police State was unknown to you and your cohorts N'esy Pas?
Johnny Almar
They are already backing down. CBC late to the party again.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks you know as well as I why thats par for the course N'esy Pas?
Douglas James
It is a non-starter.
David Amos
Reply to @Douglas James: Don't bet on it
Tony Mcalbey
My oh my oh my what is Higgy gonna come up with next
David Amos
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Slavery perhaps
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Already has, they are called TFWs.
Already has, they are called TFWs.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You have a point
Higgs scraps legislation to increase emergency powers of government and police
Bill 49 will not proceed when the legislature resumes Tuesday
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 15, 2020 3:39 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said Monday a second shooting of a First Nations person by police in eight days convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power. (Joe McDonald/CBC)
The Higgs government is scrapping a plan to increase the emergency powers of the provincial cabinet and the police.
Premier Blaine Higgs told reporters Monday afternoon the controversial legislation, Bill 49, would not proceed when the legislature resumes Tuesday.
He said a second shooting of an Indigenous person by police in New Brunswick in an eight-day period had convinced him it was the wrong time to give police more power to stop people.
"Friday night changed things for a lot of people, including myself," he said, referring to the death of Rodney Levi of Metepenagiag First Nation.
The legislation introduced last week would have given police powers to stop people during a state of emergency and demand documentation to ensure they're complying with an emergency order.

Chantel Moore, 26, and Rodney Levi, 48, were each shot and killed by police in New Brunswick this month. (CBC)
Higgs reiterated that the bill was intended to clarify powers of enforcement officers working at the border to screen people entering the province for COVID-19.
But he said in light of the two recent shootings and what he called "systemic racism … I think it's important now to focus on the healing process."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said Higgs was "very wise" to withdraw the bill, which he said was an anachronism that would likely not have survived a constitutional challenge.
University of New Brunswick law professor Nicole O'Byrne, who slammed the bill after it was introduced last week, said the premier did the right thing.
She said the bill "did more than it needed to do to tackle the problems that they articulated as the rationale for the bill in the first place."

Nicole O'Byrne, a law professor at the University of New Brunswick, previously said it's unwise for government to amend emergency powers in an emergency. (CBC)
Michael Bryant, the executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, called it "a good democratic moment for New Brunswick."
Higgs said he will join four of his ministers at a meeting with Indigenous chiefs on Wednesday to discuss the issue and said he was open to a public inquiry on police treatment of Indigenous people.
"I can see that moving forward," he said. "I could see it moving forward in a public inquiry that's well-defined so that we're sure to capture all of the issues that are currently of a concern."
A shift in tone
Higgs was hesitant about an inquiry last week, saying he wanted to get the facts on the death of Chantel Moore first before looking at broader issues.But Levi's shooting death last Friday, just eight days after Moore was fatally shot by an Edmundston city police officer during a wellness check, prompted the premier to shift his tone Monday.
"We are still waiting to learn all of the facts but the process of beginning to heal and implement real changes cannot wait," he said.
"We certainly have to recognize the challenge we're having here in our province, the systematic racism that seems to be part of our society, that has been for generations."
Moore was a member of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation who had moved to the province.
Both shootings are now under investigation by Quebec's independent police investigation agency, the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes.
Another part of Bill 49 that was also widely criticized would have let the cabinet suspend provincial laws or municipal bylaws during a state of emergency without a vote in the legislature for 30 days.
This must be a time for us as a government to listen.- Blaine Higgs, premier
The government argued last week that it would simply clarify in law the powers that the cabinet has already been using under the Emergency Measures Act.
But the scrapping of the entire bill means that proposed change is dead as well.
Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jake Stewart, Justice Minister Andrea Anderson-Mason and Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard will all join Higgs at the meeting with chiefs on Wednesday.
"This must be a time for us as a government to listen," the premier said.
"I've heard the calls for dialogue and the concerns of our First Nation chiefs. That is what I want our government to focus on right now."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Buddy Best
Higgs promised to roll back taxes on vehicles that the Liberals implemented. I just paid $893 on a $1500 purchase. Blood suckers. Times are tough enough for seniors. Don't call a cop for help!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: A simple truth is that if the cops were not called last week two people would likely still be alive
David Amos
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Methinks Humpty Dumpty aka Higgy must have figured out by now that folks living under the questionable rules of his Police State are very tired of all his flip flops N'esy Pas?Terry Tibbs
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Reply to @David Amos:
He isn't smart enough.
Reply to @David Amos:
He isn't smart enough.
Lou Bell
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! And you 2 are ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! And you 2 are ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
val harris
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Flip flop higgy is at er again
Brian Robertson
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Reply to @val harris:
That's not juvenile at all.
That's not juvenile at all.
Dan Stewart
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: Just right it would seem..
David Amos
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Reply to @val harris: YUP
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @val harris: I see you've been reading the Amos blog . Another follower of the " Me Party " I see.
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you read my latest blog because I am referring to you in the title of it N'esy Pas?
val harris
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Reply to @Lou Bell: no just saying what people are saying lou, you should listen to others at times
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: As I said before , don't follow the social media fake news never have , never will .
Lou Bell
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Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Blogs are for those who can never get the attention of anyone and where they can open their rants up to anyone who has nothing better to do than to read fake news
Lou Bell
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Reply to @val harris: Exactly what Dave just said ! Surprise ! Surprise ! Surprise !
Lou Bell
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Reply to @val harris: And the leaders of the other parties WANTED INPUT into the changes ! You know that ! They said that when they were interviewed !
David Amos
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Methinks Humpty Dumpty aka Higgy must have figured out by now that many folks living under the questionable rules of his Police State are very tired of his nonsense N'esy Pas? Buford Wilson
Good call, Blaine.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Buford Wilson:
2 steps ahead, and 3 back, the "Higgs shuffle" in action.
2 steps ahead, and 3 back, the "Higgs shuffle" in action.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks thats Mr Wilson's favourite dance N'esy Pas? Bruce Ellingwood
An excellent re-think of the situation Mr. Premier. Very refreshing from what how the liberals do things. Now, we just need you to drop the mandatory injection of children from Bill 11.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bruce Ellingwood:
For a "re-think" to happen there has to be an initial "think".
I see no evidence of that.
For a "re-think" to happen there has to be an initial "think".
I see no evidence of that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nor I
Claude DeRoche
Another good reason to NEVER give the Irving Boy a majority government.
David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: I concur
Lou Bell
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: I'll take Higgs anytime over the SANB Liberals and their UNDISCLOSED 130 million dollar " PHONIE GAMES " giveaway ! Imagine ! 130 million ! TWICE what they gave Atcon ! Can you imagine 130 million on top of what COVID has cost ?? And if you have any idea at all , this would have had to have been passed in the Legislature ! And other party leaders in interviews indicated THEY WANTED INPUT into this legislation ! So it wasn't a " one party plan " !!!
Justin Gunther
Premiere Higgs, I formally request a US style "townhall" meeting. Or likely more than one, for the good of all of New Brunswick. The people would like to see you personally, shake your hand, and ask you some questions very politely.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
You are kidding me?
I have met Mr Higgs twice, both times were followed by a strange compulsion to wash, thoroughly wash.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'd like to have the opportunity to experience that myself, unpleasant as it may be.
I also had a momentary lapse in judgement. I forget we're living in the age of no handshakes but protests are no big deal. So we'll scrap the handshake, Premiere Higgs, and perhaps just get close enough to tolerate each other.
How does that sound?
I also had a momentary lapse in judgement. I forget we're living in the age of no handshakes but protests are no big deal. So we'll scrap the handshake, Premiere Higgs, and perhaps just get close enough to tolerate each other.
How does that sound?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
You forget, but you are not alone in forgetting, that with a Conservative majority these laws would have been a "done deal" last week, and we would be living them this week.
How many times is this? Attempts at good governance, that were bad, with a complete reversal a couple of days later.
We deserve better.
You forget, but you are not alone in forgetting, that with a Conservative majority these laws would have been a "done deal" last week, and we would be living them this week.
How many times is this? Attempts at good governance, that were bad, with a complete reversal a couple of days later.
We deserve better.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Trust that many people will never forget my one and only encounter with Higgy Mackenna Wilson
Who thought expanding police powers as a good idea in the first place? Honestly, I am done with conservatives.
David Amos
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Reply to @Mackenna Wilson: Methinks you are not alone N'esy Pas? Edward Andrews
Ah Higgs, it ain't the police that worry me is the politicians telling the police to take on more powers and adding more laws that they [politicians] then expect police to enforce. So if anyone is going to take a reality pill it's you. Crossing into NB and having someone demanding my ID, recording my information is a bit...well lets say we all thought that was over with in Sept of 1945. Add to this the person who took my ID wore no gloves, no mask and handled everyone's ID and could be a vector point for contaminating people. All a farcical show.
David Amos
Reply to @Edward Andrews: Welcome to the circus
Matt Steele
It sounds like Premier Higgs meant well as he thought that Law Enforcement needed the extra powers to keep the N.B. borders contained ; but he was wise to drop the idea as there has already been to much militarization of the police in Canada . It may be time to start reducing the powers , and militarization , of the police , rather than increasing them . We certainly do not need N.B. , or Canada in general for that matter , to become an example for George Orwell's " 1984 " .
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Matt Steele:
If this doesn't prove once and for all that a Higgs majority government would be a BIG mistake I don't know what would.
If this doesn't prove once and for all that a Higgs majority government would be a BIG mistake I don't know what would.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks the path leads to madness if you try convincing the folks who swill the blue kool aid of what should be obvious to all N'esy Pas?Frank Dee
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: because of his ability to change his mind based on new information..?
Tim Smitty
I wish he was running Alberta .
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Tim Smitty: You can have him. He will fit right in!
Tim Smitty
Reply to @Jos Allaire: better than the ucp
Buddy Best
Reply to @Tim Smitty: I wish he would too. Good reddens!!!!
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Kenney is more Peter Lougheed with a tinge of Stock Day...
Randy McNally
Reply to @Tim Smitty: I wish he was in Alberta
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Smitty: Me Too But for much different reasons than yours Of that I have no doubt
Lou Bell
Didn't the SANB Liberals under Louis and McKenna underhandedly redo our Constitution without the consent of N.B.'s citizens , no votes , nothing ? Much like they did with their " Phonie Games " giveaway ? Perhaps this law would have given ALL citizens a choice, instead of just a chosen few !
Buddy Best
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yeah like the PC are saints!!!! They are all cut from the same cloth.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: Reply to @Lou Bell: Tu fit plus avec ley COR. Say poor sa ke tame Higgs. Sayin COR.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: I bet if you go back even farther in time you can find something else to go on about... Do you really feel Higgs and his Conservatives are doing such a terrible job you have to compare them to perceived Liberal indiscretions at every opportunity?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Lou is almost like a broken clock. A broken clock is right twice a day, giving something for Lou to aspire to.
Lou is almost like a broken clock. A broken clock is right twice a day, giving something for Lou to aspire to.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You did say "almost"...maybe twice a month?
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks its time for your nap N'esy Pas?David Amos
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Reply to @Randy McNally: Methinks even you are being too generous in your estimation N'esy Pas? Terry Tibbs
Another example of the , soon to be patented, Higgs shuffle.
2 steps ahead, 3 back.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
Of course you would prefer he make a complete political blunder.
But, your fall back position serves for the moment.
Why not come straight out and declare your undying loyalty to the left.
Of course you would prefer he make a complete political blunder.
But, your fall back position serves for the moment.
Why not come straight out and declare your undying loyalty to the left.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Brian Robertson: And you the right!
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
I am both; the right, and right.
Terry is no doubt the left, and wrong.
I am both; the right, and right.
Terry is no doubt the left, and wrong.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
I'm beginning to believe that if not yet, but soon, if you google "political blunder", it will give you a picture of Mr Higgs.
I'm beginning to believe that if not yet, but soon, if you google "political blunder", it will give you a picture of Mr Higgs.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Major blunder!!!!
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
That hardly explains his continued high popularity amongst New Brunswickers.
That hardly explains his continued high popularity amongst New Brunswickers.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Brian Robertson: The thing about popularity is that it never lasts.
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Just ask the Liberals about that.
Just ask the Liberals about that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
David Amos
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: I just got done laughing Please tell me another oneTerry Tibbs
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
Sooner, or later, the voters in this province will wake up to the simple fact that Mr Higgs puts his mouth in gear before his brain realizes it's time to think.
He, like the Liberals, have stacked the top spots in government with patronage appointments, so that when good advice is needed there is none to be had, resulting in actions of this sort.
The political well is well poisoned in NB.
Sooner, or later, the voters in this province will wake up to the simple fact that Mr Higgs puts his mouth in gear before his brain realizes it's time to think.
He, like the Liberals, have stacked the top spots in government with patronage appointments, so that when good advice is needed there is none to be had, resulting in actions of this sort.
The political well is well poisoned in NB.
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks you can trust in the fact that you and your brudda JJ ain't too popular in my blog today for rather obvious reasons N'esy Pas?David Amos
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Reply to @Jos Allaire: "Major blunder!!!!"Methinks its merely one of many faux pas' N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Oh so true Methinks Higgy et al know as well as I that is why ran against them all 7 times thus far and even sued the Queen in 2015 N'esy pas?Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: 83 % approval on how he's handling COVID !! 83 % !!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Don't worry, he'll mess that up good and proper.
Do you remember having to recite The Lord's Prayer in school and we all knew it by heart?
But for some, like Mr Higgs, they had to write it down.
Don't worry, he'll mess that up good and proper.
Do you remember having to recite The Lord's Prayer in school and we all knew it by heart?
But for some, like Mr Higgs, they had to write it down.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: 7 FAILING times with nary even 25 votes in any of them ! Now if that doesn'y qualify for a " Badge of Futility ' I don't know what does ! And howd you make out with " the Queen suit " ??
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: So you can't read . I knew that .
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: 83 % say you're wrong . 83 % !!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: Form thaw djeule. Two fay an foll the toi.
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many would agree that it is you who can't even read the writing on the wall that Higgy's Police State has put around us N'esy Pas? Buddy Best
Reply to @Brian Robertson: You are full of it Righty!!
Buddy Best
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Thank COVID 19. This too will pass. Then Higgs is toast.
Buddy Best
Reply to @Lou Bell: Have you tried to get into SNB lately!!!!? Talk about overkill!!!!
Jos Allaire
A politician's popularity is like in sports. You're as good as your last game!
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Brian Robertson: My point exactly... And I see no reason why we couldn't ask the Conservatives.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Lou Bell: Who are they asking? There is really not much good to be said about anybody who actually stays on the line long enough to do a survey, and if it's done online it's done on a page or a website supportive of whoever is paying for the pole. So in reality the results probably should be viewed with a plus/minus of well over 40%.
David Amos
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Reply to @Randy McNally: Trust that I stay on line in order to save many words for my personal survey before they go "Poof"Murray Brown
Conservative philosophy typically argues against more government control. Socialist and Liberals typically calling for more control by government, then again Higgs is kind of like the Donald... He's not a conservative or a liberal... He's an Irving man.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Murray Brown:
Making him a little bit of both, depending on the direction the wind is blowing.
Making him a little bit of both, depending on the direction the wind is blowing.
David Amos
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Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy don't think that deep He just follows orders tis all and his handlers are mindless greedy fools N'esy Pas? Randy McNally
Reply to @Murray Brown: At least that is the perception they(whoever "they" are) want us to have for what ever reason. The fact remains that people are individuals and each one capable (in most cases) of formulating and entertaining an original thought. Problem is, the media go to great lengths to frame everything within a red/blue paradigm - 2 teams. There are two teams but they are not red and blue. They are the government and the people and we'd be well advised keep that in mind
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir
Bob Smith
The recent deaths didn't stop the bill alone. I think it was sober second thought as well away from those who wanted this in the first place.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bob Smith:
You are assuming a lot. Was there even a first thought?
You are assuming a lot. Was there even a first thought?
David Amos
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Reply to @Bob Smith: Dream on David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nope
Amajor Hall
Dictatorship averted!
David Amos
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Reply to @Amajor Hall: Not really Methinks many would agree that the Police State already here Higgy et al just wanted to make appear legal but their mindless Bill put the spotlight on their wrongs N'esy Pas?
Greg Bragdon
What many critical of this government fail to acknowledge is that it does adopt constructive criticism, which in part is good governance.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: Although in this case, we was not only way out in left field, but not even in the ballpark. A totally unconstitutional decision and a blatant violation of fundamental rights. CONservatives are well-known for that.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: Or what Cons like to say when its a Liberal government... Wishy-washy...
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Greg Bragdon:
It shouldn't have to adopt anything. As tax payers we are paying top dollar for department heads who know their stuff and can advise government wisely on policy. Instead, those top spots have become patronage appointments, making them homes for do nothing/know nothings.
It shouldn't have to adopt anything. As tax payers we are paying top dollar for department heads who know their stuff and can advise government wisely on policy. Instead, those top spots have become patronage appointments, making them homes for do nothing/know nothings.
David Amos
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: Yea Right
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: And the other parties when asked about it last week , indicated THEY WANTED INPUT into the bill . Even the SANB Liberals !
Matt Steele
Reply to @Greg Bragdon: ....Very true ; the Higgs Govt. does seem to react to the concerns of N.B.ers ; quite a change from Brian Gallant's total control at all costs management style .
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: It was the COR Higgs idea!
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Matt Steele: An note foo red!
Buddy Best
Reply to @Matt Steele: No grey matter required!!. Throw out an outrageous idea and then crush to look like a hero.
You can fool some of the people some time!!
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: But not all the folks all the time
James Smythe
Really? It took the second shooting of a person by the RCMP for him to arrive at this conclusion? As in the first shooting, along with everything going on in the US at the moment wasn’t already an overwhelming abundance of evidence for him to realize how insensitive it was to table a bill like this now? Good grief.
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: Welcome back to the circus
Dan Stewart
Surely no one is surprised that such a ill considered bill has been tossed. I suspect the day after it was proposed the writing was on the wall... Higgs just needed the right time to say so.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Dan Stewart: I suspect he would have found "the right time" even if there hadn't been a second death.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Here is "the scary bit", with a majority Conservative government this would have been passed last week and we would be living it this week.
Here is "the scary bit", with a majority Conservative government this would have been passed last week and we would be living it this week.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Oh So True
Kim Life-Coach
Mr Higgs, please be transparent. The fact remains you had an on-slot of negativity in this regards as you did with your wish to close hospitals prior. Frankly, it would have been best to just say, I made an error in judgement. I commend you for your position on handling Covid19, but certainly not with losing health care facilities and a do what you want policy for enforcement. We the people are the voters!
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Kim Life-Coach: I agree with most of what you wrote, but myself, I would have suggested that Higgs find another phrase than "error in judgement." That one's been overused recently.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: ...let's try 'Judgemental error!', better??
David Amos
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Reply to @Kim Life-Coach: Methinks according to the rules your opinion should not count because you cannot vote with the name you use in here N'esy Pas? Jeff LeBlanc
Good. Now maybe cooler heads will prevail instead of "let's toss Higgs and vote in Vickers". Somewhere in Canada Curtiss Barrett is smiling. #neverforget
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Higgs Eva pruned an day bark next election!
Jos Allaire
Higgs sayin grow truth Tchu!
David Barker
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: I don't think so. Vickers has a good head on his shoulders. He hasn't yet been given a chance to shine as Higgs hasn't allowed a by-election. He wouldn't have made these recent blunders that Higgs made.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc:
I *think* you are missing the most important point. BOTH parties have had opportunity to prove their worth, and deserve to be left in minority government limbo, where we can keep a close eye on them and they have to openly cooperate to get anything done.
This is yet another complete reversal for Mr Higgs. With a majority this would have been passed last week and we would have been living it this week.
I *think* you are missing the most important point. BOTH parties have had opportunity to prove their worth, and deserve to be left in minority government limbo, where we can keep a close eye on them and they have to openly cooperate to get anything done.
This is yet another complete reversal for Mr Higgs. With a majority this would have been passed last week and we would have been living it this week.
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @David Barker: You don't even know who Curtiss Barrett is do you?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks there are lots of things that you should never forget as well N'esy Pas? ---------- Orignal message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 23:12:42 -0300
Subject: YO Blaine Higgs Merhinks you should enjoy a liitle Deja Vu as
you consider a snap election while your favourite welfare bum Chucky
Leblanc plays the victim card again N'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs"<>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<>, "bruce.northrup"<>
Cc: premier <>, krisaustin
"brian.gallant"<>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<>, "steve.murphy"<>,
Newsroom <>, Mike Therien
"jake.stewart"<>, "robert.gauvin"
<>, "mary.wilson"<>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>, David Amos
field <>, "Boston.Mail"
<>, mdcohen212 <>
New Brunswick premier won't rule out snap election call
Premier Blaine Higgs has said he hasn't made a decision about going to
the polls sooner rather than later
Jordan Gill · CBC News · Posted: Jul 02, 2020 9:17 PM AT
On 10/28/18, David Amos <> wrote:
> https://davidraymondamos3.
> Saturday, 27 October 2018
> Methinks Premier Gallant put his greedy liberal buddies over the pork
> barrel just before the Speech from the Throne so he could remain their
> leader N'esy Pas?
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> Murray Brown
> Not sure why this is even a story... Having the support of his party
> members is not in question. The question is... Can he form a
> government and run the province and on Friday that answer will be NO.
> Not sure why he's bothering with the charade of being in power when he
> actually isn't. He should have stepped aside and let Higgs fail
> instead. Now he just looks desperate.
> David Amos
> @Murray Brown I repeat the fat lady ain't sung yet.
> David Amos
> Methinks if Gallant were a wise guy he would offer juicy cabinet
> positions to Dominic Cardy, Jake Stewart and the French Lieutenant
> Bobby Gauvin. Cardy already switched from the NDP and their lawyer
> buddy Kelly Lamrcok has only the Green Party or the PANB left to join
> if the Conservative tire of his snobby nonsense. Imagine what a Circus
> that would if either one or all 3 conservative stooges crossed the
> floor? It happened before when Shawn Graham sweet talked Wally Stiles
> and his wife. What worked once can work twice N'esy Pas?
> Anyone recall this Circus?
> Stiles, MacAlpine-Stiles deny spying allegations
> CBC News · Posted: Apr 18, 2007 5:08 PM
> Roy Kirk
> It's all about himself. Kinda like Trump
> .
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk YUP
> David Amos
> @David Amos I am just curious if he is clever enough to make deal like
> Trump certainly would and have me sign an MOU before he is out of
> office.
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk FYO If who wish to have a chuckle about "The Donald" and I
> just Google the following
> Trump Cohen Amos NATA FATCA TPP
> David Amos
> Page is closed to commenting.
> @Roy Kirk Check out page 2 of this file and you will know what Trump
> and legions of lawyers in Canada and the USA know about Mr Mueller and
> I
> Need I say there could be an October Surprise in the near future but I
> ain't betting on it because it should have already happened.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 12:38:06 +0000
> Subject: RE: YO Dominic Cardy have you or your cat "Puffin"seen my Harley
> with the Yankee wiretap tapes in its saddlebag up on the Hanwell lately?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> ******************************
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dominic Cardy <>
> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 00:23:13 -0300
> Subject: Re: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with
> Blaine Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: David Amos <>
> David,
> Would you like another butter tart?
> Best wishes,
> Dominic
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:51:37 -0400
> Subject: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with Blaine
> Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: oldmaison <>, kelly <>,
> "Dominic.Cardy"<>, "blaine.higgs"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> <>, "Bill.Fraser"<>, andre
> <>, "David.Coon"<>, krisaustin
> <
> <>, "Gilles.Blinn"<>,
> "Gilles.Cote"<>, "brian.gallant"
> <>, jbosnitch <>, "bruce.fitch"
> <>, "bruce.northrup"<>, Brian
> Gallant <>, "brian.keirstead"
> <>, "Bill.Oliver"<>, "carl.
> davies"<>, "carl.urquhart"<>,
>,, premier <>,
>, "denis.landry2"<>,
> "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
> Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-
> <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
> <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
> <>, "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc"
> <
> <>, markandcaroline
> <>, "Wilfred.Roussel"
> <>,,
>, "Gilles.LePage"<>,
>,, "Gary.Crossman"
> <>, "Glen.Savoie"<>,
> jeannotvolpe2018 <>, "jeff.carr"
> <>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>,
> ""<>, MarcelDoiron
> <>,,
> votemarywilson <>, mikeholland4albert
> <>
>, "Trevor.Holder"<>,
> "Dorothy.Shephard"<>, Newsroom
> <>, news <>, news
> <>, "David.Raymond.Amos"
> <>
> http://davidraymondamos3.
> Monday, 22 January 2018
> Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to herd cats and
> even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 05:35:32 +0000
> Subject: RE: Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to
> herd cats and even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
>>. Thank you!
> ******************************
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
> Tuesday, 28 August 2018
> For people who haven't seen the interview I made with P.C. Leader
> Blaine Higgs....
> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 1:04 pm No comments :
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)"<>
> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 18:23:57 +0000
> Subject: RE: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> To: David Amos <>, "Wright, Hamish (LEG)"
> <>
> Dear David,
> I am so sorry that you are unhappy. I hope the butter tart will help.
> Sometimes when I feel sad I'll have two butter tarts. Because we are
> fiscal conservatives we can only send you one butter tart so, if you
> are very sad, maybe you have a special friend who can help you by
> buying the second one? That would be a great example of civil society
> in action, and a very real public/private partnership.
> There are so many things I want to say right now but, in the end, all
> that matters is that we are kind to each other, right?
> Yours, etc,
> Dominic
> ______________________________
> From: David Amos []
> Sent: November-03-17 3:14 PM
> To: Cardy, Dominic (LEG); Wright, Hamish (LEG); kelly; Higgs, Blaine
> (LEG); leanne.murray; Leanne.Fitch; martin.gaudet; oldmaison; andre;
> Coon, David (LEG); briangallant10; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Stephane.vaillancourt; Tom.Mann; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Jacques.Poitras; nmoore; jeremy.keefe; steve.murphy; newsroom; news
> Cc: David Amos;
> Subject: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> Say Hey to the Fat Fred City Finest and their union for me will ya?
> Obviously it is the same one the Arseole Donny now work for N'esy Pas
> Chucky Leblanc and Andre Faust?
> Robert R. Blakely
> Canadian Operating Officer
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 29
> Arlene Dunn
> Deputy Director
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 26
> Cell 613 619 0653
> Government Relations Manager
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 25
> Andrew Dawson
> Atlantic Canadian Representative
> Phone: 506-470-5435
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 05:49:51 -0300
> Subject: Re the Corrupt cops in the RCMP and the Fat Fred City Finest
> and their constant whining about pensions they don't earn
> To:,,
> "frederic.loiseau"<frederic.loiseau@fredericton.
> <>, "leanne.murray"
> <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.
> <>
> <>, andremurraynow <>,
> lmanzer <>, law <>,
> "peter.dauphinee"<>, jwambolt
> <>, sallybrooks25 <>,
> evelyngreene <>,,
> "david.kelly"<>, advocacycollective
> <>
> <>, "Jimmy.Bourque"<>,
> "Ted.Hsu"<>, "flaherty.j"<>,
> freemanrobmenard <>, "victor.boudreau"
> <>, "Davidc.Coon"<>,
> leader <>, "ian.fahie"<>,
> "bernadine.chapman"<bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.
> <>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <>, "Juanita.Peddle"
> <
> <>, "bob.rae"
> <
> "Gilles.Moreau"<>
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
> <>,, "terry.seguin"
> <>, acampbell <>,
> "mclaughlin.heather"<mclaughlin.heather@
> "macpherson.don"<macpherson.don@dailygleaner.
> <>, toewsv1 <>,
> "marie-claude.blais"<>, "Mike.Quigley"
> <>, "Marc.Leger"<>,
> "Robert.Trevors"<>, "dean.buzza"
> <>
> Good Evening Mr Banks
> How you pension plans doing looks like you have to work long than you
> planned for less. EH? Cry me a river.
> Better start putting something aside for a lawyer to defend you. I
> will be requesting a copy of all my conversations with you office.
> Trust that nsty bastards laughing a tme and giving me their number
> just won’t do. One thing I for certain I know who you are and just
> exactly what you do with the RCMP thanks to Chucky Leblanc and your
> bragging. Tell me truly dirt the evil Brit Sally Brooks grab your
> balls? Too too funny whether it be true or false.
> Now this ridiculous
> This cop
> assaulted his guy on his bike
> Then this wacko does the same
> And the Fat Fred City arrest who?
> The recent news easily explains to even the mindless Chucky Leblanc
> why the corrupt Police Chief of Fat Fred City Finest quit after the
> election in 2012.EH?
> The real reason MacKnight went for early retirement was because he and
> his City Council buddies well understood retiring early was far more
> profitable for the crooked bastard.
> If anyone had been paying attention they would have known most pension
> plans were in deficit after the economy to a nose dive excluding that
> of the RCMP and their bankster buddies
> Victor Boudreau took care of all his provincial underlings in 2009
> byway of the Taxpayer dimes and taxing cigarettes etc even more whilst
> the socialist lawyer Tom Mann bitched about investing in smoking. I
> will wage Mann won’t won’t bite the hand that feeds now that the idiot
> David Alward gave him a big job.
> If MacKnight were to quit because of Chucky Leblanc’s nonsense it
> would have been back in 2007 or 2009
> In 2010 when many members of his own Police Force were making
> complaints against him or getting suddenly sick or quitting the City
> Council should had shitcanned him ASAP
> HOWEVER just like old J Edgar Hoover the corrupt Police Chief had the
> dirt on everyone in Fat Fred City so the smiling bastards under
> Woodside paid him off after he was reelected
> Anyone can call me a liar if you wish but put it in writing with a
> true name and signature.
> Everybody and his dog knows MacKnight and his pals attacked me in
> 2004, stole my old Harley in 2007 and have been covering up MURDER and
> Financial Crimes for way past too long’
> The fact that the CROWN had refused to prosecute Chucky Leblanc after
> the Fat Fred City Finest arrested him three times and twice at the
> CROWN’s request should have been an embarrassment for the CROWN and
> its corrupt politicians not MacKnight. He was slightly embarrassed
> that his Police Dept had more complaints against it than any other PD
> but that did not bother him because he knew he was protected by the
> CROWN. The proof that he was Woodside’s best btt buddy was when he
> tried to throw the wannbe lawyer Mark Darcy off of public property. As
> soon as Darcy quoted the Charter to MacKnight in front of the press
> and many witnesses MacKnight ran away and to hide in Woodside’s
> domain whilst Darcy continued yapping to the press inside City Hall.
> Need I say I loved saving Chucky Leblanc’s videos that night?
> Everybody know the Fat Fred City Finest have been illegally harassing
> me on public property since 2004 for the benefit of their political
> puppetmasters and not the people they purported serve.
> One month after MacKnight retired I let everybody and his dog know how
> pissed off I got when Acting Chief Leanne Fitch had her minions make
> false allegations against me on behalf of her nasty pal Rob Frenette
> only a month or so after the CBC exposed what a monumental liar he is.
> It has been many months and I have yet to receive and answer in
> writing or even a call back from Fat Fred City Finest, their lawyer
> Leanne Murray or the Police Commission. However that does not surprise
> me. The Police Commission has answered Chucky Leblanc and his friends
> many times since I made my complaint in 2004 yet I NEVER received an
> answer except one from Danny Copp telling me that I did not respond to
> his queries fast enough while I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee
> jail. However I did receive MANY emails from Brad Woodside and his
> mindless Deputy David Kelly that they will have to argue in court
> someday.
> Murder is a capital crime so there is no statute of limitations. Thus
> I can litigate again anytime I wish. Need I say Chucky’s blogger buddy
> Mr Baconfat has not been helping New Brunswick or Fredericton’s case
> since 2009. With Idle No More heating up for the summer we may not
> have to wait long for some clever greedy Indian lawyers to finally
> read it. Furthermore the deliberate ignorance of my evidence of
> securities crimes and tax crimes by law enforcement people whose
> mandate is to investigate such things has had a direct effect on
> everybody’s pensions plans.
> Any cop or lawyer should confess that ignorance of the law is no
> excuse. What they won’t admit is that every cop should follow his
> mandate and lawyer who received my material should READ the first
> parts of the Law Society Act. As officers of the Queen’s court in
> order to keep their licenses to practice law for a fee they MUST
> protect the public interests and safety. When they receive evidence of
> murder and financial crimes cop should see that it is investigated
> ASAP. If a lawyer gets the same stuff from someone who is not a client
> even if they pretend to not understand it they still must report it to
> law enforcement ASAP. If a client asks them to do so and seeks
> protection and they don’t they are criminals as well. Need I say the
> legions of governmental lawyers and politicians are in deep shit with
> mean old me? That is why everybody plays dumb and nobody dares to say
> my name not even the tough talking Chucky Leblanc. It truly is that
> simple. I must ask the obvious question.
> Everybody knows I have many wiretap tapes of the mob and have given
> many to various cops, the RCMP, the FBI, CISNB, the US Senate
> Judiciary Committee and even the Arar Inquiry. Hell the Fat Fred City
> Finest willingly stole some wiretap tapes along with my old Harley.
> The very dumb cop Randy Reilly asked me to take my stuff out of my
> saddlebags and I refused. I had served him a pile of documents that he
> refused so it as my turn to say no. I simply told him if he was gonna
> steal my bike registered in the USA he can steal it all. I immediately
> called Martin Gaudet the cop supervising him that night and Gaudet was
> so ignorant he would not even give me the Tow Company contact
> information.
> http://
> For the record I also called the FBI and told them of the wiretap
> tapes in the saddlebag. I heard that in return the Yankees claimed my
> bike was stolen and it did disappear from SNB records. A !965 Harley
> Davidson completely original even the paint does not evaporate. I have
> heard of the arsehole Alan MacPhee bragging to women that he has a
> nice old Harley he is going to restore. He must be waiting for me to
> die first because if I or friends of mine see it on the streets in Fat
> Fred City there will be a call about a stolen Harley immediately. I
> sent his boss and several lawyers registered mail about my bike in
> 2007 as soon as the CROWN refused to press charges against me or
> provide any information at all. Since 2007 and as recently as December
> 2012 many cops have affirmed that there is no warrant for my arrest
> for any unpaid fines or anything else. However in 2012 the CROWN did
> send me some interesting information about my motorcycle and Judge
> Richards” involvement in the matter...I remember her when she was in
> charge of court documents when a pile of disappeared from the dockets
> in 2004 In 2005 she was the Sheriff who ignored me when I complained
> that one of her deputies had me illegally removed from court for the
> benefit of the lawyer David Lutz who was involved in the same matters
> involving the aforementioned missing documents .Whenever I ask about
> my Harley or their tickets now the Fat Fed City Finest only laugh and
> say what Harley or not my problem and end the conversation because the
> suddenly become to busy drinking free Tim’s coffee and eating donuts
> to talk anymore? Just how dumb are the Fat Fred City Finest, many
> other police depts. and Alward’s provincial minions to say such things
> and try to block my emails after you even the GOVERNOR GENERAL etc
> have already acknowledged getting Hard Copy from me and the cops and
> even the New Brunswick police Commission recorded our conversation
> since 2004 DUHHH????
> I began with you David Banks so I will end with you. As you no doubt
> know the CRTC wants to study 911 operations and new technology. Does
> that not include emails? You can bet that the CRTC already are well
> aware of the Fredericton Police and the RCMP and the 911 operators
> they have in common acting under the very nasty chickenshit named
> David Banks. Perhaps you should ask them if you can read the emails
> the Fat Fred City Finest blocked or ignored. BTW please notice who
> else got this email then tell you lawyer Leanne Murray to scroll down
> and go fine the Hard Copy of many document that the Attorney General
> Brad Green admitted they have had since 2004. That includes a true
> copy of a Yankee wiretap tap just like Chucky Leblanc’s buddies stole
> from me in 2004 and finally gave to the Fat Fred City Finest at Xmass
> time 2010 REMEMBER MacKnight sent Mikey Wilson out looking for me
> immediately afterwards merely because I call David Kelly about you
> dudes and his ex Bobbi too? He always speaks for you does he not? You
> cannot deny that he has sent us all the same emails. I doubt you are
> blocking his CORRECT???
> In closing I must say all the corrupt cops within the Fat Fred City
> Finest and the politicians they serve deserve not one red cent of
> their wages or pensions. In fact most should be in JAIL.
> What say you now Chucky Baby Leblanc? I bet you and all your crybaby
> associates will continue to play dumb as you call me names and pray
> that I die soon N’esy Pas?
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> Pension changes will ensure 'long-term integrity'
> Finance Minister Blaine Higgs says task force report will be released
> this session
> By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News
> Posted: Mar 27, 2012 3:57 PM AT
> Changes to provincial pension plans that will help address the plans'
> deficits and ensure their sustainability are coming soon, says the
> finance minister.
> The provincial task force on protecting pensions is expected to report
> to the government during this session, Blaine Higgs said Tuesday as
> part of his budget speech.
> The task force will recommend how to put the appropriate rules and
> regulations in place for the long-term sustainability of existing
> pension plans, both public and private, he said.
> “Our goal is to ensure that employee benefits that have been earned to
> date will not be negatively affected by future changes while we
> separate pension reform from the collective bargaining process," he
> said.
> The provincial government will seek ways to expand the coverage of
> affordable, sustainable pension plans in New Brunswick to residents
> who currently do not have adequate pension plan coverage, said Higgs.
> The changes will be fair to both employees and taxpayers, he said.
> “Our government’s vision is that New Brunswickers should have the
> opportunity for a safe and secure retirement," the finance minister
> said.
> "We must also provide assurance to pension contributors that the
> long-term integrity, due diligence and rigour necessary in the
> business and financial operations of the system are maintained at a
> high level."
> The Alward government launched a review of public sector plans in
> September. It is expected to include consultation with the public,
> including employees, contributing employers, union representatives and
> pensioners.
> The same task force is also reviewing private sector plans.
> Higgs said pension plans are facing deficits because people are living
> longer after retirement than previously predicted and market values
> have been lower than expected.
> "Those are the issues we're trying to address because if we don't, it
> will be a problem," he told reporters. "We will fix it...We have a
> program that will do just that."
> charles leblanc wrote:
> Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya?
> I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now?
> Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 07:56:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos"
> Subject: Who says they are ignoring me Chucky? Ask Barry McKnight why
> the Yankees are researching him
> To:,,
> CC:,,
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 1,013
> Domain Name (Unknown)
> IP Address 206.15.101.# (NEWS CORPORATION)
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : New York
> City : New York
> Lat/Long : 40.7605, -73.9933 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft Win2000
> Browser Firefox 2.0
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> Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Last Page View May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Search Engine
> Search Words fredericton police department "barry mcknight"
> Visit Entry Page
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> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time May 23 2007 5:17:17 pm
> Visit Number 1,013
> Survey of Fredericton police officers finds poor morale within
> forcePublished on February 11, 2010
> Published on February 25, 2010
> The Canadian Press ~ The News Topics : Fredericton
> FREDERICTON - Mayor Brad Woodside has told police Chief Barry
> MacKnight to improve morale within his department following the
> release of a survey that showed a lack of confidence by officers in
> the abilities of upper management.
> "What I am saying to the police is sit down, clean it up and deal with
> it," Woodside said Wednesday.
> The report, prepared for the Fredericton police union, found that only
> 10 per cent of survey respondents had confidence in MacKnight, while
> 26 per cent had confidence in Deputy Chief Leanne Fitch.
> It also questioned the chief's accessibility, his vision for the
> future, and his ability to communicate effectively.
> "Labour management seems to be a problem there," Woodside said. "I
> have spoken to the city administrator. I have spoken to the chief and
> I want morale back where it should be and I want these issues dealt
> with."
> MacKnight said he takes responsibility when things go wrong in the
> police department.
> "We are going to address the issues that can be addressed and should
> be addressed," he said. "This is an important issue for us (but) we
> are not going to make any snap decision."
> The survey suggested that a climate of fear exists within the force
> and that members feel MacKnight believes all public complaints made
> against officers.
> MacKnight said the past year was a tough one for officers with respect
> to public complaints.
> "One of the major themes I am taking away from this is anxiety about
> internal investigations," he said.
> He said he's accessible to members of the force but admitted some
> people may feel he isn't.
> MacKnight said morale is always a concern because it has a direct
> impact on the provision of good services to citizens.
> He said he will go over the report and identify what its major themes
> are and what can be done to address them.
> Wednesday, April 07, 2010
> I support Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight 100%!!!!
> During these past few months, there's lots of stories about battles
> between the Police Union and the Police Chief.
> The Union release a Poll among their members saying only 10% of the
> force supports their Chief.
> I first heard of problems a couple of years ago.
> I was surprise because the Cops are doing a fantastic job in keeping
> this City safe.
> Who's responsible for Fredericton to be a safe City?
> Our leaders at the top of the Fredericton Police Force?
> I would say - Yes!!
> I chatted with some Business owners during the past month and everyone
> is supporting the way the Cops are patrolling the Downtown area.
> They are walking the beat and clearing the troublemakers from the Downtown
> core.
> I have met Police Chief Barry MacKnight on a few occasion and found
> the Chief a nice pleasant gentlemen to chat with.
> I might add I was very surprise when he spoke Le Francais en Chiac!!!
> lol
> lol
> The chief chiac was proven when he launched the new cruiser....
> Here's a blog I wrote on this issue -
> I'm happy they never went with the Black and White Cruiser they have
> in Bathurst!
> But it sure reminds you for a nice cold Canadian eh???
> lol
> What's a Emergencie??? We chiac Acadians say - Emergency!!
> Urgence???
> Myself, I didn't like the new colors and Mayor Brad Woodside agreed!!!
> Click below for video -
> But seriously??? Why are so many members of our Police Force upset
> with the Chief?
> Is he demanding too much from the Union Members?
> His contract is up for renewal in July and the local media are pushing
> the issue.
> This is the very first time there's a contract renewal with a Police Chief.
> In the past, former Police Chiefs were there for 20 years.
> Who will decide Barry MacKnight future?
> The Councilors at City Hall?
> Will this be an open meeting?
> Will the public have a say?
> I tried to get some answers but everyone is keeping their mouth shut
> on this issue.
> Lets say that we do get a new chief and crime goes up? Who will we
> blame? The new Police Chief?
> So what's the problem?
> I know for a fact many members of the Police Force reads this Blog.
> Maybe they can tell the readers what the problem is???
> Myself? I support the Police Chief 100% and I hope his contract is
> renewed for another 5 years!!!
> P.S. I'm not kissing ass!! I'm just calling it as it is!!!
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 8:55:00 AM
> Anonymous said...
> How mixed up is Charles? He hates the RCMP who have never
> arrrested him and loves the Fredericton Police who have.
> 11:14 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Any complaints fabricated against the Fredericton Police are
> simply the quebec spreading organization trying to force french on
> everything by getting Fredericton policed by RCMP. But Moncton has had
> their fill!
> 11:22 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Do police cars in Fredericton real have EMERGENCIE instead of
> URGENCE for the french portion on their police cars?! I have noticed
> that but if this is the case, it is simply unbelievable!! How can this
> have happened?
> 11:29 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Hey Charles,Fredericton doesnt need 2 police forces,we have the
> R.C.M.P at the top of Regent street,the city force on Queen street. I
> think we should disband the chief and his car kicking bandits and
> replace mayor Woodside at the same time.Our chief hasnt the right to
> wear a badge or call himself a cop,he isnt anything more then a social
> worker
> 11:51 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Exactly what a Police Officer needs to be, A Social Worker. An
> educated Social Worker. Not a bilingual shortcake!
> 7:42 AM, April 08, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> I agree, our police officers should be trained as social workers
> and counselors and not the thugs we have today.
> Maybe throw in some non violent conflict resolution training as well.
> 10:32 AM, April 08, 2010
> said...
> My view of both Chief and Deputy Chief remains the same. I will go
> on a lie detector with them both any time. Deputy Chiefs brother was
> involved with stealing all the assets in a Civil Case from a truck
> parked as requested by City Police Officers. I have tried to have
> charges laid only to have them make me out to be the criminal. The
> witnesses are many upstanding citizens yet I can't even get police to
> discuss. They are a joke and MacKnight is the biggest joke. You may
> think I'm crazy but ask Conrad Mead of CKTP, his 3 sons, Robb
> Hartland(Double B), my father Norman Oickle, Tony Mcfaggen, Peter
> Keith, and they will confirm that this theft occurred. They saw the
> evidence and the way the police harassed me when I tried to press
> charges. This theft was done with the help of numerous officers and
> can be proven. Ten minutes on a lie detector for the chief and I would
> settle it. I deserve at least that for all I did for my community
> before these protectors of the Law got involved. I will sign my name
> and assure you Charles the others I mention will confirm the handling
> of my case was Criminal.
> 12:24 AM, April 09, 2010
> said...
> For the record...Up until this truck was broken into I never had a
> single problem with the City Police nor did I have a single thing on a
> Criminal Record over my 50 years as an upstanding citizen. I will put
> my record along side a few of the forces detectives any time. Lets
> fire up the Lie Detectors and then you will see some fired. Come on
> Barry you were the one who wanted all the newbie's on your force to
> take a Lie Detector Test. You and I can prove how well they work. If
> I'm wrong I pay all cost...if right give me back my eguipment and
> press charges against those who were paid to uphold the Law not twist
> it for their own purposes.
> 1:16 AM, April 09, 2010
> Magos said...
> Lie detectors don't work.
> 10:12 AM, April 09, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Barry thinks they do as he is the one that stated in Daily Garbage
> he would like to see all new recruits have to take one before being
> accepted into his Farce. Charles the next time you see Barry you
> should get him on video answering you in regards to his feelings on
> Lie Detectors and wether they work or not.
> 2:29 PM, April 10, 2010
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Related Stories
> RCMP takes over Charles LeBlanc arrest probe
> Woodside concerned over handling of blogger's arrest
> Fredericton blogger's arrest attack on civil liberties
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight says he was planning to
> retire in 2013, but decided to step down next month instead. (CBC)
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> "It was an opportunity that came up and I talked to the city
> administrator and the mayor and we came to an agreement, simple as
> that," he told CBC News Wednesday.
> “The time was right," MacKnight said earlier in a statement.
> "It is time for a change."
> MacKnight has been chief for seven years and on the force for 25 years.
> It's been "a satisfying run," he said in the statement, calling it an
> "honour" to work with so many professional police officers and a
> "privilege" to work with city council and staff.
> "I know I am leaving the city in the good hands of a very professional
> and dedicated police force, and I am proud of that," MacKnight said.
> 'I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart.'—Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside
> "I also want to thank the people of Fredericton for their support over
> my tenure."
> Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside says the process to choose a successor
> will be decided in the coming days after he discusses the matter with
> council and the chief administrative officer.
> MacKnight served the city well, Woodside said.
> "I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart and I wish him the very best in any future
> endeavours."
> On heels of blogger controversy
> MacKnight's retirement comes on the heels of difficulties between the
> force and controversial blogger Charles LeBlanc.
> LeBlanc, who faced charges of criminal libel earlier this year for
> allegedly damaging the reputation of a police officer on his website,
> was arrested at the legislature last month.
> Police said LeBlanc was arrested after a complaint of "assault by
> trespasser." LeBlanc has been banned from the legislature grounds
> since 2006.
> LeBlanc is scheduled to appear in court on June 25.
> The investigation has since been handed over to the RCMP.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> "It's an important issue, but we deal with important issues here every
> single day," he told CBC News. "It's what police officers do every day
> — they make very difficult decisions based on good faith and the
> information they have at the time.
> "I can't be any clearer about this," he said. "The past two months
> have been no harder than any few months I've ever been in this job.
> Yeah, this is a hard job, and somethimes the media is engaged in the
> issues we're dealing with and sometimes they're not."
> MacKnight said the investigation will continue with the city
> administrator. He declined to comment any further on the case.
> LeBlanc's arrest came just days after he and his lawyer called for a
> public inquiry into the Fredericton Police Force's handling of a raid
> at LeBlanc's home in January.
> LeBlanc, who writes a controversial blog that is often critical of
> police officers, politicians and the legislature's sergeant-at-arms,
> was accused of damaging the reputation of a city police officer in
> blog posts last summer.
> Police seized his computer and LeBlanc says he was told he would be
> facing charges of criminal libel.
> But on May 4, the provincial government announced it would not be
> proceeding with criminal libel charges against LeBlanc, saying that
> section of the Criminal Code has been deemed unconstitutional by other
> jurisdictions.
> From: "Mazerolle Stephens, Angela(JUS)"Angela.MazerolleStephens@gnb.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:39:20 -0300
> Subject: RE: "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz
> Schreiber
> To: David Amos
> Mr. Amos:
> Receipt is acknowledged of the five pieces of e-mail you sent to me on
> May 14, 2009.
> Upon review, it is apparent that they do not relate to me either
> personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is
> unwanted and unwelcome.
> Please do not send me any more of your communications, as I find them
> harassing in nature.
> Sincerely,
> Angela Mazerolle Stephens
> Superintendent of Pensions
> Office of the Superintendent of Pensions Department of Justice and
> Consumer Affairs
> Province of New Brunswick
> Frederick Square, Ste. 450
> 77 Westmorland Street
> P.O. Box 6000
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
> Ph: (506) 453-2055
> Fax: (506) 457-7266
> This e-mail and the information contained in it is confidential, may be
> privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the
> addressee(s). Any other person is strictly prohibited from using,
> disclosing, distributing or reproducing it. If you have received this
> communication in error, please reply by e-mail to the sender and delete
> or destroy all copies of this message.
> Le présent courriel et les renseignements qu'il contient sont
> confidentiels, peuvent être protégés par le secret professionnel et
> sont à l'usage exclusif du (des) destinataire(s) susmentionné(s). Toute
> autre personne est par les présentes avisée qu'il lui est strictement
> interdit d'en faire l'utilisation, la diffusion, la distribution ou la
> reproduction. Si cette transmission vous est arrivée par erreur,
> veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par
> courriel, puis effacer ou détruire toutes les copies du présent
> message.
> Boudreau defends pension plans' $21M investment in big tobacco
> Last Updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 | 9:10 AM AT
> CBC News
> Related
> N.B. pensions have $21M in tobacco companies
> N.B. moving ahead in lawsuit against big tobacco
> Anti-smoking group cheers N.B. lawsuit against tobacco companies
> External Links
> New Brunswick provincial pension investments
> (Note: CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of
> external sites - links will open in new window)
> Finance Minister Victor Boudreau said tobacco companies that are being
> sued by the province have proven to be strong investments for the New
> Brunswick Investment Management Corp.
> 'The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow.'— Finance Minister Victor Boudreau
> When the Liberal government launched the lawsuit against tobacco
> companies in 2006, two cabinet ministers said it was about holding
> them accountable for the soaring health-care costs attributed to those
> who used their products.
> But Boudreau said on Tuesday when it comes to making money on the
> province's pension plans, it's important for investment managers to
> earn revenue any way they can.
> "The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow," he said.
> The pension funds lost almost $2 billion in the markets last year,
> including on its tobacco stocks. But the finance minister said over
> the years the tobacco industry has proved to be a strong money maker.
> The records released last week by the New Brunswick Investment
> Management Corp. show heavy investments in Imperial Tobacco, Rothmans,
> British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, its parent company Altria
> Group and R.J. Reynolds.
> The provincial government agency that manages the pension funds of
> public servants, teachers and judges had holdings in those companies
> worth about $21.2 million on March 31, 2008.
> Those same companies are all targets in a lawsuit launched in December
> 2006 by the province. New Brunswick alleges the companies failed to
> warn consumers of the dangers of smoking, marketed light cigarettes as
> safe and targeted children in their advertising campaigns. It argues
> those actions all led to widespread health problems and public medical
> costs for those who began smoking.
> N.B. union wants tobacco companies snuffed out of pensions
> N.B. pension holdings on March 31, 2008
> • $10.6 million in Phillip Morris and its parent, Altria Group.
> • $4.9 million in British American Tobacco.
> • $2.7 million in Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.
> • $2.4 million in Rothmans Inc.
> • About $600,000 in R.J. Reynolds.
> The New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees, one of the
> largest contributors to the province's pension funds, is joining the
> Canadian Cancer Society and New Brunswick Lung Association in calling
> for the province to dump its investments in tobacco companies.
> Tom Mann, the union's executive director, said his 5,800 members don't
> like it being invested with cigarette manufacturers.
> And he said because of the amount the union contributes to the
> pensions that it should have some sway in where that money is parked
> by the pension plan.
> "Certainly the people who own that money should have a say in how it's
> invested," Mann said.
> Kenneth Maybee, the president of the New Brunswick Lung Association,
> said on Tuesday that the province's pension fund managers must stop
> investing in tobacco companies, calling the revelation an "eye-opener"
> that was "disconcerting."
> "It's perhaps one of these cases where one arm [of the government]
> doesn't know where the other arm is. But I think the message will be
> very clear … that it's not the right thing to do," Maybee said.
> Fredericton police morale at 7-year low, union rep says
> Shared-risk pension dispute latest in a string of issues
> CBC News
> Posted: Apr 2, 2013 12:09 PM AT
> Pension experts eye changes to save benefits
> A leader with the union representing Fredericton police officers says
> morale on the force is at a seven-year low with the unresolved pension
> issue the latest in a string of issues.
> Andrew Dawson says officers have been without a collective agreement
> for more than two years, without a permanent chief since last summer,
> have faced criticism over their handling of a blogger's case, and are
> now facing the possible loss of pension benefits as the city moves to
> a shared-risk plan.
> "We have one member with nearly 25 years of service who, when it
> became clear that the city was going down this road, he just went in
> and tendered his resignation and said, ‘No, you know what? Enough is
> enough. I'm going home,'" said Dawson.
> Police union leader Andrew Dawson said the lack of information about
> the city's pension plans is troubling. (CBC)
> "And there are many who are nearly as distressed about what exactly it
> is the city is doing. The lack of information is the big thing.”
> Fredericton council had unanimously approved a plan on March 18 to
> convert the city’s pension plan to a shared-risk model, which has been
> promoted by the provincial government.
> Under the new plan, city employees will have to work longer with fewer
> guarantees. Pensioners will also see changes to their cost-of-living
> adjustment.
> Dawson says the police union was only officially notified of the plan
> six days before the city took action.
> "It seems the city has been moving this way for a long time, but we
> haven't been part of the process at all," he said.
> The Labour and Employment Board ruled switching to the new plan would
> have to be delayed for the police and fire departments until both
> groups have gone through arbitration hearings.
> The police union is not planning any job action, said Dawson.
> Two weeks have been set aside for an arbitration hearing in mid-June,
> he said. "We know we'll be able to present our case and get a fair
> answer finally."
> Firefighters are expected to go into an arbitration hearing with the
> city later this month.
> Meanwhile, city officials have said they will continue informal
> pension talks with the two unions, hoping they will agree to the
> shared-risk model.
> The city's current plan has a $60-million deficit.
> CRTC seeks public input on 911 emergency service
> Commission looking to improve service by utilizing new technologies
> The Canadian Press
> Posted: Dec 17, 2012 5:07 PM AT
> The CRTC is conducting a public consultation on ways it can improve
> Canada's 911 emergency service. (Darren Staples/Reuters)
> Canada's telecom regulator is asking for the public’s input on how to
> improve the 911 emergency service in light of changing technology.
> The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said
> Monday it will review the findings of the public consultation which
> asks for Canadians' input in the following areas:
> • The performance and adequacy of the technology currently employed by
> 911 services, such as that used to locate a caller using a cellphone.
> • The issues related to the provision of 911 services on
> next-generation networks, including how systems should be designed and
> the appropriate institutional arrangements.
> • Policy considerations on 911 matters.
> "Each year, the 911 system is relied upon by thousands of Canadians
> during emergency situations," national commissioner Tim Denton said in
> a news release. "As telecommunications networks evolve and adopt new
> technologies, we all have an interest in ensuring that the system
> continues to meet Canadians' needs."
> The CRTC said Denton will conduct research on 911 services in light of
> the telecommunications system's evolution to next-generation networks
> based on Internet Protocol.
> "In particular, I would encourage first responders, call centre
> operators and governmental bodies to share their ideas on how the 911
> system could help them better respond to emergency situations," Denton
> said.
> The commissioner's recommendations will be presented before May 2013
> and consulted when the CRTC begins its formal review of the regulatory
> framework for Canada’s 911 system.
> The formal consultation will be completed in 2014-15.
> With files from CBC News
> Anti-bullying advocate faces questions over tactics
> Bullying Canada co-founder defends handling of complaints
> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News
> Posted: Jun 21, 2012 7:53 AM AT
> Rob Frenette, who was given the Order of New Brunswick for his
> community service in 2011, is facing questions over his tactics. (CBC)
> A high-profile anti-bullying activist in New Brunswick is being
> criticized for the way he challenges institutions and organizations.
> A school superintendent says Rob Frenette was not realistic in
> demanding District 14 respond within hours to a complaint about
> bullying at a Woodstock school.
> And NB Power says it has not been able to substantiate Frenette’s
> allegations of 400 to 500 bullying complaints at the Crown
> corporation.
> Frenette is standing by his actions in both cases. He would not agree
> to an interview but sent CBC a prepared statement responding to the
> criticisms.
> “I've been asked not to do any further interviews on these topics,” he
> said about District 14, “as some are now escalated to the Minister of
> Education/Superintendent. As for NB Power, that file won't be
> discussed any further, unless a employee comes forward.”
> Frenette, a victim of bullying himself as a child, co-founded Bullying
> Canada, a national lobbying group, in 2006. He was successful in
> pressuring the New Brunswick government to create an Anti-Bullying
> Day.
> Last year, he was named a member of the Order of New Brunswick, the
> province’s highest recognition for community service.
> The citation said he was honoured “for his tireless devotion to and
> passionate commitment to ending the spectre of bullying in our
> province and all across Canada."
> Former premier Shawn Graham praised Frenette as “a strong voice
> against bullying and a role model” and current premier David Alward
> has also lauded his efforts.
> Bullying Canada is a non-profit organization that has applied for
> charitable status with Revenue Canada. Starting in September, it will
> be required to file some financial information, which will be made
> public.
> Frenette says he does not earn a salary from the organization.
> Disputed numbers
> Frenette says he first contacted NB Power last September. He went
> public in December, then brought it up again in April.
> In the legislature, a Liberal MLA, Brian Kenny, repeated Frenette’s
> claim that Bullying Canada had received 400 to 500 complaints of
> bullying from employees of the utility.
> But NB Power says it has been unable to verify those numbers.
> “What we need in order to investigate these and follow through is to
> know locations, know particulars, know names of the people involved,
> and that's been one of the challenges that we have when we've been
> dealing with Bullying Canada,” says Lori Clark, the head of human
> resources at the utility.
> “We've not been able to get the information that would allow us to
> deal with the situations.”
> Clark says she was surprised by the number.
> “It's not realistic in terms of what we're dealing with,” she says.
> “There's less than 10 cases [at the moment]. In the single digits, in
> fact.”
> Ross Galbraith, the manager for the union representing most NB Power
> employees, is also skeptical of the number.
> “I've not seen any volume of complaints like that, four or 500,” says
> Galbraith, who adds that his members are never reticent about letting
> him know when they have a problem.
> “It's just a very, very high number. It's an unbelievably high number for
> me."
> He says eight to 10 complaints is the number in a normal year and they
> range from outright bullying to harassment to anything else related to
> an employee’s discomfort in the workplace.
> Galbraith says when he heard Frenette’s number, “I met with my staff,
> and met with our executive board members, and I asked, 'Is there
> something going on here?' Because I'm not seeing an increase. It's
> about steady—the same type of thing you would get every year.”
> Frenette said in an e-mail on June 4 the number is “a log of the
> amount of phone calls and emails we received between September of last
> year and April of this year. We still as of today are receiving calls
> from NB Power staff about concerns.”
> In an earlier e-mail response on May 24, Frenette said Bullying Canada
> has decided to direct any NB Power employees to take their complaints
> to their union or the corporation’s ombudsman.
> “Our charity’s information and resources are targeted at youth /
> parents,” he said.
> “Our work was never really in to the workplace.
> He said he took that decision in light of a fight he is having with
> the utility over several Right to Information requests he made.
> Frenette released portions of the material he received, showing that
> communications officials at the utility were upset about his
> description of the bullying complaints.
> He is also appealing NB Power’s refusal to release any documents under
> the Right to Information Act that name him or Bullying Canada.
> “NB Power has made it clear that they are not interested in the
> assistance we could offer them,” he added in the e-mail.
> “We offered company-wide workshops etc but they declined.”
> Frenette says he offered the workshop at no charge, though Bullying
> Canada normally charges $500 per session.
> Kathleen Duguay, a NB Power spokeswoman, says Frenette offered both
> for-fee and no-fee workshops, but “at that time NB Power had already
> engaged in workshop development and/or was delivering
> workshop/awareness session with employees.”
> Superintendent says release was damaging
> The other organization pushing back against Frenette’s tactics is
> District 14, the school district covering most of the St. John River
> Valley.
> The district will no longer exist after this week as a result of a
> provincial reorganization of districts.
> In May, Theresa Blackburn, a Woodstock town councillor and community
> college instructor, criticized Frenette in a newspaper column for how
> he handled a bullying complaint at Woodstock Middle School.
> Frenette had issued a press release April 29 accusing administrators
> at the school of not acting on a case of bullying.
> He issued the release around noon, after contacting the school early
> that morning to advise them he was going public.
> Blackburn says that wasn’t nearly enough time for a busy principal or
> superintendent to respond.
> “In one fell swoop, I felt that Bullying Canada had ruined the
> reputation of an administration that had worked so hard for the last
> three or four years,” says Blackburn, who dealt with the same school
> officials when her son was bullied.
> She says the officials did everything right in her son’s case, but it
> wasn’t quick, as Frenette seemed to be demanding in the new case.
> “My son's issues were not resolved in five days. When you're dealing
> with people, it's complex. It's really complex. And it takes more than
> just a couple of emails and the demand of action,” she says.
> “Mediation has to take place. There are meetings that have to take
> place. Press releases aren't going to solve what's going on.”
> John Tingley, the acting district 14 superintendent, says he was
> visiting schools in the northern part of the district that morning,
> and it was unfair of Frenette to expect a response within a few hours.
> “The relationship is more difficult now between the school and the
> parent” as a result of Frenette’s press release, Tingley said.
> Frenette says he only issued the release because the family asked for it.
> “That’s a practice that we’ve always had in place,” he said in an
> e-mail statement.
> “We as an organization did not make the decision to issue the media
> release.”
> He says in previous cases, the school principal has not returned his
> calls, and has made it clear in this case “that she would not be
> interested in working with us on this matter.”
> He says officials at the Department of Education are now involved and
> until they respond to him, he won’t comment further on the case.
> FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012
> How come SGT Andrew MacDonald from the Fredericton Police Force
> received a huge pension after arresting Blogger????
> How come this Cop who grabbed me from the streets received a huge
> pension and my complaint was denied???
> Once again??? The Bad Cops gets away with another one and at the
> Taxpayers expense!!!
> Yes...the Citizens in Fredericton are in great danger for these VERY bad
> Cops!!!
> Here's the story - < We need a Provincial Inquiry on the way the Less
> fortunate are being treated in this Province!!!! >
> Just received this letter today!!!! So I guess with the retirement of
> Andrew MacDonald? My complaint is officially over!!!
> Click below for story -
> Here's the letter!!!
> You newcomers can watch the video!!
> The confrontation -
> Part one
> Part two
> The Arrest -
> Part one -
> [youtube
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 6:51:00 PM
> Anonymous said...
> Well, more video's of unreasonable behaviour by public servants and
> proof of a complete waste of public funds giving these morons jobs.
> Good for you keeping your cool Charles.
> 7:23 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> "Huge pension" lol...My god you are one simple person .... And how
> much is he getting please tell ?? Or maybe simply because he worked 37
> years for the City of Fredericton ?? Yes Charles, people that work for
> a living can have a pension if they want. You may not know this
> because I understand you dont work at all ...
> 8:21 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> gPaBecause he EARNED it. When someone works for the same organization
> and contributes to a pension fund for at LEAST 30 years, they have
> EARNED a pension. It's NOT a reward!! Now if they have had to deal
> with people like YOU for all those years, they SHOULD get Monetary
> Award or BONUS just for the added headache. I hope you are enjoying a
> wonderful retirement, Andrew!!
> Post it if you have the balls, Charles!
> 11:56 AM, May 19, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> It is part of having a job, you would not understand.
> 9:40 PM, May 19, 2012
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: David Amos
> To:;;
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
> Cc:;;
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
> Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I
> would try to make him famous
> A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers,
> politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies
> allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH
> Chucky?
> To:,,,
> CC:,,,
> mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
> http://maritimes.indymedia.
> Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas?
> Scroll down Frenchie and go down?.
> Threat against Burke taken seriously
> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
> Appeared on page A1
> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and
> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him
> recently.
> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't
> explain the nature of the threats.
> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made
> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters
> Wednesday.
> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a
> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or
> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some
> added protection and that added comfort."
> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security
> unit.
> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have
> been in recent weeks.
> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have
> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.
> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own
> personal safety."
> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his
> pattern of activity.
> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful
> nervous."
> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a
> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my
> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due
> to my background and training.
> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to
> happen."
> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats
> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,
> security in New Brunswick has been
> beefed up.
> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all
> visitors are screened.
> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the
> province's "top cop."
> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as
> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually
> prosecutes them.
> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous
> threats since Day 1 in office."
> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.
> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter
> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them
> their punishment or their sanction," he said.
> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said
> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,
> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not
> complimentary."
> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security
> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
> "They look at each and every situation."
> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former
> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did
> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: After you all read real slow and
> listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for
> me will ya?
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 06:29:37 -0700
> From: "Fitzgerald, Patrick (USACAC)"
> To: "David Amos"
> I will be out of the Office until Monday June 4, 2007. If you need to
> contact someone immediately, please call AUSA Eileen Decker at
> 213-894-0721 or my assistant Joan Moon at 213-984-4699.
Tim Biddiscombe
Tim Biddiscombe