Larry Kudlow Suffers
‘Very Mild’ Heart Attack
By Jim Tankersley and Maggie Haberman
Larry Kudlow Suffers ‘Very Mild’ Heart Attack
WASHINGTON — Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s top economic adviser, suffered a heart attack on Monday evening and was at Walter Reed Medical Center, Mr. Trump said in a tweet.
Mr. Kudlow, 70, who has referred to himself as a “happy warrior” in counseling Mr. Trump on trade and economic policy, joined Mr. Trump’s team in March as the director of the National Economic Council.
“Our Great Larry Kudlow, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. He is now in Walter Reed Medical Center,” Mr. Trump tweeted, just before a meeting in Singapore with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.
The White House issued a statement late Monday evening saying that Mr. Kudlow had a “very mild heart attack.”
![David Amos]()
David Amos
Methinks we should thank CBC for publishing the quote of the year to enjoy N'esy Pas?
"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 13, 2018 4:16 PM ET
David Amos
Greg Proctor
![David Amos]()
Greg Proctor
![David Amos]()
![Jim Graham]()
Fred Rogers
![Jim Graham]()
![Jack Bean]()
![David Amos]()

David Amos
Methinks we should thank CBC for publishing the quote of the year to enjoy N'esy Pas?
"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News
Top Republicans slam Trump's anti-Canada tirade, metals tariffs
'I frankly commend Canada for its measured and sober response,' U.S. senator says
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 13, 2018 4:16 PM ET
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos

Greg Proctor
Hope everyone who wasted money is enjoying Comey's fictional account of his FBI career.

David Amos
@Greg Proctor Me Too

Greg Proctor
C N N fishing for anything.
Trump goes to shake hands but then saluted a NoKo general who first salutes him.
So the host speaks to a retired US Lt. Col who said it was appropriate to return salute -OOPS! - know what your guest is going to say if you want them to dump on Trump.
Then she tells us her army "friend" said it was not appropriate - back track! back track! lol
C N N really is the Comedy News Network!
Trump goes to shake hands but then saluted a NoKo general who first salutes him.
So the host speaks to a retired US Lt. Col who said it was appropriate to return salute -OOPS! - know what your guest is going to say if you want them to dump on Trump.
Then she tells us her army "friend" said it was not appropriate - back track! back track! lol
C N N really is the Comedy News Network!

David Amos
@Greg Proctor Methinks he is the US Forces Commander in Chief N'esy Pas?

Fred Rogers
Stand your ground Justin.
All Canadians stand with you.
All Canadians stand with you.

Jim Graham
@ Sandra Largent
So you are one of those who wish for Canada's failure .. got it.
So you are one of those who wish for Canada's failure .. got it.

Jack Bean
@Nate Hill well if you can not afford to give your kids milk instead of soda ( which is a American term so l am going to assume you are not a Canadian) . Maybe you should not of had kids.
And we are not robbing the people of Canada of anything since the Americans front load Subsidies with tax breaks to keep dairy cheap. And if the American way is so much better why are there record numbers on foot stamps.
And we are not robbing the people of Canada of anything since the Americans front load Subsidies with tax breaks to keep dairy cheap. And if the American way is so much better why are there record numbers on foot stamps.

David Amos
@Jack Bean Good point about the soda and food stamps but how do you explain Agripur buying cheap dairy products from the Yankees then charging us the Canadian prices?
Then there is this diafiltered stuff
Then there is this diafiltered stuff

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David Amos
@Jim Graham Methinks that no doubt even you will laugh if after evil old Larry Kudlow recovers from his heartattack he makes a special place in Hell for GOP dudes who dare to poke the bear N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Steven Arsenault "You are correct, there are many confused and bitter Canadians suffering from high levels of cognitive dissonance that are unable to think rationally."
Methinks Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger is at the top of the list now that Premier Ford and Premier Moe are gonna rid of his Carbon Tax that he was hoping would pay for his new/old pipeline N'esy Pas?
Methinks Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger is at the top of the list now that Premier Ford and Premier Moe are gonna rid of his Carbon Tax that he was hoping would pay for his new/old pipeline N'esy Pas?

Denny O'Brien
@David Amos
sure thing comrade!
Since when to provincial premiers make federal law?
Hows the vodka!
sure thing comrade!
Since when to provincial premiers make federal law?
Hows the vodka!

@Denny O'Brien "Since when to provincial premiers make federal law? "
Methinks its been since confederation for the province of New Brunswick because we have no Constitution of our own N'esy Pas?
Methinks its been since confederation for the province of New Brunswick because we have no Constitution of our own N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Jan Lenova "Harper is as afraid to stand up against Trump as all the republicans are."

More frightening then Trumps attack on Canada is his attacks on the free press in the USA and his attacks on democracy, the Trump is angry because the press is nt buying his BS about the north Korean meeting beign a good deal, he served up a nothing burger and is angry because everuyone is asking where the beef went, Trump is noisy and unproductive

Steven Arsenault
@Rick Wier
Personally I think the N. Korea thing was good and our hatred for the guy sometimes blinds us to some things he has called out justifiably (the very very few that is).... the yanks always go in with demands never concessions...ex. okay for me to have nukes on your border, but you can't have any at all". So I really feel a slow measured approach was good in this case.........doesn't make him any less the buffoon....
Personally I think the N. Korea thing was good and our hatred for the guy sometimes blinds us to some things he has called out justifiably (the very very few that is).... the yanks always go in with demands never concessions...ex. okay for me to have nukes on your border, but you can't have any at all". So I really feel a slow measured approach was good in this case.........doesn't make him any less the buffoon....

David Amos
@Rick Wier "More frightening then Trumps attack on Canada is his attacks on the free press in the USA"
Methinks you mean the Fake News people who claimed Hillary was gonna win bigtime N'esy Pas?
Methinks you mean the Fake News people who claimed Hillary was gonna win bigtime N'esy Pas?

David Amos
![David Amos]()
![Randy Newman]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
David Gloag
David Amos
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Jenny Taylor]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Randy Newman]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Tony Schut]()
![Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)]()
![Tony Schut]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
@Steven Arsenault "doesn't make him any less the buffoon"
Methinks I should agree with at least this portion of your comment N'esy Pas?
![Denny O'Brien]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Methinks I should agree with at least this portion of your comment N'esy Pas?

Denny O'Brien
@David Amos ok comrade

David Amos
@Rick Wier "David Amos I thought you might be a Russian patriot but I am thinking you are a poorly designed Russian random word generator"
Methinks you must figured out I am just an old Maritimer who runs for public office, sues people and tweets a lot not unlike Trump. Trust that I am definitely not buying your BS about me N'esy Pas?
Methinks you must figured out I am just an old Maritimer who runs for public office, sues people and tweets a lot not unlike Trump. Trust that I am definitely not buying your BS about me N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Denny O'Brien Methinks the same holds true for you N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Jim Palmer "Donnie, that day will come only after you are long gone (and not just 'from office'); a day that can't come soon enough !"
Methinks that whereas he considers our steel etc a threat to National Security I bet you are making him nervous. Perhaps somebody should contact the US Secret Service and have you put on a watch list for Donnie's benefit N'esy Pas?
Methinks that whereas he considers our steel etc a threat to National Security I bet you are making him nervous. Perhaps somebody should contact the US Secret Service and have you put on a watch list for Donnie's benefit N'esy Pas?

Neil Austen
All and all, Trudeau had done a fine job with these negotiations. Nothing was going to get done with Trump around no matter what, but Canada came out looking like the reasonable party on the international front and even gotten support from not only other international countries but from U.S. citizens themselves. That's a win. While Trump continues to show what a bungling incompetent he really is who is only concerned about his big ego. Clearly nothing will get done with Trump around. So let's just implement tariffs on all sides, get on with business, and in 2 years time when Americans elect an actual leader instead of a self absorbed overgrown child for president, renegotiate then with a grown up.
David Amos
@Neil Austen No comment
![David Amos]()

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David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Congress abdicated its constitutional duties when it comes to wars against other nations, trade and much more decades ago"
"fraudulently elected Trump"
Methinks a lot of folks would agree that the worse lies are ones with the truth mixed in N'esy Pas?
"fraudulently elected Trump"
Methinks a lot of folks would agree that the worse lies are ones with the truth mixed in N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks you made another Faux Pas N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Ron Paul Methinks your question does not warrant an answer other than to thank you for making me chuckle N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Gorden Feist Methinks a lot of folks think you are pretty comical too N'esy Pas?

David Gloag
Mid term elections. America at the crossroads. They can choose a democratic, caring government moving forward with the Democrats or a regressive, authoritarian, uncaring government with Trump. Their choice.

@Randy Newman "They were not hoodwinked. DT has performed exactly as he promised before the election."

David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Obama is the premier, cross-border drone killer of thousands in the world, by far. This guy was like a mafia boss, ordering assassinations without any prosecution or court or prison alternative"

David Amos
@David Gloag "Obama is history. Bernie would be different."

Jenny Taylor
@David Amos Spoken like a true Trump supporter. The less words they have to use the better.

David Amos
@Jenny Taylor Methinks you should have Googled me before making that statement N'esy Pas?

Janie Veston
Just more proof that the majority of republican politicians care more for their status, wealth and power than they do about the American citizens. And yet they wave the flag, thump their chests and spout what devote christians they are. oh the hypocrisy.

David Amos
@Janie Veston I concur
![David Amos]()

David Amos
@Robert Paul "They're fake Christians."
If the shoe fits........
If the shoe fits........

Chrystia Freeland ABSOLUTELY deserves Foreign Policy Magazine's Diplomat of the Year award...!

David Amos
@ArtMuler I disagree

David Amos
@Robert Paul "Her far Left point of view a bit out of touch with reality is not helping us at all."
Methinks the Conservatives should consider nominating you to run against her in the next election N'esy Pas?
Methinks the Conservatives should consider nominating you to run against her in the next election N'esy Pas?

Paula Featherbottom
Am I missing something here? When did we suddenly become the enemy, and Russia and NK friends to the US. What am I missing?

David Amos
@Paula Featherbottom Methinks its all just part of a very entertaining circus brought to you by the latest clown the Yankees elected to be their ringmaster in Congress N'esy Pas?

Jim Graham
Trudeau is right. It is an affront to the Americans' closest ally and is based on illegitimate claims by Trump just so, ostensibly, he can show his toughness.
Not a rational argument nor a reasoned response ... but then we're dealing with a guy who thinks a handshake in Singapore equals world peace.
Not a rational argument nor a reasoned response ... but then we're dealing with a guy who thinks a handshake in Singapore equals world peace.

David Amos
@Jim Graham Methinsk you need to learn to relax and just enjoy the circus because there is nothing you can do about it unless you decide to run for public office and sue politicians and lawyers like I do while people like you make fun of me N'esy Pas?

Dale Sullivan
So bro thel owners are okay, using women and young girls is okay, cheating contractors is okay, pay for play is okay, and doing whatever it takes to get rich is okay. The right profess to be for family values. Do they know what they are?

Tony Schut
@Dale Sullivan
The left want that profession legalized in Canada.
The left want that profession legalized in Canada.

Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
@Tony Schut
Shows what little you know. That profession is NOT illegal in Canada.
But then again, what do Russian bots know of Canada.?
Shows what little you know. That profession is NOT illegal in Canada.
But then again, what do Russian bots know of Canada.?

Tony Schut
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
I didn't say it was.
I didn't say it was.

David Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) Methinks brothel owners know they are breaking the law in Canada Even a Russian bot would know that N'esy Pas?

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David Amos
@Robert Paul Methinks that by now you would have figured out that you picked a fight with a Maritimer who is the Proud Father of two Yankees not Americans. Some members of the First Nations call themselves Americans and they are the only ones who have the right to do so N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Robert Paul Methinks its kinda comical that CBC blocked my reply and you know why N'esy Pas?

Nick Mcbain
Trump is a clown. GOP Led Congress on it's last legs..... 145 days to Midterm elections.; then BLUE WAVE. Canada can stand firm.

David Amos
@Nick Mcbain Methinks you love the circus as much as I N'esy Pas?
![David Amos]()

David Amos
@Robert Paul "Trump is popular and becoming more so."
So you say
So you say
'Special place in hell': Trump advisers blast Trudeau for comments at G7 summit
PM didn't respond to reporters' questions on the matter Sunday morning

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
![Gordon Olafsen]()
Richard Bruce
![David Amos]()
![Lee Hall]()
![Scotty Davidson]()
![Al. C Hill]()
![Daniel McKay]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Daniel McKay]()
![Rick Turpin]()
![mo bennett]()
Methinks we should thank CBC for publishing the quote of the year to enjoy N'esy Pas?
"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.
"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News.

Richard Bruce
Mr. Kudlow is merely elevating the BS level..So thin skinned Mr. Trump packed up his toys in to Air Force 1 and left early - arriving in Singapore 36 hours early....Canada needs to look for other trading partners...

David Amos
@Richard Bruce "Mr. Kudlow is merely elevating the BS level"YUP

Lee Hall
@Richard Bruce <--- and="" because="" br="" charlatan="" conservative="" dairy="" for="" friend="" from="" industry="" is="" looking="" major="" much="" out="" paul="" ryan="" s="" so="" specifically="" trump="" why="" wisconsin.="" wisconsin="">
Trump and Conservatives in general are largely about *self interests*.
Always.... Follow the money.--->
Trump and Conservatives in general are largely about *self interests*.
Always.... Follow the money.--->

Scotty Davidson
@Martin Howser Have you seen Canada's debt load? 1.4 trillion if you add in provincial debt. I do not care what America does I care what Canada is doing. Shipping raw resources away while importing refined goods is bankrupting this country.

Al. C Hill
@Richard Bruce Canada should have cut the cord with the USA decades we have to deal with an inept prime minister and a belligerent president...wanna guess who will lose?

Daniel McKay
@Richard Bruce Perhaps the rest of the world should decide to start trading petroleum in Euroes, see if that motivates a bit of sanity back at the table.

David Amos
@Lee Hall "Always.... Follow the money."
Methinks everybody knows I followed the money home in 2002 before I sued many greedy Yankees N'esy Pas?
Methinks everybody knows I followed the money home in 2002 before I sued many greedy Yankees N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Scotty Davidson "Shipping raw resources away while importing refined goods is bankrupting this country."
I agree
I agree

David Amos
@Al. C Hill "wanna guess who will lose?"
Survey Says???
Survey Says???

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David Amos
David Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) "I can tel you're siding against Canada. Typical rightist."
Methinks you need to review his comment In my humble opinion Mr Hill is far more insightful than most folks N'esy Pas?
Methinks you need to review his comment In my humble opinion Mr Hill is far more insightful than most folks N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Daniel McKay "Perhaps the rest of the world should decide to start trading petroleum in Euroes,"
Methinks that whereas the Russians and the Chinese have been buying gold by the ton for years they may have another plan to sink the Yankee petrodolar N'esy Pas?
Methinks that whereas the Russians and the Chinese have been buying gold by the ton for years they may have another plan to sink the Yankee petrodolar N'esy Pas?

Daniel McKay
@David Amos Perhaps. I've wondered if they'd been buying up greenbacks as well, getting ready to make the transition to whatever-is-next, holding them over Trumpmerica like a puppeteer.

Rick Turpin
@Richard Bruce
We might not need to. I wonder why Trump's advisors neglected to tell him that Kim had his cousin murdered in Singapore?
We might not need to. I wonder why Trump's advisors neglected to tell him that Kim had his cousin murdered in Singapore?

mo bennett
@David Amos slimy politicians always follow the money. are you new?

David Amos
@mo bennett "slimy politicians always follow the money. are you new?"
Nope You know who I am
Methinks everybody else knows that Trump was not joking about Trudeau The Younger being two faced. Hell just the week before Dairy Farmers were giving him Hell about talking to Yankees on NBC about throwing them under the bus. N'esy Pas?
Nope You know who I am
Methinks everybody else knows that Trump was not joking about Trudeau The Younger being two faced. Hell just the week before Dairy Farmers were giving him Hell about talking to Yankees on NBC about throwing them under the bus. N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) Methinks Mr Hill is far more insightful than most folks N'esy Pas?

Don Luft
Are these people for real?. Trump plays the bully then when people don't beg for mercy he says they stabbed him in the back. Trump reminds me of a bully who punches someone in the jaw then blames the other guy because his hand hurts.
Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian goods then whines because we do the same to them.
Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian goods then whines because we do the same to them.

David Amos
@Philip Weigel Methinks the upcoming circus in Singapore will make history bigtime in Trump's little mind N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Don Luft "Trump reminds me of a bully who punches someone in the jaw then blames the other guy because his hand hurts."
Me Too
Me Too

Andrew Hebda (NS)
@Don Luft
Congress should take back authority over trade issues and assign a competent adult to undertake negotiations. by negotiations I do not mean "cave in to us, and then we will let you carry on as if nothing had happened"...
Congress should take back authority over trade issues and assign a competent adult to undertake negotiations. by negotiations I do not mean "cave in to us, and then we will let you carry on as if nothing had happened"...

Robert Paul
@Don Luft
I say they have a boxing match. Trudeau will bloody him and knock him out.
I say they have a boxing match. Trudeau will bloody him and knock him out.

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David Amos
David Amos
@Andrew Hebda (NS) "I do not mean "cave in to us, and then we will let you carry on as if nothing had happened"
Methinks if there truly is a "Special Place In Hell" for Trump and Trudeau trust that I am gonna enjoy crossing paths with them again N'esy Pas?
Methinks if there truly is a "Special Place In Hell" for Trump and Trudeau trust that I am gonna enjoy crossing paths with them again N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Robert Paul Methinks you just made a presidential threat Somebody should contact the RCMP and the US Secret Service N'esy Pas?

Jennifer McIsaac
Stabbed in the back!!! How often has Trump done exactly that? Don't these guys ever worry about being hypocritical?
They look so ridiculous with bleats like this.
They look so ridiculous with bleats like this.

thomas stewart
@Jennifer McIsaac
They thrive on being hypocritical.
They thrive on being hypocritical.

David Amos
@thomas stewart YUP

David Amos
@John Goode "They would have to know what the word means first."
Oh so true
Methinks your middle name must start with a B N'esy Pas?
Oh so true
Methinks your middle name must start with a B N'esy Pas?

Jennifer McIsaac
@David Amos
Do you mean N'est-ce Pas ????
Do you mean N'est-ce Pas ????

David Amos
@Jennifer McIsaac Nope

David Amos
@Jim Palmer "Shouldn't be a problem, perhaps Donnie can save JT the seat next to him"
Methinks there may be a few Dairy Farmers waiting to greet them N'esy Pas?
Methinks there may be a few Dairy Farmers waiting to greet them N'esy Pas?

Darius Spence
ya and drumpf never stabs anyone in the back. seriously what is wrong with the drumpf administration?

Charles Maturin
@Darius Spence
What's wrong? Psychopaths have no difficulty attracting sycophants (we all know what attracts flies)
What's wrong? Psychopaths have no difficulty attracting sycophants (we all know what attracts flies)

David Amos
@Charles Maturin Money

Richard Sharp
@Bernice White
Lance is anti-Trudeau, on everything.
Lance is anti-Trudeau, on everything.

David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks thats kinda like you being pro Trudeau N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks you should keep a tally of the comments of yours which are disabled or deleted later N'esy Pas?

Paul Gardiner
The U.S. Congress authorizes large subsidies to specified farm producers, e.g. dairy producers. Canada has supply management. Both are institutional approaches which are politically sensitive. Let us see how the US Congress feels about eliminating farm subsidies?

David Amos
@Paul Gardiner Well put sir

Joe Renaud
Aww - Donnie - did we hurt your feeling?

Igor Nordham
@Joe Renaud
Now go away or we shall taunt you for a second time!
Now go away or we shall taunt you for a second time!

David Amos
@Igor Nordham Methinks he is already gone N'esy Pas?

Agnes Day
@Joe Renaud
psychopaths don't have genuine feelings or empathy
psychopaths don't have genuine feelings or empathy

David Amos
@Agnes Day True but methiinks that usually they are far more clever than Trump and his cohorts N'esy Pas?

Mike Trahan
@David Amos Hi the French spelling would be
''N’est ce pas''
''N’est ce pas''

Roger Andover
I predict that, in the future, anyone accused of stabbing Trump in the back will be considered a hero and those who now pander to him will be considered with contempt.

David Amos
@Roger Andover I would not bet on it
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Robert Paul
Robert Paul
@Roger Andover
Absolutely right!
The biggest mistake anyone could make these days is to appear to be in any way, shape or form associated with Trump.
Everyone is fleeing his company like flies flee Raid.
![Jim Palmer]()
Absolutely right!
The biggest mistake anyone could make these days is to appear to be in any way, shape or form associated with Trump.
Everyone is fleeing his company like flies flee Raid.

Jim Palmer
![David Amos]()
@Roger Andover
Figuratively and Literally ?
Figuratively and Literally ?

David Amos
@Jim Palmer "POOF" Figuratively and Literally ?
Methinks the same can be said of my replies to you and your friends N'esy Pas?
Methinks the same can be said of my replies to you and your friends N'esy Pas?

Albert Ford Upton
What a crock!
Negotiating with a narcissistic egomaniac making up his own rules and ignoring facts seems pointless. Trump has everything framed in "I win, you lose" mentality. Bullys usually want to win at other's expense.
Negotiating with a narcissistic egomaniac making up his own rules and ignoring facts seems pointless. Trump has everything framed in "I win, you lose" mentality. Bullys usually want to win at other's expense.

Robert Paul
@Albert Ford Upton
Bullies meet their match one day and then it's all over for them. Some of us like fighting back and can't help but to fight back. I do not at all like Trudeau as our leader, but I think he is one of these types and he will fight back.
Bullies meet their match one day and then it's all over for them. Some of us like fighting back and can't help but to fight back. I do not at all like Trudeau as our leader, but I think he is one of these types and he will fight back.

David Amos
@Robert Paul "Some of us like fighting back and can't help but to fight back."
Methinks you should have Googled me before you attacked me N'esy Pas?
Methinks you should have Googled me before you attacked me N'esy Pas?

Jamie Robins
Canada do not give in to the bully. Congrats JT for taking a stand!!

Stanley Baird
@Jamie Robins JT will be off on vacation while Trump is on the job all summer.

Ryan Johnson
@Stanley Baird Didn't know golfing was a job?

David Amos
@Ryan Johnson Methinks keeping his hair done just right is the biggest job for Trump every day all day long N'esy Pas?

Josephine Sutton
II think we just got made into stooges to make Trump look like a tough guy standing up to the world. All to impress Kim Jong Un. Kudlow almost said so. My speculation is that Trump is a bit envious of Trudeau and Canada.
Mike Hilton
@Josephine Sutton
Trump doesn't impress Kim, China does.
Trump doesn't impress Kim, China does.

David Amos
@Mike Hilton YUP

James Alexander
James Alexander
Trump has nary a word of criticism for his master Putin who put him in the White House,
and nice words lately about Kim, ............ But he constantly attacks his US allies on a daily basis,
while his supporters continue to be oblivious to the obvious, that being he's trying to
undermine the west while he lauds dictators. What do the Russians have on him, other
than "fixing" the election for him, eh? The man is the mad hatter. Poor Larry supporting
what he has opposed trade wise for ever.
and nice words lately about Kim, ............ But he constantly attacks his US allies on a daily basis,
while his supporters continue to be oblivious to the obvious, that being he's trying to
undermine the west while he lauds dictators. What do the Russians have on him, other
than "fixing" the election for him, eh? The man is the mad hatter. Poor Larry supporting
what he has opposed trade wise for ever.

David Amos
@Bill Nazarene Methinks your friends are missing you over here N'esy Pas?

Al Park
You cons taking Trumps side on this are an embarrassment to Canada...

Dave Anderson
@Al Park
Nope. We see the reality, do not ignore reality for our biases. We know media propagandizes Canada and I have said for months Canada does unfairly tax America while out media was bashing Trump.
Reality is USA is just taxing us right back and wants a more fair deal. Tax greedy spoiled Trudeau knows it means he has to stop some Marxist protectionism if he wants NAFTA to live.
And if NAFTA dies, 50 cent money? Possible. In any case there will be pain in Canada.
Nope. We see the reality, do not ignore reality for our biases. We know media propagandizes Canada and I have said for months Canada does unfairly tax America while out media was bashing Trump.
Reality is USA is just taxing us right back and wants a more fair deal. Tax greedy spoiled Trudeau knows it means he has to stop some Marxist protectionism if he wants NAFTA to live.
And if NAFTA dies, 50 cent money? Possible. In any case there will be pain in Canada.

Content disabled.
@Dave Anderson Methinks the lefties should have informed you and Louie Parks as to how much I love the circus N'esy Pas?

David James
Actually, we Canadians won't be satisfied until this Trudeau character offers a public apology to America's President Trump and the American people. Then and only then can we begin the healing process with our dear friends to the south.

David Amos
@David James Methinks thou doth not jest enough N'esy Pas?

Rick Bailey
Trudeau isn't being intimidated nor pushed around by Trump and the Cons can't stand it.
Regardless what Trump says about JT now, he secretly admires those that aren't weak. He even called
Kim Jong-un an honourable man a few weeks ago. Thank goodness someone like Scheer isn't representing us.
Regardless what Trump says about JT now, he secretly admires those that aren't weak. He even called
Kim Jong-un an honourable man a few weeks ago. Thank goodness someone like Scheer isn't representing us.

Jack O Hill
@Philip Weigel
"they can try to paint Trudeau as terrible on the international stage,"
That has been the case every time he leaves the country.
"they can try to paint Trudeau as terrible on the international stage,"
That has been the case every time he leaves the country.

David Amos
@Jack O Hill Methinks Trudeau the Younger had a bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth years before he became our Prime Minister N'esy Pas?

Edith Grey
@David Amos You do know it's spelled "n'est pas"............

David Amos
@Robert Paul "Still... considering Satan's mighty power, I wouldn't recommend thinking that you're the one calling the shots when it comes to Satan."
Methinks it must be hard for Satan to get good help in Hell Perhaps he will hire me to torture politicians and their evil lawyers etc for eternity just like I did in my lifetime N'esy Pas?
Methinks it must be hard for Satan to get good help in Hell Perhaps he will hire me to torture politicians and their evil lawyers etc for eternity just like I did in my lifetime N'esy Pas?

guy pope
That Special Trade advisor Peter Navarro must have gone to Trump's University and forget the " Art of Diplomacy " course.
Donald was scheduled to teach it but had to go to the bathroom so he assigned it to Bolton (A.K.A Captain Kangaroo)
Donald was scheduled to teach it but had to go to the bathroom so he assigned it to Bolton (A.K.A Captain Kangaroo)

David Amos
@guy pope Methinks the evil Yankee lawyer Johnny "Never Been Good" Bolton may have cheated on his bar exams N'esy Pas?

Bertrum G.Gruff
Bertrum G.Gruff
on NK summit, there can be no progress until American Forces leave SK

Jim Payne
@Bertrum G.Gruff
Saskatchewan? :)
Saskatchewan? :)

David Amos
@Bertrum G.Gruff Methinks you may mean the dudes who control Potash Corp N'esy Pas?

Neil Austen
Seriously, it's like the White House has been overrun by trailer park yahoos.

David Amos
@Neil Austen Methinks it makes for a great circus to watch N'esy Pas?

John Douglas
John Douglas
if you look at Kudlow's past you can see why these negotiations are going down the Trump Crazy Train path

Bill Clay
@John Douglas
No doubt John. Trump surrounds himself with like minded people.
No doubt John. Trump surrounds himself with like minded people.

John Oaktree
@Bill Clay
That's one of his main problems...
That's one of his main problems...

Bill Clay
@John Oaktree
Of course it is.
Of course it is.

David Amos
@John Oaktree Methinks you have the same problem N'esy Pas?

Samuel Spade
Those Canadians supporting Trump in this dispute are less than patriotic. Sometimes one has to stand up to a bully rather than standing meekly behind him.

bren hynes
@Samuel Spade I agree 100%.... but trudeau is reknowned for saying one thing in the press and another in private. When you stand up to a bully you do it to his face

Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
@bren hynes
Provide PROOF of that. Sounds like rightist propaganda and nothing more.
Provide PROOF of that. Sounds like rightist propaganda and nothing more.

David Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) "Provide PROOF of that. "
Methinks you Implied that I had mental health issues N'esy Pas?
Well folks should Google the following
Trump, NAFTA, FATCA, TPP and Cohen
Methinks you Implied that I had mental health issues N'esy Pas?
Well folks should Google the following
Trump, NAFTA, FATCA, TPP and Cohen

Greg Stafford
Trump doesn't have "advisers". Just a bunch of hand picked yes men that he surrounds himself with.

David Amos
@Greg Stafford YUP

Rick Wier
I see Rona Ambrose is willing to throw out supply management and destroy our agricultural industry to appease the Donald, conservatives never change

Eli Sunday
@Rick Wier
You have a very low opinion of Canada's dairy farmers.
They would become more competitive, invest in appropriate automation and would compete on the international stage. The weak would fail, of course. That's the way of things.
But the best would prtobably come to internationally dominate the sector.
They are better than you think they are.
You have a very low opinion of Canada's dairy farmers.
They would become more competitive, invest in appropriate automation and would compete on the international stage. The weak would fail, of course. That's the way of things.
But the best would prtobably come to internationally dominate the sector.
They are better than you think they are.

Allan Campbell
@Eli Sunday
They would be put out of business bu u s dumped product.
They would be put out of business bu u s dumped product.

Ralph Ashton
@Eli Sunday
"Free trade" always sounds good ... until you are on the losing end of the deal ...
"Free trade" always sounds good ... until you are on the losing end of the deal ...

Stanley Baird
@Rick Wier a lot of reasonable people have concerns about the Canadian supply management system. Beyond keeping prices high by limiting supply and setting prices, it is also a barrier to new farmers with an entrenched quota system. These quotas are not renewed and sold every year - farmers can hang on to them year after year. It only protects the interests of existing farmers. You can view this as a good thing but it is a stretch to say protecting this system is in the interests of all Canadians, many of whom have to deal with domestic and international competition. Do we really want to trade off things like our steel industry or auto industry to protect it?

Arlond Lynds
@Rick Wier
She and the cons would throw out supply management and national healthcare and many, many of the parts of our social safety net if they could manage it.
She and the cons would throw out supply management and national healthcare and many, many of the parts of our social safety net if they could manage it.

David Amos
@Rick Wier "David Amos just another Russian patriot"
"David Amos I thought you might be a Russian patriot but I am thinking you are a poorly designed Russian random word generator"
Methinks folks should not be surprised by anything you may wish to state N'esy Pas?
"David Amos I thought you might be a Russian patriot but I am thinking you are a poorly designed Russian random word generator"
Methinks folks should not be surprised by anything you may wish to state N'esy Pas?
Top Republicans slam Trump's anti-Canada tirade, metals tariffs
'I frankly commend Canada for its measured and sober response,' U.S. senator says
· CBC News· Posted: Jun 13, 2018 4:16 PM ET
Two of the president's fiercest Republican foes have come to Canada's defence as a trade war brews between the U.S. and its neighbour to the north over steel and aluminum tariffs — with at least one senator slamming U.S. President Donald Trump's actions as "insulting" to such a close ally.
Top Republican lawmakers Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee — both outspoken critics of Trump in recent months — said the Trump administration's justification of these punitive tariffs on national security grounds is bogus and an abuse of U.S. law.
"Can you imagine, being Canada, our closest ally on the planet, and being told that they represent a national security threat, that the export of steel and aluminum is threatening our national security?"
Flake told reporters Wednesday after he and other members of the powerful Senate foreign relations committee met with Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in Washington.
Republican US Senator and Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee Bob Corker admits US-Canada relations have been damaged by the steel and aluminum tariffs 0:27"That's insulting. It really is. And I frankly commend Canada for its measured and sober response to this."
Corker said he doesn't "think there's any question" that Trump has damaged relations with Canada after slapping tariffs on its imports and lobbing personal insults at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Corker and other lawmakers — Democrats and some of Trump's fellow Republicans — have backed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act — a sweeping defence policy bill that Congress passes every year — to prevent the president from imposing tariffs on national security grounds without first obtaining the consent of Congress.
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee speaks with reporters about meeting with Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland on Capitol Hill in Washington. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)So far, Trump's allies in the Senate have sought to stifle Corker's efforts, prompting Corker to accuse those Republicans of being afraid to "poke the bear."
Trump's tariffs were imposed using presidential authority granted under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, which gives the president broad powers to impose tariffs without consulting Congress.
"I think it's an abuse of presidential authority to use the 232 waiver," Corker said. "I don't know of any senator that hasn't expressed concerns about what is happening, and just sort of the random nature of what is happening. I thought the best way to deal with that was through legislation."
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks with reporters after meeting with the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)"Canada is not a country we have trade issues with," he added.
Section 232 has only been used twice before in U.S. history to restrict imports: in 1979 on oil imports from Iran, after that country's theocratic revolution resulted in the storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, and in 1982 against similar imports from Libya.
"Canada has been very clear. The section 232 justification is frankly absurd. The notion that Canadian steel and aluminum could pose a national security threat to the U.S. — I think Americans understand it's simply not the case. It is illegal under NAFTA and WTO rules," Freeland said, while noting the U.S. has a surplus in steel trade with Canada.
Freeland is in Washington today for two days of meetings with U.S. lawmakers — the first visit by a high-profile minister to the United States since President Donald Trump launched his blistering attacks against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadians at large.
Flake and Corker risk nothing in defying Trump openly by siding with Canada, since both men have opted not to run again in the November midterm elections.
Anti-Trump Republicans have faced poor electoral fortunes in recent months because the party's base remains loyal to the president and his American First agenda. Several Trump critics in the GOP went down to defeat in Tuesday's Republican primaries.
Initially, the U.S. exempted Canada, Mexico and the EU from new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Trump subsequently rescinded those exemptions as part of his drive to protect U.S. industry from what he claims is unfair foreign competition.
Now, a 25 per cent tariff will be levied on Canadian steel, while a 10 per cent tariff will be applied to aluminum. In response, Canada slapped the U.S. with $16.5 billion worth of new tariffs on a host of U.S. goods, from lawn mowers to playing cards and felt-tipped pens.
In a January 2018 report prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce on steel and aluminum imports, the department concluded that a flood of cheaper foreign imports of these materials has hobbled the U.S. industry — meaning American companies might not be able to quickly respond to procurement requests from the U.S. Department of Defence.
In other words, the Trump administration isn't claiming that Canada poses a physical threat to the U.S. — but it is arguing that its cheaper products threaten the continued viability of the U.S. metals industry and its capacity to respond to military demands.
"As steel imports have increased, U.S. steel production capacity has been stagnant and production has decreased," the report reads.
Trudeau has called the use of section 232 "an affront to the … thousands of Canadians who have fought and died alongside American comrades-in-arms."
Top Republican lawmakers Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee — both outspoken critics of Trump in recent months — said the Trump administration's justification of these punitive tariffs on national security grounds is bogus and an abuse of U.S. law.
"Can you imagine, being Canada, our closest ally on the planet, and being told that they represent a national security threat, that the export of steel and aluminum is threatening our national security?"
Flake told reporters Wednesday after he and other members of the powerful Senate foreign relations committee met with Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in Washington.

Corker admits Canada-US relations damaged
Corker said he doesn't "think there's any question" that Trump has damaged relations with Canada after slapping tariffs on its imports and lobbing personal insults at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Corker and other lawmakers — Democrats and some of Trump's fellow Republicans — have backed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act — a sweeping defence policy bill that Congress passes every year — to prevent the president from imposing tariffs on national security grounds without first obtaining the consent of Congress.

Trump's tariffs were imposed using presidential authority granted under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, which gives the president broad powers to impose tariffs without consulting Congress.
"I think it's an abuse of presidential authority to use the 232 waiver," Corker said. "I don't know of any senator that hasn't expressed concerns about what is happening, and just sort of the random nature of what is happening. I thought the best way to deal with that was through legislation."

Section 232 has only been used twice before in U.S. history to restrict imports: in 1979 on oil imports from Iran, after that country's theocratic revolution resulted in the storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, and in 1982 against similar imports from Libya.
"Canada has been very clear. The section 232 justification is frankly absurd. The notion that Canadian steel and aluminum could pose a national security threat to the U.S. — I think Americans understand it's simply not the case. It is illegal under NAFTA and WTO rules," Freeland said, while noting the U.S. has a surplus in steel trade with Canada.
Freeland is in Washington today for two days of meetings with U.S. lawmakers — the first visit by a high-profile minister to the United States since President Donald Trump launched his blistering attacks against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadians at large.
Flake and Corker risk nothing in defying Trump openly by siding with Canada, since both men have opted not to run again in the November midterm elections.
Anti-Trump Republicans have faced poor electoral fortunes in recent months because the party's base remains loyal to the president and his American First agenda. Several Trump critics in the GOP went down to defeat in Tuesday's Republican primaries.
Tariff tit-for-tat
Initially, the U.S. exempted Canada, Mexico and the EU from new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Trump subsequently rescinded those exemptions as part of his drive to protect U.S. industry from what he claims is unfair foreign competition.
Now, a 25 per cent tariff will be levied on Canadian steel, while a 10 per cent tariff will be applied to aluminum. In response, Canada slapped the U.S. with $16.5 billion worth of new tariffs on a host of U.S. goods, from lawn mowers to playing cards and felt-tipped pens.
In a January 2018 report prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce on steel and aluminum imports, the department concluded that a flood of cheaper foreign imports of these materials has hobbled the U.S. industry — meaning American companies might not be able to quickly respond to procurement requests from the U.S. Department of Defence.
"As steel imports have increased, U.S. steel production capacity has been stagnant and production has decreased," the report reads.
Trudeau has called the use of section 232 "an affront to the … thousands of Canadians who have fought and died alongside American comrades-in-arms."
Trump Cohen NAFTA FATCA TPP Davd Raymond Amos