Methinks the most telling thing to me about the vote was that Bobby Baby Gauvin was not man enough to keep his word and vote against his old buddy Higgy N'esy Pas?
'We will follow the advice of the chief medical officer and Public Health officials in regards to how to go about moving forward," said Liberal finance critic and Dieppe MLA Roger Melanson. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
The Liberal opposition opened the door a little wider Thursday to abandoning their push for an early provincial election now that New Brunswick has its first case of COVID-19.
Finance critic and Dieppe MLA Roger Melanson told reporters the party was essentially leaving it up to Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell whether it should try to send New Brunswickers to the polls next week.
"We will follow the advice of the chief medical officer and Public Health officials in regards to how to go about moving forward," Melanson said.
"If that means we need to make decisions or changes, we'll listen."
The Liberals announced Feb. 11 that they would attempt to force an election after the Progressive Conservative minority government announced health reforms that included the nighttime closure of six small-hospital emergency rooms.
The PCs withdrew the plan five days later, but in the legislature Thursday morning Melanson said New Brunswickers had lost trust in the government over the fiasco, and that's why his party will try to vote down the budget, triggering an election.
He repeated that on a CBC political panel Thursday, to which PC Finance Minister Ernie Steeves replied: "You think calling an election now would bring the trust back to you?"
Melanson said if the government believes an election isn't warranted it could delay the legislature's vote on the budget expected Friday March 20. "They have that right," he said.
But Steeves said the vote will go ahead next week. "The budget is the budget."
COVID-19 concerns
Earlier this week Green Party Leader David Coon said an election might not be a good idea given that it can involve many large gatherings and a lot of social contact.
On Thursday the Quebec government banned public events of more than 250 people after the number of cases there jumped from nine to 13.
Melanson said it was too early to speculate about how such a decision here would affect an election.
"It would be very different as a campaign. But we're not making those decisions today."
The Liberals announced Feb. 11 that they would attempt to force an election after the Progressive Conservative minority government announced health reforms that included the nighttime closure of six small-hospital emergency rooms. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
Asked by reporters if there was any room for the PCs and Liberals to work together on a compromise about the budget and election timing, Melanson said it was "too early to make any decision or any consideration like that" and the party would heed Russell's guidance.
"She's quite credible and she has a lot of knowledge and we'll listen carefully and make decisions accordingly," he said.
Russell said Thursday afternoon that she was recommending the cancellation of any public events of more than 150 people — a size that covers many typical election events — but wouldn't comment further.
"Whether there's an election or not, it would have to be considered in light of these particular issues," she said.
Coon said a special committee of the premier, key cabinet ministers and all political party leaders will hold its first meeting tomorrow night to discuss the response to COVID-19.
David Coon, New Brunswick's Green Party leader, will announce his plans on the budget vote Friday. (CBC)
The committee could discuss "how that election might proceed based on the advice of the chief medical officer of health, with all four party leaders in the same room on this committee," Coon said. "Obviously it wasn't just set up for that discussion but it's going to be an important opportunity where that discussion can occur if it's needed."
Coon is a pivotal vote on the budget and he plans to reveal Friday morning how he will vote on the document.
Premier Blaine Higgs said he hopes the all-party committee will let "cooler heads prevail" on a possible campaign.
"I won't be talking about the possibility of an election because I don't think we should have one, but it'll be up to my colleagues in the legislature to decide that next Friday," he said.
"I think our full focus has to be on this situation, and we should have all hands on deck and that should be our main task."
Accusations fly
Melanson's official response to the budget in the legislature Thursday was punctuated by a series of procedural complaints by the PC government over his choice of words.
The Liberal MLA said the government had "deliberately deceived" the legislature, one example of violating the parliamentary rule against accusing another member of lying.
PC house leader Glen Savoie asked Melanson to withdraw the comments and he did, but not before Liberal house leader Guy Arseneault said he wanted to congratulate Melanson for the speech.
Melanson violated the parliamentary rule against accusing another member of lying and later withdrew his comments. (CBC)
"I like it, I like it, I like it," Arseneault shouted to the applause of Liberal MLAs.
Coon said he didn't think the sharp partisan exchange was a sign the parties couldn't work together on a major issue like COVID-19.
"There's always lots of political theatre in the legislative assembly, and I think what you were seeing was political theatre. When the rubber hits the road, I think the political theatre will be put aside."
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
David Amos Methinks this circus get more entertaining by the hour these days N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Higgs has done such a good job even Marc uerite has gone into hiding !
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Lou DumBell: droll, very droll !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks if you speak of the devil he is sure to appear N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Where's the next meeting ? And I expect Gauvin , Arsenault will be attending. Plan B didn't work and Liberals have lost supporters faster than a sheep being sheared in the sprintime loses it's wool. Looks very Baaaaaadd for the Liberals. More than even Farmer Arsenault would have answers to.
Lou Bell Even Amos has more credibility than the Liberals ! Other than their " me first " agendas.
Donald Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: lolololo
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks the lady doth jest too much The Fat Lady ain't singing until March 20th and that is a eternity for your Hero Higgy In the "Mean" time obviously I am enjoying the circus as usual N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks I have every right to say that you have no credibility whatsoever. I would lay odds that you would be complaining more than I am if your hero Higgy put a "Stay" on your Medicare Card and you had to pay the emergency room bills and the the doctors fees out of pocket like I am forced to do N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Oh My MY Methinks somebody can't handle the awful truth in a replay to someone who attacked me N'esy Pas?
John Pokiok
I can't believe that Irving has bought every politician in this province this is crazy. This budget only benefits the rich business owners nothing absolutely nothing for working class. In a mist when everyone is asking for tax reform to get heavy industry to pay their fair share this government gives them break. Higgs is Irving man you have to be blind to not see it shame.
Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @John Pokiok: You didn't read the budget either. Give it a rest !!!!
Lou Bell
Reply to @John Pokiok: Meanwhile , Anglophones in NB who voted Liberal last election have come to realize who they really represent. Never again . That 130 million dollar undisclosed giveaway will be the bee in the elephants behind for the Liberals for decades to come.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nope, not the ones that were dyed red at birth
Bobby Burke
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: - Not necessarily so, but, nice “Job Security” work here. If you can’t see that the Irving’s are destroying NB, then the Education System continues to do it’s job, very sad, by those who can see this “ROBBERY”!
John Pokiok
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: I read the budget small increase to welfare recepeints and 8.75% property tax reduction for Industry. My assessment went up how about yours. Whats in it for working class?
Bobby Burke
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: - You must not have heard, or read, ...MILLIONS TO THE GLUTTONOUS IRVING FAMILY, & pennies to The down trodden. Only if you or a loved one works for the EMPIRE, can I understand your post.
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you need to learn to speak for yourself Trust that you have no right whatsoever to speak for any other Anglophone in NB no matter which political party they opt to support or no politician at all N'esy Pas?
Terry Hughes Nessy paw this. It's a very good budget. Mr. Higgs is doing a good job. His solutions are not "plant a tree and all is well"
David Amos Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks you must work for Higgy or the Irving Clan or both N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks the awful truth is that Higgy has been the Premier for 18 months or so only because the PANB supported him. Now the Green Party claim to hold the reigns of power which only proves my point that this is quite a circus and the we get the governments we deserve when blindly vote for political parties instead of people N'esy Pas?
Too Too Funny Indeed I doubt the Greens or the PANB will have as many seats as they now enjoy when the Fat Lady sings after the the next election. Nessy paw this
"This is a minority government where my colleagues and I in the Green caucus hold the balance of responsibility," he said. "We don't need to trust this government to safeguard the public good. Not a single piece of legislation can pass without our support."
He said many people have lost trust in Premier Blaine Higgs and many lack confidence in Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers.
"I ask that you trust me," Coon said. "We have your back, New Brunswick."
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Hughes: Your wish was my command but I doubt that you will get to read it
David Amos I wonder what I am not permitted to read
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks lots of folks are just like me and sincerely wish that the comments others did not go "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Amos I read the news today Did you?? If Not Go figure
From The Associated Press, updated at 7:30 a.m. ET
"China, where the virus emerged late last year, still accounts for more than 60 per cent of global infections. But on Friday it reported just eight new cases and seven deaths. More than 64,000 people have been released from hospitals.
With China's caseload slowing, the government was helping other countries with its expertise. A Chinese medical crew was heading to Italy and surplus supplies were sent to Iran."
"China reported just 8 cases of the coronavirus on Friday, with no new domestic infections outside the epicentre of Hubei province"
"South Korea reported 114 new cases and was near 8,000 overall. Officials said 177 patients were released from hospitals, making Friday the first day recoveries outnumbered new infections since the country's first patient was confirmed on Jan. 20."
Lou Bell Kinda hard to vote against a budget that everyone likes ! And I suspect there's not an UNDISCLOSED 130 million dollar giveaway hidden somewhere after it's approval !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Speak for yourself Methinks I may not be a part of Trudeau The Younger's beloved "Peoplekind" but I don't like Higgy's budget nor do many other folks you don't like N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell Polls are NOT a virus ! Time to man up and admit it's not the Covid-19 responsible for their bailout of an election ! It's also become quite obvious who's running the Liberal Party ! Melanson and his SANB cohorts . A true leader would be making announcments like this
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should not advise another to "man up" in light of the fact that you can't do so yourself N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Polls or a virus may make you feel ill but at least you have a Medicare Card yet make fun of the fact that I do not
Joe Rootliek Hard to have an election around COVID - 19, could infect everyone at the polls.
David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Methinks this latest virus scare is working out very well for certain politicians and their banksters buddies N'esy Pas?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Not if e-voting were allowed. Vote from the comfort of your home or from anywhere in the world.
Paul Estey Leaving the decision up to the Chief Medical Officer to call an election, when she doesnt even have a vote in the Legislatture??? What happened to the Leader of the Liberal Party who has the one calling for the vote to drop the House since before the budget was even presented. Sounds like the sitting members have taken decision making from their leader. Thats a first.
Joe Rootliek
Reply to @Paul Estey: You trust what happens behind a computer. You cannot see where your vote goes, you are only told where it goes.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Estey: Methinks according to the Canadian Constitution whereas the leader of the Liberal Party cannot vote in the legislature because he has no seat then it should not matter what Vicky says about anything in the media because political parties have no standing in our Constitution N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Estey: Methinks we are the ones with the true power These dudes are elected only on a temporary basis to speak for us Nobody voted for Vicky. Hence he has no more say as to whether the government should stand or fall than you do N'esy Pas?
Fred Brewer When will Canada and its provinces allow online voting? Online voting would: 1) Reduce the cost of elections drastically. 2) Allow almost instant results. 3) Allow elections to proceed despite disruptions like weather or pandemics. 4) It could allow polling of the electorate by plebiscite or referendum on any important issues.
Joe Rootliek
Reply to @Fred Brewer: You trust what happens behind a computer. You cannot see where your vote goes, you are only told where it goes.
Joe Rootliek
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: The costs- you still have to hire technical support, virus support, to make sure things are up and up.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: And after your paper ballot goes into the ballot box or into the scanner you have to TRUST that it is handled and recorded properly. Do not be afraid of technology. An electronic voting system leaves an auditable trail that can be verified by the political parties or judges if necessary. Also bear in mind that many countries have already adopted e-voting systems for a decade or more. If they can do it, why can't we?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: The government has its own IT department, so there really would be no extra cost for tech support or virus support.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Speaking of trust, did you not follow what happened in the last election where Gerry Lowe and Barry Ogden fought an expensive, lengthy court battle over voter fraud? There were 71 voter irregularities and Lowe won by 10 votes. More than 20 voters voted twice and Court costs exceeded $400,000. E-voting would make double voting impossible.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Cry me a river
Peter C. Shearer Bahhhhhhhh something good coming from this virus... it's giving the greens and libs and excuse to vote for the budget and not cause an election that they would lose. Finally listened to the people of NB whp said we don't want an election yet.
David Amos
Reply to @Peter C. Shearer: Methinks not all the Feds think like you N'esy Pas?
Dan Armitage Go ahead push an election . GOOD LUCK!
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Armitage: What will you do with no sports or circus to watch?
Yves Savoie
If the Liberals have to use Vickers as their leader, they are really going down the tank...
David Amos
Reply to @Yves Savoie: Methinks many would agree that they were always there N'esy Pas?
Yves Savoie
Look at the first picture, I think Melanson should see a doctor ASAP!
David Amos
Reply to @Yves Savoie: At least Melanason has a Medicare Card Higgy is keeping the "Stay" on mine so I have to pay for health care for no reason I will ever understand.
Colin Seeley
“ Socialism is the Philosophy of Failure “ -
Winston Churchill.
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @Colin Seeley: “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
All four party leaders, from left, Premier Blaine Higgs, People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers, and Green Leader David Coon, talked to reporters after the speedy passage of the budget. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
In a series of high-speed procedural votes, the New Brunswick legislature passed the Higgs government's budget Friday afternoon, clearing the way for politicians and civil servants to turn their full attention to the COVID-19 outbreak.
MLAs crammed what would normally take weeks of debate, committee sessions and votes into a 17-minute blitz that also passed the government's carbon-tax legislation.
But the most dramatic turn of events was a 24-0 vote in which the budget passed, guaranteeing there will be no provincial election this spring.
PC and People's Alliance MLAs were joined by Green Leader David Coon in voting for the motion. All Liberals, as well as Green members Kevin Arseneau and Megan Mitton and independent MLA Robert Gauvin, abstained.
"I have never been prouder to be part of this assembly than I am right today," Premier Blaine Higgs declared when the voting was over.
He praised all MLAs for allowing the votes to move quickly and gave them a guarantee on an issue that first led the Opposition Liberals to push for an early election: health reforms announced and then cancelled in February.
"There's been a lot of angst created over the past few weeks and months over the 24-hour emergency care in these rural hospitals," he said.
"I want to set the record straight: there will be emergency services 24/7 in these hospitals, but we will be facing together what our challenges are in the health system. And I'm asking for the same co-operation that we've seen today to work together for solutions."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers told reporters the party abandoned its hard line against the budget because of the COVID-19 crisis.
"Today is a day for all of us to come together to ensure the health and safety of our citizens," he said. People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin called it "a historic moment."
The vote on the carbon tax had to happen before April 1. Without it passing, the higher federal carbon tax would have remained in effect in New Brunswick.
The legislature promptly adjourned so that Higgs could take part in a conference call with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the other Canadian premiers.
PC house leader Glen Savoie said the house will return Tuesday as planned but added the weekend would give officials the chance to sort out what has to happen next.
That, and the rushed carbon-tax vote, suggests the house may not sit beyond Tuesday.
Coon's decision pivotal
The budget vote became a foregone conclusion Friday morning when Coon said he would not vote against it.
Coon said there are elements of the budget that represent "progress," and he wanted to see them passed so that his party can use its newfound leverage in the legislature to improve them and push for more.
"This is a minority government where my colleagues and I in the Green caucus hold the balance of responsibility," he said. "We don't need to trust this government to safeguard the public good. Not a single piece of legislation can pass without our support."
Coon says there are elements in the PC budget that have potential and he hopes they can be improved upon. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
"I know many have lost trust in Premier Higgs, and many lack confidence in [Liberal leader] Kevin Vickers. … I ask that you trust me. We have your back, New Brunswick."
Shortly after his announcement, Coon and the other three party leaders in the legislature huddled to discuss accelerating the budget vote. Negotiations dragged on from around noon to just after 2 p.m. One item of business that might need to come before MLAs on Tuesday is legislation to postpone municipal elections scheduled for May 11.
Chief electoral officer Kim Poffenroth issued a statement Friday saying that given the elections will require hundreds of thousands of people to vote in polling stations staffed by thousands of election workers, "there are obvious concerns over public safety."
She said there is no "easy solution" to reduce the risk of infection but that under the Local
Governance Act she doesn't have the power to postpone the vote without the legislature passing amendments.
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
79 Comments Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos Methinks it all over but the crying now and Higgy's circus will go on for another year. I have no doubt that the EUB will say OK to "Not So Smart" Meters in short order and allow NB Power will get to spend another 100 million loonies we cannot afford N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks the most telling thing to me about the vote was that Bobby Baby Gauvin was not man enough to keep his word and vote against his old buddy Higgy N'esy Pas?
Joe Campbell
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks that I am glad you are not voting on the budget. Seriously man, voting against it would have been provincial suicide!
David Amos
Reply to @Joe Campbell: Dream on
Joe Campbell
Reply to @David Amos: Oh right, province is already on the suicide train!
Matt Steele It looks like the Green Party has been looking at possible election dates if they force an early election , and have realised that an early election could happen in June when the University students are away . Two of the Green Party MLAs owe their being elected to University students in both Fredericton and Sackville ; so if an election happened to fall during the summer University break , then say goodbye to at least TWO of the Green MLAs . Of course , the Green Party is trying to portray their decision as if they are concerned over the public , when they are actually concerned over keeping their high paying jobs , and banking time for their gold plated pension . Lots of SPIN going on there for sure .
DJ Redfern
Reply to @Matt Steele: Once again Mr. Steele you have stated this very well, certainly mirrors "my take" on the Greens.....
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: Methinks everybody knows the Greens will never win in Kent County again N'esy Pas?
Kelly Alder
Reply to @Matt Steele: Bang In Mittons riding. She made sure (along with her environmental warriors) to make sure to grab well into the 90% rate of the mta student vote. And the fact no one actually verified wether or not the student was even living in the riding long enough to be eligible didn’t help either.
Pierre LaRoches Mr Coon just saved Vickers a butt kicking. Plus we all know the Greens have no money for an election right now.
David Amos
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: Methinks many folks would agree that all the Party Leaders just saved the seats for their butts to park in as they ride on the Gravy Train for another year N'esy Pas?
Matthew Smith
Reply to @David Amos: telling as well, N'esy Pas, that you keep trying to join that self same gravy train? Methinks you'll have the same results everytime
Paul Burgoin
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: If the Greens are needed to topple ,well money in politics has a mysterious way of appearing in coffers at the right time when needed!
David Amos
Reply to @Matthew Smith: Why is it that I feel honoured that you hate me?
Josef Blow
Reply to @David Amos: Dave, you deserve empathy instead of hate. Poor boy.