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'There are risks' to going to rural areas and cottages, chief medical officer says


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks Higgy et al already know that this is by far the most comical article about my neighbourbood that I have read on this topic yet Ya gotta love Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?



'There are risks' to going to rural areas and cottages, chief medical officer says

Local businesses bracing for a slow summer season

Hadeel Ibrahim· CBC News· Posted: Apr 05, 2020 10:00 AM AT

The Kingston Peninsula general store is preparing to see a lot less traffic in the coming months. (Courtesy of Kingston Peninsula Heritage Inc.)

Hospital facilities, ambulance wait times and possibly spreading COVID-19 are a few things Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province's chief medical officer of health says people should consider before deciding to open up their cottages or travelling to rural areas.

"We are a small province, in terms of trying to maximize our resources to help get us through this pandemic," she said. "There are risks for people to move around in that way and to go to those rural areas."

Russell's national counterpart Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, said last week people who live in urban areas should not travel to their camps or cottages or summer homes.

"Urban dwellers should avoid heading to rural properties, as these places have less capacity to manage COVID-19," Tam said.

Health experts agree the best way to battle COVID-19 is to stay put, and that might mean keeping away from camps and summer homes.

Expecting a lower turnout

Kingston Peninsula store manager Ed Larsen says he was already concerned about cottage owners bringing the infection. He says this is a good recommendation, if it will help shorten the lifespan of this pandemic.

"We just want to do whatever the health department is recommending and try to do more if we can," he said. "We gotta flatten this curve and make it go away."

"Would it affect us? It would, because a lot of folks come out here in the summer" he said. "But what we want to do is look after our folks that are out here, to keep everybody safe."

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said Friday people should think about the risks before heading to their cottage or any rural area. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Larsen's store is open every month of the year to serve locals who live on the peninsula year-round. He said some people aren't even getting on the ferry to the mainland out of fear of spreading the virus when they come back.

Larsen said inter-provincial and international travel restrictions meant he was already preparing for a large decrease in the number of people he sees.
Christine Burt runs a grocery store, restaurant and gas station in Jemseg near Grand Lake, where many people travel to spend their summers.

She said the possibility of cottagers and tourists bringing the virus is "in the back of your mind" for sure, even before they land in the province.

"I make sure I keep my distance … step back while the customer pays their bill," she said.
She said  it's going to be tough for anyone to be travelling for leisure if the restrictions don't get loosened by the summer. And if they do come, there might not be much to do.

"What are you going to do? Parks are closed, any amusement or entertainment, there's nothing going on," she said.

She said she's already had to lay off some staff, and she's hoping this doesn't go on for much longer.

"It's something we've never been through before and hopefully never have to go through again."

David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al already know that this is by far the most comical article about my neighbourbood that I have read on this topic yet Ya gotta love Fundy Royal N'esy Pas? 

Robert L. Brown
you know i think i understand but when our leaders do not seem to get it i have a hard time believing any thing that comes out of there mouth . i do not under stand why i cannot get in my truck drive directly to my camp and keeping social distances from others who might want to stop in while driving by although who would be driving by a camp in the woods 2 miles from any houses

SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Robert L. Brown: Where do you buy groceries when you're up at your camp? Where do you buy gas for the truck?

Danny Devo 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: You need a brain to stop spreading the virus. Unfortunately a lot of these summer camp jokers don't have one. They come to spread the virus in the coutryside.

Mac Isaac 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Some people think they understand Ms Werner but do they? Do they really? Do they understand if they're asymptomatic now but become ill after being at their camp for a while that they might not be able to get help because they're in "a camp in the woods 2 miles from any houses."

Danny Devo 
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Next he'llbe at the corner store infecting people and contaminating countertops and door handles. These people are a disgrace. Stay home. Do not go to your gd camps

David Amos 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: FYI This crybaby nonsense is about the area where I live. Methinks if this keeps up it seems that I may have to take my truck to Fat Fred City or your neighbourhood for milk and bread and then gas up to get back home N'esy Pas?

Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Danny Devo: We don't obey you Mr. Devo. We have received a suggestion of sorts of we'll all do with it what we please.

Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: *and we'll

Justin Gunther 
Reply to @David Amos: I couldn't care less David because I wash my hands and practice distancing. Have a nice day.

Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: I recommend a drive down Waterloo Row, it's very picturesque. Nice houses, riverfront, etc.

David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks earlier you claimed to be on welfare and could only ride the bus to get groceries if you could afford it N'esy Pas? 

Danny Devo
Low info summer camp no minds seem to think it is fine to come out to the country and risking the lives of people who live here year round. Spreading the virus in our stores, gas stations and overloading our frail rural medical system. Anyone, any non resident, who shows up at their summer camp should be given a 10,000 fine for every day they are there.

Nicolas Krinis 
Reply to @Danny Devo: You're hysterical. Get help.

Justin Gunther
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Mass-psychosis, from coast to coast. Caused by our elected and appointed representatives.

Donald Smith
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: good one lolololol

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Surely you jest about the folks who take care of your welfare so well. 

Danny Devo
Is Higgs asleep again? What about Russell? Why is there not a directive to stop these summer camp zombies and weekend warriors from infesting the countryside at their camps and at local stores open for people who live here year-round, doing eveything they can to avoid getting this virus. These urban rejects need to stay in their towns and cities. Is Higgs too senile to lead? Sure looks like it. What is he waiting for this joker?

Dan Lee 
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Whoaaaaaa man.....where were you and Higgs and Russell when all them vacationers where on their way back......dint seem to worry too much them.......oh just go home and isolate............Bull...........

Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo: Because You people in the country aren't doing a very good job supporting your country stores ! If it wasn't for the people from the urban centers in the summer months many would be out of business !! There's no monopoly on where people are / are not allowed to go in the province , although you somehow don't seem to understand that !!

David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you hero Higgy and all his buddies in Forest City are welcome back to their camps on the Yankee border N'esy Pas? 

Donald Smith
Isn't our PM'S Wife and children currently in their Summer Home ?? If so, a rule for some and not others lol.

Nicolas Krinis
Reply to @Donald Smith: Leave it to government to screw thing up.

Donald Smith 
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: lolololo

Bruce Sanders 
Reply to @Donald Smith: Oh sure, but the kids go back and forth and she and he won't be meeting again that much!

Gil Murray 
Reply to @Donald Smith: There are always different rules for the privileged. Canadian's seem to believe this is only the case to the south of us. Few are more privileged in this country than the Trudeau family.

David Amos
Reply to @Donald Smith: Good Point 

Michael durant
ah... summer at the lake...finally. got to get outta this place to the lake. Mental health deteriorates if we do not. Besides the wife says, don't start arguing with the wife, not good.

Bruce Sanders 
Reply to @Michael durant: LOL

David Amos
Reply to @Michael durant: Methinks whereas Higgy and the RCMP claim I am crazy and the shrinks can't get paid to check to see it it is true or not because their has been a "Stay" placed on my Medicare Card Its best that I just sit back and enjoy the circus going on and on and on while waiting for the Federal Court to open again and begin some more important litigation about taxation etc N'esy Pas? 

Justin Gunther
Why, what will happen,? If you get some respiratory symptoms are you going to insta-keel over? Is that your medical opinion? Can't they or their SO just drive them to the hospital? Or maybe they can just call 811 and be told there's no test and to shelter in place?

Fearmongering nonsense.

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Well put sir

Les Cooper 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: really eh.Ill take my chances! Lol
They should be thinking of all the suicides that are going to happen with all the isolation and job loses! And boycott China to avoid all their dirty diseases!

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: the self-professed lawyer and now doctor has spoken.

David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you know as well as I that I am a very Proud Layman without a Medicare Card who loves to sue lawyers particularly ones who support the SANB and Higgy's denial of my right to Health Care N'esy Pas? 

Nicolas Krinis
Α lot of the directives we hear from these experts is devoid of sense. If a person or a family self-isolates for 2 weeks and goes to their cottage and stays put, how can this put them or the rural community at risk, especially if they are following social distancing rules?

Marc Bourque 
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: But how many will self isolate.....thats the issue.There are moronic people who live among us.....

Robert Brannen 
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis:
This can put the rural areas at risk because the urban have a higher population density, therefore those going to the rural areas have had a higher probability of having been exposed to the virus.

Mandel Rooney
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis:
The healthcare facilities in rural communities are not designed to handle peak load, especially at this time of year. If you self-quarantine for 2 weeks then wander out in public you could get the virus. The you will put more burden on the limited health facilities there. If you self quarantine in an urban centre and get sick, the facilities are much more capable of handling an influx of patients.

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Bourque: So the question becomes; Where do you want the moronic people to be? In a highly populated area, or in a remote woodland setting?

David Amos
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Methinks common sense is not supposed to be employed in the this wicked game. Just obey the rules of Higgy's police state or you will be fined bigtime N'esy Pas? 

Graeme Scott
I don't see this as being quite as much of an issue here in NB as places like BC or Ontario where people own vacation property 100's of kilometers from home.. Many cottages here are less than 30-40 minutes from people's main home. Very often people use the same grocery stores, same healthcare facilities etc etc. as they do when living "in town"

David Amos
Reply to @Graeme Scott: BINGO

Canuckguy NB 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: Exactly, for example people who have their homes and cottages in the same geographical health area(think of Bathurst NB and the cottages at Youghal which is even in the city limits), I don't see any problem, same goes for people with cottages along Salmon beach, most of whom are from Gloucester County. 

Robert Brannen
There might not be much to do? That is the whole point of going to the cottage, getting away from it all.

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Brannen: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir You are paying the double taxes on it hence methinks you might as well enjoy getting away from it all as the Nanny State goes crazy. Just stock up with groceries and bring extra gas etc before you go then stay away from the local crybabies as you you enjoy the spring season that has finally upon us N'esy Pas? 

Lou Bell
Even as it appears the Premier and Chief Medical Officer are doing a GREAT JOB in handling the virus and with the ADVICE they're giving re summer homes and cottages , there are (and always will be ) those who THINK ( and it appears with what I'm not sure ! ) they could do a better job ! As the saying goes , " better to keep ones mouth shut , say nothing , and let people THINK your an i di o t than to open, it say lots , and let them KNOW you're one " !

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Lou DumBell: How about you follow your own advice?

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too N'esy Pas? 

Dan Armitage
Heres an eye opener for you all. So while we are the soldiers and supposedly majority of our army are following orders our great two health care system showed its ugly head.
This is sad.
Horizon health Vitalit'e health are in the process of turning the Moncton coliseum into a make shift hospital for hopefully not an increase in cases at the apex of the virus.
During the set up Vitalit'e Health decided that they no longer wanted to join hands with Horizon health at the coliseum insisting they want to have thier own section of the coliseum so now after they stomped thier feet we have a section A horizon health and a section B Vitalit'e health.
“a leopard never changes its spots”

"This is a big WOW you got to be kidding me"

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Dan Armitage: amit it, the virus is not the war you're fighting at all. Your obsession is showing.

Canuckguy NB 
Reply to @Dan Armitage:

Canuckguy NB
Reply to @Canuckguy NB: Well of course, you can't have the English speakers infecting the French speakers. Must not socialize and mingle the language groups.

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks your fancy red SANB knickers are in quite a knot and they are showing bigtime as well N'esy Pas?

Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @Dan Armitage: Makes sense to me, they are two distinct entities. Having two sections will ensure all patients get to communicate in their own language. Plus not one of the two organizations is going to allow the other to run their affairs.

Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @Dan Armitage: "During the set up Vitalit'e Health decided that they no longer wanted to...". Evidence please ??

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