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Reopening ATV trails was 'bad decision' that will be reversed, QuadNB says


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks this is just another smoke and mirror show Higgy wants folks to argue about ATV riding and Turkey hunting while ignoring two elephants in the woods Holland oversees N'esy Pas?



Reopening ATV trails was 'bad decision' that will be reversed, QuadNB says

After a call with Premier Blaine Higgs, QuadNB decided it will close trails again until further notice

Hadeel Ibrahim· CBC News· Posted: Apr 18, 2020 3:36 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday he was 'disappointed' to hear ATV trails in New Brunswick will reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (CBC)

After reopening for two days, QuadNB is again shutting down the province's all-terrain-vehicle trails.
Jacques Ouellette, development coordinator with the provincial association, said it was a "bad decision" to reopen the trails to begin with, and was the result of community pressure and mixed messaging from the province.

On April 9 QuadNB decided to close all the trails. Ouellette said the decision was partly made because the association heard rumours of people gathering for rallies over the Easter weekend. But 500 people signed a petition for them to reopen, and Mike Holland, the minister of natural resources and energy development, condoned the opening of the trails as long as people maintain physical distancing.

On Friday, Premier Blaine Higgs said he was "disappointed" with that move.

"When I heard the word 'disappointed' I said ... we can't afford to work against the government with all the positive things they're doing for our industry for now," Ouellette said.

Jacques Ouellette of QuadNB says closing the trails is the responsible move as New Brunswick waits for a COVID-19 vaccine. (CBC)

Ouellette said Higgs called the association's president Saturday and asked him to close the trails.

Once QuadNB receives an official written request from the premier or minister of transportation and infrastructure, 100 per cent of the trails will again be closed.

"QuadNB wishes to apologize to any people that it might cause problems [for]," Ouellette said. "We have to look for the community at large.

"Everything else has stopped. So we shouldn't see ourselves as being punished because our trails are closed."
On Saturday afternoon, public safety minister Carl Urquhart said it's not possible to keep the trails open and stay in compliance with the Emergency Measures Act.

The mandatory order says every owner and occupier of any building or land on which people may gather must take all reasonable steps to prevent gatherings, and to ensure that people on their premises do not come within two metres of each other.

"We know that the majority of trail users are safety-minded and respectful of the rules, but we also know that it would be impossible to ensure that people stay two-metres from each other and not gather in groups along the thousands of kilometres of trails," Urquhart in the release.

'It's a safety issue'

Paolo Fongemie, mayor of Bathurst, said he's happy with the decision to close the trails. The Chaleur region has the biggest ATV and snowmobile club in the province, he said, with 1,200 members.

But everyone in his community understands that they can't go on the trails until COVID-19 is under control.

"All people feel that this is unique what we're going through," he said. "And it's a safety issue."
Fongemie says people should keep in mind that off-roading is a hobby not a neccesity.

"I'm sure that people that lost their jobs want to have a return to normal,' he said. "The businesses that have to close their doors and they're losing money right now because of this pandemic. want everything to return to normal.

Mayor of Bathurst Paolo Fongemie, says the decision to close the trails is a good one. (Radio-Canada)

"The ATVers, it's a hobby so they can have patience."

He said he hopes the premier can have better communication with his team to make sure this kind of mixed messaging doesn't happen again.

"I hope the premier convenes his cabinet and makes sure that everybody is on the same page in regards to the state of emergency," he said.

He said most of the province's trails are already closed because April and May are slow seasons. Off-roaders tend to take a break over these two months and wait for the snow to melt and the ground to dry.

The organization will see if it can reopen in two or three weeks, but it all depends on if the state of emergency order will be extended, and if the number of cases remains small.

"It's not a punishment, it's contribution to this crisis to help make maintain what we have now, almost zero cases," he said. "We have to be patient."

About the Author

Hadeel Ibrahim is a CBC reporter based out of Saint John. She can be reached at hadeel.ibrahim@cbc.ca
With files from Colin McPhail

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David Amos
Yea Right Methinks words were spoken just like a typical card carrying conservative would opt to say N'esy Pas?

"On Friday, Premier Blaine Higgs said he was "disappointed" with that move.
"When I heard the word 'disappointed' I said ... we can't afford to work against the government with all the positive things they're doing for our industry for now," Ouellette said.

David Amos
At the risk of being redundant Methinks this is just another smoke and mirror show at the circus. Higgy and Holland want folks to argue about ATV riding and Turkey hunting while ignoring the doings of two elephants in the woods NB Power and the Irving Clan whose operations Holland oversees N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks everybody knows that the EUB follows the orders from the government in power at the time. That is why they held the second go around for "Not So Smart Meters" If folks wish to recall the EUB even allowed NB Power to apply for a a rate increase late but just as soon as after the PANB supported Higgy's takeover and Mikey became the Minister overseeing NB Power and all its malicious nonsense N'esy Pas?

Samual Johnston
Some perspective fairness and common sense is needed here. To those who just hate ATVers well sorry about your luck this in not about that. People who do not follow the rules participate in all sorts of activities that are not necessary to do. So stop and think before banning one activity and allowing another. Ban ATVing then ban bicycles, jogging, motorcycles. Close the ATV trails then close all the bike, walking, hiking trails in the Province.

David Amos 
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Methinks if you wish to employ common sense ask Higgy why I sued the Queen in 2015 or about our argument about investments and pension plans etc in front of many witnesses after he had attended a debate in Fundy Royal while Trudeau was in the area N'esy Pas?

Paul Bolton
Reply to @David Amos: Sorry David, but no one cares why you sued the Queen.

Samual Johnston
So do we ban motorcycles on the road now? They are recreational vehicles often seen in groups of two or more whose riders are known to stop and congregate.

David Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Methinks you just struck a nerve with me the RCMP and most importantly Higgy and his buddy George Smith cannot deny that I was the Crown's go to motorcycle expert back in the eighties N'esy Pas? 

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Samual Johnston:
Actually Sam, it has been suggested that motorcyclists give this riding season a bit of a rest/pass, due to the fact that when you fall off (and become part of the landscape) the medical resources won't be available to heal you due to this virus.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you must recall the bikers being consumed by a huge pothole in my neck of the woods a few years ago N'esy Pas?

Injured motorcyclist criticizes state of Kars road
Four motorcycles involved in weekend accident after pothole encounter on Route 124
Connell Smith · CBC News · Posted: May 25, 2016 3:36 PM AT 


Samual Johnston
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: a suggestion is not a ban. I wonder if our resources are stressed at this point in time? I am not calling for an end to distancing by any means just some common sense and fairness

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
Just this AM I was out Juniper way and there are potholes capable of consuming cars.
I *think* anyone travelling the roads of NB in/on anything that is not a vehicle with tracks takes their chances.

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Samual Johnston:
I *think* it is stating, in a roundabout way, a stark reality that exists in NB at ANY time.

BruceJack Speculator
How could anyone with 1910 motorcycle technology be an "expert", even 30 - 40 years ago?

Kate LeBlanc
Wow! ATV trails are now considered an "essential service"? Caving,pandering to pressure from ANY group that is NOT an essential service in curbing the spread of Covid-19 is not my idea of good governance and begs the question of how senseless Mike Holland really is. Just because they were bored and it was outdoors and in the woods ?

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Kate LeBlanc: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." That's the advice Mike needs. You should see him go on FB after he's had a few drinks on a Friday night. Arguing with people on FB for all to see is not what I expect out of a minister of the crown. He's an embarrassment to the office he holds.

Samual Johnston 
Reply to @Kate LeBlanc: no one said it was a service. It is an activity like going for a drive or riding your bike or going for a hike. All not necessary in this day and age.

David Amos
Reply to @Kate LeBlanc: Methinks Higgy wants folks arguing about our right to ride ATVs in the woods instead of paying attention on how he is putting many businesses in jeopardy and a lot of people out work. In the "Mean" time while the economy collapses worldwide his buddies in the Irving Clan are busy mowing down our forest N'esy Pas?

Fred Garrett
Do we shut things down just for the sake of shutting things down, or did we shut things down when social distancing couldn't effectively be done. For the life of me, I don't get what the issue is with opening trails up, where social distancing could be done with ease.

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Fred Garrett: You need to think harder.

Fred Garrett 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: OK, enlighten me. Tell what the issue is with opening up these trails. We are aloud to walk on the sidewalks, as long as we practice social distancing. Are we afraid that people will have social gatherings someplace where we won't be able to see them?

Pat Holland 
Reply to @Fred Garrett:
Thank you totally agree

Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Fred Garrett: The issue is that the majority of ATVers have absolutely intention of adhering to social distancing and many use it as an excuse to go off into the woods with their buddies so that they can socialize and drink. The issue is that it would be impossible from an enforcement point of view to insure that rules were followed. The issue is that numerous accidents happen every month re ATVers and at this time our front line workers along with first responders are and should be focused on the pandemic.

Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Should read " absolutely no intention of adhering to social distancing ".

David Peters 
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
If the public health monopoly is not able to look after NB's healthcare needs(which has been the case ever since it was established), it's time to open this sector up to free market solutions.

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @Fred Garrett: In a nut shell, ATV's in NB causes on average 1 death per month in the province. Add all the other non fatal accidents on top of that and you can see how it's a burden on the healthcare system. During normal times, the system can handle these accidents, but given current circumstances, it would be irresponsible to place that burden on the system. If you don't believe me, ask a nurse or doctor because that's what they're telling me. I tend to believe the word of medical professionals over a hunting gear salesman during a global pandemic. See how that works.

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Cry me a river

David Amos
Reply to @Pat Holland: Say Hey to Mikey for me will ya? Methinks whereas he don't call or write me back he don't love me N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Doctors are so focused on the pandemic that they are warning against ignoring heart problems as hospital cardiology visits plummet: It's speculated patients don't want to risk being infected or overburden the health system
CBC News · Posted: Apr 16, 2020

Kyle Woodman
Mike Holland need to be put on the back bench. If he stays on as minister the whole province will be overrun with turkeys and wild pigs. He needs to be stopped Higgs, before it's too late.

Fern Robichaud 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Higgs can sure take care of that coffee pot, he's in charge of the coffee pot detail, that's what's left of his Premier's duties and responsibilities.

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks many folks would agree it would be a hoot in this circus if Northrup were to replace Holland and get in hot water with the Irving Clan again N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks after his time as a provincial Minister Mikey could always find work selling pork belly futures. Higgy can't deny that no matter how far down the stock market goes folks always need bacon and beans to get by N'esy Pas?

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @David Amos: hahaha. Oh boy they would almost have to bring on a second ringmaster if that were to happen.

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @David Amos: You know it!

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks you would not laugh so much if Urquhart had you falsely arrested and Higgy denied you the right to Medicare N'esy Pas?

Johnny Jakobs
If Minister Holland thought it was Ok to open the trails for ATVers in a time when EVERYTHING else is in lock down than what other idiotic decisions is he making?

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: It's just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me

Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Who voted for him? He got in on the turkey hunt idea, turkeys?

David Amos 
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Methinks folks should pay attention to Mikey's oversight of NB Power rate increases and the "Not So Smart' Meter Nonsense (Which was on hold because of a virus) or Higgy's buddies in the Irving Clan mowing down what is left of the woods that Mikey is also supposed to be protecting N'esy Pas? 

Kyle Woodman  
Reply to @David Amos: He hired his buddy who used to work at Cabellas to run F&W. It's a gong show. Alot of babysitting going on.

Samual Johnston  
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: everything else is on lock down? Tell that to the boys at the vape shops...to the 5 guys on bicycles....to the que at the liquor store.

Ben Haroldson
I'm a biker, and a hunter and IMO , holland needs to be fired. He's giving us all a bad name.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Right now.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Without wages.

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Same here. I agree. He's a loose cannon.

Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: His name should be richard.

Terry L. Sisson 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson:

David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Thanks for speaking in my defense Georgy Boy made it abundantly clear that I should no longer consider him a friend

Carroll Cameron
Reply to @Ben Haroldson:

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Amos: Not a prob. 


George Smith
There are still so many ATVer's and others that just don't get it, but at least their association seems to grasp the seriousness of our situation. I congratulate them on their common sense. I know many still believe they have a right to do as they please and care little about others who are suffering through this pandemic. Get on board and we'll probably get back to some normality quicker.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @George Smith: Their common sense? They goaded the minister into opening the trails.

Kyle Woodman
Put mini Trump in the penalty box until the next election.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Holland the Twit-er, just like the twit-er who dwells at the White House.

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks Mikey makes the circus more enjoyable to watch N'esy Pas?

Christopher J Cusack
Perfectly OK to take a drive in a car for leisure but not ok if it involves a different mode of transportation? Bikes are ok but not quads? What about those of us who RELY on their quad as only means of transportation? This just goes to show that our government has no clue what ATVs are and what they are used for. City dweller mentalities...

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: Take a bike then.

Christopher J Cusack 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: cant go same places. Need power and big wheels. Also do you want to get chased by a bear on a bicycle? Or do you want us country folk to go into your cities and walk through all your man-made parks? You're not going to convince people to live a different lifestyle just because it suits you. We have a completely different lifestyle out here that has nothing to do with you and will never affect you

Liam Vance 
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: How many people live in a place where an ATV is their only means of transportation, I am curious? This isn't Alaska and there's virtually no snow.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: I was born and bred in the country. And bears are more afraid of us that we are afraid of them. It is safer in the woods than it is in the city, more so just after the bars close.

Mary Smith
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: but we are being asked to not drive in a car for leisure right now. Roads are empty and car accidents are down so much people are getting rebates on their car insurance.

Personally I've been spending hours in the woods, but avoiding any dangerous activity like cutting down trees or using a chain saw. Right now is the absolute worst time to get hurt and end up in the hospital, whether it be by car accident, bike accident, cutting a tree down with a chainsaw related accident, or ATV accident.

In NB there is roughly one death a month from ATV's or snowmobiles. That is just deaths, not injuries. Stay healthy out there.

And no, I'm not a city dweller. I live in the middle of nowhere too.

And enjoy the woods! We are so lucky in NB to have so much open forest and green space in rural areas. Use it, just be careful and be well.

David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Hmmm "I was born and bred in the country"

Methinks I should ask the obvious question who would breed with you and how many kids and grandchildren do you have N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Let the fauna be at peace from these noise and air polluting machines for once. Let sleeping fauna l'ail. The animals must be even happier than I am.

Samual Johnston
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: there is lots of room for both

Christopher J Cusack 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: the fauna are perfectly fine with ATVs going through the random Trail. You people seem to think that the trails take up the entire Forest when they don't they just take up an 8-foot wide stretch through the trees where train tracks and ild horse paths used to be. And in fact where I'm living here now because of the lockdowns a lot of deer are coming out into people's yards and they're having a harder time finding food because they're not staying where they belong. And because of that I now have a coyote going through my backyard at night looking for these deer.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: They are too noisy for one.

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Christopher J Cusack: Can you send that coyote over my way please?

David Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Methinks there is no room for Anglo folks Deschamps SANB world. Furthermore the dude wishes to be alone in the woods because he is aggravated by the fact that most folks in his neighbourhood support Higgy and Holland N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks I should ask do you find all the trucks hauling our logs out of the woods noisy too? I bet you don't if if driven by one McKenna's buddies or a remember of the SANB N'esy Pas?


ATV trails will reopen despite premier calling decision 'premature'

QuadNB received blessing from cabinet minister to reopen trails earlier this week

Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Apr 17, 2020 7:43 PM AT

QuadNB, the association that manages ATV trail networks across New Brunswick, says it's reopening trails after receiving the blessing of Minister Mike Holland this week. On Friday, Premier Blaine Higgs said the decision was 'premature.' (CBC)

The provincial association that manages thousands of kilometres of trails for all-terrain vehicles says the trails will reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic until the New Brunswick government delivers an official directive.

Roger Daigle, president of QuadNB, said Friday afternoon he wants to see "specific guidelines" on how to proceed during the state of emergency after receiving mixed signals from the government this week.

In a memo to his 24,000 members issued Thursday, Daigle announced he was reversing his April 9 decision to close the network of trails across the province. That original order had raised the ire of riders itching to get out of the house. The memo included a quote from Mike Holland, the minister of natural resources and energy development, condoning the move while urging caution to follow physical distancing precautions.

Premier Blaine Higgs struck a different tone Friday during the daily briefing, expressing how he was "disappointed" by the decision and felt it was "premature."

Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday he was 'disappointed' to hear ATV trails in New Brunswick will reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (CBC)

"I know the pressures and I know what they're facing, certainly the club presidents, I know the ATV riders themselves, I know they want to get back to normal, and I'm just saying let's not lose what we have because the whole province could be affected by it," Higgs said.

Public Health announced no new cases of COVID-19 for the second consecutive day, leaving the cumulative total at 117 — 83 of whom have recovered. Provincial officials say it's critical to maintain the emergency measures in place for at least another two weeks to reduce the chance of a significant resurgence.
Many outdoor recreational activities have been delayed or banned or must adhere to strict physical distancing restrictions in order to curb the spread of the virus, and the spotlight was thrust on ATV riders before the Easter holiday weekend when the premier cautioned against gathering in the woods for rumoured ATV rallies .

Daigle said the rallies were not being held by QuadNB clubs.

However, he said he had to act fast and clear the air, but couldn't reach his board members and decided to act unilaterally.

That led to his decision to call on the 56 member clubs to close the roughly 6,000 kilometres of managed trails. He thought it would be fine since many trails are already closed for the spring thaw.

The directive, issued the day before Good Friday, was not well received, he said.

Holland intervenes

On Wednesday, Daigle said he received a call from Holland asking about the situation. The two decided that, with the proper warnings about following safety measures, the trails could reopen but the shelters would remain closed.

"We feel that the ATV community understands the significance of what we are dealing with here in NB with the current Covid-19 crisis," Holland is quoted as saying in Thursday's QuadNB memo.

"We also feel confident that the province–wide social conduct rules can and will be followed when the federation resumes activity on the trails."

Mike Holland, minister of natural resources and energy development, said he is confident riders will follow health guidelines on ATV trails. (Radio-Canada)

QuadNB was previously called the New Brunswick All-Terrain Vehicle Federation.

Higgs suggested Friday his cabinet minister was not on the same page.

"There does appear to be some discrepancy there. I appreciate that," he said, adding Holland was under pressure from riders.

"The messaging got a little offside here and those things happen. I just don't want anyone to read any more into that than a bit of a different communication."

Premier Blaine Higgs said Thursday actions of cottagers and ATV riders could be a risk for the rest of the people in the province. 3:08

CBC News has requested comment from Holland, but he has yet to respond.

The premier said the province does not sanction reopening the trails, but there was no explicit order to do otherwise. Daigle said until he receives something "in writing", the trails will be open.

What's the risk?

Many riders, including Daigle, are skeptical about the risk of spreading or catching the virus on an ATV in the woods. He trusts his members will follow health guidelines and said they're already wearing protective gear that covers their face and hands.

He declined to comment on why other outdoor activities enjoyed by many — the delayed fishing and hunting seasons, for instance, or heading to the cottage — must comply with provincial guidelines, saying it was not his jurisdiction. Higgs advised cottage-goers to stay home during the lockdown.

Roger Daigle, president of QuadNB, says the trails could close again if the emergency measures aren't followed. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

The premier said he isn't naive to the fact individuals are trekking into the woods, but his concern lies with signalling that it's business as usual. "That's not the situation," he said.

Higgs asked the association and all riders to "recognize that we cannot have large groups, we cannot have five to 10 people, two or more people, that are travelling and congregating no matter where they do it in the woods because that could bring the virus back to their respective homes."

Daigle said it's possible the trails could close again if the rules aren't followed.

"They got the message. If they continue grouping with one another and not respecting the distancing … and gathering in shelters," he said, "they know these trails will be closed again."

About the Author

Colin McPhail
Colin McPhail is a web writer with CBC New Brunswick. He is based in Saint John. You can reach him at colin.mcphail@cbc.ca.

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David Amos
Too Too Funny Indeed 

David Amos
Methinks this is just another smoke and mirror show at the circus. Higgy and Holland want folks to argue about ATV riding and Turkey hunting while ignoring the doings of two elephants in the woods NB Power and the Irving Clan whose operations Holland oversees N'esy Pas?  

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: I can appreciate a good point when it is made. 

George Smith
Like a bad commercial played over and over I think it' time "Methinks N'esy Pas" came up with something new and different. It's getting old.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @George Smith: At least he's trying to make a difference. Dave is grating when you first hear him, but he is right.

Toby Tolly
and Holland needs demoted

David Peters 
Reply to @Toby Tolly:
...for not stopping the spraying and clear-cutting of the forests, maybe, but on on this issue, imo.

David Peters  
Reply to @David Peters:
-but, not on this issue.-

David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: Methinks many would disagree In my humble opinion some other folks would agree that the 3 Stooges Cardy, Holland and Urquhart are the most comical clowns in Higgy's circus N'esy Pas?

Michel Forgeron
I didn't vote for Higgs the last election, but because of his performance during this pandemic I've changed my mind, I had decided to support his government in the next election. Now I am looking at it again, this decision is just totally wrong. He's the Premier, he should not allow Holland to do this. If he thinks it's "premature", why doesn't he act on it?

Greg Miller
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Your right but it's a thing called minority government. Hopefully after another election Holland is toast!

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Greg Miller: This riding is tainted blue through and through.

David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks it must rot your socks to live there N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks Higgy and you must know the tally of CORservative MLAs who live within the riding of Fundy Royal who hate me every bit as much as you SANB dudes do. However at least they sent me butter tarts before the last provincial election. So in return for fun I ran against Bruce Northrup in order to embarrass the soldier McKenna had anointed to run against him Lou Dumbell teases me about how few votes I got in 2018 but Higgy never will for obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Billy Joe Mcallister
I have a couple of questions for MIKE HOLLAND and ROGER DAIGLE. Are the contraptions known as "side by sides" where two people are sitting side by side where the separation is closer to 6 inches than 6 feet going to allowed as well? How about when these vehicles meet each other on the trail and maybe a hiker or a cyclist iat the same time? Is one way travel going to be a requirement and condition of trail usage for motorized vehicles in order to maintain physical distancing requirements?

Doug Cochran 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: If 2 people in the "contraption" they have to be from same residence and if you pass someone hiking on trail it would be no different than meeting someone if you were both walking and if you stop your machine then social distancing is to be followed. I mean come on people, stop trying to find something to whine about and give people some credit. Some people will whine even if there was no virus going on. There is always going to be a bad apple no matter what, but the vast majority of people given this chance to get out on their atv will follow the guidelines.

Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Doug Cochran: It seems to me that the ATV'ers are the one's whining that they couldn't go out and play with their toys.
If two people meet on the trail There is plenty of room to pass and maintain the distance. ATV's not so much. And as for the side by sides, how can anybody tell if people are both from the same household?

Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Give people credit? I don't think that the state of emergency was called so people could stay home from work and go four wheeling at the tax payers expense.

David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks Bobby Gentry claimed that you jumped off a bridge in the deep Yankee south a long long time ago N'esy Pas?

Jack Straw
Mike Holland...what happens when you inhale too many ATV fumes. Captain Clown of the month award. Step up to the plate Premier and slap him down or stop telling us what to do. I'm not holding my breath.

David Amos   
Reply to @Jack Straw: Methinks Mikey and Higgy have far bigger problems with their oversight of NB Power but nobody wants to talk about that BS N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
For once that the fauna had peace of mind. Leave the fauna in peace.

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Cry me a river 

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: I am really impressed by the originality of your remark!

David Stairs
as adults we all know how to play by the rules, but to allow a bunch, to get together, out in the woods, out of sight and out of mind, is ridiculous...come on guys..get the wheelers and the booze and let's go wheeling...this is exactly what will happen at all the warming huts...there are things that we don't need to happen and this is one of them...and yes I do own a wheeler...and yes I have seen the abuse that takes place by a select few who think the rules do not apply to them...

Pat Holland 
Reply to @David Stairs: and those people are going to do that regardless of what the government says. The people who will break the rules were not waiting for the government to green light it. Don’t be naive. Most good folks will appreciate it and follow the rules.

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @David Stairs: I am an avid wheeler as well and agree 100%.

John Pokiok 
Reply to @David Stairs: well I disagree with you tomorrow me and my wife are going for ATV ride just us we have not invited any of our friends that go with us normally. So it's not business as usual I respect the rules and social distancing and will obey the rules. And we're are really appreciative of opportunity to leave a house for a bit and do something.

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @John Pokiok: aren't you special.

Brad Bendler 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Aren't you just a fun vampire.

Billy Joe Mcallister 
Reply to @Pat Holland: But now the people who break the rules will be on the trails in far greater numbers.

David Amos 
Reply to @Pat Holland: Methinks you must be related to Minister Mikey N'esy Pas?

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