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Codiac Regional RCMP 'inundated' by pandemic callers



Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Timmy Baby Biddiscombe and all his cop and liberal buddies know that any self respecting virus would want nothing to do with Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas? 



Codiac Regional RCMP 'inundated' by pandemic callers

Police say they've opened about 800 files based on calls about people not following health rules

CBC News· Posted: Apr 21, 2020 8:00 AM AT

Codiac Regional RCMP Supt. Tom Critchlow says the force has been 'inundated' with calls related to the pandemic. (Kate Letterick/CBC News )

Codiac Regional RCMP's commanding officer says the force has been 'inundated' with calls by people reporting others not obeying rules to physically distance or to self-isolate after entering the province.

Supt. Tom Critchlow, who commands the force policing Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview, said Codiac RCMP have opened 800 files as a result of the calls.

He said the force increased staff capacity to answer the calls to its non-urgent phone line because of the pandemic. But, he said the calls have been slowing in recent days.

"It's still a hot-button issue for us, but we're dealing with it," Critchlow said.

The province has set up an "information line" to report people believed to be violating the emergency declaration order, a line that's separate from the police numbers.

More patrols

Critchlow outlined the figures Monday during a Moncton city council meeting held by video conference.

Members of council noted seeing an increased police presence in the community.

Critchlow said more RCMP members are available because the pandemic means no one is away for training or on leave.

He said Codiac has a "large presence" patrolling to check on people and businesses.

We've had no issues, everyone is very co-operative and so I can report that's going quite well.- Tom Critchlow, Codiac RCMP

He also said the force is checking on around 22 people in the three communities who have returned to Canada and must self-isolate because the federal government invoked the Quarantine Act.

That means police open a file and check in on each person to ensure they're complying with self-isolating rules over a two-week period. As well, Critchlow said they check to make sure the people are OK.

"We've had no issues, everyone is very co-operative and so I can report that's going quite well," Critchlow said.
Coun. Paulette Thériault suggested police and the city's communications people do more to say that the measures are to protect public health. She said she's seeing messages on social media about people concerned they're in a "police state."

She asked the RCMP to try to do more to communicate that they are acting to protect people's health.
"We want to be protective, not being the strong-arm of the law - only reacting when we have to," Critchlow said.

As of Monday, the total number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in New Brunswick stood at 118. It was the sixth day within the last 10 days that the province announced no new cases.

Of the 118 people, 98 have recovered.

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David Amos 
"Snitches get Stitches"

Methinks as a Proud Maritimer born and bred in Dorchester NB I suspect many folks even in Fat Fred City will agree with an expression that we we all raised to N'esy Pas?

Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @David Amos: I'd like to see you try and give someone stitches for snitching. I'd pay $59.99 pay per view for that.
David Amos 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks that was spoken like a true SANB dude who is no doubt related to Chucky and Dominic Leblanc N'esy Pas?

john smith
the stasi was quite effective in this manner as is the ccp

David Amos
Reply to @john smith: Define effective

John Smith
Paulette Theriault is correct, the RCMP have made New Brunswick a police state.

David Amos  
Reply to @John Smith: YUP 

Johnny Almar
It is NOT snitching. This is to single out those who refuse to obey the rules to keep the pandemic in check and save lives. I have called and will continue to do so. I have also submitted photo and video evidence. It is our civic duty to report these people.

I know that the government is acting on it because I watched the violators get paid a visit by Public Safety. When you invite people to your summer cottage to have a weekend bash, you get reported.

Anyone who looks at this as snitching is part of the problem.

David Amos  

Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: So says a snitch

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Johnny Almar:

If it looks like snitching, smells like snitching, and tastes like snitching, guess what, it's snitching.
John Smith 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Just trying to ease his guilty conscience. In my day, someone like that would be taken out to the back of the barn and their dialing finger would not work for a little while.
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Methinks you never left Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
Dan Stewart
Reply to @John Smith: Goodnight thing your day is long gone.
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Methinks you talk just like an ex cop who used to rely on snitches to do his job N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks we should same the same to you N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: So says a snitch

Billy Joe Mcallister
Maybe it has a lot to do with when and where you grew up. I was born in 1954. And all my years growing up snitching was frowned upon by everyone. Beginning in grade one if someone "tattled" on somebody and teacher thought it frivolous which 99% of he time it was. The informant would be punished as well as or maybe even instead of the supposed perpetrator.

Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: This whoe "snitch culture" began again with earnest following 9/11/2001 although that was mostly in America but now it seems some Canadian political leaders would like Canadian society to behave this way too.
Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: I've seen many case of what could be interpreted as violations of our " state of emergency protocols" but I think myself and my family are better served with minding our own affairs. What goes around does come around and I will never participate in a "snitch culture"

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks you should let Bobby Gentry know that you drifted up here after you jumped off that bridge years ago so that she will quit crying over you N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: From my recollection, it depended which of the snitcher or perpetrator was the teacher's pet.
Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Politics is everywhere ...isn't? even in the first grade.
Robert Brannen 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister:
I was born in the 1940s and don't recall peers doing much that might tempt another to "snitch", it seems that kids were brought up with enough of a sense of discipline to follow the rules. It seems that might have changed by the 1960s.
Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Robert Brannen: Like I said It probably has a lot to do with where and when you grew up. But I agree with what you said above and I would add that I had always just assumed/trusted that everybody knew better and for the most part they did. I remember one time a girl made the accusation that somebody had stolen her watch. They stopped classes and questioned everyone. turns out she had left it in the lavatory and was found exactly where she left it. But it was rare for anybody to do anything seriously wrong.
Johnny Almar
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: There is nothing frivolous and your analogy is off the mark.

Your attitude is dangerous. It is your line of thinking that can get people sick or dead.
Johnny Almar  
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: When you jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge you must of hit your head very hard.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: C'est Vrai However methinks all the snitches are Higgy's buddies N'esy Pas?

Justin Gunther
Our culture is garbage now. Canada used to be a good place to live.

John Price
Reply to @Justin Gunther: You're welcomed to move to the US where the culture is so much better....lol
David Amos
Reply to @John Price: Not funny
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's Police State will never stand the test of time N'esy Pas?

Joseph O'brien
Give us a reward for whistleblowing on violaters as well as immunity from this virus.

David Amos 
Reply to @Joseph O'brien: Methinks you must belong to the Green Party N'esy Pas?

Yves Savoie
Reply to @Joseph O'brien: A so called whistleblower in Bathurst got a lad killed!!! go figure!

Jeff LeBlanc
I'm going to the beach today to wakeboard, wondering if I'll run into any crowds not following social distancing? It may be April but it's also nice out. I'll let y'all know.

Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc:Wakeboard? Don't you need a boat for that? Never had them when I was growing up, only waterskis. Hope your wind isn't blowing on-shore.
David Amos 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Say hey to the RCMP for me will ya?
Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: you can use a boat or a kite. Today I will be using a kite so technically I am kite boarding but the board is the same.
Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @David Amos: nothing illegal about what I'm doing but keep reaching for that rainbow. You'll get the acceptance you so desperately crave one day.
David Amos 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks you know why I am honoured by the fact that you SANB dudes hate me N'esy Pas?
Dan Stewart 
Reply to @David Amos: Me thinks you confuse hate with just not really caring.
David Amos 
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks I should not be surprised by such reasoning coming from a member of the Stewart Clan N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert Snr
With the second lowest infect count in the country it is pretty obvious that not even the virus wants to come here. This too will pass.

David Amos  
Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: Methinks any self respecting virus would want nothing to do with Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas? 

Fern Robichaud
The World is coming to an end after all

David Amos   
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: So says Higgy et al

Fern Robichaud
Reply to @David Amos: Higgy turned over all of his suthority to the task force, he aint worth much right now, simply looking after the coffee pot from we saw in Jacques Poitras' report.
David Amos  
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: YUP Methinks the Green Meanies rule the roost now N'esy Pas?

harry tage
You'd think this was calculus, the way people have so much difficulty understanding what 'seem' to be pretty simple rules.

David Amos 
Reply to @harry tage: How does your math explain the fact that judges are allowed to ignore the rules???


Air Canada to temporarily suspend flights to U.S.

Airline plans to resume service when Canada-U.S. border restrictions are lifted

CBC News· Posted: Apr 21, 2020 1:51 PM ET

Air Canada had significantly reduced service between Canada and the U.S. after border restrictions were put in place March 21. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)

Air Canada has announced it is suspending service to the United States after Canada and the U.S. agreed to extend restrictions on cross-border travel for another 30 days because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The airline said Tuesday its last commercial flights between Canada and the U.S. will be on April 26. It plans to resume service May 22, unless government restrictions are extended again. It will waive change fees for affected customers.

Non-essential travel between Canada and the U.S. was banned as of March 21, though the border has remained open for trade and commerce, with exemptions also granted for emergency response and public health purposes.

The original border restrictions put in place a month ago were set to expire today, but the new agreement extends it until mid-May.

WestJet has also extended its suspension of all transborder and international flights. It stopped flying those routes as of March 22 for 30 days. As of yesterday, it extended the service suspension until June 4.

WestJet also announced that it is cutting 600 flights per day from its domestic schedule between May 5 and June 4, including the temporary cancellation of routes between some Canadian cities.

We are making changes to our domestic schedule from May 5 through June 4 to address reduced demand. While some city pairings have been temporarily removed, we continue to serve the 38 Canadian airports to which we currently operate. Details here — https://ms.spr.ly/6017T5FkR
View image on Twitter

1:09 PM - Apr 20, 2020

Air Transat flights have been suspended until May 31 and Porter Airlines grounded all flights until June 1. Sunwing also suspended all commercial flights but has yet to announce a return-to-service date.

Air Canada said it has reduced its schedule by 90 per cent due to COVID-19, but it had continued service to 11 U.S. destinations to help repatriate Canadians over the past month.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Al Anderson
Oh well, their workers continue to be paid to do nothing...I guess that's what impoortant...

Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Al Anderson: Yes. Same for all industries affected by CV19.
Peter Noway 
Reply to @Al Anderson: Same as if they were running.
Allan Campbell
Reply to @Al Anderson:
Not near as much money as going to corps....point?
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Nope Methinks your cop buddies in New Brunswick are having a Hay Day in Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?

Nicholas Jones
This is happening just now? A little bit late Air Canada.

Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Cargo flights bringing in relief supplies that are short in Canada.
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Not if they are sent to China to pick up critical supplies.
Frank G. Castiglione 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: The news story on CBC.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: Apr 6, 2020 - Medical supplies from China are unloaded from a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft at ... China sent Canada 'millions' of masks to fight COVID-19.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: The one I posted?
Frank G. Castiglione  
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: No, the one about the empty planes returning from china.
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: the article says "some".
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Thanks for the newsflash. Who ever said all?
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: "A cargo jet chartered by the federal government to deliver badly needed personal protective equipment (PPE) from China was forced to leave the airport in Shanghai without the shipment on board.

The precious cargo of pandemic supplies wasn't lost or bought out by another country. Instead, the government says delays caused by a spike in cargo flights meant the delivery trucks couldn't get to the Canadian plane on time, forcing it to return to Canada without its load.

"This occurred due to on-the-ground congestion caused by a significant surge in cargo flights out of terminals at the Shanghai Airport. As a result, the intended cargo was unable to get to the plane before its required takeoff time," said Emily Harris, director of communications at Public Services and Procurement Canada.

The cargo still belongs to Canada; it's in a leased warehouse in Shanghai and the government says it will be delivered on a later flight. In addition to the empty federal plane, a cargo jet leased by an unidentified provincial government also flew back to Canada yesterday without its cargo for the same reason."
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: I just posted the reason..
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: "This occurred due to on-the-ground congestion caused by a significant surge in cargo flights out of terminals at the Shanghai Airport. As a result, the intended cargo was unable to get to the plane before its required takeoff time," said Emily Harris, director of communications at Public Services and Procurement Canada."
Richard Cheech
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Yes, a bit late for Air Canada and a lot later for MAGA USA. How did it get so bad, this murican Virus. How long has this been brewing and for how long have they been hiding it?
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Thanks again for the newsflash about the article I read. I guess they just couldn't be bothered to wait.
Nicholas Jones  
Reply to @Richard Cheech: Exactly.
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Yes..why hold up all needed supplies just because one shipment of ours was late getting to the airport?
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Seems you wanted that plane to take off empty when Canadian officials didnt.
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: I suggest you read the article carefully next time. It didn't say one shipment, that would imply a skid or a container. The article clearly stated "without the shipment on board", not without a shipment on board. If the plane stayed it would not of held up "all needed supplies". Please read the article carefully before posting next time. Oh yes, not just "one shipment", two planes came back empty.

Nicholas Jones
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Huh?

Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: "This occurred due to on-the-ground congestion caused by a significant surge in cargo flights out of terminals at the Shanghai Airport. As a result, the intended cargo was unable to get to the plane before its required takeoff time," said Emily Harris, director of communications at Public Services and Procurement Canada
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Without the shipment does not mean without any shipments.
Nicholas Jones
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Quit repeating yourself. You've lost credibility by not reading the article properly.
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Seems I have to repeat myself for you..several times.
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Did you read what I posted?
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: And you seem to enjoy repeating yourself. An did I read what you posted? Yes, the same thing over and over again several times.
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: "As a result, the intended cargo was unable to get to THE plane before its requi.."
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Then why dont you understand it ?
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: I do. It's you who cannot grasp plural vs singular.
Nicholas Jones  
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: "the intended cargo was unable to get to THE plane before its requi.." One plane, singular. Try again ;)
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: "the intended cargo was unable to get to THE plane before its requi.." One plane, singular.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: google: ad hominem pls
Stephen George 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones:
Yep that's me and proud of that underachievement.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Cargo is quite countable actually.
Nicholas Jones  
Reply to @Stephen George: Coming form someone using black and white. Pot, kettle, black.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: I ask again..what makes you think cargo is uncountable?
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: what nonsense. Cargo is entirely countable and verifiable as well.
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: what makes you think cargo is uncountable?
Nicholas Jones 
Reply to @Stephen George: Yup.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: I read quite well actually..what are taking issue with specifically pls?
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: what makes you think cargo is uncountable
Stephen George 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe:
Scared them away.
Stephen George 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe:
Just had 3 posts to NJ that were deleted. Now I wonder who......
Stephen George 
Reply to @Stephen George:
They have a very, very thin skin.
Jim Vickers 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Actually 2
David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Stephen George: Methinks somebody didn't like what Timmmy was saying to me elsewhere today why else would his comments go "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Reply to @Jim Vickers: Methinks Biddiscombe should ask if you are related to New Brunswick's wannabe Premier He is a fan of political ex cops N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Methinks your comments in support of cops and Higgys Police State are uncountable when they go "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Reply to @Nicholas Jones: Methinks Timmy is just messing with you for no reason folks will ever understand N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: FYI I don't remember you from our days at FHS in Fat Fred City but rest assured I will be asking around

Robin Wheel
I see that flights TO the USA will be suspended. Does anyone know about flights FROM the USA?

Keith Newcastle
Reply to @Robin Wheel: Check out the arrivals for any major Canadian airport for the answer (hint: other airlines are still flying to Canada from the US, Asia, Europe and the middle east.
Robin Wheel
Reply to @Keith Newcastle: Bingo! Flight radar is rather shocking! Why no story on that important info?!
Jim Rockfort (Spaceman )
Reply to @Robin Wheel:
Read the third paragraph of the story.
Robin Wheel
Reply to @Jim Rockfort (Spaceman ): I will, but only if you promise to go to the flight radar site, enter Vancouver, and look at how many international flights are coming in
Jim Rockfort (Spaceman ) 
Reply to @Robin Wheel:
I tried to do that but couldn't find it. Do you have a link ?
Jim Rockfort (Spaceman ) 
Reply to @Robin Wheel:
Ok I found that site. Don't see very many international flights coming into Vancouver. There are still domestic flights, and remember, airlines still move goods and cargo. Every aircraft isn't a passenger aircraft.
Robin Wheel 
Reply to @Jim Rockfort (Spaceman ): well thanks for looking! I think it’s clear which flights are cargo. But count the flights arriving on Wednesday... not all can be essential. And on the weekend the number of flights rise sharply, indicating to me that people are travelling when convenient . It would be nice to have some facts, as we can only assume. Cheers!
David Webb NB
Look at the arrivals for Pearson tomorrow. You should know better than to trust the CBC to point out our skies are still open.Reply to @Jim Rockfort (Spaceman ):
David Amos 
Reply to @David Webb NB: Well did I sell you a bike or not?

Cyrus Manz
The USA is the epicentre of the pandemic.

Keep the border closed!

Rhea Montgomery
Reply to @Cyrus Manz: At least they are now. And give it a week or two. Those demonstrations will definitely help with a new spike.
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Adaku Machie: Because its not true. It hasnt been proven it was hatched in a Chinese lab either.
Frank G. Castiglione 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Not proven yet, but its very concerning.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: Anything can be concerning..
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Adaku Machie: I am a liberal, not a far right supporter at all.
Adaku Machie 
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: then why are you defending him. Trump caused this pandemic.
Frank G. Castiglione 
Reply to @Adaku Machie: China caused the pandemic. That is why Merkel sent them a bill for 111 billion dollars.
Richard Cheech
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: Dr. Anthony Fauci dismissed suggestions that the virus had been engineered. "There was a study recently that we can make available to you where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as they evolve, and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to human," Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Adaku Machie: Trump made it worse in the US, there is no doubt of that. But he didnt cause the pandemic. It was caused by a virus.
Tim Biddiscombe  
Reply to @Frank G. Castiglione: I wonder how long Germany will have to wait to be paid?

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