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Ottawa makes plans while De Niro apologizes in Toronto for 'the idiotic behaviour of my president'


Ottawa makes plans to retaliate if U.S. follows through on auto tariff threat

One senior government official says Trump is 'playing with fire'

Katie Simpson· CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2018 5:00 PM ET


 Daryl McBride 
candice wall
worst pm in canada's history

David Amos
David Amos
@candice wall Harper was much worse

Daryl McBride 
dale mcrobie
Now is the time for Canadians to rally to their Prime Minister's side.

Daryl McBride
Daryl McBride
@dale mcrobie I’ll rally to Canada, but our PM is a failure.

David Amos
David Amos
@Daryl McBride YUP

Daryl McBride 
Fred Engle
Macleans magazine has published a list of companies that do business with the Trump family that Canadian consumers may want to consider boycotting.

Ronald McCallum
Ronald McCallum
@Daniel McIntyre

"I miss the good old days when you could put a link inside your post for convenience of the other readers."

What do you mean that you can't use links in your comment posts? I have always included them when I want to back up the comment.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ronald McCallum Almost all of my comments were blocked today Go Figure

Mike McNair 
Mike McNair
Trudeau has been calling Trump names and has been insulting Trump and Trump's policies since Trump started running in the primaries. As people have always said when Trump hits back he hits back much harder. Trudeau had better be prepared because Trump will hit back at Canada hard for all the things Trudeau has said.

Van Collins
Van Collins
@Mike McNair

Even if what you're say was true (and none of it is), what kind of President 'hits back' at another nations people for name calling?

Terrifyingly childish response, wouldn't you say?

David Amos
David Amos
@Van Collins YUP but methinks the Little Rocketman and everybody else knows Trump does it anyway N'esy Pas?

So whats your point in attacking McNair before he could prove what he claimed was true?


Daryl McBride 
Ian MacDonald
Stick to the plan Trudeau. Be polite but firm, I might agree with a little less politeness.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ian MacDonald Methinks that a lots wiseguys would agree that the best defense is a smashing offense N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@david mccaig

Agree totally. Bolton is a maniac.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Me Too

 Daryl McBride 
Joseph Adams
With Friends like Donald Trump we don't need enemies.

I have never even conceived a worse scenario between the USA and Canada.

And i blame the US Republicans, they have been completely taken in, and taken over by Trump and no one, absolutely no one in the GOP appears to be preparted to do squat about the Donald.

Jim Palmer
Jim Palmer
@Joseph Adams

The USA Repugnantcons sold their souls to 'The Horned One' years ago.

Jim Palmer
Jim Palmer
@Tony Schut

More 'kool aid', Tony ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Palmer "More 'kool aid', Tony ?"

Methinks you drink too way much of that stuff Its not nice to try to con Tony into joining you N'esy Pas?

Ian Smyth
Ian Smyth
@Jim Palmer he's not wrong, despite everything Trump has done their economy is doing well by most metrics, and if Republicans want to get re elected they won't do that by alienating their base by going against Trump.
It takes a selfless Republican to go against him these days.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ian Smyth Methinks I should beg your pardon kinda sort it was Patrick Smyth who insulted me bigtime You only tease me N'esy Pas?

Gary Walt 
Gary Walt
Frump is blowing smoke up JT's shorts ......Frump is not serious and should be treated as a fool!

David Amos
David Amos
@Gary Walt True

Daryl McBride 
Karin Bougie
Three little words for all to take in and remember......Trump doesn't care.

He obviously loves a good fight, loves a good argument, and loves to get his way.

He is a real estate mogul, a salesman, tv celebrity, a walking contradiction and a giant question mark.

He is not a politician.

David Amos
David Amos
@Karin Bougie "He is not a politician"

Methinks if nothing else he has proven that he most certainly is N'esy Pas?.

 Daryl McBride 
Alex Murphy
Let's cut off power to NY State this summer on the hottest days of the year Lets pick the days that Trump is in NYC staying at Trump tower so he can be miserable with no A/C on the hottest days of the year.

David Amos
David Amos
@Alex Murphy "Let's cut off power to NY State this summer on the hottest days of the year"

Too Too Funny

Daryl McBride 
Daryl McBride
Trudeau and Trump need to work out there differences, Canada can not win a trade war with the US.

Matt Bryson
Matt Bryson
@Daryl McBride
No one wins a trade war

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Bryson "No one wins a trade war"

I agree So why have one?

Methinks the obvious question is Why not give Trump what he wants and just let NAFTA justifiably expire. Then both countries can apply tariffs as required the old fashioned way? It must be too simple N'esy Pas?

Ian Smyth
Ian Smyth
@David Amos what's with the Methinks and N'esy (N'est-ce?) Pas thing? its odd.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ian Smyth I have not forgotten your past insults

Allan Paakkola 
Allan Paakkola
Lots of anti Canadian sentiments being bounced around. There's a certain 'T' word that I can't use to describe these people.

Cameron Kernick
Cameron Kernick
@Allan Paakkola You are falsely assuming they are Canadian. This forum is packed full of propagandists working for Trump and Putin.

David Amos
David Amos
@Cameron Kernick Methinks I would believe there propagandists working for Trump but I suspect Putin finds this circus as comical as I do and would not want to spoil it N'esy Pas?

Jacques Renoir
Marc Lebrun
How about cutting off hydro supply from Ontario to Michigan and NY States? How about imposing a $150 RE-ENTRY fee for Canadian Cross-Border shoppers gone for less than 24 hours - the money could go to a fund to help local Canadian Chambers of Commerce for their lost sales.

Igor Nordham
Igor Nordham
@Marc Lebrun
Hydro might be tied up with contractual obligations but that re-entry fee is a solid winner.

David Amos
David Amos
@Igor Nordham "that re-entry fee is a solid winner"

I agree.

Fletch Peterson
Paul Coba
No matter what your political affiliations are, we as Canadians should be supporting our government in this situation.

It's time to stand up to the bullies south of the border.

Fletch Peterson
Fletch Peterson
@Paul Coba Mexico?
Jacques Renoir
Jacques Renoir
@Paul Coba - disagree. This is Trudeau's fault - as was China fail and India fail.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jacques Renoir YUP


After 'f--k Trump' barb, De Niro apologizes in Toronto for 'the idiotic behaviour of my president'

Movie icon involved in 1st restaurant-condo-hotel run by celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa

CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2018 10:35 AM ET


Marcel Marcotte 
Neil Austen
Being polite about Trump is anti productive. Let's just call him for what he is - disgusting.

David Amos
 Content disabled.
David Amos 
 @Neil Austen Methinks I see no need to be polite to the Yankee who oversees my little Clan in the US of A particularly if I merely quote CBC and let the political cards fall where they may N'esy Pas?

"De Niro, a staunch Trump opponent, had a bigger stage to lash out at: Sunday night's Tony Awards in New York City.

De Niro dropped a couple of F-bombs before raising his arms and encouraging the crowd to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

"First, I wanna say, 'f--k Trump,'" De Niro said. "It's no longer 'Down with Trump,' it's 'f--k Trump.'"

The CBS television audience heard dead silence instead of De Niro's comments, The Associated Press reported."

David Amos
David Amos
@Bruce Springer "The 1st step is admitting the problem."

I merely quote CBC and I'm blocked

 Marcel Marcotte 
Marcel Marcotte
Robert DeNiro spoke the truth last night. Donald Trump can not keep his stories straight for 1 day.

Robert Paul
Robert Paul
@Marcel Marcotte

I appreciate DeNiro's words. I don't relish a war of any kind against the USA, and in spite of definitely wanting to keep the border very intact with them, I like a lot of US things, culture etc.

Just because we're not one country doesn't mean we can't be allies and friends.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marcel Marcotte Methinks the awful truth is that DeNiro and his celebrity cohorts know the Clintons are far worse actors than Trump ever was N'esy Pas?

Ken Evans
Ken Evans
@David Amos

It's "n'est pas", and Trump is clearly the most dangerous "actor" on earth.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ken Evans Methinks you are arguing a ghost N'esy Pas?

Marcel Marcotte 
Jim Graham
De Niro calls it like most Americans and the world at large see it ... Donald Trump is despised across the globe. Well done!

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Jim Graham Methinks nobody should be surprised by your opinion N'esy Pas?

Ken Evans
Ken Evans
@David Amos

Again, it's "n'est pas". Methinks you learned your French (and your politics) in the southern US...

David Amos
David Amos 
@Ken Evans Methinks you are arguing a ghost However I do have a lot of friends who live both north and south of the 49th parallel and north and south of the Mason Dixon line

In fact although I was born and raised in the Maritimes everybody knows I am married to a Yankee from Beantown and the Proud Father of two who still live there

I trust that CBC will allow you to know why I sued the Crown and ran for public office five times in the Maritimes thus far N'esy Pas?


Jim Palmer
Jim Palmer
@David Amos

"I trust that CBC will allow you to know why I sued the Crown and ran for public office five times in the Maritimes ........".

Unsuccessfully, I presume, n'est-ce pas ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Palmer Methinks you should ask your lawyer about that N'esy Pas?

Marcel Marcotte 
Brian Sexsmith
Good for De Niro - it's rather disconcerting when the POTUS goes out of his way to ingratiate himself with despotic and communist regimes while flipping the finger to his G7 allies.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Sexsmith Methinks folks need to learn to relax and just enjoy the circus N'esy Pas?

Marcel Marcotte 
Don Brown
Everywhere Trump goes he spreads negativity . Out of touch with reality ironically as a "reality star" . If Trump is blowing his top that means you are doing the right thing.

Greg Anderson
Greg Anderson
@Don Brown Praying for Kim Kardashian push for diplomacy. It is our only hope. Get Kayne in there for peace in the middle east.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Greg Anderson Methinks we should take our hat off to Kim Kardashian for at least one thing N'esy Pas?


Marcel Marcotte 
Greg Anderson
Orange boy... fake news, fake news, msm.. spygate blah blah. He gets his energy from negativity and being acknowledged.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Greg Anderson "Orange boy... fake news, fake news, msm.. spygate blah blah."

Hey just Google the following Trump Cohen NAFTA FATCA TPP

Methinks you could use a tip to some real news nobody will talk about N'esy Pas?

John Brown 
John Brown
Thing about Trump is it makes no difference if you take the high road or crawl thru the mud bedside him, if things don't go exactly his way he throws a tantrum and lashes out.

He's a petulant child, an ultra-narcissist like few we've ever seen, and it sure appears his attitude and behaviour are gonna get progressively worse long before they get better.

David Amos
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David Amos
@John Brown "an ultra-narcissist like few we've ever seen"

Methinks there have been many ultra-narcissists just like him throughout history In fact Trump is about to meet his equal You can bet thin Canadian dimes t fat Yankee petrodollars that will be a circus well worth paying attention to N'esy Pas?

 Marcel Marcotte 
Kat Burd
What 45 is doing right now fits the American legal definition of treason. "or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort"... Attacking the USofA's allies while cosying up to traditional enemies couldn't be a whole lot more helpful or comforting to said enemies. So why is he allowed to keep on making a mockery of himself and of the USofA?

Always have been a fan of Robert de Niro's, this confirms my bias.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Kat Burd "Always have been a fan of Robert de Niro's, this confirms my bias."

Me Too but methinks he should stick to acting and stay out of politicking N'esy Pas?

Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson
@David Amos

Could say the same about you? Why can he not express an opinion? Oh... and btw it's N'est Pas

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Thompson Methinks you are arguing a ghost N'esy Pas?

Marcel Marcotte 
Bobby Long
If we could only get the stupid "Trump" sign off that building in downtown Vancouver and replace it with Nobu.....

David Amos
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David Amos
@Jim Graham Methinks I should be shocked that you can read after all N'esy Pas?

Robert McAlpine 
Robert McAlpine
Trump appears to have launched a full boar ttack on Canada and our PM using selected statistics that can easily be rebutted. Is this some startegy related to his meeting with Kim tomorrow, or is just typical Trump hyperbole?

It is clear to me that Trump is about to cancel NAFTA and launch a trade war with Canada. We as Canadians need to be united against Trump and not let him destroy the mutually profitable trading rel,ationship between Canada and the USA.

Marcel Marcotte 
Jon Taffer
@Robert McAlpine Just buy whatever you can locally, it's better for the environment anyways (rather than shipping tomatoes from 10,000km away).

David Amos
David Amos
@Jon Taffer I agree

Marcel Marcotte 
Rick Wier
DeNiro said what most Canadians were thinking was the appropriate response to Trump after his vicious and unprovoked attack on Canada and the other G7 members, the Donald is losing it.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
@Rick Wier

tRump never had it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Chris Rogers True

Ottawa makes plans to retaliate if U.S. follows through on auto tariff threat

One senior government official says Trump is 'playing with fire'

Katie Simpson· CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2018 5:00 PM ET

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomes U.S. President Donald Trump to the G7 Leaders Summit in La Malbaie, Que. Friday. Trump raised the threat of auto tariffs in a tweet sent hours after he left the summit Saturday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

Senior government officials are quietly drawing up a list of ways for Canada to retaliate against the United States if it's hit with even more tariffs by its closest ally.

Sources tell CBC News that Ottawa is preparing for a "worst case scenario": the Trump administration making good on its threat to impose 25 per cent tariffs on imported vehicles and auto parts.

The sources say Canadian officials will exhaust every possible option to avoid new tariffs but — given the escalating tensions with Washington — Canada must be prepared for anything and everything.

Analysts are looking at a range of options, which sources say could include placing even more retaliatory tariffs on American products.

The analysts also are looking at the impact auto tariffs would have on the Canadian dollar and on overall competitiveness in the North American auto sector.

"He's playing with fire," said one senior government official of U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to impose new tariffs on the auto industry.

"It is against their own national interest to do it, but that was the case with steel and aluminum, so we have to be responsible and prepare our own response."
Canada-U.S. relations suffered a significant blow over the weekend when Trump and his top aides launched a scathing personal attack against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over his opposition to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum.

Following Trudeau's closing news conference at the G7, Trump used Twitter to call the prime minister "very weak and dishonest." Trump then announced he was pulling U.S. support for the joint G7 communique that had been agreed to just hours earlier.

The outbursts continued Sunday when one of Trump's most trusted advisers, Peter Navarro, went on Fox News to declare "there is a special place in hell" for Trudeau.

'You don't get in a fight with a skunk'

A second senior source with direct knowledge of the situation said Canadian officials were "puzzled" by the personal nature of the attacks, and particularly the harsh words from Navarro.

"But what are you going to do?" the source added. "You don't get into a fight with a skunk."

Despite the outward displays of hostility, the source said lines of communication are open between the Trudeau government and the Trump administration, and high-level conversations are still happening.

The Weekly
Donald Trump picks a fight with Justin Trudeau

After an already tense G7 meeting, U.S. President Trump took to Twitter to attack host Justin Trudeau. Trump left the summit early for a meeting with long-time foe Kim Jong-un, but he’s managed to leave a trail of broken friendships in his wake. CBC’s Wendy Mesley speaks with Foreign Affairs minister Chrystia Freeland about the nature of the Canada-U.S. relationship. 6:21
In the meantime, Canada will continue to lobby the Trump administration for an exemption from the steel and aluminum tariffs.

The added challenge now, said the source, is to ensure a "professional" tone returns to those discussions.

The angry rhetoric seemed to catch some senior Canadian officials off guard, since they reportedly felt Friday's bilateral meeting with Trump at the G7 was positive.

"This bilateral was among the most productive we've ever had and we have had some productive ones," the first source said.

Along with steel and aluminum tariffs, and the possibility of new tariffs on the auto sector, Trudeau and Trump discussed the ongoing NAFTA negotiations.

Those trade talks have stalled over Canada and Mexico's opposition to a so-called sunset clause. The Americans have demanded that a re-negotiated NAFTA include a provision that would kill the deal every five years, unless all three countries agreed to remain in the trade pact.

Trump 'waved away' sunset clause: source

Canada and Mexico have rejected the idea; both countries argue it would lead to too much instability.

The source said Friday's conversation was going so well that "Trump waved away the importance of a sunset clause, and I can tell you it took his chief negotiator by surprise."
Members of Trump's inner circle gave Canadian officials a heads-up the president might hold a news conference on Saturday before departing for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

The news conference took place as planned and Canadian officials believed all was well as Trump and his team departed for Singapore.

The National
Trump's G7 tweet storm prompts support for Trudeau

U.S. President Donald Trump's tweet storm after the G7 summit prompted support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from some prominent conservatives. 7:11
When Trump's angry tweets first surfaced, Trudeau's staff thought it might have been a joke. Officials checked to make sure the tweets came from the president's own account.

Once the tweets were verified, senior Canadian officials made a series of phone calls in search of advice and support.

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney, who has been advising the Trudeau government on how to deal with Trump, was consulted. And Ottawa looked to the new premier-elect in Ontario, Doug Ford, to offer his support — which he did without hesitation.

About the Author


Katie Simpson is a senior reporter in the Parliamentary Bureau of CBC News. Prior to joining the CBC, she spent nearly a decade in Toronto covering local and provincial issues.

After 'f--k Trump' barb, De Niro apologizes in Toronto for 'the idiotic behaviour of my president'

Movie icon involved in 1st restaurant-condo-hotel run by celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa

CBC News· Posted: Jun 11, 2018 10:35 AM ET

Robert De Niro, third from left, continued his criticism of U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday in Toronto, where he joined celebrity chef, Nobu Matsuhisa, second from left, and Mayor John Tory, fourth from left, for the groundbreaking on a new downtown development. (Makda Ghebreslassie/CBC)

Robert De Niro, fresh off the Tony Awards stage where he verbally attacked the U.S. president, is now apologizing for Donald Trump's behaviour following the G7 summit.

De Niro, speaking Monday in downtown Toronto where he's launching a major development alongside celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa, called Trump's behaviour "a disgrace."
"I just want to make a note of apology for the idiotic behaviour of my president," De Niro said, winning big cheers from the dozens who turned up for the groundbreaking ceremony.

You can watch De Niro's comments in the video below.

Actor Robert De Niro apologizes for Trump's behaviour

'It's a disgrace ... it's disgusting,' De Niro says at opening of Nobu development in Toronto 0:27
Following the G7 summit in Quebec last week, Trump lashed out on Twitter, accusing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of being "very dishonest" and "weak.
"I apologize to Justin Trudeau and the other people at the G7," De Niro told the crowd.
Toronto Mayor John Tory, speaking moments later, addressed De Niro's remarks, saying only: "Thank you."

Robert De Niro attacked Trump before introducing Bruce Springsteen at Sunday's Tony Awards in New York City. (Michael Zorn/Invision/Associated Press)
De Niro, a staunch Trump opponent, had a bigger stage to lash out at: Sunday night's Tony Awards in New York City.

De Niro dropped a couple of F-bombs before raising his arms and encouraging the crowd to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

"First, I wanna say, 'f--k Trump,'" De Niro said. "It's no longer 'Down with Trump,' it's 'f--k Trump.'"
The CBS television audience heard dead silence instead of De Niro's comments, The Associated Press reported.

Condos going for $1.4M

The Hollywood icon, Matsuhisa and film producer Meir Teper are in Toronto promoting what they're calling the "world's first" complex to feature a Nobu restaurant, hotel and residences.

The Toronto facility will be built at 15 Mercer St., near King Street West and Blue Jays way, in the city's downtown core.
Condo units in the building, which is still in the pre-construction phase, are selling for some $1.4 million each for 888 square feet, according to the local real estate tracking website BuzzBuzzHome.
With files from The Associated Press and Makda Ghebreslassie

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