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Liberal MLA may vote for PC budget, muddying party vow to topple government


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others


Liberal MLA may vote for PC budget, muddying party vow to topple government

Single vote could be the difference in whether Higgs government survives

Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: Feb 21, 2020 5:51 PM AT

Saint John Harbour MLA Gerry Lowe says he may vote for the Progressive Conservative budget if it contains items he'd like to see for his riding, including a new school. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

The question of whether the Blaine Higgs Progressive Conservative government will fall in coming weeks just got more complicated as Liberal MLA Gerry Lowe said he may not vote against the budget if it includes a long-awaited new school for his riding and/or property tax reform for heavy industry.

"I have to look at the budget that comes out pertaining to the people that I represent in this riding," Lowe, who represents Saint John Harbour, said Friday.

"My desire to run was for a school and then a review of assessments for heavy industry, right. That was the whole reason I ran."

Lowe has served on a local committee attempting to bring the new school to the south central peninsula.

As a city councillor, he helped introduce a motion calling on the provincial government to reform the tax system for heavy industry.

Assessment rates for pulp mills were reduced in 2013, costing the municipality about $1.5 million a year in tax revenue.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says Premier Blaine Higgs would include Lowe's wishes in the budget to stay in power. (CBC)

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers has vowed to defeat the government at the first opportunity over the controversial health-care reforms. The first chance is expected to be the March 10 introduction of the budget.

Lowe is a "great member of our team and a fierce advocate for Saint John," Vickers said in an emailed statement Friday afternoon.

"He's very passionate about those two issues and rightly so, and I'm sure they'd get done much quicker under a Liberal government. I fully suspect Premier Higgs will put things into this budget in a desperate attempt to save his government.

"I also know Gerry's a smart man and knows that what Higgs says in a budget and what he does are two different things. Anyone in Sussex can confirm that."

J.P. Lewis, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Brunswick Saint John, said although the Higgs government is under fire for the failed rollout of the reforms, the situation marks the first real test for Vickers as Liberal leader.

"He didn't have much of a leadership campaign because there was no opposition," Lewis said. "So, now when you have something like this, it turns eyes to Vickers as well as Higgs in managing his caucus."

Lewis said not all of Vickers' MLAs may be on board with the pledge to bring down the government before seeing the budget, especially at time when no party has a clear path to a stable majority.

Premier says he's not buying votes

The premier told CBC News he's not buying votes.

"This isn't a situation where I'm trying to buy someone's vote," Higgs said. "People who vote for it will vote for it because it's the right thing to do and if Mr. Lowe votes for it because it's a good budget and it's the right thing to do, then good on him."

Higgs says he's pleased Lowe will consider the budget rather than vowing to defeat it before the document is presented. (CBC News)

Higgs said neither of the two items are budget items per se, but he added his government is reviewing both issues.

The school would fall under the capital budget, which was released in the fall, but Higgs said he's spoken with community members and municipal leaders about the value of the project.

As for the property tax reforms, Higgs said the province is actively assessing all industries and examining fair taxation.

"These items are one that have been on our radar."

Counting the votes

Higgs leads a minority government with support from three People's Alliance MLAs. With the recent resignation of Shippigan-Lamèque-Miscou PC MLA Robert Gauvin, who now sits as an Independent, his government hangs by a thread.

But to defeat the government Vickers needs the support of all his MLAs, including Speaker Daniel Guitard, who would be expected to resign that position in advance of the vote.
Vickers would also need the support of all three Green Party members, which is not certain at this point.

This is not the first instance of party rebellion by Lowe as a first-term Liberal MLA.

In November 2018, he voted with the Higgs government in support of an amendment excluding the Sussex area from a moratorium on shale gas development.



David Amos
Hmmm Methinks Vickers and Higgy know of one dude in Sussex who forgets nothing N'esy Pas?

"I also know Gerry's a smart man and knows that what Higgs says in a budget and what he does are two different things. Anyone in Sussex can confirm that."

David Amos 
Methinks J.P. Lewis of all people understands why I am enjoying this circus N'esy Pas? 
Lou Bell
Meanwhile Liberal Health critic Benoit Bourque won't confirm the Liberals WON'T also be making these , or other cuts to the Healthcare system , as they have NO PLANS !!! Now there's a liberal promise like we've never seen ! Much like the Phonie Games commitment , which were also never disclosed in the last election !!! 
David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Clearly you are on a roll
Lou Bell
Meanwhile , in the latest , the Health Authorities were admonished for giving false stats re the Emergency closures in the 6 hospitals ! So instead of the 7 per evening over 8 hours in Sussex, it is 9 in 10 hours !! Same percentages !! TRY AGAIN !!!!
David Amos  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you of all people should know that you can't tell a Heinz pickle nothing but you can always tell them by their crunch N'esy Pas? 
Lou Bell
Vickers will have no say in anything Liberal ! it's controlled by the " Shediac 5 " and isn't gonna change ! He's there solely for the Anglophone vote , and he appears to have no clue that's the only reason ! 
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you will ignore my advice and continue to cry us a river on behalf of your beloved Higgy and his cohorts as per your MO N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Guess Vickers will have to do the gallant spin and create an offive in Saint John ! The old " smoke and mirrors " !!
David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks its time for look in the mirror then get the knot out of your fancy blue knickers, have a smoke and take a nap N'esy Pas? 
Dan Armitage
Finally if I like what I see I'll vote on it. Not like the others who have no idea what thier doing. Like the one who said I have no boss to answer too anymore haha. Or I'll vote it down without looking at it. 
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Armitage: Welcome back to the circus do ya think there are any peanuts left up in the gallery?

Terry Tibbs
OH! Say it's not so! Not another politician willing to support those who elected him rather than his party.
If this is some kind of "new fangled" NB fad I can't help but *think* it's a good one.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm on your opinion of Gerry. Obviously the fat lady ain't sung yet on whether or not there will an election in the near future or if he will ever be reelected N'esy Pas?

Fred Sanford
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: It's probably more a case of self-preservation. Gerry Lowe won last time by a very slim margin and he doesn't want to go back to the polls. 

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
If the guy is holding out to satisfy those who elected him, for whatever reason, In my book he is "doing it right".
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Sanford:
If "self preservation" means keeping his election promises, than I applaud his actions, and *think* Mr Trudeau should be paying close attention.
Fred Sanford  
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You give too much credit to politicians.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: What about the majority of people who did not vote for him?

winston adair
Why would they vote against it when they don't know what is in it. Probably the only way Vickers know he will ever get in.

David Amos  
Reply to @winston adair: Methinks the porch lights are on at the Liberal HQ but nobody is home N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Einstein has spoken. 

Paul Bolton
and here we have everything wrong with NB and politics in NB this week in the news....

David Amos 
Reply to @Paul Bolton: YUP 

john smith
good thats the way its suppose to work you gote as your constituents wanyt need not how the party and its leader want you to

David Amos 
Reply to @john smith: Why did you make light of my concerns with the PANB leader's lack of ethics? 

Wayne Mac Arthur
Attempted extortion could in some circumstances land a person in the crow bar hotel. Politics is a fantasy world where anything goes,too often unchecked.

David Amos 
Reply to @Wayne Mac Arthur: I concur 

Mo Bennett
just more proof positive politicians can screw up a free lunch.

David Peters
Reply to @mo bennett:
...thought there was no such thing as a free lunch?
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: YO MO

Methinks many folks will consider that to be another profound statement from a very wiseguy N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
Pay no attention he left out his middle name. His full name is Mo Ron Bennett.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks he can't be any relation to my only Canadian political hero R.B. Bennett N'esy Pas? 

Marc LeBlanc
For crying out loud,It's your job!
You're not there to "tow the party line"
You're there to represent the interests of those who elected you
Years of would be politicians who towed the "party line" are the reason we're in the mess were in

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc: Oh So True 

Justin Time
He would support the budget if "property tax reform for heavy industry" was included. That's never going to happen so it's a mute point

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Justin Time: With that attitude its no wonder NB is in trouble. Never say never.
David Peters 
Reply to @Justin Time:
That's another thing in the PA platform.
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Peters: The PA is a one issue party, anti-French, just like the COR before!
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you should explain to us your fondness of the SANB and the liberal party N'esy Pas?
David Peters 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
That is a big issue, but their platform focuses on other important things, as well.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: You have denied it in the past However methinks you know that I still believe that you are the PANB dude who ran against Billy Boy Oliver in the the last election N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Peters: Being anti-French is their only issue. 

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
Are they anti-french? Or are they anti- tail wagging the dog? 

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Agriculture minister's executive assistant won't stand trial for road worker assault

Shawn Douthwright will enter the alternative measures program to avoid a criminal record
CBC News · Posted: Feb 21, 2020 5:50 PM AT

David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
What does that have to do with this article?
Wayne Wright
Reply to @David Amos: as if "political interference" is the reason for no trial!
David Amos
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Methinks the former Attorney General Kelly Baby brags too much for his latest political party's benefit. No doubt too much sugar goes to his head after he and buddy Cardy haved gorged themselves on butter tarts again N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks you have the right to spin your politics anyway you wish within a purportedly "Just Democracy" However I have grown weary of your games. Hence you will just have to figure out things for yourself or at least without my assistance N'esy Pas?
David Peters 
Reply to @David Amos:
If you're implying some sort of conspiracy, you should at least explain the connection.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Go to Federal Court in Fat Fred City and pull File No. T-1557-15

Jim Cyr
This is laughable. The Liberals ALWAYS dutifully fall in line, and vote the way that their masters tell them. Conservatives.....not so much.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks laughable is the only way for a proper circus to be N'esy Pas?
Claude DeRoche 
Glad to hear the Irving Boy is legalizing prostitution.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: claude, I am so sorry that this is happening to you.
David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks some folks must recall why I ran in Saint John Harbour in 2006. I know for a fact Gerry Lowe does because I talked him about it several times over the years. FYI 2006 was a full two years after Lowe's beloved Post Office lost my tracked mail to the General Counsel of the RCMP which was sent sent byway of Canada Post to the Ast Commissioner of the RCMP on the Rock for the benefit of a former friend Byron Prior. However Lowe and the Canada Post NEVER wanted to talk about that. However Lowe cannot deny that several of his postal union members had signed my nomination papers to run in Saint John Harbour and also had a copy of my mail receipt to the RCMP. N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:


David Peters
This could be the most responsive gov't in the NB modern era....and it's debt clock continues to decline.

David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Dream on
Marguerite Deschamps  
Reply to @David Peters: responsive to the oil baron!
David Peters 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
The only party for ending corporate welfare and special tax breaks is the PA....they are also for reforming forestry practices including ending spraying of the forest.
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Peters: The reincarnation of the COR Party, you mean.
Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Well the COR party as you call it needs to provide counter balance to the Acadian Party (aka Liberal Party).

David Peters
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
Notice how the entitlement programs are tied in with the monopolization of all the key sectors of NB's economy...which, amongst many other things, includes damming of rivers, nuclear energy, fish farming and clear-cutting and spraying of the forests.
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: I'm calling it for what it is.
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Peters: - "Notice how the entitlement programs are tied in with the monopolization of all the key sectors of NB's economy...which, amongst many other things, includes damming of rivers, nuclear energy, fish farming and clear-cutting and spraying of the forests."

No argument here! But the PA won't change a thing.
David Peters 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
It's in their platform, which is a great start
Buddy Best
Reply to @David Peters: The debt reduction is on the backs of those least able to afforded and most impacted by the cuts. Try getting a family court date set with no judges. Buying vote ain't cheap
David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: "I'm calling it for what it is."

Me Too

Methinks everybody has figured out by now that you are a very strange dude writing political spin for the SANB and the liberal party N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Amos: what next, you'll claim that I am a computer?
David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you already know that I think you are bald little retired professor from Quebec who loves watching hockey while pretending to be a woman as he writes political spin for the SANB et al N'esy Pas?

Dennis Atchison
Media still do not get "it", and still try to push the narrative into an "us" and "them" conflict. Goodness, time to change you guys. It is not about "toppling a government"… it is about MLA's trying to figure out how to work together for the good of people. It is a moving target. It is a case-by-case and an issue-by-issue dynamic in a minority government. It is called negotiation. Can you please stop with the narrative that government is about "being in power" and that a government is "toppled" (really, … toppled???) and get on with just reporting the news, and in context, and with at least a neutral perspective. That is what the voters decided … a minority government … which means the MLA's are to figure out how to work together (not against each other as you keep framing). For the well-being of the province, can you please stop with the conflict narrative. Thanks

Chico Moreno 
Reply to @Dennis Atchison: You sure seem to love the word "narrative".
Jim Cyr 
Reply to @Chico Moreno: that’s because it’s ALWAYS about the Narrative, Chico. Wake up.
David Amos
Reply to @Chico Moreno: Methinks spin doctors working for unions are so sophisticated they don't bother responding to comments or returning phone calls or answering emails from ordinary folks N'esy Pas?
Buddy Best
Reply to @Dennis Atchison: It is dog eat dog. Survival until the pension and perks kick in. This has little to do with the people. Another election now and good bye gold plated landing. 

Shawn McShane
I don't vote Liberal, Con or NDP (Dominic Cardy) nor Green anymore. Vote for the man or woman who represents.

David Amos 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Do you know a lady named Mildred?
Buddy Best
Reply to @Shawn McShane: I don't vote for any of them. The definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results". Nothing really changes. Just another bunch looking for free lunch into perpetuity. 

Brian Robertson
Liberals who don't vote with the Party, sleep with the fish.

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Liberals or Cons who go with constituents are honest.
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Yea Right
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Not if they have something on them
Buddy Best
Reply to @Shawn McShane: been a loooonnnnngggg time since that happened. Mr. Lowe perhaps the exception. One man against a corrupt system.

Bob Smith

Gerry can do better than that. Do like Tanker did in the past...ask to be made Speaker as well, with all the perks. Lowe is greedy and his political life may be short...ask for more!
David Amos 
Reply to @Bob Smith: Methinks you must have heard my conversation with Tom Young in 2006 right after Harper won I know for fact Bernie Lord did because he and Shany Graham took my advice to Harper about Andre Arthur and had Tanker anointed Speaker N'esy Pas?
Matt Steele
A very wise move on the part of Gerry Lowe since he won his riding by the skin of his teeth under some pretty shady circumstances . If Higgs is forced to call a spring election , then Lowe is gone with only 15 months into his term as he has no chance of winning this riding again ; but if he can get a school built in the riding , then he may have some chance of being re-elected again at a later date . No doubt lots of other MLAs are thinking about their future as well if a spring election is called .
David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Steele: You seem bitter
Buddy Best
Reply to @Matt Steele: I am with Gerry 110%
David Amos 
Reply to @Buddy Best: Of that I have no doubt 

Bruce Ellingwood
Did any news agency ask Mr. Vickers about his liberal party's position on the 2014 recommended cuts to health care just recently exposed and the origins of such a review back then?

Yves Savoie  
Reply to @Bruce Ellingwood: Vickers can't remember what he did yesterday...
David Amos 
Reply to @Bruce Ellingwood: YUP CBC did on the radio last week in Fat Fred City
Yves Savoie 
AHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Liberals tought they had in the bag....LOLOLOL!
David Amos
Reply to @Yves Savoie: Methinks many folks are Happy Happy Happy at the possibility of Higgy's circus continuing to entertain us N'esy Pas?
Yves Savoie 
Reply to @David Amos: To entertain " NO", to take us out of Libs mess "yes'....although I do like seeing lib lovers crying!!!
Yves Savoie  
Reply to @David Amos: By the way I vote for the person, not the color!! Runny nose Vickers not getting my vote.....would vote PA before him and i'm speak french!!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Yves Savoie: By the way so do I and everybody knows that I ran as an Independent 7 times thus far but was only allowed to vote once

Fred Brewer
Property tax reform for heavy industry is desperately needed. I fully support Mr. Lowe on this one.

Clive Gibbons
Reply to @Fred Brewer: And the premier fully supports Mr. Irving on this one.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Say Hey to Gerry for me will ya? 

Ben Haroldson
You can understand why he would want to do that, otherwise he might have to actually work to keep his job.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Methinks you should revisit another comment section that is on its 3rd day N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Methinks you missed something kinda important N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Go figure



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