David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
· CBC News· Posted: Feb 25, 2020 6:00 AM AT
Until two weeks ago Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou MLA Robert Gauvin was the only francophone in Premier Blaine Higgs P.C. caucus, now there are none. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)
The Higgs government's botched attempt at health-care reforms has made an already bad situation even worse for the Progressive Conservatives in francophone and northern New Brunswick.
Some PC members have quit the party, a former cabinet minister has condemned the changes, and the party's president says grassroots members are apprehensive with a possible election looming.
"What I've heard as party president is that it was launched very poorly, with a lot of unanswered questions as to what was going to happen next," said Claude Williams, the francophone former MLA for Kent South and a one-time minister in two PC governments.
"A lot of people are on their guard to see if it's going to come back or not," said Williams.
The reforms, which included the nighttime closure of six small-hospital emergency departments, triggered anger in affected communities both anglophone and francophone.
But the reaction has been strongest among francophones, many of whom were already unsure whether Premier Blaine Higgs was sensitive to their concerns.
"This is a government decision for them to sell to New Brunswickers," said Williams, a former minister in the Alward and Lord governments who became party president last fall. "The party [members] in some areas, especially up north, they're concerned."
The reforms prompted the resignation of the only francophone member of the PC cabinet and caucus, Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou MLA Robert Gauvin.
Long-time PC supporter Alban Duguay of Shippagan said while he will remain a party member, he supports Gauvin's resignation and hopes Higgs will lose his seat in the next election and be replaced as leader.
Meanwhile, the entire executive of the PC riding association in the riding of Caraquet resigned last Friday to show their support for the hospital there.
"Rural areas appear to have been forgotten by departmental civil servants and by the Higgs government," said Gilles Savoie, who was president of the association until he quit and who believes the cancellation of the reforms on Feb. 16 will only be temporary.
Former finance minister and former interim party leader Jeannot Volpé also criticized the reform plan and said alternatives exist, including a proposal submitted by his brother, Rino Volpé, when he was CEO of the Vitalité health authority.
Gilles Savoie was the president of the PC riding association in the riding of Caraquet until he quit and who believes the cancellation of the reforms on Feb. 16 will only be temporary. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
It would have spared services and instead slashed wasteful layers of administration at Horizon health hospitals in Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton — changes "that could create a reaction" and that the Higgs PCs wanted to avoid, Jeannot Volpé said.
By opting to target small hospitals instead, the party has put itself in a dire situation with a possible election campaign within weeks, Volpé said.
PC supporters he knows in the Madawaska area already "don't feel the party is representing northern New Brunswick anymore," Volpe said.
"People are saying, 'I might have been interested in running but now, no, there's no interest, because 'how can I convince people to vote for me with what's going on?'"
Williams agreed the last two weeks will make it difficult to recruit PC candidates. "Definitely in some areas, it's going to be a challenge. … There's no question about that."
As party president, Williams must prepare the PC machine for an election if the government's budget is voted down March 20.
But he hedged when asked if he's confident Higgs understands francophone communities and is able to handle their reaction.
"That's a good question," he said. "That's a question to ask him.
"The premier has been an MLA, he's been minister of finance, so he's had a chance to crisscross the province on many occasions. He must be very well-briefed on the situation. So that's a question for the premier."
Jeannot Volpé, a former interm leader of the P.C.'s, said supporters he knows in the Madawaska area already "don't feel the party is representing northern New Brunswick anymore." (Kassandra Nadeau/Radio-Canada)
On the day Gauvin resigned, Higgs said he has made an effort to understand the concern of francophone and northern areas.
"Have I treated any part of this province differently than another? No, I have not," Higgs said.
"Have I been different than past governments, who maybe have bought their way to one solution over another? Likely, but I've done that all over the province. That has not been unique to the north or unique to the south."
Higgs went into the 2018 election with two handicaps: his involvement more than three decades ago with the Confederation of Regions party, which opposed official bilingualism, and his own inability to communicate well in French.
Gauvin's narrow victory in Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou, by just 99 votes, gave the PCs a one-seat edge over the incumbent Liberals and allowed them to eventually win the confidence of the legislature and form a fragile minority government.
But University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says the PCs will be in an even more difficult position now.
University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Ouellette says the health reform debate is more about rural-urban divisions than English-French or north-south splits. He pointed out that Gauvin attended a rally in Sussex last week to support the local hospital there.
But he says Gauvin's decision to quit — unlike Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins PC MLA Bruce Northrup, who chose to remain a PC — signalled to francophones the party wasn't sympathetic to their concerns.
Given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap, Ouellette said.
"The party can forget about winning a majority in the next election," he said.
David Amos
David Amos
Methinks its nice to see the PC Party so Happy Happy Happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Claude Williams must recall our conversation during the last election while I was running against his buddy Bruce Northrup N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: The Fred police tried to stick a similar one on Chucky LeBlanc. We all know how that one ended.
David Amos
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Francophones question new minister's commitment
PC MLA Glen Savoie may have francophone roots, but community says the role is a lost cause
Danielle McCreadie · CBC News · Posted: Feb 25, 2020 4:08 PM AT
David Amos
Methinks CBC #1 fan appears to be somewhat bitter this evening and is off his meds and babbling to himself in a rather strange fashion N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
you proved my point
Lewis Taylor
When will the cbc stop bigotry?
Lou Bell
When is Jacques gonna do a piece about the 130 Million Dollar undisclosed GIVEAWAY by the Liberal SANB Party to their sycophants ??
Toby Tolly
the franco reaction is a bit over the top join quebec
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Toby Tolly:
francophones were here long before you...get the message?
Bob Smith
You have to wonder, if the ER closures were strictly in the south, would the uproar be as great? Would Volpe and Gauvin express outrage on the same level?
Bob Smith
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: There was but you're dodging the point, aren't you?
Marguerite Deschamps
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you mean that you SANB dudes cared not about the south N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Imagine you being honest WOW
Archie Levesque
So there is now another story on this subject that is not open to comments. In that piece are various bigoted attitudes towards a bilingual member of the PC party. SANB members are upset because he was not raised as a francophone in a francophone area. I thought that as long as they were fluent that was all that mattered.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Saying you will give him a chance and then saying he will do nothing are two statements that conflict with each other.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: But you trust a Government that underhandedly was planning on giving 130 million of taxpayers money away UNANNOUNCED ???? To a minority solely comprised of their sycophants ?? Really ?? Really ???
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should go back to bed Ibet you are even boring yourself N'esy Pas?
Tom Gordon
Never seemed to be an issue when the cabinet was 99% francophone did it.
David Amos
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Let me guess, YOU!
David Amos
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Tom Gordon:
never happened.
sandymctavish726 mctavish
francophones vote liberal as they are told to do so by their local priests. new brunswick in reality is an english speaking province with area's of acadian language....but the french used in NB government jobs is the quebec type french at the highest i say too many quebecers have moved into northern NB & they are driving the language all NBers paid by government (our english tax dollars) should be born in new brunswick by new brunswick cradle parents before they are chosen for any government jobs..especially the high levels of salary.
Marguerite Deschamps
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @sandymctavish726 mctavish:
what a bigoted post!
kelly sherrard
People are too worried about the Premier being bilingual and having a strong number of francophone ministers in this province yet they lose focus on the fact that if this province is going to come back from the brink of financial collapse, we need INTELLIGENT PEOPLE, regardless of what language they speak, to work as MLAs and ministers. I don't care if the Premier speaks only mandarin chinese or Russian, as long as they can get this province out of the hole it is in because people have demanded that there be a strong francophone representation in gov't in this province. Being francophone doesn't mean an automatic gold star in this province.
Marc Martin
Bob Smith
I await the followup piece where CBC covers Keith Vickers and how his lack of policies and vision hinder his political chances with interviews of many anglophones troubled by this stance.
Jim Cyr
Come on, my Acadian brothers and sisters! Stop being such Sheeple, owned by the Liberal Party....smh
Robert G. Holmes
Face it; Too many provincial admin costs! Only one Health System, and one Education System, (for starters), is affordable in the Atlantic Region. Think of the benefits. Think sustainably. Get the Politicians out of Education and Health.
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: More libel???
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: You wouldn't know what libel is if it stared you right in the face.
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Has the cat got your tongue? Methinks you should check out my blog soon if only to see who got the email about you strange SANB dudes N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Robert G. Holmes:
anti-francophone trope
Guy Richard
Higgs doesn't need the French vote to win a majority.
Marc Martin
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: Dr. Édouard Hendriks, Horizon's vice-president of medical, academic and research affairs, Dr. France Desrosiers, Vitalité's vice-president of medical, services, training and research, and Vitalité CEO Gilles Lanteigne made between $275,000 and $299,999.Horizon CEO Karen McGrath was one bracket lower, earning between $250,000 and $274,999.
This is just a small sample of the huge salaries that are duplicated in our two health care systems. When you add up the salaries of senior management, the boards of directors, support staff, office space, purchasing departments etc all of which are DUPLICATED, it is not hard to see how tens of millions per year could be saved by having only one health care system. How can you possibly claim to know how much it would cost to merge the two systems Marc? You cannot know that.
David Amos
Brian Robertson
New Brunswick's French population, the SANB and the Liberal Party are virtually synonymous.
The only thing that the PCs could do to win French support is to do what Hatfield did, and turn the Party into a carbon copy of the Liberals. And we all know how that turned out.
Mitt Romney famously said that 46% of Americans were simply not going to vote for him because he was a Republican.
Blaine Higgs needs to realize that nothing he can do will win over New Brunswick's French. He should resign himself to that and just do what is best for the Province.
David Amos
Jason Inness
So, what this analysis is showing is that the francophone population won't accept changes to the health system at all. So, when the system is finally bankrupt, devoid of employees, and the hospitals everywhere are no longer accepting patients, what will the next step be? Government resources have a limit, and I would argue that we are already surpassing that limit.
David Amos
Michael durant
Fleming is an incompetent in Health. He needs be forced to resign or fired.
David Amos
Mack Leigh
Poor, poor Jacques Poitras ! His " Liberal " is showing yet again... Just another piece slanted in the hopes of garnering more Liberal support... Remember Gallant ? Remember Graham ? This province has had more than enough Liberal governments to last a lifetime.
David Amos
Mack Leigh
There are " wasteful layers of administration " in both Vitalite and Horizon and as such they must both be dealt with.. A great place to start would be to amalgamate the heauth authorities into one. Another great place to start would be doing away with unrealistic, unattainable, unsustainable language requirements and reinstate " bilingual where numbers warrant " as was the original intent..
Lou Bell
So what Jacques is saying the Conservatives won't be getting the support from the Ridings they never had in the first place ! But they may pick up the Saint John seat , as well as several others after the Phonie Games fiasco ! People are smart enough to not forget !
Cleve Gallant
Remember that license plate that said ‘Be in this place “ Wasn’t that another B,S,,statement from the liberals?
David Amos
Lou Bell
I'd have expected Jacques would have written more articles on the 130 Million Dollar Phonie Games Giveaway that the Liberals had planned , and yet was never in their election platform ! It's not gonna disappear ! 130 Million Dollars , TWICE the Atcon Giveaway !
David Amos
Lou Bell
When 16 ridings would vote for a horse if it was a Liberal Francophone , losing 100 % of the votes they don't get now won't hurt the Conservatives one bit . Another " spin " piece and nothing more .
Marc Martin
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks a lot of folks know the score about SANB/liberal spin doctors and their malicious nonsense by now N'esy Pas?
Cleve Gallant
The liberals caused this mess and now they’re upset with Higgs because he hasn’t got a magic wand to make things better,
Marc Martin

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Most folks smelled this nonsense coming all day and the comments stopped almost instantly Methinks the CBC and their buddies the SANB/liberals need to learn some new tricks N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
If I see "Content disabled" I build a blog ASAP EH Methinks if Jean Gauvin's bouncing baby boy photo is prominently displayed its bound to inspire hundreds of indignant comments from the folks in "The Place to Be" overnight N'esy Pas?
ER controversy hurts P.C.'s already diminished standing in francophone New Brunswick
The party already had marketing issues in the north, now they're worse off
· CBC News· Posted: Feb 25, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Until two weeks ago Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou MLA Robert Gauvin was the only francophone in Premier Blaine Higgs P.C. caucus, now there are none. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)
The Higgs government's botched attempt at health-care reforms has made an already bad situation even worse for the Progressive Conservatives in francophone and northern New Brunswick.
Some PC members have quit the party, a former cabinet minister has condemned the changes, and the party's president says grassroots members are apprehensive with a possible election looming.
"What I've heard as party president is that it was launched very poorly, with a lot of unanswered questions as to what was going to happen next," said Claude Williams, the francophone former MLA for Kent South and a one-time minister in two PC governments.
"A lot of people are on their guard to see if it's going to come back or not," said Williams.
"Everywhere I go, people talk to me about it, and I've heard the same thing from the party also."
The reforms, which included the nighttime closure of six small-hospital emergency departments, triggered anger in affected communities both anglophone and francophone.
But the reaction has been strongest among francophones, many of whom were already unsure whether Premier Blaine Higgs was sensitive to their concerns.
"This is a government decision for them to sell to New Brunswickers," said Williams, a former minister in the Alward and Lord governments who became party president last fall. "The party [members] in some areas, especially up north, they're concerned."
Internal strife
The reforms prompted the resignation of the only francophone member of the PC cabinet and caucus, Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou MLA Robert Gauvin.
Long-time PC supporter Alban Duguay of Shippagan said while he will remain a party member, he supports Gauvin's resignation and hopes Higgs will lose his seat in the next election and be replaced as leader.
Meanwhile, the entire executive of the PC riding association in the riding of Caraquet resigned last Friday to show their support for the hospital there.
"Rural areas appear to have been forgotten by departmental civil servants and by the Higgs government," said Gilles Savoie, who was president of the association until he quit and who believes the cancellation of the reforms on Feb. 16 will only be temporary.
Former finance minister and former interim party leader Jeannot Volpé also criticized the reform plan and said alternatives exist, including a proposal submitted by his brother, Rino Volpé, when he was CEO of the Vitalité health authority.

Gilles Savoie was the president of the PC riding association in the riding of Caraquet until he quit and who believes the cancellation of the reforms on Feb. 16 will only be temporary. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
It would have spared services and instead slashed wasteful layers of administration at Horizon health hospitals in Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton — changes "that could create a reaction" and that the Higgs PCs wanted to avoid, Jeannot Volpé said.
By opting to target small hospitals instead, the party has put itself in a dire situation with a possible election campaign within weeks, Volpé said.
PC supporters he knows in the Madawaska area already "don't feel the party is representing northern New Brunswick anymore," Volpe said.
"People are saying, 'I might have been interested in running but now, no, there's no interest, because 'how can I convince people to vote for me with what's going on?'"
Williams agreed the last two weeks will make it difficult to recruit PC candidates. "Definitely in some areas, it's going to be a challenge. … There's no question about that."

As party president, Williams must prepare the PC machine for an election if the government's budget is voted down March 20.
But he hedged when asked if he's confident Higgs understands francophone communities and is able to handle their reaction.
"That's a good question," he said. "That's a question to ask him.
"The premier has been an MLA, he's been minister of finance, so he's had a chance to crisscross the province on many occasions. He must be very well-briefed on the situation. So that's a question for the premier."

Jeannot Volpé, a former interm leader of the P.C.'s, said supporters he knows in the Madawaska area already "don't feel the party is representing northern New Brunswick anymore." (Kassandra Nadeau/Radio-Canada)
On the day Gauvin resigned, Higgs said he has made an effort to understand the concern of francophone and northern areas.
"Have I treated any part of this province differently than another? No, I have not," Higgs said.
"Have I been different than past governments, who maybe have bought their way to one solution over another? Likely, but I've done that all over the province. That has not been unique to the north or unique to the south."
Difficult election ahead
Higgs went into the 2018 election with two handicaps: his involvement more than three decades ago with the Confederation of Regions party, which opposed official bilingualism, and his own inability to communicate well in French.
Gauvin's narrow victory in Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou, by just 99 votes, gave the PCs a one-seat edge over the incumbent Liberals and allowed them to eventually win the confidence of the legislature and form a fragile minority government.
But University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says the PCs will be in an even more difficult position now.

University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Ouellette says the health reform debate is more about rural-urban divisions than English-French or north-south splits. He pointed out that Gauvin attended a rally in Sussex last week to support the local hospital there.
But he says Gauvin's decision to quit — unlike Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins PC MLA Bruce Northrup, who chose to remain a PC — signalled to francophones the party wasn't sympathetic to their concerns.
Given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap, Ouellette said.
"The party can forget about winning a majority in the next election," he said.
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks if Jean Gauvin's bouncing baby boy photo is prominently displayed its bound to inspire hundreds of indignant comments from the folks in "The Place to Be" overnight N'esy Pas? David Amos
Methinks its nice to see the PC Party so Happy Happy Happy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Claude Williams must recall our conversation during the last election while I was running against his buddy Bruce Northrup N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Why is every opinion you express about you ? Not hard to see why you get less votes when running than the number of signatures on your nomination papers !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yo buggie Methinks it time for an old widow who has been known to work for Horizon to have a nap N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: The Fred police tried to stick a similar one on Chucky LeBlanc. We all know how that one ended.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who do you thinks stopped that 301 nonsense and reminded them of section 300? Methinks if you SANB dudes knew how to research then you would know everybody and his dog knows Trust that it was me and NOT the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that proved how dumb Booby Baby Costello (That punk grew up in Sussex while the RCMP were to hiring me to investigate things) and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest were. I knew about the 301/300 stuff because of my doings with Byron Prior on the Rock many years before anyone can Google it to verify N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who do you thinks stopped that 301 nonsense and reminded them of section 300? Methinks if you SANB dudes knew how to research then you would know everybody and his dog knows Trust that it was me and NOT the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that proved how dumb Booby Baby Costello (That punk grew up in Sussex while the RCMP were to hiring me to investigate things) and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest were. I knew about the 301/300 stuff because of my doings with Byron Prior on the Rock many years before anyone can Google it to verify N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I am the dude who fixed that nonsense everybody knows that David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Francophones question new minister's commitment
PC MLA Glen Savoie may have francophone roots, but community says the role is a lost cause
Danielle McCreadie · CBC News · Posted: Feb 25, 2020 4:08 PM AT
David Amos
Methinks CBC #1 fan appears to be somewhat bitter this evening and is off his meds and babbling to himself in a rather strange fashion N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
you proved my point
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
an anti-francophone
an anti-francophone
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Lewis Taylor
When will the cbc stop bigotry?
Lou Bell
When is Jacques gonna do a piece about the 130 Million Dollar undisclosed GIVEAWAY by the Liberal SANB Party to their sycophants ??
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Get over it!!! Not a penny was spent. some people cannot be educated.
Get over it!!! Not a penny was spent. some people cannot be educated.
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you have been made well aware he has it slated to be addressed on or about the 12th of Never N'esy Pas?
Toby Tolly
the franco reaction is a bit over the top join quebec
Toby Tolly
Reply to @Toby Tolly: clickety clack clickety clack
moudis and tabranac
moudis and tabranac
David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: C'est Vrai
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Toby Tolly:
francophones were here long before you...get the message?
Bob Smith
You have to wonder, if the ER closures were strictly in the south, would the uproar be as great? Would Volpe and Gauvin express outrage on the same level?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Bob Smith: We haven't heard much uproar from the South either, did we?
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks your fancy red French knickers are in such a knot that you have overlooked the hoedowns Sackville and Sussex N'esy Pas?
Bob Smith
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: There was but you're dodging the point, aren't you?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: They cared about Sussex and Sackville,not the North.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you mean that you SANB dudes cared not about the south N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Mais oui!
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Imagine you being honest WOW
Archie Levesque
So there is now another story on this subject that is not open to comments. In that piece are various bigoted attitudes towards a bilingual member of the PC party. SANB members are upset because he was not raised as a francophone in a francophone area. I thought that as long as they were fluent that was all that mattered.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Personally, I would give Mr. Savoie a chance. It's this government that I do not trust. Gauvin could do nothing and neither will Savoie, I'm afraid.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you don't know about Savoie, Higgy and I way back in 2010 or how Savoie angered many locals since I bet Higgy and his best buddy Cardy will never forget Savoie losing his seat and how he got it back N'esy Pas?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Saying you will give him a chance and then saying he will do nothing are two statements that conflict with each other.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: But you trust a Government that underhandedly was planning on giving 130 million of taxpayers money away UNANNOUNCED ???? To a minority solely comprised of their sycophants ?? Really ?? Really ???
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should go back to bed Ibet you are even boring yourself N'esy Pas?
Tom Gordon
Never seemed to be an issue when the cabinet was 99% francophone did it.
David Amos
Reply to @Tom Gordon: Nope
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Tom Gordon: When was the cabinet ever 99% Francophone, may I ask?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: It never has been...Last time Galant was in power it was 50/50.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who cares?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: If VanHorne was still here, he'd care!
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I was talking to old Charlie's granddaughter before the last provincial election. A buddy of mine worked for Van Horne and I liked his son's bike The young lady was quick to inform me that dude was her daddy. Go figure what candidate she was supporting.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Let me guess, YOU!
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Nope and you will never guess Methinks you have to get some SANB minion to research That is if you truly care N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Tom Gordon:
never happened.
sandymctavish726 mctavish
francophones vote liberal as they are told to do so by their local priests. new brunswick in reality is an english speaking province with area's of acadian language....but the french used in NB government jobs is the quebec type french at the highest i say too many quebecers have moved into northern NB & they are driving the language all NBers paid by government (our english tax dollars) should be born in new brunswick by new brunswick cradle parents before they are chosen for any government jobs..especially the high levels of salary.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @sandymctavish726 mctavish: Where do you get all these prepoterous stories?
Marc Martin
Reply to @sandymctavish726 mctavish: You should write a fictional novel..
David Amos
Reply to @sandymctavish726 mctavish: Methinks the PANB and the SANB both write a lot of nasty fiction for the benefit of nobody I wish to know N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @sandymctavish726 mctavish:
what a bigoted post!
kelly sherrard
People are too worried about the Premier being bilingual and having a strong number of francophone ministers in this province yet they lose focus on the fact that if this province is going to come back from the brink of financial collapse, we need INTELLIGENT PEOPLE, regardless of what language they speak, to work as MLAs and ministers. I don't care if the Premier speaks only mandarin chinese or Russian, as long as they can get this province out of the hole it is in because people have demanded that there be a strong francophone representation in gov't in this province. Being francophone doesn't mean an automatic gold star in this province.
Marc Martin
Reply to @kelly sherrard: *Being francophone doesn't mean an automatic gold star in this province.* Nope but it tends to help when they have to make decisions, it also does not help when the current premier was a CoR member and has united himself with the anti-French political party of NB.
David Amos
Reply to @kelly sherrard: Good luck having your wishes come true
Methinks the RCMP prove on a daily basis that we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?
Methinks the RCMP prove on a daily basis that we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?
Bob Smith
I await the followup piece where CBC covers Keith Vickers and how his lack of policies and vision hinder his political chances with interviews of many anglophones troubled by this stance.
Graeme Scott
Reply to @Bob Smith: Don't hold your breath
David Amos
Reply to @Graeme Scott: Methinks if he did then Poitras would have turned into an interesting shade of blue without having to hold his breath N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Bob Smith: *I await the followup piece where CBC covers Keith Vickers and how his lack of policies and vision * How could they he has never been in power.... *many anglophones troubled by this stance.* Standing to stop the health cuts ?? Anglophones feel bad about that ? Perhaps you should ask the people of Sussex about this
Terry L. Sisson
Reply to @Bob Smith:
Bob Smith
Reply to @Marc Martin: Right...and his plan is what? His solution is what? You think status quo is going to continue indefinitely without needed fixes? Liberals, and their supporters, think everyone forgets the fiascos Graham and Gallant foisted onto this province. Vickers hasn't shown anything different as of yet...
Marc Martin
Reply to @Bob Smith: But what about Point Lepreau ? What about the forest sold to Irvings and made the market unfair for smaller wood industries ? Your not talking about these decisions ?
Terry L. Sisson
Reply to @Terry L. Sisson: Well, what I was going to say was that I do not know Keith Vickers. I might accept what Bob Smith is saying however, when I find out who this guy (Keith Vickers) is it probably will make a difference. It is a little difficult to accept comments about a mysterious person. Everything always comes down to language. No matter if governments are saving lives or building roads, it comes down to duality and not bilingualism. Six hospitals were names and unless I missed something, it was three of each!
Bob Smith
Reply to @Marc Martin: You think Liberals have done better? Parlee Beach...household tax debacle...the Francophone Game nightmare..if Vickers wants to be elected, he has to show his policies, his vision...not as an invisible man talking vaguely when found.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Bob Smith: *Parlee Beach* What is wrong about building new camping sites to attract more tourist and money to the province ??? *household tax debacle* You mean the double tax? Only the rich people are debating this. *the Francophone Game nightmare* But was money spent ?? Point Lepreau refurbishing was approve by the Bernard Lord administration, when the Libs tried to sell NB Power to Quebec the CoRservatives did all in their power to stop the selling of this corporation. What about the forest almost given to the Irving, you do realize that closed several small wood industries across NB right ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: When was the last time you went swimming at Parlee Beach?
Jim Cyr
Come on, my Acadian brothers and sisters! Stop being such Sheeple, owned by the Liberal Party....smh
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Jim Cyr: The South is not known for voting Liberal !
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I can recall a time when Saint John alone had 5 Liberal MLA's along with I think 2 or 3 of them being Ministers. I think if memory serves that was Shawn Graham's government.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks if you check history the entire Maritimes were overseen by the red coats in 2015 Now times are changing N'esy Pas?
Robert G. Holmes
Face it; Too many provincial admin costs! Only one Health System, and one Education System, (for starters), is affordable in the Atlantic Region. Think of the benefits. Think sustainably. Get the Politicians out of Education and Health.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert G. Holmes: I agree
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Give this man his Medicare card!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: His current job as Santa Claus is the reason why they wont allow it...
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Marc Martin: The poor man needs to see a shrink real bad!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I know, he now wants to send a sheriff to some Marc Martin across the province...
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: More libel???
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: You wouldn't know what libel is if it stared you right in the face.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: We shall see if the RCMP agrees with you or not
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Tell the RCMP to tell it to the judge.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: For him Libel only applies to him, ive seen him call me names, and try to insult me on this site, even if it was true he would loose in a heartbeat in court...
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: I am still waiting for you to send the Sheriff to get me...
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I already made a few calls and sent an email and got some interesting computer generated responses that i will publish you know where
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Marc Martin: He's so full of himself with his airs of grandeur. He thinks he's the second coming of both J.J. Robinette and Einstein.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: You can publish whatever you like wherever you want.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: The funniest thing he thinks he is above the law.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: He also managed to harass a few poor Marc Martin across the province thinking it was me...
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: You know i do Now I am on a mission to find out exactly who you truly are
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: I just talked to one and he admitted knowing who I was before I sent him and the RCMP the same email
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Good for you, unfortunately I can confirm he is not the right Marc Martin.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Stop bothering the RCMP over trivial matters. They have better things to do.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks there is an old saying "Never believe anything until it is officially denied" Hence I will wait for a while until the Crown satisfies my demands or I will have every reason to sue it AGAIN thanks to your obvious malice N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: You tell them for me i Double Dog Dare Ya
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: I am still waiting.....By the way didn't you tell me that last year ?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Why tell them what they already know?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks the RCMP know as well as I why I save everything especially before I ran for Parliament again and afterwards I most important words of yours in particular always go "Poof" Hence it was not rocket science to figure out who you work for N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Again your making no sense, understandable English pls.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Exactly Methinks you lawyer pals know as well as I that is why I must sue the Crown again threee judges in the Federal Court of Appeal admitted in writing that I gave the RCMP wiretap tapes of the mob and they have done nothing since N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: In Simple English Anyone can Google the following like you did last year Correct?
David Amos wiretap
David Amos wiretap
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Has the cat got your tongue? Methinks you should check out my blog soon if only to see who got the email about you strange SANB dudes N'esy Pas?
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Robert G. Holmes:
anti-francophone trope
Guy Richard
Higgs doesn't need the French vote to win a majority.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Guy Richard: K if you say so..
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Guy Richard: Not all Anglophones are anti-French like you are.
David Amos
Reply to @Guy Richard: Dream on
Greg Smith
Reply to @Guy Richard: Did you even read the article? He does need the rural vote however, which he essentially just cost himself.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Guy Richard: Agreed. All Higgs has to do to win a landside election is to have a platform based on eliminating duality in NB. According to Marc and Marg he has lost the french vote anyway, so what does he have to lose?
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Methinks you a few bricks shy of a load N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: He can eliminate duality in hospital but not in school, its mandatory across Canada.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: The hospital is a great place to start. It is by far our biggest expense.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: No its not, the merger would only save a few executive salary and the cost to merge the whole system would cost more in the end you can expect lower staff to do double work.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: Dr. Édouard Hendriks, Horizon's vice-president of medical, academic and research affairs, Dr. France Desrosiers, Vitalité's vice-president of medical, services, training and research, and Vitalité CEO Gilles Lanteigne made between $275,000 and $299,999.Horizon CEO Karen McGrath was one bracket lower, earning between $250,000 and $274,999.
This is just a small sample of the huge salaries that are duplicated in our two health care systems. When you add up the salaries of senior management, the boards of directors, support staff, office space, purchasing departments etc all of which are DUPLICATED, it is not hard to see how tens of millions per year could be saved by having only one health care system. How can you possibly claim to know how much it would cost to merge the two systems Marc? You cannot know that.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Cry me a river while I wait for the "Stay" to be removed from my Medicare card Hence i have to pay these dudes for what my taxpayer funds have already provided for
Brian Robertson
New Brunswick's French population, the SANB and the Liberal Party are virtually synonymous.
The only thing that the PCs could do to win French support is to do what Hatfield did, and turn the Party into a carbon copy of the Liberals. And we all know how that turned out.
Mitt Romney famously said that 46% of Americans were simply not going to vote for him because he was a Republican.
Blaine Higgs needs to realize that nothing he can do will win over New Brunswick's French. He should resign himself to that and just do what is best for the Province.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Trust that not all the French folks support the SANB
Marc Martin
Reply to @Brian Robertson: K if you say so....
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: But they do support bilingualism as most Anglophones do.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Are you certain? If so then get a real name and come to court and argue me
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Sure, but not duality.
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
You do know that the "great duality cull" we keep reading about in these comment sections would be more of a whimper than a bang from a fiscal perspective. You are still going to need schools and hospitals in all parts of the province capable of serving the citizens. You will still need a comparable number of resource and support personnel to back those schools and hospitals.
You do know that the "great duality cull" we keep reading about in these comment sections would be more of a whimper than a bang from a fiscal perspective. You are still going to need schools and hospitals in all parts of the province capable of serving the citizens. You will still need a comparable number of resource and support personnel to back those schools and hospitals.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: Agreed but the huge cost of salaries for double boards of directors, CEO's upper management and their office space, support staff not to mention supply and services savings are significant.
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: I see that you are man of many issues too
Jason Inness
So, what this analysis is showing is that the francophone population won't accept changes to the health system at all. So, when the system is finally bankrupt, devoid of employees, and the hospitals everywhere are no longer accepting patients, what will the next step be? Government resources have a limit, and I would argue that we are already surpassing that limit.
David Amos
Reply to @Jason Inness: Methinks its not wise to believe everything you read N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jason Inness: Sussex and Perth Andover are French ?
Michael durant
Fleming is an incompetent in Health. He needs be forced to resign or fired.
David Amos
Reply to @Michael durant: YUP
David Peters
Reply to @Michael durant:
Fleming put forward a plan that came from the existing Healthcare administrators. It's what they said they needed to do to make the entire system more sustainable.
Still, healthcare, overall, would be better, fast and cheaper if it were only between doctors and patients, imo.
Fleming put forward a plan that came from the existing Healthcare administrators. It's what they said they needed to do to make the entire system more sustainable.
Still, healthcare, overall, would be better, fast and cheaper if it were only between doctors and patients, imo.
Mack Leigh
Poor, poor Jacques Poitras ! His " Liberal " is showing yet again... Just another piece slanted in the hopes of garnering more Liberal support... Remember Gallant ? Remember Graham ? This province has had more than enough Liberal governments to last a lifetime.
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: YUP
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I have had enough of incompetent CoRservatives so what do you sugest ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you know as well as i that I suggested that if Higgy were a wiseguy he would have fired you a long time ago N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: That's why he does not listen to you, he would have fired the wrong guy...
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Nope
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Marc Martin: What is a CORservative? Is that the same as an SANB Liberal but just a different color?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Then call/write to him again .
Marc Martin
Reply to @Archie Levesque: They are affiliated with PANB you should know this...
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Why not send a sheriff to your home to serve a summons?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: Green or Purple would be a good choice.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Go ahead...
Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: I would vote green, but for you to sugest I vote for an anti-French group is hilarious.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: *Why not send a sheriff to your home to serve a summons?* I am still waiting....
Mack Leigh
There are " wasteful layers of administration " in both Vitalite and Horizon and as such they must both be dealt with.. A great place to start would be to amalgamate the heauth authorities into one. Another great place to start would be doing away with unrealistic, unattainable, unsustainable language requirements and reinstate " bilingual where numbers warrant " as was the original intent..
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Please show me numbers where you would save money by removing bilingual services ?
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I concur
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Marc Martin: Need to get your eyes checked ole boy since I said nothing about " removing " bilingual services.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: *reinstate " bilingual where numbers warrant "* Ok then how will this save money ? Please show me the numbers.
Lou Bell
So what Jacques is saying the Conservatives won't be getting the support from the Ridings they never had in the first place ! But they may pick up the Saint John seat , as well as several others after the Phonie Games fiasco ! People are smart enough to not forget !
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou Bell: You sound like a scared CoRservative...
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks everybody knows you are just another desperate SANB/liberal dude who should be working right now N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Are you still emailing these poor Marc Martin across the province ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Ask Higgy
Dan Lee
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Poor lou...1 trick donkey
psst don't forget Lord s Orimulsion fiasco.......Alward 1 billion lost on Pointe lepreau....Alward 40 million for toll in Saint john harbour..........our poor forest given for nothing to Irving...sad......
Poor lou...1 trick donkey
psst don't forget Lord s Orimulsion fiasco.......Alward 1 billion lost on Pointe lepreau....Alward 40 million for toll in Saint john harbour..........our poor forest given for nothing to Irving...sad......
Cleve Gallant
Remember that license plate that said ‘Be in this place “ Wasn’t that another B,S,,statement from the liberals?
David Amos
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Methinks the SANB dudes and their liberal cohorts know that is why I often call New Brunswick "The Place to Be" N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
I'd have expected Jacques would have written more articles on the 130 Million Dollar Phonie Games Giveaway that the Liberals had planned , and yet was never in their election platform ! It's not gonna disappear ! 130 Million Dollars , TWICE the Atcon Giveaway !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Dream on
Dan Lee
Reply to @Lou Bell:
but never as much as Alward loss
but never as much as Alward loss
Lou Bell
When 16 ridings would vote for a horse if it was a Liberal Francophone , losing 100 % of the votes they don't get now won't hurt the Conservatives one bit . Another " spin " piece and nothing more .
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou Bell: You didn't know that Robert Gauvin was the only reason why Higgs got in power ?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Marc Martin: And you think Vickers is there for any other reason than an attempt to get the Anglophone vote and put the SANB Liberals back in power ? Ain't gonna happen ! That 130 Million Dollar Giveaway will be their doom and gloom ! And what again was their Healthcare Plan ?? Nahda !!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Lou Bell: *SANB Liberals * I am still tryingto figure this out...It doesn't even make sense.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you should try having the former SANB President Kevin Arsenault explain it to you real slow N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Isn't Kevin Arsenault a Green party rep ??? Your making even less sense.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin said: " I am still trying to figure this out..."
Let me spell it out for you then. When the Acadian Party finally collapsed, its members migrated over to the Liberal Party in huge numbers. Thus, the Liberal Party is in effect the Acadian Party under a different name and they of course fully support SANB. Did I make myself clear enough?
Let me spell it out for you then. When the Acadian Party finally collapsed, its members migrated over to the Liberal Party in huge numbers. Thus, the Liberal Party is in effect the Acadian Party under a different name and they of course fully support SANB. Did I make myself clear enough?
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: Exactly nothing makes sense to the liberals,That’s the problem,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: So where did the CoR party members go ?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Whop says I am a Liberal ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you and everybody else knows about the Green Party and Liberal coalition N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: I do
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Fred Brewer: It’s a lost cause trying to explain anything to Marc,Some people don’t want to hear the truth,
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Isn't that what political party do ? For example CoRservatives joined PANB because of their anti-French rhetoric's.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: *I do * No one cares.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Everybody knows I always run as as an Independent because I don't care what political gangs do. They have no standing within our constitution. Methinks even their mindless spin doctors must admit that simple fact N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: You do
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Again, no one cares...Your 15 votes per year for 7 years don't count.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you forgot to ask Higgy why I ran in 2004 and 2006 N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Why would I do that ?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: So where did the CoR party members go ? Nice deflection, but I made no representation about COR. You asked the question about the connection between SANB and the Liberals so I answered. Deflection won't work here Marc.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Its not a deflection its actually what happened they went to the CoRservatives and a few to PANB.
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
Not everyone agrees that the bilingualism, entitlement program is a good idea. Imo, that's what it boils down to.
Not everyone agrees that the bilingualism, entitlement program is a good idea. Imo, that's what it boils down to.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: *entitlement program * How is that ? What service do I have you don't in NB ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks a lot of folks know the score about SANB/liberal spin doctors and their malicious nonsense by now N'esy Pas?
Cleve Gallant
The liberals caused this mess and now they’re upset with Higgs because he hasn’t got a magic wand to make things better,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Yeah blame it on the Liberals...The Liberals didn't go with the recommendations tough now did they?
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: Some people are scared to hear the truth,Now that’s a proven fact especially with SANB,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: What does SANB have to do with this ?
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Marc Martin: So you prefer the Liberal solution of - do nothing and hope it resolves itself?
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: Duh,Try everything that that has to do with duplication,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: How about closing 1 hospital in Moncton for then night, its not like they are busy anyways they have a 2 hr wait compared to other regions.
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: You should really do your research before stating something, Two hour wait? Try eight to twelve hour wait thanks to the liberals,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: I know people who live in Moncton its a known fact they don't need the second hospital at night lets save money !!!
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: Than close the DUMONT,Maybe that will make you happy,
Marc Martin
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Oh I see, so your are for closing every hospitals that are French oriented, that explains all.
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marc Martin: English the universal language of the world, That must be hard for you to swallow,
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Marc Martin: All hospitals in this province are " French oriented " and that is in and of itself a large part of the problem..Incessant pandering to one group where only 3 to 5 % do not speak English is absolutely ludicrous and an blatant waste of taxpayers money that would be well spent elsewhere.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I live in Fredericton they don't even have French services at front, so obviously you have no idea what your talking about. *blatant waste of taxpayers money that would be well spent elsewhere. * And ? Where are these numbers ? How much money would be saved ?
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks Marc Baby is a very nervous camper today N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: *You are more than capable of addressing non-francophones in English so what is the problem* I cannot have the same rights then you do ? What if someone only spoke to you in French ? *your German ? Your Arabic ? Your Korean ?* We are in Canada where there is only 2 official languages.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Yeah I am so nervous......I do feel entertained that I have triggerd a bunch here .
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: How many other Marc Martins do you know who are camped in Fat Fred City?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Why would you ask me ? I don't go around and stalk people under false pretentions.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Marc Martin: Oh, did not realize that German was being included as a " Official " language.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Its not, only French and English are. There is a solution for you there is a whole country that speaks German.....
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Did you just libel me again?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Are you sure your talking to the right Marc Martin ?
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you will know for certain if I opt to serve you a summons in person because the cops won't do their job You cannot deny that libel is a criminal act under section 300 N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Go ahead...I am waiting.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: I am still waiting....
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Davis ?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: The Fred police tried to stick a similar one on Chucky LeBlanc. We all know how that one ended.
David Amos
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: The Fred police tried to stick a similar one on Chucky LeBlanc. We all know how that one ended.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who do you thinks stopped that 301 nonsense and reminded them of section 300? Methinks if you SANB dudes knew how to research then you would know everybody and his dog knows Trust that it was me and NOT the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that proved how dumb Booby Baby Costello (That punk grew up in Sussex while the RCMP were to hiring me to investigate things) and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest were. I knew about the 301/300 stuff because of my doings with Byron Prior on the Rock many years before anyone can Google it to verify N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who do you thinks stopped that 301 nonsense and reminded them of section 300? Methinks if you SANB dudes knew how to research then you would know everybody and his dog knows Trust that it was me and NOT the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that proved how dumb Booby Baby Costello (That punk grew up in Sussex while the RCMP were to hiring me to investigate things) and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest were. I knew about the 301/300 stuff because of my doings with Byron Prior on the Rock many years before anyone can Google it to verify N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I am the dude who fixed that nonsense everybody knows that
Lou Bell
C'mon Jacques , everyone knows Gauvin was nothing more than a Liberal / SANB plant. No one really had any faith or trust in him from the get go. And the Liberal plan ?? NOTHING !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Wrong
Joseph Vacher
The liberals had no money to help the dying health care system, but they had $130M for the Francophone Games
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Along with millions to spend on forced frenchification, forced social engineering and the marginalization of all others who are not of the " Elite " status.. Add to that the millions wasted on trying to recruit immigrants from french speaking countries only in another effort to pad their numbers.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Mack Leigh: *Along with millions to spend on forced frenchification* were do you take your numbers from? *trying to recruit immigrants from french speaking countries only in another effort to pad their numbers* They only recruit French and English immigrants are you saying they are trying to bolster English numbers as well?
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Oh So True
Lou Bell
Jacques failed to point out the figures as to why the changes were being made ! When you have 3 or 4 people visiting Emerg every 10 hours and are paying people to service this many , then someone REALLY , REALLY !! needs to smarten up !! The Liberals sure weren't gonna do it ! But they had 130 million for the Phonie Games !!!!!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks to be fair perhaps Jacques should point how many things you failed to mention over the years N'esy Pas?
Jeff LeBlanc
I really am starting to think NB shouldn't get to be a province anymore. Let whomever wants to join Quebec do so and Nova Scotia can swallow up the rest. What a poor, mismanaged, divisive, almost bankrupt little hole it has become. It's not even funny anymore, just sad.
Marc Martin
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: We all know were your gonna move too...Maybe you should do it now ?
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: I can teach you grammar and how to spell.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: *Feredericton* Sure....
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: *Feredericton* Or maybe its a real place in NB ?
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: you get triggered so easily Haha. Anyway Marc Martin from Pointe Verte by way of Freddy I bid you good day.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Not at all...I am polite I just reply to all your comments. by the way aren't you from Moncton ? You posted this *Jeff LeBlanc
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
Reply to @Marc Martin: Moncton is southeast NB...we are with SJ and Freddy sorry. * ...............
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: there is a difference between an obvious typo and not knowing how to spell. But hey give an inch and they take a mile, I get it.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: So your making a typo and I am making a grammar mistake...I guess you made a mistake first from saying your from Moncton, then *Feredericton* and now your from Pointe Verte...
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: It truly is a pathetic province.
David Amos
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks you know Marcy Baby as well as I N'esy Pas?
Samual Johnston
is this a news piece or an opinion piece? The headline is like an ad paid for by the liberals.
Archie Levesque
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Mr Poitras & Mr Wherry both graduated from the Liberal School of Media Relations
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Samual Johnston: It's in the "news" section, but it's just an opinion-piece, hit job.
David Peters
Reply to @Samual Johnston:
Imo, it's not like a liberal attack ad, it is a liberal attack ad....and it's far from the first one, too.
Which brings to mind campaign financing laws...
Imo, it's not like a liberal attack ad, it is a liberal attack ad....and it's far from the first one, too.
Which brings to mind campaign financing laws...
David Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: I agree
Mack Leigh
Reply to @David Peters: Let us not forget the Liberals track record. They are an entitled, entity unto themselves and feel that they are above the law..
Alex Leblanc
It was the biggest blunder to announce this and not do it, because they have to still pay the price regardless. I hope that they are treated well in the election because if not the next party to make a decision like this will never reconsider the choice like the PCs did. (Still a calculated risk they may of thought it was better to soften, but if the election backfires you can imagine there will be no softening on similar reforms.)
David Amos
SarahRose Werner
Would it save money to hold the provincial election and the municipal elections at the same time, or would it just be too confusing for everyone?
David Stairs
total lack of common sense and hell bent on making this province part of Quebec...that's the Acadian way.....thanks for nothing...let's not try to be debt free....
Jeff LeBlanc
Gary Melanson
Sabotaged by the civil service hell bent on keeping the government unstable. Bad advice by the CEOs of the health authorities. Get rid of them. Reduce the layers of executives and administrators in the health authorities. Immediately!!
David Amos
Lauchlin Murray
1. Why is there no photo credit for the third picture, while the other pictures have photo credits? Has the CBC ever had legal problems regarding incorrect photo credits and who pays to settle those legal suits?
2. CBC uses ‘per cent’ NOT ‘percent’. So why not follow CBC’s own style? Has this been pointed out before? How many times?
“Given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap, Ouellette said.”
3. Again, same problem:
[photo caption]
University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
How many errors should you be allowed? Are the facts even correct?
David Amos
John Pokiok
It was the biggest blunder to announce this and not do it, because they have to still pay the price regardless. I hope that they are treated well in the election because if not the next party to make a decision like this will never reconsider the choice like the PCs did. (Still a calculated risk they may of thought it was better to soften, but if the election backfires you can imagine there will be no softening on similar reforms.)
David Amos
Reply to @Alex Leblanc: Methinks everybody agree the next election is gonna be a dilly of a circus N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
Would it save money to hold the provincial election and the municipal elections at the same time, or would it just be too confusing for everyone?
Mack Leigh
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: It would save on the cost of buying lipstick for the Liberals ..
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: I agree Why not save money and time> Furthermore perhaps more folks would vote
David Stairs
total lack of common sense and hell bent on making this province part of Quebec...that's the Acadian way.....thanks for nothing...let's not try to be debt free....
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @David Stairs: I resent the Acadian comment, it's not the Acadian way. It's a really vocal minority of self considered francophone elites who seem to always get their way when they start squawking. Why this province always caves is beyond me. Grow a backbone already NB would ya!
Tom Simmons
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: I thought diversity was strength
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Tom Simmons: it can be, this province is nowhere near ready to embrace that concept though. Way too divided.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Stairs: What does Quebec have to do with NB?
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: he said some people are hell bent on making NB part of PQ...what's so hard to comprehend? His post was super easy to understand.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: No one is trying to make NB part of NB, its all pure imagination.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Agree with you to a point however the only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to stay silent and keep voting Liberal.
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Relax Mr Leblanc is jerking the mindless SANB spin doctor's chain like you are Methinks its rather obvious that i am having fun throwing my two bits worth into the the this circus as well N'esy Pas/
Gary Melanson
Sabotaged by the civil service hell bent on keeping the government unstable. Bad advice by the CEOs of the health authorities. Get rid of them. Reduce the layers of executives and administrators in the health authorities. Immediately!!
David Amos
Reply to @Gary Melanson: I concur However they should do that ONLY after Higgy and his minions remove the "Stay" on my Medicare Card.
Methinks anyone should understand why I am sick and tired of paying the emergency room and doctor fees that my taxpayer funds already paid for N'esy Pas?
Methinks anyone should understand why I am sick and tired of paying the emergency room and doctor fees that my taxpayer funds already paid for N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: We don't care...
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Still about you .
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Who is we?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Of course Methinks you cannot deny that I am the one without the Medicare card that Higgy wants the cops to arrest N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Marc Martin: Everyone except your 15 voters?
Lauchlin Murray
1. Why is there no photo credit for the third picture, while the other pictures have photo credits? Has the CBC ever had legal problems regarding incorrect photo credits and who pays to settle those legal suits?
2. CBC uses ‘per cent’ NOT ‘percent’. So why not follow CBC’s own style? Has this been pointed out before? How many times?
“Given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap, Ouellette said.”
3. Again, same problem:
[photo caption]
University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette says given 16 out of 49 ridings are majority francophone, and another five have at least 20 percent francophone populations, the Tories will enter a campaign with a serious handicap. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
How many errors should you be allowed? Are the facts even correct?
David Amos
Reply to @Lauchlin Murray: I repeat Who Cares? What are you a retired English teacher with way too much time on his hands?
Methinks you should be far more concerned about the issues rather than how they are presented N'esy Pas?
Methinks you should be far more concerned about the issues rather than how they are presented N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @Lauchlin Murray:
"Has the CBC ever had legal problems regarding incorrect photo credits and who pays to settle those legal suits?"
Great question, but you can only win in suing the gov't if the gov't lets you. It's political.
Yet another reason why media shouldn't be monopolized like it has, imo.
"Has the CBC ever had legal problems regarding incorrect photo credits and who pays to settle those legal suits?"
Great question, but you can only win in suing the gov't if the gov't lets you. It's political.
Yet another reason why media shouldn't be monopolized like it has, imo.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Lauchlin Murray: " Are the facts even correct " ? Remember you are speaking about an article written by Jacques Poitras who has his own agenda and bleeds red at all times.
John Pokiok
This was best option this province ever had. We need minority government every time the liberal and conservative are so used to to rule with majority that neither one of them ever did anything for the people. History shows that minority government do better job to help people in general than to pander to one side only. If you bring election back I'm definitely voting for People Alliance of NB.
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @John Pokiok: Methinks you should listen to the brief encounter I had with the PANB leader on live Rogers TV last week before you vote for one of his crew N'esy Pas?
John Pokiok
Reply to @David Amos: me thinks that I don't care what you think because you are quite opinionated across every board.
David Amos
Reply to @John Pokiok: Why is it that nothing surprises me anymore?
Bryan Jones
Higgs went into the 2018 election with one handicap: the Liberal friendly reporting of the non impartial CBC.
Larry Larson
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Oh drift!
David Amos
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Methinks that is not the only handicap Higgy had. I believe his biggest one was his personal history of being a former wannabe CoR Party leader. That fact helped the SANB to attack him then and they continue to this very day N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Might be time to start considering dividing the province.
Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
Reply to @David Peters:
It’s a game of patience, elected officials are based on riding, which is based on population, soms. Arian d exists, but you can only stretch that variance so much before you need to readjust,
The North is losing population faster than the south, they will not always have paroty in seats,
It’s a game of patience, elected officials are based on riding, which is based on population, soms. Arian d exists, but you can only stretch that variance so much before you need to readjust,
The North is losing population faster than the south, they will not always have paroty in seats,
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: Sure south part can keep Fredericton and Saint John and North part will keep Moncton.
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Marc Martin:
You can have Moncton and the albatross scenic centre. We take riverview though. Where the stuck money is the area is,
You can have Moncton and the albatross scenic centre. We take riverview though. Where the stuck money is the area is,
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks you PANB buddies would like nothing better N'esy Pas?
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: Moncton is southeast NB...we are with SJ and Freddy sorry.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Moncton and Dieppe is over 55% French so sorry no deal.
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: you're point being?
Noah Hathaway
Reply to @Marc Martin: 50% English-Only in Moncton (46% Bilingual). Dieppe is 75% french. 90% English in Riverview. Basically the GMA is 55% English so sorry, no deal.
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: That you don't decide for the 55%
Marc Martin
Reply to @Noah Hathaway: Riverview is not Moncton.
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Marc Martin: thank sweet baby Jesus you don't get to decide either. Ok enough of this stupid hypothetical convo, I'll go back to work and you go back to hating on the English. Enjoy the day!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: *David Peters
2 hours ago
Might be time to start considering dividing the province. *
I didn't propose this your English counter part did, I dont hate the English in fact I'm sure I have more English friends then you actually know French people...
2 hours ago
Might be time to start considering dividing the province. *
I didn't propose this your English counter part did, I dont hate the English in fact I'm sure I have more English friends then you actually know French people...
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
I'm not English.
Given the nature of how divided NB is, in reality, it seems like an obvious possible solution...especially if elections continue to generate the same results. Would liberate both sides, imo.
I'm not English.
Given the nature of how divided NB is, in reality, it seems like an obvious possible solution...especially if elections continue to generate the same results. Would liberate both sides, imo.
Noah Hathaway
Reply to @Marc Martin: Neither is Dieppe
Marc Martin
Reply to @Noah Hathaway: Yeah but I didn't include an English community you did include a French one.
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
Wonder what the polling numbers are on your form of identity politics...
Wonder what the polling numbers are on your form of identity politics...
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: I think they look pretty good, I think its funny you would want Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton will the province took the taxe payers money up North to centralize everything in these regions.
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
It's not a desirable scenario, but it may be unavoidable/preferable given the reality of how entrenched both sides have become. This way, after the divide, decentralization can occur, if that's what is locally wanted.
It's not a desirable scenario, but it may be unavoidable/preferable given the reality of how entrenched both sides have become. This way, after the divide, decentralization can occur, if that's what is locally wanted.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: Well you have no choice since we wont be a province anymore...You also wont need all these Federal government jobs around these cities they can move back up north.
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
You're assuming the existing bloated bureaucracy is sustainable. That may not be a safe assumption.
You're assuming the existing bloated bureaucracy is sustainable. That may not be a safe assumption.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: It has been for at least the last 80 years and these number grow year after year, Harper tried to remove some and look what happened with Phoenix pay system, instead of saving 75 million over 10 year we are on the hook for over 1 billion so far.
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
Phoenix was undermined by the liberal long gun registry bureaucracy...but, imo, the red/blue stall is only sustainable for so long.
Not everyone wants depend on civil servant warehouses and a financial bubble. Imo, would be more responsible to get back to sound money, where ppl are encouraged to get out and produce a product or service.
Phoenix was undermined by the liberal long gun registry bureaucracy...but, imo, the red/blue stall is only sustainable for so long.
Not everyone wants depend on civil servant warehouses and a financial bubble. Imo, would be more responsible to get back to sound money, where ppl are encouraged to get out and produce a product or service.
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: *Phoenix was undermined by the liberal long gun registry bureaucracy* WRONG, The Phoenix system was bought by the Harper government in order to lay off 3000+ pay advisors, when the Liberals took power they had no choice to roll out the program since Harpers government already laid off the pay advisors. Now Phoenix does not work, 1 billion + in cost so far ( not counting all the law suits against the government) and the problem is not fixable, they now have a back log of over 250 000 cases and they had to re-hire most pay advisors..
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
you left out the part where the long gun registry bureaucracy was moved over to manage the phoenix pay system, after the long gun registry was scrapped. That same bureaucracy obviously undermined the Conservative initiative for political reasons.
Nice try in re-writing history, though
you left out the part where the long gun registry bureaucracy was moved over to manage the phoenix pay system, after the long gun registry was scrapped. That same bureaucracy obviously undermined the Conservative initiative for political reasons.
Nice try in re-writing history, though
David Peters
Reply to @Marc Martin:
Those kinds of shenanigans are what you want to defend?
Would be more responsible to end centralized banking, get back to sound $ and encourage ppl to produce things and service instead, imo
Those kinds of shenanigans are what you want to defend?
Would be more responsible to end centralized banking, get back to sound $ and encourage ppl to produce things and service instead, imo
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Peters: What are you even talking about, the Harper government bought that program (even tough they knew it failed in Australia) to implement it in government services in order to cut over 3000+ civil servant, it was part of their plan to cut 30 000 civil servants across Canada. Your talking of a subject you know nothing about.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks you PANB and SANB space cadets went on quite roll N'esy Pas?
Johnny Horton
That’s okay. There’s almost as much reciprocated contempt in the south for the SANB liberals
Marc Martin
Reply to @Johnny Horton: *SANB liberals* What are SANB Liberals ?
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Marc Martin:
The liberals Thst keep funding ATCON and wild things like $100m games
The liberals Thst keep funding ATCON and wild things like $100m games
Marc Martin
Reply to @Johnny Horton: But how are the 2 related ? *The liberals Thst keep funding ATCON * ATCON or Irving there is a difference ? *and wild things like $100m games* They funded the games ?
Graeme Scott
Reply to @Marc Martin: Yes there is a difference. The Irvings run successful businesses that employ 10's of thousands of New Brunswickers year after year..........Atcon was a ponzi scheme run by friends of the Graham government.
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Cry me a river
Marc Martin
Reply to @Graeme Scott: So your ok with losing billions in forest allocation and the closure of thousands of jobs during that time because of the Irvings?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: I don't have too your good at that..Probably the only thing your good at..
Graeme Scott
Other than vague platitudes I haven't seen any proposals from Mr Vickers and the Liberals on this subject. Like the choices or not, at least Mr Higgs is trying to do something about the situation. Modern healthcare is getting more complex and expensive as new treatments/types of care emerge and demand grows with our aging population. The 1950's model of a hospital in every little town and every corner of this small province is both outdated from a medical point of view and unsustainable financially. The status quo can not continue.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Graeme Scott:
Yes, the actual costs of healthcare are increasing, but so to is the cost of politicians parking their friends, neighbours, and relatives, in administrative positions that contribute very little to the overall results. Without trimming out the pork, everything else, on offer, is only empty gestures.
Yes, the actual costs of healthcare are increasing, but so to is the cost of politicians parking their friends, neighbours, and relatives, in administrative positions that contribute very little to the overall results. Without trimming out the pork, everything else, on offer, is only empty gestures.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you should never forget the cost of keeping dudes in the ECO such as Kevin Cormier and his buddy Minister Cardy well stocked with butter tarts N'esy Pas?
David Peters
What if the election produces the same result, over and over again?
What if the election produces the same result, over and over again?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Peters:
Our best chance for good governance is a minority government.
Our best chance for good governance is a minority government.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP