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MLAs criticize Liberals for vow to defeat government without clear health-care plan of their own


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MLAs criticize Liberals for vow to defeat government without clear health-care plan of their own

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says party will try to force election at 1st chance

CBC News· Posted: Feb 21, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says that if it came to it, he would ask Speaker Daniel Guitard to step down and vote with the party to defeat the New Brunswick government. (CBC)

Listen to the full CBC New Brunswick Political Panel podcast by downloading from the CBC Podcast page or subscribing to the podcast in iTunes.

New Brunswick Liberals are taking heat from other political parties for vowing to topple the government over the now-halted health-care reforms without having a public plan to solve staffing shortages plaguing the system.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said this week his party will still try to force an election at the first opportunity — even after the Blaine Higgs Progressive Conservatives hit pause on plans to cut overnight emergency room services and convert acute-care beds to long-term care in six small-town hospitals.

The first opportunity will be March 10, when the PCs table the budget, and the Liberals have vowed to introduce a non-confidence motion.

"He's threatening an election on a budget that he hasn't seen over health-care changes put on pause, and he has no plan to do anything about it," People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said on the latest edition of the CBC New Brunswick Political Panel podcast

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin says he wants to see the budget before deciding on the fate of the PC government. (CBC)
Austin said he couldn't support the changes as they are — the ER cuts, in particular — but he wants to see what's in the budget before deciding the future of the government.  
He said people he's spoken with aren't in favour of another election.

"Nobody, other than Kevin Vickers and the Liberal Party, want an election right now," he said.
Liberal MLA Benoît Bourque said he's hearing otherwise after the "completely botched" rollout "undermined the credibility" of the government.

Bourque said the health-care system needs to be reformed, but when asked for the Liberal plan, the former health minister only pledged to better consult stakeholders.

"We need to put the data out there," Bourque told the panel. "We need to show people this needs to happen, something needs to happen, and the way we need to do it is involve all of the health-care professionals, all of the stakeholders and with that we'll come up with a plan."

Benoît Borque, Kent South Liberal MLA, says the 'botched' health-care reforms have undermined the government's credibility. (CBC)

Bourque was pressed to say whether or not a Liberal government would similarly cut ER services if those consultations show that's the best path forward.

He was non-committal, saying "there are too many ifs."

Before the reforms were halted, Vickers promised his government would reverse the changes.

A 'power grab'

Green Leader David Coon also called on the Liberal leader to show his plan, describing his rhetoric as "old-style politics."

Coon also urged the PCs to show the totality of their health-care vision rather than attempting to parcel out changes with the public in the dark.

Health Minister Ted Flemming described the Liberal actions as a "power grab," while maintaining his position the reforms are an appropriate route to address staffing and overcrowding challenges in New Brunswick hospitals.
He said it became clear the plan did not have legislative support and it would have been "irresponsible" to implement it, reposition staff and relocate patients with the possibility the Liberals would reverse the changes weeks later.

"It would have been too disruptive to the system to do that, even though it's for the betterment in the long term," Flemming said.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Go figure

NB: Information Morning (Fredericton)

Is an election coming?
New Brunswick's 3 opposition leaders talk about the reversal of healthcare reforms, and if it's justification to bring down the government.
[mp3 file: runs 00:14:41]

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks folks should ask where is Vickers and Higgy and what do they have to say to the PANB and the Green leaders today N'esy Pas?

NB: The Political Panel
The weekly online New Brunswick political panel, hosted by Terry Seguin.

Feb. 20: Is an election around the corner?

The Liberal Party is threatening to force an election at the earliest opportunity over the now-aborted controversial health-care reforms. But is committing to topple the government in the best interest of the province and what would it mean for the New Brunswick health-care system? Progressive Conservative Health Minister Ted Flemming, Liberal MLA Benoit Bourque, Green Leader David Coon and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin joined the podcast this week.

[mp3 file: runs 00:41:54]

David Amos
Methinks folks should not ignore the obvious N'esy Pas?

Feb. 13: In the aftermath of the health-care reforms

The announcement that overnight emergency room services will be cut in six rural hospitals sparked protests and political strife. This week, MLAs from the four political parties discuss the pros and cons of the reforms and the government's approach to changing health-care in New Brunswick. Progressive Conservative Health Minister Ted Flemming, Liberal MLA J.C. D'Amours, Green MLA Megan Mitton and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin joined the podcast this week.

Marc Martin
Some people are scared.

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you SANB dudes are the nervous campers right now N'esy Pas?
john smith
Reply to @David Amos: the table is getting a bit tippy seems the legs are starting to wobble the shell game might be coming to an end or at least a drastic change choochoo goes the gravy train
Archie Levesque 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Yes scared that the Liberals are getting back into power
Jeff Leblanc
Reply to @Archie Levesque: they won't with Vickers at the helm thank sweet baby Jesus.

Mac Isaac
I hate being the adult in the room but, for crying out loud, how about one side denigrating the other and then the other side reciprocating, how about all of us doing what it's obvious Mr. Higgs and Mr. Flemming didn't do, talk to one another and offer solutions instead of nitpicking. On one side of the coin I think it's a given that New Brunswick cannot afford to continually keep open ERs when they're underutilized, but on the other side of the coin we have rural areas that need, at irregular times, life-saving ER services. We also have doctors and nurses (RNs and LPNs), fewer than we want or need, who are working in fatigued conditions and that cannot continue. THEN we have the politicians...BOTH sides folks!!...who offer lip service to the crisis but don't actually offer solutions. The only people who are making much sense are those actually in the "biz"...the health professionals and health authorities but their warnings are being tossed by, you guessed it, the public (that's us!) and the politicians. We NEED ideas folks, not platitudes; not rhetoric; not accusations and certainly we don't need asinine insults. Grow up, put your thinking caps on and start offering ideas, no matter how silly you might think they are...they just might result in another tangential idea that actually helps us...all of us

David Amos
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Methinks whereas I am the senior citizen without an Medicare Card who has run against these politcal people 7 times as an Independent I should at least have the right to decide who is an adult and who is not N'esy Pas?
Yves Savoie
Reply to @Mac Isaac: you've got my vote.....

William Edwards
Vickers don't have a plan, he just wants power. He couldn't run a lemonade stand, he make it for 50 cents a glass and sell it for 25 cents.

David Amos 
Reply to @William Edwards: Who Cares? Trust that the liberals don't
David Amos 
Methinks many liberals heard me embarrass the all knowing PANB leader last night on live TV in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
john smith
Reply to @David Amos: do u have this on video or what channel what was the format id like to watch
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: Go to the Rogers TV YouTube channel I call in at the 33 minute mark. Enjoy watching the PANB leader squirm
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: This is the subject line of one of the emails i sent before the dust settled on the Youtube record of the talkshow BTW (I already saved it in case it is edited as per Rogers' MO)

"YO Mr Higgs you and the Health Care CEOs should not deny that I just caught Krissy Baby Austin being a LIAR on Rogers TV and they cut me off TRUE or FALSE???"
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: I tried to inform you of something important however........
Brucejack Speculator
Reply to @David Amos: all I heard was that you sent Austin an email something about the issues you continually rag on about . . . does that help anyone . . . ?
john smith 
Reply to @David Amos: i am watching it now i watched your clip then restrted it to watch teh whole show you had a big platform their i was hoping to see you get your points out beyond private emails no discount on the value of your concerns of course you could have really put some good info out their though great effort everyone should be calling in to these shows
john smith 
Reply to @john smith: i can remember when we had news 88.9 the best radio that ive ever herd to be honest and one fella got on in favour of the pipeline to just do as they did in alberta flatten it all and turn it into a cow pasture then the guy went into it doesnt matter cause the money aint ours then said ghaddafi tried to get out from under that but well we know what happened their a month later the radio station was sold and now iheart fills the midless airwaves
john smith 
Reply to @john smith: that dude put out like 5 good jumping off points to start a research and well i think spurned a lot of reserch and awareness its about getting that mess out bud

Fern Robichaud
The ER health care reform upheaval had nothing to do with health care, it was solely about toppling the PC gov't by flipping a key riding. Higgs fell for it and now he's in deep trouble; sucker! Oh well, live and learn. Election in May 2020.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fern Robichaud:
Are you trying to tell us the heads of both health authorities conspired with the Liberals to cause an election?
Dream on.
Mr Higgs is more than capable of shooting himself in the foot thank you very much.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks if perchance that were to happen Higgy should be careful that his foot is not in his mouth at the time N'esy Pas?
Fern Robichaud
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: The Province of New Brunswick have been wanting to shut down many of those rural hospitals for decades. This isn't new; it's only worst now because of rural exodus. These ER's handle on average 5 patients per night and most of them aren't emergency cases but it's still very politically sensitive. CEO's didn't invent this crisis, it's been passed on to them for a generation plus
Fern Robichaud 
Reply to @David Amos: The Province of New Brunswick have been wanting to shut down many of those rural hospitals for decades. This isn't new; it's only worst now because of rural exodus. These ER's handle on average 5 patients per night and most of them aren't emergency cases but it's still very politically sensitive.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Fern Robichaud:
You are deflecting.
You said: The ER health care reform upheaval had nothing to do with health care, it was solely about toppling the PC gov't by flipping a key riding.

The facts are: the ER health reform was recommended to the government by the heads of both health authorities.
Likely: our health minister did not understand what they were telling him.
But: Higgs jumped right on it.

If it was solely about toppling the government who would gain? So, it follows that you have stated that the heads of the 2 health authorities (who serve at the pleasure of Mr Higgs) must have conspired with whoever would gain by toppling the government (the Liberals).  
Fern Robichaud
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You didn't read my comment correctly, these closures have been on the table for decades, it's not just these 2 CEO's, you can go back to the 90's. Eventually a NB gov't will get it done and more. Sone of these hospitals will be shut down completely. That's the reality for rural New Brunswick whether it's red, blue, green or yellow

Roland Stewart
So sad, we voted Gallant out and Higgs won the lottery. Vickers is hoping we vote Higgs out so he can win the lottery. Like a merry go round with no way off. I'm sure there are good people out there that have good intentions and could do a good job running the province but once they take that first free vacation the favors have to be returned. There are people out there who run business's bigger and more complicated than running our province, maybe we should put and ad looking for a Manager instead of a Premier.

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Roland Stewart:
We do not need, or want, another NB Power.
Roland Stewart 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: have added that we need to hire someone with qualifications not someone owed a favor. Would be nice to actually vote for someone who ran a successful business and knew what they were doing.
Edward St-pierre
Reply to @Roland Stewart: maybe it's time to look at the people's party of Canada provincial party. We need people who care about the citizens and not party players who put their party first before the citizens who voted
Dotty Gaudet 
Reply to @Roland Stewart: Mr. Vickers worked for government all his life. Does he even know about balancing a budget or running a business? Doubtful. If he won any election, our NB finances would get pretty scary, or scarier.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks we are way past too late Everybody knows both Gravy trains have left the station with legions of over paid consultants on board to advise the EUB and the Health Care minions. Obviously Higgy's mandate is secure for quite sometime no thanks to the Greens and the PANB. Hence this circus wi go on N'esy Pas?
Roland Stewart 
Reply to @Dotty Gaudet: Kevin Vickers is just a figurehead. The same 4-5 MLA's that ran things for Gallant will be there for Vickers. His riding is in the same neighborhood.

Jeff LeBlanc
Vickers jumped at the chance to steal Curtis Barretts thunder and here he is again rushing into something he's totally unprepared for.

val harris 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: My god man give that up there were both hereos but Harper picked Vickers as the main media guy.. So if anyone is to blame its Harper
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @val harris: Do you know who Harper was hiding in the closet with? I do
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Oh My My Seems that I know a secret I can't tell here
Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @val harris: I'll never give it up. I will be in here each day reminding the good people of NB of who he really is. Get used to seeing more of these posts.
Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @val harris: Hiding behind a pillar and firing shots into an already dead corpse and then misleading people does not make one a hero. Right place right time, little media darling. No hero of mine.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc:
OH! Say it's not so!
I *thought* he leaped out from behind that pillar (like a modern day antique super hero) and emptied his revolver into a guy holding an empty single shot long gun.
Don't you realize the whole thing was a manufactured set up?
Go read the story of the dangerous gun man and ask yourself how credible it is.
Jeff LeBlanc 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I don't get my information from stories I read on the internet, my brother in law is a military policeman who was in Ottawa at the time. I like my facts to not be manufactured. But I'd love some of whatever you smoked this morning.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc:
There are several holes in the "story" you could drive a bus through, but believe what you want.
Fern Robichaud 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: I think about that every time I see Vickers on TV.
BruceJack Speculator
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Have recently read the story about Barrett and it seems that is probably close to how it played out, compared to some negative comments in replies to you suggesting it was not. I'm thinking it may have been a decision that the Vickers story would work better for the government and by reducing the Barrett role it was possibly to save him from too much public interest (that is , government not wanting to emphasize how the RCMP actually work in a situation like that just gives too much information to other possible perpetrators ) . Even if that were the case it was clearly wrong to eliminate his role so completely and then even worse for the RCMP not to ensure he got the necessary PTSD support. By crediting Vickers and then moving him out there would be some advantages because he was gone from the scene, compared to making a big fuss over Barrett and interfering in his normal job duties. Just an opinion, have no other information. Fact that he is now liberal head here never has made any sense to me.  
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: very well put!

Tom Simmons
I'd rather vote for burnt toast.

val harris 
Reply to @Tom Simmons: You already did with Austin
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: YUP
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @val harris:

Edward St-pierre 
Reply to @Tom Simmons: try the PPC
Edward St-pierre
Reply to @Tom Simmons: are you not tired of all the BS that most politicians spread on their toast before they eat . Just wondering where it's all coming from.unions don't work and so do old political parties. It's time for the little guy to have the opportunity to work for the people.
Tom Simmons 
Reply to @Edward St-pierre: I'd just like for once in my lifetime, be able to vote for someone with true integrity and that has a realistic chance to win.

John Grail
The Liberals are the most partisan party...what a joke

David Amos
Reply to @John Grail: Welcome to the Circus
john smith 
thats what liberals do they seize power then try to extend their jurisdiction i do however feel this gov should fall solely based on the fact comrade cardy believes your body not your choice
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: Methinks Comrade Cardy and his lawyer buddy Lamrock have partaken of too many batter tarts and cannot advise Higgy properly N'esy Pas?
john smith 
Reply to @David Amos: neither of them should be anywere near the conservative party the sheepdogs see the wolves amongst the flock 

Lorne Amos
For a lad that doesn't even have a seat in the Legislature, vickers runs off at the mouth about something of which he has no idea even what the problem is, let alone a solution.

val harris 
Reply to @Lorne Amos: Running off at the mouth must mean hes related to you sir...
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Methinks Vickers and everybody else can trust the fact that I am forever grateful that this Amos dude is no kin of my Clan N'esy Pas?
Ian Scott 
Liberals had years to contemplate the files in front of them .Typical, now force an election , spend millions of taxpayers money doing it and not have a single plan in place for anything other than some more paid consultants..
David Amos 
Reply to @Ian Scott: Methinks Vickers handlers and everybody else knows that everything political is always about the money and if your political party wishes keep a grip on the gold then don't touch the third rail (Health Care) that the Gravy Train is riding on or NB Power's system will help to zap it out of power N'esy Pas? 

Wayne Mac Arthur
Mr Vickers is not unlike too many in the political world has only 3 plans, 1) Get elected 2) Gain a majority 3) ...

Ian Scott
Reply to @Wayne Mac Arthur: 3 =spend taxpayers money
David Amos 
Reply to @Wayne Mac Arthur: Oh So True
Jerry Dion 
Coon has also stated there's more we can do then close ER's, what his plan/idea's?
David Amos 
Reply to @Jerry Dion: Methinks everybody knows not to trust whatever that flip flopper says. The Green Meanie leader just wants to stay fat dumb and happy in Fat Fred City byway of keeping his 3 seats and seem like the wiseguy having fun with the other clowns at the circus. However he is having a little trouble with the clueless former President of the SANB who does not know when to clam up N'esy Pas?
Jerry Dion
So the liberals plan is what the Higgs government is gonna start to do, consult? So why then bring government down? The liberals are just feeding off peoples fears and emotions.
john smith
Reply to @Jerry Dion: not their buddy consulting firms
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: Methinks the consulting firms are laughing all the way to the bank as usual N'esy Pas? 

Roy Nicholl
Perhaps the whole lot should park their partisan quest for power and focus on collaborating to address the problems facing the province.

The electorate should be taking notes - rewarding those who make real and effective efforts to work for the best interests of all citizens and soundly rebuking those who are placing party and power over their obligations to New Brunswick.

David Amos 
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: Methinks you know as well as I why I ran for public office 7 times and sued the Queen in 2015 N'esy Pas?
Axel Roosevelt
Vickers would be an incompetent embarrassment as Premier worse than Lord, Graham and Gallant combined.

Dotty Gaudet
Reply to @Axel Roosevelt: Poor Mr. Vickers. He doesn't know what he's in for. This isn't Ottawa Mr. Vickers. It's NB and we are broke.
john smith 
Reply to @Axel Roosevelt: stolen glory can carry a person to ireland but the people are wise to fake news these days and might not be a return that is expected
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: I wholeheartedly agree. Methinks Vickers and his handlers should have reviewed all the filings in Federal Court File T-1557-15 before selecting him to be their leader N'esy Pas?
john smith 
Reply to @David Amos: unlike many others i will be off to canlil to research something that i find interesting i do see teh value of the libraries of alexandria
David Amos
Reply to @john smith: They won't tell you a thing Trust that my concerns have been a matter of National Security on bothssides of the 49th since 2002. Find my Twitter account and save the file I offer byway of the check the evidence website after the words "Go Figure" FYI there were many decisions in the T-1557-15 matter and I had to force the Federal Court to publish its last one and they have altered it twice since.

Look up Rule 55 of the Federal Court Rules and you will understand why Justice is a Myth
Lewis Taylor
Since when is not having a clear plan for anything a pre-requisite for politicians??? Having no plan is what we are exposed to daily. No news here.
David Amos
Reply to @Lewis Taylor: You should know

Terry Tibbs
Today's debate seems to be:
What is better, no plan, or a faulty plan?
I would have to *think* a "faulty plan" is the worst of the two,. because it leaves you worse off than you were before, when you had no plan.

Just like premiers. The popular vote will be: to pick between a retired security guard with lots of SANB help and advice, and a tired X-Irving employee who has surrounded himself with bad advisors.
Not much of a choice?

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Amen to that.
john smith 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: not the only choices and id rather take a cfo over a security guard any day
john smith 
Reply to @john smith: but honestly a preacher and eco guy over the former
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @john smith:
We both "know the story". The vote split is 30% Liberal, 30% CONServative, leaving 40% to be swayed by BS.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I heard a portion of that debate earlier this week Methinks a lot of other folks in Fat Fred City did as well N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: *to pick between a retired security guard with lots of SANB help and advice* Isnt SANB a French only association...I dont get it
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Marc Martin:

Don't be coy.

Joseph Batt
Kevin just exposed his real agenda - to simply get elected and change the colours of govt, not, and I repeat, not to solve the problems NB faces.
Thanks kevin and liberals for confirming suspicions. Liberals are truly not worthy of a vote.

Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Joseph Batt:
Just like every government in the history of NB...all the way back to Queen Victoria.
val harris
Reply to @Joseph Batt: Hes real agenda is to show that Higgs has lost confidence in the house and in the population..
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Kinda Sorta but trust that Vickers don't think that deep

Matt Steele
Kevin Vickers is just parroting what the SANB tells him to say . Vickers is a SANB puppet , and dances when they pull his strings . The SANB had their funding heavily cut when Higgs cancelled the 130 MILLION francophonie games , and now the SANB is using Vickers to try and get back at the taxpayer funded trough . All the MLAs are taking a huge risk in pushing for a Spring election ; but it certainly seems like Higgs could get the majority that he seeks if an election is called .

Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Better SANB than PANB
Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
SANB are not intolerant you know whats.
Lewis Taylor 
Reply to @Matt Steele:
only in your dreams do the PCs get a majority. start counting your MLAs and potential and see if that even adds up to two dozen.
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: YUP but Higgy won't get a majority. Methinks many of my fellow voters would agree that if an election were to be called ASAP the red and blue parties would have less seats than they enjoy right now after the tally of our votes were duly recorded N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin 
Reply to @Matt Steele: *Kevin Vickers is just parroting what the SANB tells him to say * I don't get it...Liberal were elected in Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton...SANB is a French organisation
Marc Martin
Reply to @Matt Steele: * but it certainly seems like Higgs could get the majority that he seeks if an election is called . * But how ? He just lost Gauvin and picked a fight with serval unions across NB...Where will he get these votes ?

Justin Time
It appears that the politicians of all stripes still don't get it. Try working for the betterment of the province, not for your turn at the trough. Voters are extremely cynical and rightly so. Minority governments will continue to be the norm. Criticizing without having a viable alternative seems to be the norm in the rush to power. All parties need to collaborate and come up with some meaningful solutions to New Brunswick's financial woes. Past party ideologies have to be blended to achieve the best solution.

David Amos

Reply to @Justin Time: Methinks I should ask again if you truly believe in what you write why not put your real name on a ballot? Independents can win in Canada sometimes as Andre Arthur, Chucky Cadman and the lawyer Jody Wilson Raybould have already proven N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
The PA and the Green MLAs do not want to lose their seat, the CORservatives want to cling to power and the Liberals want to regain power. Cut the rethoric. You want the real reasons, you have them..
Michael Hatfield 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Speaking of rhetoric.....
Wes Gullison 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: PANB and Greens dont have to worry about losing their seats. They will gain in the next election. The old two party system is breaking piece by piece with every election.
David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks I should welcome SANB's Queen B back to the circus I bet you dudes heard of me talking to the PANB leader on TV last night N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
Reply to @Michael Hatfield: Well put
David Amos
Reply to @Wes Gullison: So You Say EH?
Marc Martin 
Reply to @Wes Gullison: *PANB and Greens dont have to worry about losing their seats. They will gain in the next election.* Why would PA win any seats lol

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