Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks CBC, Trudeau, Trump and their many lawyers are a dumb as posts


Sean Spicer quits after Trump taps financier to head White House communications


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John Sollows
John Sollows
Sean Spicer has my sympathies.

I do wonder why he took the job, hell, why any sane person would take that job. Being a spokesperson for The Donald ... the mind boggles!

Gordon Brock
Gordon Brock
@John Sollows I liked him because you could see that despite what he had to do he was really a good guy, had a sense of humour and humility and really did try to make the best of the total s-storm he was handed.

John Sollows
John Sollows
@Gordon Brock

Agreed, and still marvel that he ever accepted the job in the first place. He was not comfortable there, and the press knew and exploited it.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John Sollows FYI I gave you last word in my blog as well


David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John Sollows BTW Spicer, McCain and I will never forget page 25


 David Scott 
David Scott
Run Sean run. Trump personal lawyers abandoning ship now Sean. Trump asking about pardons. The beginning of the end for this corrupt bunch. It's Mueller time in America.
Trumps threat to Meuller not look into his personal finances is obstruction of justice.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@David Scott I have no doubt whatsoever that Trump's personal lawyers are abandoning ship. However trust that the lawyer Mueller and I are far from done

Check page 2


Neil Gregory 
Neil Gregory
Between resignations and firings, Trump seem to be going through a lot of people. That is NOT a sign of good leadership.

Jacques LaPalmier
Jacques LaPalmier
@Neil Gregory

"Scaramucci is no stranger to the media. His cool swagger was on full display Friday as he continually pivoted back to the country's supposed adoration for Trump".

Guess that's why Donnie 'won' the Popular Vote.
Also looks like Scaramucci has swung '180' on his opinions about Trump.
In other words, a total hypocrite.
In other words, a perfect fit on the Republicon Team.

(ps wasn't 'Tony' in GoodFellas ? I think he played the part of Joe Pesci's brother: Dummy DeVito).

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Jacques LaPalmier True
"Also looks like Scaramucci has swung '180' on his opinions about Trump. In other words, a total hypocrite."

Some other folks have noticed too but nobody seems to care. Thats the part I find truly strange.

Mike Baker
Mike Baker
The timing's impeccable.

OJ's available.

Eddie Grant
Eddie Grant
@Mike Baker

OJ would fit in far better with Hillary Clinton's gang.

Eddie Grant
Eddie Grant
@Mike Baker

I find it pathetic that the moderator would allow comments deliberately designed to connect the current US President's administration to a person how got off on a murder charge, where the entire planet believes that he was guilty. The moderator is obviously complicit in the tone that these comment boards often take, while at the same time revealing his own personal bias by endorsing this comment while disabling appropriate rebuttals to this sort of trash.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Eddie Grant Trust that I have been complaining of CBC's malicious actions to deaf ears for years

Arthur Wellesley
Arthur Wellesley
How does Trump have any supporters left given the way he continues to treat people? Perhaps Stockholm syndrome is at work. There really is no other logical explanation.

Kathy Altenhofen
Kathy Altenhofen
@Arthur Wellesley Some people will do anything for money.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Kathy Altenhofen Yup

Trump and Scaramucci know the Golden Rule is he with the gold makes the rules. If the new kid don't pull this off trust that he will be fired too.

For what it is worth in my humble opinion top level Politicians, Banksters and CEOs etc are usually psychopaths without any semblance of a conscience whatsoever. How else could they rest in peace someday?

Paul Bergsagel 
Paul Bergsagel
seems like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Paul Bergsagel Nope just as many rats are climbing on the boat that don't float

Gord McPherson
James Brown
"Drain the swamp, Drain the swamp..."

"er, We are the swamp sir."

"Your fired"

@James Brown

Mired in mud and dirt of their own making, no less. The siphon is clogged.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos

Jim Oxener
laurence noon
more friends employed, soon Trump will have his buddies running everything

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@laurence noon Even though I am far from a fan of Trump I must say in his defense that he would be monumentally dumb to hire his enemies to assist him.

James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
The swamp keeps getting deeper and smellier.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@James Rockford - ( Spaceman ) YUP but that awful smell is coming from the backrooms of all the political parties More importantly the FBI offices stink to the high heavens so that even a spaceman can get a whiff of it.

Ray Pointer 
Ray Pointer
Nooooooo, what will Melissa McCarthy do now ?

@Ray Pointer

She had her run. Now let someone else do a crazy character from the staff.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos

Michael Graham 
Michael Graham
Saturday Night Live is going to miss him.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Michael Graham I miss him already

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Michael Graham Looks like CBC misses Spicer more than I do



Replying to and
Perhaps CBC Trudeau Trump & their many lawyers are a dumb as posts after all EH?


As McCain fights brain cancer, Republicans will vote without their 'consummate dealmaker'

Commenting is now closed for this story.

I was among the first to post and CBC allowed this comment for awhile and I even got a nasty response which responded to then CBC reconsidered and blocked both comments of mine but not the arsehole's

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
Before many Canadians sing the praises of a Yankee Master of War perhaps I should remind them of page 25 of a very old file of mine.


Jim Graham
Jim Graham
@David Raymond Amos

Your relentless self-promotion is noted ... zzzzzz.

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@Jim Graham Too bad so sad for you that you don't know how to read

 Kevin Delaney
Kevin Delaney
All the best to US Senator McCain. He is in for a tough fight. Others in the Republican party need to pick up some of his courage.

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@Kevin Delaney

Yah, you have to admire John for supporting Carol McCain when she had her *tough fight*

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@jimmysinclair Methinks Carol McCain is every bit the questionable political animal her ex hubby is

@Kevin Delaney

Pink courage.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@jimmysinclair The only other comment in this thread got a pink label from CBC. I saw no courage in CBC actions

@David Raymond Amos

Appears Carol McCain doesn't meet Submission Guidelines.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@jimmysinclair Cleary you and I don't However the CBC hierarchy know I saved your comment responded to it and blogged and tweeted about it before CBC changed their mind and blocked both of us

 Michael Novak 
Michael Novak
This article is as deep as a puddle of water, CBC.

As long as Trump looks bad - mission accomplished, right? McCain is actually one of the biggest obstacles to the Trump agenda....but don't let fact stand in the way of a good headline.

David Allan
David Allan
@Michael Novak

What has Trump done to make himself look good?

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@David Allan Methinks Trump looks better when he wears a ball cap and hides his ridiculous hairdo

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@David Raymond Amos I must say that was an odd comment for even CBC to block

David Brons
David Brons
@Michael Novak
Trump doesn't need CBC to make him look bad. He is doing a fine job of that himself.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@David Brons To be fair the same could be said of CBC and their CNN cohorts correct?

 francis quick 
francis quick
Trump has problem governing a democratic system period. He is suited to totalitarian government where the emperor rules

David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@francis quick Before many Canadians embarrass themselves arguing about Trump or sing the praises of a Yankee Master of War. I reminded some of them byway of CBC early on in this comment section page 25 of a very old file of mine. One dude attacked me instead of the message.

Now I am wondering if anyone knows how to read


David Raymond Amos
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David Raymond Amos
@David Raymond Amos Yo CBC just so ya know before you Crown Corp employees paid by my taxpayer dimes opted to bock me again today I had already blogged and tweeted about this comment section. Obviously I accurately predicted that your moderators would continue with their obvious malice for unethical political reasons N'esy Pas Hubby Lacroix and Minister Joy?



David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Joe Smithson All Trump or his lawyers have to do is review page 2 of this even older file of mine and they would have Robert Mueller III and his many cohorts in hot water immediately


Rick James
Rick James
@francis quick this is a story about McCain.

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled. 
David Raymond Amos
@Rick James Just so ya know CBC blocked my comment about McCain but posted my comment about Trump after I complained about its malice and they have yet to post the proof of that fact

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
@David Raymond Amos Methinks CBC is gonna block all my comments today about McCain EH?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Edward Jones I presume you think you control the CBC comment section N'esyPas?

Mike Hamilton
Mike Hamilton
Whether you like his politics or not, the man was a war hero and deserves respect. It would be nice to have good comments on here but the usual partisan crap will permeate and ruin it.

Paul Cooper
Paul Cooper
@Mike Hamilton
I would never vote Republican, but I have nothing but respect for John McCain. I suspect you'll find nothing but good comments on here today. Both sides respect honesty, courage and humility. All the best, John McCain.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Paul Cooper Do tell have the Yankees found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yet?

Liam Keenan
Liam Keenan
@Paul Cooper : Trump doesn't respect McCain !!!

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
@Liam Keenan Trump can't even spell that word or sing the old tune either

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Liam Keenan You would laugh if you read my response to you but CBC blocked it
Paul Cooper
William Burnham
A read of the comments here see him as a great man and politician. I do not understand that. He has his aggressive militaristic fingers on all the wars that lead us to wear we are today with millions of refugees scrambling for sanctuary. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and the Ukraine in recent years. Infrastructures destroyed, homelessness, great loss of life, and depleted uranium residues. Show me one incident where he showed restraint ,regret. or mercy in his warmongering, and I will be surprised. I am not sure what news you have been processing for many years. I am sorry for his illness, but pray he can use his remaining time and considerable power to further the cause of peace, not war.

Joe Smithson
Joe Smithson
@William Burnham

He also sat down with ISIS

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Joe Smithson Yup

Stan Cox 
Stan Cox
Meanwhile, Trump asks his team of Whitehouse lawyers to clarify exactly what his presidential PARDON powers are - for himself and his family.

It looks like EVEN more drama is ahead as the wheels continue to fall off south of the border.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Stan Cox Need I say I am having a lot of fun these days teasing legions of Yankee lawyers with their own documents?

Susan South 
Susan South
80 years old their should be a force retirement age in politics, Canadian senate it is 75 years old
Time the US adopt a same policy
See all these old men still running the USA into record debt election after election

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
@Michael Rokkman " A law preventing people at any age from running for an elected office would be contrary to the spirit of democracy."

Like the law you have to be at least 35 to run for president, or 30 to be VP or senator?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Michael Murphy Anybody remember Senator Strom Thurmond? Now there was one evil old dude N'esy Pas?

Scroll down to page 13 to see how I challenged his namesake and his old buddy David Wilkins on April Fools Day 2004 after that old Master of War had finally died


 Louisa Walker
Jim Janz
Obama calls McCain a "Hero" and Trump during the Campaign said that McCain was not a hero because he was a POW. It is nice to see Trump's message to McCain is his stock condolence message.

Costas Petrazelli
Costas Petrazelli
@Jim Janz

Hopefully McCain is using the time he has left to put his affairs in order before departing for the eternal POW camp that awaits him.

Louisa Walker
Louisa Walker
@Costas Petrazelli
Sad statement and says more about you than McCain.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Louisa Walker Perhaps you should study McCain like I did way back in 2003

Louisa Walker
Sasha Smith
sorry for his troubles - but the world just got a little bit safer with out McCain and his interventionist politics . but i am sure someone will fill his shoes very quickly to lobby for weapon manufactures and wars/turmoil around the world again - too much money to be made from/on the misery of others

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Sasha Smith Sad but oh so true

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Sasha Smith

It should be remembered McCain was photographed front and center with the CIA hand picked group that overthrew the democratically elected government in the Ukraine and plunged the country into civil war.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@david mccaig Don't forget that Harper and Baird supported that nonsense as well

Louisa Walker
Janet Gaudet
I respect John McCain and think he is a very fine man.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Janet Gaudet I don't

Louisa Walker
Barbara Pickering
I suppose since Trump figured McCain was no war hero because he got caught (plane shot down, duh), he will now be convinced of it - that he brought the brain cancer on himself. As Pence said, fewer people will need health care if they went to church! Or maybe, in true Donald form, he will flip flop and maybe, just maybe, he will express a little mercy.

Penny Robertson
Penny Robertson
@Joe Massino

Wow, that's a difficult question to answer...NOT. Could it be because he treats women like sex objects, grabs them without their permission and brags about it? He felt obliged to comment on the attractiveness of Macron's wife and has even done the same with Ivanka. To gain the respect of the majority of women, he would need to show some respect for us as human beings.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Penny Robertson I thought this article was a about McCain? How is his record with the ladies?

Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
@Joe Massino

In the conservative world, there's no such thing as critical thought.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite) You must be joking everybody knows the neo cons are monumental critics

Malcolm Alexander 
Malcolm Alexander
Anything that hinders Trump's ill conceived anti-social storms from what he uses as a brain is good for the USA.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Malcolm Alexander I agree

Penny Robertson
Paul Bourgoin
Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain is an important factor of the Political conscience within the Republican Party, sorry to see him caught in such a serious fight for honesty and life. We pray for your well being and recovery.

Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
@Joe Smithson

His voting record is still less partisan than a lot of North American politicians on BOTH sides of the political spectrum.

Get well soon, Senator McCain!!

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite) I wish the crooked Yankee well for far different reasons

Penny Robertson 
John Sollows
McCain's is a very important voice in perilous times.

All the best to him, and if he doesn't get back to Washington, may his constituents get educated, realize their responsibility, and vote accordingly.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John Sollows For the record since 2002 I wished that MvCain's constituents got educated, realized their responsibility and voted accordingly. It obviously never happened nor will it ever.

John Sollows
John Sollows
@David Raymond Amos

Let's put it this way: I really hope he gets replaced by a Democrat, but failing that, that a reasonably sane, ethical candidate, with an IQ over 90, runs for the Republicans. The number of folks with those three qualifications in the Elephant camp is perilously low.

Sean Spicer quits after Trump taps financier to head White House communications

Anthony Scaramucci steps in and Spicer bows out, the latest high-profile departure from Trump administration

The Associated PressPosted: Jul 21, 2017 12:05 PM ET

New White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci speaks to members of the media in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington on Friday, praising his new boss and denying he had any conflict with outgoing press secretary Sean Spicer.
New White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci speaks to members of the media in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington on Friday, praising his new boss and denying he had any conflict with outgoing press secretary Sean Spicer. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press)

White House press secretary Sean Spicer abruptly resigned Friday, ending a rocky six-month tenure that made his news briefings defending U.S. President Donald Trump must-see TV.

He said Trump's communications team "could benefit from a clean slate" as the White House seeks to steady operations amid the Russia investigations and ahead of a health-care showdown.

Spicer quit in protest over the hiring of a new White House communications director, New York financier Anthony Scaramucci, objecting to what Spicer considered his lack of qualifications as well as the direction of the press operation, according to people familiar with the situation.

Scaramucci, a polished television commentator and Harvard Law graduate, quickly took centre stage at a briefing, parrying questions from reporters and commending Trump in a 37-minute charm offensive.

As his first act on the job, Scaramucci announced that Sarah Huckabee Sanders would be the new press secretary. She had been Spicer's deputy.

Scaramucci will start next month. The Republican fundraiser and founder of Skybridge Capital has most recently worked at the Export-Import Bank of the United States. He was earlier offered the post of U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.

Spicer said on social media that he will stay on until August, and that it had been an honour and privilege to serve the president. He had been serving as both communications director and press secretary following the departure of communications director Michael Dubke, who resigned in May.

"I am grateful for Sean's work on behalf of my administration and the American people," a statement from Trump read. "I wish him continued success as he moves on to pursue new opportunities."

According to a report in the New York Times, Spicer strongly objected to Scaramucci's appointment, saying it was a major mistake.

Spicer gave no indication of conflict during a brief phone conversation with The Associated Press following his announced departure.

He said he felt it would be best for Scaramucci to be able to build his own operation "and chart a new way forward."

Spicer said of Scaramucci's hiring: "It'll be great, he's a tough guy."

Scaramucci for his part praised Spicer and said there was no friction with the departing press secretary or chief of staff Reince Priebus, contrary to some press reports.

Spicer's daily press briefings had become must-see television until recent weeks, when he took on a more behind-the-scenes role. Sanders has largely taken over the briefings, turning them into an off-camera event.
Trump's statement praised Spicer's "great television ratings."

Scaramucci's appointment comes as the White House deals with questions around a special counsel probe and several congressional investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and potential collusion with Trump's campaign.

'The ship is going in the right direction'

At a press briefing Friday with Sanders, Scaramucci, 53, raved about Trump's political instincts at the podium and took exception to the characterization that the administration has been dysfunctional.

"The ship is going in the right direction, we've just got to radio signal the direction very, very clearly," he said.
Scaramucci said Trump is doing a phenomenal job and that he'll work with the rest of the White House communications team to get that message "out there a little more aggressively."

He called Spicer "a true American patriot" and said he hopes Spicer "goes on to make a tremendous amount of money."

Scaramucci predicted the administration would be able to push through desired health-care and tax code reforms, despite stalled momentum in Congress on the health-care file.

He was non-committal as to whether more press briefings would be back on camera, as has been custom in recent years.

After answering a range of questions, Scaramucci blew a kiss and waved to journalists before leaving the briefing room.

Trump Communications
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who has handled most of the media briefings of late, will be the new White House press secretary. (Alex Brandon/Associated Press)

Scaramucci was one of the people named in a recent CNN story, which the network later retracted. The story said Congress was investigating a "Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials."

He disputed the story, insisting he did nothing wrong. Three CNN journalists resigned and the network also apologized to him, adding the piece "did not meet CNN's editorial standards."

Spicer spent several years leading communications at the Republican National Committee (RNC) before helping Trump's campaign in the general election. He is close to White House chief of staff Priebus, the former RNC chair, and several of the lower-ranking aides in the White House communications shop.

But his tenure got off to a rocky start.

On Trump's first full day in office, Spicer lambasted journalists over coverage of the crowd size at the inauguration and stormed out of the briefing room without answering questions.

He also endured other moments of teasing from the press, including stumbling over the name of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and comparing Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler.

His fiery demeanour and tense on-camera exchanges were mocked on Saturday Night Live, with the role of Spicer being played by actress Melissa McCarthy.

Spicer becomes the latest departure amid a number of resignations and firings in the first six months of the Trump administration. They include acting attorney general Sally Yates, national security adviser Michael Flynn, FBI director James Comey, vice-president chief of staff Josh Pitcock and Walter Shaub, the head of the office on government ethics, who resigned earlier this month and has gone public with concerns that Trump may be personally profiting from the presidency.

In addition, Trump expressed his displeasure with Jeff Sessions in an interview earlier this week, but the attorney general said the following day he would continue to serve "as long as that is appropriate."

As McCain fights brain cancer, Republicans will vote without their 'consummate dealmaker'

'When his voice isn't there, you lose something very important in terms of democratic politics'

By Matt Kwong, CBCPosted: Jul 21, 2017 5:00 AM ET

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain has a primary brain tumour known as a glioblastoma.
Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain has a primary brain tumour known as a glioblastoma. (J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press)

A devastating diagnosis that might sideline a key Republican legislator indefinitely isn't just complicating plans to advance U.S. President Donald Trump's agenda, political analysts say. It's also sidelining one of the few influential Republican critics of the administration.

Doctors revealed this week Arizona Sen. John McCain is battling brain cancer, depriving Republican lawmakers of a crucial Senate vote.

Without him, Republicans may not have the numbers to pass legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as well as secure enough support for tax reform, raising the debt ceiling and a $1-trillion infrastructure spending package.

"Every day John McCain is not there is a problem for manoeuvring a Republican agenda through Congress," said Arizona Republican strategist Nathan Sproul. "He's the consummate dealmaker."

Republican senators command a thin majority of 52 seats in the 100-seat upper chamber. In McCain's absence,"It obviously narrows the margins to one vote now on a straight party basis," said Steve Billet of George Washington University.

"With just 51 [Republican] votes, that's going to make it even more difficult for majority leader Mitch McConnell to hold things together."

Democrats are expected to vote as a bloc against a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act next week. Under an expedited procedure known as reconciliation, a simple majority of 51 votes is needed.

Other measures, such as a national defence spending bill, would require an even higher threshold of 60 votes in order to invoke "cloture," shutting off debate to proceed to a vote. Overcoming the filibuster could now become an even bigger challenge.

McCain, 80, is known for his independent-mindedness. He has emerged as a rare voice of Republican dissent against the president's foreign policy, a media favourite who has often criticized the president's actions and stance on Russia.

But particularly on domestic matters such as a Republican plan for a new health-care law, the respected veteran senator was a dependable vote.

Jaime Molera, a Republican strategist in Phoenix, noted that the 34-year senator has been strongly aligned with the Republican agenda. A statistical breakdown of his voting record on FiveThirtyEight showed McCain voting in line with the president's proposals 90.5 per cent of the time.

As a lion of the U.S. Senate, Molera said, "his strength comes from being supported by both sides of the aisle and within the various factions of the Republican caucus."

His ability to transcend party lines "is by far going to be the biggest void" left by an extended absence, said Arizona Republican strategist George Khalaf.

Thomas Volgy, the former Democratic Mayor of Tucson, Ariz., said McCain's stature as a leader in the Senate was built upon his willingness to buck the Republican line when he felt it was right.

"There are very few legitimate outspoken critics in the administration on the Republican side of the Senate," Volgy said.

"John McCain is one of them. And when his voice isn't there, you lose something very important in terms of democratic politics."

Congress Syria
McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham wait to speak during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington in 2016. The senators have been relatively independent voices among Republicans. (Susan Walsh/Associated Press)

McCain and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham often worked in tandem on trying to hold the administration accountable and coming after Trump on foreign policy issues. The pair were the most consistent Republicans to condemn the White House and advocate for congressional oversight.

Graham would be seen as the lone cantankerous Republican voice in the Senate willing to attack the president's policies and may not be able to assert as much influence.

"It's virtually impossible to do that by yourself," Volgy said.

As chairman of the bipartisan armed services committee, McCain's expertise on national defence and international relations is highly regarded. While the House recently passed the National Defence Authorization Act, McCain's absence could stall debate and movement of the Senate version of the House bill, which would authorize $696 billion in defence spending.

It isn't yet known when McCain might return to Washington. He was reportedly making phone calls about the health-care bill after surgery to remove a blood clot and tumour. Doctors are reviewing treatment options, including chemotherapy and radiation.

McCain has given no indication he's ready to leave the Senate, tweeting on Thursday: "Unfortunately for my sparring partners in Congress, I'll be back soon, so stand-by!"

While the state election director for Arizona's Secretary of State Eric Spencer was reluctant to count out McCain, who has survived five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam as well as a previous battle with melanoma and two presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2008, the official acknowledged conversations about the process of finding a replacement are happening in the background.

john mccain vietnam
McCain is treated at a Hanoi hospital as a prisoner of war in the fall of 1967. McCain spent 20 years in the Navy, a quarter of it in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp after his jet was shot down over Hanoi during a bombing mission on Oct. 26, 1967. (Associated Press)

"Although it's certainly prudent to think about the path of replac
ement would be, the mantra here is that the senator will fight this and keep on ticking," Spencer said.

If McCain does leave office, under Arizona law, the governor would appoint a replacement from the same party who would not serve out the remainder of the senator's six-year term, but rather until the next regularly scheduled election. That would happen next year.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham wipes his eyes as he takes the lectern, flanked by Senator Dick Durbin, right, to talk about possible legislation for so-called "dreamer" immigrant children as well as the health of his friend Senator John McCain. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Political analyst and pollster Ron Faucheux said that whoever assumes the role would have a tough job.

"Given his personal heroism in the Vietnam War, the attention the media gives him, and his outspoken nature, John McCain had a more significant presence in the Senate than most other senators have had," Faucheux said. "It would be impossible for a freshman senator to match that."

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